HW Oct 11, 2012

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MIDDLE SCHOOL HOMEWORK OCTOBER 11, 2012 Reminders: Gala Uniform Tomorrow 5th Prep Longfellow: Social Studies: Copy definitions on p 108. For Friday, October 12. Language Arts: Complete grammar and vocabulary for test. For Thursday, October 18. Mandarin: Test for lesson 5, classroom objects. For Thursday, October 18. 5th Prep Pedro Mir: Language Arts: Complete grammar and vocabulary for test. For Thursday, October 18. Mandarin: Test for lesson 5, classroom objects. For Monday, October 16. Lengua Materna: Lectura Platero y yo. Para maana. 5th Prep Walter Scott: Language Arts: Complete grammar and vocabulary for test. For Thursday, October 18. Mandarin: Test for lesson 5, classroom objects. For Tuesday, October 17. Lengua Materna: Lectura Platero y yo. Para maana. 6th Prep Neruda: Lengua Espaola: Prueba el martes 16 de octubre. Language Arts: Quiz tomorrow regarding Narnia. Monthly Exam on Thursday, October 18. 6th Prep Keats: Lengua Espaola: Prueba el martes 16 de octubre. Language Arts: Quiz tomorrow regarding Narnia. Monthly Exam on Thursday, October 18. Mandarin: Test for Lesson 1. For Thursday, October 18.


6th Prep Bronte: Lengua Espaola: Prueba el martes 16 de octubre. Mandarin: Test for Lesson 1. For Thursday, October 18. 1st Form Verne: Mandarin: Study for test on October 18. Do the worksheet (see notebook). Lengua Espaola: Lectura del texto clsico, siguiendo propsito escrito en el cuaderno. Ver cuaderno. Traer poema impreso. Para el viernes 12 de octubre. 1st Form Mistral: Mandarin: Cut and paste the worksheet (see notebook). Study for test on October 17. Lengua Espaola: Traer poema impreso. Para el viernes 12 de octubre. Leer el clsico asignado La muchacha de la Guaira, para el lunes 16 de octubre. Science: Test on Thursday, October 18. Everything about Living Things. Matemticas: Prueba el prximo mircoles 17 de octubre. Estudios Sociales: p.36-37. 2nd Form Kipling: Mandarin: Study for the test of grading period 2, Thursday, October 18. Science: Study for quiz on October 18. 2nd Form Defoe: Mandarin: Study for the test of grading period 2, Thursday, October18. Language Arts: Test on chapters 1-10 Where the Red Fern Grows on Thursday. Matemticas: Completar la prctica y estudiar para prueba el 12 de octubre. Lengua Espaola: Leer cuento La Mujer p. 52-54. Science: Study for quiz on October 18. 2nd Form Dickens: Science: Study for quiz on October 18. Language Arts: Complete binder for tomorrow. Quiz on Tuesday, October 17; about Where the Red Fern Grows.


Mandarin: 1. Do workbook pp. 63. 2. Study the new words in the notebook for quiz, Wednesday, October 17. 3. The test of grading period 2 will be on Wednesday, October 24. Lengua Espaola: Leer el primer tratado del Lazarillo de Tormes. Estudios Sociales: Hacer ficha con la siguiente informacin: Quin es? Personaje, su lugar de origen, a qu se dedicaba, acciones realizadas, consecuencias de sus acciones. Para el lunes 16 de octubre.

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