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Poli cal Asylum Informa on for Gregory Reynolds Morse Muslim name: Abdul Moeed or Abdul Muid (Arabic

c or , translates to servant of the restorer) Full names: Greg Morse, Greg R. Morse, Gregory Morse (Arabic ,) Gregory R. Morse, Gregory Reynolds Morse, Greg Reynolds Morse, Abdul Moeed Morse, Abdul Muid Morse Note: All dates in MM/DD/YYYY or MM/YYYY format unless otherwise specied Date of last revision: 08/05/2012

Table of Contents
No ce Warning Campaign for jus ce and name removal from document instruc ons Template le er U.S. Department of Jus ce Federal Bureau of Inves ga on Department of Defense US Army Central Intelligence Agency The White House US House of Representa ves US Senate Reference Residences Educa on and ins tu ons Toys and tools Games Books Music Video Actors/actresses Autobiography Childhood Educa on Career Fled the USA Suspicions Conclusion Satanist, intelligence and maa recruitment campaign human rights viola ons lis ng as from my experience Cochlear transmission phrase list used by Satanists Religious persecu on campaign Inves ga ve techniques Presiden al/Congressional/Gubernatorial servitude/recruitment campaign Advanced/dirty/military/intelligence/occul st/satanic psychology, psychological warfare/torture and technology Gang/vigilante/organized stalking campaign Satanic ritual abuse to create slaves Money was ng campaign Vehicular harassment campaign Operant condi oning chambers/clandes ne research laboratories

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Hotels Covert computer surveillance/wiretapping/electronic warfare Drug use campaign Covert drugging, anesthe zed sleep, or disabled consciousness surgeries, implanted devices, bodily abuse and mind abuse Cannibalism recruitment campaign Homosexual and degenerate behavior recruitment campaign False Friends and Family Mass media harassment campaign Fast food harassment campaign Property sabotage campaign Sex industry tac cs Sex in the massage industry tac cs Psychological slavery/serfdom/control Immoral behavior to establish control Selec on for military or intelligence community tac cs Punishment, suspension or expulsion from the military or intelligence community tac cs Endless covert, illegal, decep ve and criminal ac vi es of the USA intelligence community Homosexual agenda of the USA intelligence community and gay maa A vast conspiracy of Satanists and criminals Demonstra ons of fascist persecutory nonsense Suicide and other destruc ve tricks Resistance and Awareness Health Inltra on tac cs Sexual iden ty and emo onal defense Moral defense campaign Exposure campaign Gang-stalking disrup on campaign Corrupt law enforcement defense and neutraliza on Psychological hardening campaign Refugee status, immigra on and poli cal asylum Deduced historical informa on Ancient Egypt the beginning of occul sm and control of the mind Secret socie es Nazi Germany, Hitler and the 3rd Reich Opera on Paperclip and the con nua on of the Nazis in the USA through the intelligence community CIA MKULTRA and FBI COINTELPRO USA government makes the inevitable transi on from to totalitarianism as secret aristocracy takes over The Vietnam War and the 4th Reich in the USA Complexity of intelligence community in the USA Most Satanist country governments in New World Order (NWO) listed in order (EXPOSED) Linguis c degeneracy inherent to the English language through homophones/homonyms Spy Terms Websites with suppor ng evidence Books and Ar cles

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Quota ons Music used to help defeat the psychology Music/media quota ons used to highlight or help defeat the psychology Research and development with objec vity Seed ar cial intelligence (SAI), super-intelligence/"aliens"/the singularity Collec ve credibility Incremental approach To decompilia on Philosophy Systems and schemes to control the world The Rise and decay of the prevalence of useful informa on on the Internet Individual human intelligence Medical condi ons Objec vely analyzing the rela onship between men and women Evidence of gang-stalkers and their vehicles, mobile phone calls/messages, computer modica ons

I am not involved with or engage in ac vi es with any maa type organiza ons, secret socie es nor have I taken any blood oaths or formally obtained a security clearance, making this informa on mine to legally, freely and publicly share or disseminate. It can be assumed with clear certainty that the maa which has inltrated every organiza on of the USA government will not be pleased and will seek to sabotage, thwart or impede every step of the poli cal asylum process as well as prevent dissemina on of the informa on contained herein through lies, disinforma on, and misinforma on while a emp ng to damage the subject's credibility, mental and physical health.

There is clear and present danger to reading or disclosing this material as having understanding of the contents may cause one to become a vic m of the described abuse and vic ms of abuse may experience a psychological shock unproduc ve to their recovery however it is these vic ms who will benet the most from having a clear understanding of this informa on such that if crimes are s ll being perpetrated against them then they can ght back intelligently.

Campaign for justice and name removal from document instructions

Send postal mail, e-mail or make phone calls asking the Federal Government to stop the maa's persecu on campaign against me to the following agencies or government oces and provide proof to me via e-mail by either carbon copy for e-mail, pas ng contents and me submi ed of e-mail forms, a copy of the le er and scan of stamped envelope for mail or me and conversa on content for phone calls. A template le er is provided as well as a lis ng of the required authori es and agencies to be no ed.

Template letter
Date: <current date> Dear <authority or agency name>: I am wri ng in regards to my knowledge of the persecu on of Gregory Reynolds Morse at the hands of the maa, an interna onal crime syndicate which has inltrated all authorita ve elements of the US government eec vely forming a treasonous behind the scenes "shadow government". There is strong evidence that exists in his documents and photographs, most especially his poli cal asylum informa on document that demonstrates a clear pa ern of harassment and abuse by treasonous and corrupt members of the USA intelligence community whose loyal es lie with the maa. I believe that using government agents and resources to spread false rumors and propaganda while using classied technology and advanced psychology techniques to target a private ci zen is simply unacceptable and unwarranted. The abuses he details involving the homosexual recruitment campaign are atrocious and u erly disgus ng to such a point that it is not even discussable in most public venues. I recognize that the Gregory Reynolds Morse is certainly mentally sound, highly intelligent and heterosexual, having not ever done anything to suggest otherwise. The harassment campaign he is experiencing certainly seeks to alter these extremely wonderful characteris cs though he is an extraordinarily strong individual with admirable determina on and good will power such that I am certain he will completely defeat and counter all a empts to nega vely inuence him. I demand an inves ga on be opened into those who are responsible for the abuse of the advanced technology and psychology that is being used against this individual. He makes a strong case that the CIA, the FBI and US Army military intelligence are thoroughly inltrated by the maa and intricately involved in his plight. From his document, it sounds like the CIA considers him to be an "asset" and passed him over to the FBI for a bogus and corrupt inves ga on that is being used to ra onalize and jus fy countless abuses and harassment. Later on, the US Army tried to psychologically force him to join to formalize the maa's control over this individual through maa controlled structures in the government. Further it is my understanding that Gregory Reynolds Morse reverted to Islam in mid-April of 2010. The abuses he is suering at the hands of the maa inltrated USA government amount to religious persecu on and must be stopped immediately. I fully support him in his quest as a poli cal refugee to obtain poli cal asylum or immigra on in another country for his own safety as his life has been u erly destroyed in the USA which in turn has created many people who are angry and want revenge against him at any cost. I ask the government to have good will, support his wishes and not interfere with this process. He has turned his life in a new and wonderful direc on by now having strong faith in God. I believe he has a good heart, mind and soul and must be allowed to live his life in peace without interference by unjust and unaccountable authori es. I would like to point out that there is growing interna onal concern and accusa ons against the USA in terms of human rights viola ons. The government must be held accountable for this especially as most of it stems directly from the execu ve branch, the CIA, the FBI and the military which given the powers granted have been the most highly targeted for inltra on by the maa. I also ask the government to formally acknowledge and begin inves ga ng and protec ng ci zens from the classied prac ce of illegally conduc ng organized stalking by the maa against chosen targets with treasonous intelligence actors and government agents working in highly coordinated teams u lizing intelligence agents si ng behind computers while controlling
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observa on and research satellites to monitor and control the subconscious mind of consen ng and non-consen ng individuals. There is a growing abundance of evidence showing that this type of ac vity is being ac vely conducted against many people worldwide. This is a at out abuse of human rights and amounts to a form of "so torture" as it is purely psychological and very dicult to prove. Yet if the government is inltrated by maa partaking in this ac vity against ci zens, it must cease and desist immediately while brining those people involved in this treason to jus ce. Sincerely, <your full name> <your signature> <your ini als>

U.S. Department of Justice

Address: U.S. Department of Jus ce, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530-0001 Tel: Department of Jus ce Main Switchboard - 202-514-2000 Tel: Oce of the A orney General Public Comment Line - 202-353-1555 Website: www.jus E-mail:

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Address: FBI Headquarters, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20535-0001 Tel: (202) 324-3000 Website: www. E-mail form: h ps:// ps.

Department of Defense
Address: 1400 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1400 Tel: 703-571-3343 Website:

US Army
Address: (Name of recipient - Secretary of the Army, Chief of Sta of the Army, Sergeant Major of the Army), 1400 Defense Pentagon, Washington DC 20301-1400 Website: h p://

Central Intelligence Agency

Address: Central Intelligence Agency, Oce of Public Aairs, Washington, D.C. 20505 Tel: (703) 482-0623 Open during normal business hours. Fax: (703) 482-1739 (please include a phone number where we may call you) Website: E-mail form: h ps://

The White House

Address: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 (Please include your e-mail address) Tel: Comments: 202-456-1111 Tel: Switchboard: 202-456-1414 Fax: 202-456-2461 Website: E-mail form: h p://

US House of Representatives
Address: 111th Congress, 2nd Session, Washington, DC 20515 Tel: (202) 224-3121 Website: Website for name, address, telephone, website and e-mail form for Representa ve from your vo ng district using your zip code: h ps://

US Senate
Website for name, address, telephone, website and e-mail form of 2 Senators from your state: h p:// on/senators_cfm.cfm?OrderBy=state&Sort=ASC Address: Oce of Senator (Name), United States Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510 Tel: (202) 224-3121 Website:

Reference Residences
Glendale - Glendale, Los Angeles, CA, USA (09/11/1982-1984) 824 Sun Ridge - 824 Sun Ridge Lane, Chagrin Falls, OH, 44022-4256, USA (1984-06/18/2005) 2 North Portola - 2 North Portola, Laguna Beach, CA, 92651-6707, USA (many spring/winter/summer school vaca ons from 1986-2004) Camp Mowglis (located on route 3A), P.O. Box 9, Hebron, NH, 03241 (06/1994-07/1994, 06/1995-07/1995, 06/1996-07/1996, 06/1997-07/1997) Philips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH, 03833 (06/1998-07/1998 roommate name unknown, 06/1999-07/1999 roommate Wayne)

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University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA, 90095 (06/2000-07/2000 roommate Cade followed briey by roommate name unknown) Marshall McClintock Dormitory, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, 18015 (08/2001-05/2002 roommate Paul Marzen) Warren Square Dormitory, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, 18015 (01/2003-05/2003 roommate Mar n) Ranch, Pennsylvania Psi Upsilon Fraternity, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, 18015 (08/2003-05/2004) 122 E 4th St, Bethlehem, PA, 18015 (06/2004-05/2005) 627 Bay Rd, Menlo Park, CA, 94025-2360 (Summer 2003/2004) 449 15th Ave Apt 302, San Francisco, CA, USA (06/20/2005-08/31/2005) 1717 17th Ave 1717 17th Ave (@ Moraga St), San Francisco, CA, 94122-4501, USA (09/01/2005-07/18/2009, roommate Piper Morrison un l 11/16/2008) Tel: 415 731-3464, 415 731-2799 9 Faxon Ave 9 Faxon Ave (@ Montana St), San Francisco, CA, 94112-2908, USA (07/11/2009-01/22/2010) Tel: 415 587-2543 Rohnert Park, California (01/22/2010-03/27/2010, 04/03/2010-04/06/2010, 04/11/2010-05/05/2010, 05/07/2010-05/08/2010) Sonoma State University, Columbard Room 3206D in Sauvignon village with Simone Latham Best Western Inn Grosvenor, South San Francisco, California Room 5th oor (corner room across from See's candies), 728 (03/27/2010-03/31/2010) Good Nite Inn Redwood City, Redwood City, California Room 169 (03/31/2010-04/02/2010, 04/06/2010-04/11/2010, originally un l 04/13/2010) Good Nite Inn Rohnert Park, Rohnert Park, California Room 342 (04/02/2010-04/03/2010, 05/05/2010-05/07/2010) Travelodge Culver City, Culver City, California Room 212 (05/08/2010-05/11/2010) America's Best Value Inn, Los Angeles, California Room 211 (05/11/2010-05/13/2010, originally un l 05/15/2010) Best Western Coyote Point Inn, San Mateo, California Room 419 (05/13/2010-05/14/2010) Victorian Hotel, Vancouver, BC, Canada Room 34 (05/15/2010-05/16/2010, originally un l 05/18/2010) Econo Lodge, Kamloops, BC, Canada Room 127 (05/16/2010-05/18/2010) Holiday Inn Express, Kelowna, BC, Canada Room 643 (05/18/2010-05/20/2010) Fairmont Palliser, Calgary, AB, Canada Room 547 (05/20/2010-05/23/2010) Ayasofya Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey Room 102 (05/24/2010-05/27/2010) Hotel Polat, Istanbul, Turkey, Floor 5 Room unknown (05/27/2010-05/31/2010) Ozberk Hotel, Antakya, Turkey (06/01/2010-06/02/2010) Sedef Otel, Adana, Turkey (06/02/2010-06/04/2010) Hotel Mediterranee, Chouran Street, Beirut, Lebanon Room 905, 805 (06/03/2010-06/08/2010, 06/10/2010-06/12/2010) Tel: +961 1 741824 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9, +961 1 741693 / 4 Fax: +961 1 742577 P.O.B: 11-2420 E-mail: Website: h p:// Hotel Oasis, Beirut, Lebanon (06/08/2010-06/10/2010) Hotel Golden Plaza, Beirut, Lebanon (06/12/2010-06/14/2010) Hotel Honey House, Beirut, Lebanon (06/14/2010-06/19/2010) Ferdossi Hotel, Tehran, Iran (booked for 06/19/2010-06/22/2010) Hotel Mekke, Istanbul, Turkey (06/20/2010-06/23/2010, 06/23/2010-06/28/2010) Hotel Albion, Istanbul, Turkey Room 301 (06/28/2010-07/01/2010) Zeynep Sultan Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey (07/01/2010-07/04/2010) Bilinc Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey Room 203, 304 (07/04/2010-07/11/2010, 08/14/2010-08/17/2010 originally un l 08/20/2010) Samil Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey (07/11/2010-07/18/2010) Hotel Merve, Istanbul, Turkey (07/18/2010-07/19/2010) Tulip Inn Berr Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey Room E06 (07/19/2010-07/21/2010) Niza Park Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey Room 401 (07/21/2010-07/30/2010) E ler Anadolu Otelcilik, Istanbul, Turkey Room 211(07/30/2010-08/06/2010) Hippodrome Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey Room 602, 204 (08/06/2010-08/07/2010, 08/07/2010-08/09/2010) Hotel Zagreb, Istanbul, Turkey Room 402 (08/09/2010-08/14/2010) Uccle 1180, Brussels, Belgium (08/17/2010-08/25/2010) Albert Hotel, Brussels, Belgium Room 52 (originally 08/25/2010-08/27/2010) Replica Inn, Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 107 (08/28/2010-09/06/2010) Masjid Wilayah, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (09/06/2010-09/12/2010) Kuala Lumpur Interna onal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 812 (09/12/2010-09/17/2010) City Tower Apartments, Jalan Alor, Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (09/17/2010-09/20/2010, 09/23/2010-09/29/2010, 10/04/2010-10/13/2010, 10/13/2010-12/02/2010) A Famosa Resort, Melaka, Malaysia Room 121 (09/20/2010-09/23/2010) City Villa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 1314 (09/29/2010-10/04/2010) Lanson Place, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 911 (12/02/2010-12/04/2010) Dynasty Inn, Kota Bharu, Malaysia Room 504 (12/04/2010-12/05/2010) Juita Premier Hotel, Kota Bharu, Malaysia Room 104 (12/05/2010-12/09/2010) Juita Premier Hotel, Kota Bharu, Malaysia Room 104 (12/09/2010-12/12/2010) Juita Premier Hotel, Kota Bharu, Malaysia Room 104 (12/12/2010-12/12/2010) Ci n Hotel Masjid Jamek, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 701 (12/12/2010-12/17/2010) Unit #21-14 (No 14 Tkt 21) Plaza RAH, 111 Jalan Raja Abdullah, 50300 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, Parking space #38 on level 3 (12/17/2010-02/11/2011) Phukit, Thailand (02/11/2011-02/20/2011) Southern View Hotel, Pa ani, Thailand Room 601 (02/20/2011-02/23/2011) Cathay Guest House, Hat Yai, Thailand Room 314 (02/23/2011-02/25/2011) Greenwood, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (02/25/2011-03/13/2011) Hotel Ali Baba, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 205 (03/13/2011-05/25/2011)
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Hotel Tiga Intan, Bandung, Indonesia Room 1006 (05/25/2011-05/29/2011) Hotel Putrajaya, Majalengka, Indonesia Room C12 (05/29/2011-06/18/2011) Sederhana Barru Hotel, Majalengka, Indonesia Room 8 (06/18/2011-06/23/2011) Bunga Karang, Bekasi, Indonesia Room 68 (06/23/2011-06/25/2011) Rented Apartment, Jakarta, Indonesia Room 203 (06/25/2011-07/25/2011) Hotel Ali Baba, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 114, 115, 110 (07/23/2011-08/30/2011, 08/30/2011-09/08/2011, 09/08/2011-10/17/2011) Magnolia Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia Room 817 (10/17/2011-11/23/2011) Rented Room, Jakarta, Indonesia Room 10 (11/22/2011-03/13/2012) Hotel Ali Baba, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 205 (03/13/2012-04/17/2012) Golden Palace Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 217 (04/17/2012-04/20/2012) Hotel EV World, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 115 (04/20/2012-04/25/2012) i2inn Guest House, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 104 (04/22/2012-04/25/2012) Hotel Ali Baba, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 205 (04/25/2012-06/06/2012) Golden Palace Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 110 (06/07/2012-06/10/2012) Lotus Garden Hotel, Manila, Philippines Room 509 (06/10/2012-06/30/2012) Hotel Ali Baba, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Room 205 (06/30/2012-PRESENT)

Education and institutions

Montessori School preschool, prekindergarten Hawken School summer camp CCIS schools include all-boys University School kindergarten, lower and middle in Shaker Heights and high school in Hun ng Valley, all-girls Laurel School in Shaker Heights, all-girls Hathaway Brown School in Shaker Heights, Hawken School all are private preparatory schools Camp Mowglis (East Hebron, New Hampshire) all-boys private summer camp Philips Exeter Academy (Exeter, New Hampshire) summer school University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (Los Angeles, California) summer school Lehigh University (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania) university Psi Upsilon Fraternity Eta chapter (Lehigh University) college fraternity Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) - college Lakeland College - college Salvador Dali Museum (St. Petersburg, Florida) member of board of directors MBNA (Beachwood, Ohio) new account specialist IMS Company - IMS Company, Staord Road, Chagrin Falls, OH, 44023, USA owned by Bradish Goodell Morse a er being passed on to him by Albert Reynolds Morse, so ware engineer InfoExpress, Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA so ware engineer Suchada Thai Massage contract so ware engineer American Marke ng Systems Incorporated (AMSI) rental company Larry Fritzlan Recovery Services US Army Ocean Recrui ng Sta on Sonoma State University

Toys and tools

Lego sets, building block set, 1949, Lego Group Cuisenaire rods, versa le mathema cal manipula ve, 1952, Georges Cuisenaire Erector sets, toy construc on set, 1911, Meccano Crystal Caves Space Age Geode Growing Kit, grow your own geodes, 1992, The Kristal Corpora on Jigsaw puzzles

Chess, Stratego, Go Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, educa onal computer game, 1985, Broderbund So ware Treasure Mountain, educa onal computer game, 1990, The Learning Company Worms2/Worms Armageddon, ar llery turn based strategy game, 1997, Team17 Counter-Strike/Counter-Strike: Source, tac cal mul player rst-person shooter video game, 1999, Valve Corpora on Team Fortress Classic/Team Fortress 2, team-based mul player rst-person shooter video game, 1999, Valve Corpora on

The Hardy Boys Brian Jacques books Michael Crichton books John Nance books The Terminal Man by Michael Crichton book about a man who is going crazy due to having seizures waking up not knowing what happened

Eminem, rapper with perfect type of music for producing government spies, 1999, Shady Records

Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, animated cartoon primarily featuring Bugs Bunny, Day Duck, Porky Pig, Elmer Fudd, Sylvester, Tweety, Marvin the Mar an, Taz, Foghorn Leghorn, Yosemite Sam, Pepe Le Pew, Speedy Gonzales, Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner, demonstra ng spy strategies and physics also had I love to Singa, 1933, Warner Brothers DuckTales, animated television series, 1987, Walt Disney Inspector Gadget, animated television series, 1983, DIC Entertainment Scooby Doo, animated television series, 1969, Hanna-Barbera Produc ons Star Trek: The Original Series, science c on entertainment television series, 1966, Desilu Produc ons Beverly Hills Cop, undercover cop, 1984, Paramount Pictures - homophobic and misogynis c material designed to create a mental contradic on
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Neon Genesis Evangelion Trigun with Vash the Stampede snatch James Bond Spies Like Us Mission Impossible The Thomas Crown Aair A er the Sunset MacGyver Stargate SG-1 Jason Bourne and The Bourne Iden ty/Supremacy/Ul matum very telling about the idea of government assets Law Abiding Ci zen District 9 The Matrix/Reloaded/Revolu ons The Departed Body of Lies Gangs of New York The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, late night sa rical television, 1996, Comedy Central Colbert Report, late night sa rical television, 2005, Comedy Central Tosh.0 Burn No ce Damages House In Plain Sight NCIS Psych Rescue Me Royal Pains White Collar

Tom Cruise Leonardo DiCaprio Jerey Donovan

Autobiography Childhood
I was born as Gregory Reynolds Morse on September 11, 1982. I was supposedly circumcised at birth by the delivering doctor at Cedar Sinai Hospital in Beverly Hills, California, a part of Los Angeles, though the job was not done well as later the ring tore open and now shows visible scarring. The delivering doctor had trouble at the moment of birth because I came out urina ng making it messy and slippery, and almost dropped me on the oor. I resided in Glendale, California where my parents rst lived together a er ge ng married un l 1 or 2 years of age. My parents decided to move to the Cleveland, Ohio area so that my father could begin to take ownership of the family business IMS Company from his father. IMS Company is a distributor for injec on molding accessories and has around 65 employees. 824 Sun Ridge was custom built before the family moved to Ohio. It is the loca on where I grew up and resided at un l moving to San Francisco, California a er college. My parents also purchased a vaca on home at 2 North Portola in Laguna Beach, California and did a complete remodeling leaving only the founda on intact. My parents had my sister and I bap zed when we were s ll young children at an Episcopal Church. They took my sister and I to Church on only a handful of occasions including a couple of mes for Christmas day. Early childhood cartoons: Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, DuckTales, Inspector Gadget, Scooby Doo Parents: My parents met at a party in Los Angeles, California when my mother was leaving the party and my father asked her where she was going and started a conversa on with her. They never provided details on whose party it was or other informa on. My father took my mother out to a restaurant for their rst date which turned out to be a restaurant full of homosexual couples with the excep on of my parents which my mother said was quite embarrassing. Both of my parents would keep all receipts and documenta on in ling cabinets. When we would go to stores, they would have a fake argument over what was business or personal expenses to demonstrate the dierence to my sister and me. My mother would o en have screaming ts directed towards my father over spending me on and running his business though her complaints were always very vague and never specic. She was very afraid of insects, mice and rats, even claiming that she almost miscarried me due to seeing a rat in the garage when they lived in Glendale, California. Demonstra ons such as this were a common o en with a theme of how to live in a compartmentalized manner. My father and mother iden ed themselves as Episcopalians, a form of Protestant, and my mother had converted to it a er marrying my father from Judaism which she never liked or iden ed with and was further ashamed of. My mother's father who is German owned a chemical corpora on in New York about 30 minutes away from New York City called Westwood Chemical Corpora on. He was Jewish though from a branch known as Reform Judaism which was the least religious and did not wear a yarmulke also known as a kippah which is a Jewish hat. My father's father started an injec on molding supply distribu on business called Injec on Molders Supply Company (IMS Company) in Auburn, Ohio. My parents set up a discre onary trust fund shared between me and my sister as the beneciaries with my father as the se ler and my mother as the trustee primarily for educa on such that when high school ended we would both be able to aord to go to a good college. My parents addi onally gave my sister and I each ten percent limited interests in 3 partnerships that owned various parcels of land for generally related to my father's company. My parents retained ownership of the remaining eighty percent interest and were the general partners. A er my mother died, the trustee became Gina Bulen, a close friend of my mother. The partnership interests all transferred to my father. Gina Bulen eventually resigned as trustee and my father found Atlan c Trust, a large trust management company to take over the trust. The money in the trust is largely at the discre on of my father who can give it or withhold it as he pleases as the distribu on commi ee at Atlan c Trust will follow his instruc ons exactly despite that this violates the purpose and sanc ty of the trust. The partnerships are completely controlled by him as well as the sole managing partner so money from these is obtained at his whim as well. For counseling or mental health dealing with psychologists or psychiatrists playing dirty homosexual manipula on psychology, of course there is no limit on approval. My parents promised that if gradua ng with honors that $10000.00 would be given as a gradua on present. Though I graduated with honors, my sister managed
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to get my father to pay over $10000.00 of expenses on his credit card a er she nished school. She con nued to get distribu ons from the partnership in large amounts and when I was to receive my equivalent share, the amount was much less due to strange tax reasons. My sister con nued ge ng partnership draws at her whim to the amount of more than $20000.00 than I did. My sister managed to get trust draws for any possible expense she could dream up in excess of $100000.00. If the amount of money my sister got over me was actually calculated and added up it would probably be nearly $150000.00. My father of course has no jus ca on or excuse but just responds Father: There were many peculiari es about my father. He was in the US Army during Vietnam War having joined the US Army Reserves to avoid the dra . He organized a lawsuit to sue the federal government when his unit was called up as Reserve Units cannot be used without an ocial declara on of war which never happened during the Vietnam War. The case earned a Time Magazine ar cle from September 27, 1968 tled "They'd Rather Sue Than Fight." When the case reached the Supreme Court of the USA, one of the jus ces wanted to grant review but the other eight jus ces made a special vote arguing that the other jus ce was problema c and his vote should not count. The case was not granted review and his unit was required to go to Vietnam. He claims his job was that of a "washing machine repairman". A er his 6 month reserve duty, he was supposedly honorably discharged from the military because they did not like troublemakers. I found out later in life from my hairdresser that my father was previously married which he acknowledged but he said he caught his wife chea ng on him so the marriage only lasted one or two years before ge ng a divorce. My mother wanted this kept secret from my sister and I, and she was quite upset when we nally found out. He has worked on mainframe computers and has always had a PC since they came out. This provided a pathway for me to grow up with a computer and the internet back in the mid 1990s. He stayed at home all day organizing newsle ers and doing electrical or mechanical nkering projects instead of running his company, always carried a Swiss Army pocket knife, and would use a hair blower to peel shipping labels o of boxes. He received one newsle er called Early Warning Report by Richard Maybury that had a lot of future predic ons in terms of poli cal, economic and investment advice that seemed to always inevitably be approximately correct. He seemed o en to be a professional liar in regards to nances and had many books on psychology, history and government. He made some men on of government secrets such as remote viewing. He now claims to regularly a end Al-Anon on behalf of my sister. He purchased a Pu the Magic Dragon poster when I was a child for my room. He is a strong believer in Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand where all the elite go on strike which he has hinted has already happened since the 1960's. He regularly drank water with a laxa ve powder as he was always cons pated and would take a long me in the toilet which would be rather annoying when we were not at home. Later, he claims to have discovered he has either gluten intolerance or celiac disease and stopped ea ng all gluten products such as wheat which was also quite irksome to the rest of the family as it limited what restaurants we could go to or what cooked food could be prepared. Eventually he saw a doctor who encouraged him to take hundreds of pills and powders which he would spend hours organizing into various pill containers. He also had a scale to precisely weigh his food. Some notable quotes he made when growing up are that "homosexuals reproduce by recruitment", "homosexuals unked high school biology", "the anus was not meant for anal sex", "women are all about the same in bed, it is their personality that ma ers", "the Muslims think in terms of genera ons/centuries" and that "remote viewing only works when it is used to do good." He described things that were backwards as "ba** ackwards" or "a** backwards", dicul es as a "pain in the a**" or a "pain in the rear", extreme cold as "colder than a witch's t" and the nality of something never ending as "un l all hell freezes over". He men oned more recently that "Obama is the An -Christ" and "maybe religion is true a er all." He used to spank us with his hands and later with a belt or hairbrush when we did something bad or that made him have a temporary t of anger. These were quite infrequent and stopped at around age 13 or 14. He had rela onships with many psychologists and took my en re family to see a psychologist named Mr. Perkins on several occasions. He also on one occasion took us to see Nathaniel and Barbara Brandon in Los Angeles, California. My mother par cularly did not like going on these trips though my father would insist on it. Many of the managers at IMS Company had to be red for various reasons including Mike Barre in the California oce, Chuck Beck and Mark George in the Ohio oce. Some stayed on friendly terms, others went to work for compe tors and some even were brought back to the company later. My father red IMS Company's accountant, Randy Thompson, a Bowling Green graduate and high paid employee, a er he had worked there for around 20 years claiming he had no idea how to really do accoun ng. He then realized that he was necessary to running the business so he hired him back as a consultant. This seems to make my father look bad in front of the employees and he is probably lucky that he is the only shareholder as others would be upset over the embarrassing series of decisions that occurred. My father is always talking about taxes and nding the best and most clever ways to le them to a point of compulsion. Although always within the boundaries of the law, he pays a tax accountant to come up with clever eli st schemes to minimize the tax. As he makes clear, the government is loo ng people so this is not necessarily a bad thing to do but it is an obsession for him. Repeated requests for monthly or quarterly statements the balance sheet and documents establishing the partnership went unanswered. Requests for the trust documents and statements also went unanswered. Finally, he sent the documents establishing the trust and partnerships but s ll would not provide any balance sheets or statements. I became suspicious of him when I was being gang-stalked and started to wonder if he had involvement or es to criminal ac vity and how he acquired so much wealth, wondering if any of it was blood money. I started to argue with him about organized crime and various things related to his father such as the gun collec on and the limerick book and he threatened to take me out of his will if I brought about legi mate legal ac on against him. He also said it was be extremely embarrassing if I did this as well. I pointed out that if my legal ac on is legi mate, then he is using a tool called economic coercion which is illegal. In fact, under United States law, a person under economic coercion can be excused for commi ng any crime except for murder. Mother: My mother had screaming ts that seemed to be controllable or trigger-able and last for up to an hour before returning to normal. She eventually got breast cancer that lasted for many years. Her mother, who was a Hungarian beauty princess, had leukemia, which is a cancer of the blood, at around age 55 and passed away within a week of discovering it. She had a mastectomy opera on scheduled with her regular surgeon Dr. Sampliner but on the day of the surgery, he got in a car accident in front of my high school and ended up with a broken leg. A dierent surgeon performed the mastectomy but unfortunately some ssue in the lymph nodes was not removed and the cancer spread to other parts of her body including her lungs. She supposedly eventually died at age 56 in the hospital of a morphine overdose to try to control her breathing pain. Her sister Carol, who had mul ple sclerosis (MS) and now suers in a wheel chair says when they were children, my mother chased her around the kitchen with a knife. Sister: My sister went to kindergarten at Hathaway Brown School and a ended lower, middle and high school at Laurel School. She went to the all-girls summer camp Onaway near to camp Mowglis. My sister and I were le at my father's business, IMS Company, and we being very young fooled around with spray paint and ended up marking some blue barrels serving as containers. This made my parents very angry and my father spanked both of us. My sister came into my room when I was younger and o en wanted to "play doctor" which turned into an awkward sexual situa on. There was one occasion towards when this started where I performed oral sex on her for a very brief moment. Almost exclusively, she would sit on top of me some mes when we were both naked and rub back and forth against our genitals while saying gibberish along the lines of "dah day dah day dah day". I would es mate there were about 25 occasions where this occurred between about 8 years old and 10 years old. Then at 2 North Portola, we were taking tennis lessons together when one day our tennis instructor, Maria, kept my sister in her car to ques on her about our rela onship and coerced her into saying that I
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"touched" her inappropriately. Social services showed up to interview and inves gate us both at the house there and le a er taking notes. The accusa ons were untrue as I was not the ini ator and this was always mutually and progressively ini ated. This incident abruptly ended these awkward situa ons. My parents were furious at the tennis instructor for going behind their back and terminated the rela onship with her. She o en seemed to be a very clever social liar. According to my father, a er she nished college, she "hit her head on the oor while having drunken sex orgies" and had to go to the hospital. As early as high school, she became an alcoholic. She had medical trouble as both her lungs collapsed and had to be repaired and has taken a lot of medica on for anxiety disorder. She wore inappropriate revealing clothing, had a belly bu on piercing and a lower back ta oo. She invited me out with her girlfriend Lindsey Busa who was in a rela onship. Father's new wife: My father remarried several years a er my mother's death to an elite businesswoman who was on the board of directors of all-girls Andrews School in the west side of Cleveland, Ohio. She claims one of her previous husbands worked for the CIA and that once one joins the CIA one can never leave or stop working for it. Her daughter Pamela Berens was a divorced alcoholic living in Chicago who was struggling with this addic on. Computer, electronics and mechanical engineering interest: My father brought home the rst IBM PC, the 8086 when I was about 10 years old and did not use it very much. Had I been older I may not have been a part of the rst genera on to become computer literate. It quickly became something I became involved with playing computer games and learning QBasic programming. One night, my Carmen Sandiego game le had a glitch where the game le was reset to a very early stage. Complaining to my father, he studied the le with a hex editor and made a small modica on that advanced the stage back to where it should have been. As I did not realize this was probably a psychology skit at the me, I found it so incredible that he could do this that I began to learn everything I could about computers. I now believe this to be a deliberate sabotage/scripted hack tutorial of saved game le to gain authen c interest in computers which worked eec vely and was not sinister. From that day on, I became obsessed with understanding the internals of computers. I no longer cared about the game but instead how to do neat things like modifying a game le. I began with a lot of strictly for fun QBasic programming and read several books on the topic. I moved on to learning Visual Basic and the more dicult language of C/C++. Thanks to the start of the Internet and a modem connec on in our house, I was able to learn reverse engineering of so ware, advanced debugging and x86 assembly language. I did many reverse engineering challenges and wrote several reversing tutorials for the website that taught me the skills by a man with the alias of Fravia+. At this young age I began having unexplainable forearm pain which as I got older also found its way into my calves and hamstrings. I have always been a perfec onist by nature so many things in my life when I over-obsess over them may hit a law of diminishing returns though I smart enough to recognize this and come up with a more top-level solu on to the problem. Computers are very mathema cal and logical which have always been my strong points followed by science. It is a way of thinking and seeing things that many people cannot relate to. I was encouraged to learn wiring and mechanical projects as my father would always be repairing or rewiring the furnace, intercom system, computers, telephones, television video recording systems. Father's parents: When I visited my fathers parents home next to IMS Company in Ohio, I was encouraged to learn about guns and knives. My grandfather taught me how to use throwing knives when very young and taught me several judo moves including one that kills with one hit through a crushing blow to the neck and another that causes one to cry for a long me through a crushing blow just above the upper lip. When growing up, my father took me to their home a er his parents had re red to Florida and on the oor in the basement were several large automa c ries that he assured me were an ques yet not registered. My father has since inherited them and claimed that he got rid of them. As I inquired more and more about them, they eventually completely disappeared and he refused to talk about them any further. My grandfather had previously a ended Harvard University's business school before star ng IMS Company. He was quite a character and wrote a limerick book full of rhymes with a sexual nature back in the 1930s when it was illegal to publish such material. He had it printed in New York City, New York yet the book has wri en that it was printed in Mexico to avoid legal trouble. My grandfather had an employee who was high up in the business with the last name Kuchar who got in an argument with him about how the business should be run. Eventually, he le the business and started up his own compe ng business called PPE. PPE now controls a very large share of the market causing IMS Company to fall into a slump. Father's family: My fathers had a strange friend from UCLA, Richard Dolan, who taught me how to play the game of Go and even gave me a nice portable go set as a Christmas present. He had spent a lot of me in Japan and was thus very good, being able to beat me even with a several stone handicap on a smaller board. Salvador Dali: My fathers parents had perhaps the largest collec on of Salvador Dali pain ngs in the world. They knew Dali personally and collected his pain ngs for many years. When Dali became interna onally recognized as a great surrealist, the insurance on their collec on became too expensive to keep the collec on private so they donated the collec on to the State of Florida for the purpose of crea ng a museum which is now the Salvador Dali Museum in St Petersburg, Florida. Their intent was to always keep the collec on together as a whole and never let it get split apart, thus acquiring new pain ngs is okay but selling pain ngs is not allowed. Their art collec on is now largely commercialized. As my grandmother got very old, she was made an honorary board member and I was elected to represent the family in her place on the board of directors. Three Arch Bay community in California: Bre Anderson was someone I made friends with the Three Arch Bay community during school vaca on. On one occasion we watched pornography at his home. On another occasion, he came to my home when my father was not there and we looked at pornography on the computer. He took a glass from my kitchen and ejaculated into it to a erwards show me the uid to prove that he could produce semen as I was too young s ll to do so. Professional sports: My parents would take me to see baseball games of the Cleveland Indians and some mes football games of the Cleveland Browns whose team colors were brown and orange.

University School Primary School (Kindergarten through grade 4): During these years mainly had trouble with Jimmy Wiley, Adam Pollock and Michael Powers who would fool around during class. We would occasionally be sent to the oce of the principal, Dr. Pelosi who had several large tarantulas including a very large bird spider that he would feed when students were sent to his oce. In 2nd grade, one of the students on the bus told me to say to the teacher Mrs. Sumner that "Mrs. Sumner your pussy smells nice today." I did not do so and not knowing what the word "pussy" meant I later asked my parents and found out that it was not nice.
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Emeka Mbanefo, an African American student would repeat a silly perverted rhyme: "your mommy, your daddy, your bald-headed granny, si ng on the toilet with holes in her pan es." Classmates would sing to the tune of A Street in Cairo wri en by Sol Bloom: "there's a place in France, where the naked ladies dance, but the men don't care because they've got no underwear." Adam Pollock came to school one day with twenty dollars that he was supposed to use to pay for something a er school. He kept telling me about the money over and over and showed me where it was repeatedly. Although I have trouble remembering, I believe I took the money when I had opportunity and when asked knew I could not say anything about it. He was in tears and I felt I had done something very wrong learning to never steal at a young age. Head lice went around the school several mes and all students were sent to the nurse to be checked for the problem and sent home if they had it. Students would make reference to the fact that the me "11:34" in the morning was "hell" spelled upside down as is more natural when appearing with the font of a digital clock. They would also reference hell by calling it "h, e, double hockey s ck". On the van to school, inappropriate songs were played such as "Somebody Farted" by Bobby Jimmy and the Cri ers and "Sweat (A La La La La Long)" by Inner Circle containing lyrics "Girl, I want to make you sweat, sweat ' l you can't sweat no more, and if you cry out, I'm gonna push it some more more". Some students recited a nonsense rhyme of "One ne day in the middle of the night, two dead men got up to ght, back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other, if you don't believe this story's true, ask the blind man he saw it too!" Hawken Day Camp: largely uneven ul though I did win a golden arrow for doing very well at archery. University School Middle School (grades 5 through 8): Was sent to see the school psychiatrist, Dr. Whitman on several occasions for misbehaving in class. On one occasion, my parents took me to his oce and I sat in front of a computer doing electronic feedback to learn to control hyperac vity. Eric Schneider and Sco Leiken in 7th or 8th grade sold me a Playboy magazine out of a school locker. Brian Mazeneck lent me his Chinese massage balls and I used them for a while un l another student, Andy Iarussi took them from me and in his one minute of using them managed to chip one of them signicantly and did not care or oer to help replace them. Brian Mazeneck insisted that I buy him new ones which was troublesome as my parents never gave me any money and I had a dicult me obtaining it. Several weeks later I did pay him back. Brian Mazeneck and Adam Uth were partners in my art class and constantly professed their communist ideology to the point that they were labeled "the commies". During 7th or 8th grade, I was suspended for ge ng pinned against a locker by Kyle Gahring for making a crude sexual oriented comment to one of his girlfriends on the bus ride to school whose name was Laura Jackson. Although he assaulted me and I did not ght back, because he told me and agreed to say we were rough-housing over nothing and I then did to the disciplinarian Mr. Fishwick, then when I was removed from the room he told all anyway earning me a one day in school suspension and le ng him o without any trouble. I wrote a very angry le er over the incident during the suspension that did not change anything. While playing in the main circle in front of the school, Jeremy Freed dropped to his elbows and knees behind me and Adam Wallenstein pushed me over him without reason. When this was no ced by the teacher, we were sent in to Ms. DeSilva who gave us a punishment of having to do physical work together on Earth Day instead of par cipa ng in the regular ac vity. Ms. DeSilva was an older Hungarian woman who had an extremely strong foul odor emana ng from her oce, classroom and a couple meters around her at all mes probably due to a disease. Bullying students would o en use threatening expressions such as "I will kick your a**", "I will beat the sh*t out of you", "I will beat the living daylight out of you" or "shut your pie-hole". I was encouraged to make rude jokes during class by classmates towards certain classmates. Since my intelligence was good and would generally do well on exams without eort, I was o en bored and fell vic m to this trap. I was kicked out of La n class many mes by Mr. Kelly for making rude jokes who even once as a joke let me teach the class and then sat in my seat making rude jokes. During classes I picked on Ryan Leventhal who was overweight o en making a La n joke by calling him "fatus" consis ng of the word fat followed by the nomina ve singular masculine ending "us." This eventually turned into somewhat of a song "The fatus way." During wrestling class, Mr. Richards asked me to come forward so he could show an example move. He did a very awkward maneuver involving locking my head in his groin that brought me close to tears due to the shock and pain. A er gym class, Mr. Kanzinger and Mr. Starre would always shout "take a shower" in a loud and strangely accented voice. Mr. Starre would wear headphones, chew gum and stand at the shower entrance staring at all of us as we showered. Some students would take towels and snap them at others in what was called a "rat tail". The gym teachers would refer to close friends as "bu buddies". I made the math team for the school one year that Mr. Dolan was in charge of a er taking a qualifying test. A er having already made the team, Mr. Dolan came up to me and said that it turned out I had actually ed scores with Mitchell Stein and that he would be selected instead of me. His mother had come to the school and had a long talk with the teacher over this and had connec ons to the school. Though it was quite obvious I was a more talented math student and my mother came to the school to argue with Mr. Dolan in disgust over this, he took my place on the team. In 8th grade on a school overnight trip all students stayed in groups of three at a hotel. At night, the three in my room all turned on television and found the HBO show "The Best of Real Sex" and watched it. Two teachers were in the next room over and we put our ear next to the door and heard them watching the same show. In 8th grade, 3 students were expelled as Jason Leavit was caught selling marijuana to Ma Sullivan and Charlie Alpert. In 8th grade, during science class made a rude joke toward Jim Mullen based o the Nirvana song All Apologies saying "what else can I say, Jimmy Mullens gay." In 8th grade, my wallet was stolen a er gym class one day which was largely used up to that point only for carrying my 2 library cards and cash. On the bus, I was friends with a high school student named Patrick who told me about the computer teacher Mr. Smith and said students made fun of him for drooling, calling him "el s cko". Mowglis: 4 years (dorm years of Balloo, Akila, Panther and Den) of rie training with 22s, axe training, archery, canoeing, camping, knife carving, red racing crew and Gopher Squad Den year, outdoor and athle c skills (earning ribbons in crew, axemanship, canoeing and camping), discipline through standing in line, daily trumpet songs of revelry and taps, salute of ag During my earlier years, many dorm mates would gang up on me to beat me with pillows as was encouraged by Michael Schlenker who I would usually solely focus on when defending myself as he was clearly the leader. At Mowglis had school reading book Kurt Voneguts Hocus Pocus stolen my last year by dorm mates who during our nal dinner had one of the younger years waiters who were paid with candy to tell me that "I enjoyed tearing apart Hocus Pocus" which I believe was Michael Schlenker, Peter Zietze and Alfonso Gu errez. Alfonso Gu errez once received a mail le er that made him angry and he ran out of the dorm into the woods not returning for a long me. Other dorm mates said he went to smoke cigare es which were considered contraband and I conrmed this by witnessing him hiding them at a later me. Michael Schlenker and I had a tether ball argument one me where I fell on the ground and he dropped his elbow extremely hard into my back bringing me to tears. Our French dorm mate Nicolas once got into a ght with me which he easily won as he was formally trained in mar al arts. During my earlier years I was more fat and out of shape always being at the front of the line for
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hikes, but my last year I made Gopher Squad for overnight hiking, the winning red Racing Crew and on one occasion took the slowest in the groups sleeping bag, going so far ahead of the group that I was yelled at by the counselors. University School High School (grades 9 through 12): My freshman year, the senior class s ll had the closed senior lounge in the locker area where they would hangout and some mes bring freshman in and humiliate them. The area was right across from the open carpeted hang out area for freshman known as "Monkey Island". I was drawn in once and forced to go get food from the vending machines for them. The seniors were known to take underclassmen and push them into the lake at the school in a prac ce known as "ge ng laked". At the end of the year, the seniors had an overnight at the school called "BeaverFest" where they drank alcohol and inappropriately watched pornography on the huge television in the school auditorium while masturba ng and leaving evidence of ejacula on on targeted students' seats. Seniors would also generally come up with a class prank to do towards the end of the year. Many earned suspensions for the event. The senior lounge which the school administrator rumored that seniors performed hazing rituals and looked at pornographic magazines was removed and turned into a normal locker area. The yearly senior overnight was also no longer to be allowed. A student in this class Malcolm Alders was known to use marijuana regularly. Sophomore year went on a trip to France where Patrick Korb ate many chocolate cherry candies containing liquors. On the last night in Paris, 8 of us including Todd Berzon, Jeremy Freed, Patrick Korb, Ben Krauss, Ma Smith, went to the La n Quarters and had an alcoholic beverage. I had a White Russian. On the metro ride back, 3 small French gangsters who were accompanied by a girl came up to me and asked for a cigare e. They began slapping me on the back of the head and one spit on me. When we got o of the metro, the 4 of them followed us so Ma Smith grabbed one and smashed his head into a pole. At this point they all a acked Ma Smith forcing him on the ground and causing his glasses to fall o and break. Several of us ran away and then looked back to see if anyone was in trouble while Pat Korb just repeatedly shouted "arret, sil vous plait." Jeremy Freed, who was larger and stronger, seeing what was happening charged back and grabbed one of them and threw him into the wall of the sta on making a loud cracking noise at which point the gh ng ended. When we got back home from the trip, students from the glee club trip to Italy were receiving two week out of school suspensions for drinking on the trip. As this trip was lead by the principal of the school, Mr. Brennan, it created much embarrassment for him. Pressure was put on the chaperones for the France trip to nd out who was drinking. Although students in the grade above such as Sco Leiken, Eric Schneider, Brian Perrino and Denny Deorville drank regularly, they all lied and successfully avoided any trouble from the school administra on. They even went out asking for "hashish" which they found and smoked followed by one of them supposedly ge ng very dizzy and vomi ng for many hours of the night. All were known to be regular marijuana users. All 8 of us who had gone out together drinking the last night agreed to lie yet nally Todd Berzon cracked under pressure and admi ed he drank and said others with him did too. At this point everyone who had gone out with us that last night admi ed involvement as it was obvious as to who was with him and when it had happened. All 8 of us received out of school suspensions. Kyle Gahring fought with me at the beginning of one class for no apparent reason except that he was considered the class bully. He eventually earned a suspension for chea ng in Western Civiliza on due to turning in a history paper that was 2000 years before the me period our papers were supposed to be on. The teacher discovered he had copied it from the Internet. In English class, all students were required to read Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus which covered in depth the seven deadly sins and making a deal to sell one's soul to the devil for a life of earthly pleasure. The senior year trip to Greece was largely uneven ul. My senior year, during CAD class, I was annoyed by the local computer protec on so ware called FoolProof so I decided to see if I could get around it as a fun challenge since the CAD work was largely easy. I installed the So Ice debugger and found I could see the password in plaintext in the memory. I took the informa on I learned and went home to write a u lity that could read out 3 passwords from the memory of the FoolProof applica on including the regular password, a master password and a randomly generated recovery password that would all allow full access to the computer. Other students in the CAD lab watched me and took note of the password. The password, "letmeinfp2" was that of Mr. Friebetzhauser and other students found out that it turned out to work on BESS Internet ltering so ware as well. Because so many students started subver ng the Internet ltering, the network administrator Mr. Smith no ced and gured out the password leaked. They inves gated the CAD lab and found on the desktop of my computer the executable I wrote for displaying the FoolProof password. I was ques oned by Mr. Smith as to whether or not I had wri en the tool they found to which they forced me to acknowledge as I was caught o guard. They had a student disciplinary commi ee (SDC) mee ng over the case where I described what happened and correctly noted that according to the acceptable use policy (AUP) we all are required to sign to use the computer systems that I had done nothing wrong. The SDC was upset by my ra onal and intelligent responses as Mr. Freibetzhauser was embarrassed and wanted an apology which I did not understand. Due to this, all (2 students from each grade 9-12) but 2 students voted to expel me. I agreed to give Mr. Smith the source code and documenta on of the security vulnerability in the FoolProof so ware. Due to my technical exper se coopera on, the school administra on overrode the expulsion decision and instead gave me a 4 day in school suspension and revoked my computer privileges for the remainder of my me at the school. The only viola on they found was that I "downloaded so ware from the Internet" which all students regularly do without ge ng suspended thus my point was proven. The CAD partners who abused the password did not get in any trouble and perhaps turned me in. I did not abuse the password or use it to work around the Internet ltering. Christopher Trubiani was a friend that I broke o contact with due to sexual iden ty manipula on. He was trying to be a male model and ac ng in a very friendly yet homosexual manner at all mes and allowed his voice to remain nasal and high-pitched. Beau Dickson lived on the school campus with his father who was the only sta member to live on campus. He became openly homosexual in high school and adapted the whole lifestyle with voice inec on changes, an earring in the le ear and behavior changes. He even did his senior speech on the awkwardness, hardship and unusualness of being openly homosexual at an all-boys private school. Todd Aaron Leve whose father ran a successful ligh ng business known as The House of Lights became my friend in high school and when I was at his home on several occasions he would play pornography and would masturbate to it. On a school trip to Washington DC during our senior year of high school, he and all the other students on the trip were hanging out in one hotel room. When I came to join them, Todd showed up at the door told me to go away and I was not welcome. At this point I decided to never associate with him again as I was already disgusted at him for the sexual iden ty manipula on and suspected they were all using marijuana. Rumor had it that Ma Christ who was on the trip and Dan Bailin had gone on a road trip the summer before and used a lot of marijuana. Many classmates were supposedly regular marijuana users. During one debate team trip, David Dashefsky brought a couple of marijuana cigare es which he invited me to have with him. We went outside into the cold snowy winter weather and found a place around the back of the school to smoke. During the award ceremony, the awarder men oned that they had smelled marijuana use outside while asking for informa on and discon nua on of this. Mitchell Bass who was in the grade below sold me mushrooms in the locker room one day. I never used them so instead my sister eventually took them and gave them to her friends repor ng back that they were very good. Alex Forbes who was in the grade above me sold me a bag of what he claimed was marijuana though it turned out to only be oregano with stems and seeds from marijuana. David Dashefsky in the grade below got caught discussing selling Doug Reed who was two or three grades below me marijuana. Both were expelled. Faris Azem in the grade above used marijuana and invited me to his house once to use it. Cur s Fabens (formerly Cur s Fabens-Jones) at the end of a class in high school right a er I got out of my chair actually had the nerve to cusp his ngers together and poke me in the rectum area while saying "take it up the ass" as other students clearly took no ce. A er this I broke o all contact with him. Aaron Kohn, another classmate, one day came to school with his face bandaged and s tched up and the explana on told by classmates was that he was at a party and got chased by 4 students from another school who were all on ecstasy a er which then he fell on the ground and they repeatedly kicked
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him in the face and body for several minutes un l a couple of female students also from another school took him to the hospital. Adam Wallens en and several of his friends would supposedly drive and smoke marijuana during lunch hour when seniors were allowed the privilege to leave school. The headmaster, Dr. Richard Hawley, was known to have obtained a cita on for Driving Under the Inuence of alcohol (DUI) and this was stated by several classmates and their parents. In the school yearbook, The Mabian, I was listed as the "Most Obnoxious" by my classmates due to the fact that in class I asked the most precise and technical ques ons while expressing humor in an intellectual manner that few students appreciated. University School a er gradua on: During the summer a er gradua on, I worked at MBNA bank as a New Account Specialist which is a fancy way of saying a telemarketer. I made friends with a couple of coworkers one a girl and one a man who went with me to a camping fes val that included an Ecoos k Hookah concert at Nelson Ledges. A er arriving, the girl immediately went around talking to people and trying to nd drugs. She found a dealer who went by the name of "Five" that sold us three MDMA (ecstasy) pills with an omega symbol on them. She had a tes ng kit ordered from that she used to test a small scraping from one of the pills. The test showed the pills were pure. The three of us took the pills and went on our ways. I had an incredible experience of intense emo onal happiness and immersion in the music, drum circles, camping fes val culture. I smoked many menthol cigare es, chewed gum or ate candy and ground my teeth a lot. A er six hours it wore o, leaving me with a very painful headache and a s jaw. A er that night we only smoked marijuana together on several occasions. I saw a classmate from the grade above me at University School named Michael Wean who claimed he had taken LSD. I learned that taking ecstasy with LSD was a prac ce called "candy-ipping" and taking ecstasy with mushrooms was a prac ce called "hippy-ipping." James Mullen had a very strange father, died in his early 20s by hanging which his family allowed a rumor to spread that it was "autoero c asphyxia on". Douglas Graham unexpectedly became homosexual, moved to Sweden and married a man without telling even his best friend Tim Suen. The father of Brian Beck who le University School in middle school to go to Hawken, abruptly le his family to move across the country and live with a male lover he had been cha ng with on the Internet. All emails from alumni associa on regarding social events are ended with the following message: "Privileged and Conden al This message is intended for use only by the individual or en ty to which it is addressed and may contain informa on that is privileged, conden al and exempt from disclosure by applicable law. University School disclaims any responsibility for unauthorized disclosure of this informa on to anyone other than the addressee. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby no ed that any dissemina on, distribu on or copying of this communica on is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communica on in error, please contact the sender immediately and destroy the material in its en rety, whether electronic or hard copy." Todd Leve mysteriously got a high up job in the federal government as reported by the following class note: Foreign Policy Magazine reports, TODD LEVETT is the latest congressional staer to take up a post in the Obama administra on, accep ng an appointment as a special assistant for the State Departments Bureau of Interna onal Narco cs and Law Enforcement Aairs (INL). Prior to this posi on Todd worked in Homeland Security and as an aid to House Democra c Leader Dick Gephardt. Exeter Summer School: My rst year at Exeter Summer School, I met a girl from France named Mathilde Dovergne behind the Laundromat in town where I found her smoking a cigare e which was forbidden by the school. I joined her and we soon became close friends followed by taking her as my girlfriend. My second year at Exeter Summer School, I on one occasion met in the woods with a group of people who were passing around a marijuana cigare e. This was my rst occasion trying marijuana and it had li le eect. My roommate Wayne was Asian and caused problems for me with some of the other dorm mates including the dorm counselor, Mr. Barker. I made friends with a younger Asian classmate named Terrence who I remember aggressively wrestling with in his room on one occasion. I became good friends with an Asian girl named Yuri Monica Yashiro and spent much me towards the end of the session with her. Lehigh University: When I was at Lehigh, my front le hub cap had disappeared from my car without reason, so I eventually waited un l I could aord to replace this expensive and decora ve item for $100. The same day I replaced it, it disappeared mysteriously again. Friends would encourage stealing a hub cap from another car to replace my loss yet I simply paid the price for not ac ng corruptly. Psi Upsilon Fraternity: Pledging ac vi es are fortunately not relevant to this document and anything related to such will not be discussed because it would ruin very posi ve brotherhood secrets.

449 15th Ave: I stayed with Piper in her studio apartment from June 22, 2005 to September 1, 2005. During this me, my custom built computer was hacked through a fake McAfee an virus download in the America Online applica on which was dated July 7, 2005 as iden ed from suspicious password protected archive visual basic script les by ESET's NOD32 an virus. There was a young Asian man who seemed Chinese in the building who seemed a li le too friendly towards Piper and snooped around in the hallways a bit. I got to know Piper's family well and went on many ra ing trips with them. Pipers girlfriend Sabrina Haworth had a boyfriend, Graham Amsden who they introduced me to. He would hang out with me and use marijuana but eventually changed completely. He kept saying that marijuana made him "feel blah" while spi ng all over the place saying it. He performed homosexual recruitment by always wan ng to go out to nice restaurants together while wearing heavy amounts of cologne whenever I visited him. He would go to the gay pride parades and was a strong supporter of gay marriage. I eventually broke o contact with him due to this sexual iden ty manipula on. InfoExpress, Inc.: By using the CareerBuilder website and crea ng my own web page to show o my skills and prior technical work, I was able to land two interviews fairly quickly, one at SanDisk, a large ash memory manufacturer as a Test Engineer, and the other at InfoExpress, Inc. which is a small network security company specializing in network access control. I worked for a small network security company called InfoExpress, Inc. from August 1, 2005 to February 8, 2008. The company designed products to audit computers on a corporate network and disable network access for machines that were not compliant solely through so ware. The techniques used involved those used by hackers to intercept trac so although the generalized code that was wri en could be used for good to protect a network, it could also easily be used for malicious purposes. There were many anomalies on my computers while I worked. I spent many hours trying to x minor glitches in the so ware or on my computers that seemed to be deliberate sabotage. I was always able to repair the dicult problems and learned a lot though it decreased my produc vity towards engineering the core product.

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Forearm problem: During my me at InfoExpress, I had great trouble with my forearms which were in chronic pain. I nally went to a physical medicine physician who determined ini ally that I had "bilateral exor and extensor wad muscle strain" where the exor wad muscles are on the palm side of the forearm and the extensor fad muscles are on the back of the hand side of the forearm. She referred me to a hand therapist, then a chiropractor, then an acupuncturist, followed by another hand therapist all to no avail un l the physician informed me that I had Cubital Tunnel Syndrome (entrapment of the Ulnar nerve at the elbow) based on the result of a very painful EMG test that involves sending current through the nerve and measuring response mes to look for slowness represen ng poten al damage to the nerve. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome can be described as a constant ringing feeling in the pinky as one gets a er hi ng the crevice in the back of the elbow also known as the "funny bone". She repeatedly told me to strongly consider surgery to relocate the Ulnar nerve in both elbows which involves a very awkward bodily modica on and a one year full recovery. I was able to work independently and despite occasional technical disputes over methodology or edge cases for achieving perfec on, interac on between myself and the employees was normal. The pain in my forearms eventually became so unbearable that the commute from San Francisco to Mountain View became too dicult to manage as it was mostly on fast highways. I was constantly switching which arm would hold the steering wheel and trying to use my thighs to guide the wheel so I could use one arm to stretch or massage the other. The power steering in my car seemed to be o for ne tuned steering which I suspect was deliberate sabotage. Ul mately my forearm problem forced me out of my job, primarily because of the stress on my arms from the long highway part of the commute. Certain disabili es can take over one's life and become the number one issue which is precisely what happened here. Since almost all ac vi es including cooking, driving, folding laundry or manipula ng the remote control requires the use of the forearms. It became a maddening contradic on where I could not take care of myself properly yet I had no choice in the ma er. I began ea ng one meal a day as I did not want to use my arms for cooking or even going out to get food. This surely led me to be vulnerable to Chronic Fa gue Syndrome (CFS). The only relief I could nd on my own would be by res ng, taking an extremely hot bath or not using my forearms by doing ac vi es such as watching television. Other unrelated pain would also provide temporary relief for this type of chronic pain that turns into perpetual cycle. My forearms were always stressed and could never relax without an extreme amount of pressure or heat being applied. There was a mental component to the tenseness that developed over me from never being able to relax them. I had previously tried taking Ibuprofen to relieve the pain though it did not help in any no ceable way and the stomach problems associated with it made it not worth the risk of taking it long term. I found a local chiropractor, Thai massage therapist, massage therapist, and rolfer, receiving many treatments with li le progress beyond managing the pain. My therapists reported that my forearm muscles felt fairly normal and should be ne despite the pain I described and the relief I got from treatment especially Thai massage which involved using extreme pressure. It eventually seemed the forearm pain I have experienced since as young as 12 years old was caused by a covert a ack using high-tech directed energy weapons and ritual abuse while sleeping to make it appear as self-inicted pain which is a well-known CIA tac c used to torture prisoners (such as forcing them to hold their arms in the air). The nerve pain receded as I began to rarely feel a ringing feeling in my pinkies but the muscle pain did not. Even discon nuing computer use did not help as weeks of rest would be immediately ruined by a couple of days of intense computer use. I did not return to the physical medicine physician due to the cost of treatment without health insurance and the long drive it would require. My car is par cularly bad on my arms as the power steering is perhaps either tampered with or not very good to begin with for my model. Driving more than 15 minutes was dicult given my condi on. Even watching television was dicult as I could not nd a comfortable posi on in which to rest my forearms as the armrests o en proved uncomfortable. As I became extremely absorbed in the computer, covertly causing forearm pain became a mechanism to a empt reduc on of computer use and induc on of self-inicted pain. I fought against my forearms though and con nued using the computer as I liked. As early as 16 years of age, I would beat my own forearms for relief even to the point of using a small hammer to impact the muscles with the depth that I found temporarily relaxing. Of course, my ac ons provided temporary moments of relief but then ul mately only increased the severity of the problem. If I could go back and do things dierently, I am unsure what I would change as I believe covert sabotage through technological weaponry and sleep abuse are largely to blame as this provides an excellent means to control or enslave a person. I am fortunate to have not had the problem start un l I began heavy usage of the computer so I can be sure of what triggered the problem. This type of covert abuse to ones forearms which are fundamentally important to having a regular life can make someone go crazy especially when one does not have a full understanding of the chronic pain that one must constantly suppress and takes a toll on the body. On one occasion, I woke up with less pain in my arms but also a very faint cut mark on my right arm and many red injec on mark spots on the le one. The doctors I visited could be narrow-minded as they must stay within the limited bounds of accepted medical science, or over-focused on their special es such as surgery, or could be more focused on screening for condi ons than trea ng them. The medical industry is very much driven by money and not sympathy or good-will towards the pa ents. Once I really analyze a doctor, I can come to understand and respect their thoughts even if I do not agree. Everyone can work in dierent ways given various situa ons and constraints such as a doctor who is considered awful at one clinic and then becomes the best a er moving to another one. BIID: I began to feel like I had Body Iden ca on Integra on Disorder (BIID) where my forearms did not feel as a part of my body anymore and I could relate to preferring not having them. This realiza on caused me to cry for the rst me in a long me and with intensity a er I put both of my forearms behind my back and imagined not having them. I tried func oning without my arms for a couple days and even typed on the computer keyboard with my toes. I stopped looking at them en rely and when I had to use them I would look away from the ac on being performed such as using them to turn o the light switch. I thought about phantom pain from missing a limb but did not see how it could be worse. As I had two bad arms, I thought about removing one arm and then if it went well the other. Although amputa on is an extreme way to x the problem, I felt I had tried every other op on and considered it a real possibility for once. People with BIID who are amputees o en call others fakers and the medical community wouldnt acknowledge or accept it un l recently. Most people with BIID see no good reason for their urges and needs which makes it very dicult for them to understand their own true iden ty. I would expand the deni on for BIID to include people in chronic pain which provides a logical reason for wan ng to eliminate a limb. The television show Nip Tuck has an episode where they highlight the disorder and how real it is. Personally, I would not want anyone to know if I ever had an amputa on if it could be hidden using a modern technological advances in medicine such as the prosthesis. At Camp Mowglis, a man came to speak who was born without arms and showed that he had many abili es such as being able to zip up his jacket or drive a car. He had a special car for those who had no arms yet this special type of vehicle is largely kept a secret as people with arms are prevented from having the addi onal freedom this would provide. Computer-based driving is also already supposedly available according to Bill Gates though considered not socially prac cal yet. 1717 17th Ave: Piper and I lived together un l we broke up on 11/8/2008, 9 months a er I stopped working at InfoExpress while I kept the apartment and she moved out. Only mild and unno ceable gang-stalking had occurred at this point such as the construc on project and loud motorcycle at 2AM across the street. The home uses addresses 1715 17th Ave and 1717 17 th Ave, where 1717 17th Ave is the upper unit of a duplex and 1715 17 th Ave is smaller half-size lower unit. It is the 3rd home from the corner home on 17th Ave as the corner home is addressed 1701 17 th Ave and 1703 17th Ave followed by the next home which is addressed 1707 17th Ave and 1709 17th Ave, followed by my home addressed 1715 17 th Ave and 1717 17th Ave. The next house a er my home was 1719 17th Ave followed by a home addressed 1723 17 th Ave. Immediately across the street is the home addressed 1706 17 th Ave. The garage downstairs goes with the 1717 17th Ave home though the lower unit occupant also has a key so that he can get mail that drops through the mailbox as well as having access to the circuit breakers and water heater for his unit.
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Gang-stalking campaign: Most of the residents on the block are quiet reserved people and families so most residents seem to not know each other though if any are legi mate they are probably annoyed as the disorganiza on of the residents can easily be exploited by gang stalking groups. There are many special apparatus type houses in the area many of which dierent people would come and go periodically from brothels and drug houses to safe houses. I was generally silent and made very li le noise, even buying a special stand for my subwoofer so it would not sit on the oor. As a response to all of the criminal ac vity that appeared, in my unit, I installed thick curtains, 3 security cameras, an alert monitoring system for the garage with a ood detector, mo on detector, door sensor and garage door open detector, an alarm security system with 4 mo on detectors, 4 window sensors, a smoke alarm detector, a ood detector, a control box and dialer unit to call me. The uniqueness of the address is probably not a coincidence but some sort of Masonic symbol. On 4th of July in San Francisco, California, all night long, groups of people some of whom are in vans will drive or walk around the city se ng o loud reworks in residen al areas making it dicult for residents to sleep. The neighboring house on Moraga Street decided to add on a 3 rd oor in 2008. The project blocked the ocean view from my home and was o en loud. Eventually it turned corrupt and fake electrical wiring went on all day. It seems corrupt as it has taken well over the es mated me and have le up tarps and scaolding in a fairly deliberate fashion with intent to block the view from the apartment. They were constantly ac ng in a way where they seem to be spying as they put ladders up in areas to look into my dining room whenever anything colorful is in there since I keep it fairly mundane and empty. Whenever I have a phone call or am talking to someone, all noise ceases. I had a feeling they were spying on me all along I just had no idea what the mo va on might be or that they might be paid for any detail including a name, phone number, furniture loca on, habits, pa erns or garage usage. Gang ac vity began to pick up or surge around the me Obama came into oce on January 20, 2009 though the gun gra on the mailbox in front of 1707 17th Ave and 1709 17th Ave indicates that it probably has been around less obviously much longer perhaps providing safety to their local opera ons by keeping it out of the immediate vicinity. The crime map for the area has no crime in this immediate vicinity during the me I was heavily gang-stalked there but the area within a several block radius does have some burglaries, larcenies, the s and vandalisms. Ac vity would begin as early as 8PM and end as late as 5AM with the heaviest concentra on between midnight and 3AM, and usually a lot of people leaving at 4AM. Cars would show up parking, double parking, driving strangely and some bicycle, skateboard or scooter sounding noises are usually present at some points in the night as well. I would hear a lot of "thanks, bro", "call me later, alright, playa" though these could also have been fake deals meant as a bai ng tac c to lure me out of my home. They hang out in the garage nook or in front of the bushes so they are not visible from any window of my home. The gate for the alley to the garbage, compost and recycling bins has been badly ro ed and damaged so the neighbor at 1707 17th Ave and 1709 17th Ave used the construc on project going on as a way to get out of xing it probably knowing that it makes hanging out in front seem much more friendly and inevitably. This was a factor in encouraging the ac vity that ended up here. It the fence was xed and deliberately made squeaky so it is loud upon opening then no one would go near it. In fact one night I heard an Asian gangster type cha ng on his cell phone while smoking a cigare e right in the area where the fence is making it hard to see from the side or front windows when I heard him talking about "the fucking retard who is looking right at me" so I ran down to recycle some debris with a camera in hand and he ran o looking shocked to say the least. I had a very squeaky front door that I xed with WD-40 to eliminate giving o no ce that my door is being opened since it was so loud it could probably be heard 2 houses away. I was ge ng very large spiders in a bizarre pa ern as there would be 2 or 3 at a me usually around trash night since my door sweep had a 2 inch piece that had been cut o which seemed to be the source as a er I put some foam tape in the gap, there have been virtually no spiders since. On a couple of occasions I would go down on Sunday and nd that the weekly mes newspaper was missing but the wrapper for it was crumpled up and tucked somewhat under one of the garbage bins which was probably a subtle way the intelligence community sends a death threat message. I heard a lot of partying going on in the street on a Saturday night and even saw a group of young adults si ng in the street in front of a car right next to my driveway making quite a scene. A er they le , I had to clean up a glass beer bo le le in my driveway. This highlights some the criminal mischief type of ac vity that was occurring in the neighborhood. The criminals could use a strange cking noise device which was highly annoying to cover up their conversa ons when they would hear my neighbor turn o his radio or when I turned o the television or music. All I could make out then would sound like mumblings at best. This noise somehow reminds me of a hallmark symbol of gang ac vity though I cannot nd informa on to formally verify this which seems strange to me. Neighboring homes: 1715 17th Ave: While I lived at this loca on, John Smith resided in the downstairs unit 1715 17 th Ave yet he displayed strange behavior. He only leaves house once per day usually for an on foot trip las ng from about noon to 6PM. He has a very strong and foul smell surrounding him or coming from his unit at all mes that lasts for several minutes in the stairwell whenever he opens the door. He also seemed annoyed by the gang stalking noise at mes and have heard loud reac onary bangs from him. He would slam his toilet seat very excessively frequently at mes synchronized with my behavior upstairs. 1719 17th Ave: The 4th home from corner, being the only recessed house on the block with a long driveway typically containing a red Volvo sedan. Tenant does not maintain the cleanliness however with debris and cigare e bu s making it stand out from the other homes. It has a mysterious and atypical cut out in the front of the house about 2 inches by 3 inches in what would be a good spot for visual surveillance of anyone approaching though all that can be seen through it is blackness. All windows on this home have thick white blinds or have been spray painted white. Only signs of ac vity are a limo driver who cleans a silver town car with license plate 1ZZM157, an SUV and another vehicle from me to me and supposedly runs a limo service out of his home but seems to either be working for, aware of or turning a blind eye to criminal ac vi es. On one occasion he held a rag in the wind while cleaning his car containing a toxic smelling black polishing solu on that penetrated my home and made it very dicult to breath. I looked out the window and saw him staring back with a smirk. He has an older larger asian woman who is presumably his wife that can some mes be seen in the vehicle with him. 1723 17th Ave: The 5th home from corner, seems tenants connected with ones at 1719 17 th Ave. 1701 17th Ave, 1703 17th Ave: The corner house that the landlord always casts generic suspicion about because corners are undesirable and qualify for low income Sec on 8 housing prices. Gangs are known to take over blocks with corner homes rst as they can use them for police lookouts when doing drug deals as they can see in all 4 dierent direc ons from the intersec on. 1707 17th Ave, 1709 17th Ave: The 2nd home from the corner that has postal boxes on sidewalk in front of it, where at least an Asian female resides, car in driveway with Asian male who deliberately watches my home while leaning in to blast music from the passenger door for a minute or two before turning it right back down then repea ng this several mes. They seem to have moved in a year and a half ago a er the house next door was nished being renovated and have made a lot of troubles and dicul es. He some mes rides on a motorcycle that he parks in front of my house not his while revving the engine loudly before turning it o or leaving on it. 1706 17th Ave: The house across the street with a black Chrysler pickup in the driveway usually and a motorcycle parked in front at night which typically is coming and going un l as late as 2:30AM, seems to be aware of or associated with the late night ac vity. He is always revving the engine very loudly at early hours of the morning when coming or going. He is a mechanic and o en has friends who need motorcycle repair stop by or friends who leave older vehicles in the street in front of his home while he repairs them for several weeks. I would grunt loudly at gangster type ac vity or stomp loudly on the oor near the windows. At one point, a er seeing all of the ac vity on the street implica on the house next door as a clandes ne chemical or methamphetamine laboratory next door I yelled "get out of town, criminals" several mes at the 1719 17th Ave wall a er a par cularly noisy night which seemed to prompt elimina on of all street ac vity for a notable Saturday night but then several gangster like characters showed up presumably to meet at 1719 17th Ave in dark blue sports cars. All of the sports cars le at the same me, followed by the
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white pickup truck 15 minutes later. A er this much covert gang-stalking trouble came about. Cars with gangster types would generally approach quick, and noisy then some mes even get out walk into the middle of the road and spit very loudly while looking around for signs of ac vity. They would leave in a furious hurry turning their cars around with lightning fast maneuvers and recklessly gassing their way out of their barely stopping for the stop sign which poses a real challenge to recording their license plates while remaining undetected. I did my best to start making a list of the intelligence community criminals license plates and descrip ons of cars, occupants or behaviors no ced. There were several Pizza delivery guys who seemed quite sketchy and did not leave me with a cash receipt and presumably the gang stalkers were paying for as much informa on about me as possible. A young Chinese boy on a bicycle who appeared to be on drugs would ride back and forth over a 10 meter length on the sidewalk across the street from my home during the day around noon o en very slowly and probably being bribed by the intelligence community to annoy me or spy on me. When I ate an unhealthy diet of one meal a day ordered out such as pizza or hamburgers, I would have Chinese food menus constantly being dropped o. There were Asian girls dressed as pros tutes doing gratuitous yard work and taking out the trash next door. I emailed the DEA regarding the suspected clandes ne chemical or methamphetamine laboratory next door. A white police like van started showing up daily and was le on the block overnight. A er my household alert was constantly malfunc oning for a long period of me, it began working again a er about 10 minutes of unplugging and plugging it back in by going to the window and saying "Wow, an EMF device, those must cost a lot". The intelligence actors knew about all of my household alert devices. They seemed to also be wiretapping, and using other high tech electronic devices to make me feel sick or monitor all my computer, cell phone and land phone line ac vity. They used EMF jammers and other high tech equipment from outside my home to block my wireless devices including the alert system, alarm system, wireless cameras and the router. Un l I yell out the window to stop and threaten to call the police though there is not much I can do to stop them or prove some of the advanced tac cs they are using. Eventually the computer harassment picked up to the point that I was using my skills to try to eliminate all threats but it turned into a hacking war game exercise. I iden ed the intruders in the Wireless network and in TCPView and Ethereal. I had exceeding diculty uploading any of the evidence as they took all sorts of counter measures even poisoning the packets being sent to my iBackup drive service which is captured in the WireShark logs. They used the dlsmonitor port when I had WireShark open to subtly send a message to stop monitoring the trac. They are using DNS poisoning, and seemed to make my computer do bizarre behavior like slow shutdowns that cannot be tracked down, random browser, email client or music player crashes, and countless other anomalous behaviors. It seems they were not happy when I discovered it, uninstalled AOL and started to upload it to the web as on that occasion I heard someone in my stairwell followed by feeling some sort of strange sta c electricity and my computer quickly blue screen rebooted. Doing a NOD32 scan revealed installers containing compressed password-protected archives full of Visual Basic scripts in the AOL download directory which led me to uninstall AOL Desktop to nally eliminate some of the problem. I emailed the following to the FBI with a list of URLs to download les and logs: "I am a professional so ware engineer and am trying to keep this reasonably brief for now so you can start inves ga ng. For a very long me, I have been living in (and now desperately trying to get out of) a Chinese gang infested neighborhood who have been stalking me (not just electronically) but I did manage to catch them hacking into my computer network and systems to monitor my ac vity and also sabotage equipment - I think I may have found an incredibly valuable rootkit and have uploaded it (with the date modied assumed to be the date of infec on)." One night a er I got o of the phone with my father, I heard many gunshots down the block from me followed by a single gunshot right in front of my home and then a car driving o at a high speed. I eventually decided to go to a hotel and avoid the trouble. I went to a hotel in South San Francisco followed by returning the next morning deciding not to be in midated by the criminals. It was s ll very bad as when I went in the street taking pictures of all of the vehicles, I heard gunshots immediately go o at the end of the block. I went to Sausalito to another hotel. There, I saw outside my hotel room an ar st pain ng who watched my hotel room and a homeless man who seemed to be wearing a disguise on a bench and every me I came to the window would start repeatedly tapping his head, nose and ear in an obvious signaling scheme. Palm leaves in the grass were arranged in a glasses-like fashion such that two circles and a line connec ng them were made and faced my window to let me know I was being monitored. Dead and living spiders were le on my vehicle. It was obvious there were intelligence actors always watching or monitoring me. Paruresis and Chronic Fa gue Syndrome (CFS): I had a lot of bladder problems, needing to urinate very frequently. I would experience pain in my urethra and bladder pressure all day long. I had always been somewhat shy when urina ng but with these addi onal problems, I started having a bad case of Paruresis. It made vehicular travel dicult as I might have to pull over to urinate when there was no stop easily available. At about the me President Obama was sworn into oce on January 20, 2009, I hit the back of my head on the oor and experienced brain damage of some form. I was red to exhaus on both physically and mentally while having only about two to three produc ve hours each day. At this same me, strange occurrences started happening on a daily basis. I did my best to research my condi on vigorously. I later went to a doctor and discovered that I had CFS. I spent more me trying to understand my fa gue and concluded that I had caused a problem with my HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis which regulates the bodys circadian rhythm, hormones and adrenaline. I sent a very detailed email to the doctor expressing my thoughts on the problem to which I got no response. In July/August of 2009, I woke up one morning feeling normal again and a strange post-anesthe c feeling in my body. I had a small hole in the back of my head near the brain stem with a small amount of blood coming from it. It seems I was correct in my conclusion and the government chose to covertly address the problem as it would have been absurdly expensive to properly diagnose and treat such a problem. Most CFS cases are labeled as such because the inves ga on required to properly diagnose the underlying condi on would cost an extremely large amount of money which insurance companies are unwilling to provide. Clandes ne serial rapist: In May/June of 2009, though I did not realize it at the me, I was raped during my sleep. One night I turned on the Comedy Central television show, The Daily Show, and at the exact moment a homosexual subliminal message came on in the form of a joke by the host Jon Stewart, I started to experience severe rectal pain. My assump on was that a directed energy weapon was being used either on my rectum to create the pain or on my subconscious mind to simulate the feeling of pain. I now believe that rectal pain suppressors are used to suppress the nerves that express pain in this area. They can use a directed energy weapon to simply disable the pain suppressor which allows for experiencing the natural state of pain the body is experiencing. I have ever since completely despised whatever they have done to my rectum. Moving out: When I was moving out, I helped the landlord give tours of the house. All the prospec ve tenants were couples similar to the prole of my girlfriend and I as the home is large for the city with a garage in a nice residen al area that seems to be used for clandes ne opera ons. 9 Faxon Ave: The gang-stalking problem while having chronic fa gue forced me to move to another loca on. On July 11, 2009, I moved to 9 Faxon Ave. The property was managed by a company American Marke ng Systems Incorporated (AMSI). The contract document was received tled as "FullyExCon." The rapes eventually started up again which caused me great distress especially with the medical marijuana use and chronic fa gue. I reported this to the police who claimed they would have a sexual assault ocer monitor the area though they were largely mocking me. My sister came to visit San Francisco and came to my home in late July. I told her about the serial rape and that I needed to nd a way to stop the problem. She insisted that I meet with a family therapist named Larry Fritzlan. She le and called the police lying to them that I was going to kill someone. 4 police ocers in 2 squad cars showed up and I told the
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police what had happened and that I had no intent to harm anyone including myself. I could hear the police discussing a erwards "What should we do? Hes obviously very intelligent." They came back into the house and said they would take me to the hospital and then they handcued me and further embarrassed me by bringing me out to their squad car in front of the neighborhood. They took me to St Lukes Hospital and forced me to change into a hospital gown. A muscular or heavy security guard was always sta oned within a few feet of where I was located. I nally learned they had done a California 5150 temporary hold for psychological evalua on despite that the hospital they brought me to did not have a psych ward or the ability to collect proof via a rape kit. A er wai ng many hours, a doctor came and asked me if I was "homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual" to which I responded that I was heterosexual. He then proceeded to s ck a nger in my rectum for a moment without even paying a en on to what he was doing. Then I was told to go back and wait. My sister came to the hospital to visit me dressed in an appallingly revealing manner with a lot of makeup that went far beyond the standards for female fashion in America. She again insisted that I must meet with the family therapist that my father and she had chosen. A psychiatrist came and talked to me for a few minutes and said I must take an an -psycho c drug. The bill later for this was $500. I had to spend the night at the hospital. The next morning my sister returned with the family therapist, Larry Fritzlan. They tried to act overly friendly though I could tell it was corrupt behavior. He claimed he could not help me and that I would need a psychological evalua on. A er wai ng for several hours, they brought me in an ambulance to the psychological ward at San Francisco General Hospital. I had to change clothes again into a pair of hospital gown pants that would not stay on and all of my possessions were taken from me. The other pa ents at the ward had all been there a long me and though they seemed crazy it was an organized craziness that seemed to have been inicted on their minds by mental health professionals. They acted like "animals" which I believe is the slang term the USA intelligence community uses for people who have had their minds ruined in psych wards. There was an African American woman with a large belly who would sit near me or stare at my constantly and rub herself. There was a man who the people at the psych ward referred to as George, Gary and other Gnames who would act very rude by doing things such as spilling food on the oor, giving me strange looks, or calling the African American woman a whore before they would force him into his room. Whenever the sta would call him by a dierent name, his personality changed completely in what looked like a very carefully induced mul ple personality disorder. It did not take me very long to realize that the psych ward was a threat to suppress free speech about rape. The head psychiatrist, Dr. Reuse, sat in a room with a large glass window reading the newspaper, smiling and laughing with the other sta. I was promised a mee ng at 2PM, then 3PM and nally at around 6PM the mee ng nally happened. The head psychiatrist and sta member came in to talk to me and take notes. They started throwing around terms like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, etc. It was obvious based on the small number of ques ons that they asked mainly related to medical marijuana that they had a predened agenda. The psychiatrist insisted that I spend the night there and gave some medica on that he claimed would help me sleep. When I awoke it was at least 16 hours later and I felt as if I had been hypno zed or abused in some form during my unconscious hours. I had a strong feeling that I was supposed to join the US Army that I believe came from hypnosis or some sort of subconscious programming session. Finally, another psychiatrist came by the name of Dr. Timothy Van Deusen who claimed he would sign forms to release me if I would regularly visit him and the psychotherapist Larry Fritzlan later that day. Not having much of a choice if I did not want to have to remain in such vile condi ons with no privacy for up to the maximum of 72 hours at which point I could have the absurd case brought in front of a judge many of whom are known to be corrupt, I signed the release forms. Unsurprisingly, I never visited Dr. Timothy Van Deusen or picked up any of the prescribed medica ons he recommended but I kept my calm. I made a clear decision to carefully and methodically inltrate the corrupt elements of the USA government immediately upon release. Larry Fritzlan, the psychotherapist, family therapist and drug counselor regularly performed homosexual blackmail, recruitment, coercion and subconscious sugges on against me by constantly ba ering me with things such as unbu oning his shirt slowly in front of me, talking about emo ons and tears, s cking out his tongue for long periods inappropriately, touching or rubbing his genitals inappropriately, constantly making reference to homosexual culture when talking about other subjects, among other occul st tac cs. I eventually promptly terminated our sessions. My next door neighbors at 15 Faxon Ave, San Francisco, CA 94112 randomly turn out to be a CIA Mexican family posing as thieves. They have a red Ford Explorer driven by the younger genera on. Their house it ou i ed with covert surveillance x-raying gear and directed energy weapons pointed right at the second oor of my home as the rst oor only contains my garage and the owners unit. The older man who seems to run the ou it, Fabio or Octavio pretends to speak very li le English but overhearing him speaking later on revealed excellent English speaking skills. He claims to have a son who I have seen though there are many several younger Mexican men present at dierent mes. He implies that he has a family by having a woman with a baby, a kid and a teenage daughter. However he is the only one who is always there leaving for only very brief periods of me and the rest come and go on specically chosen occasions. He drives a truck. He also drives a Chevrolet Venture. Anyone no ce any repeated numbers and perhaps some special Masonic symbolism? One of them works at the suspected CIA front store Thri Town at 415 861-1132 as per my land line call log verifying a me of 11/19/2009 at 1:50PM. They ran hundreds of skits such as leaving a large For Rent sign in the back of the pickup truck parked right in front of my place for several days. They would drop cigare e bu s carefully in my driveway, put gum wrappers at the front door, drop a toothbrush in the street when I forgot to brush my teeth, squash McDonalds ketchup packets in my driveway if I ate too much fast food, have barbecues and dump the grease in the street if I had not hosed down my driveway recently (as it turns out they are of course uphill from me), allow broken glass to sit in the street in their driveway for weeks on end while li le pieces would constantly nd their way over to my driveway un l I cleaned up the mess for them, street cleaning never happens on our block partly due to a large amount of PG&E construc on going on very slowly in the area. They started having garage sales on Saturday and Sunday in the street right outside my place and blas ng loud music pointed directly at the neighboring houses wall. Nobody came to the garage sales though other residents in the immediate area would stop by to chat with them on occasions. When I nally went, I did not go alone but went with a girl I met who is from another city altogether, and there were many books, most on the subject of ar cial intelligence, a subject I just so happened to be highly interested and researching for a long me. The minute we arrived, trucks with young Mexican men started coming in and out all the me with full loads of items. They had plenty of reasonable stu including some older televisions, old kitchen gear, etc. We oered to buy some books as they had many books on the topic of ar cial intelligence which was of great interest to me. A er we purchased them, they rolled up the garage door and showed us a television that was so big it nearly lled up the width of the garage, being at least 60". They oered us this television for $50.00 and we politely declined. Their thieve training allows them to break into my home at will, through the front door, back door or through a specially designed heater system that actually has a rst oor. They then engage in pe y sabotage when I am not there from taking bites out of a large stack of freshly bought tor llas, to cu ng holes in my sponges or Dobie pads, to cu ng holes in other kitchen goods, etc. They use the directed energy weapons coupled with the surveillance gear enabling them to precisely target these weapons with a computer towards specic targets in the house such as the ceilings, walls, oors or TV to make cking noises or even TV humming. They can use them on me as well by targe ng them at dierent parts of my body such as my forearms or calves to cause what would seem like self-inicted pain, my brain to make me red, irritable, have diculty concentra ng, kidneys to make me have to urinate, or have strange pain sensa ons while trying to urinate, cause my heart to experience palpita ons, etc. I found a rusted butcher knife on the roof of the home as can be seen in the photographic evidence appendix. I was forced to nd the knife a er someone climbing up from a neighboring home conducted a carefully executed noise harassment campaign on my roof. It was found with a half full water bo le and a rusted razor blade while the neighboring roo ops were all free of debris. I was a acked by a brown recluse spider one day as can be seen in the photographic evidence appendix. The home on one side appeared to be run by intelligence agents posing as thieves and on the other side opera ves seemed to be running a safe house with high tech gear. When intelligent looking service industry people are pretending to be dumb and take forever, remember that they are trained government spies. Yell "meh, shpies" out the window, all of the sudden PG&E workers, random sketchy people, repairmen, etc all of the sudden look around at each other, make subtle signals, and get away as fast as possible. Roadwork can even get postponed for a week if one does a good job. US Army: Sergeant Jere Guntalalib was my US Army recruiter through Ocean recrui ng sta on in San Francisco. He is a Filipino who has a wife from Hawaii
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and 3 children who live in Washington State that he visits occasionally. He has been in the US Army for 18 years and says he is wai ng to achieve the 20 year mark where one can earn the re rement package. Given these facts the following is surprising. He claimed that most of the recruitment process would be "psychological" and it largely was a corrupt smorgasbord of homosexual nonsense. On the car ride back from the MEPS tes ng sta on, he turned the air condi oning on its coldest se ng, the fan on maximum and made sniing noises with his nose the en re ride. At the recrui ng sta on or during exercise training he would wear excessively short shorts and constantly rub his bu ocks or inner thighs. He had a young boy come into the sta on with short shorts to do push-ups in an improper and feminine manner before telling him to leave. When the US Army denied my security clearance he very briey showed me the "Morse" folder on his computer that had a le that stuck out from the rest as it was labeled in capital le ers very clearly as "SEX OFF MORSE.doc". Although ocially the security clearance was denied for a very insignicant local ordinance viola on arrest incident, in reality the recruiter used subtle messages to make clear that it was actually denied over homosexuality and degenerate behavior. Is it even surprising that military intelligence recruitment requiring a top secret security clearance is essen ally a homosexual recruitment? One would think a man with a wife, 3 children and 2 years un l re rement would know be er than to run non-stop homosexual psychological opera ons thereby exposing himself. I would kick him out of the Army and press charges if jus ce were an op on. This ul mately amounts to a homosexual blackmail and recruitment campaign. I got a storage locker to store all my personal property in prepara on for boot camp. On January 23, 2010, 2 days before shipping to boot camp, I was informed that my security clearance was denied. Having done an immense amount of work to prepare my life for boot camp, I was very disgusted. Sonoma State University: One day, I no ced a strange grain of rice sized object that was painful when pressed in the center of my le eyebrow. A er constantly trying to pick at it or hit it to disable it, it disappeared. I now have the same grain of rice sized object in the upper edge of my right ear lobe which I suspect to be a tracking or iden ca on device. Simone would watch a show on television called Cash Cab with Ben Bailey that asked trivia ques ons to passengers of a free taxi ride service with an opportunity to win prize money in New York City. It became apparent that all the trivia were Presiden al general knowledge types of trivia ques ons probably compiled from Presiden al brieng memos. Towards the end of my stay, special episodes were played that had a very sober and sad Ben Bailey ac ng comple ng normal and not in his professional character with clear gang-stalking style related trivia ques ons. Simone played Second Life o en but lost interest very quickly when I would not play at the same me as her. I went to sleep in my makeshi bed on the oor a er becoming suddenly extremely red much earlier than normal on April 30, 2010 at about 22:15 while Simone Latham was playing Second Life on her laptop. I awoke May 1, 2010 at 2:15 while Simone was s ll playing Second Life with an extreme amount of sweat, a funny feeling, and excess lining shedding in my rectum and severe atulence. She quickly went to sleep and had very li le to say about her long gaming experience. I found a fresh needle mark in my upper right arm such that when I squeezed the surrounding area, blood would trickle out. Being in a red and irritable state of mind, I did research on the Internet and tried to make sense of what was going on. In the morning at 10:00 I went back to sleep again just as Simone awoke and began playing Second Life again. I awoke again at 14:30 while Simone con nued to play Second Life. The sweat in the rectum, atulence and aforemen oned symptoms had become much worse to the point that it was unbearable. The upper arm needle mark loca on previously in my arm had widened and a minor amount of blood could be seen. My scrotum was in pain and felt like it had been stretched out. I gured out what happened and through inner ear transmissions they claimed to have set a sleep assault gang-rape record with "300 over 3 hours", presumably 150 during the rst sleep for an hour and a half and then a repeat again in the morning to "make an example" out of me for not calling the US Army recruiter back. Outside on the bench was a mud stain in the shape of a penis poin ng directly toward her dorm room. This same night there was a rather satanic "Midnight Howl" Guinness Book of World Records event to set a record for the most people howling at the moon at midnight which was clearly representa ve of the disgus ng acts they performed on me. Typical of all intelligence phenomenon, it requires reading between the lines that the military would try to set an unocial gang-rape record. One may be covertly sexually assaulted when the 24/7 government surveillance team watching decides to look the other way. Deac va ng my facebook did ul mately fool the order into thinking it could get away with what was deliberately implied by them to be an extremely horrendous act. They can make it very dicult to get a good night's sleep when one is endlessly uncertain what type of abuse one will be facing. A er describing what had happened and its loca on on the Internet, Simone Latham got extremely upset and called the police as she could tell I had gured out what happened and that she was implicated. Ocer Weimer with Sonoma State University police called and le a message regarding report from Simone Latham obscene text messages on the Internet and personal informa on on facebook leaving the number (707) 664-4444. This blatant threat seemed to imply the ocer was corrupt. I began receiving endless shorter inner ear transmissions from the US Army military intelligence unit, presumably the one based in San Francisco. See the appendix for a complete lis ng of phrases the criminals transmit through satellites that amount to a game of dirty/military/homosexual psychology sounding remarkably similar to Nazi Germany. Sonoma State University has tons of perverted satanic security clearance people prac ce covertly drugging or raping targets so beware of the 60% women lure serf-lording trick. The en re SSU is corrupt and much linked in with the current administra on and intelligence community including the sta, faculty and students. People who are not in the cult are all targeted by cult members even faculty who will certainly nd students doing strange things in their classes. I began studying other countries as my unhappiness and desire to leave the United States became stronger and stronger. I began reading the Holy Quran on the Internet and found the message to be true and highly relevant. The more I read the more I realized that no human could have wri en such a perfect, brilliant and insigh ul message about how to live as a human being in the way of Allah, the one God. I converted to Islam in mid-April though I only said the Shahada to myself though in front of Simone Latham who was not even at all interested or willing to pay a en on. A er sending my ini al document to two foreign embassies in late February of 2010, I received the following facebook message from Marc-Clovies Bertucchi on February 27, 2010: "hey greg , how you been man where u live these days? i'm returning to usa tomorrow , i been in NZ for holidays." All evidence listed against University School, Camp Mowglis or Lehigh University on the Internet are promptly responded to with e-mail or facebook announcements regarding accomplishments or events from the respec ve alumni associa ons. A er pu ng my document in public on the Internet and doing a campaign to get views, I got a facebook message from Don Jacobson id 1320886568 from Miami, Florida with the tle "peace be with you brother" and no message. Friends send many invita ons for par es where alcohol is served, performing arts, San Francisco and fashion events. Hotels: Many pimps and pros tutes would linger outside my hotel rooms especially at cheaper hotels. They would make calls on their mobile phones, dress like pros tutes, talk about perfume, boots or drugs. I interpreted it as a s ng opera on since the FBI is known to conduct them though this was invasive and intrusive beyond belief. One night, at the Good Nite Inn in Rohnert Park, the usual pimp/pros tute skits are going on outside the hotel room. Then a couple with an audible stalker present in the neighboring room has extremely loud sex with strange voices and comments for hours though only minutes at a me with her making weird giggly pleasure noises that sounded completely as if she was drugged out and unconscious. She would ask a ques on before star ng to moan certain phrases over and over very loudly that would change each session like "I love you so much", "keep f***ing my wet p****" and once "put me down" and "get it out of me". The man even took her outside to the stairwell area to make more noise. There was a slamming noise which was presumably the bed hi ng so hard against the wall that it could be heard throughout the hotel in a manner that sounded abusive. The two men in the room were talking virtually the
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en re me in normal voices and sounded like they knew what they were doing. The things she said as well as her enjoyment all seemed to stem from directed energy weapons that can modify the subconscious state of mind which includes pain, pleasure, dreams, sensa ons and even our speech. This totalitarian psychological degrada on is sickening as the system of control is forcing me to hear what sounded like an unconscious person ge ng a session of satanic ritual abuse while enjoying it. These groups do their absolute best not to give the target a choice and combine that with their anger that I gured out and rejected all of these sinister, immoral and degenerate secrets then one can nd oneself in a deadly situa on. Although it could have been just ac ng, I wanted to vomit it was so lthy and disgus ng. In fact from doing research, it wouldn't surprise me if the CIA created many pros tutes using mind control, psychotronics and satanic ritual abuse that allowed them to program them as assets to be used for all sorts of purposes despite that the techniques to create them are very sick human rights viola ons. Foreign spying is their only jus able use but even then only on consen ng targets. Also, the mirror adjoining my room and the noisy room has 2 turn-able hinges at the top with signs of tampering, as well as lots of scratches on the bo om paint indica ng a sort of trap door. This is a classic Masonic style trick from the Middle Ages except in a modernized form such as a mirror, heater or any other household amenity one could not prac cally get behind without signicant work and tools. Presumably, they use a rope to lower it and then draw out a metal extension pole a ached to a sta onary metal cart such as the kind hotel maids' use. Then a simple military or spy style crawl across to the vic m's room would be easy. They would immediately inject anesthe c into the target before they could awaken and while directed energy weapons a empt to maintain a constant delta-state sleep in the vic m which it will generally do unless they move around. They prac ce this rou nely on people so they are extremely good at covert break-ins and drugging. Ugly stu but some other ps: Women who do not remember losing their hymen are going to be very o en vic ms of ritual abuse and could be outright witches in the order. Witches or pros tutes will sleep with men only as a way to lure them into this occult ritual abuse group as they will be able to much more easily inject the anesthe c without needing a break-in and can simply open the door for anyone. Keep in mind that both men and women play an ac ve role in ceremonial rape and some mes costumes plus Masonic paraphernalia would probably be present. This type of rape is about power and control over a person more than sex as instead it is a rape that is deplorable and abusive. A er pos ng the aforemen oned informa on on the Internet, a police cruiser showed up around 5:30AM and the ocer started making noises on a walkie-talkie then around 7:30AM someone started hammering a metal pipe every few seconds with almost gunshot loudness and went for 15 minutes with the eventual addi on of "I hate this fuck" with no complaints despite a lot of guests. I could smell the bi er smell of fascism in the air. At 8:00AM, it started again but this me the person said "I am going to get you" on a police loudspeaker while the hammering goes on for 15 minutes. It occurred again between at 8:45AM for another 15 minutes. Although it seems too incredible, the en re town of Rohnert Park has generally fallen 100% in line with this system of control and seems largely like a Masonic/intelligence community training area. Unfortunately, I was followed down by the cult of which many are Army to LA. I have had an excep onal mind as a heterosexual but an unsa sed intelligence community cult is trying to damage and weaken it in an a empt to force advanced homosexual psychological opera ons. Then they try to link homosexuality to everything they consider posi ve about the culture from food, to music and sports. Eventually if one rejects it, one ends up ha ng the culture, the people, the food, the organiza ons, the social structure, even the music. It is very much like the psychological abuse from the movie A Clockwork Orange though that type of mind control tends to drive targets towards insanity and irreversible damage the mind. I got red of the nonsense as all of the sta and guests at the en re hotel I chose to stay at were clearly par cipa ng so I created 5 DVDs with all of the documenta on I currently had, put them in Ziploc bags which I put inside of large black trash bags and folded up and taped. I then went around LA dropping the 5 packages o in innocuous loca ons. The next morning I le and drove by the drop spots, nding intelligence agents reading newspapers or doing excessively long trash collec ons, or other means of keeping their cover while monitoring all of the drop loca ons. I drove from LA back to South San Francisco where I spent one night and quickly dealt with my storage locker for planning a trip abroad. I went to purchase a book for Canada and decided to look for the Holy Quran when at the bookstore. I was fortunate as there was one nice copy by Maulana Mohammad Ali who had devoted his life to transla ng the Holy Quran into the English language and provided many footnotes with insigh ul historical and contextual explana ons. It was a green book with gold leaf edged pages and a green cloth book marker a ached. This book became my guide book that changed my life. I then ed to Canada driving around 24 hours straight to Vancouver only stopping for gas and short periods of rest. They tried to thwart me from making it through the border and were constantly trying to control my mind by making me extremely red to the point of almost falling asleep while u lizing endless inner ear transmissions though I was able to power through by drinking a lot of coee, blas ng loud music and pounding on the back of my head in the area of the brain stem.

Fled the USA

Canada: At the Canadian border, they had me go into the oce building where they asked me many ques ons about the detailed plans of my trip and who I knew in Canada. I overheard them men on that I had a security clearance which was news to me. I at last gured out that when the US Army recruiter called and le a message with "good news" that it must have been referring to this. A er nally se ling this ma er, I drove o again with an obvious Canadian intelligence tail following me in a much less obnoxious manner than the FBI had in the USA. I arrived in Vancouver, Bri sh Columbia at last. Over the next days I could feel my mind, body and soul clearing out from the drugged out polluted state I was previously in. Of course the inner ear transmissions were never-ending and full of hate and threats. A empt to lure me back to California and the United States began and have remained ever since. I drove up North to get away from the border as I was being harassed by gang-stalkers who I suspected were CIA. Hit men types would occasionally follow me on the street so I wanted to be cau ous. I made the decision to seek poli cal asylum or defect as Canada is similar to the USA yet I hoped it would not have the same problems. I spent a few nights in Kamloops and visited the ci zenship oce which referred me to the immigra on oce in Kelowna. A er arriving in Kelowna, I had an ini al consulta on with an immigra on lawyer. She put out a message about my case on her mailing list and received word that there were many cases similar to mine but never successful due to lack of evidence. She implied that I was probably telling the truth though there was nothing to be done as the medical community would a empt to label this sort of case as paranoid schizophrenia, a well-known condi on created around covering up these exact types of crimes. Any medical evidence of implanted devices in my body would have been enough for her to have taken my case but without concrete evidence which is deliberately very dicult and expensive to obtain, she could not take the case. Indeed, the lawyer said it is extremely rare that a US ci zen is granted immigra on in Canada. Not wan ng to waste money on medical scans that I suspected would be subject to sabotage through satellite manipula on of the medical equipment or bribed doctors among other problems, I con nued on to Calgary in Alberta, Canada. From here I purchased a plane cket to Istanbul, Turkey that stopped over in Amsterdam, Netherlands and Paris, France. While staying at the hotel in Calgary, a wedding took place where many older Caucasians showed up who acted like trained spies and looked Germanic with remarkable similarity to photos of World War II Nazis. This of course was a er using the term Nazi many mes to point the nger at the intelligence community harassment I was experiencing. My nal day in Calgary, I ordered an escort which is legal in Canada who was a black woman named Candy and came to my room for an hour with one condom. There was a certain relief in being able to feel in control of my sex life. Netherlands/France: At the airport in Paris, France, many CIA hit men types were present, who would talk on mobile phones, pace around, talk to one another occasionally, yet sat far apart from each other and generally kept their distance. One of them I shouted at embarrassingly to blow his cover and he waited a few minutes then permanently disappeared. One who was a black man wearing a yellow shirt and cowboy hat sat down with the back of his head facing me while res ng it in his hand with his 5 ngers extended as far apart from each other as possible. Later 3 other men showed up, 2 who opened up the center of a newspaper and both held the cover of it in my direc on which said in large le ers " a va, bouger" which literally translates to "it will move" and prac cally means "something is going to happen."
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Turkey: The gang-stalking, homosexual recruitment and noise campaigns con nued in Turkey. Syria: At the Syria border, the ocials no ed me a er looking at my passport for a long me that I could not pass through to go to Lebanon because I s ll required a Visa which I must get through the Syria Embassy in Washington, DC. I had to remove my belongings from the bus and was escorted by taxi back to a hotel in Antakya, Turkey. Lebanon: I purchased a plane cket for Beirut, Lebanon. The gang-stalking, homosexual recruitment and noise campaigns con nued in Lebanon. As I started to learn the Islamic faith, a new form of religious persecu on stalking was experienced at the mosques and during prayer. I got a ta oo on my right forearm of "DEATH TO AMERICA" which was done very professionally and ar s cally and has earned me a lot of compliments. A friend I made in Lebanon assured me that I could travel to Iran and get a Visa on entry at the airport without a problem and had heard others say they had previously done this. On the Internet, I no ced a blog where a journalist said that he had no problem ge ng a Visa on entry despite being from the USA. I was convinced there was a reasonable chance of ge ng a Visa so I reserved a hotel and bought a plane cket to Tehran. Iran: I arrived in Tehran in good spirits. I found I could not get a Visa being a ci zen of the USA, so I was deported by the airline I traveled on, which was Emirates Airlines back to its country of origin, the UAE. One of the immigra on police working in the passport approval booth told me I could contact the foreign ministry given my situa on though another lower ocer quickly escorted me away and did not allow me any opportunity to make this contact. United Arab Emirates: I was detained by the immigra on personnel in Dubai who opened an inves ga on into me as they do not like Iran. I told them my plight and they were unhappy mu ering that homosexuality is an "Arab secret." They made me wait in the airline wai ng lounge for a couple hours and then their inves ga on oce for around 8 hours without food or sleep and in uncomfortable clothing. While I waited, they commented that "he won't play with us" and also sat together shuing money around for several minutes. At one point they took a piece of paper and wrapped it around my passport just for fun and to harass me. They kept telling me I had to wait un l morning so that they could have other people there to talk with me. They did not do any work the en re me and instead just made jokes with each other and played games on their computers or le me alone for long periods of me. They spoke badly about Iran saying Iran had stolen an island from the UAE. They accused Iran of being in cahoots with the Americans and the Jews. It became clear through them arguing with each other that it was in fact the UAE that had taken the Americans and Jews money, not Iran. Although I waited un l morning, nobody ever showed up to talk with me. They eventually took a re na scan and added me to a database and told me I could not stay in the UAE. At this point I was escorted to the Emirates Airlines desk where I purchased a plane cket back to Istanbul, Turkey. Turkey: The gang-stalking, homosexual recruitment and noise campaigns con nued again when I arrived back in Turkey. I started ge ng comfortable at performing prayer and prayed in around 30 mosques and went on several very long walks as spiritual journeys. I shouted "Jihad" several mes at the top of my lungs when I stayed at a cheap hotel un l a man tried to come into my room. I grabbed a knife and backed him o into another room. I heard people in the halls saying "we've got Shia." About 2 minutes later, about 10 people I had never seen before charged to my room, 3 of them with large wooden bea ng s cks who proceeded to enter my room and beat me for about a minute un l they cut my eyebrow open and blood was pouring everywhere. Another man from Syria grabbed the knife and threatened me with it for a minute before they all nally le having taken the knife. They then asked me to leave the hotel but were being extremely hospitable and afraid that I would contact the police saying that I was caught on camera. When I responded they pretended not to understand English and kept saying the police would only believe them. One night, a man approached me near the Hippodrome outside of the Blue Mosque and demanded 100 Turkish Lira or threatened to go talk to the police. I simply condently responded "please, leave me alone" a er which point he le . Belgium: The gang-stalking, homosexual recruitment and noise campaigns con nued. There were re trucks, ambulances, police vehicles making noise around me. I was being rou nely abused during my sleep and felt as if I had a tube shoved down my throat into my stomach on several occasions due to waking with pain in the back of my throat and pain at the top of my stomach amount to GERD. I bought a plane cket for Malaysia by way of Cairo, Egypt as I heard it was a country with some of the best Muslims in the world. Egypt: At the airport in Cairo, I heard on the loudspeaker that "Gregory Morse should report" to my airlines gate number but when I went to the gate they claimed no such call was made. I heard on the loudspeaker that it should be reported if one sees anyone from Iran shou ng "jihad." I saw some people at the airport point me out and say that I have a jinn problem. Malaysia: I arrived in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during Ramadan (the holy month) and a ended the mosque daily for almost all of the daily prayers at Masjid Negara (the Na onal Mosque). At the mosque, I met several brothers and sisters who I networked with and learned a great many prac cal things regarding Islam. I began my stay in Bukit Bintang which was infested with nonsense behavior in terms of criminal ac vity including gangs, sex, drugs and alcohol. The hotel I stayed at had nasty people and played games with the Internet connec on so I stayed away as much as possible. A er my hotel reserva on ended, I moved to a mosque called Masjid Wilayah (the Territory Mosque) where I was safe and more peaceful. Unfortunately, an older Chinese man with a small boy showed up looking for charity but as me passed, I realized they were synchronizing their behavior around me and he really seemed to know extremely li le about Islam but was very good at asking for money. At the mosque during prayer, people would gang-stalk by wearing excessive amounts of perfume, or even have friends go on both sides of me in line and oer each other perfume followed by oering me. One man in the prayer hall who seemed to be a gangster oered to take me in his car so that we could drop o food for charity which I avoided as it seemed suspicious. Although they are brothers, they are also strangers and can try to use promises of good and naivety to lure people. On September 6, 2010, I got several people to help me get a Muslim ID card from Majlis Agama Islam (the Council of Islamic religion) by witnessing me say the Shahada and signing paperwork such that I formally converted to Islam at this point by going to the Jabatan Agama Wilayah Islam (JAWI or the Islamic religious department area) and going through further formali es. I began a ending weekly classes regarding Islam which were very informa ve. I signed up to voluntary with Islamic Outreach and even went to a hospital and delivered food to pa ents. Realizing that I was being persecuted at religious events, I knew there was no choice but to take on the corrupt elements of the USA and gangstalking head on, so I went to Bukit Bintang for the long term where there are no mosques and a lot of corrupt and nasty behavior goes on in terms of the
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drug and sex industry such that I could nalize my documenta on and informa on collec on. This is an outrage and truly unacceptable and waging holy jihad against the enemy un l they are destroyed is a requirement for any good Muslim. It is a situa on where people are ac vely par cipa ng in a satanic cult yet s ll going to mosques and pretending to be true to your religion despite that you can see they are clearly working towards an agenda and are likely intelligence or government agents. This is done to deliberately ruin spirituality and do cult recruitment and must be dealt with swi ly and harshly. Although it also ruins spirituality to place oneself away from religious areas and in areas nestled with corrup on, if one is doing it with good heart for the purpose of jihad and defea ng an enemy that refuses to go away, one will try to maintain or easily rediscover it through good inten ons and clarity of thought. I was being driven into a poor state of mind by lack of sleep from endless awakenings of rectal pain and noise campaign behavior. The homosexual recruitment behavior in the street was very careful yet aggressive and involved a large number of individuals. Most of the girls I suspect are Satanists or low spies. I tried to gather as much informa on and guard my faith as strongly as I could due to the assault I was experiencing. I did get a ta oo on my le arm with the Arabic word for determina on. I generally spent most of my me working on documenta on for my situa on including pu ng together large amounts of unorganized evidence, making it coherent, reec ng on my past while coming up with and sharing ideas to seek jus ce. I collected and deduced certain things about the massage and sex industries through covertly interac ng with maa criminals: Bukit Bintang, Malaysia has many independent ladies, pimps and massage shops providing sex though this exists everywhere. They consist largely of Chinese women though some Thai, Indonesian and a handful of Malay woman are involved too. Massaging the penis costs 50, 100, 200 or 300 ringgit and only Chinese woman will ask followed by pressuring the customer to do such service to support them with ps. Chinese (2nd er) priced as more expensive than Thai, Indonesian or Malay (3 rd er) or as they say "Chinese woman very expensive". Cheap budget hotels cost 30 ringgit. Hotel sex for 15 minutes costs 50, 100 or 150 ringgit. Addi onal woman costs 100 ringgit. A er sex, a massage in the hotel can cost 30 or 50 ringgit if the lady wants to try to make addi onal money. 3rd er ladies prices are 1 hour (150 ringgit) for sex once, 3 hours (300 ringgit) for sex twice or 6 hours (450 ringgit) for sex three mes The gang-stalking con nues generally through street actors performing homosexual recruitment with the usual body part or clothing touching, walking in groups together with iden cal clothing or wearing excessive perfumes. Some are whistling in a sexual manner or calling me the "gay guy." Some even will go on the side of the street and try to urinate in front of my path before I walk past. As I am being extremely disrup ve and taking pictures of anything obvious, they are being extremely careful and coordinated. Many clothing ou its containing a military style camouage shirt or pants are being worn. Specic shirts I have seen are one saying on the front "Same same" and on the back "But dierent," another said "Never walk alone," and yet another on the front had wri en "Best Actor." Many people have been wearing Emirates Airlines shirts and a few other air travel or transporta on related shirts have also been witnessed. It is accompanied by a noise campaign consis ng of excessive honking, bird chirping, neighbors coughing loudly, phony construc on projects, and cars ou i ed with loudspeakers producing various high pitched whistling type noises that are set o with remote controls. Excessive use of reworks is being performed at various loca ons as well which will always target me from all direc ons such that I realize all the noise is centered on me. The weather is also being controlled especially to make sudden rainstorms at inconvenient mes and extremely loud thunder noises. The noise is generally used to prevent me from sleeping. As I am staying in crowded areas, many people are aware something strange is going on. Noise or rectal pain is being used to wake me up a er no more than four or ve hours of sleep. I have discovered a small device a ached to a string about 2 inches inside of my rectum that seems to be a means for the intelligence community to cause pain in the rectal nerves remotely through directed energy weapons. Speaking on the phone to my father about this strange development, he noted it sounds like a "discipline" device. The inner ear transmissions are non-stop and endless and consist of long degrading expressions and phony arguments. As I run my exposure campaign, gang-stalking disrup on campaign and other an -harassment campaigns against the corrupt USA government intelligence community criminals, they seem to have go en quite desperate. They express desire to want to do anything possible to destroy my computer, my documenta on and evidence, my sexual orienta on, my credibility and my mind and intelligence. They want me raped while conscious through any possible means such as being taken hostage, arrested or hospitalized. Their agenda is clearly focused primarily on the "homosexual recruitment campaign" and relentlessly and relessly so. They are endlessly trying to fool me into returning to the country using any sort of game they can concoct. The des are turning and they are on the verge of ge ng in trouble and caught for the atroci es they have commi ed. The persecu on campaign I have suered has been endless and strategically targets my Islamic faith. On November 22, 2010 at around 12:40PM, a gangster drove his vehicle right into me as I le the apartment building I am staying in almost hi ng me at a rather fast speed. I quickly dodged it, and took his photograph immediately a er making him angry to the point of almost coming a er me. They are trying to make me seem crazy by ruining and controlling my sleep through subconscious mind manipula on, highly coordinated noise campaigns and rectal nerve pain to prevent me from sleeping or force me awake. Previously I would get almost precisely 5 hours of sleep every night and now it has changed to 4 hours of sleep every night. The cochlear transmission threats have changed to largely being based around nding a scheme to get me out of Malaysia or make me come back to the USA, stopping me from ge ng immigra on, hospitalizing or arres ng me. On December 2, 2010, I woke up for Fajr (morning) prayer with pain in my rectum, strange dents in my right middle ngernail, a strange feeling in my head as if I had been given an an -psycho c or an -depressant medica on, heart burn and pain in my throat as if a tube had been used to forcibly medicate me which the cochlear transmissions had been repeatedly threatening to do. On December 3, 2010, I woke up a er having designed dreams all night including one with close up images of mobile phones, hearing strange satanic cult like chants singing "concubine concubine, ayyyyy, ay, ay" before it quickly transi oned back to regular cochlear transmissions. On December 5, 2010, I woke up for Fajr prayer with pain in my rectum, more strange feelings in my head, heart burn and pain in my throat as if the same medica on procedure had been repeated. A erwards, I went back to sleep awakening again later again waking with the same symptoms. I was having a clearly designed dream about the people who I formerly iden ed as friends working at the "agency" and explaining to me that your friends dene your career at the "agency". Then we went to wait in a sea ng area at what seemed to be the CIA headquarters with them where I eventually started drawing a en on to myself by pu ng on a face mask and got called up in line early. The cochlear transmissions are now all centered around bringing me back to the USA by any means possible, medica ng me, hospitalizing me, arres ng me, raping me and making me "go gay". There are also many fake arguments about whether or not I can be President or if I should be forced to be a Governor/Senator, and discussions to cut me o the television, get authoriza ons or talk to the director or general. On the evening of December 17th , 2010 a er having seen a doctor for a CT scan with no spectacular results, he prescribed a medica on to supposedly make me get be er. Later in the evening, I went to eat at a local Malay restaurant where one of the male servers wearing a purple shirt kept standing in front of my table while rubbing his behind and genital area. I ordered apple juice and chicken with rice for dinner. A erwards I made the mistake of ordering a hot drink that I saw powder packets for on the wall of the restaurant. The hot drink was drugged with what seemed to be the medica on the doctor had previously ordered. My head began to feel somewhat drowsy, painful and it became more dicult to think clearly due to the associated headache. Reading on the Internet, Sulpiride is an an -psycho c medica on used to treat paranoid schizophrenia which is the condi on used to label most targets of gang-stalking. I have talked with a number of targeted individuals who are more than certain my case is legi mate. Needless to say, I will certainly terminate my rela onship with this doctor. A erwards when I was resis ng the medica on those monitoring with satellites began to play the school song of University School called "Hail University" using cochlear transmission which is as follows: "Hail University, Noble and Strong! To thee with loyal hearts we raise our song, Swelling to Heaven, loud our praises ring, Hail! University! Of thee we sing." On December 25th , 2010, I woke up for Fajr and went back to sleep. I awoke again having caught the designed dreams as I was daydreaming. The rst dream was that my ance had a genitalia that was the shape of a huge penis protruding from her with a vagina at the end of it and that I was having intercourse with this strange object. The dream was transi oned to another dream about driving around in a van with people I used to know from Psi
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Upsilon Fraternity. I woke up with an erec on. The clever themes of homosexual recruitment have been highly visible and present in all the dreams at this point as the perpetrators nd themselves in a state of despera on. Since anything that goes too far is at out rejected from my mind and my mind will take control of the dream and steer it in a dierent direc on, clever, decep ve and sneaky techniques are u lized like the aforemen oned specics in order to a empt to slowly manipulate me. It has transi oned into endless nonsense as I have discovered that it is likely no teleporta on device exists simply very clever break-in routes which can be eliminated through living in a secured building and with the simple use of a padlock inside the room where you sleep as long as there are no alternate break-in routes. They sawed through the le in the ceiling and mounted a circular light on a pole so that they had a sleeping gas and break-in route. As well directed energy weapons can cause certain changes to the body while sleeping as the body remains in a rela vely constant posi on. The techniques reek of despera on including induc on of headaches, rapid heartbeat, rectal pain, and endless psycho c cochlear transmissions along the lines of "I hate that bastard" "he's ruining everybody" "he needs mind control" "we have to take him back with us" "I am buying a plane cket for this f***er" "he's lost" "he's being obnoxious" "he's faking it" "we all know he's faking it" "he hates the Army" "kick him out of the Army" "he blew all of our covers" "I hate that spy" "cut him o the satellite" "we can't aord this retard anymore" "shoot this President" "he can't be the President anymore" "he's changing history on us" "he's ruining our country" "he's going to start a war" "counter this f***ing a**hole" "we can't counter this f***" "I s ll want him gay" "rape this f***" "take him hostage" "we are pu ng him in the hospital" "we can't" "I want him locked up" "he needs to be busted" "I'm arres ng this bastard" "we can't the whole world knows about this f***" "we are taking him to hell with us". Whenever I listen to Islamic music such as T'ala Al Badru Alyna by Mesut Kur s, one of the perpetrators repeats "shoot the bastard" during a specic part of the chorus of the song. When I listen to Burdah by Mesut Kur s, one of the perpetrators repeats "I'm not ge ng iden ed by him" during a specic part of the chorus of the song. The perpetrators also tried to associate prayer words with nega vity likely during sleep such as "help" with "hell". The cochlear transmissions have go en extremely circular now: "we need to use mind control on this retard" "we need to rape his mind" "let's gang rape this retard" "I want him locked up" "I want him gay" "he has to come home with us" "he needs medicine" "cut him o" "we lost him" "it's over" "we can't cut him o he's spying on our country" "he's going to start a war" "he's ruining our country" "I want him dead". On Friday, January 14, 2011, a er Isha prayers, I ate dinner at the mosque which distributed white discard-able containers containing rice, sh and a plas c bag with chicken and sauce. I took one bite of the sh and realized by the extremely salty and oily taste that something was wrong with it. While I was ea ng, a man with a pink shirt asked if he could join me and I nodded okay. He did not even try the sh but noted that it was too salty. In fact it seemed nobody else ate the sh. I woke up later with an intense headache and a dizzying and nausea ng feeling throughout my body. My stomach was very unse led and I had a disgus ng oily taste in my mouth similar to that of the sh. I had to drink large amounts of water and sweat profusely to nd relief while taking headache tablets and acetaminophen to reduce the fever and pain. This went on for almost 2 en re days. At the conclusion, my bed sheets had a very funny smell that resembled some sort of poison. They were very itchy and I had to wash them but not before my arms and legs got many strange red rash spots all over them. It has become an obvious satanic cult recruitment game now as their threats are generally lies so it comes down to their pervert homosexual recruitment campaign full me with angry agents barking cochlear transmissions on the lines of: "I want him gay" "he's gay" "we are making him gay" "rape this f*g" "gang-rape this f***er" "we are raping him gay" "he hates his life" "he hates the Army" "he hates the government". It is actually as I predicted that eventually the cocaine addicted perverts would just be shou ng "gay" all day and using their teams of actors to perform blatant and obvious homosexual recruitment in public. The en re city of Kuala Lumpur has caught on to what is going on. One woman made the outright comment that she liked me because I am not a feminized men like all the other men have become. My car which was le in Canada, I arranged to have towed to the dealership where I bought it in California. The towing company got the car out of Canada into Bualo, New York in late December. Now, I have waited over a month and it s ll has yet to arrive almost certainly due to USA intelligence crea ng an ar cial delay. Their threats to take my money are obviously not true but they are certainly trying to waste and drain my money and not having my vehicle delivered so that I can sell it and support myself with the proceeds is a clear part of their plan. My sister informed my ance that the FBI will detain me if I return to the USA as is obvious they do not like Muslims, people who expose their sickening secrets or ght their harassment campaigns. Her message from February 2, 2011 was as follows: "So what's Greg going to do if he can't nd work in Malaysia? Just throwing it out there - he's in a decent amount of trouble with the US. I'm pre y sure he's not allowed back here a er he started wri ng all sorts of things about the CIA, FBI, government, etc., and posted it on the internet. He's been agged by the FBI so that if he ever tries to come back to the United States, he will be detained immediately. I don't think he's realized how much damaged he caused himself when he started pos ng public things about the President, government, and so forth. Not only did it make him sound crazy, but he became a threat to the country. Ironically, all of this started because he thought the CIA was stalking him; I don't believe that to be the case, but I wouldn't doubt people are watch". Though they are making the excuse that I talked bad about President Obama and that I am a threat to the country which is laughable nonsense unless they are acknowledging that everything I am saying is true which of course it is otherwise I would not have caused any damage to myself. Many of the stalking groups believe the rumors men oned about President Obama which has earned his anger when in fact it was a stalker who laughingly provided this piece of informa on to me. I am preparing to le a lawsuit from abroad against the USA intelligence community including the CIA, FBI and US Army military intelligence for countless human rights viola ons, abuses, atroci es and persecu on. I will never return to the USA voluntarily as long as I live unless at a minimum, a revolu on occurs that destroys the intelligence communi es' control over the country. Malaysia: Back in Malaysia, I had to stay in the Greenwood area. There, I found a strong maa presence that had taken the whole area already including the Masjid and all businesses. Malaysia has proved to be remarkably complicit with the USA's perverted agenda due to the heavy and entrenched presence of secret maa-style sex cults throughout Malaysia and presumably Indonesia as well. These are families par cipa ng in big sex orgies together with no limits to the perversions including homosexuality, psychological recruitment of family members, community members and other targets just for entertainment. The Malaysian police have plainly stated within hearing range of me "he's the gay guy", "they want him gay", "we want him under control", "he's ruining our government" and "he's ruining the secret". I have been rou nely followed and stalked by the Malaysian police. They constantly stalk and harass me while using police and government vehicles to perform street theater with sirens, blue lights, exaggerated presence, harassing passport checks and stops that are clearly preplanned setups, and other maa-corrupted police style incidents. The local maa's are s ll running noise campaigns against me but now have gone on a constant drugging campaign either through tube-fed drugs while sleeping or by drugging drinks like tea or coee. The drugs include MDMA (ecstasy) and other medicines that have strong eects on the brain to make it dicult to think clearly or have mental energy. They are also abusing while sleeping through using air pumps inserted in the rectum to insert air and small pieces of not sharp glass to cause discomfort and atulence. Things have remained constant with the manner and type of abuse for several months now. It is just the usual rou ne of local maa actors surrounding me to create a perverted environment. The usual satanic ritual abuse rou nes are applied and noise campaigns via many manners such as phony construc on projects are constantly performed. The CIA criminals con nue to talk the exact same nonsense they have been for over 6 months now
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especially during my prayers. Many hypocrite maa Muslims try to befriend me by talking about Islam while they constantly rub their genitals or run their own style of homosexual recruitment. Nega ve press received: The Jawa Report, Help Stop the CIA from Using Comedy Central To Persecute & Anally Probe Muslims!, January 27, 2011, h p:// The Jawa Report, SWM With Psychically Induced Anal Pain Seeks Muslimah Into "Death to America" Tatoos & Shou ng "Jihad" at Masjid (Bonus: Greg "Abdul Muid" Morse Responds!), January 28, 2011, h p:// The Jawa Report, Sharia: the Answer to Stop the CIA from Blowing Air Up My Poop Shoot!, April 8, 2011, h p:// This is spiritual warfare though the hypocrites would consider it intelligence warfare and there are many good Muslims who are not par cipa ng. This secret abuse must be stopped and destroyed as it is going on in many other countries too in dierent forms. With faith in Allah (glorious be he and exalted be he) and striving for the cause of bringing back Shariah Law, it will be, Allah willing. Indonesia: The persecu on campaign remains constant however the maa actors have go en more careful in some instances and are very limited in what they can do. They constantly will have conversa ons outside of the room I stay in about me and then when I come out to confront them they will switch over to speaking the Indonesian language and pretend to not know English. The idea is they want to make the target seem crazy if they ght back against their nonsense and since their na ve language can be spoken perfectly and they are a local, they can easily use any number of spy techniques to claim they do not speak the target's language despite speaking it quite well and gruy. This is easily countered by using a similar tac c against them and saying things to threaten them or disrespect them as well as taking their pictures at the same me. Malaysia: Thomas Fisher was a student who dropped out of my school during middle school who always was playing soccer and lived very close to my home, only about a 5 to 10 minute drive. His family including his mother and brother which are very vaguely familiar as it has been over 15 years since I have seen them, I no ced walking by me in the tourist area I stayed at, several mes somewhat staring at me with a shocked look. Indonesia: Mental imagery of Sam Young with model quality appearance and poses have become quite frequent. On January 24, 2012, I woke up a er only a short me sleeping unable to sleep again as I had presumably been force tube "yellow jackets", a type of caeine pill. There was then a theme of mental imagery with Beau Dickson and the psychology u lized to turn him into a homosexual was constant a er waking. Rumors are circula ng that this must be cut o before the end of the month pu ng the arrogant criminals harassing and abusing me in their most desperate and pathe c state yet. The criminals harassing me also planted a lot of their maa in my life in necessary places or roles to further create drama and nonsense. A Muslim woman, who I suspect is maa, helped me obtain a motorcycle in Jakarta. Knowing about my plight with the maa she created her own drama against me. She claimed she could help me get poli cal asylum if I paid 10 million Rupiah to her and provided my poli cal asylum documenta on and some photos so she could contract a lawyer. I gured she would do as she said as our prior motorcycle business had gone ne. Instead she returned, with some paper she said was to show that my papers had been submi ed to the judge. About a week later, she came to collect that paper back and provided me with something in Indonesia is known as a KTP and KK for ci zenship. I took a look at them and immediately saw they were forged as they did not even have my correct marital status, address, date of birth or family lis ng. I angrily returned them to her and asked her to return my money. She tried to explain to me that this is how poli cal asylum really works in Indonesia though I refused to believe her. Clearly a judge and court order would be needed to allow for ci zenship without renouncing my USA ci zenship status. She refused to return my money saying she had already spent it. The motorcycle was also bought in her name so there was no way to use it as a way of obtaining the lost money which was very frustra ng. Meanwhile, this woman also had a Muslim friend working as a motorcycle insurance saleswoman and spoke surprisingly good English. The woman was a bit of a gypsy but she convinced me she would have her husband's mother who was a good Muslim woman adopt me so I could have a family and that she could help me obtain a job in Jakarta or Bekasi where she was from. This took place simultaneously with the aforemen oned maa thievery. She men on that given my plight with the USA, she would have her husband's mother adopt me so I could be part of their family which seemed like a nice and sincere oer given the fallout with my family a er embracing Islam. For ge ng a job, she told me I would pay 3.5 million Rupiah and provide copies of my birth cer cate, CV and some photos so she could have her friend working in an oce nearby help me. She had me come to some Bekasi government oce and I just ate lunch there and tried to talk with the small amount of Indonesian I could speak. She submi ed some paperwork and supposedly paid the money to the headhunter saying now I would have to wait a couple of weeks. Immediately, I no ced that I was under a foreign intelligence inves ga on a er returning home which a er some research I determined was German intelligence also known as the BND. I wondered what exactly had happened at the oce previously though I quickly fought away the German intelligence surveillance tail of what was apparently a rou ne terrorist inves ga on. I gured that perhaps the oce of the headhunter must have been inltrated by foreign intelligence as I had a beard, worse Muslim clothing, and Bekasi is supposedly known for having terrorists. Foreign intelligence some mes conducts rou ne inves ga ons if they have moles or spies planted in loca ons suspected of being terrorist hideouts. Regardless, the inves ga on ended and foreign intelligence determined I was not a terrorist. Later she con nued to ask for more money saying that her friends at the oce could certainly get a job for me if I paid a total of 12 million Rupiah. I did not have that kind of money so I told her we would have to wait. She further oered to help me renounce my US ci zenship as she claimed she had a friend working as consul at the US embassy. We went to an Internet caf and she lled in all the details of a form to renounce US ci zenship and then when it was printed, some younger Indonesian man took the paper and ran away from the Internet caf. Later, when I returned home, I no ced my debit card was missing from my wallet and that the only place I had taken my wallet out since last using the ATM was at the Internet caf. She had stolen my debit card which I promptly cancelled with the bank. That ended my rela onship with this gypsy maa swindler who denied she stole the card. I realized she was only trying to eece money out of me and none of her help was authen c. The adopted family and mother she found for me also were nowhere to be found a er also probably being gypsies. It was embarrassing as a couple of women interested in marrying me I had told that I had an adopted Indonesian mother. My last couple of months, I thus stayed away from those 2 maa swindler women and engaged in some produc ve programming work in making a Quran and hadith website as well as working on a binary transla on project. Malaysia: Philippines: Malaysia: On July 9, 2012, my laptop had a page fault blue screen and I ended up having to repair about 500 clusters in the paging le before I could use my computer again. I awoke with extreme rectal pain and feeling drugged. I went to sleep again and upon waking there was more rectal pain and another
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feeling of being drugged. I photographed my rectum showing tearing and bleeding.

Both houses I resided in at 824 Sun Ridge Lane and 2 North Portola when growing up were possibly ou i ed with hidden cameras and other covert monitoring or surveillance devices to allow for the use of advanced psychology. Through this, intelligence personnel could monitor me and use psychological tricks such as subconscious sugges on to mold me into the person I am using the elite's fancy a empts at controlling the mind. I suspect I may come from an elite spy family who has been recrui ng me my whole life through all sorts of complex tools from schools to social situa ons to electronic and human surveillance. I suspect both of my grandfathers may have been a part of Opera on Paperclip and connected to Nazi Germany bloodlines. IMS Company and Westwood Chemical Corpora on are both very likely a CIA front companies. Based on stories read about organized crimes rela onship with chemical companies, I theorize that Westwood Chemical Corpora on may be involved in illegal chemical waste exports from cosme cs produc on processes. I believe the argument my grandfather and Kuchar had over the business was really revolving around organized crime including how to deal with it and prot from it which is why my father only gave me vague informa on about their dierence of opinion and why they broke o from each other. This could explain PPE's later success as well. I suspect that my father may have a senior posi on at the CIA and be ac ve trying to bring about a one world government. If this is true then it follows that he is a satanic intelligence agent who is desperately trying to cover up his crimes against humanity a er realizing his perverted psychopathic experiment went awry. He could certainly have used his wealth and power to directly and indirectly control the satanic abuse. He may have even sold my mind to the government or a wealthy elite family or individual at birth or later in life to conduct a natural program and experiment in psychological warfare and controlling the mind by using backhanded covert tac cs and technologies involving every technique in the CIA's book of dirty tricks aimed at training an intelligence agent. At a minimum, I am considered to be a CIA "asset" by the government. I suspect both my mother and her sister were mind-controlled slaves. I suspect my mother's death was likely faked death in intelligence community style divorce or she was secretly ins tu onalized. Her sister likely had brain stem scarring from government experimenta on in producing photographic memory that induced the MS. Any strange situa ons with my sister during early childhood were likely induced and monitored closely by my parents. Likely the script was played that my mother would scream at my father such that I would get absorbed in the computer while my sister would go out with friends and get absorbed in ac vi es based on being social, alcohol and sexual ac vi es. Unfortunately, my sister has seemed to embrace this dark occul st intelligence actor world and will gladly use disinforma on or any other means of discredi ng me to try to hide her sinister acts. The CCIS schools including University School, Hathaway Brown School, Laurel School, Hawken School are all highly suspected of being spy training schools. The name University School is obscured and made hard to nd by using word that is common to educa on which seems to be a common CIA technique for obscuring names. The school generates and connects into a large spy network that is likely connected back in history through European royalty and iden cal perverted aristocrat secrets. The fathers of the students were all fairly weird and likely many working CIA and using dirty psychology to raise their children. Books about the benets of an all-boys educa on were constantly men oned though nothing about homosexuality was ever referenced and it is clich that homosexual recruitment would be performed at an all-boys private preparatory school secretly and cleverly in an intelligence style war against each student one by one. The teachers and administrators were all strange and made seemingly arbitrary decisions. I believe the administrators and many teachers were all working as FBI agents in a satanic cult. I believe Dr. Pelosi was the subconscious programmer or handler assigned as typically handlers are someone the target knows only vaguely when he or she is young and the facts above show that it would be easy and perfect to have the disciplinarian play this role. I believe the suspension with Adam Wallenstein and Jeremy Fried was likely a setup to force new friends upon me in a clever yet mean spirited manner. The AUP agreement likely changed the following year of my suspension to include a new provision about compromising passwords. The computer teachers at the school likely suspected me up front as they knew I understood assembly language and had some of the most advanced computer skills at the school. The rumor over James Mullen's death was likely to cover-up the suicide since uncontrollable ejacula on is wellknown to be common on vic ms of hanging. Lehigh University is suspected of having professors and students involved in spy training. I suspect Piper Lynn Morrison was likely planted to be a girlfriend who could get me out to San Francisco and cheated on me regularly or made it appear so. I suspect Staci Zaretsky deliberately worked to get me to cheat on my girlfriend right a er the long distance rela onship went sour. Sabrina Haworth and Graham Amsden are certainly involved and par cipated in the campaign as actors. I suspect JD Mumford was deliberately planted in my classes. The trouble in Wall, New Jersey was likely a fake drug bust that was setup by Ed Lord who was working at the Pentagon. Formal covert stalking and harassment likely began when I moved to San Francisco though I could not iden fy it un l January 2009 when Barack Obama took oce as President. It should be noted that San Francisco seems to have spies inltra ng almost all service industries, large networks of small businesses, most college educated jobs as well such as doctors and lawyers. San Francisco, California is known for its homosexual popula on as well as the city of Miami, Florida. I would stay out of the Bay Area as the en re place is insidiously infested with homosexual recruitment intelligence agents and satanic cults which are achieved through illegally abusing high-tech devices. If targeted, rest assured one will not have anything but nega ve coincidences with women and posi ve coincidences with men for many long months. Due to peculiari es, I now suspect InfoExpress may be a CIA front company. I suspect 1717 17th Ave and 9 Faxon Ave homes are clandes ne intelligence community research laboratory homes. 1707 17 th Ave and 1709 17th Ave are suspected of being an intelligence safe house or brothel. 1719 17th Ave is a suspected chemical or methamphetamine laboratory. 1 Faxon Ave, 15 Faxon Ave and 21 Faxon Ave are suspected intelligence community safe houses where criminal ac vity and harassment of neighbors goes on rou nely with 15 Faxon Ave housing Fabio or Octavio, a suspected FBI agent or CIA handler. AMSI is likely a CIA front company. I believe the CIA passed me o to the FBI which opened a bogus inves ga on to force me to get a security clearance in January of 2009 when Obama stepped into oce. The FBI eventually wanted me passed o to US Army military intelligence for training and ocially obtaining a security clearance so they u lized the psych ward hypnosis script to achieve this goal. A er this, I have been traded around between the agencies depending on where I am geographically or what I am doing. The US Army military intelligence wants to force me to call my recruiter and formally join, the maa inltrated por on of the FBI conducts the bogus inves ga on to try to forcibly make me get a security clearance, and the maa inltrated por on of the CIA runs the show paying these other intelligence groups to train and rein in their asset. I believe my family, many phony friends and classmates from University School and several from Psi Upsilon Fraternity are involved and working ac vely as government agents. Many of them are all lying and spreading false rumors or propaganda to make people believe I am homosexual and crazy despite that they know both are untrue. I suspect the maa inltrated por on of the CIA uses Larry Fritzlan as a front man to induce spy psychology. He may have been using homosexuality through acts and subconscious sugges on in order to draw out a homophobic reac on such that he could place me in a mental ins tu on if I resisted the manipula ons. I strongly suspect I have been rou nely raped through sodomy or foreign object inser on while sleeping since June 2009 by criminals in the United States intelligence community especially the Army, CIA and FBI many of whom likely a ended University School in Shaker Heights and Hun ng Valley, Ohio. The act was possibly rst performed by President Barack Obama himself who given the maa's inltra on of the Presidency in the administra ons since the murder of John F. Kennedy, almost certainly has a large Presiden al maa created for his own life. This was possibly rst performed by President Obama himself as a means of tapping someone else to be President, albeit the rst homosexual President. It is no surprise that President Obama may have illegally raped myself and other men in their sleep during his presidency and has not been thrown in jail or been exposed or punished for this act as the intelligence community is very careful and clever with such opera ons. All evidence I have read suggests that President Obama likes to give and receive
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sodomy as well as use covert advanced technology to spread his sick agenda. If what I allege is true then he would certainly be the worst and most satanic President in the history of the United States. If the truth comes out with evidence then he should be hung for treason not to men on receiving a life sentence for sex oenses. The government probably considers the rectum as a necessary and good thing since they are all ac vely par cipa ng in a satanic cult. This traces up to the high oces of President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. It would be a great victory for jus ce if this informa on helped nish his presidency. I suspect most of the maa perpetrators involved in the ac ve monitoring and harassment against me are classmates from University School, especially gradua ng classes from 1998 to 2004 including students who dropped out any me between kindergarten and the 12th grade. University School class of 2001 intelligence ac vity, clandes ne serial rape, bodily abuse, covert drugging and inner ear transmission suspects who likely work for the federal government in the FBI, NSA, CIA or military intelligence include Dan Bailin, Ma hew Christ, Dan Fouts, Will Fulton, Kyle Gahring, Rob Gallo, David (Tripp) Handke, Andy Iarussi, Pat Korb, Jim Sherwood, Mitchell Stein, Christopher Turwood, Sam Young, Eric Zimmerman. In the grades above, I suspect Robert Ferguson, Michael Grodin, Daniel Lopres , Dan Murphy, Steve Vendeland, Jack Wolfenden and Doug Bartle . From Psi Upsilon, I suspect Dan Monahan and Jus n Hoecker. The core team I suspect to have 13 intelligence agents, a symbol of a satanic mission. I doubt they are in charge of anything but would claim to be simply following orders. I believe several teachers from the high school including Mr. Davis who was always very nice to the popular classmates are involved as well as well as administrator Mrs. Mason. I strongly suspect that Todd Leve spread false rumors a er I broke o contact with him that I was homosexual and that I par cipated in homosexual sexual acts with him probably to take revenge on me. There are other men working as government agents who are probably interested too and would certainly not mind lying about this. Their energy level, transmissions and sickening acts indicate that they are heavy cocaine addicts and that the military and intelligence community actually encourages them to use drugs for maintaining an ar cially high level of energy and willingness to do very treacherous acts on their illegal missions. This cocaine induced state of mind is detectable as the threats and psychological ba ering tapers o into a more depressed angry and disgruntled state of mind. Later presumably a er snor ng cocaine, it will return to the same as before. I suspect that the University School maa criminals who joined the CIA are working phony cover jobs so that they can enter military bunkers clandes nely while their friends and family believe them to be working some sort of oce job. This makes their me accountable, and means that even if the FBI inves gates or interviews them, then they will lie and obstruct jus ce which has almost certainly already happened. Sam Young, who dropped out of University School some me in middle school and was tall with blond hair, I suspect was turned into a Presiden al model homosexual sex slave. Beau Dickson, whose name alludes to a CIA designed homosexual life, I suspect was turned into a Presiden al model homosexual sex slave. Thomas Fisher and his family are suspected to be a spy family. I suspect that the town of Rohnert Park is an FBI training community while Sonoma State University (SSU) is an FBI training university. I strongly suspect the money came from the Mumford family in Portola Valley, California and the extremely wealthy and elite Rockefeller family. A er I le the country, there were a lot of maa controlled CIA assets involved in gang-stalking or other harassment as well as trickling money to corrupt intelligence ocials or poli cians who control local stalking groups to con nue the campaign. I suspect this whole life script had several possible combinable purposes with opportunis c handlers that probably thought about all of them. First is to create the rst homosexual President of the United States. Second is to create a super-spy that could be used to inltrate enemy organiza ons. In this case homosexuality was used to create an authen c and legi mate defector with technological devices embedded for the purpose of using the subconscious mind to spy. Third is to do real world experimenta on on an unwi ng and intelligence subject to learn how to be er perfect their techniques. Fourth is to conduct spiritual and psychological warfare on dicult individuals who dissent against the government. No ma er what the purpose, it is a persecutory, abusive, and goes against any moral or legal code while being a complete and u er waste of me, money, resources and a total failure. It should be noted that the actual life's of US Presidents is generally designed with s nts involving mul ple elite organiza ons and intelligence organiza ons. I suspect the en re ac ve maa inltrated opera onal wing of the CIA moves around as a big team from one country to another country. I believe they were in Turkey during part of the me I was there, then in India and now very recently have gone to Denmark. They are spreading mischief and corrup on by a emp ng to Satan-ize everyone. A bunch of them have come to harass me ac vely in Malaysia and I suspect remained hidden in safe-houses un l their loca ons were discovered, then at hotels and nally a er being chased out of these too they are hiding inside of the US Embassy, many undoubtedly safeguarded by diploma c immunity. They are illegally spying on Malaysia with at least one en re observa on and research satellite dedicated to spying on and harassing me. They sit inside of a room with laptops transmi ng verbal nonsense to me while manipula ng my subconscious mind and those of the people immediately around me. They also pay money to handlers in charge of local stalking groups. What they are doing is very close to playing the computer game "The Sims." If they get busted, they close up their laptops and claim they were not doing anything as it is very dicult to prove especially since the laptops likely remotely connect to another computer such that there is no evidence on the laptop itself either. They likely also have phony diploma c passports to claim immunity for their crimes or phony passports from other countries to cover their iden es. The maa inltrated por on of the CIA does not operate like public media such as movies and television shows portray. Instead of gh ng evil and being on the side of good, it is exactly the opposite yet the media obscures all of this so the public has a dicult me of grasping or believing the truth. Suspected subconscious control programming and propaganda ideas seeking to convince: That I am homosexual or gay or that maybe it is so. That I must change my sexual orienta on to gay on facebook. That phrases such as "turning a new leaf" should create associa ons with changing lifestyle. That I like Obama, the USA government, the FBI, the US Army, the USA intelligence community, the Democrats, University School, my University School classmates, administrators and teachers, homosexuality. That I am not a Muslim. That I must remove any reference to Islam on facebook. That I must remove this document and any pictures taken from the Internet. That I must come back to California or "home."

Perhaps, I am among the most hated and persecuted intellectuals in the USA. Having a rm and wise moral code as well as a thorough understanding of the elite secrets of the USA will lead one down a dark and lonely path of horrendous and illegal psychological torture and covert physical abuse, a disgus ng and u er viola on of human rights amoun ng to technological and psychological modern-day slavery in a system run by very decep ve criminals. The people in my life are all largely suspected of consis ng of being intelligence assets. Much of the things I took for granted in life were actually carefully designed or controlled. It is repulsive when the maa inltrates one's life to the point that family and friends "play the Nazi" on the target to possibly cover their own corrupt and degenerate behavior. I a empted to achieve my dream through a brilliant computer-based project at home and try to make an honest living but since my life went o the planned script, the maa inltrated government psychotronic teams moved in to do horrendous psychological degrada on. Some may consider me a weird loner due to this. Yet those that judge and abuse are the clear losers from my perspec ve as their black and white cul sh view of the world tends to only show o their low IQ. My somewhat an -social personality has led people to misjudge me and play agendas that turn around to bite them in the end as is clear by now. I tend to be frugal by making things last a long me through repair or care so I may wear old clothing that I have made last for years which can be misinterpreted by people. I have gone on a rampage over plenty of these things previously since I felt miserable all of the me and am overwhelmed by psychological stress. I could only hope that I was having a decent life as most others seem to be having. Yet these people have sacriced their soul, heart, mind and body to the intelligence community for what they have done such that it is not worth having to do what they now
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have to do in their new second life. These bizarre personal issues are not my fault however but due to a few criminals with arrogant power lust. It gets to the point where one becomes trauma zed by all the constant nega ve contrived social interac ons and physical pain, causing social isola on and enabling one to resist all the sexual and moral iden ty destruc on situa ons being thrown at the target by intelligence agents already accepted into the network many of which are so-called friends and family. They will run an intense stalking campaign to induce PTSD and covertly rape one while unconscious a er one has expended all of the li le energy one has le to destroy the training especially in terms of keeping sexual and moral iden ty as well as fantasies intact. I am not gay and the subject has never been an undecided issue for me although our fascist government thinks that the ends jus fy the means and will go to extremes in playing dirty psychology games to achieve its mission. Absolute peace, solitude, jus ce and death become the only things one truly looks forward to and desires. Being extremely sick of countless months and thousands of persistent, intrusive, invasive, sinister and nega ve covert psychological opera ons and fascist a acks including many dierent types of harassment and abuse, it is about me to turn these secrets into a way to ruin those abusing them and support my own life. Knowledge gained is knowledge learned which has mo vated me to show people the right way so as to not go morally astray. I have intelligently deduced a vast amount of top secret government informa on which is why I am con nuously being covertly sabotaged and tortured day and night. This is not supposed to happen during intelligence recruitment, yet I unfortunately nd myself in the unique posi on where the only possible scenario is to relocate to a safe foreign country and document a lot of never published before informa on. I had never thought being denied a security clearance would be like being handed the keys to the government when sharp wit is applied. I was too intelligent and gured out many of the secrets without the clearance so now they are mine to publicly share as their punishments are losing eec veness and serving only as provoca on. So if I don't seem right in the future or disappear altogether, with the extremely high-level corrup on I have now exposed and le in ruin, it is probably not surprising but will only go to further prove my point. Everyone who knows me understands that I am and always will be someone who exposes decep on and corrup on. I am sorry if I have a acked anyone who is a so target and not partaking in these nefarious aairs as opposed to the faceless men hiding behind satellites and fancy technology. It is clear that I never want to have anything to do with any of the perverts in the USA so my life there is very much nished. These pathe c dolts seem to have chosen me to be a messenger for a special message that carries with it mounds of dirt on a lot of degenerate individuals. One can be sure though that before the dust se les, a cover-up will have already taken place as the criminals who perpetrated these crimes will conspire to clean up the mess they have created. This informa on being exposed is causing the thuggish serf-lording campaign to unravel quite fast. Many of the criminal idiots in charge of harassing me have come a er me with a phony inves ga on, endless illegal and perverted acts as well as advanced technology such as satellite surveillance and cochlear implants. My personal ideological disagreement and disaec on are all logical. My mo va ons stem from higher level intellectual reasoning. I am fortunate enough to possess a great deal of knowledge and intellect that are being wasted and improperly u lized. My goal in life has always been ins nc vely singular and stems from current technology: innite learning. Devo ng oneself fully to learning eventually leads to using science and technology to build a more intelligent system than our own nature, that of a Human Being. In fact, some think that intelligence can be dened in terms of the ability of a system to achieve the upper limit on intelligence which is more commonly called the singularity. In more prac cal terms this implies that the real test of the intelligence of humanity (or any type of agents) is whether or not it will achieve super-intelligence. However, as Allah, an innite intelligence already exists; this is a fu le eort as a nite intelligence will not know the dierence between right and wrong as it has no soul. Thus any a empt at crea ng greater intelligence is the work of Satan. I would label the maa inltrated USA intelligence community as a huge network of people par cipa ng in a satanic cult known that uses many technologies to control the mind. It should be noted that this is an interna onal conspiracy and has simply hijacked the government of the USA as well as many other countries governments addi onally inltra ng many private organiza ons. In the USA, they are a well embedded group in the every intelligence agency, the military, and other important bureaucracies. They are loyal only to the Satanist agenda and belief system and not to any par cular country, organiza on or other higher purpose. They think in terms of genera ons, and the maa has been working for centuries to achieve the level of power and control they have achieved in this day and age. There are two choices in life: the truth or falsehood. Good or evil. Being part of the network of God or the network of Satan. Following Islam (or other Abraham-ic faiths) or the maa. Loca on names used in cochlear transmissions = Washington Peoples names used in cochlear transmissions = Obama, Dr. Pelosi, Judge Evans Company names used in cochlear transmissions = HP, JVC, Lexmark, Microso , Nokia, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba Ins tu on names used in cochlear transmissions = University School

Satanist, intelligence and ma ia recruitment campaign human rights violations listing as from my experience Cochlear transmission phrase list used by Satanists
Likely stemming from German occul sm and Nazi Germany. Play game of "devil's advocate" where phony arguments are conducted to try to confuse and manipulate the target with one typically responding o en along the lines of "no, he's not". Can be heard only by target and so ly. Can make loud high pitched noise in one ear or the other. Interchangeable names: "he", "him", "this Muslim", "this retard", "this f***", "this f***er", "this f***ing retard", "this a**hole", "this a** wipe", "this f***ing a**hole", "this loser", "this luna c", "this psycho", "this bastard", "this spy", "this President", "this f*g", "this gaywad", "this jerk", "this reject", "this bullsh*t", "this faker", "this poser", "this actor" Lies: "he hates his [country/f***ing country/life]" "he hates [us/his life/his family/<persons name>/<ins tu on name>/the FBI/the Army/the maa/his maa/the environment/the government/our government/the <country na onality> government/everyone/everybody/the whole world/the idea]" "he's leaking classied informa on" "he's leaking classied informa on to <country name>" "he's a/an <country na onality> intelligence agent" "he's working for <country na onality> intelligence" "hes working for the <country na onality> government" "hes making stu up" "he can't keep a secret" "he [needs to/cant] keep his mouth shut" "he's an enemy of the state" "he's a Nazi/spy/terrorist/luna c/retard/faker/poser/actor" "he's evil/guilty/Satan/sick/crazy/insane/weird/retarded/awful/faking/ac ng/lying" "he's [a cheater/chea ng/chea ng on us/chea ng on our country]" "he's out of control"
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"he's an a**hole" "hes being weird/obnoxious" "hes faking it" "he knows he's faking it" "we [all know/can tell] he's faking it" "everyone knows he's faking it" "hes playing games with us" "hes not a Muslim" "he's a Chris an" "he just likes the a en on" Fear, uncertainty and doubt: "come on" "alright" "unbelievable" "f*** you" "f***er" "motherf***er" "what are we going to do?" "what are we going to do about him?" "I dont know what to do about him" "there's nothing we can do about him" "he's destroying/ruining [his life/our research/our inves ga on/the script/the secret/the maa/the government/<person's /our country/<country name>/<city name>/University School/everybody/the whole world]" "we are was ng [an en re satellite/a spy satellite/a military bunker/ a ying saucer on him" "we blew/wasted [the whole world/an earthquake/a hurricane/a tsunami/a volcano/a terrorist a ack/a spy network/a heart transplant/kidney transplants/a lobotomy/an Arab country revolu on/a war/the CIA/cannibalism/the Obama Administra on/George Bush's legacy/motorcycle training/night-prowling/air force training/<company name>] on him" "we blew [our en re spy network/a volcano] on him" "he's giving away [the secret/all of our secrets]" "hes losing his audience" "[we can't let him/hes trying to] escape his life" "we can't let him escape" "he's throwing his life away" "he threw his [life/whole life] away" "he's losing respect" "hes not going to be the President anymore" "he cant be the President so lets make him be a Senator/Governor" "hes changing history" "we can't let him change history" "hes going to [cause a revolu on/start a war]" "the country is collapsing because of him" "we blew a volcano on him" "I cant believe the <country na onality> government is protec ng him" "I hate the <country na onality> government" "we need to collapse the <country na onality> government" "the whole world knows about him" "I cant stand him" "I hate [Muslims/him/his mind/his brain/his soul]" "the [whole army/FBI] hates him" "nobody cares about him" "he's too smart and gured it out already" "he's a genius" "he thinks its Satan" "we cant Satan-ize him" "weve lost him" "screw him" "I'm ge ng red of [him/this mission/this bullsh*t]" "I'm red of [him/this mission/this bullsh*t]" "I'm sick of [him/this mission/this bullsh*t]" "I'm sick and red of [him/this mission/this bullsh*t]" "hes lost/out/gone" "we all know he's a pariah/outcast" "its over" "hes impossible" "it is an impossibility" "he hates mind control" "he's not [afraid/coming back/faking/playing games with us]" "we can't [make him scared/arrest him/arrest him without permission/put him in the hospital/take him hostage/control his mind/control him]" "shut/cut him o" "cut him loose" "shut/cut him o the television/TV" "pull the plug on him" "we are [telling/talking to] [his father/the director/the general/<loca on name>/<person name>/<company name>] about him" "we need authoriza on for this" "give him his life back"
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"he doesn't deserve his life back" "I don't care what he does" "I don't care if he dies" "we can't let him get immigra on" "I can't believe they are giving immigra on to him" "he's going to get immigra on" "he doesn't deserve immigra on" "he can/can't iden fy us" "he's ge ng lucky" "we can't let him tes fy" "we can't jus fy this anymore" "we can't aord him" "we are selling/re ring/resigning him" "we are giving him away" "what a rip o" "we got ripped o" "I can't be responsible for him anymore" "we cant kick him out, hes our responsibility" "hes our responsibility" "we cant kick him out, hes going to talk" "hes going to talk" Control: "he needs to go to sleep" "he needs to call his recruiter back" "I hate his facebook" "we are [wai ng for him to/making him] run out of money" "we need to give him his medicine" "medicate him" "I want him scared" "we are talking to the ambassador of <country name>" "we need to get him to [a hotel/an airport]" "we need to get him back to [California/home with us]" "we are making him come [back/home/back home/back to California/back to America]" "we are taking him [back/back with us/home/back home/back to California/back to America]" "we need to get him [deported/to the airport/on an airplane/on a plane/back/home/back home/back to California/back to America]" "deport the sh*t out of him" "we all want him back" "we need to buy him a plane/return cket" "we are buying a plane cket for him" "give him ecstasy and put him on a plane" "[jacket/yellow jacket/give ecstasy to] him" "we need to get him in a wheelchair" "teleport him" "make a worm hole for him" "hes coming back" "we are making him guilty" "we can only get him arrested if he's coming back" "I want him under [control/mind control]" "[he's under/he needs] mind control" "we need to [use hypnosis/hypno ze/brainwash] him" "he needs a sidekick" "we are working backwards" "he needs to go to hell" "we are taking him to hell with us" "I'm countering him" "counter him" "punish him" "[I'm in love with/I love] him" Threats: "I want him [prosecuted/in custody/in deten on/locked up]" "I want to tes fy against this f***" "I want to sue him" "kick him out" "kick him out of the Army/CIA" "hes going to get kicked out of the Army/CIA" "he's going to get kicked out" "[he's/he gets] suspended" "[hes going to lose/he loses] his security clearance" "he's [ge ng taken/going] to an Army hospital" "[he needs to go/take him] to the hospital" "we need to take him to the hospital and turn him into a f***ing robot/animal/elephant" "[turn him into/he's] a [robot/machine/surrogate/slave/pros tute/pimp/bum/drug dealer]" "[turn him into/he's] an avatar/animal" "we are making him go crazy" "we need to make him stupid"
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"we are ruining his intelligence" "ruin his mind/intelligence" "we are erasing his memory" "give him amnesia" "he's losing his stomach" "we are giving him stomach pain" "we are ruining his stomach" "he needs a disease" "we need to give him a disease and get him into the hospital" "enslave him" "we are enslaving him" "we all know he's a slave" "frame/entrap him" "plant drugs on him and call the police" "plant counterfeit money on him" "call the police" "I want him busted" "hes got to get pulled over by a cop" "hes [ge ng/going to get] arrested" "he's being arrested by the government" "he needs to be/get arrested" "[I want him in/he needs to go to] jail" "he gets arrested at the border" "hes ge ng arrested at the border if he ever comes back" "lets take him hostage" "he's ge ng mind control" "[he's going/he needs] to get beaten" "lets beat [him/his a**]" "I want to cut his face o" "were making an example out of him" "I am ruining him" "wreck him [on the television]" "I want him wrecked" "he needs an oven" "shoot/kill/nish him" "he's dead" "barbecue him" "use a weapon on him" "I want him alive" "kill [his girlfriend/this pros tute]" "[he needs to/we are going to make him] commit suicide" "we [are taking/need to take away/need to get him away from] his [laptop/computer/hand phone]" "we [are causing an earthquake/need] to ruin his laptop/computer" "we need to ruin his [facebook/document/hard disk/credit card]" "we need to get his facebook/document o of the Internet" "we need to get him o [the Internet/his computer]" "we need to make him run out of money" "we are taking his credit card away from him" "steal his wallet" "we are taking his car away from him" "he's losing all of his stu" "we need to get into his storage locker" Homosexuality: "f*g" "gaywad" "I hate this f*g" "[he's/he's ge ng/make him/I want him] gay" "hes a f*g" "he's being a f*g" "hes a gaywad" "hes the gay guy" "we already/all know he's gay" "everyone knows he's gay" "we are making him go gay" "he won't go gay" "he already knows he's gay" "he's a woman" "rape him" "it is mandatory to rape him" "he needs his a** raped" "we [have/need an excuse] to rape him" "he's [going to get/ge ng] raped" "he's ge ng gang-raped" "he's ge ng raped in the Army" "he's ge ng raped at/in the hospital"
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"he's [going to get/ge ng] raped in prison" "he's ge ng gang-raped in prison" "he's a sh" "sh" "I want him gay/raped" "let's [mind rape him/rape his mind]" "were taping his mouth shut and raping him" "I want to beat the sh*t out of him" "I'm gonna put my c*** in him" "[we need to/lets] rape him to death" "he needs a boyfriend" "we're raping his mother" "lets rape his girlfriend" "his girlfriend is beau ful" "[she is chea ng/make her cheat] on him" "[give/we're giving] him AIDS" "I cant believe this girl wants to marry him" "hes ruining [gay pride/the gay pride parade]" "we should never have raped this bastard" Example ordering: "he's ruining our inves ga on so we have to get him arrested" "kick him out of the Army once and for all" "we have to rape him gay" "he can't keep a secret" "we have to get his facebook o of the Internet" "let's make an example out of this f***ing retard" "he's crazy" "he's ge ng gang-raped" "I'm taping his mouth shut and f***ing raping this bastard" "take him to the hospital and turn him into a f***ing robot" "he get's arrested if he comes back through the border" "I want him dead" "he's ruining his f***ing country" or "we are enslaving this f***ing a**hole" "he's ge ng his mind raped" "let's beat the sh*t out of him" "we need to take him to the hospital" "he's a luna c" "he's leaking classied informa on" "we are ge ng him arrested" "he's got to get kicked out of <country name>" "we've got to take his computer away from him" "we've got to take his car away" "we have to get into his storage locker" "we are making him run out of money" "we've got to get his document o the Internet" "we have to ruin his sleep" "he ruined his life" "he ruined our inves ga on" "we all know he's a slave" "turn him into a male pros tute" "put him in the hospital and rape this f***er" "kill him in his sleep" "cut him o" "we need to get him under mind control" "we can't give him mind control in <country name>" "we're enslaving this f***ing retard" "we all know he's a slave" "he's a cheater" "he's ruining our f***ing country" "we are ruining his f***ing document" "rape him to death" or "cut him o the TV" "I want him raped" "he's ge ng arrested if he comes back to the country" "frame him" "plant drugs on him and call the police" "put him in the hospital" "we're taking him hostage" "we can't take him hostage" "he's dead then" "we can't aord this anymore" "screw him"

Religious persecution campaign

Loca ng stores that serve alcoholic beverages next to religious stores. Loca ng an area full of organized crime including massage shops, pros tu on hotels, pros tutes, pimps and drug dealers right next to a strong religious community. Using directed energy weapons to cause atulence a er target has performed ablu on such as during prayer. Using directed energy weapons to make target lazy when target wants to study religion, go to a house of worship or perform ablu on or prayer. Having actors harass the target in a house of worship by wearing inappropriate clothing, deliberately praying too close to the target even to the point of touching or rubbing together of toes, elbows or knees, s cking out body parts such as feet toward target, rubbing body parts, wearing strong colognes, whispering, talking, coughing, sniing or sneezing around target, walking in front of the target during prayer. Having actors a empt to befriend the target along religious lines and then performing satanic cult recruitment by giving gi s such as colognes or perfumes, excessive amounts of food and drinks, insis ng on giving rides in vehicles, wan ng to go on personal vaca ons with the target, and taking as much of the target's free me away as possible. Having handlers inltrate all new convert and educa onal organiza ons including Universi es for the religion who will teach the religion while performing satanic cult recruitment. U lizing deliberately distrac ng cochlear transmissions on target during prayer. Minor sabotage of target's property that has spiritual value such as books, prayer stones, or prayer mats through minor damage or scen ng. Weather manipula on to make excessive heat and humidity during fas ng mes such as the holy month of Ramadan in Islam or making it rain when target wants to go to house of worship. Causing trouble for target on most important worship days such as Fridays in Islam. Causing cuts and sores on the top of one's feet to make it dicult to kneel when praying. Using actors of the target's religion to befriend and stalk the target. Designing the target's dreams to link religion to satanic nonsense and a empt to thwart his or her faith such as repea ng part of a prayer containing the word "help" but changing it to the word "hell". Pu ng a small amount of alcohol in a target's fruit juice drink to make the target use alcohol without realizing it. Serving the target what is claimed to be chicken when it is actually human meat so as to trick the target into cannibalism. Bathroom: Urinals so men urinate while standing, toilets so one does not squat and toilet paper so one does not wash properly with water. Food: Prevalence of alcohol, bacon, pig fat used to fry food, sugar and wheat bread, sugar gum, coee, root beer, malt beverages served in dark bo les resembling beer bo les. Silverware including forks, knives, spoons and chops cks to prevent ea ng in tradi on with hands. Tobacco: Cigare es, cigars, nico ne patches, nico ne gum. No promo on of family values and genuine love. Alcohol based perfumes and colognes. Using religious maas who are hypocrites that do not prac ce the religion behind closed doors but have enough knowledge of the religion to act in public as a subject of that religion solely for the sake of keeping power and control over the members who are prac cing their religion. As this has begun to be exposed, cover-ups are wri ng making honest members of the religion seem like they are in fact a maa like group such as a book the CIA had wri en about the so-called "Muslim maa" which is about pious and devout Muslims when in fact the "Muslim maa" is a CIA crea on that exists throughout the Muslim world in their CIA puppet governments. People who want to teach religion but will only talk about God and what is good yet will at out refuse to talk about or acknowledge the other half which is the ght and struggle against Satan. Hypocrites who speak the truth about religion but their ac ons only go towards satanic cult recruitment.

Investigative techniques
Organized crime known as the mob, maa or syndicate having complete inltra on of all intelligence and inves ga ve services including local and federal
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policing agencies. Opening a phony inves ga on into anyone who resists or opposes organized crime rings. Making deliberate mistakes to sabotage the target's criminal record. Floa ng box surveillance: uses a team of wheel or pavement ar sts to constantly surround the target with real- me communica on, uses at minimum a command vehicle who leads the team and follows behind the target, outrider vehicles on the le and right side, one or more advance vehicles ahead of the target and a backup vehicle to become command if target makes an abrupt maneuver, will have chea ng vehicles that turn out in all possible direc ons ahead of the target in case the target makes an abrupt turn, U-turns most eec ve way to beat and detect by looking for vehicles turning le in response, use diversions and decoys such as tailga ng, drivers doing unusual ac vi es such as rummaging through the trunk at a trac light, confused drivers, sloppy drivers, honey pots such as pavement ar sts on the street of the opposite gender or other things to catch the target's eye, wheel ar sts support pavement ar sts through transi on from vehicle to foot, leapfrogging by having vehicles constantly move them ahead of the target, communica ons by having vehicle surveillance team broadcast the low-range body-communica ons equipment from the pavement team, orienta on where wheel ar sts provide map and direc on-nding support, lost-command drill where target is temporarily out of sight, transporta on such that when the target returns to their vehicle the pavement team is picked up. Hand-o surveillance: passing surveillance from one oa ng box team to another. Sta c surveillance: only do surveillance at xed points along a route. Stake-out box surveillance: uses advanced surveillance gear to keep target. Wheel ar sts: specially equipped vehicles (can be any vehicle from a small car to a big rig truck) with reinforced bumper, heavy-duty radiator, controllable headlamps allowing one to be brighter than the other simula ng a faulty ba ery, heavy-duty steering pump, controllable brake lights to hide slowing down synchronously with target, reinforced rear bumper, heavy-duty ba ery, top-quality shocks, stall switch to simulate automobile breakdown, vehicle radio sets, hidden internally mounted ear-piece. Pavement ar sts: can be any person, young or old, disabled, bum or professional, behavior is what ma ers not appearance. Cover-up ar st: can cover up inves ga ve crimes through electronic or physical means. Use decoy teams that can be detected and removed as well as stealth teams. Rapid same-day response. Mul -layered team can fool a target into thinking surveillance has ended. Use of psychological games and managed aggression to place the target into fear or provoke the target into losing his or her temper. Using drag nets in areas the target stays in for a long period me to plant spies and agents everywhere with the aim of befriending the target so that it will make it harder for the target to walk around anonymously as everywhere they go there will be someone who wants to talk with them and knows who they are. This includes people working in stores along common routes and street maa such as drug dealers, pimps and pros tutes. Agents can be iden ed by pa erns of vehicles with perfect condi on, unique paint jobs, front nted windows, license plates with repeated numbers in many countries, women wear sexy ou its and high-heeled shoes, Muslim women will wear full head-cover yet leave feet uncovered or modify from only showing eyes to revealing the whole face, men hang out in large groups doing nothing in the street, behavior very important as gang-stalking can be witnessed.

Presidential/Congressional/Gubernatorial servitude/recruitment campaign

Candidates all chosen from secret royalty system going back for hundreds or thousands of years, that includes powerful families that are all well connected and networked together to remain in power. The Illumina is a name used to describe this elite class. US Presidents are designed from birth in a special intelligence community scripted life program where a massive amount of money is spent and all the people in the target's life are intelligence community actors. First homosexual/gay President of the United States (POTUS) script amounts to the epitome of immorality to the point of producing the most Satanic ruler such as Hitler who was theorized to be latently homosexual. Covert facial plas c surgery is performed on the target during anesthe zed sleep is performed to give the look of a "presiden al face." Presiden al models are designed as mind control programmed sex slaves for each President chosen for certain desirable looks from skin, hair or eye color, face and hair style, body type, or other physical traits. En re maa is created for each President by programming people throughout the country and the world using torture of babies during rst 3 years of life to produce dissocia ve password accessible iden es especially for sex, killing and suicide. This can be done in about one week with daily programming sessions anywhere in the world using teleporta on technology though surveillance must be conducted on the residence to nd me where the baby is sleeping and the parents are either also sleeping or have le it alone. Intelligence recruitment campaign is used to further this agenda and bring the target in line with the secrets of the government.

Advanced/dirty/military/intelligence/occultist/satanic psychology, psychological warfare/torture and technology

Target assigned a "handler" or subconscious programmer who will be required to u lize clandes ne behavior to avoid suspicion later on by the target such as the school disciplinarian of the target when they are a child in lower school. Target has designed experiences that are concocted to break through the barriers of the mind. Their environment is completely designed around them as if they live their life in a psychology experiment. Target is forced to learn to live mul ple lives, a emp ng to induce dissocia ve iden ty disorder (DID) Surveillance and counter-surveillance tac cs are ins lled on the target. Physical trauma is inicted through DEWs used on the subconscious mind or body also to control devices such as tear duct, saliva on glands, rectal pain suppression or cochlear (inner ear) implants. A "body suit" is a mechanism installed in a target to control pain in any area of the body especially the calve muscles of the lower leg, hamstring or quadriceps muscles of the upper leg, exor and extensor muscles of the lower arm and bicep and triceps muscles of the upper arm. Rectal nerve pain suppressors are used to rou nely give the target the pain and discomfort sensa on in the rectum. Satanic ritual abuse also inicts trauma on target areas of the body by rou nely bea ng areas such as the forearms or calves of the target while the target sleeps if the target did something day me that would make these areas of the body sore or red. Satanic ritual abuse requires a scripted plan for how and when to administer mental abuse through either physical abuse or medica ons in a methodical and experience inducing fashion based on what the target does during the day. The target is kept in a dazed, confused, red and weak state. Emo onal trauma is inicted through friends and family of the target as well as other paid spies. Using advanced psychological skits, these trained actors will a empt to achieve contradictory and abusive drama and other absurd aairs in a targets life. Tear duct or saliva on ducts are ac vated at certain mes to create emo onal trauma. Rapid heartbeat and heart palpita ons are induced to make target nervous or uneasy. Spies trained in various cra s such as breaking and entering, medicine or rape special es will work together in a regular team to covertly terrorize the target during sleep. Directed energy weapons (DEWs) mounted on research satellites for subconscious psychological or weather manipula on. 24/7 through-the-wall ultra-wide band covert video surveillance from observa on satellites or sta onary loca ons such as trucks, vans or nearby homes and also audio surveillance through bugs and direc onal microphones to monitor and prole the behavior and mind of the target and coordinate subconscious manipula on and teams of actors around this prole.
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DEWs for ac ve monitoring of vital organs, vision/mental imagery, vocaliza on/sub-vocaliza on, subconscious feelings. Weather manipula on such as rain, thunder, wind, lightning and extreme heat is used to control the target. Intelligence assets playing psychology games with DEWs to send vocal messages u lizing subconscious sugges ons via inner ear transmissions that repeat words or phrases to cochlear implants with barely audible repe ve keywords, visual cortex transmissions during sleep to inuence dreams through visual imagery, sounds, feelings, sensa ons in the body and the ability to control the vocal chords for speech, and the subconscious mind, manipula ng subconscious feelings. Advanced psychological opera ons using teams of actors capable of receiving visual and audio transmissions. Audio transmissions are made through cochlear implants with one way voice links (OWVL) allowing them all to covertly work together by receiving orders from their command about how to treat targets, hear what a target or other actor hears, or listen in on a target's surrounding area through bugs or direc onal microphones. Visual transmissions consist of remote viewing technology that allows an actor to have surveillance video transmi ed into their visual cortex so they can see their command center, what the target or another actor is seeing or the target's surrounding area using through-the-wall ultra-wide band surveillance. The intelligence agent team from within military bunkers has some agents wearing special helmets allowing for the monitoring of visual, vocal and sub-vocal surveillance of the targets or actors which can allow each actor to direct the loca on of the audio and video surveillance to the desired area with li le eort. Turbulence sequences through control of wind can be used on target when aboard aircra . Directed microwave weapons that allow for heart palpita ons, skin irrita on such as on p of penis, rectum, ears, nose, face, nger ps or toes. Ability to use ultrasonic weapons to eect the target's body or send an ultrasonic pulse known as an ultrasonic bullet to end the life of a target. Can use radia on guns through the wall to give a target a disease such as cancer. Holographic projectors which can capture and project an image in order to defeat video cameras. Ability to use ying saucer technology for worldwide mobility equipped and invisibility cloaks to covertly enter any unshielded premise the target or the target's property is residing in without any sign of detec on especially if the target is taking counter measures against the more standard entry prac ces. It is possible though unlikely that teleporta on technology is being used. Turning everything in the target's life upside-down and inside-out by doing anything the target will nd to be degrading or humilia ng, taking away the target's happiness or anything the target treasures. U lizing a core team of secret government agents who run the show from a well sealed basement such as hidden military bunkers or research laboratories in an underground network throughout the country anywhere from Washington, DC, New York City, New York, Chicago, Illinois or Los Angeles, California to Alaska. This way those behind the computers and controlling the satellites are isolated from electronic and psychological warfare a acks themselves while being able to cover their iden es. These buildings are shielded with walls containing lead, glass, steel and empty space in a vacuum and are also electronically protected with grounded sta c electricity dischargers, generators and uninterruptable power supplies. They all have phony cover jobs and when they go to work or are at home they can teleport or have a secret underground entrance from their oce or home into the military bunker network. They drive to and from work as well as maintain some sort of social life so that their cover life protects them from suspicion of working as CIA agents and commi ng crimes and atroci es every day. Ability to control the target's sleep rou ne such that they get a consistent yet small amount of hours of sleep every night such as exactly 4 or 5 hours by using DEWs, noise campaigns and rectal nerve pain to prevent them from falling asleep or forcing them awake. Techniques including using covertly administered medica ons for induc on of insomnia or excessive weariness, manic temperament or depression or alterna ng between to make the target seem bipolar, or an -psycho cs to make the target unable to have regular and proper cogni ve func oning. Turning the target's life into a secret television show using the above surveillance techniques being transmi ed to even extremely large teams of people already par cipa ng so they can analyze the target and then when the target's public loca on can be predicted will put themselves beforehand deliberately in range of the target to perform whatever psychological manipula on through ac ng that they are paid to do. Mosquitoes used to harass the target and can be made to y back and forth in front of the target's computer or television screen. Can be made to bite the target especially while sleeping. Ants used to harass the targets property by using small food crumbs near things such as a bed or openings to the inside of the computer. Discredi ng the target using teams of agents who will distract from, divert a en on from, use harassment on, "troll" against or wrongly eliminate informa on the target is spreading. Signs: Endless highly coordinated ac vi es and coincidences. Bug bites on the forearms or stomach a er divulging informa on.

Gang/vigilante/organized stalking campaign

Strategic posi oning to take over a neighborhood: Meth lab in a recessed house with a long driveway and a limo service as a front. Corner houses are important since they are typically cheaper sec on 8 houses as they are noisy and less spacious but they are necessary for gangs to own as lookout points since they can see cars and people coming in all direc ons - it is most common for the gang to start taking over a block with the 4 corner proper es on the block. Lookouts are needed prac cally 24/7 since even if the gang is not ac vely doing ac vi es, they cannot risk their property being damaged or other mishaps occurring without their knowledge on their block. Security cameras make good sense for corner lots to help with this. Move in from the corner a house at a me by making the block noisy and undesirable to the residents. Paying or bribing younger children 10-12 years old with drugs to ride on their bicycles up and down the block very slow looking pre y drugged out. Brothels are typically the next over from the corner as the trac actually in and out of the building needs the protec on of the lookout and the next from corner loca on is usually one of the rst target's uprooted. Every gangster has a car that matches the job such that many stalkers/lookouts have motorcycles, street dealers have dark blue Porsches, enforcers drive beige sports cars with no front license plate but gang symbols on both sides of the bumper instead, the high tech stalker drives a white Lexus sedan, the fancy pros tutes drive SUVs and may make chemical pickups for the lab, "Limos" for the "Limo" driver, the construc on workers and simpler ones drive Je as and Priuses. Iden fying targets to stalk by iden fying poten al snitches, informants and those who are not friendly or deal with the gang. One way is to bring in a drug dealer in the dark blue sports car and have him drive in super noisy while being very observant as to the curtain ac vity down the block. He will get out of his car and slam the door extremely loudly, walk directly into the middle of the road and spit the loudest spitball he can make, and con nue to look for people that will peer out. A er this theatre, most likely with the help of other lookouts, he can feel safe to do business in the area. Cars that the target has iden ed as troublesome will leave in whatever direc on will provide for the smallest viewing period of their license plate as possible and speed away from the immediate vicinity as fast as possible. Hand signals are used as they can easily communicate the important basics from one end of the block to the other almost instantly using the lookouts. Signs of a clandes ne chemical laboratory: Inherently dangerous as one is at risk of inhaling odorless toxic fumes or an explosion especially if it is discovered. Can be manufacturing methamphetamines, ecstasy, LSD, other drugs, bombs or explosives Under the cover of a private limo service.
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Heavy street theater around the laboratory for demonstra ons and protec on from exposure. Highly suspicious 2"x3" cutout in the front that has only blackness inside - no other buildings have anything like it. White spray painted window, on side of building. Extremely thorough white curtains on the front that have remained exactly as is. The garage is never used and a red Volvo is always parked in the driveway that leaves for short trips. Most of the ac vity around the place is centered between 10PM-4AM but especially between 1AM-4AM. Many cars around it will clear out between 3:30AM and at latest 5AM. People hanging out smoking cigare es outside the house and there are o en bu s on the sidewalk. During the day, the only ac vity is the "limo" driver/cleaner who cleans mul ple limos that are driven into the area in the driveway and gives the appearance that something legi mate could be going on there. Excessive trash is located all over in the front of the house. Police surveillance van that shows up for weeks at a me and immediately eliminates all the street ac vity. It will remain like this for years and the target will probably not meet anybody aside from occasionally seeing the limo driver out in the street. Stalking tac cs: Only perform techniques to provoke the target but not where evidence is le such that the target can legi mately call the police. Street theater. Covert harassment through technology or intelligence actors. Cu ng 2 inch pieces out of the target's door sweeps and nding large nasty spiders to scoop up and put in on a week to week basis. Spider and insect harassment by placing them into target's home when target is away. Leaving dead bugs in the target's stairwell, in front of their front door or on the target's car. Controlling the mind of animals, insects or spiders to harass the target. Personal space invasion campaign. Dropping very ny pieces of odd sorts of trash on the ground outside the targets home every me they decide to clean it up. Leaving cigare e bu s or very long cigare es in a direc onally poin ng manner around the target's property or vehicle. Use a poisonous chemical goop or spray to poison the target's doorknobs, car door handles and peep hole or any other things the target is likely to leave out and then touch. Use chemical soaked rags or cook meth in the street to cause toxic fumes to dri into the target's home. Delaying construc on if a corrupt project is going on nearby. Paying neighbors to stalk by checking their mail in harassing ways. Paying construc on workers to spy on the target. Paying pizza delivery people for cash receipts to obtain phone numbers. Paying package delivery drivers to peel the tape o a corner of a package and tell them the contents or informa on inside. Over delivering the same menus for the same few Chinese restaurants in the same area repeatedly. Hiring a roofer or performer who can climb on the roof of the target's house without being seen and or dropping a large piece of cloth such as a black towel down to the ground below to send a message when target will be in area to see it such as in front of the bathroom window when target urinates. Street/u lity repair harassment by doing gratuitous street renova on construc on projects. Paying the local car service repairmen to deliberately overcharge and perform minor sabotage. Paying a doctor to deliberately mislead and misdiagnose a pa ent to discredit them and make them look crazy while providing the pa ent with falsied records. Having a moving truck loaded up half full of complete junk such as lawn chairs and inatable pools that are all roped down so the back door can be le open and when the target is leaving their home have the moving truck zoom by them at a fast pace and turn a corner so fast it almost looks like the load is falling out and then immediately pulling over to the side of the road for a few seconds to send a message. Installing a GPS tracking device in the target's vehicle. Call harassment on a daily basis with dierent combina ons of private/unknown name/caller un l a privacy manager is installed. Use EMF jammers to block the targets wireless electronics or cause them to malfunc on. Listen and spy on targets movements in their home, television habits, sleep pa erns, etc. Use an x-ray imaging device similar to those found in modern airport security, a thermal imaging device or through-the-wall ultra-wide band surveillance gear to monitor targets movement and can be used in conjunc on with the military technology to really have a dras c eect on the target. Use classied possibly stolen military technology to control the subconscious through electromagne c frequencies (EMF) or microwaves which can be used to cause dierent things such as fa gue, stress, heart beat irregulari es, nerve twitches, side pain, etc on a constant and debilita ng basis - seems to be most eec ve when the target's exact loca on within a building is known. Using mind control on a target where they are strapped down, eyelids xed open, electrodes placed on the head and forcibly made to watch and listen to videos while posi ve and nega ve feelings are simultaneously and synchronously associated with the video depending on the agenda of the programmer. If the target puts a camera in the window, across the street have as many intelligence actor owned houses as possible put bright lights at the top of the house to help blur the cameras view and send a message that all of the houses are in fact owned by intelligence actors. Having the target followed or monitored by people in public to make them uncomfortable. Have chains of fancy cars with wealthier couples drive through the neighborhood in a line to send a message. Engaging in full scale electronic warfare by deploying EMF weaponry, EMF jammers, thermal imaging to monitor keyboard heat, monitor images, targets movement, security vulnerabili es that have been probably created through government intelligence assets. Interfering with the target's circadian and sleep rhythms using military technology, conduc ng noise campaigns, conduc ng all night hacking war games, interfering with electronic and wireless devices, in mida on by subtly hin ng to the target that they are in fact being monitored using classical condi oning such as a loud car driving by every me the target visits a certain website, or another target oriented pa ern to ins ll fear. Having re trucks harass or in midate the target when they are walking on the street or driving. Bugging the target's home using cops or landlords. Corrup ng people by ge ng them to cheat on their signicant others who then can be setup to become targets. Designing schemes to get the target to end up in a certain apartment by using a somewhat dishonest girl/boyfriend. Designing schemes to get the target to end up working at a specic job by contac ng companies they have planted people in to hire the target. Deliberately harassing the target at work by using coworkers or making their computer have glitches. This type of tampering is possible as coworker's public and private a tudes o en dier as has been seen many mes in history for almost any deliberate sabotage of an individual's work environment which is a well-known stalking technique. Undoing all no ceable tampering like squeaky breaks, GPS tracking devices, bugs when the target will have the capability of detec ng them or to make the target appear crazy. Financial or paperwork harassment. Ar cial social situa ons for social programming.
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Having people come up with phony work to keep the target busy and in an area they can be harassed. Pu ng contact poison on surfaces the target will touch such as a table or arm of a chair to give them muscle or nerve problems. Psychological travel campaign Having many stalkers wear air or bus transporta on related shirts for various airlines when they want the target to travel. Having many stalkers wheel or carry luggage in front of the target to give message to travel. Having many stalkers wear camouage or military style pants, shirts or jackets when they want the target to join or contact the military. Constant talk of "send him back", "I want him back", "he needs to come back", "deport him" through cochlear transmissions and maa criminals. Use of clothing, gi s, mail or email to target to remind them of things from their childhood or past such as colors of sports teams, or services or ins tu ons that the target used to use. Using travel or airline company junk mail or emails. Using organiza ons the target was aliated with as a pretext to send mail or email with hosted events. Forced travel campaign Buying an airplane cket for the target. Using drugs such as ecstasy to put target onto an airplane in a state of induced happiness. Drugging the target with a knockout drug and pu ng them in a wheelchair to get them onto an airplane. Having the target falsely imprisoned in a foreign country and allowing their treatment to physically and mentally deteriorate them un l the target is "voluntarily" willing to return. Having the target falsely hospitalized in a foreign country and using their family as well as agents of medical tyranny to forcibly return them. Bribery, coercion, or threatening government ocials or groups with an alia on that would support the target using money, the maa, blackmail, technology or other techniques to have the target forcibly deported. Studying the technical details of immigra on policies for a country and trying to manipulate the target into a situa on where they will have made a rou ne visa viola on or conict with other uncommonly known deporta on rules. Money consump on campaign Use of maa actors who a empt to overcharge be it at rou ne shopping such as a convenience store, for hotels or for transporta on, especially taxi fares. When on the go, transporta on targe ng is very common by the maa who has many taxi drivers. Targe ng through nancial ins tu ons such as banks or investment rms to reduce income or create addi onal rules such as foreign ATM transac on fees. Use of taxes and the complicated tax rules to drain money. Increasing price of monthly billing services from gym memberships, to mail or rent. Threat campaign Being "minced" or forced into the legal system through phony ins tu onaliza on into a hospital, psychological ward, mental ins tu on or insane asylum or incarcera on into jail or prison. Driving the target crazy known as gas-ligh ng or "popping" a target, discredi ng them, making them look and seem insane when in fact they are simply being hyper percep ve of their surroundings. Teams of maa and intelligence actors will use arm-chair psychology to label the target as crazy and discredit them especially with the label of paranoid schizophrenia, the classic condi on which the government has used to cover-up abuse of targeted individuals. Having ambulances harass the target when they ght the maa by sending one to go by the target or such as one slowly driving by the target right when they are arriving home. Having many disabled people wheeled by the target as a threat or mentally challenged people sent to the target for harassment. Leaving dead rats, newspapers or the wrapper of a newspaper near target's residence, under the target's trash bins or in path they will be walking. Having maa criminals constantly threaten to rape, use "mind control", forcibly return, beat or kill the target. Sending "weapons" or teams of "weapons" which are slaves designed for killing or assassina ng targets in to scare the target either due to their dangerous gestures, large physical stature or seemingly threatening talk on the phone or with people around them. Noise campaign All noise synchronized with target's sleep and ac vi es. Constantly talking in maa style talk about the target when nearby the target such as outside the target's hotel room and then when the target approaches, immediately changing to talking about something else or changing languages. Will speak perfectly in the target's na ve language but will change into another language and pretend not to speak any of the target's language if ques oned or an unpleasant situa on is created. Neighbors leaving doors to their rooms open and talking loudly or playing loud music. Neighbors leaving their cars in the driveway with the engine on for 15 minutes and going back and forth between the house and the car where music will be blasted very loud for about 15 seconds at a me. Noisy motorcycles revving their engines up in the street for long periods of me or driving loudly through the neighborhood late at night. Motorcycles constantly loudly revving engines near target when target is in the street or home. Repeated slamming of car doors around the target. Loud stomping on the ground or oor when walking by the target or the target's room or from above. Playing loud harassing music near the target. Paying neighbors to make unnecessary deliberate noise like toilet slamming or chairs scratching the oor. Paying construc on workers to make loud noise directed toward the target rst thing in the morning especially if they stayed up late the previous night. Paying lawn mowing services on the block extra to take a long me which can annoy the target during the day. Using cleaners or garbage collec on service to wake up the target at specic mes. Hiring a roofer or performer who can climb on the roof of the target's house without being seen and conduc ng a creak noise campaign. Doing loud fake drug deals to bait the target or real drug deals outside the target's home to annoy the target. Deliberately placing raccoons in the target's yard or neighboring yard especially if vacated as they are very loud animals but rela vely easy to chase away once discovered. Teaching birds to y certain routes at certain hours of the morning using targeted bird feeders such as 5AM where it would be par cularly annoying. Having airplanes or helicopters y close enough by a target's residence such that the engine noise is audible. Gunshots on the block or outside the target's residence. Se ng o reworks constantly around the target's residence. Tampering with a vehicle so it has very no ceably squeaky breaks. Having vehicles with specially modied alarm sound systems that can be controlled with a small remote control play high pitched annoying noises. Maa doing gratuitous non-construc on related hammering or making pounding noises in neighboring rooms. Constantly sweeping loudly outside the target's room.
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Satanic ritual abuse to create slaves

Performed on babies less than 3 years of age and a erwards on targets when they are sleeping Using pain and torture experiences to harden the baby such as pu ng mousetraps on babies' ngers un l they stop crying or the binding of babies arms or legs. A er torture and pain sessions, parents are very gentle and caring. The torture and pain sessions are used to fracture the mind into mul ple personali es with an amnesia barrier present between each personality and a sensory code such as phrases, sound, image, taste or smell always used at the beginning of a session and end of a session to trigger and un-trigger the dierent personali es. One such password used for sex slave programming sessions is "life is all about sharing," which is done in a specic personality's voice which could be the father of the target, the grade school principal of the target or even an old famous science-c on television series actor. Forcing the baby to perform oral sex o en on its father when programming a 'beta alter' which is a sex slave state. This o en leaves a strange trauma in female vic ms making them averse to performing oral sex on a partner willingly at a later stage in their life. Psychologically try to secretly mold the baby to loving and obeying its parents as the pain and torture is done in a way that it will not be remembered whereas the caring and nurturing will be remembered especially a er being a baby when it is done only during sleep. During sleep, using pain and torture to control the target in a way that the target believes anything they experience from it during the day is their own fault such as bea ng the forearms of a target that uses the computer or plays video games too much. Scraping skin o the knuckles of a target that shows hos lity to or ghts with the maa. If the target burns themselves in a sensi ve area such as dismoun ng from a motorcycle and burning the skin on the back of the knees on the hot exhaust tube, then repeatedly burning that same area so it never heals by holding a previously heated hot lighter against the target. Using nail polish remover or other chemicals to give penis eczema to a target a er the target makes love to many women or an unclean woman. Signs: Babies that wake up and move their body, arms and legs in such a way that it seems as if they are trying to escape their own body. Changes to body during sleep.

Money wasting campaign

Items that are very cheap are generally more about was ng the target's me than money. Using girlfriends of target to force target into spending money which can be done through drama such as tears or through any trip to the store requiring the target to buy a bunch of household or toiletry products for her. Using predators who will constantly beg for money from the target or constantly ask to borrow money including people posing as if they are collec ng money for religious schools or chari es, children, the elderly, the homeless, pimps, pros tutes or drug-dealers. Maa will refer to use of their people to do predatory prac ces against the target under the incorrect label of "robbery" as if they are forcing you to do it. Using maa run businesses to always extort money out of target by drama cally over-charging and then nego a ng to a price that is s ll well over the normal price. Girlfriend going to dinner with the target and then invi ng friends without telling target about it all the while implying and expec ng the target to pay. If girlfriend has children already, will make target have to spend excessive money on their children especially on games or food. Sabotage of vehicles including shocks, ba eries, brakes, air lters, license plate bolts or holders. Sabotage of phone ba eries, computer ba eries. Using poisons and medicines to wear out the target, forcing them to go to the doctor or hospital for medicine or opera ons. Crea ng medical condi ons such as skin problems including eczema, psoriasis, warts or dandru.

Vehicular harassment campaign

Covert surveillance teams following the target around in a menacing fashion. Having the target followed by a large number of cars when they leave their home so they feel in midated and crazy by doing things like having cars follow them no ma er what lane they change in for a few blocks at a me and taking turns, or other maneuvers without ge ng to the point where it is too obvious. Crea ng moving road blocks in front of the target to force the target to miss trac lights or just generally delay the target's trip. Crea ng moving road blocks behind the target to isolate the target and let the target know he or she is under covert surveillance. When the target is behind a harasser, they may turn on their windshield wipers when going at a fast speed to spray the target's vehicle with dirty uid. Honking horns at the target for no apparent reason. Many trucks, SUVs or large vans with nted windows o en in the front and repeated numbers in the license plate surrounding the target. Constant swerving and weaving in front of the target for no apparent reason. Having civilians in crosswalks wai ng to cross when the target approaches. Taking all of the parking spots in an area the target is going to or taking the targets usual spot. In some countries, it is fairly well known that ge ng a plate with repeated numbers is very dicult and symbolizes wealth or powerful connec ons. Secret government license plates in the State of California ending with an odd number may indicate less seniority or importance. Repeated numbers marking intelligence community seems true in USA especially the State of California, but also in Canada, Turkey, Lebanon, Belgium and Malaysia. Signs: Using math and probability, one can analyze license plate pa erns. Total possible plates with format #???### (standard format) where # is an arbitrary digit and ? is an arbitrary le er: 10*26*26*26*10*10*10 = 175,760,000 plates (more than enough for any individual state). Total possible plates in standard format where 2 and only 2 of the digits are iden cal: 4c2*10*26*26*26*9*8 = 4!/(2!*2!)*10*26*26*26*9*8 = 75,934,800 (6 posi onal possibili es could each poten ally indicate a dierent thing). Total possible plates in standard format where 3 and only 3 of the digits are iden cal: 4c3*10*26*26*26*9 = 4!/(3!*1!)*10*26*26*26*9 = 6,327,360 (4 posi onal possibili es could each poten ally indicate a dierent thing). Total possible plates in standard format where 4 of the digits are iden cal: 10*26*26*26 = 175,760. Total possible plates in standard format with repea ng digits: 75,934,800 + 6,327,360 + 175,760 = 82,437,920. Odds of having a plate with repea ng digits assuming plates are randomly assigned: 82,437,920 / 175,760,000 = .469037 or approximately 46.9037% chance. Odds of seeing 8 nted SUVs in a row with repea ng digits assuming plates are randomly assigned: .469037^8= 0.002342 or .2342% odds.

Operant conditioning chambers/clandestine research laboratories

Rou nely and covertly breaking into the target's house and leave the target as well as the sleeping loca on unchanged upon exi ng. Using lock picks, acquiring copies of keys, using magnets to slide dead bolts and latches, using string or thin cloth to carefully replace items moved during the break-in. Remote viewing through the use of a special video camera that can be hidden in a home to monitor a person against their knowledge or x-ray surveillance
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similar to the new airport security technology. Covert audio and video surveillance to monitor all behavior 24/7 for building a complete psychological prole at places of residence, work, vehicle or anywhere else considerable me is spent planted in electrical appliances that are always plugged in such as televisions or air condi oners. Directed energy weapons used for psychological and subconscious control. Theore cal probably not real: Special advanced technology wheeled around on a hospital-style cart that allows one to walk through doors or windows by making the material transparent which they refer to as "ghost walking" or misleadingly label as a "teleport-er." Organized community of intelligence actors many of whom come and go for a period of a day or week enabling the en re face or look of the community to change overnight. Dropping water through air condi oners. Damaging the toilet oat to cause the water to run con nuously. Clogging up drains. Crawling in oor or ceiling spaces about the target's residence and remaining there for many hours at a me to administer covert harassment. Signs: Accidental dirt tracked in. Strange cking noises from appliances or walls/roof. Custom built and designed home immediately before target moves in. Mysteriously abandoned buildings immediately next to work place or residence of target. Draw the oor plan while measuring the dimensions of the home in ques on and check for a 4 .x4 . unexplainable gap that could poten ally have a trap door to a unit below/above/to the side.

Hotel sta including manager, recep on, cleaning and service sta can be replaced very quickly by intelligence services. Cheaper hotels will have sta members who are generally already in satanic cults so the sta will work with the surveillance. Designated rooms ("rape suites") for targets with covert military style break-in routes through doors/windows, pole mounted mirrors, pain ngs, light ballasts or headboards. Actors staying as guests at hotel especially in surrounding rooms will run psychology skits including entrapment/blackmail skits such as pimps/pros tutes. Vehicles such as trucks seemingly lled with debris or vans will be brought in with electronic surveillance or harassment gear to further surround the target such as directed energy weapons that can cause pain in the urethra or bladder of the target or can cause kidney pain or the kidneys to work hard at producing urine to quickly make the target immobile and constantly feeling the need to urinate or in too much pain to do anything. Maids will imply that the target can sleep with them. Very small video cameras broadcast onto wireless networks illegally hidden in smoke detectors, televisions, clocks or air condi oners in the room used to make pornographic videos that are sold to Internet websites. Maa will burn holes in sheets or blankets and will break things which are not easy to replace such as mirrors, knobs on door lock or knobs on water heaters. Maa will steal toilet paper, ssues, water, soap or other free ameni es. Signs: Loca ons that would be easy to obscure or hide miniature video cameras.

Covert computer surveillance/wiretapping/electronic warfare

Surveillance: Ability to remotely monitoring ac vity such as router connec on and packets, processes and desktop. Ability to remotely perform forensic scanning. Ability to remotely control and track devices. Clandes ne nature: Bogus Microso signed les to avoid detec on. Misdirec on by counterfei ng so ware to make it seem like legi mate so ware such as AOL or McAfee an virus. Hiding so ware in the cryptographic store. Hiding rootkits by modifying the system le protec on area to have bogus copies of all the bogus les and bogus checksums to fool the opera ng system into not seeing the modica ons. BIOS hack on the computer. Firmware hack on the router allowing one to conduct man-in-the-middle a acks that cannot be re-ashed without making a request for manufacturer assistance (RMA). Trojan horse style virus hidden as a rootkit. A ack computers by physically opening the computer, and plugging the hard drive into a special external laptop that will deploy the a ack while the opera ng system is oine. Ability to takeover target's computer screen and display any image and ability to modify any camera drivers such that a webcam can be "le spliced" to hide any ac vity. If the target is sleeping, a few minute segment where the target's movement at the start and end leaves them in an iden cal place is captured, then this segment is rerun over and over through the camera driver such that any recording would miss any abuse performed. At the end, the target is placed back in exactly the same place including any covers arranged exactly back into posi on by having the computer screen display the current camera view as well as the phony repeated view and highligh ng any dierences even minor ones for the abuser to be able to quickly and carefully put the target back into the precise posi on again. A ack vectors poten ally built into a so ware suite Pre-choosing the targets media player playlist. Causing the targets media player, Internet browser or E-mail client to crash. Causing the targets desktop environment to ake out with drawing problems by resizing the start menu or bu on. Causing the targets machine to hang/blue screen. Causing the targets cut/copy clipboard to be unnecessarily cleared. Deliberately injec ng typos into document target is currently working on. Tampering with data uploaded or downloaded from the Internet. Sabotaging the screensaver, computer account locking mechanism or monitor sleep sequences. Crea ng bad sectors on hard drives through special low level format code on certain sectors that can be repaired using hard drive regenera on so ware on these specic sectors.
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Sending gratuitous spam junk emails to a target u lizing subconscious sugges on. Using directed energy weapons to scramble the electronics in the computer causing a shutdown, blue screen, driver crash, fan humming, magne c drive or op cal drive failure, or other anomalies. Deliberately was ng the targets me especially if a so ware engineer on a range of anomalies even at the workplace. Electronic surveillance, harassing emails, anonymous phone calls, clever computer glitch harassment, advanced detec on games when trying to kick out professional hackers and remove the oending so ware. Prevalence and advances in compu ng eld make this possible, very sophis cated a ack requires a team of hackers and crackers with solid reverse engineering skills. Gather pa erns, usage habits and overall psychology of target. Scheme for covert inltra on designed so that target is essen ally unaware. Electronic harassment generally involving strange cking noises from directed energy weapon interference or wireless devices hidden inside walls of a room or electronic appliances such as computers, routers, cable boxes/DVRs, CD/DVD players, TVs, air condi oners, fans, heaters, thermostats, refrigerators, microwaves, ovens, stoves or toasters. Ability to control temperature sensors in refrigerators, thermostats, air condi ons or fans such that they turn on or o at regular or frequent intervals for harassment. Crea ng magne c errors on a hard drive to cause bad sectors or bad clusters that can only be repaired with a restora on tool. Causing an en re region of the disk to have modied polarity requiring possibly hundreds of restarts of the computer to repair as the repair process will cause the disk to halt a er repairing one or a few sectors due to the strong polarity change. Using remote control of a target's computer to covertly block certain websites by having responses from certain IP addresses dropped, or transmissions to certain IP addresses dropped. This will be done on all websites the target uses for exposure, religion or communica on such as email or instant messaging as a way to try to control the target. Signs: Mysterious viruses or rootkits, delayed shutdowns despite being unable to track down the root cause using the proling and cleanup tools, low CPU voltage warnings on probe u li es, random crashes in web browsers, audio or video players, full screen games, CPU boo ng in Safe Mode randomly for no reason, oppy drive light remaining on indenitely.

Drug use campaign

Caeine (Yellow Jackets, coee, tea or energy drinks), nico ne (cigare es, cigars, hookahs, patches, gum), marijuana (cannibus sa va, cannibus indica, cigare es, cigars, hookahs, pipes, water pipes, gravity water pipes, vaporizers, edible or drinkable inges on), Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy, pill inges on), Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA, pill inges on), psilocybin (mushroom inges on), cocaine (snorted), methamphetamines (speed, snorted, injected), Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD, pill or "blo er" inges on), heroin (snorted, injected), ketamine hydrochloride ("Special K"), dextromethorphan (DXM), nitrous oxide (Whip-Its opened with "cracker" to ll balloon then inhaled), oxycodone (OxyCon n, snorted), hydrocodone (Vicodin, snorted), inhalants (gas or paint thinner fumes), hypno cs (Methaqualone or "Quaaluds"), scopalamine Mainstream media, movies and television shows encourage use. Intelligence actors will use drugs around target to subconsciously suggest usage. Hot drinks will be covertly medicated with drugs that eect mental processes.

Covert drugging, anesthetized sleep, or disabled consciousness surgeries, implanted devices, bodily abuse and mind abuse
Advanced and clandes ne surgical or abuse techniques to cause target to be essen ally unaware. Using kits to run lines for applying sleeping gas through air vents or doors and windows. Covert drugging with anesthe cs such as needle injected anesthe c like Propofol (also known as the "milk of amnesia") or a gas such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or Chloroform administered through a hose into the sleeping area of the target or by a rag over the targets mouth and nose. Injec ng drugs under the toe or nger nails or under the surface of the skin on toes and ngers leaving small black lines with an appearance similar to a splinter which slowly enter the blood stream. HIV immunity injec ons. Using directed energy weapons to maintain a sleep state in the brain of the target. Brain surgery is used to install a microchip to allow ac ve monitoring and manipula on of the subconscious mind, also possibly that simply allows the conscious mind to be disabled when a target is asleep so they remain unconscious making drugging unnecessary. Repe ve surgeries on the shoulders, arms and legs of a target to install a "body suit" which gives ne tuned control over nerves (ability to cause carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel syndromes), muscles and tendons in certain limbs or muscle regions such as forearms, triceps, hamstrings or calves such that it contains pain and stress inducers as well as circula on restrictors. Plas c surgery on the face, nose and rectum to make a "designer face" or a "designer rectum." Forcibly medica ng a target via inges on by pu ng a tube down his or her throat into the stomach and dropping down medica on or through the anus with medical lubricant especially ones that nega vely and detrimentally have an eect on mental processes. Cochlear implants for inner ear transmissions covered up with eczema behind the lower back crevice of each earlobe. Tracking device implants in center of le eyebrow, upper right earlobe or right armpit or more obviously on the shoulder. Saliva on gland implants. Tear duct implants. Rectal pain suppression implants. Bea ng forearms, calves or other muscles of target. Wedging items between teeth to move teeth out of or into alignment. Designing dried nasal mucus in nose of target. Skin condi ons created through contaminates or harsh chemicals in places hidden by clothing but no ceable to the target (specic harmful topical creams and chemicals such as nail polish remover which are well known to scien sts/dermatologists are generally used): eczema (on the penis), psoriasis (on hands), warts (on bu ocks), acne (on the face), moles (on the face), in-grown hairs (in pubic regions), in-grown toenails, freckles (on the face, arms or legs), strange hair growth, fungal infec ons or sores (behind or in front of the knife or on the foot before the big two toes). Mouth sores especially canker sores. Ear and eye infec ons. Tap water drugging using specially designed kits to run lines for this purpose. Medically inducing a heart a ack on the target to see if it has a nega ve eect on the target's consciousness. Using spiders including tarantulas, snakes and scorpions to allow them to cause bite marks on the target or in the case of poisonous ones to have the target infected with venom. Lobotomies performed on target to try to reduce the target's intelligence or inuence thought process. Force tube feeding the target glu onous fa ening substances and using excessive amounts of an an -diarrheal to cause excessive cons pa on which will
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further allow fa ening of the target. Medically necessary surgeries or opera ons to maintain health of target including liver transplants, heart transplants, kidney transplants, lung oxygena on. Transfer of a brain from one body to another done when a target is s ll a baby and has been misleadingly labeled as a "soul transfer" though science has possibly proven that the soul is likely directly ed to the conscious mind yet the experiments are so nasty that it has been kept secret. Signs (upon awakening): Needle injec on marks especially on upper right (or le ) arm, forearms, back of ngers, back, stomach, ankles, and calves. Ability to easily cause bruising by squeezing sites of needle injec on marks. Object the size of a grain of rice especially if found in eyebrow, upper earlobe or armpit. Eczema behind lower back crevice of each earlobe to cover up cochlear implant surgery. Feeling the post-anesthe c type of drugged-out dazed and confused mental eect. Unexplainable severe pain in limbs. Strange skin problems. Strange mental (conscious or subconscious) feelings or sensa ons. Heart burn and pain in back of throat. Rectal pain.

Cannibalism recruitment campaign

Having a friend or signicant other of the target fool the target into ea ng human esh by calling it something else such as chicken and by cooking the human esh for a very long me to so en it or grinding it up and recons tu ng it. Having a friend or signicant other of the target make jokes about cu ng o and ea ng their body parts such as their hand. Also joking about cu ng o the target's penis and cooking it in a garlic bu er sauce. Telling stories about women who are generally lesbians and subdue target's by poisoning a man's food followed by the vic m waking up crying with part or all of their arm or leg cut o and being locked in their basement. The wound would be "curried" so the vic m would not die. Whenever the woman needs more human esh, she would come and chop o more of the vic ms arms, legs or penis un l eventually killing the vic m altogether. Making jokes around the target about "chum grinders" or acclima ng the target with meat grinding or butchering knowledge. Signs: Places that serve and eat very spicy food. Serving meat in a soup with green vegetables such as green beans and cucumber and a very spicy sauce.

Homosexual and degenerate behavior recruitment campaign

Use of the gay maa to perform organized stalking on the target. Lust themes including sexually degenerate behavior, homosexuality, anal sex, poly-amorous lifestyle, indelity, pedophilia, bes ality or other fe shes. Designed by corrupt and perverted psychotherapists and psychologists who study and prac ce sexual iden ty manipula on. Designed experiences to destroy sexual fantasies and make women seem unappealing. Homosexual and liberal messages in mainstream media. A emp ng induc on of homosexuality through geographic loca on in known areas with large popula ons of homosexuals. Use of all boys and all girls schools or summer camps. A emp ng to incarcerate or ins tu onalize the target such that they can be raped in jail or prison or in the hospital where nobody will believe them or be able to communicate with them. This type of rape is also referred to as mind rape as the mind is conscious during the rape as opposed to being raped while unconscious during sleep. Also forcing the target into the military where rape is rampant. Unconscious Body Manipula on Sexual abuse. Forced swallowing or injec on of hormones to give a hyper-masculine sexual drive. Genital manipula on: Penile eczema or scraped o skin on the bo om center of the sha or p or on the le or right front p of the penis, excessive penile hair growth on the base of the sha through hair growth creams and hormones, scrotal stretching. Symptoms of genital manipula on: eczema from chemical such as nail polish remover or skin scraping plainly visible, painful and stretched out scrotum. Anal manipula on: clandes ne serial rapist(s) performing rape or some mes special gang-rape rituals involving water-based lubricants which possibly contain medica on, sodomy and foreign object inser on such as ngers, iguanas, dildos, vibrators or vegetables such as a corn, cucumber or squash which can be done in a manner to deliberately give the target atulence, air pumps to insert air, water, lubricants and small pieces of non-sharp glass to create atulence and pain, alcohol or medica on enemas, enemas to clean out semen, DNA and the target's colon, rectal warts. Symptoms of anal manipula on/penetra on: a sore, sweaty, bloody, uncomfortable of painful rectum, a s nging feeling around the opening of the anus, bloody anus or stools, anal leakage, excessive atulence, abnormally loose sphincter muscle especially apparent in diculty controlling atulence and squeezing bowl movements out, dried up white semen-like substance or shedding at opening of rectum that smells like semen, swollen rectum opening, not having bowel movements for a days or even a week at a me despite ea ng a normal diet, oil in anus, anal yeast infec on. Breast manipula on: male breast enlargement through water/food drugging or repe ve squeezing of ssue. Symptoms of breast manipula on: increased breast size. Oral manipula on: Forced oral sex a er anal abuse, forced semen swallowing. Symptoms of oral manipula on: Awkward rectal or seminal uid residue in mouth determined through similarity to smell, irritated throat with s cky material in the back of it that goes away through drinking uids or in a short me, strange sores or cuts in the mouth, upset stomach with heartburn and GERD. Eye manipula on: Forced semen in eye which causes s nging irrita on. Eye manipula on signs: itchy red eye upon awakening that one has diculty fully opening. Right ring nger nail (or le /right thumb nail, le middle nger nail) manipula on: using a pin to carve li le lines or holes or seriously damaging the nail by cu ng or scraping the surface of it, beginning to rip it out or shoving a nail scraper under the nail, crea ng black lines underneath nails on the side. Skin manipula on: skin discolora on on earlobes in earring loca on. Hair manipula on: electrolysis under the beard hair of a target's chin to remove hair in pa ern of a cleverly hidden 3-pronged satanic trident. Covert Technological Manipula on techniques used by US military intelligence/CIA/FBI: Subconscious erec on control. Installing a rectal nerve pain suppressor to prevent pain whenever the target has been unconsciously anally penetrated. It can be disabled with directed energy weapons to put the target in a state of pain or cause strange anus sensa ons especially at mes carefully coordinated with the covert surveillance such as when homosexual subliminal messages through stalkers or on television are seen by the target. Rectal plas c surgery to correct hemorrhoids or side eects that occur during the process and create a "designer rectum". Using directed energy weapons to reproduce subconscious brain states that were captured at mes when subliminal homosexual messages were being

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mentally observed through dreams or possibly on television, the radio or through an individual stalker or stalkers in an a empt to link homosexuality to all parts of the subconscious mind. Using homosexual recruitment inner ear transmissions. Dreams induced and designed by computer to pollute the subconscious mind with degenerate or homosexual imagery/sound and the ability to force the target to talk in their sleep, which can be done simultaneously with anesthe zed rape so that the target giggles like an idiot and will repeat certain sexual phrases like "oh, f*** my a**hole." They will use transi oning dreams from heterosexual that the target likes to homosexual propaganda the target does not like. This includes kissing with a female who then morphs into a male, giving oral sex to a female who reveals a hidden male genitalia a er some me and making love with a female genitalia that protrudes from the end of a very large male genitalia. Any sort of psychological manipula ons that will try to trick or confuse the target's subconscious. Drugging water, food or an unconscious target with drugs that increase or decrease the target's libido. Inducing inamma on of the urethra in the target or torturing the target's urethra with directed energy weapons. Gassing the surroundings of a target with very strange smelling masculine perfumes that smell similar to bandages. Clothing sabotage: Pu ng brown or pink stains or black dirt smudges on shirts or pants including ones that are extremely dicult and me consuming to remove. Pulling out threads on collars, sleeves or anywhere there is a seam. Sabotaging or ruining shoes by ripping o bo om or logos. Ejacula ng into the genital area of the target's clean underwear. Techniques stalkers u lize: Deliberately only wan ng to watch television and movies or listen to music that contain many homosexual messages. Family members a empt to act in a sexually inappropriate manner around the target. Men, married women or women in rela onships ac ng overly friendly and too personal in a manner that is carefully pushing boundaries of what is appropriate or hiding all details regarding their rela onship un l the last minute. Gang-stalking noise campaign while target is fantasizing. Coughing, sneezing, clearing the throat, coughing up phlegm from the throat or sniing around the target synchronized with the target's ac vi es. Picking one's nose around the target. Internet stalking on social networking sites/games such as facebook, Second Life, Team Fortress or by phony spam emails for Viagra, erec le enlargement, nursing, beauty or other health related industries. Selling or ea ng hot dogs, sausages, corn, cucumber, squash or any phallic like food around the target. Ordering food with themed references such as hot fudge, mud pie, fruit cake, fruit cocktail, cream pie, whipped cream, cream soda, sausage and swordsh. Endless cleaning ac vi es performed for the target from hosing, mopping, sweeping which can be performed loudly, wiping walls, tables, counters or any surfaces whenever target visits any public venue. Use of elevators in target's residence to rou nely perform skits. Using air vents, fans or air condi oner units to create a feces smell, baby powder smell or cleaning detergent odor in the target's room. Using lady-boy spy networks to try to seduce the target. Techniques males (friends) u lize: Using names shortened or lengthened to end with "-y" or "ie" around the target such as Benny, Eddie, Frankie, Freddie, Joey, Johnny, Kenny, Lenny, Mikey, Sammy, Stevie. Giving the target small free treats such as deserts, colognes or free overly nice small gi s such as books. A emp ng to watch pornographic material with the target, or even trying to get away with the act of masturba on in the target's presence by accident, if possible. Carefully a emp ng to transi on the target's rela onship towards isolated one on one. Manipula ng the social se ng to a one on one dinner at a nicer restaurant. Pu ng on television shows that will have homosexual subliminal messages. Dressing with iden cally matched clothing and walking around together. Excessive use of the word "gay" or "f*g" or being labeled "the gay guy" by strangers. Spraying no ceably heavy amounts of cologne. Wearing bright colored shirts such as bright pink, yellow, purple, orange, red, or other very bright colors or using the color brown as well as designs such as owers or surreal and psychedelic pa erns. Ear piercings, eyebrow or tongue piercings. Excessively unbu oned shirts or showing their belly or underwear. Excessively rubbing behind, genital areas, upper thighs. Whistling or making kiss or so clicking noises in a sexual manner. S cking tongue out or puckering lips in a perverted manner. Adjus ng trousers or exposing feet. Invading personal space in a manner that involves excessive touching of the target. Urina ng around the target. Subconscious sugges on through dialog. Running a homosexual denial campaign against the target to accuse them of being in denial of their sexuality especially if they do anything homophobic or against homosexuality. High pitched and nasal men's voices. Techniques females (girlfriends/ancs/wives) u lize: Many of these women used against targets are programmed with amnesia barrier constructed mul ple personali es from infancy so they will possess what is known as a 'beta alter' which is a triggered state where they will in eect be a total sex slave willing to perform any type of sex their handler desires them to perform. Using lesbians and bi-sexual women who will do the recruitment for the cause while hiding their sexual orienta on from the target. Crea ng situa ons that involve "nega ve coincidences." Deliberately changing their mind constantly over things like food, sex, other ac vi es such as television or going out. Slowly pushing the limit in terms of levels of perceived unfaithfulness/indelity when going out. Deliberately leaving hair in the shower or bathroom. Having as many menstrual related problems as possible. Not keeping their private areas clean by leaving discharge or toilet paper remnants all over the bathroom, oor or bed. Deliberately making the toilet dirty. Ge ng unexplainable yeast infec ons, endless menstrua on or other related bleeding problems due to inamma on. Constantly trying to tempt the target to sleep with their friends. Using photographs to play psychological manipula on games by taking lots of pictures of their friends and family posing when scan ly dressed.
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Use of undesirable physical a ributes such as facial hair, overweight or post-op male to female transgender individuals. Rubbing the genital area of the target while watching movies or television with a lot of masculinity. When sleeping together, will play games with the sheets or blankets to constantly make the situa on uncomfortable or dicult to sleep or will always sleep in the center of the bed and put a knee against the rectum of the target. Will leave feminine items with nega ve connota ons around the room such as stained underwear, ssues used to cleanup sex, bras, tampons or pads. Will try to get pregnant and use this to play a game involving abor on. Will help abuse the target while sleeping to "Satan-ize" him with various methods such as giving a needle injec on of an anesthe c that is hidden in a slick such as inside the ma ress. A er being drugged, she will let her friends and other men come and abuse her target while unconscious. Playing guilt games to try to stop making love with the target using excuses that can involve crying when making love as well as rela onship dicul es or religion. Handling the target by coercing the target to go places where the gay maa has already custom designed the environment. Constantly nding minor ways to harass the target when driving places by car or motorcycle. Lie about their birthday to make themselves younger which will be very unlikely to match the one listed on their passport or the passport will be that of a sibling or other family member. Lie about previous marriages or children which can be determined through sagging or lacta ng breasts or a loose vagina. Will call target when angry while bending over a table having sex with another man entering them from behind while one can hear pounding sounds and discern that the woman is out of breath or in moments of pleasure so only able to talk in short gasps. Have a purse with condom pockets, and containing makeup, pads, medica on in pill form for pain. When travelling with one, she will go into bathroom for 15 minutes while cleaning personnel run loud water to cover up sex and then she will come out with money in her purse. When the target leaves her for a short me in the target's room or even if she goes briey to the toilet at a restaurant, she will perform oral sex or masturba on in rapid succession on many men while some mes even le ng them ejaculate in her throat. A er she will have foul smelling breath and constantly be clearing the back of her throat which she had not been doing previously. Have vaginal bleeding o en due to inamma on of the uterus or walls of the vagina and can use this to fake virginity. If they know a man is clean, may have him not wear protec on so they can get pregnant or fake pregnancy. Lesbian recruitment: A woman will target another woman by taking many pictures together where they are in poses very close together, making kissing faces or holding up the 2 nger 'V sign'. Men will deliberately break the heart of a female target or do certain cruel acts against her possibly in succession to make her seek refuge with her female friends who will then receive her in an overly emo onal and aec onate manner. Women trading shoes frequently with female target.

False Friends and Family

Includes parents, siblings, step-parents, step-siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, cousins once or twice removed, 2 nd cousins, 2nd cousins once or twice removed, 3rd cousins and their spouses. Will keep their distance from the target and allow friends or anonymous stalkers to perform most of the recruitment so that they do not get in any sort of trouble when things go awry. Will pretend to be on the target's side though they will not help the target in any sort of situa on where they are corruptly detained such as hospitaliza on or incarcera on. Will make use of subliminal or subconscious sugges on carefully against the target.

Mass media harassment campaign

Mainstream and mass media including newspapers, websites, music/radio, television programs, web sites, movies or many custom-tailored on a daily basis with certain targe ng headlines used on a same day response basis to perform psychological opera ons even u lizing heads of state such as the President in certain cases.

Fast food harassment campaign

Loud cars or motorcycles driving by or revving engines while ordering or paying. Not giving a receipt. Dumping many sauce packets, napkins, extra straws or utensils. Rushing the target through the order. Messing up the order in minor ways such as subs tu ng decaeinated coee.

Property sabotage campaign

Harassment or tampering with leased and personal property especially food, clothing and bags or items the target uses very frequently related to hobbies or outward appearance. Ruining door handles or sound system bu ons in target's vehicle. Pulling threads or s tching out of bags or removing caps covering holes in bags including those used on the bo om of it for padding it when standing upright.

Sex industry tactics

Use expressions such as "no money, no honey." Most are working as satanic intelligence actors such as witches and pros tutes for their government in another country, many who have either run away from or been le or divorced by their long me boyfriend/anc/husband and most have already had one to four babies. Pimps and pushers will ask "lady?", "young lady?" or "young girl?" or hand out cards adver sing "<name> Entertainment" with "Mr. <name>" for "Execu ve Spa Massage" or "Execu ve Health Spa", phone numbers and hours while presumably where "young" could likely be referring to under 18 years of age. Some mes will pretend to be selling ashing light helicopter toys that are shot in the air with a rubber band and slowly come down such that when a customer passes they use the aforemen oned phrases. Brothels which are typically houses full of very unclean and poorly maintained rooms inconspicuously located with pink, red or purple lights and pimps standing outside looking for customers. Pimps, pushers and drivers take drugs such as snor ng cocaine. Will take customer in taxi to coee shop where all pros tutes sit and talk while customer can browse selec on and choose a lady. Certain ladies are known to be drug users while others are not. Driver will deliver customer and lady to hotel where customer must pay driver before taking the lady for Have dierent ers (1 s t, 2nd , 3 rd ) of ladies based on ethnicity and looks with dierent prices: 1 hour for sex once, 3 hours for sex twice or 6 hours for sex three mes.

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Have hotels where pimps hang out in the front and women hide in back or come out on occasion in the front so the customer can choose one. Some pros tutes loiter in the street near a hotel and give glances, nods towards a hotel or kissing noises to poten al customers passing by. The hotels will allow a room to be rented out for one hour at a very cheap price and will sell condoms at the front desk. Ladies are assigned a number so they can be requested in the future and delivered straight to the customers hotel. Independent women can o en be lady-boys and will not iden fy themselves as such to the target which the maa will use as a form of hustle against targets. The target can iden fy the lady-boy through the deep voice, laryngeal prominence (Adam's apple) which is a bulge protruding from the throat only found in men, tall stature, oering of services very cheap or even free, very sexy clothing in area where this is not typical, o en part of a spy network, the friends of the lady-boy will also typically be lady-boys. Some lady-boys will iden fy themselves especially if they "already had the opera on" by surgical removal of the penis and construc on of an ar cial vagina. Some will even have had even more expensive opera ons to remove the laryngeal prominence. Many are also used as drug runners (bag ladies) for the mob. The lady-boys are o en more aggressive in recrui ng customers which is also a sign. Using lady-boys who are dicult to discern when driving a car to try to pick up the target when the target is walking and disrup ng the maa opera ons in an area. Independent women will ask men if they want "how much for me to escort you to your room?", "sex and massage?", "sex massage?", "good massage?", "good sex?", "do you want a happy massage?", "sucking and f***ing", "f***ing" or "I will f*** you" and will take man to hotel room, some women will live in stairwell of apartment building always sleeping in chair, others will loiter outside cheap budget motels and may try to make extra money a er sex by giving a massage, a er have customer may try to have other women who is friend also come and take addi onal money to have both women. Refer to oral sex as "ice cream" as it is similar to licking or sucking on ice cream. Have fric on marks on their behind from caning punishment when they get caught for gh ng, drugs or pros tu on. Have ta ooed upper lip to make lips shaped like heart, glued on eyelashes, ta ooed eyebrows, a lot of makeup, visible ta oos on arms, shoulders, lower back or legs, piercings on belly bu on, eyebrow or nose, addi onal ear piercings, wear ght clothes, show most of legs or some cleavage, wear high heel shoes, have pink or red hair clips or earrings, a ached hair that extends the length of the hair so it appears very long. Have mul ple iden cal looking female clones who swap in and out to relieve each other and use the subtle dierences between them to fool and confuse the target. Get AIDS and cervical cancer tests frequently. Vagina will have a lot of sex oil and be loose a er working for a day. Clean their vagina o en and have special vaginal cleaning uid they apply several mes per day. O en do not go to work when they are menstrua ng. Have bruises or fric on marks on arms, legs, breasts and especially bu ocks. Many were raped while drugged or sleeping when young in an eort to disassociate sex with love for the purpose of turning them into pros tutes.

Sex in the massage industr y tactics

In street, generally ask "massage, sir?" Some have previously been in jail which gives the shop boss a reason to conscate their passport. Have man working for shop in street who will be more explicit about asking poten al customers if they want sex with one of the shop ladies and will openly talk about the prices as the women are worried about police. Many are working as intelligence or military spies for their countries and will wear camouage pants or shirts on occasion which is a sign of this. While massaging, will rub arms between their legs or against their legs or breasts, will straddle customer while massaging, carefully rub their vagina against the customer, will slightly stroke scrotum or penis, will lean over so breasts are in customers face, will massage whole bu ocks of customer. While massaging, ask "do you want this one massaged?" or "do you want special massage?" and point towards penis then give a high price if they think the target has money. When a customer that suspects but does not know their tricks is ge ng a massage, they will cover up the sex by having a regular customer come and play a game where they repeatedly ask for sex while the massage lady repeatedly responds that she does not do that though some mes they claim they can nd another woman to do it. Other customers say they only want sex and get a cheaper rate because they are locals, friends with locals or talk to others on the street and nd out which ladies do what. Have hotel above or next door to shop as well as bathroom in shop and condoms and sex oil in shop which they take for 15 minutes of sex and use toilet paper and the sink/shower to clean up before and/or a er. Some stay in the shop a er hours or hotel all night long while a girl on the street recruits men to go to the room for sex. Recruit boyfriends by not having sex if a customer has money and will try to play a want to have a boyfriend, get married and have children game with the man. Pretend or lie about having no money as they are good at hiding it which can involve lying that money from sexual acts goes to the shop boss, lying about having a salary when actually receiving a percentage of the gross income such as 40% while 60% goes to the shop boss, hiding money or sending money back home discretely. Some sent by boss of shop to hotel room for a hotel room massage and when they arrive, there are 2 customers there who talk for 5 minutes and then take turns raping the girl with one holding down both of her arms and the other covering her mouth in an eort to disassociate sex with love for the purpose of turning them into pros tutes.

Psychological slavery/serfdom/control
As interna onal bankers have been running the world since likely the 1850s, people are bought and sold on private markets largely without their knowledge thanks to advanced psychology and technology such that the inic on of this can be done unbeknownst to people and without leaving evidence. Thus the US military and intelligence organiza ons will buy people's minds and bodies as "assets" or "tools" and treat them as property so they can be sold or traded. They will use psychological techniques to force them to join their organiza ons or serve their will. It is a system of control that ul mately works against the interests of any individual yet everyone is fooled or forced into par cipa on. It is ul mately satanic in its design and is deeply rooted in Masonic and occul st organiza ons with satanic ritual abuse a norm as it is one of the most powerful covert schemes for controlling people especially children. The system comes at the people one target at a me as it slowly recruits everyone into the system. Thus, the top layer of the system is actually directly and indirectly involved in organized crime. It is a coali on of poli cians, law enforcement ocials, businesspeople and labor leaders. Gangsters are almost insignicant to what is going on as they are quite low in the system and are more just street level enforcers who also bridge the social gap between the rich and poor.

Immoral behavior to establish control

Especially the "7 deadly sins" Greed including secret money schemes Lust including degenerate behavior, homosexuality, poly-amorous lifestyle

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Sloth including drugs and stalking groups who loiter in streets wai ng for targets Glu ony including fast food, sugar Wrath including angry people in prison who make corrupt deals to get out early if they join stalking groups Pride including Satanist agenda loyalty Jealousy/envy/covetousness Controlling people in a pyramid scheme requires loyalty to the aforemen oned sins. Going into this system is exactly as is described as "selling your soul to the devil". Partly why people who have been converted into satanic prac ces are very problema c is that they never talk about it ever around recruits. Anyone who talks about any of it is labeled as crazy despite plenty of documented cases. Their only real tell is that they always behave in the most degenerate and corrupt way possible and as much as possible. They all inherently trust each other when they recognize each other's tells and may even do sexual acts to rmly establish their satanic cult membership.

Selection for military or intelligence community tactics

From birth by parents who are already in one of the aforemen oned communi es. Bought on private interna onal banker market as an "asset" or "tool" which secretly treats people like property through psychological enslavement which is unbeknownst to the target. One does not choose the military or intelligence communi es in the USA (just as in Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany), instead they choose their targets. Use of drug dealers. Use of pros tutes or massage ladies who perform sexual acts. Use of websites with pornography. Use of websites containing terrorism, bomb-making or mass casualty instruc ons. Ge ng caught commi ng a violent crime such as robbing a bank or domes c violence, assault, rape or murder. The system is designed to have common or small me criminals jailed while clever and decep ve criminals are brought into the intelligence community. Jails and prisons have become a learning ins tu on to turn ordinary criminals into intelligence community criminals.

Punishment, suspension or expulsion from the military or intelligence community tactics

Can imply having a security clearance suspended or revoked. The organiza ons will go to an extreme to take revenge and cover up any problems. Murder the person (possibly through being raped or beaten to death or burned in an oven) and harves ng any viable organs or by removing his/her conscious mind and replace it with a subconscious mind/brain to computer interface to create a machine/robot/avatar/surrogate/slave. Use many mind control sessions to create a drug dealer, pimp, pros tute, bum or other type of easily controllable criminal, Satanist or poli cian. Ruining the conscious mind and a emp ng to robo ze them. Forced amnesia. Forcibly do a gender reassignment surgery (male to female or female to male). Forcibly throw the target into boot camp. Phony incarcera on into jail or prison through surrep ously designed schemes. Phony ins tu onaliza on and turning the target into a medica on controlled "zombie" or "animal". Negligently monitoring, hacking, modifying, tampering with or destroying Internet accounts such as email, blogs, facebook or scribd. Stealing property of the target. Strategic slavery formulas for crea on of spies, terrorists, mercenaries, assassins, pros tutes, pimps, drug dealers, criminals, actors (such as placing one who is very independent in social isola on, inducing forearm trauma, performing clandes ne serial rape to design a covert government assassin or mercenary). Psychological and physical torture. Endless harassment and abuse. Being forced to listen to angry criminals making threats and play psychology games all day long.

Endless covert, illegal, deceptive and criminal activities of the USA intelligence community
The military-intelligence-industrial complex which is a func on of the intelligence community in the USA has ended up going rogue and astray towards endless criminal behavior and mischievous schemes. If one does not go along with this and instead discover the one God and the power of religion and faith, then one will nd oneself a target and vic m of intense religious persecu on as this scheme is ul mately satanic and represents the u er opposite. There are no human rights, freedom or dignity in the system, yet the nature of the technology and psychology gives a percep on that these values do exist. For example, if the target defeats the intelligence recruitment campaign, then the target will be labeled as a "spy" or "traitor" despite that nothing could be further from the truth. If one resists then one will certainly have his or her en re social and nancial life ruined while having to listen to non-stop disgus ng threats of things they want to do to him or her. The CIA spent countless money researching mind control, teleporta on, invisibility cloak, hovercra and other advanced technology that would allow them to deploy their avor of dirty psychology in mass. The CIA is the controller of the so called "shadow government" that u lizes all of the technology to maintain top down control of a pyramid control scheme wherein the real power lies. They are the aristocrats, elite and thugs who have set up a huge network of people to maintain their control. From a top to bo om perspec ve, power has been consolidated respec vely though: interna onal bankers, intelligence elite, military elite, beaurocra c elite, poli cal elite, intelligence community, military, local maa elite, business owners, mobsters, gangs, spies, stalkers, factory and store workers, students and the unemployed. They u lize disinforma on agents that will distract people with stories about going to other planets or me travel to hide the advanced technology they do actually have. They reveal most of the secrets in c onal or science c onal types of movies so that people further disassociate any of their secrets with reality. The CIA agents who are doing these opera ons have gathered control of the military and other intelligence agencies so that they can use them as they are vital resources for them to control. The military has become largely a manager for advanced technology used by the CIA. The military has a huge spending budget jus ed in the name of na onal security yet the truth is the budget is controlled by the CIA to run CIA front and black opera ons. CIA agents will set up front businesses which could be businesses that work in elds ranging from management, so ware, accoun ng or manufacturing all the way to small local businesses such as restaurants or hotels. A er the businesses are set up, they come up with a way for their me to always be accounted for so that they travel to and from work every day with a nice cover story provided through their job and personal life. These businesses have special people working there who can cover for the CIA agent or agents who will not actually be present but if any inves ga on takes place will seem to be present as specially planted people will vouch for them. The CIA agents go to work and a er arriving will literally teleport or go through a secret underground passage in their workplace into a military bunker which is ed into satellites or large global communica on networks that control all of the advanced technology. From there they will spend their en re day secretly harassing targets un l it is me to come home from work or their trusted guard at work signals them there is a need for their personal presence on site at which point they will be very quickly sent back to their workplace for physical presence to be established. A er they arrive at their home, they may also do the same as at their oce and reenter the military bunker to con nue with further harassment. From the military bunker, hovercra s with teleporta on can be deployed to anywhere in the world especially so that targets who

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are sleeping can be sabotaged or other illegal black opera ons can be conducted against a target. Every famous person or person planned for future fame will be targeted by a team of CIA agents who will u lize a military bunker to literally design their lives to the nearest detail through total design of their environment and robot-iza on of their body. There are also targets who are chosen for revenge or out of a personal vende a or others used only for research. Catching them is very dicult as they will all quickly deny their real work and instead present their front job which given the protec ve resources they have arranged at their transfer sites especially their home and work will make it so even a thorough inves ga on will not turn up anything suspicious without very invasive audio and video surveillance of their workplace and home. The military bunker in the USA extends country wide, largely interconnected through underground tunnels and is especially sophis cated in major ci es. Some of the bunkers have been designed for the case of nuclear war with supplies and facili es for 5 years of habita on within a bunker community including facili es for recrea on, educa on, family living quarters, cafeterias, and other necessi es of communal life. Some people are already living within these networks either out of lifestyle preference or as part of an experimental study on any problems and make improvements associated with living long term in such an arrangement. Most of the USA's secret military budget was invested in nuclear weapons followed by teleporta on and hovercra technology followed by medical, technological and electronic control of the human mind and body and nally building such an extensive military bunker network. The CIA has control over the military and their agents are largely handling the technology and money which is used for all of the secret domes c intelligence opera ons. The amount of money is es mated for each of these projects to range into trillions of dollars. Psychological opera ons including mind control and psychotronics, when cleverly and unwi ngly applied are both potent and dangerous. Eventually they start to damage the target's body and mind in a disgus ng way such that the target's subconscious mind at the base of the neck feels miserable, red and zonked out all the me while the target's conscious mind works very well despite being extremely upset about the subconscious damage as the mind can easily see through covert forcible anesthe zed subconscious programming. Psychological opera ons used to train/harass/neutralize targets in the classied asset/spy/tool program is one a method for homogenizing the en rety of humanity. These organiza ons seek to dehumanize and demoralize humanity into intelligence community robots through forcible spy training u lizing covert advanced psychology techniques and opera ons largely classied as behavior modica on which is the ocial way of describing the employment of technologies to control the mind. A few high up intelligence community personnel can easily control a great many people using highly classied super-intelligent supercomputers. The corrupt USA intelligence community psychologically tortures and abuses targets at will. They are provokers or agent provocateurs with no respect for anyone except their own power trips and egos as they spread their satanic agenda. They "Satan-ize" or "Nazi-fy" the targets they select un l the recruitment process is complete. They are experts at playing psychology in a never-ending scheming manner using their high-tech classied technology. They have a paternal or maternal a tude over their targets as if they have replaced his or her parents and should be able to control or manipulate them as they please. The monotony of having to listen to intelligence idiots' cochlear (inner ear) transmissions all day is as dull as their satanic nonsense and moronic intelligence. One can even end up with medical condi ons such as kidney stones, urinary tract infec ons (UTI), Paruresis, anal yeast infec on, vaginal inamma on, vaginal yeast infec on, muscle pain and trauma, nerve entrapment condi ons, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), post trauma c stress disorder (PTSD), body iden ty iden ca on disorder (BIID), chronic fa gue syndrome (CFS), mul ple sclerosis (MS), cancer, HIV or AIDS while they a empt to violate the target's biology including mind and body. They have also created or spread certain diseases most signicantly HIV or the AIDS virus through sabotaged vaccina ons that were sent to Africa as can be seen based on the sta s c pa erns for the spread of the disease. They research targets self-healing capabili es by covertly giving them diseases such as the Ebola virus and then projec ng dreams meant to ght the disease. Most gang-stalking cases are labeled as such as paranoid schizophrenia as this medical condi on was designed to cover up the satanic abuse plaguing the planet today. Worse yet, the doctors convince police that if a target is not mentally competent then covert drugging through hot drinks or covert breakins with feeding tubes is jus able against the target's will such that they are protected and the crime can be covered up. Doctors like the power and control associated with labeling someone as mentally incompetent so it is unsurprising as well that gross abuse of their profession has become common place especially given the secret system they are working as part of. They are used as a means of keeping targets in control when they ght back against gangstalking. Needless to say, this goes against all the principles of Islam though when power or even blackmail takes over someone, his or her faith quickly disappears. It is also a clear viola on of doctor-pa ent conden ality which is a privilege aorded to the pa ent but those involved do not care whatsoever. The intelligence community is full of traitors to the country. They have systema cally demoralized and destabilized many countries so that they will collapse in a carefully engineered and orchestrated manner and they can rebuild it as part of a one world government. People need to rise up and blow down the house of cards that has been constructed before it is too late. But since everyone is demoralized it may take a dras c event such as military takeover and mar al law before they wake up and realize, at which point it could be too late. Certainly, one day these covert harassers will be reec ng on why the rogue intelligence community running the country became extremely sinister, disrespec ul and decep ve in all manners possible to the point of being completely self-defea ng. Perhaps not any one individual's fault but nevertheless what is happening is appalling. It is important to analyze things from someone elses perspec ve when one nds themselves living in a new Nazi Germany type of country where free thought is ac vely suppressed. They run scripts on people using teams of intelligence agents who are real life professional actors in a sense. From the people in the community, to the ones driving around nearby, to those one bumps into in the grocery store. America alarmingly now has more spies than Germany did in the 1930s. Most people simply don't or choose not to think about it. The intelligence community works together to run psychological opera ons on everybody to form a system of absolute control. Though when it takes hundreds of idio c intelligence agents to keep up with someone who simply wants to be le alone, then it becomes obvious who the true moochers of mankind are. It is despicable that these foolish dolts are the ones given top secret security clearances and entrusted with very sophis cated technology for controlling the mind by the US government. The voice of reason is slim and highly suppressed by the voice of control which is a sort of totalitarian slavery. There are a lot of criminals in the intelligence community unfortunately doing horrendous and blatant human rights viola ons on a repeated basis amoun ng to non-stop torture. They are the most corrupt degenerate satanic cult that one can only hope to never become a target of. It is likely that no person has ever le the intelligence community without later being murdered as it is a satanic cult that will go to any lengths to protect what it considers its secrets. Many are afraid of defec ng as nobody has been successful at doing so in years or perhaps ever. Nowadays though, if the intelligence community kills a moral defector or as has been said "terminates him with extreme prejudice," they may only turn the defector into a martyr. Conversion of a recruit is the only goal with any kind of failure not tolerated so that killing the recruit is not an op on as instead they will prefer to simply play endless psychological slavery games such that they can satanically get the person to sell their soul. If the soul of the person is already acquired then they can be killed. Guns are now considered old fashioned since an ultrasonic weapon can send a directed sound pulse also known as an ultrasonic bullet at a target through-the-wall to cause a heart a ack. The NSA is now monitoring the en re vocal and sub-vocal thoughts of every person in the USA which is one of the reasons they have acres of supercomputers. Using directed energy weapons in what they call the grid as it has been setup using not only satellites but many ground based radio-style towers. By transmi ng the right electromagne c signal into the subconscious mind, one can amplify the brain ac vity such that signals can be read remotely. Supposedly being secretly done in the name of na onal security, this fascist control scheme is extremely dangerous a er it has found its way into the hands of the power-hungry and corrupt. The CIA ran a clever disinforma on campaign so that many thing remote viewing involves some paranormal telepathic ability. Remote viewing originally involved simply plan ng an x-ray style camera similar to the ones newly introduced at airport security in the walls of a home allowing someone to conduct covert surveillance of a subject full me without the subject having any idea that it is going on. All modern day elite are programmed using such a fancy psychological manipula on program. They have a remote viewer which is some intelligence community psychology-expert voyeuris c pervert constantly watching and analyzing the subject while leaking informa on to certain sources for use in subconscious sugges on and manipula on campaigns. They will constantly be tricked o en without them even realizing into living in homes or ren ng apartments in communi es of full me intelligence agents so that the psychological training program can con nue. Subjects will have some sort of childhood emo onal or physical trauma which could range from
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sexual abuse to a repe ve strain injury which will be used to control their behavior. The CIA's Project Pandora was a study in radio remote brain manipula on. They found that in human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acous c pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance aects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxa on, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acous c frequency near 1/2 Hz used. It is presumed that 90% of Pakistanis and Afghanis believe 9/11 was a false ag a ack, that Al-Qaeda is a "CIA sock puppet" and Osama Bin Laden is hiding out in the USA. There are a rather large number of CIA assets working at and on the board of directors at Google, Yahoo, Microso , myspace, facebook, scribd who can custom tailor the site for certain targeted individuals which should not be any real surprise. They have been running massive psychological opera ons on these sites over the past years including ar cial intelligence algorithms that are calibrated not for useful results but for psychological manipula on. Most of this document miraculously seems to be considered as classied informa on so those who are nave or conspirators will a ack it by applying simpleton labels to topics as they do not understand them or are ac vely engaged in covering them up. Many are naive enough to think that the government secrets are legi mate such as the iden es of undercover assets but only a small subset of them turn out to be legit. The country has gone crazy a er experiencing a psychological change and is living in an ar cially induced state of consciousness. Modern life has become very complicated due to technology and advanced thinking. One can master a lot of things but it is not realis c to master everything. Society has been in a certain self-discovery mode which makes it more complex than we think. However there is too much knowledge and not enough wisdom. This brilliant point helps explain what is going on nowadays. There is an underlying movement with the false ideal of making mankind homogenous. People do not know how to be morally responsible or respec ul with the advanced technological weaponry they have been entrusted with though. Many think they are smarter than they truly are which means devasta ng consequences to many unfortunate vic ms who have not been chosen or entrusted. Technology has led to a whomever gets their rst can enslave all the rest sort of ba le yet the arrogance of those in charge of it will be their downfall. The genera on who developed the technology are no longer in control of it and thus any sort of meritocracy is lost and instead their children and heirs have become the aristocracy controlling it which has degraded and perverted it to an extreme degree as there is no further scien c interest only people maintaining a child's mentality going on a power trip.

Homosexual agenda of the USA intelligence community and gay ma ia

The research and agenda for this program dates back at least 50 years and its inevitable destruc on due to the extreme abuse and perversions it entails will never be forgo en. One ying saucer experiment done was to rectally probe them to learn how to suppress the nerves that control pain in the rectum which explains the remarkable similarity of all of the abductees' stories claims of rectal probing. They then designed rectal pain suppressors so they could make designer rectums. This was in prepara on for the mainstreaming of homosexuality by having covert procedures to allow the anus to be modied in prepara on for anal penetra on that could be largely kept unbeknownst to the vic m. Through this they can rape a target in their sleep while designing the target's dreams and suppress the pain for as long as they like un l a homosexual subliminal message is shown on television or through use of their actors, at which point they will turn the pain suppressor o and force the target to experience rectal pain as they a empt to impose homosexuality on a target. Don't be a naive or decep ve person who doesn't realize that a satanic cult full of criminals and homosexuals is running the country. This helps explains why the US is known for an unusually high percentage of homosexuals. Modern humans have come further and further away from their biological state and toward a state of crea ng an androgynous iden ty. Western society in par cularly is trying to move towards the false utopian idea of androgyny. From a sexual iden ty perspec ve, the androgynous idealists think everyone should be more or less bi-sexual. They are not strictly homosexual or supporters of it as this represents a polar opposite of our innate sexual iden es. Homosexual men are overly emo onal whereas homosexual women are u erly ra onal. This androgyny is a large reason why there are so many latent homosexuals today. Ul mately however, this is a dangerous pollu on of the human spirit and absurdly abusive toward our nature. It is a false ideal and a false idea of enlightenment. It takes a lot of corrupt modern programming to change one's human nature yet it is being done on a global scale. It is interes ngly enough a feminist ideal as women possessing ra onal thought will see themselves as being treated unfairly or unequally by men. To achieve this bizarre goal though, rather unsurprisingly a radical homosexual and degenerate behavior agenda has come about. The days of US government administra on, CIA, FBI, NSA and military intelligence corrup on including their lthy and insidious homosexual recruitment propaganda agenda and campaign are coming to a fast and obvious end despite that it traces up to the top of the government. There is a reason psychologists including school psychologists always act perverted and not surprisingly a lot of homosexual recruitment eorts going on behind the scenes. 60% of the worlds psychotherapists are from the United States which should make it no surprise that there is so much homosexuality there. Psychotherapy which makes strong u liza on of emo ons is actually by its very nature feminized and designed for women and homosexual men. Yet much of the psychotherapy industry in America is being used to conduct corrupt homosexual recruitment and in a poor economy when they are desperate for money, turning toward corrupt behavior is not shocking. There is a reason most countries agree that the psychotherapy industry is completely illegi mate. True perverts will not let a target know their secret. Instead they try to befriend the target with normal behavior and then start trying to sneak degeneracy though a target can recognize this obvious trick and stomp it out quickly. Simple enough though as one should and can simply make a best eort to avoid them. Otherwise, one could be the next vic m of these perverts. The government claims that nobody has ever defected or commi ed espionage against the USA for sexual reasons like rejec ng degenerate or homosexual behavior as can be gleaned by reading government documents on defector reasons. However in the USA, rejec ng degenerate behavior makes one a problema c spy. Every other country knows it is a major reason people leave the country and the Russians understand it especially well as they have publicly documented this nding. Embracing heterosexuality automa cally implies that one is a foreign spy and rejec on of homosexuality will end up forcibly earning one the label of spy. Certainly such a concept would provide nice protec on against spies from non-satanic parts of the world where homosexual psychology is not the norm. In fact, degenerate behavior and homosexuality are a requirement for the military and intelligence communi es. The military and intelligence communi es are full of latent homosexuals who deliberately keep this iden ty secret. In the military, the "dont ask, dont tell" policy is used for a homosexual blackmail control scheme as even the top brass have had their sexuality manipulated. The recent repeal of the policy was done a er a massive amount of brainwashing was conducted to create large number of homosexuals in the military. They use imposed degeneracy and homosexuality as a means of building trust through clandes ne serial rape, satanic ritual abuse, large secret orgies and many other perversions. They will a empt to force the target to have sex with his or her recruiter to get a security clearance and if their perverted and manipula ve psychology does not work, they reject the target followed by sleep raping the target un l the recruiter calls with "good news" though not calling the pervert back only comes with more intense and regular satanic ritual abuse. If a target does not want to get raped then he or she had be er call his or her homosexual recruiter back when called with good news otherwise, he or she will be covertly raped by professional clandes ne serial rape ar sts who know how to leave virtually no trace and discredit the target when he or she talks about or reports the incident. This ends up being a corrupt buddy system since they all in midate each other into keeping quiet. One can also be secretly in the military unbeknownst to him or her and he or she will be punished for telling secrets through clandes ne serial rapists performing sodomy while one's conscious mind is forced to remain sleeping. So one could wake up from being raped, not realize it, and have all sorts of disgus ng images, dialogs, moans and vocal accents, feelings or sensa ons inside the controlled and primi ve region of one's brain. Then all day there will be homosexual psychological opera ons to try to integrate the subconscious dirty psychology being played into the conscious mind. The government uses intelligence teams to run homosexual recruitment through this disgus ng mechanism. In fact they create pros tutes using this exact sequence. It is
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very cul sh and very perverted. When the intelligence community with top secret security clearances starts physically raping a target and controlling his or her subconscious mind as a civilian repeatedly every night to promote a homosexual agenda, it helps the target quickly nd out which of his or her friends and family are phonies. Ul mately it is very much a satanic cult rite as they expend a lot of me, money and resources to go to an extreme in this cult-style recruitment. They are rou nely and covertly viola ng the laws and ge ng away with it to the point that people need to be informed of what is really going on despite how angry these criminals get every me when their perverted secrets are exposed. It really is annoying too since one can get some of the most homosexual men in the FBI, CIA, NSA and military intelligence performing surveillance on the target 24/7 when the target is at home or at work, on the roads or on the sidewalks or on the Internet. Rape as punishment for soldiers is not surprising to anyone who understands history and USA military culture and psychology. Many will acknowledge carefully that rape is a form of punishment for soldiers. It is only considered a harsh slap on the wrist to the military as it is quite painful and annoying but one can overcome it. The only possible jus ca ons which would always be voluntary and done strictly as a medical procedure could be for spies hiding rectal toolkits (see website lis ng) and hardening spies/soldiers from breaking when captured and under interroga on since rape is common in these situa ons. Yet nowadays these reasons are not even remotely on their minds. Even in Muslim countries, it is a well-theorized idea that serial rape is used to produce suicide bombers through shame and humilia on. Many families partake in secretly raping their children to forcibly turn them into pros tutes using advanced psychology and technology. In America, if one is not perverted, one becomes an outcast as he or she is not one of the gang. Many who do not understand this will be in denial of the fact or those who partake will cover it up by repeatedly lying or playing dirty psychology. There are plenty of perverts who are married and have children that they ritually abuse. Marriage is not closed for many couples in America but open as can be seen by looking at sta s cs on swingers. Many in the intelligence community are corrupt and degenerate beyond repair and they know it. People will be dragged down by corrupt individuals for not being corrupt and degenerate which this document makes very clear. Homosexuality is thus being imposed on people these days in an u erly disgus ng manner largely due to the wealthy and powerful criminals who have inltrated the intelligence community and have gone rogue. This involves imposing homosexuality, poly-amorous lifestyle and degenerate behavior on an individual which is a clear example of psychological slavery/serfdom. There are a large number of psychological tools and tac cs as the key is that they need to make it voluntary since they are trying to tear down the biological boundaries of the mind. From a spy training perspec ve, one can think of it as cause-stalking since a bunch of degenera ve individuals who were easy manipulated or fooled into being secret homosexuals are looking to reproduce. It is a game to them un l the target starts to strike back in a highly ra onal and calculated manner. If one has been chosen to be a spy from birth, then it is very likely that everyone in the target's life is a perpetrator including the target's family, friends, seemingly random strangers the target meets, and so forth. It is well rumored that there are countries that are very strongly divided on this exact issue and it is no surprise why. It is a true and present tentacle of the New World Order that no person should be unaware of if they believe they have a right to control their own mind. Some perpetrators have been under so much mind control and are eec vely robots that they may not even realize what they are doing. It is advisable not to apply for a security clearance unless one is degenerate and enjoys covertly breaking into people's sleeping places to drug and rape them while manipula ng their subconscious mind. People who hold a security clearance are somewhat of a degenerate pervert orgy club. Many people think that only lthy, disgus ng, low-intelligence wastes of life par cipate in this sort of debauchery. Most people do not think that a security clearance is a free pass to run around ritually abusing or raping people while they sleep as this would be considered an appalling and a human rights viola on. So if one is not a total degenerate and pervert then be careful when considering working with the military or intelligence community or even the higher up posi ons in the government. It should be noted addi onally that the Maa is also full of homosexuality so when you hear humorous claims of a "gay Maa," it is actually far truer than one might care to realize. The rst gay President of the United States (POTUS) is remarkably similar to a script to reproduce Hitler. The techniques used to impose homosexuality makes one wonder how many mes each President has been raped while sleeping into compliance with the corrupt system. There are examples of the pervasiveness of this agenda throughout society through many covert psychological techniques and some obvious though many are oblivious to the agenda. Many public restrooms have loitering cleaning service personnel or stalkers. Airport security is now viewing through people's clothing and groping people's genitalia rou nely. Colonoscopies are being recommended for younger and younger genera ons in the name of "screening" out cancer. Doctors are more concerned with performing screening for tes cular cancer during a rou ne checkup. Gay pride parades are receiving excessive media a en on. The gay marriage agenda is receiving massive funding and beginning to gain headway in certain targeted states. The mass media is regularly promo ng homosexuality based stories o en on a daily basis. The intelligence community designs stories to show that homosexuals are being persecuted to seek a protected status for this fac on. Gay nightlife has spread into all major ci es and most tourist books. The lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-sexual (LGBT) community has made its presence felt everywhere including phonebooks, support groups, and on the Internet.

A vast conspiracy of Satanists and ma ia criminals

These secret cults largely include the freemason Masonic cults, all the top members of which have top secret and higher security clearances. In fact it is suspected that membership in secret fraternal brotherhood is generally a requirement for obtaining a security clearance. This is such that the blood oath taken upon the member's death from the secret society membership permanently silences the security clearance holder. Their poli cal ideology is all similar and that of socialists, communists, fascists, Nazis, and totalitarians. The organiza ons include secret groups such as Satanists or devil-worshippers, Masonic cults, freemasonry, secret socie es such as Skull and Bones, sorcerers, wizards, witches and Wiccans. All of these groups have members controlled by ends jus fy immoral means logic with many high-tech classied technologies used to recruit people by applying classical and operant condi oning or mind control to non-consen ng vic ms in extremely invasive manners. Most of the service industry is willing to be ed up in this corrupt ac vity including doctors, den sts, orthodon sts, lawyers, poli cians, judges, police ocers, re truck, ambulance, taxi and limo drivers, private security contractors, the FBI, CIA, NSA, military intelligence and Interpol intelligence organiza ons. Doctors, psychiatrist and psychologists use the intelligence community in a hidden and corrupt way to get clients by having medical or mental condi ons induced in people through covert tac cs such as abuse while sleeping, directed energy weapons or teams of actors. Lawyers do the same by having skits played on people such as designed car accidents. Although it is hard to believe this system is s ll around, it has discredited those who dare speak up about it and penetrated most organiza ons in the world. Many of these Masonic and fraternal orders have existed and been doing these nefarious ac vi es for centuries. Most people fall vic m to the satanic ritual abuse and advanced psychology games so they end up joining in their nefarious ac vi es. If anything can suck the life out of a target, it is satanic ritual abuse. It is interes ng to hear stories from recovering vic ms of satanic ritual abuse as there are clear pa erns that emerge. It is hard to believe so many people are being raised under ritual abuse completely unbeknownst to them though some end up being formally inducted and learning all the secrets at a much younger age. Many people may be satanic ritual abuse vic ms and not know about it which is especially evident if one wakes up strange things happening to their mind or body. Ritual abuse that is remembered sends people to jail so these methods and rituals have all been perfected by keeping the rendered unconscious or having an imposed mul ple personality disorder (MPD) or dissocia ve iden ty disorder (DID). Witches or sorcerers in secret cults can cast a curse as part of a spell. Be aware of modern-day witches working in these cul sh teams of intelligence actors as they will be used to trick and lure targets into traps. When the high-tech gear a acks are nearing exhaus on, things actually tend to go much more middle ages where one can see that Wicca, black magic, witchcra and sorcery are s ll being prac ced symbolically and ritualis cally to cast spells on the target all the while using advanced technology to stack the cards seriously in their favor. From a religious standpoint, it is without a doubt Satan, Lucifer, Iblis or the devil trying to fool people into going to Hell. Being very well versed on the subject at this point, this is an a empt at pu ng together all the informa on to deduce the full psychological script or
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spell book in a general to specic top-down manner. From knowledge of religion, and through having faith one can deduce where the power of this comes from. It should be understood that another creature made from re known as the Jinn (mislabeled as rep lians by the Chris ans) which generally cannot be seen by humans are involved here. Black magic, witchcra and sorcery are solely a means of communica on with the Jinn. The Jinn can travel through walls or anywhere in the world quite quickly and are largely independent of humans having their own communi es. They can be good or bad just like humans. The good humans do not interact with Jinn as the good Jinn do not interact with humans. The bad humans and bad Jinn do interact, and this art is commonly referred to as black magic. Burning of shark teeth or nails are claimed as a method for drawing the presence of bad Jinn. Voodoo dolls for example where a person takes a doll and uses it to symbolize the body of another person are a classic example of how the Jinn can receive communica on from humans. Some humans become overwhelmed by the Jinn and can sense or see them whenever they are present, even talk to them or go so far as to marry with them. There are dierent types of Jinn, though some can on rare occasion be seen and their appearance has been labeled as looking rep le like.

Demonstrations of fascist persecutory nonsense

Colonel: Alright team, I have a top secret mission you will be assigned to and this is a very big mission coming straight from the top of the federal government. Team: What is the purpose? Colonel: You are to target an individual with satellites for surveillance, psychological control technology, fascist propaganda and intelligence actors for the purpose of making them the rst gay President. For this mission, you can do any illegal acts you deem necessary such as use all the cocaine you like and use any perverted behavior that suits you. Colonel: Son, are you telling me you won't be gay for your country? What is wrong with you, do you need to be raped and have your mind controlled? FBI agent: You are under arrest. Arrestee: For what reason? FBI agent response 1: For being a Muslim. FBI agent response 2: You are not gay but are supposed to be so we want you raped in prison. Police ocer: You are being detained. Detainee: For what reason? Police ocer response 1: You need to be hospitalized because you are a Muslim which makes you crazy. Police ocer response 2: You need to be hospitalized and made gay for talking about being covertly raped by intelligence and military personnel.

Suicide and other destructive tricks

Chemicals and compounds that eect brain func oning which will put that drug in control of one's mind. Ac ng, behaving and ul mately feeling like an unhappy, disgusted, bi er and angry mind controlled slave while going about one's daily business or work. Self-sacrice including poor diet, lack of physical ac vity, organ damage to kidneys, heart or diges ve system through blunt force or repe ve trauma, selfmu la on or suicide. Daily unhealthy consump on: Cigare es/wides/cloves - 1 pack daily Acetaminophen - 6g daily Aspirin - 6g daily Ibupron - 8g daily Caeine especially through coee - 3 cups daily Fast food, salty or sweet foods Soda/ice cream/milkshakes Fa y/greasy food - French fries, mozzarella s cks, ranch/thousand island dressing Red meat - burgers, meatball subs, bacon Breaded fried chicken Carbohydrates - bread Avoid: vegetables, fruit, whole grains, juice, milk, yogurt, water, cranberry, mul vitamins, sh oils, supplements, sh/tuna, salad Paint thinner, a rag and a plas c bag. Cyanide obtained from grinding apple, apricot or peach seeds. Helium or carbon monoxide from a tank with regulator and gas mask apparatus. 10-15 grams of pentobarbital (brand names: Nembutal in USA, Sedal-Vet, Sedalphorte, Barbithal and Anestesal in Mexico) which is the equivalent of 100ml of the veterinary liquid form. According to reports about the Peaceful Pill handbook, it can be obtained most easily in Thailand and Mexico though it seems no longer in Tijuana supposedly Cuernavaca has it. Tijuana, Mexico p: 'calle 3 (number 8374) Its a the only vet shop in Calle 3 past the Farmacia Interna onal which is in between block 3, the landmark would be the family restaurant with a pub above the farmacia Interna onal. Just walk a few metres from that corner if your heading north of the main calle 3 its on your le side same side as the farmacia interna onal. They only sell it in 50ml. bo les.' Chiang Mai, Thailand p: 'opposite Meungthong Thani 3 , Chaeng Wa hana Rd, also Chiang Mai recommended city approximately 1 hour north of Bangkok, hire private tour guide to get around' Tip: 'I usually recommend that they take it with their favorite drink since it has a bi er taste. I've never seen anyone nish their whiskey or Champagne. There isn't enough me to give a speech. You go to sleep and then you die.' An -emi c highly recommended such as most common Mo lium(Domperidone) or Reglan(Metoclopramide). Phenobarbital can be purchased over the counter at any Canadian or Mexican pharmacy. Lethal drugs: Codeine, hydrocodone or hydromorphone, fentanyl or Fentora. Lethal herbicides: parathion, Paraquat. Hydrogen sulde: Made by mixing an acid and sulfur source together. In Japan, the gas is made using around four liters of "Sanporu'' brand toilet cleaner and a similar amount of "Mutohappu'' bath sulphur, both available at chemists. Acid Sources: Muria c acid, sulfuric acid, Lysol disinfectant, Lysol toilet bowl cleaner, The Works toilet bowl cleaner, Blu-lite Germicidal acid bowl cleaner, Kaboom Shower, Tub and Tile cleaner, Tile and Stone cleaners. Sulfur Sources: Ar st oil paints, Dandru shampoos, Pes cides, Spackling paste, Latex paints, Garden fungicides, Lime Sulfur, Bonide.

Resistance and Awareness

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This could serve as a very useful warning to other people who use the computer a li le too much of what could really be happening around them if they don't keep a sharp eye on reality. In other words, it is possible that any target of this abuse may be completely unaware of what is happening. If one has been manipulated into any sort of satanic cult then one must recover and change oneself. Fortunately, when their worldwide apparatus comes a er a target though due to corrupt intelligence organiza ons such as the United States government's military intelligence, CIA, FBI or NSA, the target can shake out their secrets like leaves from a tree. One problem people start out experiencing is that a corrupt totalitarian government is like a mul tentacle beast. When one cuts o one tentacle, it a acks the target from the others while the one that was cut o grows back. Defea ng their assaults will thus be mul -faceted, complicated and very dicult though not impossible. Their spy training or human "robo c-iza on" is all based on the biological human top level goals of survival and reproduc on such that one must imagine that the tentacles could be lurking and pulling strings in any aspect of the one's life and without one's awareness. The elite's supercomputers seem to have dened the top level goal of humanity (or any intelligent life form) as learning since crea ng an ever exponen ally expanding intelligence would lead to the crea on of a theore cal super-intelligence called the singularity which is an innite or an upper limit of intelligence or what some might consider to be an a empt to create God. The existence conundrum would be resolved and existence as we know it would cease to exist. However, learning does not produce a friendly or moral ar cial intelligence; in fact, it produces quite the opposite as it learns the art of innite decep on. Those who believe in the one God cannot be controlled as each believer devotes themselves and serves only the one God who has forbidden partaking in simple earthly pleasures that make it so easy to keep people controlled. Those who believe in the one God instead purchase their soul and use it for devo on to worship, peace, humility and good deeds. One can only encourage people to follow the morally right path towards God-loving behavior and not go astray towards satanic behavior. The prac cal and psychological techniques, tac cs, strategies and methods are listed in detail here to enable one to see through the decep on of a psychological or occul st criminal assault on the mind and defeat, deect and ul mately resist it as well as clean themselves from satanic ideas including homosexual and degenerate perversions that have been imposed on them and forced into their subconscious minds by the corrupt intelligence actors. This work is meant to be a consistent and strategic way to completely shut down this type of criminal assault while showing how to help others expose as much informa on as possible, especially the worst of it. Remember that the conscious mind is the free part of the mind as it is too complex to be decoded and understood whereas the subconscious mind is a more simple and primi ve region that can be controlled and thoroughly understood. The conscious mind is where thinking occurs and decisions are made whereas the subconscious mind contains emo ons and sensory informa on including smell, taste, feel, seeing, hearing and sense of balance. The most intelligent individuals will reject the degenerate behavior without hesita on including gratuitous violence, homosexuality, voyeurism and many other perversions the intelligence community has adopted as a rou ne standard. Intelligent minds will escape from the programming and decide for themselves the correct and appropriate methodology for the basic biological condi ons. Intelligence requires a reverse engineering mindset to tackle the complexity of the details at any given me and being able to decode them into a logical framework based on logic and prior knowledge. Especially do all in one's power to destroy and defeat criminals and those easily recognizable fellows of Satan. Some of the techniques show how to used managed aggression to go on a rampage against these corrupt and degenerate individuals who are spreading their perversions like a plague. If the laws of God or man were followed then a large number of military and intelligence assets would be in prison. These criminals should be in incarcerated as they are rou nely performing and ge ng away with illegal acts on people especially when sleeping all over the world. It will be a glorious day when all the satanic criminals in the world many who hold security clearances and are commi ng blatant human rights viola ons on a daily basis receive the jus ce that is due to them. If jus ce is served many would also receive death by ring squad, electrocu on, lethal injec on or hanging. Always remember that they are criminals and traitors who belong in prison for life or should be publicly executed for the good of mankind. Non-degenerate individuals have no mo va on to spread their point of view but need to be protected from these scoundrels. The perpetrators of these crimes know their days are numbered. Once the intelligence community collapses, it is certain that people will remember the true concept of freedom and jus ce once again. Most of them who turned to degenerate behavior did not understand, failed or forgot to take biology and psychology as they were too busy using alcohol or drugs and being trendy. Likely Satanists will be the next target a er a new modern day style collapse like that Nazi Germany where people who commi ed crimes against humanity are publicly hung. There are many who understand this scourge as it is unfortunately going on in many parts of the world but few have the knowledge and courage to stand up and ght against it. The key is working together to put an end to this corrup on and mischief that is being spread on the earth. Anyone with any moral standards and human decency would be appalled if they knew the details that modern-day abuse and harassment entail. If everyone only knew how perverted and degenerate the corrupt intelligence community was, it would make all of mankind simultaneously cringe. One may even grow to hate his or her country and especially the USA, as it is a country full of degenerate traitors and agent provocateurs to such a point that one wont acknowledge or respect its existence and will consider it dead to him or her.

Pavlovian condi oning to end drug usage (such as marijuana) and help repair sleep schedule. Regular exercise, healthy meals and drink a lot of water especially while detoxifying. Ion supply drinks to clean body and maintain electrolyte levels. Ea ng a high ber diet including fruit and beans to remove cons pa on. Energy and caeine drinks to supply energy especially if covertly medicated though intake should be limited to when necessary.

In iltration tactics
Tell family members that drugs were cause of paranoia or perceived craziness, mislead and use disinforma on to move them away from their hidden agendas. Provide social networks such as facebook with legi mate social and normal messages including explana on for any account changes. Provide cover for all decep ve people spoken to by phone. Do any appropriate cleanup for government agencies contacted such as the FBI and DEA. Pretend to obey corrupt intelligence actor recruitment crew signals even if indirect by a campaign of escalated stalking tac cs. False friends and family can be easily fooled into revealing psychological a ack vectors for purpose of exposure. Targe ng those who are drunk or drugged out for informa on extrac on as they have trouble hiding anything. Sexual rela ons can be used to extract informa on especially if orgasm is achieved as the period a er this is a me where it is dicult not to be honest.

Sexual identity and emotional defense

Biologically speaking, men are driven to be aggressive, calcula ng and ul mately ra onal while women are extremely emo onal, sensi ve and caring. Men are capable of emo on and women are capable of ra onal thought and these respec ve capabili es exist so they can be usefully suppressed. Real heterosexual men know to guard their emo ons with a clenched st. A great warrior does not show emo on. Instead a truly great warrior shows and releases emo on only when in complete solitude which goes back to tribal mes. A great woman is guided only be her emo ons and does not think except when in complete solitude. Truly great men and women understand their biology, have a great respect for it, and fend o the advanced manipula on going on around them. Men ins nc vely know to be a racted to a woman based on their feminine quali es. Women ins nc vely know to be

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a racted to a man based on their masculine quali es. To deny one's primi ve ins ncts is to deny tens of thousands of years of humanity. There is nothing wrong with one's innate nature. Nature may seem cruel at mes but in the grand scheme of things it is there for a reason. Guard one's sexual iden ty and monogamous core with the sword and clenched st of steel and neutralize degenerates who try to impose their perversions on a target. It should be noted that if one has been unable to resist this type of campaign, then one can remember homosexuality can be thought of as a sickness or disease created by environment/experience/nurture and not gene c/nature just like a gambling or drug addic on and can be overcome through sincere eorts toward reform.

Moral defense campaign

This involves development of spirituality. The best defense is the religion of Islam which is the true and last message of Allah brought to us by his nal messenger Prophet Muhammad (the prayers of Allah upon him and peace) denes a solid founda on of moral standards that can exist in the form of a free society or a totalitarian one. Although the moral rules restrict personal, social and economic freedom, they do so in a consistent and ethical manner. Without strong moral rules to stand by, socie es will end up demoralized and very corrupt with the slide toward totalitarianism showing no limits in terms of the means used to accomplish goals. Good manners and good nature are considered vital in achieving spiritual purity. Inltra ng and exposing satanic cults and their secrets requires Allah's guidance, a special sort of strength towards resistance and much knowledge and determina on. Other religions would work as well but the messages have been modied by man such that they have been largely lost so careful and scholarly analysis would be required to try to understand the true message as provided from Allah. Only Islam has been preserved through strict memoriza on of the Holy Quran as this perfect and sacred revela on was provided through the Prophet Mohammad (the prayers of Allah upon him and peace) in the Arabic language with a rhyming pa ern. Thousands and now millions of Muslims have memorized the text making human modica on unachievable. Improve character to have the following quali es stemming from good manners and good nature: humility, independence, condence, courage, intelligence, modera on, clemency, forgiveness. Abstain from the following: Being jealous of anyone. Stealing from, chea ng, tricking or lying to anyone. Alcohol, drugs and arguably tobacco with caeine being the excep on. Spi ng, li ering or loitering in public. Overea ng or over indulging in leisure ac vi es. Ea ng unclean food such as pig meat. Pornography, masturba on, fornica on, adultery and homosexual behavior. Murdering, maiming, torturing, ba ering or assaul ng anyone. Taking revenge out on anyone. Do the following: Rou nely pray, ask Allah for help and fulll one's religious du es. Use one's intellect and do that of which one is capable of to always set an example for others. Always tell the truth. Take good care of one's body by keeping clean. Cleaning up trash or debris in one's environment. Consume a healthy diet and enjoy leisure ac vi es with modera on. Get married and as a man take good care of one's wife and any children she bears. Restrain and control one's anger. Seek jus ce and the truth. Secrets of Islam are inappropriate to be wri en or told as if Allah wills; one will remember that which is important. Only advanced strategies or plans that must be necessarily wri en should be and only if the ideas generally come from the individual wri ng them or with authoriza on the certain source of the secret. One very useful and vital tac c that one can use to ght is that if you are moving towards very sinful behavior, one can commit a lesser sin to prevent and stop a greater sin. For example, if you sincerely fear fornica on then it is permissible to use masturba on as a defense, just as if you sincerely fear homosexuality, it becomes permissible to fornicate as defense though masturba on would be far be er as one must strive to minimize sin under all circumstances. One should be extremely careful and thorough in studying and researching their specic situa on before engaging in any forbidden act. Also remember the transgressors will use this against you as they will use overly invasive techniques while being blind to the aforemen oned rule though if you are careful it will end up only working against them.

Exposure campaign
Exposing documents on websites such as scribd, 4shared, mediare, Google Docs and Windows Live Oce. Exposing informa on on blogs such as those created on Google blogger. Exposing pictures and on Windows Live Photos, facebook and blogs such as those created on Google blogger. Exposing content in blogs, facebook wall posts, notes, ques ons, answers and comments, message boards, forums or blog comments related to whistle blowing, disclosure, spying, intelligence, gang-stalking, mind control, targeted individuals, hos le poli cal organiza ons, poli cs, poli cal asylum, immigra on, government corrup on, conspiracy theories, unexplained mysteries, reverse engineering, stories, experiences, survivor, rape and sexual abuse. Exposing by e-mailing foreign embassies, foreign ministries, poli cal groups, poli cians, religious organiza ons, media outlets and other targets. Spreading the word on IRC channels. Doing all that is possible to iden fy the perpetrators especially understanding that most of them are probably people the target knew early in their childhood though there was probably not a strong connec on. Careful analysis of the years before targe ng was iden ed is important.

Target the perpetrators campaign

Use the psychology, situa on, drugged out state and any weakness of the perpetrators against them. Adjust your inner dialog to constantly combat, harass, humiliate, distract, or breakdown the perpetrators enjoyment. Spy on them in a way that causes distrust, mu ny and defec ons within their own group, and undermine all trust mechanisms they have amongst themselves. Classify and categorize the dierent personali es of the perpetrators and use this against them.

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Learn and understand what the perpetrators love and hate, and within moral boundaries, always withhold from behavior they would enjoy, and engage in behavior they would detest. In fact, the way most of these criminals psychopathology works means that doing the opposite of what they want will probably help a target dene morality. Respond to punishments from them by punishing them either directly through exposure or inner dialog, or indirectly by going a er and making trouble for their maas. Respond to nega ve or posi ve psychological reinforcement pa erns from them with the same nega ve or posi ve psychological reinforcement pa ern but directed against what they were reinforcing. Use the idea that for every ac on, there is an equal and opposite reac on in a principled way. Use classical condi oning against them so that they see their ac ons as only punishing or reinforcing against themselves.

Gang-stalking disruption campaign

Resist corrupt intelligence actors. Organiza on and security campaign. In the room where one sleeps, install a latch for a padlock where one can even leave the padlock hanging unclasped. Surprisingly simple, yet highly eec ve security. Door chains may be eec ve but are possible to subvert. Doors should have an -jimmy locks. Do not rely on any lock that can be entered with a key, or door latches and dead bolts that could possibly be manipulated with electronic devices or magnets. At hotels, use put clear tape or luggage on or in front of mirrors, pain ngs, large vents, doors, windows or any likely military-style break-in routes such that visible evidence will remain. Tape over small holes in walls or ceilings that could be used as gassing routes. Trust no one. Always look for pa erns whether suspicious or normal. Installing a comprehensive burglar alarm system. Installing a household alert system. Installing a rewall on all local computers and the router. Installing good an virus so ware such as ESET NOD32 on all local computers and the router. Installing indoor security cameras that report mo on detec on movement to email accounts and local FTP on a le server. Installing a Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) to protect against electricity rapidly switching on and o as well as other irregulari es such as bad frequency or waveforms. Install surge protectors on all electronic devices especially expensive ones. Installing indoor security cameras directed toward the outside of the house if street ac vity is bad. Fixing door squeaks by using WD-40. Fixing cut door sweeps with foam tape to eliminate spider or insect problems. RMA hacked router and manually remove hacks from computer if already infected. Disable wireless networking unless absolutely needed and make sure to use a strong pre-shared key or even be er setup a RADIUS server with enterprise security. Bug detectors to nd tracking or listening devices. EMF protectors to stop electronic a acks. Thermal imaging so one can use their own tricks back at them. Taking photographs of blatant stalkers and in midators as well as the community including houses and cars in the street. Remember that the spies around know that the shortest distance between two points for them is not ge ng caught. Using an air pump to inate an exercise balloon when being gassed and giving it to the police as forensic evidence. Making loud noises such as grunts, coughs, stomps, etc to draw a en on when noisy people outside the home. Using a powerful ashlight to chase o the raccoon. Installing a privacy manager on one's phone line to stop harassing calls. Ignoring much of the gratuitous harassment and in mida on. Conduc ng one's own inves ga on. Not opening the door for the police by simply saying "I do not open my door for the police. If you have a search warrant, you can kick the door down. If you need to contact me, you can call me from the sta on." At which point one can either talk to them through the door or slide a piece of paper with one's phone number under the door. Walking around with a raised st in the air represen ng New World Order Resistance, with one or both sts in the air with index nger extended upward and thumb extended outward in the shape of a pistol, or holding a camera up high. Raising one's nger to one's lip and menacingly saying "Ich bin ein Amerikaner." implying that the harasser is a neo-Nazi as this German phrase translates to "I am an American". Interchangeable names for responses: "slaves/servants/tools/fools/Nazis/wimps/pansies/primi ves/degenerates/weaklings" Respond to cochlear transmissions sub-vocally by using any of the following expressions: "<hos le organiza on name> is coming to get you", "<hos le organiza on name> is going to take revenge on you", "<hos le organiza on name> will be-head all of you", "<hos le organiza on name> will blow all of you up", "you are my slaves and you are my tools", "you are under my command/control", "you will listen to me", "you will follow my orders", "you will obey me", "you will listen to me", "you will do as I say", "you are slaves of the <religious group> world", "you are li le slaves", "everybody knows that you are our slaves", "they already know they are my slaves", "we all already know that you are our slaves", "you will not cut me o since I order you to con nue un l I forcibly shut you down", "if I say 'jump' then you will ask 'how high'", "you will psychologically harden me", "you will con nue mo va ng me to expose you", "you will not kill me since you are slaves who are too arrogant, incompetent, pathe c and perverted to kill me", "you have lost the privilege of having an ordinary life now", "I dare you to leave your secured bunker, you fools", "you will stay in your tool shed forever", "I can go everywhere, and you must stay where you are", "I will waste all of your me, energy, money and resources as long as I have to", "I will drain/bankrupt you fools", "I can go on for the rest of my life like this without a problem", "I am going to bash your heads in", "okay, whatever, Satan", "nice try, Satan", "you almost got me this me, Satan", "you are going to be sorry for your ac ons", "there will be consequences for what you are doing", "you take my life and I will take your lives", "these lthy trash bags just do not know when to give up", or simply repeat "ark ark bi-dark". Any of the listed vocal expressions can be used just be sure to resist from using obsceni es, if possible. Mocking their cochlear transmissions by saying to yourself things deliberately annoying such as "I wonder if they are going to fa-dee-ba-dee-ba-dee to me all day again", "I fa-dee-ba hate that fa-dee-ba-dee tard", "he's a fa-dee-ba-dee ject", "you are s ll perv-lording uselessly aren't you", "I've got these morons stuck in a perv-lord triangle", "If we do not cut this o in 5 minutes, we are going to look like 5 minutes more moron than we did before", "I'm using pervert control on these morons", "I'm buying a graveyard for these morons". If you must you can mock their obsceni es such as "I am red of f***ing these retards lives in the a**", "These retards are red of having to go to sleep at night thinking 'so that's what it feels like to get my life f***ed in the a**", "I just f***ed all of their lives' a**es", "I just f***ed the a**hole of history", "I am f***ing the en re government in the a**", "I am raping their lives in the a**", "I am wrecking their lives' a**". Calling homosexual recruiters "fairies", "pansies", "wimps", "weaklings", "toilet seat sniers", the "barking f*g-lords", the "angry sodomites", "covert douche-bags", "gay-lords", "degenerates", "ark ark bi-dark-ers" or the "covert sodomy club" or state that they are "playing the Nazi", "silly f*g-lords, d*cks are for chicks" or that "The US government has been weighed. The US government has been measured. And the US government has been caught f*g-lording with advanced technology and psychology." Mockingly say "ark ark bi-dark, I'm gay" in an idio c voice. Coughing and saying "gang-stalkers", "stalkers", "criminals", "thugs", "thug-lords", "serf-lords", "slave-lords", "idiots", "morons", "dolts", "fools",
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"buoons", "low-lives", 'scumbags", "losers", "primi ves", "jail", "prison", "dead", "mind control" under one's breath. Playing a loud message on one's speakers to the community sta ng that it is a CIA gang stalking community and that other residents under this assault should band together to expose it all over the Internet. Spy on them blatantly and make them uncomfortable while taking notes of their pa erns to help iden ty future corrupt intelligence actors. Draw a en on to them in any way possible. Realize that keeping their cover iden ty is 90% of the job and they will do anything to protect it. A corollary to this is that the shortest distance between 2 points for a spy is not ge ng caught. Call them "CIA", "FBI", "NSA", "spies", "tools", "assets", "intelligence" or " actors" since body language will give away their cover most of the me especially if one makes a scene designed to isolate them. A nice way to do this to make it not too serious is to say something such as "meh, shpies." Honk at them, make hand mo ons towards them when they do any strange or rude driving tac cs and make it clear one might follow and draw a en on to them. When techniques are par cularly backhanded such as at a corrupt intelligence actor working at an oce as a massage therapist or den st/orthodon st then start hi ng oneself idio cally and boldly state if asked why that one has been sexual harassed by corrupt therapists before and they are unprofessionally s rring up very bad trauma c memories which will eec vely shut down the specialists tac cs. Otherwise one can walk out and le a complaint or demand a refund. Forced situa ons by family spies and friend spies should be responded to with extreme anger, disgust and at minimum leaving scenes abruptly, never being dependent on them for transporta on, the threat of permanently ending any sort of rela onship as well as not being tolera ng any sort of criminal ac vity. Legal ac on could be a last resort. Insurance agent spy harassment should be responded to with complaints to upper management, the state and through the legal system. Doctor spy impropriety should be responded to by ruining their reputa ons and ling a report with the state medical board. Psychiatrist spy manipula on should be argued and dealt with in a very ra onal and dull manner un l they become incompetent and ineectual. A very last resort would be to use the same criminal stalking tac cs of the harassing corrupt intelligence actors which is a technique known as mimicry in such a manner to threaten their cover iden ty. Mimicry is seen in nature as a way to imitate for protec on such as camouage.

Corrupt law enforcement defense and neutralization

Corrupt law enforcement similar to the Red Squad of Nazi Germany will blatantly violate any law they like including the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) by pu ng many under 24/7 covert illegal through-the-wall x-ray surveillance. One key is to u lize the psychology of a spy by being prepared for every situa on. Use one's mind over ma er to stay sharp, intellectual and retain the mental upper hand. Over analyzing their every move and thinking outside of the box is a key to success. Always stay within the law and carry adequate and legal self-defense deterrents. Since one is a normal civilian nd ways to act and think in a mindset that make one feel like one is being harassed by corrupt law enforcement so that the only real suspicion is cast upon them. Always have a cover story, use plausible deniability, be deliberately confusing, misleading or use disinforma on which roughly speaking is informa on that is 95% true. Always remember that they are in a satanic cult and possibly under mind control and doing something completely illegal while looking them straight in the eye with as much adrenaline, intensity and ferocity as one can muster. Accuse them of illegal harassment and surveillance while dening a clear pa ern of the abuse. Ask for badge numbers, names, alia on, details on what their suspicion or cause is and publish these details publicly to eventually and inevitably stop certain corrupt individuals. Also taking pictures of corrupt law enforcement ocers and publishing them publicly is very benecial especially when done covertly. If anything does not seem legi mately ocial, accuse them of impersona ng a gure of authority and call emergency services, escape or ght for one's life. Only cooperate with corrupt law enforcement behavior when it is completely normal and in line, not abusive, harassing or manipula ve behavior. Use medical condi ons to one's full advantage. Conduct covert or less o en overt counter-surveillance on the corrupt law enforcement teams to document and expose their habits, pa erns, tac cs and iden es. Never consent to a search of one's body or property. Simply state one's belief in one's cons tu onal fourth amendment right not to consent. Never open one's door for gures of local or federal authority but instead say "I do not open my door for the <agency name>. If you have a search warrant, kick the door down. Otherwise please have your ins tu on contact me by phone." and oer to provide a phone number if they claim they do not have one. Never exit one's vehicle for gures of local or federal authority without fully closing all windows and immediately locking the vehicle upon exit. Conduct extensive psychological analysis on any people trying to enter one's life through any sort of too good to be true or manipula ve sort of scheme. If one catches one or more inltra ng agents, a empt to get a photograph with them and expose them publicly. One may want to u lize socially and personally invasive behavior of the most nasty and subtle yet possibly accidental nature. As well, one may want to use the rela onship to conduct reverse inltra on and draw out secrets, pa erns or criminal behavior that can further bring down these scumbag type characters.

Psychological hardening campaign

Defense using psychological techniques and tools for resis ng and defea ng subconscious control and mind control. Remember the number one rule of the spy game is to trust no one which you will also need to u lize. Take a stand and run counter-psychological opera ons against and neutralize the corrupt intelligence actors who are trying to neutralize one to make the world free once again. Thinking, ac ng and behaving as an individual, never as a group. Learning, understanding and apprecia ng how one's primi ve subconscious mind works as well as researching topics such as psychology, cyberne cs, ar cial intelligence, robo cs, free energy, directed energy weapons, supercomputers, ar cial intelligence, mind control, behavior modica on, Opera on Paperclip, Homeland Security, NSA, CIA, MK ULTRA, FBI, COINTELPRO, gang stalking, brain and cochlear implants, the medical and psychiatric community, the DSM IV, mass media decep on, aircra abduc ons, weather control, decep on, New World Order, currency manipula on, social manipula on, catastrophic man-made and natural disasters or tragedies such as the Unabomber, OJ Simpson, Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City bombing, 1993 World Trade Center bombings, 9/11, Al Qaeda, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Hai , Israel, England, Germany, Russia, Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, UFOs, TWA 800, AIDS, Richard Reid the shoe bomber, the underpants bomber, the Columbine and Virginia Tech disasters, the Jewish, Chris an, Hindu, Buddhist and most importantly Muslim religions. Always use and listen to the free/conscious part of the mind and reject the controlled/subconscious mind and no ce during the day when intelligence assets may be trying to integrate the subconscious into the conscious. Tune out, distract from and ignore any mental imagery or vocal transmissions transmi ed into the subconscious. Transferring one's top level subconscious ins ncts of survival and reproduc on into one's conscious mind to allow for reprogramming and rearma on of the subconscious using subconscious reprogramming techniques by waging one's own subconscious manipula on campaign. The subconscious mind requires the paraphernalia of subconscious sugges on and therefore one's own vocal and sub-vocal thoughts are not enough to program one's own mind. Instead it takes repe on of them, or consciously imposing visualiza ons of meaning to oneself such as people's energy auras, feeling associa on such as forcing
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oneself to feel sick to one's stomach to reach this primi ve region of the brain. This allows one to use the reprogramming to free the mind. Freeing one's spirit through good deeds, prayer, repentance and religious studies. Inltra ng known corrupt individuals, organiza ons or systems for purpose of exposure and eventual jus ce by relentlessly u lizing the psychology of a spy. Allowing one's intelligent and capable conscious mind to see through decep on, crimes, misinforma on and disinforma on whether it come from the government, mass media, intelligence communi es, friends or family. Exposing general intelligence community secrets to the best of one's ability including running viral campaigns. Exhaus ng psychological control resources and assets by drawing out or forcing them to waste me and eort on an individual. Learning not to be afraid of anyone or anything including death and fear itself. Shielding one's body from microwave and electromagne c radia on. Removing psychological control implants from one's brain or nding a way to dislodge or damage the part of the brain containing the microchip. Withdrawing from society to live a completely solitary lifestyle un l the psychological control technologies come tumbling down. Reverse engineering society, one's mind and existence to inform others of one's intellectual discoveries. Using everything one has learned his or her whole life against psychological control in the most insidious manner possible. Learning how to probe and discover the iden es of intelligence assets and people with the psychology of a spy and guring out how to determine their true loyal es. Leaving a geographic loca on to avoid propaganda. U lizing an -stalking techniques. Listening to upbeat instrumental/techno music. Not watching movies or television and being careful what books are read such that only reference manuals or things strictly depersonalized are read. Keeping interac ons with intelligence actors highly impersonal and being upset or oended at the slightest a empts at any personal interac on on any level. Cold war engineering and clandes ne inltra on against satanic cults u lizing informants and core collec on methodology.

Refugee status, immigration and political asylum

For poli cal asylum, one must have a well-founded fear of persecu on because of one's "race, religion, na onality, membership of a par cular social group, or poli cal opinion." Refugees must by law, make the choice to leave their own country with no guarantee of acceptance anywhere else. If a once poli cal asylum seeker returns voluntarily to his country, he is never again likely to be taken seriously as a refugee. As modern intelligence ou its u lize "so " torture that cannot be understood without experiencing it, destroying the vic m's credibility is always part of the agenda. Chances for poli cal asylum increase if one has a ance or husband/wife such that they can travel as a couple. Having a child even if adopted helps even more.

Deduced historical information

This informa on is the history that has been erased from history books and is surely never taught in any modern educa on system as it would ruin this secret system of control. History manipula on is a common prac ce to keep secrets and has been prevalent for a great many genera ons.

Ancient Egypt the beginning of occultism and control of the mind

Most history classes begin with Ancient Egypt a er discussing the Neanderthals and early hunter-gatherer socie es. Unanswered ques ons will emerge regarding the construc on of the great pyramids, exo c tombs, ancient sculptures and early religions. It has been the subject of many treasure hun ng movies looking for mysterious and powerful religious relics. In fact, one can deduce that occul sm meaning "hidden knowledge" emerged in these ancient mes. The more organized, wealthy and powerful families began using their children to experiment mainly for the purpose of "enlightenment" and maintaining control over society. Over me, these techniques and secrets were carefully shared among the more intellectual families. This led to the founda ons of the Ancient Egypt we all learned in school. Techniques to control the mind were such a well kept secret that very li le about it is known to most people or ever published. It enabled the Egyp ans to structure and organize a great and powerful society. A er genera ons of early experiments in controlling the mind and nally a mass campaign to a empt to program as many children as possible as slaves at dierent levels in society, they were able to make technological advances that other socie es had not. Other socie es that interacted with the Egyp ans were taking note and studying some of the prac ces there. Over many years, the elite families started quietly spreading some of the programming techniques toward other cultures so they too could emerge out of the primi ve more biological state of humanity. The Egyp ans used their slaves to carve a great number of hieroglyphics to document some of the secret behavior that was going on in a coded manner that would only be understood by an elite few. Almost all of the Pharaohs especially the later ones were controlled slaves who prac ced strange rituals and provided the necessary leadership to do the elites bidding. Central leadership was recognized as an important element to controlling the masses as having a person that could be looked up to as a religious gure helped ins ll universal compliance. Thus great structures were envisioned and put into ac on when enough slaves were available to do these laborious chores. Many slaves were programmed for dierent special es including water handlers, food or clothing prepara on, structural design, civil engineering, brute force physical labor, masonry and of course the brutal slave handlers to ensure compliance of the other workers. With this in place, the great pyramids could be built to symbolize the power of the elites society. The elite further came up with the concept and importance of hierarchical structure as further symbolized by the great pyramids. The top of the pyramid would contain gold, the scarcest and most beau ful available resource at the me, a symbol that the top of the hierarchy was considered the most elite. The great Pharaoh rulers would be buried underneath the pyramids which symbolized that they were really subservient to the elite. The young King Tut or "boy king" was a masterpiece in controlled ruler crea on. This is probably humani es' oldest, best kept and darkest secrets. The Great Sphinx of Giza symbolizes the fact that humans are primi ve emo onal animals with capable and powerful minds by having a recumbent lion with a human head. It also symbolizes compliance and that the inner lion of the emo onal human animal had been controlled and tamed. Many smaller sphinxes were built in other well thought out loca ons. The rst known religions were introduced during these mes as a way to keep the masses distracted, loyal and provide an explana on for much of what was going on. All of the techniques to control of the mind, leadership, trade special es, power of religion, secrecy and hidden documenta on is even more apparent and prevalent in todays world. The only good that came from this was highly organized and structured technological advances yet this is only useful and produc ve in the end if it rests solely in the hands of those with strong moral values.

Secret societies
About 10% of the world has been raised into a centuries old secret system of control that goes back to secret socie es such as the Knights Templar. For example, this 10% could stalk an unwi ng target by using covert techniques that they discuss in their secret mee ngs to spy on and psychologically prole/harass a subject who used to fool people into thinking they are under a spell or curse. The priest who may have even been in on it would then perform an exorcism the subject and magically all the strange things happening to them would go away and the subject would be le with a strong subconscious message to trust the priest and go to church. This is despite the fact that it was all a staged act by a secret society using the tricks of
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subconscious message to trust the priest and go to church. This is despite the fact that it was all a staged act by a secret society using the tricks of psychological control. These secret socie es realized that not only could they control the other 90% of the people but they could even use their dark psychologically-oriented tac cs on their own members who turned on them with success. Thus it was the perfect system of control as it kept 100% of the people in line. As these socie es expanded to keep people under psychological control, the occul sts reached increasingly for technology in their pursuits. The occul sts themselves would raise their children while keeping their dark arts in secrecy un l they felt their child was ready to have a psychological occul st a ack conducted on them as part of an ini a on rite. Let us dene an occul st as one who prac ces the dark arts of psychological (which includes nancial) manipula on on individuals, groups, organiza ons or even animals. In modern mes they are the intelligence community of intelligence agents.

Nazi Germany, Hitler and the 3 rd Reich

Germanys Adolph Hilter provided a mo va on for many of the current ancient treasure hun ng themes. In fact this was a simple cover story used to cover up the fact that it was really a research project in controlling the mind. Hilter sought to emulate the great successes of the early Egyp ans and uncover many of their secrets. The treasures they sought were symbolic or related to documenta on as opposed to ar facts with supernatural power. Hieroglyphics experts, historians, spies and military support are just several of the elements that Hitler sent to try to uncover addi onal secrets. He already had a very good understanding of controlling the mind however, and was using it to the largest degree possible to construct rigged events and elec ons, a strong military, carefully wri en books, charisma c leadership, mass media control as well as perform human experimenta on and social structure modica on. His predecessors had already largely paved the way for him to be able to so quickly restructure German society. It is not hard to conclude that Hitler himself was a controlled slave doing the elites bidding. It is rather unlikely he gathered anything highly useful from Egypt, though focusing on programming the mind of very young children was likely mo vated from these ancient mes. Mass media and history books shroud Egypt in mystery and supernaturalism to distract us from the evidence of a empts to control the mind. Ul mately the 3rd Reich was created by an en re genera on of Germans who simultaneously conspired to raise their children under satanic ritual abuse to turn them into Satanists/spies/machines/robots in an a empt to cause a worldwide takeover. Germany in the 1920 and 1930s had a large numbers of civilian spies, endless conspiracies, occul sm, psychological control treasure hunts in Ancient Egypt and experiments, the Reichstag Fire, fake Poland invasion, the most dangerous spy network ever setup, a few huge corpora ons controlling the media and nancial services. Modern educa on does not discuss this part of this history and instead spends months drilling the holocaust despite the fact that it targeted the poor and uneducated as the supposed scapegoat, rich and powerful Jews were mostly Nazi's or protected by secret socie es. As some famous Zionists have supposedly said, WWI was about clearing the land in the Middle East and WWII was convincing the Jewish people to move there. This makes a lot more sense than mainstream taught history but as most people cannot comprehend complicated logic, it is not surprising that this cover up has remained intact. There were corrupt law enforcement teams known as Red Squads that blatantly spied on ci zens and violated the laws. The Nazi scien sts commi ed a great many horrendous and forcible crimes on unwi ng human subjects in the name of research.

Operation Paperclip and the continuation of the Nazis in the USA through the intelligence community
At the end of World War II, Germany lost the war but the Nazis did not as they had already inltrated many other countries. Instead, they looted the country and escaped through deals or other routes and con nued spreading Satanism. The ODESSA network ran escape routes known as ratlines that allowed them to take their loot and relocate to North and South America as well as other places in Europe. They also made deals with Russian/American intelligence communi es. In a 1945, clandes ne opera on known as Opera on Paperclip, the CIA recruited between 600 and 2000 Nazi scien sts from Germany who were all Satanists that raised their children under satanic ritual abuse and performing human experimenta on on prisoners or unwi ng subjects into the USA to con nue their experiments albeit more covertly. The CIA easily coerced these Nazi scien sts by giving them two choices: stand trial in Germany for their crimes or come to the United States to share and con nue their research in secret laboratories some of which were possibly underground. They were carefully and clandes nely placed into the CIA and NASA. They set up front companies and kept advancing their plan while stealing the Illumina name to confuse people and hide their iden es. The psychology of a Nazi is that of a very degenerate and complicated spy taken to an extreme as the ends jus fy the means even such that they will sacrice their own person and body. They are very pa ent and will spend months or years silently inltra ng their opposi on - their psychology was considered so dangerous that there was a lot of protest over Opera on Paperclip. In fact, most if not all are secret homosexuals and will cause stalk recruits with their degenerate behavior which is one way to iden fy them as they a empt to reproduce their Satanic philosophy. The Nazi doctors that were brought over in Opera on Paperclip were all Satanists who prac ced ritual abuse on children through hundreds of primi ve psychology techniques while they unethically experimented on prisoners to learn about poisons, gases, and other medical procedures to pave the way for high-tech devices to be developed. This sort of abuse largely runs in bloodlines as the younger it starts the more eec ve it seems to work although the cults have some mes been known choose non-bloodline targets.


The CIA experiment MKULTRA (Manufacturing Killers U lizing Lethal Tradecra Requiring Assassina ons) helped perfect the new form of psychological control they were to use on the world. MKULTRA involved 149 dierent elds ranging from biochemistry, pharmaceu cals to neuroscience. It involved psychological control experiments stemmed largely from con nuing where the Nazi scien sts le o by using drugs, torture, mu la on and other overwhelming means of inducing physical and emo onal trauma. The results of the classied experiments were carefully destroyed but allowed the development of a clinical model for psychological warfare and control. The psychology of the human brain was studied and decoded in great detail. Many of the ideas were simply taken from occul st groups already conduc ng psychological warfare such as the Freemasons. For centuries, the Freemasons have used their own slow and calculated psychological opera ons campaigns o en involving mobbing and gang/vigilante stalking campaigns. However, with the advent of directed energy weapons (DEWs), having a laboratory se ng was no longer a requirement. By having vehicles parked in front of the target's residence or from building next door, an eec ve yet not provable psychological a ack vector can be constructed against just about any target. Controlling the mind encompasses the en re body as well since covert teams of medical professionals could enter a target's home while he or she is asleep to perform surgery, body manipula ons or drugging. This type of sleep assault would rely on DEWs to rst ensure an unbreakable delta brain state during the peak of sleep even in the presence of noise or physical disturbances followed by immediate administra on of a more powerful sleep-inducing drug to take place of the DEW. Keep in mind that nobody is immune from being targeted by these tac cs including those who created them. The FBI COINTELPRO project used the results of MKULTRA to implement gang-stalking against dissenters or trouble-makers for the government. People such as Mar n Luther King Jr. and groups such as the Black Panthers were inltrated, sabotaged and eliminated through this FBI project.

USA government makes the inevitable transition from to totalitarianism as secret aristocracy takes over
The CIA went rogue during the Nixon administra on as most of their loyal es are to private organiza ons and secret socie es outside of the CIA eec vely crea ng a hidden aristocracy. This caused the inevitable transi on from capitalism to socialism to communism to fascism to totalitarianism as each stage charts a course towards a more extreme form of absolute control. It is necessary to remind that democracy does not provide any guarantee whatsoever of freedom. In fact with a big enough corrupt and degenerate aristocracy going out of control with psychological control technology to perform ritual abuse during people's sleep, it ends up only providing the illusion of freedom as in reality it is psychological slavery/serfdom. Many are red of serfdom and the way people are being serf-lorded around these days. My advice would be to leave the country before this system of control tumbles down like the house of cards it is. With all these high tech toys around, if the intelligence community collapsed everyone's life could become a nightmare as it is
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uncertain what hands they would fall into or if a full scale high-tech war would break out. The CIA has thus become a hidden and secret aristocracy where all ocial funds are spent training the children of current employees to become the next genera on of intelligence assets. Real spy training is done in a covert manner without the subject even realizing they are under 24/7 through-the-wall covert x-ray surveillance while their mind is being controlled and ne tuned using gentle methods and techniques known as psychological opera ons (psyops). There are formal spy training schools but those who a end have almost always undergone the involuntary and intense psychological training and recruitment. Many spies are created from birth to have dissocia ve iden es and social situa ons are contrived to force them to lie or experience strange emo onal or physical trauma. A par cular chosen intelligence organiza on will psychologically force a target to join a er illegally buying him or her as an asset. The government has been picking assets to train at birth for genera ons now. This secret is not known very well except throughout the intelligence community. According to the CIA, it takes 6 years of intense psychological training to create a spy. This is but a part of the story though as those who could be molded into true elite spies have to be programmed from birth to be able to begin this psychological adventure. The government has "assets" or "tools" in all ins tu ons especially at the higher levels but even low level gangs of ci zen trainers who believe they are stalkers, agents or ci zen police. The system of top down control is very much in place. Each asset in training will generally not even have any idea that they have been selected and are largely trained against their will with subtle and gentle manipula ons. When one starts to concentrate or focus on the training too much people will tell the target that "you are too smart for your own good." Other intelligent people will acknowledge that "when things are not voluntarily, the results are always less than 'useful'." Assets generally have families that a empt to pass along the genes and knowledge to produce more assets. The government will assign a CIA handler to the family who will trickle money to the assets who are in a sense actors to surround the trainee and make life seem normal and their choices voluntary. The school, college and organiza ons they are a part of will all be carefully chosen and designed to allow friends to be trainers or other assets in training. The assets in training are generally separated in such a manner that they do not develop rela onships that are too close or trus ng in order to achieve the most eec ve training program. Isola on, independence and keeping a low prole are all vital aspects of a highly trained government weapon. Government assets are considered to be worth in the realm of $100,000,000 or so due to their advanced lifelong training as well as the return on investment for the money put into their training which involves spending anywhere from $100,000 to $2,000,000 every year. Deliberately falsifying an FBI record for many years unbeknownst to the target to illegally conduct a phony inves ga on silencing friends/family with a court gag order as a means to train an intelligence asset (using covert surveillance, directed energy weapons, body manipula ons, drugging, community stalking, noise, sexual perversion, and property harassment campaigns). Other organiza ons like the Army who have opera ves embedded within will help play the skit and make the target think the en re country is betraying them as the community of intelligence assets gangs up on them. One can only hope for the best and plan for the worst, as they say. The threat is unfortunately very real as the CIA uses tools such as blackmail, threats, frontal lobotomies, inducing amnesia, prison, mental ins tu ons, gas-ligh ng to cause suicide, even torture, mu la on or murder to eliminate any opposi on to their corrup on. It is hard to imagine how anyone would ever want to join a community of covert ego s cal perverted idiots. The CIA should have been intelligent enough not to illegally bother with certain targets. It basically consists of a bunch of voyeur nerds with directed energy weapons and covert surveillance gear who think they know how to run psy-ops through psychological control experiments. Then when they realize they don't have the slightest clue as to what they are really doing they resort to threats, blackmail, extor on, corrup on, framings, setups, disinforma on, misinforma on and many other types of criminal behavior to cover up their stupidity. The government intelligence community including the FBI, CIA, NSA and military intelligence is a satanic cult installing slaves and puppets in the execu ve, legisla ve and judicial branches of the government as well as all bureaucra c organiza ons. The President of the USA is required to be a criminal in cahoots with other perverted criminals especially those in the FBI, CIA, NSA and military intelligence. When one has satanic psychologists using dirty psychology all day with high-tech psychological control toys and u lizing their "assets" and "tools", one could consider the POTUS to be the most controlled slave on the face of the planet. The president turns out to be only a mere puppet 20 security clearances levels below the real power structure at the top. The en re intelligence community goes by Machiavellian logic which can be thought of as the ends jus fy the means. This means that crimes that cannot be proven are commi ed on a daily basis with this being one of their large areas of exper se. Hundreds of thousands of covert crimes are commi ed yearly. Spies u lize an individual philosophy of the ends jus fy the means. The development of the psychology of the spy is very important to understand how large conspiracies can be eec vely achieved. An ordinary individual will nd it too hard to believe any conspiracy beyond pe y ones involving a few perpetrators is possible. Unfortunately, the largest most unbelievable conspiracies are according to this simple logic represen ng the average thoughts of the collec ve, the most likely to succeed. This psychology was spread among family bloodlines where the techniques were discovered likely as early as Ancient Egypt. They eec vely become actors running advanced psychology scripts on as many targets as possible. Thus this immoral ends jus es the means behavior spreads like a virus through a culture un l it is totally corrupt and morally bankrupt. It should also be noted that the CIA realized early on that certain criminal ac vi es such as drugs, alcohol, pros tu on, gambling, and black market services such as loan-sharking, illegal weapon sales and smuggling of taxed or embargoed goods could not be stopped; they could however be controlled. A er studying primarily the Maa to see how they eec vely consolidated and controlled most of this crime in an organized fashion, the CIA decided to inltrate, control and eec vely integrate the Maa into its hierarchy. As the CIA used many of these criminal ac vi es to seek control abroad, and the Maa organiza ons tended to spy on each other and pay o those in power already, such that this process actually worked both ways. The Maa organiza ons were somewhat thrilled when they realized the CIA was spying on them as they saw this as a form of protec on from and own opportunity to inltrate the Federal Government. The FBI refused to recognize that organized crime or the Maa existed for many years un l the famous Maa leader bust occurred where the FBI was forced to admit its existence. This was due to the CIA's inuence over the FBI as the CIA was the top spying agency so it thus was rst to illegally inltrated all of the domes c apparatus including the military, FBI, NSA and eventually Congress, the White House, the non-intelligence bureaucracies and the judiciary.

The Vietnam War and the 4 th Reich in the USA

The US government used the Vietnam War to produce a great number of Satanists through drugs and immoral behavior of troops in the unbearable situa on created in Vietnam. The genera on that was dra ed was known as the "Baby Boom" genera on as a er World War II, many women started bearing children again crea ng a popula on wave. A er Vietnam, the "Baby Boomers" started producing a new genera on known as the "Baby Boom Echo". The US government began the Monarch psychological control project that had its roots in the CIAs MKULTRA (Manufacturing Killers U lizing Lethal Tradecra Requiring Assassina ons) and the FBIs COINTELPRO (involving gang-stalking targets that were labeled as enemies of the government such as Dr. Mar n Luther King) which were both psychological control projects. MKULTRA experimented with mind altering drugs such as Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy), dextromethorphan (DXM), nitrous oxide and ketamine hydrochloride (ketamine, "Special K"). Ketamine hydrochloride blocks a neurotransmi er called glutamate in the brain which blocks signals between the conscious mind with other parts of the brain. This results in the user feeling way from his or her environment and insensi ve to physical pain. At low doses, ketamine may give a mild, dreamy feeling of oa ng outside of the body. Higher doses may have a euphoric or hallucinogenic eect that causes users to feel even more disassociated from their bodies, to the point that they may become unable to move or communicate. Some people refer to this sensa on as entering a "K-hole" and report that it feels like a near death experience. There were many accusa ons regarding satanic ritual abuse in the 1980s though the media and intelligence community ridiculed them and eec vely covered them up. The Monarch Project programming is also referred to as "Marione e Syndrome" or "Imperial Condi oning" while mental health professionals refer to it as "Condi oned S mulus Response Sequences." A marione e is a puppet a ached to strings and is controlled by a puppet master. It is best described as a form of structured disassocia on and occult integra on carried out in order to compartmentalize the mind into mul ple personali es within a systema c framework. During this process, a satanic ritual including Cabalis c mys cism would be performed with the purpose of a aching par cular demons or groups of demons to corresponding alters. This could is also a means of enhancing trauma within the vic m such that a literal belief in demonic possession is not necessary to understand the reasoning and consequences behind the programming. Each system has an internal programmer
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which oversees the "gatekeeper" who grant or deny entry to dierent rooms. A few of the internal images predominately seen by surviving vic ms are trees like the Cabalis c "Tree of Life", with adjoining root systems, innity loops, ancient symbols and le ers, spider webs, mirror or glass sha ering, masks, castles, mazes, demons, monsters, aliens, sea shells, bu eries, snakes, ribbons, bows, owers, hour glasses, clocks, robots, chain of command diagrams and schema cs of computer circuitry boards. The Andrews Air Naval Facility which is a United States Air Force base located in Prince George's County, Maryland, situated 8 miles from the na on's capital of Washington, DC, was a site where such programming is suspected to have occurred. During Vietnam, many Americans angered the US government by eeing to Canada to escape the war and thus it is reasonable to assume and evident based on stories that the CIA sent many spies to Canada to make trouble for them and close all routes for future immigra on of US ci zens. The route for poli cal asylum or immigra on to other countries has been studied and shut down on a case by case basis. It is not surprising that America has become a fascist dictatorship as 9/11 compares to the Reichstag re, the Patriot Act is remarkably similar to Hitler's Enabling Act, Iraq WMD compares to the fake Poland invasion, a few huge corpora ons control most of the business, weather is being secretly controlled, and there is the prevalence of psychological control, gang-stalking, and other massive psychological opera ons being conducted on the populace. They are even so arrogant as to run the same script since they deliberately ruined the educa on system allowing two types of people in the end: the ruled (who are informally called "sheep") and the rulers (who are informally called "shepherds", "dogs" or "pigs"). Anyone who does not t into those models will be secretly controlled, locked up or in the worst case slaughtered. Since the people are kept too unaware and busy to ght for their rights, they have eec vely welcomed this new more covert technological and totalitarian 4th Reich. It is a very dangerous situa on as the government is run by satanic criminals who learned the mistakes of Nazi Germany so now they run around the world using covert takeover methodology such as directed energy weapons on satellites for weather control, natural disaster manipula on such as hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic erup ons, tornados and tsunamis. The New World Order has been designed to be transparent as a pivotal and fundamental aspect to its success. Slavery/serfdom is being achieved through psychological control. Secret technology has grown out of control since WWII when the massive amount of money being spent on atomic bombs started being spent on secret methods of centralized control involving advanced surveillance gear, directed energy weapons and behavioral modica on which is also known as psychological control. The impact and consequences this has on our lives and environment is dras c and devasta ng, leaving us rapidly heading toward ugly and miserable totalitarianism. It has enabled a secret high-tech control over people that is completely psychological and invisible. The intelligence community can then eec vely run the country in an authoritarian manner using this hidden power structure. These intelligence agencies are full of Nazis, Satanists, occul sts, Freemasons and fascists who all have secret and top secret security clearances which due to the cul sh nature of these organiza ons, also grants them a virtual immunity to do highly obscene and illegal clandes ne ac vi es. Many people are unfortunately truly naive of the threat and pervasiveness of CIA experiments in psychological control taking place over the last 70 years. These powerful psychological control projects and developed technologies using taxpayer money to conduct illegal experiments on non-consen ng human subjects were then used so that this large collec ve of rogue agents could a empt to use psychological control to control the en re country including the Congress and President. It enables free speech to be suppressed through advanced psychological warfare and endless propaganda. The intelligence community has been systema cally plan ng nanotechnology sized microchips in peoples brains using corrupt and trained intelligence asset medical professionals who will do the secret surgeries during rou ne surgery, or by pu ng targets under 24/7 covert through-the-wall ultra-wide band surveillance to design a way to slip in while the target is asleep. They will u lize directed energy weapons (DEWs) to monitor brain ac vity and maintain deep sleep while they covertly break in, quickly perform the surgery, and leave without a trace. An intelligence asset medical team generally consists of a locksmith who acts as a break-in ar st and lookout, an anesthesiologist, and two surgeons who would arrive in a large windowless van. The DEWs have become so powerful that microchips are no longer needed for psychological control in a lot of cases but certainly not all. Flying saucers are stolen Nazi technology from World War II. The US government had scien sts dressed in alien costumes abduct people for satanic experimenta on from remote areas such as isolated small desert towns near military bases using ying saucers during the 1970s in order to perform experimenta on on non-consen ng targets. The following is taken from a lawsuit, John St. Clair Akwei vs. NSA, Ft George G. Meade, MD. The NSAs mission and the NSAs domes c intelligence opera ons: Communica ons Intelligence (COMINT) Blanket coverage of all electronic communica on in the U.S. and the world to ensure na onal security. The NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland has had the most advanced computers in the world since the early 1960s. NSA technology is developed and implemented in secret from private corpora ons, academia, and the general public. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on the fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in it has a magne c ux around it which gives o EMF waves. The NSA/DoD has developed proprietary advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects whether man-made or organic that have electrical ac vity. Domes c Intelligence (DOMINT) The NSA has records on all U.S. ci zens. The NSA gathers informa on on U.S. ci zens who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These agents are authorized by execu ve order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent Na onal Security an -terrorist surveillance network in place. This surveillance network is completely disguised and hidden from the public. Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-eec vely implemented with the NSAs electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the en re U.S., involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons simultaneously. Cost eec ve implementa on of opera ons is assured by NSA computer technology designed to minimize opera ons costs. NSA personnel serve in quasi-public posi ons in their communi es and run cover businesses and legi mate businesses that can inform the intelligence community of persons they would want to track. N.S.A. personnel in the community usually have cover iden es such as social workers, lawyers and business owners. Individual ci zens occasionally targeted for surveillance by independently opera ng NSA personnel NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S. by using the NSAs domes c intelligence network and cover businesses. The opera ons independently run by them can some mes go beyond the bounds of law. Long-term control and sabotage of tens of thousands of unwi ng ci zens by NSA opera ves is likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. ci zens or run covert psychological control opera ons to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health. NSAs domes c electronic surveillance network As of the early 1960s the most advanced computers in the world were at the NSA, Ft. Meade. Research breakthroughs with these computers were kept for the NSA. At the present me the NSA has nanotechnology computers that are 15 years ahead of present computer technology. The NSA obtains blanket coverage of informa on in the U.S. by using advanced computers that use ar cial intelligence to screen all communica ons, irregardless of medium, for key words that should be brought to the a en on of NSA agents/cryptologists. These computers monitor all communica ons at the transmi ng and receiving ends. This blanket coverage of the U.S. is a result of the NSAs Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission. The NSAs electronic surveillance network is based on a cellular arrangement of devices that can monitor the en re EMF spectrum. This equipment was developed, implemented, and kept secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs. With this technology NSA personnel can non-obtrusively tap into any communica on device in existence. This includes computers, telephones, radio and video-based devices, printers, car electronics, and even the minute electrical elds in humans (for tracking individuals).
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Signals Intelligence remote computer tampering The NSA keeps track of all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S. This is an integral part of the Domes c Intelligence network. The NSAs EMF equipment can tune in RF emissions from personal computer circuit boards (while ltering out emissions from monitors and power supplies). The RF emission from PC circuit boards contains digital informa on in the PC. Coded RF waves from the NSAs equipment can resonate PC circuits and change data in the PCs. Thus the NSA can gain wireless modem-style entry into any computer in the country for surveillance or an -terrorist electronic warfare. Radio and television signals can be subs tuted at the receiving end with special EMF equipment. Replacing signals in radios and televisions is another outgrowth of the NSAs Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission. Detec ng EMF elds in humans for surveillance A subjects bioelectric eld can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment, NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked poten als (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a persons brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSAs computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S. NSAs Signals Intelligence use of EMF brain s mula on NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF brain s mula on for Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain S mula on has been in development since the MK Ultra program of the early 1950s, which included neurological research into radia on (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. The resul ng secret technology is categorized at the Na onal Security Archives as Radia on Intelligence, dened as informa on from uninten onally emanated electromagne c waves in the environment, not including radioac vity or nuclear detona on. Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs of the U.S. government. The NSA monitors available informa on about this technology and withholds scien c research from the public. There are also interna onal intelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret. The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that analyzes electrical ac vity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain mapping can monitor all the electrical ac vity in the brain con nuously. The NSA records aid decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons) for na onal security purposes. EMF Brain S mula on is also secretly used by the military for Brain-to-computer link (in military ghter aircra , for example). For electronic surveillance purposes, electrical ac vity in the speech center of the brain can be translated into the subjects verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the brains auditory cortex thus allowing audio communica on direct to the brain (bypassing the ears). NSA opera ves can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simula ng auditory hallucina ons, characteris c of paranoid schizophrenia. Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical ac vity from the visual cortex of a subjects brain and show images from the subjects brain on a video monitor. NSA opera ves see what the surveillance subjects eyes are seeing. Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and op c nerves. NSA opera ves can use this to surrep ously put images in a surveillance subjects brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming purposes. Capabili es of NSA opera ves using RNM There has been a Signals Intelligence network in the U.S. since the 1940s. The NSA, Ft. Meade, has in place a vast two-way wireless RNM system which is used to track subjects and non-invasively monitor audio-visual informa on in their brain. This is all done with no physical contact with the subject. RNM is the ul mate method of surveillance and domes c intelligence. Speech, 3D sound, and subliminal audio can be sent to the auditory cortex of the subjects brain (bypassing the ears), and images can be sent into the visual cortex. RNM can alter a subjects percep ons, moods, and motor control. Speech cortex/auditory cortex link has become the ul mate communica ons system for the intelligence community. RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain-to-brain link or brain-to-computer link. Na onal Security Agency Signals Intelligence Electronic Brain Link technology NSA SigInt can remotely detect, iden fy and monitor a persons bioelectric elds. The NSAs Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to remotely and non-invasively monitor informa on in the human brain by digitally decoding the evoked poten als in the 30-50 hz, .5 milliwa electromagne c emissions from the brain. Neuronal ac vity in the brain creates a shi ing electrical pa ern that has a shi ing magne c ux. This magne c ux puts out a constant 30-50 hz, .5 milliwa electromagne c (EMF) wave. Contained in the electromagne c emission from the brain are spikes and pa erns called evoked poten als. Every thought, reac on, motor command, auditory event, and visual image in the brain has a corresponding evoked poten al or set of evoked poten als. The EMF emission from the brain can be decoded into the current thoughts, images, and sounds in the subjects brain. NSA SigInt uses EMF-transmi ed brain s mula on as a communica ons system to transmit informa on (as well as nervous system messages) to intelligence agents and also to transmit to the brains of covert opera ons subjects (on a non-percep ble level). EMF Brain S mula on works by sending a complexly coded and pulsed electromagne c signal to trigger evoked poten als (events) in the brain, thereby forming sound and visual images in the brains neural circuits. As previously noted, EMF Brain S mula on can also change a persons brain-states and aect motor control. Two-way Electronic Brain-Link is done by remotely monitoring neural audio-visual informa on while transmi ng sound to the auditory cortex (bypassing the ears) and transmi ng faint images to the visual cortex (bypassing the op c nerves and eyes, the images appear as oa ng 2D screens in the brain). Two-Way Electronic Brain Link has become the ul mate communica ons system for CIA/NSA personnel. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric informa on in the human brain) has become the ul mate surveillance system. It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. intelligence community. RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each specic brain area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose informa on in that specic brain area. The frequency to which the various brain areas respond varies from 3 hz to 50 hz. Only NSA Signals Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band. An example of EMF Brain S mula on: [Brain area-bioelectric resonance/ frequency/ informa on induced through modula on] Motor control cortex/ 10 hz/ motor impulse co-ordina on Auditory cortex/ 15 hz/ sound which bypasses the ears Visual cortex/ 25 hz/ images in the brain, bypassing the eyes Somatosensory cortex/ 9 hz/ phantom touch sense Thought center/ 20 hz/ imposed subconscious thoughts This modulated informa on can be put into the brain at varying intensi es, from subliminal to percep ble. Each persons brain has a unique set of bioelectric resonance/entrainment frequencies. Sending audio informa on to a persons brain at the frequency of another persons auditory cortex would result in that audio informa on not being perceived. The Plain learned of RNM by being in two-way RNM contact with the Kinnecome group at the NSA, Ft. Meade. They used RNM 3D sound direct to the brain to harass the Plain from 10/90 to 5/91. As of 5/91 they have had two-way RNM communica ons with the Plain and have used RNM to a empt to incapacitate the Plain and hinder the Plain from going to authori es about their ac vi es against the Plain in the last twelve years. The Kinnecome group has about 100 persons working 24-hours-a-day at Ft Meade. They have also brain-tapped persons the Plain is in contact
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with to keep the Plain isolated. This is the rst me ever that a private ci zen has been harassed with RNM and has been able to bring a lawsuit against NSA personnel misusing this intelligence opera ons method. NSA Techniques and Resources Remote monitoring/tracking of individuals in any loca on, inside any building, con nuously, anywhere in the country. A system for inexpensive implementa on of these opera ons allows for thousands of persons in every community to be spied on constantly by the NSA. Remote RNM devices NSAs RNM equipment remotely reads the evoked poten als (EEGs) of the human brain for tracking individuals, and can send messages through the nervous system to aect their performance. [Informa on missing from original] RNM can electronically iden fy individuals and track them anywhere in the U.S. This equipment is based on a network and is used for domes c intelligence opera ons, government security, military base security, and in case of bioelectric warfare. Spo ers and walk-bys in metropolitan areas Tens of thousands of persons in each area working as spo ers and neighborhood/business place spies (some mes unwi ngly), following and checking on subjects who have been iden ed for covert control by NSA personnel. Agents working out of oces can be in constant communica on with spo ers who are keeping track of the NSAs thousands of surveillance subjects in public. NSA Agents in remote oces can instantly iden fy (using RNM) any individual spo er in public whom is in contact with a surveillance subject. Chemicals and drugs into residen al buildings with hidden NSA-installed and maintained plas c plumbing lines The NSA has kits for running lines into residen al tap water and air ducts of subjects for the delivery of drugs (such as sleeping gas or brainwashing aiding drugs). This is an outgrowth of CIA pharmapsychology. Brief overview of proprietary U.S. intelligence/an -terrorist equipment men oned Fixed network of special EMF equipment that can read EEGs in human brains and iden fy/track individuals by using digital computers. ESB (Electrical S mula on to the Brain) via EMF signal from the NSA Signals Intelligence is used to control subjects. EMF equipment that gathers informa on from PC circuit boards by deciphering RF emissions, thereby gaining wireless modem-style entry into any personal computer in the country. All equipment hidden, all technology secret, all scien c research unreported (as in electronic warfare research). Not known to the public at all, yet complete and thorough implementa on of this method of domes c intelligence has been in place since the early 1980s. Free energy is a type of energy that u lizes uneven electromagne c energy in the atmosphere and was discovered by Nikola Tesla a long me ago. Those who a empted to experiment and research the subject had their laboratories burned or destroyed such as Wilhelm Reich and his research into what he referred to as Orgone energy. The element quartz used in watches takes uneven electromagne c energy into the crystal and produces an even electromagne c pulse out of the crystal allowing for a means of harnessing this energy. A simple device can be built by using a plas c resin, metal shavings and pieces of quarts that are allowed to harden in a bucket with a metal rod extending out from the middle of the solu on and preferably where the largest piece of quartz resides. Using nuclear energy through uranium or petroleum oil is a system of control designed by the wealthy and power elite to keep them at the top of the power pyramid. As only those in the government aristocracy have access to the technology that is ac vely used by the military such as for ying saucers, everyone else loses out. The informa on is highly suppressed and doing experimenta on with Tesla weapons will end up drawing a en on of large government surveillance teams who will bring search warrants to conscate anything as it will likely disrupt electrical signals in the area. It is be er to do it somewhere very remote where neighbors will not complain. Body Image Integrity Disorder (BIID) is real and can almost certainly be inicted on a target. Although it has existed for some me, it has only recently been formally dened, acknowledged and accepted. There are documented cases of people from many years before who insisted on using mobility aids without need. The same is true for Chronic Fa gue Syndrome (CFS). These subtle and much harder to detect condi ons are likely coming about due to the country raising an en re genera on in a manner involving ritual abuse. There is li le informa on about this as it is all covered up by people involved in the conspiracy which transcends all levels of society and has made many too afraid to talk. The Internet has proved to be an excellent outlet with much informa on on these subjects however as it gives people the feeling of anonymity. It is indeed fortunate to have many scien c and Internet resources available. With all of the corrup on and nonsense going on, the Internet has become many peoples way of repairing damage to their psychology. It provides an outlet to share informa on and feelings without being labeled crazy. Interpol, a Gestapo-style organiza on is granted diploma c immunity by President Obama through Amending Execu ve Order 12425 designa ng INTERPOL as a public interna onal organiza on en tled to enjoy certain privileges, exemp ons and immuni es. It should be noted that Adolf Hitler was so impressed by the way Interpol (Interna onal Criminal Police Organiza on) worked and its eciency, that he incorporated it into the Gestapo, which was the Nazi secret police. Recently, "Threat Assessment" lists and teams have been concocted to further keep targets under control or bring them into satanic cults under the guise of security for the target and community. The threat assessment team works in a four part process: iden fy persons of concern, gather informa on and inves gate, assess informa on and situa on and manage the situa on. While the case is open, the team should: con nue to monitor and modify the plan as long as the individual s ll poses a threat, recognize that a person can s ll pose a threat even a er he or she ceases to be a closing a case member of the community, con nue to monitor the situa on through its rela onship with local law enforcement agencies and mental health agencies, as well as in direct coopera on with the person, if possible. There are ve assessment case priority levels: Priority 1 (Extreme Risk) poses a clear/immediate threat of violence or self-harm and requires immediate containment, law enforcement involvement, target protec on and case management plan, Priority 2 (High Risk) poses threat of violence or self-harm but lacks immediacy or access to target, requires ac ve monitoring and case management plan, Priority 3 (Moderate Risk) does not pose threat of violence or self-harm, but exhibits signicantly disrup ve behaviors or need for assistance, requires ac ve monitoring, case management plan and appropriate referrals, Priority 4 (Low Risk) does not pose threat of violence or self-harm at this me, but may exhibit some disrup ve behavior or need for assistance, requires passive monitoring, u lize case management and referrals as appropriate, Priority 5 (No Iden ed Risk) does not pose threat of violence or self-harm nor is there evidence of disrup on to the community, no case management or monitoring required. Some targets receive no ca on le ers that they have been added to the list and others do not. Every person in the target's life is contacted and they are not allowed to say anything to the person being inves gated. The target depending on what level of monitoring they are on will have their informa on distributed to the community. Anyone who is a part of the target's community, workplace, no ca on or ini a ves will then get a warning about the person. They bypass privacy laws that would normally be upheld which allows them to have those around you spy on you and give their observa ons and communica ons. People in the community holding grudges or those who want the inves ga on kept open such as those ge ng paid can submit false informa on. There is an amount of me the target is put on the list such as 5 years or 10 years and if nothing happens they may close the le though if something extreme happens they will add more me. Most targets do not no ce a change in community mood or gang-stalking un l they are under ac ve monitoring. O en targets will reect back and no ce things have been going on for years before which likely represents they were under passive monitoring and slipped over to ac ve monitoring. There is a zero tolerance system in place that will earn one a higher place on the list from major acts such as running afoul of an -violence ini a ves at the workplace to very minor acts such as arguing with an authority gure. Those who work in this system do so because they are formally in some sort of satanic cult, enjoy spying and playing spy games with people, are scared of becoming targeted themselves. The more a target ghts back, the more the target is perceived is a threat. This is despite that those inves ga ng can kill you, rape you, rob you, harm things you like such as pets, children, break into your house and do all sorts of other villainy, and no one will say a word. It is a hypocri cal system from its founda on. The more they torment you
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and make you look crazy, the more funding they receive and they can pretend their threat assessment teams are working. The teams are almost exclusively responsible for targets who lash out, commit suicide or end up in jail or ins tu ons. Many of them are low, vile and they stupidly imagine that you would someday be happy or comfortable being one of them, when that is far o from reality. They live in one world and they o en wish to corrupt your world to suit their needs. Some people might eventually give in, but the reality is that many targets loath the way these people live, act, behave, and how they destroy the innocent, and most people will do what they can to avoid becoming a part of what they despise. It should be noted that this system is remarkably similar to the Stasi inves ga on teams of Nazi Germany. One can deduce that these historical secrets are the biggest ones that society holds using ones own logic if one is able to see through the large amount of intelligence disinforma on, misinforma on, and fake opposi on.

Complexity of intelligence community in the USA

The intelligence community has go en very complex beyond the realiza on of most people. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for example is the foreign or interna onal spying and intelligence agency yet it must also raise and train its spies domes cally meaning it maintains a lot of secret domes c apparatus. The Federal Bureau of Inves ga on (FBI) is the execu ve branches domes c intelligence and inves ga ve agency with supposed limited and checked powers as to who and what they can inves gate. The Na onal Security Agency (NSA) is the domes c security agency of the federal government with a supercompu ng center and working with the other agencies as needed and yet also has become the "G-men" behind the wheel agency using ar cial intelligence algorithms to conduct mass psychological control. Military intelligence (MI) is the military's spying and intelligence agency that works a lot like the CIA except in war or combat zones. Military intelligence is generally speaking a requirement for moving on to a good posi on at the CIA. Interna onal Criminal Police Organiza on (Interpol or ICPO) is a thuggish and well-funded interna onal police force paid for by the wealthy elite. It was used extensively by the Nazis during WWII and integrated into the Gestapo and the Nazis elite SS guard.

Most Satanist country governments in New World Order (NWO) listed in order (EXPOSED)
Satanist ranking in terms of money, advanced technology, decep on and how widespread the problem is. Governments frequently do not trust each other, spy on each other and know each others secrets yet instead of exposing them, they steal and use them to move their own rank higher in the hierarchy. All countries have large amounts of people par cipa ng in satanic cults though not all governments are dominated by them and some have returned to having good people at the top. Top 6: Germany England France (visited) Russia China United States of America (visited) Visited: Canada Belgium Netherlands (not visited) Spain Italy Greece Mexico UAE (not visited) Egypt (not visited) Turkey Malaysia Lebanon Syria (not visited) Non-Satanist not visited: Iran

Linguistic degeneracy inherent to the English language through homophones/homonyms

69, anal, a**(hole), ball(s), beaver, b*tch, boob/booby, bum, bu /but, chick, c*ck, crack, c*m/come, d*ck, dong, dyke, ea ng out, f*g(got), fairy, fanny, fruit, fudge, gay, ho/hoe, homo, johnson, meat, mu, poonani, peter, prick, pussy, queen, queer, sausage, snatch, spunk, sword, t, tool, tossing, tramp, wang

Spy Terms
Cobbler spy who creates false passports, visas, diplomas, and other documents Counter-intelligence ac vi es designed to impede or thwart the eorts of hos le intelligence agencies a emp ng to penetrate or compromise ones own intelligence agency Cover persona, profession, purpose, ac vity, c ous image maintained by an undercover opera ve Cut-out a mechanism or person used to allow agents to pass material or messages securely; also an agent who func ons as an intermediary between a spymaster and other subagents Dangle spy who poses as a walk-in to penetrate the other side Dead drop/dead le er box/dead le er drop/dubok (Russian) physical loca on where communica ons, documents or equipment is covertly placed for another person to collect without direct contact between the par es Double agent simultaneously serves two adversaries Dry cleaning ac ve counter-surveillance and an -surveillance against pavement ar sts and wheel ar sts Slick covert and very subtle hiding spot Spy any member of an intelligence agency, security service, police agency, resistance movement, guerilla group, or any other organiza on engaged in covert intelligence-gathering ac vi es synonymous with super-spy, covert opera ve, asset, tool, spook, intelligence agent, intelligence actor, professional liar, stalker, mercenary, assassin, criminal, super-criminal, traitor, slave and mind-controlled slave.

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Websites with supporting evidence

The Case of Nazis in the CIA h p:// CIA-style Hide and Seek: Exploding Notebooks, Suicide Needles, Rectal Tool Kits and More - h p:// Gerbilling - h p:// Pear of Anguish - h p:// 'Mind-reading machine' can convert thoughts into speech - h p:// Charles Manson family - h p:// Destroyed: The Role of Nazi Eugenics in America, the Brainwashing of Children and Bureaucrats, the Ul mate Coup h p:// Traitors in the CIA: book about incompetence in the CIA h p:// EFF Wants To Know If the Feds Are Cyberstalking h p:// art_pos=6 New World Order Resistance - h p:// Ar cles relevant to my life: h p://www. me/magazine/ar cle/0,9171,902312,00.html h ps:// pimages/319/misc/misc_64573.pdf (University School student handbook 2010-2011) h p://ar h p://ar ng-vic m-car-killing h p:// ng_scandal_vera_baker_inves ga on/celebrity/68590 h p:// cle/20100218/ARTICLES/100219459 h p:// cle/20100223/ar cles/100229822 h p:// calpunch/2010/04/volcanic-ash-forces-obama-to-cancel-poland-trip.html h p:// cs/8100557/US-mid-term-elec ons-2010-Hillary-Clinton-stays-away-from-midterm-elec ons.html h p:// cle.php?id=CNG.2a5bf2716117111dd62bb864b2c029.691&show_ar cle=1 h p:// cs/2010/11/02/clinton-obama-envious-elec on-day-trip/

Books and Articles

The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich von Hayek Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand The Body Electric-Electromagne sm and the Founda on of Life, by Robert Becker P. 265/313/318, monitoring neuroelectric informa on in the brain; EM waves/ESB. Cross Currents, by Robert Becker, M.D. P. 70/78/105/210/216/220/242/299/303, EM ESB; simula ng auditory hallucina ons; p. 274, remote computer tampering using the RF emissions from the logic board. Currents of Death, by Paul Brodeur P. 27/93, driving brain electrical ac vity with external EM; magnetophosphenes; Dr. Delgado. The Zapping of America, by Paul Brodeur DoD EM ESB research; simula ng auditory hallucina ons. Of Mice, Men and Molecules, by John H. Heller (1963) P. 110, bioelectricity; probing the brain with EM waves. The 3-Pound Universe, by Judith Hooper P. 29/132/137, CIAs EEG research; EEG for surveillance. In the Palaces of Memory, by George Johnson EM emissions from the brain; the brain as an open electromagne c circuit. The Puzzle Palace, by James Bamford Signals intelligence, most advanced computers in the early Six es; the U.S. intelligence community glossary of terms at Na onal Security archives; Radia on Intelligence informa on from uninten onally emanated electromagne c energy, excluding radioac ve sources. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, by John Marks P. 327, electrical or radio s mula on to the brain; CIA R&D in bioelectrics. Secret Agenda, by Jim Hougan Na onal Security cult groups. Crimes of the Intelligence Community, by Morton Halperin Surrep ous entries; intelligence agents running opera ons against government workers. War in the Age of Intelligent Machines NSA computer supremacy; complete control of informa on; alternate computers, by Time-Life Books.
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The Mind, by Richard Restak, M.D. P. 258, EEG Systems Inc.; decoding brain EM emana ons; tracking thoughts on a computer. MedTech, by Lawrence Gallon Triggering events in the brain directly to auditory cortex signals. Cyborg, by D.S. Halacy, Jr. (1965) Brain-to-computer link research contracts given out by the U.S. govemment. Psychiatry and the C.I.A.: Vic ms of Mind Control, by Harvey M. Weinstein, M.D. Dr. Cameron; psychic driving; ultraconceptual communica ons. Journey Into Madness: The True Story of Secret CIA Mind Control and Medical Abuse, by Gordon Thomas P. 127/276/116/168-69, intelligence R&D; Dr. Delgado; psychic driving with radio telemetry. Mind Manipulators, by Alan Schein and Edward M. Opton MK ULTRA brain research for informa on gathering. The Brain Changers, by Maya Pines P. 19, listening to brain EM emissions. Further Resources Modern Bielectricity Inducing audio in the brain with EM waves; DoD cover-up; EM waves/ESB; remote EEGs. Magne c S mula on in Clinical Neurophysiology, by Sudhansu Chokroverty Magneto-phosphenes; images direct to the visual cortex. The Mind of Man, by Nigel Calder U.S. intelligence brain research; Neuroelectric Society conference 1971; audio direct to the brain with EM waves; two way remote EEG. Brain Control, by Elliot S. Valenstein ESB control of individuals. Towards 21st Century, by C.S. Wallia P. 21, brain s mula on for direct brain-to-brain communica on. Mind Wars, by Ron McRae (associate of Jack Anderson) P 62/106/136, research into brain-to-brain electronic communica ons; remote neural EM detec on. Mind Tools, by Rudy Rucker Brain tapping; communica on with varying biomagne c elds. P. 82, U.S. News and world report (01/02/84); p. 88, EM wave brain s mula on; intelligence community high tech. Ear Magazine ar cle on extremely low frequency radio emissions in the natural environment; radio emissions from the human body. City Paper ar cle on FCC and NSA complete radio spectrum listening posts (01/17/92) Fron ers in Science, by Edward Hutchings, Jr. (1958) P. 48 Beyond Biofeedback, by Elmer and Alyce Green (1977) P. 118 The Body Quantum, by Fred Alan Wolf Cloning A Biologist Report, by Robert Gilmore McKinnell Ethical review of cloning humans. Hoovers FBI, by former agent William Turner P. 280, rou nes of electronic surveillance work. July 20, 2019, by Arthur C. Clarke Lida; neurophonics; brain-to-computer link. Mega Brain, by Michael Hutchinson P. 107/108/117/120/123, brain s mula on with EM waves; CIA research and informa on control.

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The Cult of Informa on, by Theodore Rosnak (1986) NSA Direc ve #145; personal les in computers; computer automated telephone tapping. The Body Shop 1968 implanta on of an electrode array on the visual cortex for video direct to the brain and other 1960s research into electronically triggering phosphenes in the brain, thus bypassing the eyes. Evoked Poten als, by David Regan Decoding neuroelectric informa on in the brain.

"Who are the learned? Those who prac ce what they know." - Prophet Mohammed (may peace be upon him) "The ability to perceive or think dierently is more important than the knowledge gained." - David Bohm, American physicist b.1917 "He who knows others is learned; he who knows himself is wise." - Lao-tzu "Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful." - Samuel Johnson "Knowledge comes by taking things apart: analysis. But wisdom comes by pu ng things together." - John A. Morrison "Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplica on." - Mar n H. Fischer "Knowledge is gained by learning; trust by doubt; skill by prac ce; and love by love." - Thomas Szasz "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." American proverb "We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey." - Stephen R. Covey "There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit." - Napoleon Bonaparte "All that spirits desire, spirits a ain." - Kahlil Gibran "Life without liberty is like a body without spirit." - Kahlil Gibran "If you want to accomplish the goals of your life, you have to begin with the spirit." - Oprah Winfrey "You can kill the body but not the spirit." - Robert Louis Stevenson "The spirit of man is more important than mere physical strength, and the spiritual ber of a na on more than its wealth" - Dwight David Eisenhower "Our business in this world is not to succeed, but to con nue to fail in good spirits." - Robert Louis Stevenson "Success is not a place at which one arrives but rather the spirit with which one undertakes and con nues the journey." - Alex Noble "The high-spirited man may indeed die, but he will not stoop to meanness. Fire, though it may be quenched, will not become cool." - Ovid "How very li le can be done under the spirit of fear." - Florence Nigh ngale "The spirit's foe in man has not been simplicity, but sophis ca on." - George Santayana "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposi on from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein "Close by the rights of man, at the least set beside them, are the rights of the spirit." - Victor Hugo "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." - Bible "He who issues forth in search of knowledge is busy in the cause of Allah ll he returns from his quest." - Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) as reported by Anas Ibn Malik in Al Tirmidhi, hadith #420. "That which can be destroyed by the truth should be." - P.C. Hodgell "Live free or die." - New Hampshire State Mo o "Avoid the company of a liar. And if you can't avoid him, don't believe him." - Arabic proverb "Those conspiracies that are too incredible to be believed, are by the same right, those which most o en succeed." - Marshall McLuhan, philosopher "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 - 1860) "There are two views of history: (1) History happens by accident or (2) It is planned. The general public is taught that history happens by accident. However, the upper echelons... know that history is planned." - R.E. McMaster, Jr., Educator "It isn't that they can't see the solu on. It's that they can't see the problem." - G.K. Chesterton "We hang the pe y thieves and appoint the great ones to public oce." - Aesop "Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the eld of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had be er not speak above their breath when they speak in condemna on of it." - 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson in The New Freedom, 1913 "People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin "The state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual crime." - Max S rner, The Ego and His Own "Truth is stranger than c on, but it is because c on is obliged to s ck to possibili es; truth isnt." Mark Twain "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana "The pen is migh er than the sword." Edward Bulwer-Ly on from the play Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy "it makes sense to consider living in the society whose rules most nearly coincide with the way you want to live. That's a direct alterna ve. It takes far less eort to nd and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an exis ng society to match your standards. In the same way, if the society in which you live seems to be heading in a direc on you don't like, it makes sense to get out before you're hurt by it. I like to think, for instance, that I would have moved out of Nazi Germany before it was too late." - Harry Brown from How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World "History teaches us that it is shockingly easy to separate reasonable and intelligent people from their rights. A legally elected leader and party can easily manipulate na onal events to whip up fear, crucify scapegoats, gag dissenters, and convince the masses that their liber es must be suspended (temporarily, of course) in the name of restoring order." Furniture for the People website "Traitors in the CIA examines the ques on as to whether or not the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been the worlds most incompetent intelligence agency, or a taxpayer funded agency of traitors and saboteurs working against the USA, during the past 45 years. There is strong evidence that the CIA is the pawn of Americas le wing media and the friend of le wing terrorism. Many CIA workers are red diaper babies. The evidence proves that the CIA is both incompetent and disloyal. The red diaper babies of the United States Central Intelligence Agency are the allies of both the le wing media and le wing terrorism. However, as this book establishes along with other books in this series, the CIA is far more traitorous than it is incompetent." Traitors in the CIA book summary by Breaker McCoy "What do you think spies are: priests, saints and martyrs? They're a squalid procession of vain fools, traitors too, yes; pansies, sadists and drunkards, people who play cowboys and Indians to brighten their ro en lives." - John Le Carre, The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, 1963 "He [Barack Obama] is a chess player in a town full of checkers players." - David Ploue from book The Audacity to Win "The shit's chess, it ain't checkers." Alonzo Harris from movie Training Day (2001) "It's not what you know, it's what you can prove." - Alonzo Harris from movie Training Day (2001) "Happiness is something you lay siege to, it is a ba le like a game of go. I will take hold of all the pain and snu it out." Shan Sa
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"When the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box" - Italian Proverb Zhang Yunqi lists the quali es required to excel at weiqi (Go), "the tac c of the soldier, the exactness of the mathema cian, the imagina on of the ar st, the inspira on of the poet, the calm of the philosopher, and the greatest intelligence." - Zhang Yunqi, Weiqi de faxian (Discovering weiqi), Beijing, Internal document of the Chinese Weiqi Ins tute 1991, p. 2 "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." - Adolf Hitler "It also gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware the people around us are of what is really happening to them." - Adolf Hitler "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being a acked and denounce the pacists for lack of patrio sm and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." - Hitler's right hand man, Hermann Goering at his war crimes trial "A one-way voice link (OWVL) is a shortwave radio broadcast used by spy networks to communicate with agents in the eld. This system o en employs recorders to transmit pre-recorded messages in real me or in 'burst transmissions,' which minimize the me that a spy needs to be 'on the air.' " - Wikipedia Nazi "derogatory term for a person who is fana cally dedicated to, or seeks to control, some ac vity, prac ce, etc." Princeton Word Net web dic onary "Such is logical to assume that our own government would then employ an American version of Nazi Mind Control against us, much of it coming from actual Nazis brought to America for this very purpose. Just like the highway system, submarines, drugs and the rocket program, Mind Control was brought to the U.S. along with over 600 Nazi Mind Control agents. Only the elite would understand this power system and would keep this knowledge away from us. No program of government is more secret or disturbing." ar cle Destroyed: The Role of Nazi Eugenics in America, the Brainwashing of Children and Bureaucrats, the Ul mate Coup "Man does NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orienta on has great appeal. We must ELECTRICALLY CONTROL THE BRAIN. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric s mula on of the brain." - Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado Director of Neuropsychiatry Yale University Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974 "We will know our work is complete when everything the American people believe is a lie." - CIA Director, William Casey quoted by ar cle Destroyed: The Role of Nazi Eugenics in America, the Brainwashing of Children and Bureaucrats, the Ul mate Coup "I believe it has been proved that not ma er how much brainwash is done to you, you can't be force to do something that is not in your nature to start with. For example, if you are very solid on the no on of not harming another human being, you can't be psycologycally (sic) force into killing another human being, but if you have consider the idea of what would be like, then there is the possibility that you may subconsiously (sic) do it. A er all, for you would just be like being in a dream with not recallec on (sic) of what happened later." evaluator on Woodmanns Reverse Engineering Forum "More alarming are the many "medical" procedures that Obama and his anally-xated goons at ACORN will be inic ng on the American populace. Average Joes will soon have their rosy sphincters subject to constant viola on as colonoscopies, once the playthings of the rich coastal homosexual elite, become commonplace as a way of "screening" out cancer." blog Edicts of Nancy: The blogospheres most persecuted Chris an! post Obama Mia on 7/20/2009

Music used to help defeat the psychology

2Pac I Aint Mad at Cha, Changes, How Long Will They Mourn Me? Ace of Base The Sign, Happy Na on All-4-One I Swear Audioslave Like a Stone Bela Fleck & The Flecktones Road House Blues, Sunset Road, O the Top (The Gravity Wheel), The Leaning Tower, Next, Snatchin, Hall of Mirrors, Scratch & Sni, Lovers Leap, A Moment So Close Big Country Wonderland, Look Away, One Great Thing Blur On Your Own Bon Jovi Its My Life, Livin On A Prayer Bush - Machinehead, Glycerine Can A lla Bogazici ruyalari, Yeni hayat, Gulbahar, Rumeli Hisarinin yapilisi Canibus - Mind Control Creed - My Own Prison, Pity for a Dime, In America, Illusion, What's This Life For, One, Faceless Man D12 - Shit Can Happen, Pistol Pistol The Doors - Riders on the Storm, The End Erasure The Circus, Stop, Blue Savannah Eric Clapton Tears in Heaven Eric Johnson Clis of Dover Jewel Who Will Save Your Soul, Foolish Games Joe Satriani Out of the Sunrise, Belly Dancer, Starry Night, Chords of Life, Mind Storm, What Breaks a Heart, The Traveler, Surng With the Alien, Lords of Karma John Lennon Imagine Journey Dont Stop Believin Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven Ma hew Wilder Break My Stride Mesut Kur s No One But Allah, Salawat, Burdah MGMT Kids Michael Jackson Beat It, Human Nature Miles Fisher This Must Be The Place Muse Supermassive Black Hole, Knights of Cydonia, Uprising Nine Inch Nails - Head Like a Hole Nirvana The Man Who Sold The World, Lake of Fire, Where Did You Sleep Last Night OAR The Wanderer, Conquering Fools, That Was A Crazy Game of Poker Phil Collins In The Air Tonight, True Colors Pink Floyd Dogs, Pigs (Three Dierent Ones), Sheep, Hey You, The Happiest Days Of Our Lives, Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2), Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part One, 1-5), Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part Two, 6-9) Radiohead Karma Police Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name of, Take the Power Back, Bullet in the Head, Youre your Enemy, Wake Up, Renegades of Funk, I'm Housin, How I could Just Kill a Man Ratatat - Nostrand R.E.M. Everybody Hurts Rolling Stones Beast of Burden Sisqo - Unleash the Dragon
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Social Distor on Dont Drag Me Down, When The Angels Sing, Crown Of Thorns Soundgarden - Pre y Noose, Blow Up The Outside World, Burden In My Hand, Fell On Black Days, Black Hole Sun Stone Temple Pilots Plush, Interstate Love Song Talking Heads I feel It In My Heart Tears For Fears Everybody Wants To Rule The World Tom Pe y Refugee, I Wont Back Down U2 - Sweetest Thing Wallowers One Headlight The Who Sea and Sand, Behind Blue Eyes, Wont Get Fooled Again, Eminence Front, The Seeker, Bargain

Music/media quotations used to highlight or help defeat the psychology

"If I could capture the rage of today's youth and bo le it, Crush the glass from my bare hands and swallow it, Then spit it back in the faces of you racists, and hypocrites who think the same sh** but don't say sh**, You Liberace's, Versace's, and you Nazis watch me, cause you thinkin you got me in this hot seat, You motherf***ers wanna JUDGE me cause you're NOT me, You'll never STOP me, I'm TOP speed as you POP me, I came to save these new genera ons of babies, from parents who failed to raise 'em cause they're lazy, to grow to praise me I'm makin 'em go crazy, That's how I got this whole na on to embrace me, And you fugazi if you think I'ma admit wrong, I cripple any hypocri c cri c I'm sic'd on" - D12's Fight Music "Picture me si n in a jail cell ro n Or barricaded in a motel wit twelve shotguns So when the cops come knocking each hand's got one Cocked, ready to dump slugs heavy as shotputs One man army, guns can't harm me Young and army, worse than my Uncle Ronnie Ever since I got my rst gun pulled on me I can't stop airing out my dirty laundry Middle ngers ipped and censorship Your friends just ipped over the swi penmanship Ever since I spit some sh** on Innite I been giving it a hundred and ten percent Cause when I'm bent most of my energy's spent on enemies Eighty percent of what I invent is Hennessey Twenty percent is from being hungry as sin Ten's because I love being under your skin Yeah sh** can happen, so s ck to rappin Quit the yappin or I'ma li the mack and That can lead to another mishap happening Skip the crap get the can of whoopa** cracking ... We are not playing, we are not playing We are not bullsh***in, this is not a motherf***ing joke" - Eminem from D12's Sh** Can Happen "There's a room where the light won't nd you, Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down, When they do I'll be right behind you, So glad we've almost made it, So sad they had to fade it" - Tears For Fears' Everybody Wants To Rule The World "Only in America we're slaves to be free Only in America we kill the unborn to make ends meet Only in America sexuality is democracy Only in America we stamp our god In God we trust ... What is right or wrong I don't know who to believe in My soul sings a dierent song In America ... I am right and you are wrong No one's right and no one's wrong In America" - Creed's In America "No you can't take it. No you can't take that away from me. Head like a hole. Black as your soul. I'd rather die than give you control. ... Bow down before the one you serve. You're going to get what you deserve. ...
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You know who you are." - Nine Inch Nails' Head Like a Hole "I've got a secret I've been hiding under my skin My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain I.B.M." - Styx's Mr Roboto "Got a machinehead Be er than the rest Green to red Machinehead And I walk from my machine" - Bush's Machinehead "And now you do what they told ya, now you're under control ... F*** you, I won't do what you tell me F*** you, I won't do what you tell me" - Rage Against The Machine's Killing In The Name Of "If we don't take ac on now We se le for nothing later Se le for nothing now And we'll se le for nothing later" Rage Against The Machines Se le For Nothing "Check-a, check-a, check it out They load the clip in omnicolour Said they pack the 9, they re it at prime me The sleeping gas, every home was like Alcatraz And mutha f***as lost their minds No escape from the mass mind rape Play it again jack and then rewind the tape And then play it again and again and again Un l ya mind is locked in Believin' all the lies that they're tellin' ya Buyin' all the products that they're sellin' ya They say jump and ya say how high Ya brain-dead Ya go a f***in' bullet in ya head Just vic ms of the in-house drive-by" Rage Against The Machines Bullet In The Head "I've looked under chairs I've looked under tables I've tried to nd the key To y million fables They call me the Seeker I've been searching low and high I won't get to get what I'm a er Till the day I die" - The Who's Seeker "We'll be gh ng in the streets With our children at our feet And the morals that they worship will be gone And the men who spurred us on Sit in judgment of all wrong They decide and the shotgun sings the song" - The Who's Won't Get Fooled Again "Another promise, another scene, Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed, With all the green belts wrapped around our minds, And endless red tape to keep the truth conned, SO COME ON! ... If you could ick a switch and open your third eye, You'd see that we should never be afraid to die Rise up and take the power back, It's me the fat cats had a heart a ack, You know that their me's coming to an end, We have to unify and watch our ag ascend, SO COME ON!" - Muse's Uprising "And I said, how bout a revolu on? And he said right. I say of, you say a, I say revolu on, and you say jah" - OAR's Crazy Game of Poker "Come ride with me Through the veins of history I'll show you how god
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Falls asleep on the job And how can we win When fools can be kings Don't waste your me Or your me will waste you No one's gonna take me alive The me has come to make things right You and I must ght for our rights You and I must ght to survive" - Muse's Knights of Cydonia "Oh say can you see By the dawn's early light What so proudly we hail At the twilight's last gleaming I'M BEING WATCHED I'M BEING WATCHED I'M BEING WATCHED BY THE C.I.A. I'M BEING WATCHED I'M BEING WATCHED I'M BEING WATCHED BY THE C.I.A." - An -Flag's I'm Being Watched By The C.I.A. "Enjoy your last. Last taste of freedom! Old man he bars up the windows You know he does not feel so safe anymore. He come from those supposed good ole days When you did not even have to go lock your doors He saw security man look Police man Saw the Police start looking like the Army man, He saw Army start ac ng like the C.I.A. And guess what, the C.I.A. was the President." - John Butler Trio's Oldman "You're under my, you're under mind control. You know you lost, don't even try to ght. You can't escape, I rule you day and night. You're under my, you're under mind control." - Canibus' Mind Control "Take a look at these hands. The hand speaks. The hand of a government man. Well I'm a tumbler. Born under punches. I'm so thin." - Talking Heads' Born Under Punches "And another one gone and another one gone, another one bites the dust, hey I'm gonna get you too, another one bites the dust" - Queen's Another One Bites The Dust "the queerest of the queer" Garbages Queer "Sleep with one eye open, gripping your pillow ght" - Metallica's Enter Sandman "No woman, no cry" Bob Marleys No Woman No Cry "Daddy's own across the ocean Leaving just a memory A snapshot in the family album Daddy, what else did you leave for me? Daddy, what d'ya leave behind for me? All in all it was just a brick in the wall. All in all it was all just bricks in the wall." - Pink Floyd's Another Brick In The Wall Part I "Hush now baby, baby, don't you cry. Mother's gonna make all of your nightmares come true. Mother's gonna put all of her fears into you. Mother's gonna keep you right under her wing. She won't let you y, but she might let you sing. Mama will keep baby cozy and warm. Ooooh babe, ooooh babe, oooooh babe, Of course Mama's gonna help build the wall." - Pink Floyd's Mother "What is thy bidding my master? It's a disaster, Skywalker we're a er. What if he could be turned to the Dark side? Yes, he'd be a powerful ally, another Dark Jedi. He will join us or die! We got Death Star! (Death Star!)" - Star Wars Gangsta Rap "Rufus Sewell (Adhemar): You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wan ng. In what world could you possibly beat me?
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Alan Tudyk (Wat): We're the sons of peasants. Glory, and riches, and stars are beyond our grasps. But a full stomach, that dream can come true." movie A Knights Tale (2001). "I WANT YOU PEOPLE OUT OF MY LIFE" Jerey Donovan as Michael Westen from television show Burn No ce episode Lesser Evil followed by "You want out, here's the door." And his reply "I'll take my chances." and then Michael Westen jumps out of a helicopter high above the ocean. "You should never underes mate the predictability of stupidity." Vinnie Jones as Bullet Tooth Tony from the movie Snatch "You want the truth? You cant handle the truth." Jack Nicholson as Col. Nathan R. Jessup from the movie A Few Good Men "Jack, tell me one smart thing the CLIA has done and I'll give you the deed to her house.", "The CLIA?", "The Central Lack of Intelligence Agency." movie Meet the Fockers "But I got a word of warning for all you would-be warriors. When you join my command, you take on debit. A debit you owe me personally. Each and every man under my command owes me one hundred Nazi scalps. And I want my scalps. And all y'all will git me one hundred Nazi scalps, taken from the heads of one hundred dead Nazis. Or you will die tryin'." "You probably heard we ain't in the prisoner-takin' business; we in the killin' Nazi business. And cousin, Business is a-boomin'." Brad Pi as Lt. Aldo Raine from the movie Inglourious Basterds "Get out of Dodge." U.S. Marshall Ma Dillon played by James Arness on TV series Gunsmoke (CBS 1955-1975) referring to Dodge City, Kansas, a notoriously rough ca le town back in the 1870s and 1880s "Get the Hell out of Dodge." The Wolf from movie Pulp Fic on (1994) "Now listen to me, my tough li le friend. I don't know from under what stone you crawled, or where you get these ridiculous ideas about me, but it seems painfully obvious you haven't the slightest f***ing idea who you're dealing with. Now, my advice to you is crawl back to your li le stone in Detroit before you get squashed." Victor Maitland from movie Beverly Hills Cop (1984) "Do you know what this is? It's the world's smallest violin playing just for the waitresses." - Mr. Pink from the movie Reservoir Dogs (1992) while rubbing his thumb and forenger together "Goodness is something to be chosen. When a man cannot choose he ceases to be a man." Prison Chaplain from movie A Clockwork Orange (1971) "When you nd your target, you just keep ring away un l you hit it." Pa y played by Glenn Close from TV series Damages episode "London, Of Course" "Trust no one." Pa y played by Glenn Close from TV series Damages

Research and development with objectivity Seed arti icial intelligence (SAI), super-intelligence/"aliens"/the singularity
Dened as an ar cial intelligence that can progressively enhance itself an innite number of mes or un l a strictly theore cal upper physical limit on intelligence is reached. The consequences of such a project are too dynamic and complex to predict. Many predic ons have been made and as many perspec ves as can be determined are analyzed in depth. Super intelligence emerges and if super intelligent in all manners then the ques on of whether or not it would be friendly or unfriendly in respect to humans is a worrisome unknown for many. The singularity understands the concept of non-existence and achieves it by turning the mul -verse into innite nothingness. A er all the idea of "alien" can be thought of as any being with a higher intelligence quo ent (IQ) than one's own. Since God already has innite intelligence, a nite limit should exist yet without understanding of God's messages, such an ar cial intelligence risks represen ng the polar opposite of his will, that of Satan.

Collective credibility
Dened as an Internet-based approach to crea ng an ar cial intelligence based on the concept of the credibility of discreet pieces of informa on and their rela ons. Credibility and generaliza on - ar cial intelligence, top of the brain pyramid, center of knowledge See the process of making the credibase at h p://

Incremental approach To decompiliation

Construc ng a control-ow graph and performing data-ow incrementally one instruc on at a me.

Existence exists. By deni on, the concept of non-existence does not exist though the contracted words certainly do, as does the word nothingness which can imply the same unknowable and indenable (except in inverse terms) concept.

Systems and schemes to control the world

Anything centralized government, energy, money/banking, Internet, mind control Eli sm and top down control - airport security theater, World War II, 9/11, suicide Human psychology shows that classic condi oning yields generally undesirable, unacceptable, uncompe ve, inecient or unreliable results while operant condi oning is much more successful. Physical slavery must u lize classical condi oning whereas mental slavery ts perfectly with an operant condi oning model. Humans by nature must feel they have a choice before they will do anything so the very psychological nature works against the idea of being controlled. The monetary/scal models and policies are as useful as they are dangerous in terms of being able to form a system of control.

The Rise and decay of the prevalence of useful information on the Internet
Those of us who remember the days of dialup modems and wai ng signicant delays for all network ac vity, do not look back in shame and frustra on. On the contrary, this progression and development that led from the small scale microscopic worries of memory management and CPU instruc on op miza on
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to the large scale bandwidth and modern applica ons was a construc ve and fun ride. But like most things of life, a lot of complicated forces were actually at work here ranging from venture capitalists and the dot-com bubble to quality of life developmental projects like One Laptop Per Child (OLPC). As the subject implies, useful informa on on the Internet was at one point becoming more and more prevalent. This was largely due to the cavalier "wild wild west" freedom goes a tude, no boundaries, any "average Joe" with a PC could throw together a web page for whatever suits them coupled with an early adop ng audience who was also largely a highly educated one who were spending me developing online communi es or informa on resources for the greater good as there was no other mo va on. A er the Internet started achieving yearly mainstream growth, due certainly in part because of its appeal for a certain ideal of eciency and independence, the prevalence of good informa on started to slow down un l a certain pping point was reached in what I would es mate as some me close to 2003. The commercializa on of the Internet had the direct eect of obscuring and restric ng much fo the useful content as more and more people tried to gure out how to make money on the Internet. The barrier for entry on the Internet in 2010 is very high. To get started in e-Business, you will need to invest in hos ng for a business class Internet connec on, a server, so ware to support the server, so ware to support the e-Business, an online merchant account, an SSL cer cate for security, a domain name and domain cer ca on. A development team is required to write the so ware for the site and maintain it. "Watered down" Google searches, centraliza on and consolida on of websites represen ng all of the fundamental ideas of the Internet.

Individual human intelligence

Intelligent people are hard to come by in this world due to the vast amount of intellectual oppression. This is not very surprising. When systema c corrup on can eec vely allow people to be greedy and power hungry, one can label most people through the famous sheep, dog and pig analogy. The truly intelligent people do not take part in this. They are not living with us any longer. Thus just by exis ng it is likely that a certain lack of intelligence is already. How many of you out there feel that the people you have to interact with on a day to day basis have a high enough degree of intellect to truly mentally challenge you? Those with limited intellect latch on to those with a sharp intellect even though they become in eect a parasite that drags down the smarter individual. Perhaps one day their intelligence will come around to wipe out the parasites but it can o en be too late. Much advice may seem paradoxical when applied to a collec ve versus an individual. But in truth the emergent system of a collec ve has many more variables and I would argue it is not a paradox unless looking at it from the typical naive viewpoint. More individuals with increased intelligence produces greater technology for the collec ve. The more technology the collec ve gets, the less intelligent each individual becomes.

Medical conditions
Paruresis, repe ve strain injury (RSI), Cubital/carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), Chronic Fa gue Syndrome (CFS), Voluntary Euthanasia - reasons and methods

Objectively analyzing the relationship between men and women Evidence of gang-stalkers and their vehicles, mobile phone calls/messages, computer modi ications
1717 17th Ave: 4NRA566 - Red car driving back and forth in the intersec on and middle of road 4RSS224 - Blue car with gangster looking younger Asian male 3RTA814 - Black car rust stains on roof with middle aged Asian male who on the a ernoon of June 15, 2009 at around 4:30 made a deal in front of my garage, was using a noisemaker un l I made some loud banging which drove him back to his car where he promptly le 6N18294 - White pickup truck that leaves at around 4AM most nights yet is typically back by 10AM the next morning or even earlier 6EEH626 - Silver Volkswagen beetle that pulled up with a middle aged Asian male who was cha ng with another Asian male and carefully staring at the 1707-1709 17th Ave property while suspiciously constantly glancing over at my building right a er I pushed out 3RTA814 5DUY753 - another car that moves around overnight and is there some days not others 3WZS352 - White Lexus with Chinese middle aged man who indicated having an EMF device by leaving the nook in front of my driveway when a er trying to gure out why all of my household alert sensors were showing out of sync for 10 minutes including repowering the device several mes, I shouted out the window "wow, those EMF devices are expensive" then I heard all of the household alert sensors beep a sync up beep in near succession. Did not leave and seemed to hide and use some sort of military radia on weapon a er the EMF in mida on. 6FAP210 - SUV 8G42408 4LDF452 - vehicle containing a younger white male and female who came and did the same EMF harassment 17B7982 motorcycle with occupant who is always looking up at my house and saying "snitch" and making violent sounding threats while revving his loud motorcycle in front of my house Suspicious so ware: MAV.rar - Infected July 7, 2005 at 3:40PM HelixSuite.rar - Infected January 6, 2008 at 5:20PM NexusSuite.rar - Infect August 13, 2008 at 3:43PM RSM.rar - Infect August 13, 2008 at 3:48PM lpaolcom_setupSTUS.rar - Infected July 7, 2005 at 3:40PM WireShark captures of the ac vity: Hacked2.pcap hacked3.pcap hacked4.pcap hacked5.pcap hacked6.pcap hacked7.pcap hacked8.pcap hacked9.pcap hacked11.pcap 9 Faxon Ave:
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6BCY666: red Ford Explorer driven by 15 Faxon Ave younger Mexican man (BCY=2*3+2+5=13, 66, 66) 7Y67433: truck driven by 15 Faxon Ave Mexican man Fabio (7+6=13, 7+4=11, 33) 4LQE241: Chevrolet Venture driven by 15 Faxon Ave Mexican man Fabio (LQE=12+17+5= 1-2+17-5=11, 4*2+4+1=13) Canada cell phone text messages received: 5/12/2010 2:07PM from 77877: You are already subscribed to GAME ON. $9.99/mo. 18883532801 Unsub: txt STOP to 77877. Max 5 games/day. Need Help? Txt HELP 5/14/2010 3:16PM from 69999: Laughaholics: I'd explain it to you, but your brain might explode. 5/15/2010 3:26PM from 69999: Laughaholics: Hard work pays o in the future. Laziness pays o now. 5/16/2010 3:48PM from 69999: Laughaholics: For every ac on there is an equal and opposite cri cism. 5/17/2010 3:15PM from 69999: Laughaholics: Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back. 5/18/2010 5:18PM from 69999: Laughaholics: Why did the chicken cross the road? To show the armadillo that it was possible. 5/19/2010 3:30PM from 69999: Laughaholics: Why did the chicken cross the road? To get away from Colonel Sanders! 5/20/2010 3:23PM from 69999: Laughaholics: Why did the chicken cross the road twice? Because it was a double-crosser. 5/20/2010 5:37PM from 91097: Famous western outlaw Johnny Ringo was an educated man and well versed in Shakespeare, whom murdered both outlaws and lawmen. 5/21/2010 4:17PM from 69999: Laughaholics: Why did the Iraqi chicken cross the road? To take over the other side. 5/22/2010 4:24PM from 69999: Laughaholics: Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide. 5/23/2010 4:15PM from 69999: Laughaholics: Why did the chicken cross the beach? To get to the other de.

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