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Christy Pineda BOIS 2B HOW TO BUILD A PERSONAL DREAM Dare to dream.

That phrase has become such an obvious remark. I doubt anyone really thinks about its meaning. To dare is to have courage, to do something that requires boldness. But why should dreaming require either? Ill tell that dreams are for sentimentalists and romantics- impossible to reach in the real world. And yet the same time they recognize that a dream is an ultimate desire, a distant and magnificent hence, attainable only through acts of grace or extreme effort. Too often, people lead lives of drudgery while indulging in a secret dream life. In their fantasies, they are powerful, admired and successful. They retreat to such dreams to escape the harshness of everyday life. But these are false dreams. Like heroin, they anesthetize the dreamer and make him complacence. Instead of fighting to chance to his circumstances, they stays in the same place and soothes himself with chimeric visions. Other people distract themselves form unrewarding lives through movies, TV, alcohol and other mindless pastimes- anything to wipe reality from view. But to unleash your power, you have to remove the blinders, renounce the false dreams and distractions and confront reality head on. The real world is where you must build your personal dream, and the real world is where you must fight to make that dream a reality. Resist the temptation to indulge in empty dreaming. Enact your dream in real life, with real people and real action. Nurture your dream, yes, but not with childish fantasies. Apply your imagination and energy to the job of actualizing your dream in the real world. People talk about buying dream houses, or landing dream jobs. These are legitimate dreams, but they are incomplete. Expand your dream beyond the fine house, the new car and the ideal job- beyond having a family and putting the children through college. Enlarge your dream to include the enrichment of your entire life and the legacy you will leave behind when its over. Imagine all this details, with everything the way you desire it. What sort of person are you? What do people say about you? In what ways do you contribute to society? Where do you spend your days? How do the seasons unfold? Dare to dream expansively, beyond anything youve heretofore imagined. But dont stop there. Relentlessly pursue the dream by creating a life map that includes a series of goals designed to lead you to the ultimate decision. Then begin the journey.

Christy Pineda BOIS 2B


I. The Meaning of Dream II. False Dreams III. Real Dreams IV. How to Pursue a Dream

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