Technical Sheet #01

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WASP Bujinkan Dojo


Shihan Alfredo Castan


Student Name: ______________________________ Grade: _______________ Date:______ KYUSHO - BODY TARGETS EYES The eyes are very sensitive, even a speck of grit in your eye, as most people know, can be extremely painful and immobilize your attacker completely. Although it is a small target, the socket helps guide a blow into the eye. For a few seconds your attacker may be defenceless, allowing you to scape or strike at another part of the body JAW/CHIN The traditional boxers target, a strike either with fist, elbow or open palm to this part of the body may cause the attacker to K.O. NOSE The nose is usually prominent enough for you to strike it from several angles. Lifting it from beneath may force the attacker to raise their head, exposing the throat. A hard blow to the nose is very painful and causes the eyes to water. If a nosebleed starts, the attacker may give up. EARS The ears can be grabbed, twisted or strike. They carry a lot of blood, so if torn, will bleed profusely. Slapping them with open hands can inflict a lot of pain and may do permanent damaged. THROATH This is particularly vulnerable area. A blow to the throat can be very painful and quite dangerous. If the head is lowered, the throat is protected. Expose it v by lifting the nose or pulling back on hair.


Strangle holds may prevent air from entering the lungs, and blood from reaching the brain. Be careful too much pressure for too long can kill!. A sharp blow on the back of the neck can stun the recipient of the blow.

STOMACH A large soft area if untrained, which is low enough to be attacked by the knee, Train people keep their stomach firm, but the majority of the people have no muscle tone at all. If punch or kicked, the attacker may be winded and temporarily incapacitated. SOLAR PLEXUS At the top of the stomach in the arch made by the ribs is a particularly sensitive area. Punching here will not hurt your hands but the attacker may be doubled up. GROIN The lower abdomen is sensitive, but perhaps most sensitive are a mans testicles. A well-aimed kick or knee will hurt either sex, but a man may be quite literally brought to his knees by the pain. Grab, twist or pull the testicles. Strike them with a fist, knee or foot. KNEE JOINT The knee joint is very delicate; A wellaimed downward kick might totally immobilize your attacker. A blow to the inside of the knee (between the legs) is very painful. Scrapping a hard shoe down the front of the shin should also do the trick. KIDNEYS Any blow in the region of the kidneys is usually effective. It can cause great pain and breathless. There are many other vulnerable parts of the body which can make suitable targets in your defence. All the joints are vulnerable, any hold which puts strain on one or more is disabling. Fingers can be bent, wrists twisted and elbows locked. Attacking the nerve points in the

body can cause a great deal of discomfort. Use them to affect release from an attacker. Assuming the aggressor is stronger; you should attack certain parts of his body where it would cause the most pain for him but require you to use the least amount of strength. These most vulnerable targets are called the "primary targets," which are the eyes, throat and groin. If you attack these targets with enough force, it could cause excruciating pain to the assailant and possibly rescue yourself from being a victim. Attacking the secondary targets such as the stomach or shin probably won't make him wince much, but it could create an opportunity for you to strike the primary targets.


Unless you have conditioned be careful when trying to punch the attacker. Most women do not have strong wrists; therefore by punching the aggressor forcefully, you could sprain and hurt your own wrist instead of hurting him. Open-handed strikes are much better self-defence techniques for women. The palm heel strike, if properly performed, can be a very effective way to fight back. To execute this self-defence technique, use the bottom part of your palm to hit and push the aggressor away by his chin. Power should come from your hips and shoulders, not just your arms. If possible, also try to poke his eyes with your fingers. This technique can be used as an initial trick to break away from the aggressor and give yourself a chance to escape.

HEAD BUTT (Kikaku Ken) The bone structure of the head is used to slam, butt, or ram bone targets on the assailants body, and can also be used to exert leverage against the joints of the limbs. When grabbed from behind, the head can be rocked back to exert painful pressure against the attackers face. While applying a series of low uppercut punches to an assailants midsection, the chin can be dropped to lower the forehead into position for slamming the face or chest.

ELBOW (Shuki Ken or Empi)

The bone structure of the elbow is used to strike the bones in the limbs, torso, and head of the attacker, and can be used to apply crushing pressure to sensitive points of the body. Using the movement of the entire body for power, the elbow is used to deliver damaging strikes within ranges too close for punches

FIST (Fudo Ken) The clenched fist is used for strikes and punches applied to the edges of the bone structure in the assailants body. The Fudo Ken can be delivered effectively from a variety of angles, using the front or back of the primary knuckles, the bottom edges of the middle knuckles, or the base of the fist along the outer edge, to break bone targets and knock the attacker to the ground.

SWORD/KNIFE HAND (Kiten Ken) The outer edge of the open hand is used to attack the bones of the arms, legs, neck and head. The strike is applied at a ninety degree angle, perpendicular to the target area, and is slammed completely through the space taken up by the target. The entire body motion is used to provide power, and rather than flicking into place and back, the openhand should knock the adversary completely off balance. The key to this strike, like many of the strikes, is to be relaxed. With a rigid hand this strike is very dangerous especially to the side of the neck as in the form Ichimonji no Kata. If the strike is taken a step further, with the correct body dynamics, it is applied in a relaxed fashion in a whipping action. It is this relaxed feeling which will develop the destructive capability of this strike form.

FINGER STRIKE (Shitan Ken) Primarily the thumbs, as well as the middle and pointer fingers, are used as hooks to snag, tear, grip, or apply pressure to sensitive areas of the body. The bone structure of the digits provides the pressure, and the nails can be used to create additional pain for more leverage when subduing the attacker.

CLAW FIST (Shako Ken) With the fingers spread and slightly curled, the hand can form a claw weapon for use against the soft areas of the assailants body. The palm portion slams or crushes and the fingers rake or drive. The face, throat, abdomen, groin, and muscles of the upper chest along the inside of the thigh are all effective targets against the hand claw.

Finger Sword Fist (Shito Ken / Boshi Ken) Striking with the Thumb The tips of the thumb is used for driving jabs into the semi soft targets of the assailants body, and for exerting pressure against sensitive points of the body. The muscular system is particularly vulnerable to pressure point attacks, especially in areas where the muscles cover the bones, such as the insides of the thigh or upper arm, the rib cage, and the sides of the neck. The fingers curl beneath the protruding thumb for support.

STENDED KNUCLES FIST Shitan Ken Hit Using Extended Knuckles The extended knuckles are used to strike broad areas of the bone on the assailants body, such as the lower portion of the rib cage, the breast bone, and the face. The fingers are half folded, and the elongated fist uses the bone points of the middle knuckles to apply damaging punches that knock the adversary back. The entire body delivers the power, and the hand flexes open right before impact, shooting the knuckles forward.

PALM HEEL STRIKE (Tensho or Teisho) The Palm Heel strike is formed by bending the wrist and fingers to expose the palm of the hand. The striking surface is the lower palm area. The Palm heel strike is good when protecting fingers, knuckles or wrist from unnecessary damage. The Palm Heel Strike is an excellent jamming strike, good for stuns and blocking. The Palm heel strike is great for self-defence in general and the first strike to teach beginners as well as woman and children. The Palm Heel Strike is very effective and easy to learn. You have less body parts to injure as you are not using the wrist, knuckles and fingers, only the butt end of the forearm bones. It is a much stronger strike then a normal punch as well.

KNUCLE FIST (Koppo Ken) Bone Method Fist Use of Extended Thumb or middle Knuckle The knuckles of the thumb are used to strike in a sideways motion to soft areas such as the throat, temples and the gaps between the triceps on the underarms.

OPEN HAND STRIKE (Happa Ken) Eight Leaf Fist palms of both hands The palms of both hands are used in a simultaneous slapping motion where they can be used to hit targets like the ears causing damage to the ear drum or the neck in a vice like fashion.

HEEL/ SOLE STRIKE KICK Sokuyaku Ken The bottom surface of the foot is used to ram or crush the semi soft or hard targets on the assailants body. The kick is propelled into its target with a lateral or descending stomping motion, and utilizes the ball or heel portion of the sole of the foot. The kick drives through the target with knock-down force, and does not slap the target and pull back quickly. The Soku Yaku Ken is a devastating strike when used correctly.

KNEE STRIKE (Sokki Ken) The bone points of the knee are used to strike the bones in the torso, limbs, and head of the ssailant, and can also be used to apply crushing pressure to weaker points of the body. The knee raises, drops, or rams into its target within ranges and angles too awkward for punches and kicks.

EXTENDED TOES STRIKE (Sokugyaku) The tips of the extended toes are used for stabbing or driving kicks into soft or semi soft body targets such as the abdomen, neck, and muscles along the insides of the arms and legs. The kick is propelled to its target with a swinging or plunging motion, with the toes clenched together to reinforce each other. The kick can be used to ram through the target, or merely to cause enough pain to distract the assailant.

GROUP 1 SELF DEFENCE TECHNIQUES Technique: #1 Defence vs. punch-attempt grab Assailant attacks with right hand attempt grab or fist.

From defence stand, step back performing a left arm high block, immediately reach out striking/scratching assailants eyes with left hand fingers following with left hand palm strike to the chin. While leaning forward to exert further effectiveness. Technique #2 Defence vs. double grab shoulders Assailant grabs both shoulders from the front with 2 hands, step back into defence stand while moving your arms inside the assailants arms, immediately perform finger strikes/scratch attacks to eyes, follow by palm strike to chin and with double thumb strike to eyes while pushing assailant back, raise elbows up to the sides as you pivot to the left and back with your left leg to unbalanced and push assailant away. Technique #3 Defence vs. one hand grab Assailant grabs left wrist with right hand and pulls back, perform a fingers eye attack with your right hand. Pivot to the right and back with your right leg while opening your hand and adjusting your wrist to slip between the assailants thumb and fingers. Follow with a knife-palm strike to assailants neck. Technique #4 Defence vs. Two hands grab Assailant grabs left wrist/arm with two hands and pulls back, perform a hammer strike to his left arm, grab your left hand with your right hand and pull up to scape as if to hitting assailant with left elbow, from that position pivot with the hip to the left and push/strike assailant away with double palm strike to upper chest or ribs.

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