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Executive Board Meeting October 9, 2012 Start time 4:40pm Exchange of Documents o none Matters of Concernment o Ysrael - stated

to like pictures as yourself not as LGBTS Alliance o Ellyse - stated to Robert that EB MPM needs to be more precise Can we open for business? o If Ellyse is unable to return the key Tuesday, October 9, 2012 she will return on Thursday October 11, 2012 The Bank o The Vault We voted on a box from staples MMF Industries Locking Security Chest Budget allocation Matt and Ellyse will plan on when they can go to the meeting Promotional Items Joseph went to Student Life and spoke with Maria o Joseph will specify with September Associates and about the colors that need to be expressed in the bracelet General Meetings o 3-1 October 11, 2012 Ysrael will be coming in to help with videoing and we will be showing two videos on It Gets Better. Hand Twister was proposed by Ellyse; Send out an email about the event E-112 and about wearing purple for October 18 Tabling for October 11, 2012 materials needed poster board, markers, flag, flyers, and please look up what National Coming Out Day Ysrael proposed that

we distribute Did you know? cards to be issued out . Ellyse will make these. Scheduling same as before o October 18, 2012 Discussing It Gets Better - Human Bingo o October 25, 2012 Movie event TransAmerica Tabling o 4-0 October 18, 2012 same scheduling as previous Thursday o 4- 0 October 23, 2012 Matt cant attend; Ellyse all day; Joseph 10:30-12:30; Robert 1:40-2:40 o 2-2 Tabling motion was made for November but died o 4-0 Ellyse proposed that we figure out what are the dates o 4-0 Ellyse proposed the dates for November 15 & 26. Ellyse amended that the dates be November 15 & 28 o December Ellyse was amended for only 1 day and will be talked about tabling for one day Bullying Panel o Ellyse & Robert will coordinate; Robert will get in touch with Matt to be brought up to date; Matt will introduce me to Steve Gender Roles Workshop o Spoke to Kalil and should be able to get at least one speaker as well as a Female to Male person to speak as well. Joseph will as speak with Kalil later on this week to get further updates and finalize some things Assignments o Joseph talk to Kalil about the Gender workshop, contact September Associates o Matt put the order for the lock box after the orientation meeting; send Robert a list of 20 questions for human bingo

o Ellyse list of 20 questions for human bingo, Vinny update for coming out day; create and cut did you know cards for coming out day o Robert make up bingo cards for Human Bingo; contact Matt, Ellyse, & Joseph for questions, submit several tabling forms Adjourned at 7:30

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