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Impartial fulfilment of the requirements in SOCIO-ANTHROPOLOGY WITH FAMILY PLANNING The Feast: A Sociological Study

October 6, 2012 To be submitted to: Professor Marichu T Benavides

The Feast: A Sociological Study Method of Study: participant observation (the researcher participates in a research setting while observing) Rationale: Immersion is necessary in order to understand the culture of society from the perspective of subjects. I. Introduction Money, Sex & Power in many families--especially Christian ones--these are three often-taboo topics. That was certainly a time wherein parents squirmed at discussing how much mom or dad made, where babies came from, and the uncomfortable realities of how things worked in the world of business and politics. All of that makes it all the more necessary for people of faith to have an informed and thoughtful perspective on these three critical areas of life. The seminar handles this subject matter with a combination of Biblical perspective, wisdom from the greats of the Christian tradition across the centuries, common sense, and a dash of humor. Money, sex and power are profound issues which touch everyone. They storm into the lead in the thinking, experience and practice of us all. The Feast shows clearly that all three, in very basic ways, have power to curse or to bless. Done in a spirit of worship, the seminar has a very positive view on the possibility of a disciplined life without losing any of the benefits of these gifts directly from heaven. In a deep perusal of these three necessities of life, the

seminar has shown what is genuinely important for us to protect and encourage and what is of little consequence to discard. The feast challenges the attendees to consider them separately yet integral parts of each other and how it personally motivates us.

II. Body Sociological perspectives (theories) 2.1 Structural Functionalism- Society is made up of inter-related parts; each of w/c contributes to the function of society as a whole. Questions
1. What are the various parts in The Feast? What are their functions? a) Worship- during the worship, the preacher motivates and conditions

the attendees and participants to open their minds and hearts for Gods words of wisdom and love as the seminar is dedicated primary for Filipino families and Jesus Christ. Worshiping are composed of proclaiming the word of the Lord, the gospel and singing and dancing as a way of showing the everyones gratitude of receiving Gods blessing for the day

b) Seminar- The preacher discusses he most three things that Filipino

families must be aware of. The seminar was conferred in a way that everyone can understand the talks without bias and offending everyone. 2. How the different parts of The Feast contribute to the functioning of The Feast as a whole? The parts of the said event made The Feast successful in a way that the parts harmonizes the topics discussed in the talk mostly considered a taboo and Gods loving words making the attendees not only to listen to both parts of the seminar but also too eagerly participate into it. 3. What are the specific Functions of The Feast provide for its members and attendees? a.) To understand how money, sex and power can be in good use despite considering those as three as the most destructive forces today. b.) To see how money can play an abundant role in helping others. c.) To clearly understand the real concept and purpose of sex to our lives d.) To make power not to rule others but to motivate and nurture those in need.

4. What are the specific functions of The Feast for the Christian Church

(Catholics and non Catholics)? a.) Holy money as a sign of Gods abundance of love can be channelled by charity. b.) Holy Sex as one of Gods gift to express and to tighten the bonds of marriage with love, passion and faith
c.) Holy power as a privilege to change things according to Gods will as

well as it is borrowed from God making it temporary.

5. What are the specific functions The Feast provide for the Philippine

a.) Money isnt really a necessity and we can live without making money

to make the world go round. b.) Sex must be considered as an act of love, a source passionate energy not as form of addiction and destruction to others. c.) Power can turn us either into aspiring leaders or a merciless tyrant. Either the way we are required to let it to for others to grow. 2.2 symbolic Interactionalism - society is composed of symbols that people use to establish meaning. Questions:


What are symbols the feast used to establish of the world and communicate meaning, develop their views of the world and communicate w/ their members and attendees? a.) The use of the bible to inspire others. b.) Researches from different articles, book, the internet, etc. to produce informative and entertaining seminar
c.) The use of music, dance and other forms of art to express their

appreciation to God and to show the spirit of the feast. 2. How this statement George H. Mead is realized or becomes concrete in The Feast? Language allows us to become self-conscious beings aware of our individuality. Language connects us from one another. By making these connections we are recognized by the way we say and comprehend things. With this kind of thinking we tend to be aware to the things we read, see and listen to avoid misunderstanding and confusion. 3. What are the shared meanings for the members and attendees of The Feast?

a.) We have to be very attentive to the material things in this world

particularly those associated with money because its easy to become a slave on your own money. b.) Sex isnt only an act but it is a commitment of two people merge into one and sex was designed to strengthen that bond.
c.) Power literally changes the way you see the world around you,

influencing the way you perceive and act in the world.

4. Make a diagram of social construction of reality for each talk (Holy

Money, Holy Sex and Holy Power). Holy Money Available looking at what one currently Holy Sex See the aim of addiction - its the Holy Power Power is limited - you cannot abuse your power. You use your power to bless people. Use power to love people. When you have power, you need detachment because if not, it can destroy you.

have and using what is feelings that you've available since God will use that to help make holy money got from it. Its not the addiction itself like you are addicted to porn stuffs, premarital sex. It gives you counterfeit of love and it's the desperate hunger for Acceptable the willingness to accept love. See the Atrociousness of Your Addiction -

Power is temporary there is an expiry date

the blessings that God is giving and up to what extent can one handle

change the association of your mind. Pornography makes you small as casual sex is ugly. Give the spiritual side of sex to

and if you don't follow it, it can destroy you.

Actionable something that can be done and can be attained reasonable

people, not casual sex. Shift attention from

Power is excusive.

addiction to a mission - Exclusive for love. sex is a small part of marriage. Use your sexual energy to fuel your ambition.

2.3 Philippine Value System Questions:

1. What are the Filipino Values (observed/practiced) in The Feast (3major

planetary Values)? Discuss how each value is practiced/ observes by the members and the attendees.
a.) Being religious- The Feast is a religious seminar wherein its intentions

are to make the three most destructive forces of modern society into something that is Holy.

b.) Values about maintaining social harmony- with topics that are controversial, The Feasts goal is to make a more productive and harmonious society and familys bond closer. c.) Values that are gender related- The feast shows that people regardless must be responsible for the privileges we have. That couples whether the male or the female gender must act in order for them to have a successful relationship with one another.
2. Are there Dominant and the popular cultures present in the Feast?

Explain each culture and discuss. a.) Particularism The feast tend to mention topics related to Filipino culture, history and the Christian religion. In this way, the members and attendees can relate to what the speaker is saying, to avoid biases and to avoid discriminating and offending others particularly in religion and sex.
b.) Rationalism- The Feast was organized in clear, rational matter for

others to comprehend the talks despite of different social and cultural background since the feast was open for everyone.
3. Is there a blending (integration) of dominant and popular cultures in The

Feast? Explain and discuss. The feast is an event that both the dominant and popular cultures are present. Since the main goal of the said event is to enlighten others

the blending of different cultures is necessary. The seminar is open for everyone the culture of universalism is present wherein the considering other groups was shown by making the event comprehensive and unbiased. III. Conclusion

Things around us can change the way we perceive things. Money, sex and power are forces that people tend to ignore not because its taboo but they are ignorant about its real essence thus making them destructive to families and other members of the society. People with different cultural background, values, functions and ways of interactions is not a reason to make the world filled with conflict and hatred. With proper guidance and information such as worship seminars such as these will make a society more productive and responsible for maintain harmony not only to themselves but also to others as well.- Tejada

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