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16 theSun | TUESDAY JANUARY 13 2009

speak up!

One television crew member community halls for a ceramah

It is
to draw
A gift by any other name
THE upcoming Kuala Tereng- and protested that we bungalow with all
told us how he received a tidy
sum after an interview with
a candidate – a fiduciary gift
given willingly although he said
he did not ask for it.
Those who had forgotten the
reason they became journalists
and yes, even the journalists
who follow the candidates on
the campaign trail, with some
newsmen even picking more
“lucrative” candidates.
What does the election com-
mission have to say? Although
the line, ganu by-election brings to mind could not accept the the trimmings and or were in the industry for all the such practices are against the
an incident at a previous elec- money. “It is for your facilities of modern wrong reasons, even went on to rules, it is hard to enforce them
but one tion. troubles since you comfort. goad some of his colleagues and due to lack of proof.
thing’s My colleague and I had came from afar,” said This must have counterparts to “Ask-lah. Sure Having said that, how does
for sure it waited for over an hour for a one of them, to which got him thinking they’ll give if you ask.” one differentiate the outright
is during candidate to turn up and meet we said it was un- that we would While I am not covering the giving of money with say, pro-
voters at a balairaya in a vil- necessary as we were probably write a Kuala Terengganu by-election, viding blankets to fire victims
every lage. amply compensated stinging piece about my hunch tells me that those or food hampers to the poor or
election After a brief chat with us, for our “troubles” by money politics and with large budgets would prob- even a road and piped water
that the the candidate shook our hands our company. hesitantly took the ably be throwing money around. and electricity to a remote vil-
people get and leapt into a four-wheel- “This is ikhlas Down2Earth cash back from us. The problem is such practices lage?
what they drive which would take him to (genuine),” he insisted. Money being have become widespread, that It is difficult to draw the line,
another venue. To this, my colleague by Terence Fernandez used as a carrot in it blurs the lines between what but one thing’s for sure it is
want even It was only a matter of sec- said, it would be better elections is nothing is appropriate and what is not. during every election that the
without onds but before we knew it, we to use the money for the kam- new, and every poll – be it a Some individuals, like the aide people get what they want even
asking for realised that each handshake pong folk, many of whom lived by-election or general election of the candidate in the earlier without asking for it – well,
it – well, also concealed a RM100 note in hardship, some who lived in will toss up its own fair share election truly think that there is most of the time anyway.
pressed into each of our palms. dilapidated conditions, without of accusations of bribing voters nothing wrong in dishing out a
most of As the Yang Berhormat piped water, while the po- into casting their votes for a par- few hundred ringgit to a group
the time wannabe had already left by litically-appointed village head ticular candidate or the media of journalists and well-wishers. Terence hopes his counterparts
anyway. then we turned to his aides lived next door in a swanky to ensure favourable coverage. But because such practices covering the Kuala Terengganu
are becoming a common part of by-election will uphold the
any election, many people down journalistic code of conduct. He
the line have begun to expect is deputy editor special reports
it – the crowds that gather to & investigations and can be con-
welcome a candidate; the vil- tacted at terence@thesundaily.
lagers who are asked to fill up com


Sticky prices and

tough decisions
I REFER to “Anxious over prices” cancelled the proposal to privatise
(Jan 6). The public are indeed wor- the IJN.
ried about whether the government Crime has been on the rise and
will have the will to take tough this adds to the cost of doing busi-
decisions to solve the problems ness too. The Malaysian Anti-Crime
facing our nation, with a greater Foundation can play a much bigger
sense of professionalism and ur- role by stepping up its efforts to
gency. These are critical times and win greater public support for the
we need to respond more deliber- police and neighbourhood watch
ately to promote greater national groups. It’s pity that we feel unsafe
unity, socio economic stability and in our homes. The police need to be
reduce politicking. given more resources and be made
First, we have the problem of much more effective. This is why
sticky prices. Petroleum prices the government should establish
have gone down but the prices of the proposed Police Complaints
essential daily consumer goods Commission soon.
have not gone down correspond- Foreign and even domestic
ingly. When they sometimes do, investment has been put off by
then the quality and quantity slides this breakdown in public safety
down! and security.
One policy option should be to Corruption has become an-
liberalise the whole system much other major scourge. While there
more. Do provide more licences are limitations as to what Malaysia
and permits to increase supplies can do to counter the international
of food and services. Approved financial and economic meltdown,
permits and import licences should we can do much more to combat
not be given to just a few who corruption and the wastage of
would keep prices up to profiteer. public and taxpayers’ funds.
More hawker food stalls and easier The government has done well
access to taxi licences can keep to establish the new MACC, but
prices more competitive and low. it can only be as promising as its
There should be less protectionism performance. Unless the MACC
such as the provision of inequita- can show better results within the
ble property/housing quotas for next few months, it will also suffer
rich bumiputras. The granting of from lack of public support and a
monopolies to big businessmen tarnished image. This will be most
and concessionaires who make unfortunate.
excessive profits from unduly high Finally, sound socio-economic
toll rates must be scrapped for the management on a sustained
public good. basis, will require that a new
Privatisation should not be used socio-economic strategic plan is
to benefit the rich at the expense unveiled soon, to deal with the in-
of the poor. A look at toll road con- creasingly worrying trend of rising
tracts indicate policies that widen prices, slow economic growth, ris-
the income gap between the rich ing unemployment and the overall
and the poor. This goes against deterioration in our quality of life.
the grain of government’s equity This means that our leaders
policies. will have to get down to working
At this rate of abuse, privatisa- hard on the need for greater good
tion will become a bad word as governance at all levels, if we are
it generally raises prices for the to strengthen public confidence in
ordinary consumer. The culture the government’s ability to lead
of business greed and profiteering the country through these anxious
seems to have become worse with times.
eager bids to privatise even the
renowned National Heart Institute Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam
that has contributed significantly President
to the public good. It’s therefore Transparency International
gratifying that the government has Malaysia

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