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Location of Kinnickinnic River Watershed Assessment Points

Assessment Point KK-1 Lyons Park Creek Stream Downstream Terminus of Tributary Area* Upstream of Lyon's Park Creek's confluence with the mainstem, at the western edge of Jackson Park Drive Parkway Confluence of South 43rd Street Ditch with the mainstem, at 43rd Street at the north end of Jackson Park Upstream of Wilson Park Creek's confluence with the mainstem, at approximately 30th and Oklahoma Upstream of Wilson Park Creek's confluence with Holmes Avenue Creek, a block west of Howell Avenue Upstream of Wilson Park Creek's confluence with Holmes Avenue Creek, a block north of Layton Avenue Approximately 1,500 feet upstream of Villa Mann Creek's confluence with Wilson Park Creek Upstream of Cherokee Park Creek's confluence with Wilson Park Creek, about 1/4 mile northwest of the Loomis Road / 27th Street intersection Upstream of Wilson Park Creek's confluence with the mainstem, at approximately 30th and Oklahoma Approximately 1,000 feet downstream of the confluence of Wilson Park Creek and the mainstem Near Upstream Limit of Estuary


South 43rd Street Ditch


Kinnickinnic River Mainstem


Wilson Park Creek


Holmes Avenue Creek


Villa Mann Creek


Cherokee Park Creek


Wilson Park Creek


Kinnickinnic River Mainstem


Kinnickinnic River Mainstem

*Note: Water quality reported at each assessment point is representative of corresponding modeling reach identified in factsheets and is not only influenced by the tributary area of each modeling reach but also the entire tributary area upstream of the modeling reach.

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