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14 theSun | TUESDAY JANUARY 13 2009

news without borders

Chinese groups give March

Zhou said the Chinese groups
briefs will also initiate a signature cam-
paign to get the endorsement of
7,000 Chinese guilds and associa-
Ministry mulls ban on tions in the country.
beta-agonist At the Sunday meeting, Zhou
and Jiao Zong (United Chinese

ultimatum on use of English

PUTRAJAYA: The Health Ministry will study
a proposal to ban the use of beta-agonist, School Teachers Association) pres-
a growth enhancer used in the livestock ident Ong Kow Yee briefed more
industry. than 100 Chinese educationists and
Its minister, Datuk Liow Tiong Lai, said advocates for Chinese education
the ban was proposed by the Federation of on the latest developments on the
Livestock Farmers’ Associations of Malaysia government’s implementation of
using English to teach science and
at the National Beta-agonist Action Commit-
tee meeting yesterday.
Press Digest Chinese schools from March. indication by next month whether maths.
by Kong See Hoh The call was one of the three English will continue to be used to Ong said the next two months
“The ministry feels there is merit in the
proposal as it will facilitate monitoring and resolutions passed at their joint teach the two subjects, the groups will be crucial as the cabinet is
curtail abuse of the substance,” he said. meeting in Kajang on Saturday, will mobilise Chinese support for expected to make a final decision
The meeting was also attended by EIGHT Chinese groups, including China Press reported yesterday. a massive rally against English as on whether to continue with the
representatives from the Agriculture and education movement Dong Jiao Dong Zong (United Chinese medium of instruction for science “go English” policy after six years
Agro-Based Industry Ministry, the Veterinary Zong and Seven Major Clans Asso- School Committees Association) and maths as planned by some of implementation.
Services Department and the pharmaceuti- ciation, have called on the govern- deputy president Zhou Sou Han, Malay groups. “As such we have to wait until
cal division of the Housing and Local Govern- ment to abolish the use of English who chaired the meeting, said if the The rally is expected to attract the cabinet decision to make our
ment. – Bernama to teach science and mathematics in government does not give a clear 100,000 participants. next move,” he said.

Mazu statue case

postponed New Era punching incident ‘barbaric and shameful’
KOTA KINABALU: The civil suit filed by
THE Chinese press yesterday gave While some urged the attacker, Yap was later admitted to the Committee expressed shock over
former Sabah chief minister Tan Sri
wide coverage to an incident at the who escaped after giving Yap a blood- Kajang Specialist Hospital for treat- the incident.
Chong Kah Kiat against Chief Minister
New Era College convocation in ied nose and a fractured cheekbone, ment. Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chi-
Datuk Seri Musa Aman and three others
Kajang on Sunday in which college to own up and apologise to the victim, Kow Ming Liang, the deputy sec- nese Assembly Hall president Datuk
for alleged abuse of power by withdraw-
senate chairman Dr Yap Sin Tian was others demanded that he be severely retary of Dong Jiao Zong Education Bong Hon Liong expressed fear that
ing the approval to erect the Mazu statue
punched in the face while giving a punished for his despicable act. Centre, which operates the college, the incident may set a bad example
in Kudat has been postponed to today.
speech. The attacker, wearing a college said the assault is a tragedy for the for the young.
Judicial Commissioner Yew Jen Kie
Chinese community and political shirt, got close to Yap on the pretext college and it showed that the culture MCA president Datuk Seri Ong
allowed the suit to be heard in the High
leaders condemned the assault on of adjusting the microphone and of violence has reared its head in Tee Keat said it was a shameful and
Court here today as Musa and the sec-
Yap, who is Dong Zong president, caught Yap and 500 students, parents Chinese education. criminal act while the party’s Youth
ond defendant, former State Secretary
describing it as barbaric, shameful and guests in the college hall by sur- Jiao Zong president Ong Kow Yee chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong urged
Datuk K.Y. Mustafa, were not in the state.
and a big blot on image of Chinese prise with his punch in the 10.28am described it as a barbaric act while the police to bring the culprit to
– Bernama
education. incident. the Parents for New Era College book.

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