Thesun 2009-01-13 Page07 Unanimous Ayes As Mps Put Aside Differences

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theSun | TUESDAY JANUARY 13 2009 7

news without borders

Unanimous ‘ayes’ as MPs

put aside differences
THE Dewan Rakyat approved the motion on assembly to strongly condemn Israel and its
the Gaza invasion by Israel at 9.48pm yester- associates for its anti-humanitarian attacks
day following a unanimous voice of “ayes” towards the people of Palestine.
from the MPs after it was debated for more In his speech, he also said the UN Security
than seven hours by 31 members. Council’s resolution on a ceasefire passed last
Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim Thursday was meaningless as it did not result
said the parliamentarians from both sides in any positive action by the UN following the
had successfully put aside their political decision by the United States to abstain from
differences and voiced the international hu- voting.
manitarian call for Israel to stop its atrocities “By abstaining means the Jews are allowed
in Palestine. to continue to kill. Abstaining means Israel
“They have also called for steps to be taken can continue with its attacks. Abstaining also
to deliver humanitarian aid and justice under means Israel can do whatever it wants. In
the international laws,” he said when wind- this context, America must be condemned for
ing-up the motion, which was tabled by Prime legalising killings,” he said.
Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Rais said Abdullah, who is also the defence
and seconded by his deputy, Datuk Seri Najib minister, had earlier in the day met with 12
Abdul Razak. ambassadors from the UN Security Council
Rais said the MPs’ role and action yester- member countries, including the US ambassa-
day had proven that despite their political dor and United Kingdom high commissioner,
disparities, they could still express their at the Defence Ministry in Kuala Lumpur.
concern towards a grave issue to get the “He has presented them his special mes-
world community’s support to oppose Israeli sage so that they would convey it to their
aggression. government leaders, urging them to play a
He said the Dewan Rakyat would be direct role to end the Israeli attacks in Gaza,”
recorded as the only world-level legislative he said.

Palestinian envoy thanks

Malaysia for support
PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Palestine appreciates Malay- support from the government
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi sia’s support. and opposition parties was
“handed over” the 10 resolu- “I will hand the resolutions indeed a “bold move”.
tions to Palestinian Ambassa- to our leadership,” he said. “The undivided support
dor Abd El Aziz Abu Ghaosh as He said Malaysia’s efforts from Members of Parliament
Malaysia’s initiative to prompt show that Palestine is not shows that Malaysians are
the international community to alone and there are communi- united in condemning the
act against the Israeli invasion ties standing by the Palestin- inhuman acts,” he said in a
of Gaza Strip. ians. statement.
The government also hand- Bernama reports: The Roslan said PUM regretted
ed over monetary assistance Malaysian Ulama Association that Israel continued to rain
with the MPs being the first to (PUM) supports the motion Gaza with chemical bombs.
contribute to the fund. adopted by the Dewan Rakyat He said this was proof that
Abd El Aziz told reporters last night. Israel wanted to wipe out the
after receiving the resolutions Its general secretary, Dr Ro- Palestinians from their own
at Parliament last night that slan Mohd Nor, said the strong homeland.

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