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VAM 10 Portrait Evaluation (without Photoshop) Name: _____________________

Not Yet Meeting Expectations Image maybe a recreation (copied) Little or no strategy combinations tried Meeting Expectations (Minimally) Lacks originality Fully Meets Expectations Image is original (made into your own) Strategies and combinations used well Responds well to image development strategies used by self and others Shows a good understanding of the background information relating to the project (Personality of subject) Responds well to context used by self and others Exceeds Expectations Image is unique (one of a kind) Many strategies and combinations successfully used Responds critically and insightfully to image development strategies used by self and others Shows an excellent understanding of the background information relating to the project (Personality of subject) Responds critically and insightfully to context used by self and others Project completed exceptionally

Creating Communicating Perceiving Responding Creating Communicating

Image Development & Design Strategies

Some strategies and combinations used

Does not respond to image development strategies used by self and others Shows lack of understanding of the background information relating to the project (Personality of subject) Does not respond to context used by self and others


Responds minimally to image development strategies used by self and others Shows some understanding of the background information relating to the project (Personality of subject) Responds minimally to context used by self and others

Perceiving Responding Creating Communicating Perceiving Responding Creating Communicating Perceiving Responding Materials, Technologies, & Processes Elements & Principles of Art & Design

Project completed

Project completed according to criteria

Project completed with good attention to detail E&P are applied effectively Shows a good understanding of E&P

E&P not applied effectively Does not show a good understanding of E&P

E&P are somewhat recognizable Shows some understanding of E&P

Exceptional application of E&P Shows exceptional understanding of E&P

Does not care for materials , space, & technology Does not follow instructions about material & technology handling Not able to respond about materials, technology and processes used by self and others

Usually cares for materials , space, & technology Usually follows instructions about material & technology handling Usually able to respond about materials, technology and processes used by self and others

Takes good care of materials , space, & technology Follows instructions about material & technology handling Good responses to materials, technology and processes used by self and others

Exemplary behaviour with materials , space, & technology Shows leadership with instructions about material & technology handling Exceptional and complex understanding of materials, technology and processes used by others

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