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QUIZ ON MODAL VERBS A VOCABULARY 1- Match the words from the box with the descriptions. Basketball cards computer games chess football golf squash 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Two teams try to get the ball into the goal. You cant use your hands. Two people play on a board with 16 black pieces and 16 white pieces. You try to hit a small white ball into a hole. Two players hit a ball against a wall. You mustnt let the other players see what you have in your hand. You need to buy disc or use the internet. You must be tall to play this game! .. .. .. ..
1 mark per item../7marks

2- Make nouns from the verbs in brackets. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

1 mark per item . /8 marks

Manchester United against Barcelona. Whats your . (predict) for the score? Theres not much .. (inform) about it in this guide book. Who was the (invent) of the helicopter? You dont need much (prepare) to make an omelette. Hes a great . (compete) and always tries hard. Artists must have a lot of .. (imagine). What a (celebrate) that was! You need a sense of adventure to be an .. (explore).

B GRAMMAR 1- Complete the sentences with must, mustnt or can. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

1 mark per item . / 7 marks

Come on. We . Be late! I go to the toilet, please? You .. talk on the phone so long. Its expensive. Everybody .. wear strong shoes and bring sandwiches. You . Bring animals into the museum. Please leave your dog outside. Its 2-0. Arsenal . Score two goals now to stay in the match. Lets stop and have a coffee. You .. fall asleep while youre driving. the sentences with the most suitable modal. (Must-mustnt-have to- dont have to)

2- Complete AT THE ZOO

1. Children _______ 1 be supervised. 2. Visitors ________ feed the animals. 3. If you see a person in immediate danger, you _____ 3 contact Zoo staff immediately. 4. You ________________4 to pay for a ticket if youre under six years old.

QUIZ ON MODAL VERBS AT SCHOOL 1. Students ___________ 5 to wear uniforms, but they ___________ 6 respect the property and equipment of the school and others. 2. Every student _______7 be serious, honest, responsible, polite and neat in appearance. 8 3. In Japan, students _________ forget to sweep the hall floors before they go home at the end of the day.

TRAFFIC RULES You _______ 9 stop when the traffic light is red. You ______10 turn right. Look at the sign! Traffic wardens _________ 11 be patient but firm with negligent drivers. Cyclists ___________12cycle on the pavement. 13 5. In England you _________ drive on the left. 1. 2. 3. 4. CAMPING RULES 1. Trees _________ 14 be cut down, nor wood removed from live trees. All fires ______ 15 be within the built fireplaces. 2. Water is metered and _____ 16 be paid for, so you _____ 17 ensure all taps are turned off after use.

BABYSITTING 1. A babysitter _____ 18 know that she/he _______ 19 open the door if someone he/she doesnt know wants to come in. If the person doesnt go away, hell/shell ____________20 call the police.
1mark per item ../ 20 marks



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