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north stars


playing to be remembered

North Stars has a few audiences including: players and potential players family and friends of players and college recruiters

North Stars has a few audiences including: players and potential players family and friends of players and college recruiters

North Stars has a few audiences including: players and potential players family and friends of players and college recruiters

North Stars has a few audiences including: players and potential players family and friends of players and college recruiters

When it comes to club teams, there are two forms of competition. Clubs as organizations compete against one another for players. North Stars is ahead of the game when it comes to cost, skill, and involvement in off-season playing. Also, clubs as teams compete against each other for the gold. With this in mind, I realize that there are two categories of audiences: one that North Stars needs to attract, and actually, one that they need to intimidate.

When it comes to club teams, there are two forms of competition. Clubs as organizations compete against one another for players. North Stars is ahead of the game when it comes to cost, skill, and involvement in off-season playing. Also, clubs as teams compete against each other for the gold. With this in mind, I realize that there are two categories of audiences: one that North Stars needs to attract, and actually, one that they need to intimidate.

When it comes to club teams, there are two forms of competition. Clubs as organizations compete against one another for players. North Stars is ahead of the game when it comes to cost, skill, and involvement in off-season playing. Also, clubs as teams compete against each other for the gold. With this in mind, I realize that there are two categories of audiences: one that North Stars needs to attract, and actually, one that they need to intimidate.

And so the opponent is added to the audience list.

we are dedicated to developing vball knowledge & skills through instruction & competition.
When scouting, many other clubs focus on the current skill level of players, rather than their potential. This ends up forcing clubs to constantly juggle around players instead of allowing a strong bond to form within teams throughout the years. North Stars, on the other hand, discovers players potential when theyre young, and develop them into they best they can be. Generally once someones on the team, they will remain there through the rest of their 2nd-12th grade volleyball career. They become part of the family.

...a family thats extremely well known. every club in kc knows who they are. as a player or coach, if you show up to a tournament and see that you have 1 or 2 North Stars teams in your bracket, you automatically come to the realization that youre going to have extreme competition that day.

...a family thats extremely well known. every club in kc knows who they are. as a player or coach, if you show up to a tournament and see that you have 1 or 2 North Stars teams in your bracket, you automatically come to the realization that youre going to have extreme competition that day.

this is a pre-game photo not of North Stars, but of my team analyzing them in hopes of nding their weaknesses as they warm up. you do whatever you can to overcome them.

Fortunately, they have their skill to set them apart from opposing teams because they sure dont stick out visually among other local clubs. CLICK Thats their logo right there, just in case you were having troubles picking them out from the rest.

Fortunately, they have their skill to set them apart from opposing teams because they sure dont stick out visually among other local clubs. CLICK Thats their logo right there, just in case you were having troubles picking them out from the rest.

and not only does it not stick out, it blends in because of how plain and unrened it is

actually no local volleyball club visually sticks out......

actually no local volleyball club visually sticks out.......

actually no local volleyball club visually sticks out

beyond the idea of good or bad design, everyones branding is similarly laid out actually, there really is no branding. North Stars website is completely dated...

...and solely there to inform, rather than draw in an audience.

The prole picture on their facebook page is generic. It says nothing about North Stars in particular. The Facebook page prole picture space creates the opportunity for an organization to include their logo - thats what should be in that spot!

The problem with the coaches gear is that the visuals seem to change from season to season. Change is good sometimes, but North Stars needs to have solid graphics that they can be recognized by and associated with.


Looking at these different elements together, its clear that theres really nothing to draw all the components of the club together. North Stars current branding wrongly showcases the club as being: inconsistent, unprofessional, and inferior - something that cant possibly impress any audience.


Looking at these different elements together, its clear that theres really nothing to draw all the components of the club together. North Stars current branding wrongly showcases the club as being: inconsistent, unprofessional, and inferior - something that cant possibly impress any audience.


Looking at these different elements together, its clear that theres really nothing to draw all the components of the club together. North Stars current branding wrongly showcases the club as being: inconsistent, unprofessional, and inferior - something that cant possibly impress any audience.

INCONSISTENT unprofessional
Looking at these different elements together, its clear that theres really nothing to draw all the components of the club together. North Stars current branding wrongly showcases the club as being: inconsistent, unprofessional, and inferior - something that cant possibly impress any audience.

INCONSISTENT unprofessional inferior

Looking at these different elements together, its clear that theres really nothing to draw all the components of the club together. North Stars current branding wrongly showcases the club as being: inconsistent, unprofessional, and inferior - something that cant possibly impress any audience.

unification precision family fun elitism intensity pride

but as I explained earlier, theyre anything but that! since my last presentation, ive narrowed down the numerous attributes i came up with to these 7: READ SLIDE ive split this selection into smaller groups as focus points for my three rebranding directions

elitism precision
my rst direction focuses on elitism and precision




For this direction, I renamed the club: Midwest Elite. Within this design i wanted to showcase sharpness, clarity, and a bit of femininity. After all, North Stars is a girls club.

the mark is a star-like shape with exaggerated points to indicate the clubs on-point focus and plays. the overlap of color creates a form of elegance and ow.

the brandmark consists of thin type to give it a more elegant and classy look


combined heres the grayscale

combined heres the grayscale

on point every point

style sheet

the photos would be high contrast sepia to represent the sharp, elegant feel

clubs travel

intensity pride
my second direction focuses on intensity and pride

For this direction, I renamed the club: Velocity. Within this design i wanted to showcase aggression, action, repetition, boldness, and volume.

on a surface level, this mark represents rush and speed of the players, or a loud sound. deeper than that, though, this logo celebrates the different roles of each player on the court. each triangle represents a player based on their build as an athlete. the smaller triangles symbolize back row players (short players are obviously closer to the oor, therefore making better passers). And the larger, longer triangles represent front row players. theres even a special black triangle aside from the red that showcases the libero, whom actually wears a different colored jersey from her teammates. the circle shape the triangles are creating alludes to a huddle or cheer that calls for the team coming together.

the pattern showcases another way players can be connected with their teammates.

heres the logotype. the typeface practique reects the clubs bold presence.


i feel like red triangle included in the complete logotype is distracting when combined with the logo, so i removed it just for that situation. heres the grayscale and a solid black version


i feel like red triangle included in the complete logotype is distracting when combined with the logo, so i removed it just for that situation. heres the grayscale and a solid black version


i feel like red triangle included in the complete logotype is distracting when combined with the logo, so i removed it just for that situation. heres the grayscale and a solid black version



photos representing this club would be grayscale with a red triangle overlaying the point of action.

unification family fun

my third direction focuses on unication, family, and fun

For preferred direction, I stuck with the original name: North Stars. Within this design i wanted to showcase support, togetherness, enjoyment, and silly sophistication.

this mark is simply mimicking the lining of a volleyball. it showcases togetherness and support through the single shapes interaction with each other

heres the grayscale version and complete black

heres the grayscale version and complete black

heres the grayscale version and complete black

as you may know, there are 6 players on one side of the court at a time. and when you have 6 of these marks together, it creates intertwining unity. theres even a little star that appears within the negative space.

as you may know, there are 6 players on one side of the court at a time. and when you have 6 of these marks together, it creates intertwining unity. theres even a little star that appears within the negative space.

multiples of these make my pattern, which alludes to a volleyball net

aldo - fun with an edge

logo + logotype

photo treatment includes low contrast grayscale =old family photos with a possible frame

one heart, one goal

style sheet

im interested in exploring my last direction, but im denitely open to any comments and advice.

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