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Name:- Sagar Malhotra Batch:- FW-10/12 ISBE- A E-mail:- Ph.

No:- 9999637323 Project:- Competency mapping in organization Date of submission:- 08/10/12

INTRODUCTION: Today organizations are all talking in terms of competence. Gone are the days when people used to talk in terms of skill sets, which would make their organizations competitive. There has been a shift in the focus of the organizations. Now they believe in excelling and not competing. It is better to build a core competency that will see them through crisis. And what other way than to develop the people, for human resource is the most valuable resource any organization has .Organizations of the future will have to rely more on their competent employees than any other resource. It is a major factor that determines the success of an organization .Competencies are the inner tools for motivating employees, directing systems and processes and guiding the business towards common goals that allow the organizations to increase its value. Competencies provide a common language and method that can integrate all the major HR functions and services like Recruitment, Training, performance management, Remuneration, Performance appraisal, Career and integrated Human resource management system .Over the past 10 years, human resource and organizational development professional shave generated a lot of interest in the notion of competencies as a key element and measure of human performance. Competencies are becoming a frequently-used and written-about vehicle for organizational applications such as: Defining the factors for success in jobs (i.e., work) and work roles within the organization Assessing the current performance and future development needs of persons holding jobs and roles Mapping succession possibilities for employees within the organization Assigning compensation grades and levels to particular jobs and roles Selecting applicants for open positions, using competency-based interviewing techniques Competencies include the collection of success factors necessary for achieving important results in a specific job or work role in a particular organization. Success factors are combinations of knowledge, skills, and attributes (more historically called KSAs) that are described in terms of specific behaviors, and are demonstrated by superior performers in those jobs or work roles. Attributes include: personal characteristics, traits, motives, values or ways of thinking that impact an individuals behavior.

Any underlying characteristic required for performing a given task, activity or role successfully can be considered as competency. Competency may take the following forms Knowledge, Attitude and Skill. Other characteristics of an individual including Motives, Values, Traits. Self Concept Competency includes observable behavior as well as aptitudes, skill and knowledge. The Behavioral Iceberg Observable Behavior Aptitudes Competency, Attitudes /Traits Skills Knowledge.

First popularized by BOYATZIS (1982) with Research result on clusters of competencies: A capacity that exists in a person that leads to behavior that meets the job demands within parameters of organizational environment, and that, in turn brings about desired results UNIDO (2002)- A Competency is a set of skills, related knowledge and attributes that allow an individual to successfully perform a task or an activity within a specific function or job. RANKIN (2002):Competencies are definition of skills and behaviors that organizations expect their staff to practice in work. MANSFIELD (1997):Underlying characteristics of a person that results in effective a superior performance. WOODRUFFE (1991): Competency: A person- related concept that refers to the dimensions of behavior lying behind competent performer. Competence: A work- related concept that refers to areas of work at which the person is competent Competencies: Often referred as the combination of the above two. ALBANESE (1989): Competencies are personal characteristics that contribute to effective managerial performance. HAYES (1979): Competencies are generic knowledge motive, trait, social role or a skill of a person linked to superior performance on the job.

A Competency is described in terms of key behaviors that enable recognition of at the work place. These behaviors are demonstrated by excellent performers on-the-job much more consistently than average or poor performers. These characteristics generally follow the80-20 rule in that they include the key behaviors that primarily drive excellent performance. KNOWLEDGE Relates to information Cognitive Domain Set of Attribute Relates to SKILLS qualitative Relates to the aspects ability to do, Physical personal domain

Characteristics or traits COMPETENCY Outstanding Performance of tasks or activities COMPETENCY.

Generic Competencies which are considered essential for all employees regardless of their function or level. - Communication, initiative, listening etc .These are basic competencies required to do the job, which do not differentiate between high and low performers. Managerial Competencies which are considered essential for employees with managerial or supervisory responsibility in any functional area including directors and senior posts. Threshold or Performance:Performance competencies are those that differentiate between high and low performers.

Components of Competency:
The competencies are observable or measurable knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) These KSAs must distinguish between superior and other performers. Competencies in organization tend to fall in two categories. General Functioning Competencies. These competencies include broad success factors not tied to a specific work function or industry (often focusing on leadership or emotional intelligence behaviors). Functional/Technical Competencies. These competencies include specific success factors within a given work.


MAPPING:- It is a process of identification of the competencies required to perform successfully a given job or role or a set tasks at a given point of time. It consists of breaking a given role or job into its constituents task or activities and identifying the competencies (Technical, managerial, Behavioral, conceptual knowledge and Attitude and skills etc) needed to perform the same successfully. Competency Map. A competency map is a list of an individuals competencies that represent the factors most critical to success in given jobs, departments, organizations, or industries that are part of the individuals current career plan. Competency Mapping. Competency mapping is a process an individual uses to identify and describe competencies that are the most critical to success in a work situation or work role Competency profiling: It is the process of identifying the knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, and judgment required for effective performance in a particular occupation or profession. Competency profiling is business/company specific.


The Steps involved in competency mapping with an end result of job evaluation include the following: Step 1: Identify departments for competency profiling. Step 2: Identifying hierarchy within the organization and selection of levels. Step 3: Obtain the job descriptions. Step 4: Preparation of semi structured interview. Step 5: Recording of interview details. Step 6: Preparation of a list of Skills. .Step 7: Indicate proficiency levels. Step 8: Validate identified competencies and proficiency levels with immediate superiors and other heads of the concerned department. Step 9: Preparation of competency dictionary, Step 10: Mapping of competencies.

The roots of competency modeling date as far back as the early 1900s but these model shave become widely popular these days. A competency model is an organizing framework that lists the competencies required for effective performance in a specific job, job family (e.g., group of related jobs),organization, function, or process. Individual competencies are organized into competency models to enable people in an organization or profession to understand, discuss, and apply the competencies to work force performance. The competencies in a model may be organized in a variety of formats. No one approaches inherently best; organizational needs will determine the optimal framework. A common approach is to identify several competencies that are essential for all employees and then identify several additional categories of competencies that apply only to specific subgroups. Some competency models are organized according to the type of competency, such as leadership, personal effectiveness, or technical capacity. Other models may employ a framework based on job level, with a basic set of competencies for a given job family and additional competencies added cumulatively for each higher job level within the job family Skills + Knowledge + Ability = Competency = Observable Behavior = Effective Outcomes [Performance on Job] = Strategic Success Modeling.


Job Analysis leads to Long lists of tasks and the skills / knowledge required to perform each of those tasks. Data generation from subject matter experts; job incumbents. .Effective Performance Competency model leads to A distilled set of underlying personal characteristics. Data generation from outstanding performers in addition to subject matter experts and other job incumbents. Outstanding Performance The approach allows executives and managers to make a distinction between a person ability to do specific tasks at the minimum acceptable level and the ability to do the whole job in an outstanding fashion


Competency mapping serves a number of purposes. It is done for the following functions: Gap Analysis Role Clarity Selection, Potential Identification, Growth Plans. Succession Planning. Restructuring Inventory of competencies for future planning Competency based recruitment Competency based interviews reduce the risk of making a costly hiring mistake and increase the likelihood of identifying and selecting the right person for the right job Competency based Performance Appraisal Competencies Enable 1. Establishment of clear high performance standards. 2. Collection and proper analysis of factual data against the set standards. 3. Conduct of objective feedback meetings. 4. Direction with regard to specific areas of improvement

Competency based training

1. Competency based appraisal process leading to effective identification of training needs. 2.Opportunity to identify/ develop specific training /Focused training investment. 3.Focused Training enabling improvement in specific technical and managerial competencies. Competency

based Development :

1.) Contribute to the understanding of what development really mean, giving the individual the tools to take responsibility for their own development. 2.) Give the line managers a tool to empower them to develop people. Competency

based succession planning

Assessing employees readiness or potential to take on new challenges. Determining the person job fit can be based on matching the competency profile of an individual to the set of competencies required for excellence within a profession. Individuals would know the competencies required for a particular position and therefore would have an opportunity to decide if they have the potential to pursue that position. The effectiveness of the training function is heavily dependent upon effectiveness of processes used to identifying training needs. This is the first critical step on the road to competence development and performance enhancement. An inadequacy at this stage cascades to all the subsequent training processes. Enhance ability to promote Maximize competitiveness as an employer and ability to attract and retain talented staff Address skill shortages ahead of time Have the right people in the right places at the right times to do the right things Replace future vacancies and meet future skill and talent needs Ensure business continuity Encouraging individual learning, growth and advancement Source: Roth well, William J., Effective WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Retaining and developing intellectual and knowledge capital for the future Identifying, developing, retaining and replacing talented individuals in positions over time. TRANINING


DEFINITION : As a general definition, Succession Planning is the process of preparing to hand over control. Specifically, business succession planning is the process of preparing to hand over control of the business to others in a way that is the least disruptive to the business operations and value. Succession planning is traditionally defined as a means of identifying critical management positions, starting at the level of manager and supervisor and extending up to the highest position in the organization.

Succession planning and management is a deliberate and systematic effort by an organization to ensure the continued long-term effective performance of an organization, division, department or work group by: Focus learning and development efforts.

IT is a process whereby an organization ensures that employees are recruited and developed to fill each key role within the company. The succession planning process, develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities of superior employees and prepare them for advancement or promotion into ever more challenging roles.


Provide a supportive growth environment. Through the succession planning process, MMTC try to retain superior employees because they appreciate the time, attention, and development that the organization is investing in them. To effectively do succession planning in the organization, one must identify the skills, knowledge and abilities of employees at various levels. After identifying it is mapped by the process called Competency Mapping. In this process the gaps are determined between the existing and required performance of the employees. After identifying the gaps the superior employees are identified. These are the ones who are further trained for higher job positions.


Michael Crozier shocked the management community by defining the organization as imperfect social compromises. Far from being scientific constructs he depicted a complex organization as a reflection of its actual degree of competency. Despite a growing interest of competency among mangers and human resource professionals in recent years, the modern competency movement in industrialorganizational psychology actually dates from the mid1950s and early 1970s.In that regard, John Flanagans work (1954) and Dave McClellands studies (1970) might be cited as two landmark efforts that originally invented the concept of competency. Concept maps were invented by Joseph Novak in the 1960s for use as a teaching tool. Later in 1986 William Trochim developed the concept map into a strategic planning tool for use in the design of organizational components. Trochims technique differs significantly from Novaks original school of thought. While Novaks maps are generated for an individual, Trochims are generated by a group.

John Flanagan (1954) A seminal article published by John Flanagan in 1954 established Critical Incidents Technique as a precursor to the key methodology used in rigorous competency studies. Based on studies of US Air Force pilot performance, Flanagan concluded that the principle objective of job analysis procedures should be the determination of critical requirements. These requirements include those which have been demonstrated to have made the difference between success and failure in carrying out an important part of the job assigned in a significant number of instances. From here, critical incidents technique was originally discovered. Critical incidents itself can be defined as a set of procedures for systematically identifying behaviors that contribute to success or failure of individuals or organizations in specific situations. Flanagans work, while not strictly about competencies, was important because it laid the foundation for a new approach to examining what people do. In a later form, the critical coincidents technique would resurface to focus around significant behavioral events that distinguish between exemplary and fully-successful performers. It is Flanagans critical incidents technique that sixteen years later inspires David McClelland to discover and develop the term of competency. Benjamin Bloom (USA) In mid fifties BENJAMIN laid the foundation for identifying educational objectives by defining KSA, s needed to be developed in education. The educational objectives developed by them were grouped under the cognitive domain. David McClelland (Harvard Psychologist) He pioneered the Competency Movement across the world and made it a global concept. His classic books on Talent and Society, Achievement motive, The Achieving Society, Motivating economic achievement and power the inner experience brought out several new dimensions of the competency. These competencies exposed by Mc .Cleland dealt with effective domain in Blooms terminology. Richard Boyatzis. Richard Boyatzis wrote the first empirically-based and fully-researched book on competency model developments. It was with Boyatzis that job competency came to widely understood to mean an underlying characteristic of a person that leads or causes superior or effective performance. Boyatzis was explicit in describing the importance of clearly-defined competency as reflected in specific behavior and clearly defined performance outcomes when he wrote that the important points is that specific actions cause, or lead to, the specified results. Certain characteristics or abilities of the person enable him or her to demonstrate the appropriate specific actions(Boyatzis, 1982, p. 12). As founding developer of competency modeling in the United States, Boyatzis grounded competency interventions on documented behavioral indicators that caused or influenced effective job performance. Boyatzis, like Flanagan, stressed the importance of systematic analysis in collecting and analyzing examples of the actual performance of individuals doing the work.

The method for documenting the actual performance was collected through the behavioral event interview (BEI), an intensive face-to-face interview that involves soliciting critical incidents from performers and documenting what the performers thinking and doing during the incidents (BEI technique will be explained further in Appendix section).


Established in 1963, MMTC, one of the two highest foreign exchange earners for India, is a leading international trading company with a turnover of over US$ 5 billion. It is the largest international trading company of India and the first Public Sector Enterprise to be accorded the status of "FIVE STAR EXPORT HOUSE" by Govt. of India for long standing contribution to exports. MMTC is the largest non-oil importer in India. MMTCs diverse trade activities encompass Third Country Trade, Joint Ventures, and Link Deals - all modern day tools of international trading .Its vast international trade network, which includes a wholly owned international subsidiary in Singapore, spans almost in all countries in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Americas, giving MMTC global market coverage.

As the largest trading company of India and a major trading company of Asia, MMTC aims at improving its position further by achieving sustainable and viable growth rate through excellence in all its activities, generating optimum profits through total satisfaction of shareholders, customers, suppliers, employees and society.

To be a leading International Trading House in India operating in the competitive global trading environment, with focus on bulk as core competency and to improve returns on capital employed. To retain the position of single largest trader in the country for product lines like minerals, metals and precious metals. o To promote development of trade-related infrastructure. o To support services to the medium and small scale sectors. o To render high quality of services to all categories of customers with professionalism and efficiency. o To streamline system within the company for settlement of commercial disputes.

To upgrade employee skills for achieving higher productivity.

Indias leading exporter of Minerals: MMTC is major global player in the minerals trade and is the single largest exporter of minerals from India. With its comprehensive infrastructural expertise to handle minerals, the company provides full logistic support from procurement, quality control to guaranteed timely deliveries of minerals from different ports, through a wide network of regional and port offices in India, as well as international subsidiary. MMTC has won the top export award from Chemicals and Allied Products Export Promotion Council (CAPEXIL) as the largest exporter of minerals from India for the sixteenth year in a row. One of the worlds largest buyers of Fertilizers: As a leading player in fertilizers and fertilizer raw material, MMTC has become a major fertilizer marketing company in India, through planned forward integration of its import activities with the direct marketing of Urea, DAP, MOP Sulphur, Rock Phosphate, SSP and other farming and agricultural inputs. The single largest bullion trader in the Indian subcontinent: MMTC is the largest importer of gold and silver in the Indian sub continent, handling about 100 MT of gold and 500 MT of silver annually. MMTC has opened a retail jewellery showroom at Maker Bhawan in Mumbai. MMTC supplies branded hallmarked gold and studded jewellery. MMTC has also opened a DUTY FREE jewellery store in the Departure Lounge at Sahara International Airport, Mumbai, India. An assay and hall marking unit has been set up at New Delhi for testing the purity of gold and gold articles in accordance with the internationally accepted fire assay method. Besides organizing major jeweler exhibitions abroad, exclusively, MMTC is keen to setup manufacturing & joint ventures for modern jeweler in association with leading names in the international jeweler trade as well as marketing. The biggest importer of non ferrous metals and industrial raw material to India: MMTC is Indias largest seller of imported non-ferrous metals viz. copper, aluminum, zinc, lead, tin and nickel. It also sells imported minor metals like magnesium, antimony, com silicon and mercury, as also industrial raw materials like asbestos and also steel and its products. Major institutional customers of MMTC in India are accredited with ISO-9002 status. MMTC sources its metals from empanelled suppliers including producers and traders throughout the world. MMTC is a proud winner of gold trophy for exports of Engineering and Metallurgical product in non-SSI Sector. Growing interest in Agro Products worldwide: MMTC is amongst the leading Indian exporters and importers of agro products. The company bulk exports include commodities such as rice, wheat, wheat flour, soy meal, pulses, sugar, processed foods and plantation products like tea, coffee, jute etc.

MMTC also undertakes extensive operations in oilseed extraction, from the procurement of seeds to the production of de-oiled cakes for export, as well as the production of edible oil for domestic consumption. It also imports edible oils. MMTC has won the gold trophy from FIEO for highest exports in agriculture & plantation product in non-SSI Sector.

General Trading: MMTC also handles items like textiles, Mulberry raw silk,
building materials, marine products, chemicals, drugs and pharmaceuticals, processed foods, hydro carbons, coal and coke. An Integrated global trader with bulk handling capabilities: Its comprehensive infrastructure for bulk cargo handling, with well developed arrangements for rail and road transportation, warehousing, port and shipping, operations, gives MMTC complete control over trade logistics, both for exports and imports. The company countrywide domestic network is spread over 75 regional, sub-regional, port and field offices, warehouses and procurement centers. Social and welfare activities: MMTCs social and welfare activities promote welfare of the employees through various schemes like sports activities, liberal loan facilities like house building advance, conveyance loan, house hold loan, marriage advance, etc. MMTC also provides subsidized canteen facilities, medical treatment, and residential accommodation in some of the major cities for its employees. MMTC also takes care of employees families through merit scholarship, tuition fee reimbursement, etc. is committed towards environmental upkeepment through a forestation in the mining areas, development of tribal areas and infrastructure development through rail links, port facilities, etc.

MMTC focuses on fashioning HR policies towards providing more non-monetary incentives stemming from job satisfaction, diverse learning opportunities and wider exposure to ever-changing global business environment. MMTC Ltd., which is a global trading organization and one of Asias leading trading companies, has been the first corporate in the public sector to realize the vital role which online trading has come to occupy in todays global business. HR mantra in MMTC is to provide more and more job enrichment opportunities to all soas to ensure that employees remain motivated to realize their full potential for organizational goals and self-development. Opportunities are also provided to all to enrich their knowledge base and technical skills through in-house training programmes and through trainings/seminars organized by reputed outside agencies. Human resource development in MMTC, therefore, is a continuous exercise compatible with the change in business patterns and technological innovations in an era of diversification and search for new business opportunities. Notwithstanding the culture of a public sector organization, we in MMTC realize that our most important asset is the employee. We design our HR policies to meet the above objective.

Following are some of the HR policies followed in MMTC.

1 2 In an IT driven culture, computer literacy is imparted to all employees. Non-graduate employees are encouraged through various incentive schemestobecome graduates. Likewise, post-graduate qualifications are encouraged through incentives for promotion to higher levels.

3 Graduate employees are encouraged to obtain professional qualifications through corporate sponsorships. 4.Through job rotation employees are constantly motivated to acquire knowledge and operational skills in different areas of company operations. This exercise obviously prepares employees for managing higher positions more competently.

5. As an incentive to better performers, merit based promotions are considered. 6. Regular training programmes for upgrading employee skills, knowledge and attitudes, in areas like IT, ERP, e-commerce, international trading practices, general management techniques etc. are organized in an effort to keep employee morale and commitment high. 7. Specialization is encouraged in higher management positions through specialized management development programmes arranged within India and outside India. LME training, hedging in metals, global bullion pricing, third country trading, offshore trading, counter - trade mechanism are some of such specialized trainings. 8. General management training programmes for all categories of managers are periodically organized through reputed institutions like IIM, ASCI, IIFT, MDI etc . 9. Periodical training programmes are also organized for the development of SC/ST/ OBC employees and women employees. In short, corporate philosophy at MMTC towards HR is to ensure continuous development of human resource for fast changing global business through individual freedom and flexibility. The locations: Its vast international network includes: A fully owned international subsidiary in Singapore- MMTC Transnational Pt. Ltd. (MTPL)13 regional offices: East zone: Kolkata, Bhubaneshwar West zone: Mumbai, Ahemdabad, Goa North zone: Delhi, Jhandewalan (Delhi), Jaipur South zone: Bangalore, Bellary, Chennai, Hyderabad, Vizag


Hr mantra in MMTC is to provide more and more job enrichment opportunities to all soas to ensure that employees remain motivated to realize their full potential for organizational goals and self-development. Opportunities are also provided to all to enrich their knowledge base and technical skills through in-house training programmes and through trainings/seminars organized by reputed outside agencies. Human resource development in MMTC, therefore, is a continuous exercise compatible with the change in business patterns and technological innovations in an era of diversification and search for new business opportunities .

Department structure Deputy General Manager Manager Deputy Manager.

Functions:The human resource department at MMTC LIMITED chiefly conducts the training and development programme for employees. Its chief functions are: Developmental Activities. Looking for avenues for developing and imparting training to employees. Being at par with the Commodity Dept. in matters related to latest matters. Actively involved in approaching BBA and MBA colleges for taking students as Interns as a part of CSR. Proactive in nature to understand the requirements of various Departments. Calling external Trainers to train the employees on various. To undertake various HR initiatives in Accordance with an Annual Business Plan. To organize Training inputs for officers/Staff of MMTC. To prepare Annual Business Plan for the various HR activities. To prepare Annual Training Calendar. To implement the Annual Business Plan. To undertake Training Need Analysis. To organize Training in Accordance with Annual Training Calendar

PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT :The personnel department is one of the most important departments of MMTC LIMITED. It handles multivariate tasks like recruitment, corporate social responsibility ,industrial relation, promotions etc Department structure Deputy General Manager Senior Manager Manager Deputy Manager Functions. Managing the terminal benefits, welfare and creating viable policies in tune with the company Goals. Managing the process of separation of employees and ensuring their terminal benefits are settled and paid to them in time. Ensuring Healthy implementation of all welfare schemes for the benefit of employees. Reviewing the made plans. Recruitment, SC/ST matters. Recruitment at all levels in MMTC. Recruitment at senior levels in NINL. Maintenance of SC/ST/OBC reservations details. Appointment of Consultants.

Organizational discipline. Framing of Memorandum, Charge Sheets show Cause Notice. Issuance of Penalty letters and maintaining discipline within the organization with the help of appropriate rules in nullifying the acts of misconduct.

The administration department at MMTC is the largest .It has various other sub-divisions. Department structure Deputy General Manager Manager. The names of the subdivisions of various departments are as follows: 1.) Care Taking Cell 2.) Purchase and supply of Stationary Departments 3.) Printing of Stationary Items3.) Maintenance of office equipments 4.) Security 5.) Medical 6.) Record Room

Has real estate all over India .e.g.: Core1, Jhandewala etc. MMTC has one corporate office, twelve regional offices. Department structure

Deputy General manager Manager Deputy Manager OFFICE STRUCTURE Field Office State regional Office Regional Office Corporate Office .
Every regional office need not have field office. MMTC has 65 offices including field office, regional office etc. Most offices are rented premises .In Vishakhapatnam, Mumbai and Delhi Estate department has its own premises.

The chief function of the estate department is maintenance of real assets of the organization. Its most important functions: Annual maintenance. Timely payment of taxes. Framing rules and regulations for accommodation.

Housekeeping work for the housing colony.(MMTC has its housing colony in Mehrauli road. Periodical services to external and internal buildings. Annual budgeting for the department. In 2007 Rs.4 crore was allotted to the department. This year Rs. 12 crore has been proposed. Monitors the expenditure on the asset utilization..


Competency mapping has been done by many organizations. The process becomes challenging in the absence of job descriptions .As MMTC doesnt have job descriptions so the major emphasis was to frame the job descriptions and then map competencies accordingly. Hence following objectives were taken-

1.) Understand the concept of competency mapping in todays business environment and its relevance at MMTC 2.) To develop job descriptions for the various functions (designation wise) to gain deeper understanding of the requirements at different position. 3.) Establish proficiency levels required for each competency identified for a particular position. 4.) Develop a competency dictionary. 5.) To develop a competency model as applicable for the various managerial positions at MMTC.

Job analysis:
Job Analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job. Job Analysis is a process where judgments are made about data collected on a job. The Job; not the person An important concept of Job Analysis is that the analysis is conducted of the Job, not the person. While Job Analysis data may be collected from Pro How to frame job descriptions? Job descriptions are framed by conducting job analysis. Why job descriptions? Job descriptions are used especially for advertising to fill an open position, determining compensation and as a basis for performance reviews.

Components of job description:

Job Job title Job summary Duties and responsibility Working hours Work orientation Job specifications


Competency is a very new concept in MMTC .There was no job descriptions and specifications in the company. So this project acts as a foundation for the company in its venture into competency based practices.


What is a job? A job is a collection of tasks and responsibilities that an employee is responsible to conduct. What is a job description? Job descriptions are lists of the general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of a position. Typically, they also include to whom the position reports, specifications such as the qualifications needed by the person in the job, salary range for the position, etc. Job descriptions are usually developed by conducting a job analysis. incumbents through interviews or questionnaires, the product of the analysis is a description or specifications of the job, not a description of the person. Purpose of Job Analysis . The purpose of Job Analysis is to establish and document the job relatedness of employment procedures such as training, selection, compensation, and performance appraisal. Determining training needs Job Analysis can be used in training/"needs assessment" to identify or develop: training content assessment tests to measure effectiveness of training equipment to be used in delivering the training. methods of training (i.e., small group, computer-based, video, classroom...)

Compensation Job Analysis can be used in compensation to identify or determine: skill levels compensable job factors work environment (e.g., hazards; attention; physical effort) responsibilities (e.g., fiscal; supervisory) required level of education (indirectly related to salary level)Selection Job Analysis can be used in selection procedures to identify or develop: job duties that should be included in advertisements of vacant positions; appropriate salary level for the position to help determine what salary should be offered to a candidate; minimum requirements (education and/or experience) for screening applicants; interview questions; selection tests/instruments (e.g., written tests; oral tests; job simulations); applicant appraisal/evaluation forms; orientation materials for applicants/new hires Performance review Job Analysis can be used in performance review to identify or develop: goals and objectives performance standards evaluation criteria length of probationary periods.

A typical method of Job Analysis would be to give the incumbent a simple questionnaire to identify job duties, responsibilities, equipment used, work relationships, and work environment. The completed questionnaire would then be used to assist the Job Analyst who would then conduct an interview of the incumbent(s). A draft of the identified job duties, responsibilities, equipment, relationships, and work environment would be reviewed with the supervisor for accuracy. The Job Analyst would then prepare a job description and/or job specifications. The method that you may use in Job Analysis will depend on practical concerns such as type of job, number of jobs, number of incumbents, and location of jobs. What Aspects of a Job Are Analyzed? Job Analysis should collect information on the following areas: Duties and Tasks.The basic unit of a job is the performance of specific tasks and duties. Information to be collected about these items may include: frequency, duration, effort, skill, complexity, equipment, standards, etc. Environment. This may have a significant impact on the physical requirements to be able to perform a job. The work environment may include unpleasant conditions such as

offensive odors and temperature extremes. There may also be definite risks to the incumbent such as noxious fumes, radioactive substances, hostile and aggressive people, and dangerous explosives. Tools and Equipment. Some duties and tasks are performed using specific equipment and tools. Equipment may include protective clothing. These items need to be specified in a Job Analysis. Relationships Supervision given and received. Relationships with internal or external people. Requirements The knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA s) required to perform the job. While an incumbent may have higher KSA s than those required for the job, a Job Analysis typically only states the minimum requirements to perform the job.


Purpose The purpose of job analysis at MMTC was to frame job descriptions for the following positions of four departments namelyHR, Estate ,Personnel and Administration. . Steps 1.) Interview with the employees 2.) A pilot study at the DGM level 3.) Framing of job evaluation form 4.) Conducting the study 5.) Framing of job descriptions

1.) Interview:
A face to face interview of the DGM s of the HUMAN RESOURCE, ADMINISTRATION ,ESTATE AND PERSONNEL department was taken to gain an insight into the working of the departments and to also know about the responsibility and duties of the DGM s.

2.) Pilot study:

On the basis of the interview a job description evaluation form was prepared .The form was filled by the DGMs. The feedback on the form was not able to give the relevant information. It had a number of shortcomings and more over the lengthy nature of the form made it monotonous. It failed to give the desired response.

3.) Framing of job evaluation form:

So a modified form was prepared which was easy and simple in nature

4.) Conducting the final study:

Then the study was conducted for the following job positions at human resource, administration, personnel and estate:-Deputy General Manager, Senior Manager, Manager and Deputy Managers.


The Steps involved in competency mapping with an end result of job evaluation include the following:

Step 1 : Identify departments for competency profiling:

Here we have to decide and select the departments within the organization which we would like to include into our study. It is to be noted that departments should be chosen based on their criticality and importance to the organization .At MMTC LIMITED there are number departments. For this project four departments have been considered namely being human resource department, personnel department, administration department and estate department.

Step 2: Identifying hierarchy within the organization and selection of levels:

Study the organization hierarchy across each of the selected departments. For MMTCLIMITED hierarchy. For the purpose of the study here we have selected Junior Management (Deputy Manager and Manager) and Middle Management (Sr. Manager and Deputy General Manager.)

Step 3: Obtain the job descriptions: For the two levels at every department we
obtained each roles job description and in cases where they were not available we conducted a detailed interview to derive a job description.

Step 4: Preparation of semi structured interview: As one of the tools for

collecting information we prepared a list of questions that would make up a semi structured interview. These questions were put forth employees at the two levels.

Step 5: Recording of interview details: The candidates answers and opinions

were recorded in as much detail as possible for further reference during the project.

Step 6: Preparation of a list of Skills: As per the interview and the details that
were generated from the candidate, were used to generate a list of skills observed for the job. Thereon a list of identified competencies was drawn for each interviewed candidate.

Step 7: Indicate proficiency levels: Taking one competency level at a time

different proficiency levels were indicated. For the project five levels of proficiency were defined for every competency. Each proficiency level was defined in term of behavioral indicators.

Step 8: Validate identified competencies and proficiency levels with immediate superiors and other heads of the concerned department:
Competency definitions were confirmed with respective Head Of Departments and the required proficiency levels of each competency that is ideal for each role was obtained from them. Missing competencies were located.

Step9: Preparation of competency dictionary: A competency dictionary

defining competencies and corresponding proficiency levels for each level across all departments was prepared.

Step 10: Mapping of competencies: Mapping of competencies of selected

employees against the competency dictionary as per their employee level and department was done. Here an employees actual proficiency level of a particular competency was mapped against the target proficiency level.

1.) BUSINESS AWARENE\SS: Definition: Understanding and utilizing economic, financial, and industry data to accurately diagnose business strengths and weaknesses, identifying key issues, and developing strategies and plans. LEVELS:LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 Able to Financial Knowledge of Overview of Understanding continually acumen.(accurate company business. the Industry identify and knowledge about products. explore the financial business resources.) opportunities and needs . 2.) BUDGET MANAGEMENT: Definition: Understanding of the available resources and utilizing them in the best possible manner by remaining within the amount allotted to do a particular task. LEVELS:LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Has the basic Ability to Capable of Ability to Ability of understanding assess the framing utilize the utilize the of expenditures necessary budgets. amount allotted limited and revenues of expenditures to the resources in the department. Department as optimum planned manner. .

Definition: The ability to manage and accept changes. LEVELS:LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Demonstrates Involves Reshapes the Generates Ability to capacity to employee in team to deal innovations and support identify initiating and

with challenges creative ideas innovation and changes implementing created by which assist in creativity by changes, progressing, encouraging The change staff to accept process and resolve changes.

Definition: Clearly conveying information and ideas through a variety of media to individuals or groups in a manner that engages the audience and helps them understand and retain the message. LEVELS:LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Listening and Speak Is able to Is able to read, Understands Interpretation, confidently, gives provide write, speak the reasons establishing clear direct and information in and follow behind other rapport, specific desired instructions in peoples understanding message manner. Is able order to thoughts and needs to perform his concerns. Uses communicate role this ideas. Understanding to predict and prepare for others reactions. 5CORDINATION: Definition: The process of facilitating the flow of work for a purpose or procedure and the ability to monitor or regulate those procedures and activities. LEVELS: LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Builds Encourages and Develops Creates team Able to effectively team supports information- effectiveness facilitate the within a colleagues to sharing using people flow of work function/ achieve goals, networks skills for a process country.

Definition: Control is the process through which standards for performance of people and processes are set and applied. LEVELS:LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Ability to Keep a check Ability to Ability to Ability to exercise on the working allocate exercise control convince others powers system. Decision without on a particular making compelling course of authority or employees thus action, task avoiding responsibility to employee others dissent .

Definition: The capacity to make sound and practical decisions which deal effectively with the issues and are based on thorough analysis and diagnosis. LEVELS: LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 Knowledge of Is capable of Takes proactive Is able to give Takes decisions and ability to understanding decisions and opinions when mutually based use effective of various calculate risk collective on the facts. Approaches for scenarios for involved. Is decisions are Accepts choosing a effective committed to required delegated course of decision. Authority and action or decision acts with developing making span of control, appropriate solutions.


Definition: To plan and support the development of others through a competency based system. LEVELS: LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5The desire and Is able to make Assess Implement Has the capacity to an objective employee development knowledge of foster and assessment of training needs programs to development development of individuals against set support staffs in procedures, members of his performance goals. Achieving or her team performance goals.

Definition: The capacity to take action independently and to assume responsibility for ones action. LEVELS:LEVELS 1 LEVELS 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Takes initiative Challenges the Voice ideas on Able to take Continuously to try out new status quo and business issues prompt action suggest side as at his suggest new without to accomplish innovative work place to ways to prompting, objectives, changes and improve improve the adopts changes can translate the process current system in work place, innovative ideas into concrete changes.


Definition: Develop effective relationships with others. LEVELS: LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Ability to Open and Can establish a Shares Cooperates develop and honest in his rapport wide expertise in with the team, maintain communication range .Coaches achieving team get along with effective and support goals. Can the people relationships team bring people in with others in achieving team order to and resolving encourage and conflict arising support within communication and teamwork.

Definition: It is the collection and management of information from one or more sources and the distribution of that information to one or more audiences. LEVELS:LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Knows what Uses a wide Use existing Develop Collect the right information is variety of information and systems to information for needed and networks to resources to its organize and the right time whom to collect maximum improve the approach. Information on advantage, quality of key issues, information and data collection.

Definition: Leadership is an interpersonal influence directed towards the achievement of a goal or goals. LEVELS: LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Recognizes Clear about Assigns Takes Foresee the conflicts and who should be responsibility to advantage of conflicts and acts given which different people most tries to accordingly tasks? according to opportunities, minimize the Senses the need Coaches people their capability could do more same before it to assign duties when required and sets to leverage arises, thus to people and open to deadlines for them through takes necessary delegating, give advice the same Others steps when asked.

Definition: Motivation is a desire to achieve a goal, combined with the energy to work towards that goal. LEVELS: LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Encourages the Creates and Finds out what to guide. Keeps employees, maintains motivates employee, positive employees and informed required environment tries to provide it .


Definition: Establishing courses of action for self and others to ensure that work is completed efficiently. LEVELS:LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Diaries Meets Able to assist Is effective in Ability of appointments deadlines, other team planning the arrange and keeps to delivers work members where best balance of assign work to them on time. without necessary to resources use resources Can prioritize sacrificing formulate including efficiently tasks and quality objectives. human, recognize the Is a positive Accountable for financial and difference influence on the preparation and technological to between urgent use of time in- delivery of meet goals and important group meetings plans for tasks. - helps maintain activity or focus. project undertaken by a work group or team.

Definition: Processes problems into solutions and new opportunities. LEVELS:LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Ability to Determine Work actively Ability to Identifies and identify possible to resolve the handle educates others problems, solutions, issues, outcomes to focus on arising out of causes, not the solutions symptoms, of suggested and problems and implemented works co operatively to seek solutions.

Definition: Employee retention is a process in which the employees are encouraged to remain with the organization for the maximum period of time or until the completion of the project. LEVELS:LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Has a basic Able to Ability to Takes actions Create a feeling understanding understand develop plans and implements of recognition of employee reasons for to reduce plans to check among the turnover. Employee attrition, attritions employees Turn over.

Definition: Ability to handle documents LEVELS:LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 Has a basic Ability to make Can interact Ability to Capable of understanding entries with various interpret the keeping up to of various kinds departments records and date records of records and prepare take decisions records accordingly.


Definition: It is an inclination to formulate strategies with long term objectives. LEVELS:LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Takes a long Identifies gaps Sets targets, Decides on Takes on term and and seeks to monitors optimum work challenging but visionary view overcome them. Efficiency and approach achievable of the direction effectiveness. Goals to be followed in the future.

Definition: selection is a process to choosing the best amongst available alternatives. It is finding right person for the right job. LEVELS:LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 Has a basic Ability to Ability to Ability to select Can interact knowledge of recognize skills screen the right with various selection and talents candidates and candidate for universities and procedures around. Conduct the suggest interview. Organization, recruitment trips.


Definition: Actively participating as a member of a team to move the team toward the completion of goals. LEVELS: LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Participates Takes in charge Takes action Uses strategies Communicates willingly with of managing outside daily to promote information the team by the whole work routine to team about the doing his/her business and build effectiveness business to share of the completing it at commitment to across the management teams work the right time. The team as a business such and employees. Works well focus. Models as providing Actively within the team teamwork in information to organizes environment to own behavior. Other areas of activities aimed establish the organization at building team constructive to help make spirit ideas or decisions solutions that collaboratively meet and sharing organizational resources to objective. Solve mutual problems.


Definition: These are the skills that are action specific and requires training. LEVELS: LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5Performing Working with Demonstrating Working with Possession of office task and data and technical or computer knowledge, numbers, professional technology, to understanding working with expertise to use computer and expertise to the computer as a technology to carry out the professional ensure a high work and technical level of effectively. Resource to be efficiency in organization. accomplishing work.


Forms were prepared after consultation with the guide. Several forms were studied on internet. The was prepared after gaining a clear understanding of the competency concepts. The forms were checked by the Industry Guide Mr. S. Bhasker.


Steps to be followed: Job evaluation Job analysis. Framing of job description. Identifying the competencies and framing competency level. Forming a competency dictionary Mapping of executive competencies of departments namely HR, Personnel, Estate and Administration Finding competencies gap. Identifying training needs Acting as a channel for business development.

REFERENCES INTERNET :Search engines GOOLGE and YAHOO. WORKSHOP: A workshop on Competency Mapping held at MMTC Limited conducted by Mr.R.K. Mohanty (Consultant) BOOKS Competency Mapping Education Kit module 3 and 4-T V Rao Handbook Of Competency Mapping - Seema Sangi

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