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ADVANCED Reading Part I

Read the text and choose the best word A, B, C or D for each space.

Fashion statements
The idea of fashion and wearing 0) ............... clothes is nothing new. But why do we get so excited 1) ............... what we wear and how we look? One reason is that through fashion we can show others how we feel about ourselves. In other words, it gives us a(n) 2) ............... that others recognise. There are many different fashion 3) ............... , from punks and hippies to skaters and raggas. The one we choose makes us part of a like-minded group of people 4) ............... share the same 5) ............... . Its only natural to want to be part of a group as it helps us to feel more 6) ............... . Getting the look that lets you 7) ............... your personality is a matter of finding the right place to buy your clothing and 8) ............... . Some people like to splash out on designer 9) ............... while others are happier picking up a bargain at the local 10) ............... market. But, young or old, alternative or mainstream, one way or another we are all dedicated followers of fashion.

e.g. A embroidered 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A A A A A A A A A A for meaning tribes whose reasons classy organise products names shop

B old-fashioned B B B B B B B B B B about message victims who identities competitive feel accessories signs stock

C trendy C C C C C C C C C C with shape crowds what interests confused express styles tags fruit

D patterned D D D D D D D D D D on identity bands why aims confident explain varieties labels flea

Part II Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

maurice@clix.com seamus@cox.com philip@dix.com Thanks Thanks Thanks

Hi Maurice, I cant thank you enough for the white-water rafting trip voucher that you sent me! I just got back and had to write and tell you all about it! It was so exciting and thrilling. It is something that I will never forget and cant wait to try again. When I got on the bus, I thought that everyone looked very experienced. However, I soon realised that it was their first time, too. We arrived at the river, put on our gear and listened while the instructor gave us a safety briefing. He explained what we should do in an emergency but reassured us that there would be an expert in every raft. We soon set off. At the beginning, the water was very calm and slow-moving, but as we floated further downstream, there were more and more rapids. The raft started moving from side to side and I felt a little bit nervous. It was fantastic fun, though. By the time we reached the mouth of the river, we were soaked through, but the adrenalin rush was amazing. Lets go together next time. You would get such a kick out of it. Once again, thanks a million for the voucher. Lets talk soon. Phil

e.g. Phil had to pay Maurice for the rafting trip. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

F .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Phil wants to go rafting again. The other people on the bus had done rafting before. Phil did not have to wear special clothes. There was one expert per raft. The water flowed faster upstream. Phil felt a bit afraid at the beginning. Phil didnt enjoy rafting. Phil got wet. Next time, Phil wants to go with the other people he met. Phil is not sure that Maurice will enjoy rafting.

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Part III
Read the story and, for each question, choose A, B, C or D. A pale, yellow moon was rising as I was walking home from my friends house. We had spent the evening babysitting her younger sister and had watched two really frightening horror films on TV. Imagine my shock when, suddenly, from the distance I heard a loud cry and saw a strange white form flying towards me at top speed through the air. My mouth opened but no sound came out. The terror I felt stopped me from screaming for help. I fell to the ground to escape as I was certain it was a ghost. I kept my eyes tightly shut, in case I would end up staring into the eyes of a terrible monster. After a couple of minutes, when I realised that I hadnt been hurt, I carefully opened my eyes and looked around. It was then that I heard the hooting coming from a nearby tree. I looked up and saw a large, white owl sitting on a branch, watching me with what seemed to be a puzzled expression on its face. I could have kicked myself for being so stupid. Its strange how the mind can play tricks on you. I promised myself that that was the last time I would go wandering around late at night after watching horror films!

e.g. The writer spent the evening A babysitting her sister. B babysitting her sisters child. C babysitting her friends sister. D babysitting her friends child. 21 On her way home, the writer A heard a noise and saw something strange. B saw something strange. C heard something strange. D felt something strange. 22 When the writer saw the ghost A she ran away. B she screamed for help. C she couldnt scream for help. D she knew it wasnt real. 23 The ghost A hurt the writer. B puzzled the writer. C took the writer away. D scared the writer. 24 The writer had seen
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a ghost. an animal. a car. a man.

25 At the end of the story, the writer felt A frightened. B strange. C excited. D silly.

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English in Use

Part I
Match the sentences to the responses. e.g. I cant stand my hair. 26 27 28 29 30 My face is too long. Theres a great film on at the cinema. How about coming to the beach party? I wish my nose wasnt so pointed. Can you make it to my fancy dress party? E A Im sorry, but I dont have a costume to wear. B Thanks. Id really love to. C I know. It sounds really interesting. Shall we go? D Theres nothing wrong with your nose. E Dont worry. You hair looks great. F Dont be ridiculous. Your face is absolutely fine.

Part II
Underline the correct word. e.g. Franks work/job is usually very sloppy. 31 Lynn has a very well-paid work/job. 32 I love hanging in/out with my friends at weekends. 33 Stans monthly wages/salary is very low. 34 Can I speak to Kim before you hang up/around? 35 Henry earns/wins big money as a makeup artist. 36 Im busy right now. Can you hang out/on a moment? 37 Jim gained/earned valuable teaching experience by working abroad. 38 We used to hang around/up with the other girls. 39 Terry won/gained first prize in the school competition. 40 My wages/salary have gone up to 100 a week.

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Choose the correct answer, a, b, c, or d.
41. The passengers were tired because they ... all night. a) didn't sleep c) don't sleep b) hadn't slept d) won't sleep 42. Where is your umbrella? - Oh, it seems to me I ... it on the bus. a) left c) had left b) have left d) will leave 43. Bill said that he ... the tickets for the performance the day before. a) had bought c) was buying b) bought d) would buy 44. She said she didn't know where her friend ... . a) is c) has been b) was d) will be 45. When we reached the theatre, there ... any tickets left. a) wasn't c) hadn't been b) were not d) aren't 46. When I finally found the house and knocked at the door, I ... no answer. a) heard c) didn't hear b) have heard d) won't hear 47.1 don't know where Susan is. Maybe she ... in the garden reading a book. a) sits c) was sitting b) is sitting d) will be sitting 48. My brother ... when I use his computer without asking. a) doesn't like c) don't like b) didn't like d) like 49. You can have the book on Monday. I ... it by that time. a) read c) will be reading b) will read d) will have read 50. Unless we leave now, the film will have started when we ... there. a) get c) would get b) will get d) got 51. When we ... home last night we saw a lot of stars twinkling in the sky. a) drove c) are driving b) drive d) were driving 52. Many species of animals are threatened, and ... easily become extinct if people do not make an effort to protect them. a) can c) might b) must d) have to 53. Last week we ... write an essay about the causes of the French Revolution.

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a) must c) may b) could d) had to 54. I think the film was terrible! It was ... film I have ever seen. a) terrible c) most terrible b) more terrible d) the most terrible 55. Nobody in our group knows ... about England than Peter does. a) much c) most b) more d) the most 56. My mother wants me to play ... piano, but I want to buy a guitar. a) the c) b) a d) mine 57. I had ... wonderful dream last night. I wish it would come true. a) a c) b) the d) such 58. They say that in future the officials will demand a fine if ... breaks the law. a) everyone c) someone b) everybody d) all 59. Before I came to the office the manager already ... the documents. a) signed c) was signing b) had signed d) will sign 60. Tom has had to give ... playing football since he broke his leg. a) in c) at b) on d) up

POINTS:______ (TOTAL- 15)


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