Ext. Shane'S House. Day

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Establishing shot of SHANE's house. It's a two story shack with an unkempt lawn decorated with a deserted, rusting Holden. 2. INT. SHANE'S HOUSE. DAY. SHANE is a simple man. There's no need to dress up unless ACDC has released a new album. He's wearing his lucky footy shorts, a wife beater and thongs. Miscellaneous drugs scatter the coffee table. He's relaxing, watching a sports commentary on TV, when his beer has drunk itself. SHANE Sheila. A baby is heard cooing in another room. SHANE (CONT'D) Fuckin' hell, Sheila. Get me a drink. He gets no reply. SHANE (CONT'D) Bloody hell woman. Get your fuckin' arse out here and get your man a SHEILA comes out of the bedroom with the baby on her hip. SHEILA Finish that sentence, cunt. SHANE opens his mouth to reply as a car pulls up front. He gives up a losing battle and grabs a XXXX on his way to the front patio. SHEILA puts the bub in a walker. 3. EXT. SHANE'S HOUSE. DAY.

The visitor parks in the driveway. DAZZA gets out in a flashy tracksuit. He skips up the stairs to a waiting SHANE. He seems unimpressed. DAZZA Maaaaaate. How's things? SHANE Could bloody-well be better.


DAZZA I hear ya' mate. Hey, I need a hit mate. I'm called in for court and need to get a buzz on. You know, crystal courage. SHANE stays silent and takes a swig of his beer. DAZZA (CONT'D) Yeah, that waitress is still pissed about the slap around, but I shit you not, the bitch short-changed me. SHANE's face tightens. He puts his beer down. DAZZA (CONT'D) (pointing to Shane'S shorts) Those new stubbies? SHANE looses it. He yanks his thong of and starts dealing lashes out to DAZZA. SHANE Where's my money cunt. You fuckin' know, now spill before I make you period out your mouth. DAZZA Aye-aye-aye-aye. SHANE I know you and that drongo, WAYNO, have it. You magically pull that fancy suit out your arse? He borrowed a K for his goon brewery and I haven't heard a peep from him since. The baby is in its walker, rolling his way around piles of trash and laughing at his dad beat the life out of DAZZA. SHANE leaves him whimpering in the foetal position with a bloody nose to have a swig of his beer. SHEILA joins the men on the patio. She takes a seat and lights up a cigarette for the second round of lashings. SHANE is enraged when his thong breaks and beats DAZZA harder. SHANE You prick. These are my favorite.


DAZZA Alright-alright. Wayno has the dosh and it's in his bedroom. SHANE We're going for a road trip. SHANE drags Dazza by the collar to his car. He places his XXXX in the cup holder. With a splutter of the engine they head to WAYNO's place. 4. EXT. WAYNO'S HOUSE. DAY.

They pull up to WAYNO's shack. It would probably be worth more if the house was demolished. Even the paint is trying to escape by peeling off the walls. A paddy wagon is parked next door. Cops are in the middle of a drug bust. We hear SHANE and DAZZAs muffled shouts in the car as they pull up. They quiet down when they hop out and a cop eyes them with suspicion. They put their arms around each other like pals with big smiles and the cop turn back to his work. 5. INT. WAYNO'S HOUSE. DAY.

WAYNO's place is a shit hole. The house is sparsely furnished, there are suspicious stains all over the floor and a woman is passed out on the couch. SHANE throws WAYNO down and shuts the door behind them. SHANE (shouts) Oi, Wayno. Came 'round because I missed ya, dickhead. SHAZA, WAYNO'S pubescent horror of a child comes out, hair in curlers with a smoke in one hand. SHAZA What the fuck is going on here? SHANE Bugger off. Ive got business with your dad. SHAZA Business? Like fuck you do.


SHANE Shaza, youre gettin my goat, now bugger off. SHAZA Dad doesnt wanna talk to you, So you can fuck right off. SHANE And I dont want to smash ya, but I will if you dont shut the fuck up. SHAZA HA, HA, HA. (miming jerking off) Wank, wank, wank. SHANE makes a move for the bedroom door, but SHAZA steps in the way. SHANE Move. SHAZA ignores him and kicks SHANE in shins. SHAZA You reckon this is your place or something? While SHANE's distracted with SHAZA, DAZZA starts to retreat for the exit. SHANE notices this escape attempt so he picks SHAZA up... ... And throws her at him. SHAZA and DAZZA knock each other out. WAYNO storms out of his bedroom. His sunnies are the free 3D glasses they hand out at the movies. WAYNO Thats it, cunt. Forget your money. Were square now. You think you can throw people around? Forget it mate, cause you cant. SHANE My money, Wayno. Times are hard.


WAYNO Dont talk to me about hard times. I know all about hard times, mate, Im a Collingwood supporter, alright? SHANE Wayno, my money. WAYNO The moneys gone. Youre not getting it back. SHANE is silent. WAYNO (CONTD) Oh, you wanna have a go? SHANE continues to stare. WAYNO (CONTD) Hey, mate you leant it out and there were risks, you knew that. SHANE abruptly turns and storms out the front door. WAYNO (CONTD) That means were even mate. Youre walking away, youre agreeing to that, mate. 6. EXT. WAYNOS HOUSE. DAY.

SHANE walks to his car with a calm fury. SHANE (mumbles) Yobbo thinks he can take my fuckin money. The cop is still supervising the drug bust next door. He looks at SHANE suspiciously. SHANE waves. SHANE (CONTD) (to cop) Gday. The cop looks away as SHANE pops the boot of his car.


He pulls out a samurai sword, grabs his beer from the cup holder and calmly walks back inside. 7. INT. WAYNOS HOUSE. DAY.

SHANEs silhouette fills the doorframe. WAYNO notices the sword and backs away in fear. SHANE takes a slow, deliberate step. SHANE Nobody responds to fuckin politeness these days. He takes another step. SHANE (CONTD) Out of the kindness of my heart, I take pity and help others. I give money out to the poor, poor wallys of this world. He takes another step. SHANE (CONTD) Actually, if you think about it, Im a bit like Santa. He takes one more step with a swig of his beer. SHANE (CONTD) But my elves fuck me when Im not looking. SHANE is towering over WAYNO. He slowly lifts up the samurai sword. WAYNO Alright, fuckin alright. Ive got your money. SHANE Where is it princess? WAYNO Ill get it, alright? WAYNO takes off down the hallway, retreating to the bedroom. We can hear him rifling through his room.


SHANE gulps the last swig of his XXXX bottle, belches and tosses it aside. WAYNO comes back out with a stack of notes and a jingling change purse. He sees an opportunity and flings the money at SHANE. SHANE drops the samurai sword to catch the cash while WAYNO charges and tackles him to the ground. They roll around in a pathetic wrestle. SHANE You wanna go me? SHANE throws a connecting slap. WAYNO knees SHANE in the chest. They fumble over each other until WAYNO pins SHANE down. SHANE Get off me, you wanker. WAYNO starts to choke him. SHANE (CONTD) (gurgles) Cunt. The match ends faster than a rat up a drain pipe. SHANEs empty XXXX bottle is smashed over WAYNOs head and hes knocked out - the woman on the couch has woken up during the brawl. CRACK WHORE Hey Shane-o. Can I buy a 20 bag, please? SHANE For sure, and thanks. CRACK WHORE Do you have change for a $50? SHANE reaches for the stack of cash. He fans it out and they laugh. SHANE You know what, have one on me, you said please. SHANE passes her a baggie from his pocket.


CRACK WHORE Can I have all that money, please? He stops laughing. Theres an intense beat. He hops up, steps over the mess of unconscious bodies and closes the door behind him. Fade out.

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