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Shaping the "national image" in Korea and Japan have their own "clever" Following the last year,

led by China's Ministry of Commerce, "Made in China" promo after player in the U.S. Cable News Network (CNN), China's State Council Information Ofce to start again "national image" promo shot, to be held before and after the October 1 National Day on CNNbroadcast on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and other foreign television media, brought together 50 celebrities, the series of commercials to explain China's image in the perspective of the Chinese people ". "Celebrity show the way to show the image of the country, for which China is a new attempt. Chinese and foreign media that China thus started to enter the era of "national public relations. Some other countries in the world, especially in of two neighbors South Korea and Japan, has actually been attached great importance to national public relations ", focusing on the promotion of national image. In comprehensive national strength of South Korea and Japan increasingly enhance the development process, South Korea and Japan also draws on the experience of some Western countries, combined with its own national conditions and characteristics to effectively carry out the building, and the promotion of the national image. The rst measure Government and the people of promotion Public relations between Korea and Japan's "national image" has formed a relatively complete operating mechanism. Overall, the "government-led coordination of all parties, civil echoes become an important feature of the two countries' national public relations strategy. PR promotion of the national image of Korea, led by the Government and directly involved in the implementation. After the World Cup in 2002, in order to more systematic, more effective way to promote the country's image, the Korean government set up the Committee of the national image, the design of the national image, publicity and follow-up surveys. The committee is responsible for directly by the Prime Minister, members by the economy, education, foreign affairs, culture and other sectors have, as well as the participation of 10 non-governmental members from different industries; Committee set up under a special Practices Committee, responsible for the concrete implementation. For example, at the G20 summit in Seoul in November, the South Korean government selected 80 topics for discussion, the Grand National practical issues, working with civil society to explore in depth remodeling Korean image promotion programs. In Japan, the government is in a dominant position in the national image promotion, the Government is primarily responsible for policy formulation, supervision, guidance and nancial support to specic practice activities by the semi-ofcial institutions or civil responsible for the implementation of an integrated and coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for the development of basic public foreign policy, the semi-ofcial semi-China organizations, businesses, volunteers guided by the policy preferences, and special assistance to carry out the full range of national image PR. The second measure Precise positioning The notable feature of the national culture and industry, and gradually formed the image of the country "precise positioning" shape the image of the country "simple symbol, no doubt it is an effective way to expand the country's image. In this regard, South Korea and Japan are very focus precise positioning "symbol represents the image of the country. In South Korea, since South Korea hosted the World Cup in 2002, the formation of a highlevel overview of the country's image vocabulary - Dynamic Korea. "Dynamic Korea"

symbol of the launch, not unilaterally by the government to engage in it, but a number of national participation, bringing together the foreigners and the wisdom of experts and scholars, selected on the basis of extensive research. Over the years, "Dynamic Korea" has become a "brand" South Korea to show the world their own image, to obtain a good image of the publicity effect. In Japan, many lingered after World War II "national image" in Japan in recent years tried to go beyond the image of the country's pursuit of economic. Over the years, although it did not launch like South Korea as the tagline actually appear "green Japanese national image. To environmental protection as a breakthrough in Japan seems to play a greater international role, became the government's choice. "Green" impression for tourists went to Japan, can be seen everywhere, has become an important symbol of the Japanese image. The third measure Celebrity endorsements national image The use of celebrity endorsements and interpretation of the image of the country, and intangible benets to a country is phenomenal. From South Korea and Japan view, both countries attach great importance to the mining celebrity spokesperson as a "national image" to take advantage of any opportunity to promote the country. Star publicity Korea travel The Korean government Favorites play star card, the countries to promote the image of the most commonly used way is to enable a popular Hallyu star. South Korean media reported that the new generation of Hallyu star Park to become the latest South Korea faces "thick, Han Chae Young and Lee Da Hae, the government elected publicity Korean tourist attractions video spokesperson. Previous publicity of the older generation of stars such as Bae Yong Joon, Lee Young Ae, "Nova" were asked scenery of mountains of Korea into the screen to shoot. The Kim children have also become known as "gure skating queen," said the spokesperson of the Korean national image. In addition, even the former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung personally participating promote Korean tourism advertising. Japan favored cartoon characters " Differ with South Korea, Japan attaches great importance to the cartoon characters speak their national image. Even if you want to select the "national image" spokesperson, Japan focused on seeking inspiration from the culture of the cartoon, choose a cute girl to play exactly like the cartoon character "national image" spokesperson. In March 2009, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, publicity animation culture played lovely beautiful girl card ", served as the cultural image spokesperson appoint three girls, three girls modeling are taken from the Japanese anime culture. The fourth measure Set international the channel contention public opinion high point At present, the media giant from the West, especially the U.S. mainstream media, occupied the commanding heights of global public opinion, "American" thinking and ideas to the world. In order to break this monopoly, Japan is also willing to invest heavily to build world-class media compete for international voice. In 2006, when he was Foreign Minister Taro Aso called on Japan to open the English international channels actively to the promotion of Japanese culture overseas. In February 2009, after 10 years of brewing, NHK television

(NHK) ofcially launched the English Channel to broadcast 24 hours for the overseas audience. "Tell the world a real Japan", "Reducing the world to Japan's misreading" shouldered the important mission of NHK World channel. The international channels act as a vanguard role of the national public relations ", Japan's national public relations has brought a powerful weapon. To this end, the Japanese government allocated 6.8 billion yen for NHK. The Japanese government does not hide their intentions - with the help of this platform, to create the international image of Japan as Asia spokesman, the voice of the Government of Japan to the world. The fth measure "Cultural brand" into "core business cards" A country's national image and its inuence, really depends on a country's comprehensive strength. At the same time, however, the cultural image shaped the image of the country and far-reaching cultural image to some extent even the image of the country's "core business cards. South Korea experienced in 1997 after the nancial crisis, the government saw the enormous spiritual power from the private sector, cultural industries identied as a strategic pillar industry of the country in the 21st century. In 1998, South Korea to determine the strategy of "cultural nation". For the implementation of the strategy, the government promulgated a new cultural policy "," ve-year plan of the development of cultural industries "and more than a dozen laws and regulations, the" Cultural Industry Promotion Agency, established in 2001, the lm and television industry is considered to be "re- weight. " To this end, the South Korean government focus on the strong support of the lm and television industry, set up a special fund of Literary revitalization; nancial support in the state budget increased to more than 1%. In recent years, similar to the "Korean wave" cultural brand, enhance Korea's national image set a lot. In Japan, the Japanese animation industry is penetrating to the world, the Japanese Government has always attached great importance to the support. In 1995, the Japanese government established a "cultural nation" strategy, direct the formation of the participation and support of cultural and creative Fund (IMF), and clear, broaden the capital inow channels, adequate protection of cultural capital supply; Koizumi and Abe, two-term former prime minister once described the promotion of fashion culture as a top priority, and vigorously develop the animation industry. Today, Japan has become a large super animation, Conan, Slam Dunk Anime pocketed the popular image of Japan. In addition, in recent years, the promotion of Japanese food culture has also been effective, shaped like Japanese food = healthy + intellectual + fashion "good impression in the world.

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