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1. Write a program to display the birthdates using structure and class.

2. 4. 5. 6. 7. Write a program to display area of circle using class.

3. Write a program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius using class.

Write a program to swap a value using functions and reference variable. Write a program to print area of rectangle and circle using parameterized constructor. Write a program to draw a menu using constructor and overloading. Write a program to display value using constructor and destructor. 8. Write a program using friend function to add given two distance program and perform D3=D1+D2, D3=D1+10.0, D3=10.0+D2 (D1, D2, D3 are objects of distance) measure distance in feet and inches. 9. Write a program to find maximum value between two objects using friend function. 10. Write a program to use overloading + and == operator for string concatenation. 11. Write a program to using operator overloading that uses operator +,-,*,/,% operator take a different value to display its proper output. 12. Write a program to overload *, <<, >> operators using 13. Write a program to convert minutes into hour and minutes using type conversion (basic to class). 14. Write a program to convert distance into inch using type conversion (class to basic). 15. Write a program to convert feet and inch into meter and centimeter (using class to class conversion method). 16. Write a program to convert 24hr time into 12hr time using type conversion (using class to class and constructor). 17. Write a program to display values using multiple inheritances. 18. Write a program to display values using multi-level inheritance. 19. Write a program to create a class called vehicle which contains the data members, registration number and fuel type. Create a class two wheeler from vehicle which contains data members distance and mileage. Make getdata(), and display(). Using overloading getdata() and display the info with fuel used. 20. Write a program to print the employees sheet of manager, clerk and peon using hierarchical inheritance. 21. Write a program using hybrid inheritance and consider the following points: The class master derives information from both account and admin classes which in turn derive information from the class person. Define all the four classes (which in turn derive information from) x and write a program to create, update and display the information contained in master object. 22. Create the r (row) and n (column) matrix using new operator and find the highest number from upper triangle and also delete operator to be allocate the memory take appropriate member function to display the result in proper format and display even number from matrix. 23. Write a program to store information of n students in student data file then calculate total and percentage. Then show this information on screen and print result sheet in tabular form for only that students who are passed in every subject. 24. Write a program to use the constructor in derived class. 25. Create a base class shape use the class two store double type value that could be used to compare the area. A drive to specific classes called triangle and rectangle from the base class shape and a member in getdata() to the base class to initialize base data member and another function displayarea(). 26. Create a class which contains a data member name of employee, empno basic salary. Take appropriate member function and getdata into class then after write data into data file. All emp info display the info of all employees of a file. 27. Write a program to maintain telephone directory use add () and show () methods to add new entries and display the telephone numbers of a person when the name of the person is given (no need to use data file). 28. Design a single manipulator to provide a following output specification for printing float value. 12 column width. Right justified. Tower precision. Filling unused place with sign Trailing 0 show when display are + sign as first position. 29. A command line to find given word how many times in file.

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