And So I Weep

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And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

And So I Weep:
a personal outcry for human rights and freedom

Photo credit CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley, from podcast cbs evening news dated 10-10-2012, screen captured using v.l.c. media player 2.03

By Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

This is a DRM Free work, offered to the world for free zero cost. My talents are given to me by God, to be shared with all of the world, regardless of ability to afford it or not so why not just cut the price out of all books, music, video, education, transportation, food, and shelter and let human beings be humane towards one another and share the fruits of our labor as equals we all are in Gods name.

I encourage all to be lifelong learners, and to never accept being told no, you cant learn this or no, you cannot take this class, or no, you cannot go to school you alone determine your academic success let no one stop you from learning all that you want to know and best of all, try to get good grades, so you can do it for free.

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

The face of Courage Today A poem inspired by the recent horrific shooting of Pakistani child human rights activist Malala Yousufzai by Taliban forces whom believe her right to an education and her freedom to express herself, violate their own sense of what is right or wrong, even though to me, children are never the enemy, but the true enemy of all humane humans are those whom are inhumane towards others.

Photo credit CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley, from podcast cbs evening news dated 10-10-2012, screen captured using v.l.c. media player 2.03

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

School A place With 4 walls and a ceiling Where learning Occurs With teachers and cohorts Pals and buddies Clicks and gangs Hoodies and flip flops Scarves or hats Suits and ties Or dresses and bows In one room Or many With books

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

Or computers Lab materials White board Or chalkboard Or just a place To sit on the ground With lights or none School is a place Where learning And being a kid Can be fun Throughout history Adults have taught children The skills needed To live life well And to treat each other

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

By the rules or codecs Of their own society To become true citizens In their own democracy or ideology Or to even , perhaps, question authority School is a place Where it should be safe Where all children Of all ages Can come together And be educated As is the universal right Every human being is born with Yet to many Education Represents a threat

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

For when people become educated They can learn to pick apart others Lack of logic or faulty reasoning Their obfuscation Their scapegoating and blaming of others And of course See through those whom preach hate For the truly smart Those whom seek the truth Do so with a humble heart And only desire To live free And to learn what they want The school has 4 walls Or maybe it did

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

Before the blast When some deranged men came And blew up the school They believed Psychotically that if they blow up the symbols or the palace or the place Into a pile of rubble Then learning will take place No more But you see To all good teachers and professors like me And to all students whom want to learn already know That education Learning And teaching

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

Is not dependent upon any one place Not one singular geolocation One cement or mud wall One brick or wooden structure Nor grass hut or stone building Is required For true lovers of knowledge Those whom really know how to teach Know that where learning takes place most Is not in a place But In The Heart And my heart Is with all on earth

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

Whom are denied an education Even today Because of their caste, their race, their gender, their age, or their disability, or even their socioeconomic status. Its one thing to be book smart But in the 21st century Some things that need taught Require no thought and no walls at all In fact Stories like Malalas Cry and tug at the heart To see such children Unafraid of those with mere weapons of canon and fire Whose own voice has far more power Than the mightiest sword or rifle

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

And whose desire To learn And to live life as the equals God and true followers of all faiths require Can teach you and me More about what matters in life most Than any book in the classroom Ever can Real life It seems And those whom are courageous heroes and heroines Even those 14 years old Can make an elder like me cry And weep In sadness of those whom seek their silence But in the hope

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

Above all That if every human on earth Had the courage to speak their mind And be not afraid to confront cowards Whom use weapons rather than words to fight Because they know their words have no merit nor are right Such a hope exists That girls and boys like her Can make the 21st century A world founded upon peace and tolerance and equal rights And drive those with hateful evil controlling small cowardly minds Back into the caves their stone age mentality climbed out of The world will be A better place

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

My heart does weep For Malala Yousufzai and all others like her Anywhere on earth Children and adults Want to live free Join me then In honoring such people Whom at such a young age Have graduated and learned the lesson God means for us all Even if meaning leaving earth early For the lesson they have taught Is worth far more Than any single school teacher or professor Like me

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

Could ever hope To teach God Bless all Whom demand equal rights Through non violence And never take up the sword against anyone else For in doing so Makes you but A coward When if you fight evil instead With words Courage And righteousness And humaneness On the side of human compassion You will make

And So I Weep a free DRM open source, free to the world e-poem

10 October 2012 Michael Jeffrey Slebodnick

The whole world Feel your message And we cry with you And weep with you And we support you And we grow Because of people Like you

Photo credit CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley, from podcast cbs evening news dated 10-10-2012, screen captured using v.l.c. 2.03 To me, she has already graduated with honors, from the class of earth 2012, and what it truly means to be a humane human being. Proud to honor her with this poem today

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