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MEMBERS PRESENT Mark Burns-Williamson OBE Les Carter (Chair) Roger Grasby (Vice-Chair) David Kirton OFFICERS PRESENT West Yorkshire Police ACO Nigel Brook Jeffrey Bridgeman Executive Officer T/ACC John Robins Chief Inspector Kate Riley The meeting commenced at 10.20am. PART I IN PUBLIC 54. APOLOGIES None. 55. DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST None. 56. MINUTES OF THE RESOURCES COMMITTEE HELD ON (a) 2 MARCH 2012 AND (b) 30 MARCH 2012 The minutes of the Resources Committee held on (a) 2 March 2012 and (b) 30 March 2012 were agreed as a correct record. 57. MATTERS ARISING Members were referred to a pre-prepared sheet outlining progress with the actions from the meeting on 2 March 2012. T/ACC Robins gave a verbal update about the new Human Resources computer system, explaining that the Force delayed implementation in order to learn from the difficulties experienced by Merseyside Police. He added that, whilst the system was live, full functionality would be achieved before the end of 2012. T/ACC Robins reported back that the new Deputy Chief Constable had considered members suggestion about an Operation Transform newsletter, but

Trevor Lake Ken Smith Janet Spencer

West Yorkshire Police Authority Judith Heeley Treasurer Karen Grey External Relations Director

had expressed a preference for continuing to provide video briefings. Police Authority staff were asked to assess whether the video currently on the Intranet was accessible. Mark Burns-Williamson said that a number of replies had been received to the letter sent to various people about the financial impact of council tax support localisation. He promised to circulate a summary of the responses in due course. ACO Brook added that the matter had been raised with ministers nationally through ACPO Cabinet and the Gold group, since the impact on police forces was expected to be around 60m, rising to 100m. Judith Heeley confirmed that meetings held locally had confirmed the estimated impact, but the position would be clearer in June. Judith also mentioned that the deadline for confirmation of the council tax base was being raised with the Department for Communities and Local Government, as it didnt fit with the proposed regulations for consulting on the precept with police and crime panels. ACTIONS Police Authority staff to assess the accessibility of the Operation Transform video briefing. Mark Burns-Williamson to report back to members on the responses received to his letter to MPs on Council Tax Localisation. 58. CHAIRS URGENT ITEMS None. 59. CHIEF CONSTABLES ANNOUNCEMENTS T/ACC Robins reminded members that they had been sent details of the change in Command Team member portfolios and informed them that interviews for senior officer promotions were underway. ACO Brook reported that the PFI contract had achieved financial close the day before and that, since the gilt rates had fallen compared with the original business case, the ongoing revenue Authoritys contribution would reduce. Members were pleased with the news and discussed how the PFI team could be recognised for their work. Finally, he added that the new repair and maintenance contract had been signed and would save the Force 880k per annum and that the Sir Alec Jeffreys (Scientific Support) building was now open. 60. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED That the Press and Public be excluded from the Meeting for consideration of Agenda Item Numbers 18 and 19 (Minute Numbers 71 and 72 refer) on the grounds that they are likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government

Act, 1972 and in accordance with the requirements of Part 2 of the same schedule. 61. PROVISIONAL OUTTURN 2011/12 Members received a report of the Treasurer and Chief Constable which summarised the Police Authority and Force budget outturn positions as at 31 March 2012. Members were informed that both budgets had underspent in 2011/12. 476k had been set aside by the Police Authority for transitional costs. 800k had been accrued by the Force to respond to recent court decisions about medical pensions. Members discussed whether it would be possible to take legal action against the Home Office to try and recoup the money that the Force will have to pay out as a result of its guidance being declared illegal. It was agreed to ask the Chief Executive to advise on this for the next meeting, including whether it would be possible to do a class action with other police authorities. In response to a question about progress in 2012/13, Nigel Brook advised that it was a little soon to tell for sure, but felt that the signs of a further underspend were positive. RESOLVED That Members: a. used the information provided within the report to satisfy themselves that the revenue and capital budgets have been managed effectively during 2011/12; b. noted the provisional outturn position for 2011/12; c. noted the transfer of 2.177m to the Devolvement Reserve in accordance with Resource Standing Order 3.5; d. approved the transfer of 0.048m to the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Reserve; e. approved the transfer of an additional 14.643m to General Balances; f. noted the capital slippage of 3.330m; g. approved the transfer of 3m from General Balances to a Dilapidation Reserve; and h. noted the level of Provisions, Reserves and Balances at 31 March 2012 following the above transfers.


ACTION The Chief Executive to report to the next meeting giving legal advice on pursuing the Home Office in respect of the flawed guidance issued on medical pensions, including the potential for a class action. 62. WORKFORCE MIX, PROFILE AND TRENDS The Committee received a report of the Chief Constable which updated them of the position of the workforce mix and trends and provided key information relating to resourcing issues for the force. T/ACC Robins introduced the report by summarising its content and reported that the people plan was ahead of the financial plan. He remarked that police officers in other forces were tending to stay longer beyond the 30 year point than in West Yorkshire and that this would be something that the Force would be keeping an eye on. Finally he informed members that the baseline in future reports would be 31 March 2010 the beginning of the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) period. Members discussed the potential for greater numbers of female officers applying for promotion, the critical number of police staff required to support the organisation, the use of Special Constables and the items in the news about the change in shift patterns for custody staff. RESOLVED That Members were satisfied that there were effective monitoring arrangements through predictive analysis to effectively manage the workforce mix and numbers in accordance with the aims of the Policing Plan and the financial budgetary position. 63. COSTED TRAINING PLAN 2011/12 OUTTURN REPORT Members received a report of the Chief Constable which detailed performance against the 2011/12 Costed Training Plan. Members were particularly disappointed that the attendance for diversity training was so far below what had been forecast and felt that this reflected badly on the Force. Members raised the matter of the charges for failures to attend and in particular, the noticeable differences between Wakefield Division and the Counter Terrorism Unit. T/ACC Robins promised to provide a more detailed analysis but also informed members that the Force had stopped charging for failures to attend, pending a review. Members were extremely concerned that a decision to stop charging had been taken before the review had been carried out. They felt that charging had reduced the failures to attend and had been introduced after other measures to address the issue had failed. They asked for an explanation for this decision to be provided.


RESOLVED That Members noted the performance in respect of training delivery against the 2011/12 Costed Training Plan in order to satisfy themselves that the Plan has been delivered effectively. ACTIONS a. The Force to provide a more detailed analysis of charges for failures to attend (in particular to explain the difference between CTU and, as an example, Wakefield Division. b. The Force to provide an explanation of the decision to stop charging for failure to attend in advance of the outcome of the ongoing review. c. The minutes to reflect the committees concern at the low attendance at diversity training courses. 64. FORCE TRAINING GOING FORWARD Members received a report of the Chief Constable which updated them on the short-term savings and interim structure for learning and development in the Force. Chief Inspector Riley introduced the report and advised members that the proposals were still being discussed with the unions and staff associations. In response to questions, Chief Inspector Riley provided further information about the flexible approach to training that was proposed and the intention to take more training out to divisions and departments. Members advised that the Force needed to ensure that alternative forms of learning were as effective as training courses, to justify the savings. Members also sought assurance that there would be capacity to carry out evaluation of learning and development. They were advised that the new Human Resources computer system was able to do this. Members asked that a further update on progress was provided to the Committee meeting in September 2012. RESOLVED That members noted the proposed interim savings and endorsed the direction of travel presented through the interim structure. ACTION The Force to provide an update report on training to the next meeting. 65. STAFF SATISFACTION SURVEY RESULTS AND ACTION PLAN Members received a report of the Chief Constable which updated them on the results of the 2011/12 staff perception survey and the resulting corporate action plan.

T/ACC Robins summarised the main findings of the survey and drew members attention to the divisional and departmental action plans appended to the report. Members expressed some disappointment that they were not provided with the results for the departments and divisions whose results were significantly different from the average score. Members were also concerned that the Command Teams Strategic Workstream relied on divisions and departments to devise and implement their own action plans. Although they were assured that chief officers monitored progress through one-to-one meetings and operational performance reviews (OPRs), they did not feel able to scrutinise the topic as fully as they would have liked. T/ACC Robins agreed to ensure that the action plans featured on all agendas during the next round of OPRs. Members of the Resources Committee asked that other members of the Police Authority were informed of their concerns and be prepared for the discussion at any OPR attended. It was also agreed to provide a further report on progress to the next meeting. RESOLVED That members used the report to understand the changes in staff perception as the Force goes through a significant period of change and the extent to which employees feel committed to the organisation and satisfied with their role and the corporate actions in place to address issues. ACTIONS a. The Force to provide an update report to the next meeting on action against Departmental and Divisional action plans to address the results of the staff satisfaction survey. b. The actions plans to be a specific item on the next round of OPRs. Members to be notified of the committees concerns in advance of this. 66. STRATEGY FOR POLICE OFFICER RECRUITMENT Members received a report of the Chief Constable which presented information on the recruitment of 40 police officers for the 2012/13 financial year. T/ACC Robins explained that the Command Team had agreed that the pool of candidates would be existing Special Constables, police staff and the 77 people who were at the latter stages of the recruitment process when the freeze began. It was pointed out that of the 77 over 50% were existing members of police staff. Members felt strongly that the pool of candidates ought to be confined to existing staff in the first instance, to enable anyone who might have to leave through redundancy a chance for alternative employment within the Force. They asked for a detailed explanation why the decision had been taken to include the

external candidates and what the views of the Federation and trade unions were on the matter. When questioned, T/ACC Robins advised that the Force would be most likely setting a pass mark of 70% for the National Recruitment Assessment Centre part of the process. RESOLVED That members satisfied themselves that the force recruitment strategy to recruit 40 student officers during 2012/13 is transparent and will select the best candidates. ACTION The Force to provide detailed reasons for including external candidates in the forthcoming police officer recruitment process. 67. CHIEF SUPERINTENDENTS POST RELATED ALLOWANCE Members received a report of the Chief Constable which asked them to agree with a Command Team decision to approve the award of a Chief Superintendents Post Related Allowance for the role of Chief Superintendent, Operational Support Services Division. T/ACC Robins explained that the Command Team had originally considered to award the allowance to two posts, but had decided to that just the Operational Support Services role fully met the criteria. He finished by informing members about the Winsor 2 recommendation to collapse the allowance in the pay scales for all chief superintendents. T/ACC Robins went onto explain how over the past few years the force had reduced the number of chief superintendent posts, as departments and divisions had been combined, and this had increased the responsibility of those that remained. Members felt strongly that many police officers and staff had taken on extra responsibilities in the current financial climate, without receiving extra remuneration and were unsure that the post met the awards criteria as set out in the Police Negotiating Board agreement 03/18. They were concerned that the majority of chief superintendents in West Yorkshire would be in receipt of the award, which wasnt in line with the intention that only 15% would receive it nationally. They also realised that the allowance may change if the Winsor 2 recommendation was accepted and also that the responsibility for making this type of decision would move to the chief constable from November 2012. During the debate members noted that the Command Team had reviewed the existing roles in receipt of the allowance and had concluded that they continued to meet the criteria. Members felt that the Police Authority ought to be involved in any such review and asked the Treasurer to clarify the regulations surrounding approval of Post Related Allowances and report back on past decisions of the Committee.


At the end of the debate, Ken Smith proposed that the Committee should not accept the recommendation in the report. This was seconded by David Kirton. Members then voted on the proposal, which was passed. RESOLVED That Members considered the report and did not agree with the Command Teams determination. ACTION The Treasurer to clarify the regulations surrounding approval of Post Related Allowances and report back on past decisions of the Committee. 68. CAPITAL PROGRAMME OVERSIGHT BOARD Members received a report of the Chief Executive which reported back on the work of the Capital Programme Oversight Board. RESOLVED That Members satisfied themselves that the Board was conducting effective scrutiny of the capital programme, as set out in its Terms of Reference. 69. HEALTH AND SAFETY ISSUES Members received a report of the Chief Constable which provided a six-monthly update of the key health and safety issues prevailing at the time. RESOLVED That the Committee used the information within the report to satisfy themselves that work to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act was being delivered effectively and efficiently. 70. STANDING ORDER 12 DECISION OVER 65s MEDICAL PENSIONS REVIEW Members received a report of the Chief Executive which reported back to the Committee urgent decisions made under the Authoritys Standing Order 12 provision (Urgent Business). RESOLVED That Members noted the decision made by the Chair of the Resources Committee under the Authoritys Standing Order 12 provision (Urgent Business).


PART II IN PRIVATE 71. DEBT WRITE OFF Members received a report of the Chief Constable which asked them to consider details of debts written off by the Force in 2011/12. RESOLVED That members noted the debts written off by the Chief Constable during 2011/12 and satisfied themselves that all reasonable actions have been taken to recover the debts. 72. STANDING ORDER 12 DECISION SPECIAL PRIORITY PAYMENTS SCHEME FOR QUARTER 1 2012/13 Members received a report of the Chief Executive which reported back to the Committee urgent decisions made under the Authoritys Standing Order 12 provision (Urgent Business). RESOLVED That Members noted the decision made by the Chair of the Resources Committee under the Authoritys Standing Order 12 provision (Urgent Business). There being no other business the meeting concluded at 12.30pm



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