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and the interests of the country, required the tacts to be met If the Government of the United States had assumed obligations to Samoa, it should execute thenf If it owed duties to its citizens there it should perform those duties. If the flag of the United Startling News From Samoa States had been insulted, if property of Stirs the Senate to a Sense - United States citizens in,Samoa had been placed at the mercy of German traders through the action of the German Governof Its Serious Duty. ment, the fact ought to be recognized; and one of two things ought to be done. If the rights of the United States were to be IT LOOKS MORE LIKE WAR. abruptly abandoned, the American Consul nod the commanders of American ships ought to be called home, and not subjected The Police Force Apia De-- , to insult and degradation, and whatever rights the United States had there ought to be abandoned or else the rights which beUnder Gerlonged to this country ought to be asserted squarely and manfully. Control, Text of the Dispatch. The Press dispatch, dated Auckland, which caused such a sensation, was as folALL VESSELS OYEBHAULED lows: Advices from Samoa state that the German officials have given notice that all vessels arriving' there will articles conIn Search of Articles Contraband of traband of war. be searched for suppressed The Germans have the Samoan Times. A passenger on the British War, the Richmond Being steamer V'ainn, who visited Mataafa's camp, was placed under arrest, but was subsequently Boarded First. released in compliance with a demand of the British Consul. A proclamation has been Issued placing the Apia police force under HALF A MILLION TOE DEFENSE German control. Mataafa's followers number 6,000. They are strongly entrenched and other Samoans are rapidly joining them. Upon the arrival of the steamer Richmond she was boarded and searched by the Germans. Toted by the Senate, and the Charleston The Amendments Passed. Ordered Pitted Oat at Once The Senate, after a few words more from for Active Service. Messrs. Eeagan and Frye, adopted the amendments to tbe consular and diplomatic bill, reported by the Committee on Foreign MAETIAL LAW IS OFFICIALLY DECLARED Eelations, appropriating 5500,000 to protect American interests in Samoa, and $100,000 for the coaling station at Pago Pago, the Senators Reagan and Frye agreed fully money to be immediately available. The yesterday that the situation in Samoa is se- amendment raising to the rank of Ambassarious enough to warrant all that has been dors the Ministers to England. France, Germany and Eussia, was rejected yeas 25, said of it, and more. During the debate in nay 26 and the bill was passed. the Senate a dispatch was received and read, On motion of Mr Eiddleberger the Senstating that the Germans had taken control ate then proceeded, in executive session, to consider tbe British extradition treaty, out of the Apian police force, and were searchadjourned four hours afterward, leaving it ing all vessels arriving at that port The still pending. amendment pending and the diplomatic It is said that the President will send Congress and consular bill were at once passed. Sec- another message to official in a few days, containing the latest information on retary Whitney has ordered the Charleston the Samoan subject. This was the regular meeting day of the fitted out at once for active service. Consul House Foreign Affairs Committee, which Sewell fears a conflict has already taken has the Samoan question before it, but no quorum appearing before the hour of the place between Germans and Americans. meeting of the House, nothing was done. The committee to which the Samoan affair Altogether the Samoan situation is apparhas been referred has been increased from ently very critical. three to five members, and consists of Messrs. McCreary, Eussell, Shipman, Morev and rsFxcui. TEuomv to the disfatcii.j Hitt




Mr. Eeagan, wisdom and prudence


That Effect Received From Samoa Bayard Talks Tartly on tho Situation Fighting Expected nt Apia. Washington, January 31. It is understood that Consul General Sewall, who has been detained in Washington for some time bythe Senate Foreign Eelations Committee, expects to leave here on Friday or Saturday for Samoa. Secretary Bayard was this evening shown the dispatch from Auckland, stating that Germany had given notice that all vessels arriving at Samoa will be searched for contraband goods. He said the Department had received a dispatch from Consul Blacklock, stating that war had been declared against Mataafa and that martial law had been proclaimed by the German Consul at Apia. He did not know whether the state of 'martial law referred to included all of Samoa or only Apia. Eeference was made to criticisms of the Department of State, and the Secretary said: "I would like the gentlemen who have been criticising everything done by the State Department to show one instance in which I have broken the law or permitted it to be violated. I do not know of such an instance. There has been a great deal of misrepresentation, and in time our countrymen will see that the State Department has done everything that could be done." THE BATAED IDEA. "I see," said Mr. Bayard, "that Mr. Sherman stated in the Senate that no American had been injured in Samoa. That is so.and I have yet to learn that any American has been injured or any of their rights, as defined by law and treaty, taken away. Our policy has been fixed and steady in direction of the preservation of American rights. The German Government has constantly given assurance that Germany would not violate anv American rights, and Prince Uisrr.arct, in his last letter to Count Arco Valley, renews his assurances that Germany will scrupulously respect these rights. "The department," said the Secretary, "cannot stop the fighting in Samoa. We cannot prevent rival commercial companies quarreling and fighting. It is not for us to try and give every country a stable governOfficial Information to

at Washington



clared Placed man


Secretary Bayard said that he had not yet received the proposition which Count Arco Valley had informed him Prince Bismarck had sent for a conference between Germany and the United States in regard to Samoa. He could not, therefore, say whether or not it was for an entirely new negotiation or for a renewal of the conference suspended about a year ago, at which the Secretary said he had endeavored to bring about an understanding between Germany and the "United States to better the condition of the unhappy natives.


While the discussion of the Samoan question in the was quite as dispassionate as Senate yesterday, on the part of the Bepublicans, who feel that the settlement of the difficulty will inevitably be left for the new administration, there was evidently a firm determination that something ought to be done. Mr. Frye, of Maine, made the absorbing speech of the day. Mr. Frye is admitted to be one of the ablest and clearest minds of the Senate. He is certainly one of its tersest speakers, and is always listened to with attention. He urged eloquently the appropriation of at least a sufficient sum to

"Washington, January


Captain Heavy, ol the Steamer Adams, Defended American nod Samoan Rights Germans Defeated in nn Attempt to Destroy a Bridge. mander E. P. Heavy, of the United States steamer Adams, which arrived here from Samoa via Honolulu yesterday, in an fnter-vi- e wjtqdayjsaidi. "There was a irreat deal of commotion when I was at Apia. I went down there with all kinds of orders suited to a time of peace, but, when war broke out, I threw the orders to the wind. They would do in time of peace, but were not applicable to tho condition of affairs then. "When I saw Brandeis, tho German Minister, leading 500 natives m support of Tamascse, I wrote him a letter asking him to desist. I said: "I am here to protect American citizens and property, and I will not wait idly by and see j on plunging the country into trouble, when their lives and property mav be destroyed. If you do not desist. I snail take such measures of protection as I deem the circumstances demand." Ho sent word back that no Americans or American property would bo molested. In a little while though, much the same tactics were repeated. There was a meeting of the consuls aboard the German ship Adler, and at the meeting I said to the Germans: "Now just let the natives fight it out between themselves." Oh, no! They couldn't do that, they said. They had proclaimed Tamesese King, and they couldn't leave him now to fight it out alone. Then I said I would take a hand in this. "If you persist in aiding Tamesese and fighting for him, I will participate," and I pulled the Adams in ahead of the Adler, and would have done my part in the fray if the Germans had decided they mnst have it. I made up my mind that the Adams could throw some shells too. At this they eased down and promised should be "hands off." Next there were notices posted by the Germans stating that the bridge over the river at Apia, and separatinc all tbe back country where the natives were, would be taken up. I tore these notices off. I said there should be no demolition of bridges. Then I ordered my carpenters up the next morning, and meantime wordhavinz cot out all around, scores of natives came to aid in repair-in- '; and maintaining the bridge. 1 also threw some marines ashore to protect it It is not necessary to say that the bridge was not destroyed. The Adams left Samoa December 7, and was not present during the recent battle between the Germans and Mataafa's forces.

San Francisco, January



the Americans. The natives had beaten Germans repeatedly, and, according to the Auckland dispatch (which he regarded as entirely reliable), and Germany now proposed to whip them by preventing arms being sent in. The newspapers read by Americans had been suppressed, and the Germans had taken open control of the police of Apia. The American residents contributed to the fund for the support of the municipal police, and it was bad enough to have them under the direction of Tamasese, but under German control was infinitely worse. He said it might appearjin unusual nd..bold4b,ins say that we would protect' the independence of a cnntry sbfaV away, but our national honor, and our obligations required that we should come to it.
for-ns-- to

A gentleman who is' well acquainted with Samoan affairs said that matters had reached a very serious state, and he would not be surprised to hear that a conflict had taken place between Germans and

establish coaling stations on the islands, the right for which is granted by treaty, bnt he confessed that he was not ready to deal with the question, that he would go to the farthest extreme to insure the protection of citizens of the United States in Samoa, and to assure the continued autonomy of the islands. ' A Bomb Exploded. Just as Mr. Frye had finished speaking, press dispatches were handed to him telling of the orders to German authorities in the Samoan Islands to search all arriving vessels for contraband goods, that the steamer Richmond had been searched, that the police force of the islands was under German control, and that the Samoan Times had been suppressed. There was profound silence in the chamber as the Senator read the news in an impressive voice. The galleries were well filled, though the diplomatic gallery was entirely empty. The reading was followed by a sensational buzz in the galleries, but the Senators received it in solemn silence. The dispatches were assumed to be true, and it was apparent that in the minds of everyone the complication had taken a more serious complexion than at any previous time. "That means war," was the whisper that flew about the galleries in everybody's mouth. Then Senator Call, of Florida, the prosy and interminable, rose to speak on the question, and the crowd retired to discuss the situation in the corridors or repair to the House to listen to the lively squabble over the Oklahoma bill. Expected to Wnko Them Up. It is an opinion quite generally expressed that the news of to day will hasten some de cisive action on the part of the House and Senate. Under other circumstances the disposition of the House would have been to stave off the whole question and let President Harrison and his Cabinet advisers wrestle with it. Now everybody appears to be reaching the conclusion that if anything is to be done it must be done at once. It is realized that Germany has already virtually taken control of the islands, and that she will probably not retrace her steps unless compelled to do so at the cannon's mouth. The bill appropriating money for the estab. lishmentof a coaling station at Pago Pago will go to the House at once and be passed there, and then steps will be immediately taken to make the money effective. That will test the extent of the purpose of the Germans. If there should be any interference war will be the result. Tbe Reports Mar Not be True. Many do not give credence to the alarming dispatch read by Senator Frye, and express a conviction that when all the truth is known it will be found that Germany has not so far overridden her agreement with this country as appears from what has come to light, Mr. Eeagan 'agreed with Mr. Frye that European power there was not a fourth-rat- e that would have stood the insults which the United States Governinent has stood from Germany. He was sorry, he said, to see a disposition to shrink from meeting the duty of the Government. The consular agent of the United States at Samoa, the officers and crews'of American ships there, and the "United States citizens residing there, could not fail to be humiliated by the fact that their Government had permitted Germany to trample upon their rights and upon the rights of Samoa, in the face of the treaty stipulations and understandings. Tlie Troth Should be Known. Instead of trying to cover them up, said

IT TOLD THE TRUTH. The Germans Suppress a Samoan Paper for Being; Fair and Impartial. San Francisco, January 31. The Somoai Times newspaper, which the Auckland cable states that the Germans have suppressed, was published at Apia by an English subject named Cusack. A number of copies of the paper were taken in this city, and ever since the trouble began in Samoa the paper was sought for for an intelligent summary of the happenings in the The opinions expressed by the islands. paper were conservative, and the journal was regarded as publishing unbiased reviews of the happenings in the recent battle between the Germans and the Samoans. The Times declared that the latter did not fire until the Germans had fired a number of shots and had killed two of the natives. The Germans have not been friendly to Cusack, and it is related by the correspondent at Apia that on the night of December 17 a number of sailors from the Olga and Adler went German ashore at Apia, and one of the chief subsearch was Cusack. The corjects of their respondent said: Cusack had on several occasions criticised the Germans in bis editorial columns for their general conduct in Samoa, thereby incurring their hatred. When the German sailors came on shore they began to look for him, and he was obliged to go to the British Consulate for protection. They, of course, did not venture to follow him there.



Ho Will Return to Samoa at Once, Unless Otherwise Ordered.

Washington, January


This is the first announcement of these facts. This information is received from one of the most prominentEepublicaus in.this country, and his authority is a direct communication Another Attempt for Second-ClaUpon tre Iowa Senator Depends the from Indianapolis. The Advertiser says: Mr. Blaine and Mr. Wanamalcer have written Legislation for Allegheny. letters accepting the portfolios, and are pre- Entire Makeup of the Cabinet, garlng to move to Washington in March, Allison has been offered the position of Secretary of the Treasury, but he has positively BARKER'S FORCE SNUBBED AGAIN. declined. He went to Indianapolis recently, SOME VERY PECULIAR PROVISIONS and after a long consultation Senator Allison said that he couldn't accept the position, but urged the appointment of J. S. Clarkson, of His Financial Views Not in Consonance Iowa. He said that the people of his State de- Of the New Bills Which Are Said to he sired Mr. Clarkson to go into the Cabinet, and Constitutional. With Those of jankers. this was also his personal desire. General Harrison used ovcry argument to induce Senator Allison to change his mind, but the Senator firmly and calmly declined to do so. The pros STREET RAILROAD BILLS KNOCKED OUT SAID TO' HATE DECLINED. ALLISON sure to accept the position hasn't been taken off Senator Allison, and many persons say that he will finally yield. Direct information from The Grangers' Dressed Meat Bill Killed on the Score Senator Sherman's Friends WoiLing Qoittly Against Indianapolis, however, enables the Advertiser of False Pretense. to announce that Mr. Allison has declined the General Aljer, honor for once and all. Sir. Allison is an aspirant for Presidental honors, and his intimate friends say that it would be suicidal for him to Two new bills introduced into the LegisSenator Allison remainsythe keystone of accept a portfolio under the incoming President. Mr. Harrison has left the matter open lature yesterday to secure for Allegheny the Cabinet arch. With him as- - Secretary for a certain time, hoping that Senator Allison City legislation necessary to a municipality of the Treasury the affair would, be able to may change his mind. of the second class. Some of the provisions Leave Allison out and the stand alone. SATS IIE WON'T HATE IT. are decidedly peculiar, but they are said to side walls come down with a crash. HarriThe bills introduced out, A New Allison's Friends AH Aronnd Say lie Has be constitutional. son says Allison won't be lc$ giving street railroad companies extraordiDeclined tbe Trensnrv Portfolio. York paper that claims to speak authora-tivel- y Washington, January 31. A promi- nary powers were negatively reported by says he has declined with thanks, and the committee, as was the grangers dressed tallc. Sherman's nent public man who is in a position to Allison himself won't speak knowingly said "Senator meat bill. friends are now trying to keep Alger out of Allison y communicated to his near the Cabinet. friends that he had written a letter to the CFBOJI A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. President-elec- t peremptorily declining the Harrisburo, January 31. The AllerSPECTAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCn.l appointment of Secretary of the Treasury. gheny delegation, marshaled by City SoIndianapolis, January 31. The There is no doubt of the accuracy of this." licitor Elphinstone, were on hand bright been Eepublicans, who have A telegram from Indianapolis says: Two and fresh with two new bills to meet seeking to teenre the choice of Wharton telegrams have been received in this city of Allegheny. One of Barker for a place in General Harrison's since sundown by prominent politicians. the requirements providing them was the bill for the manner probably be their Ohe came from Washington, the other Cabinet made what will from New York, and both indicate in which a city of the third class shall enter and that Senator Allison has finally last call upon the President-elec- t and the second class. The objectionable features have come away very sore. They were foreconclusively decided to decline the proffered of the former measure are said to be enis said, that theirpetitions were Treasury portfolio. Whether information warned, it to get of this character has yet reached General tirely eliminated from this measure, and it to be ignored, but ,they went is now as constitutional as it can be made. Harrison cannot be ascertained. the news directly from General Harrison. The other measure brought here by the If these telegrams are correct in their conSenator-eleHiggin3, it seems, didn't jectures, it is conceded here that Allison's representatives of the Allegheny City Counyesterday, entirely declination confine his conversation, will necessitate an entire cils is a of the act governing to urging upon General Harrisim the claims remodeling Cabinet of the slate. cities of the second class, the Pittsburg of the border States for representation in In this connection a very promi- charter, with certain amendments. qualificanent gentleman who was here last the Cabinet, and the IN A GREAT HURRY. tions of General James H. Wilson for Sec- week left behind him a piece of confidential The gentlemen preferred to present tbe information that may now prove an imporretary of War. He also, it is Said, brought tant indication. He said: "I am reliably matter in the form of a bill, instead of in up the matter of Wharton Barker's claims told that Vice Presidentelect Morton, the form of amendments to the existing act, good word for some days after his return from Indian- as the latter would have been compelled to for recognition, and put in a the Philadelphian. General Harrison, it is apolis, told his intimate friends that if take a low place on the calendar, while the said, expressed himself very agreeably Allison declined the Treasury it would be former was reported from the Municipal Corporations Committee as the about Mr. Barker and the aid that he had offered to Tom Piatt." A promigiven to the party, not only in Delaware nent gentleman, in discussing this phase of original bill amended. The title, of course, came the dilemma predicted that will have to be changed. but elsewhere, but added that when it The gentlemen point out these as the to a question of appointing him Secretary the ofTreasury would be now was uuutmi. fered, to William McKinley, of Ohio. amendments to the act for the government oi me xreasury me situation It has been pretty well authenticated of cities of the second class, or the PittsHARRISON SATS 'TIS ALLISON. burg charter. Police magistrates are to be peculiar here that when Mr. Morton left Indianapolis "Mr. Barker," he said, "has the naval appointed by the Mayor, and it is not obthese he carried with him an offer of gentleman ligatory that the minority party shall be views upon some questions of finance; portfolio for Mr. Piatt, and that views differ with the views held b.v the great declined it, being unwilling to accept represented in the appointments. Concerng of the bankers and financial men of mass ing city printing, it is provided that advershort of the Treasury. country, who may be presumed to have the tisements shall appear in three newspapers, the most accurate knowledge in such matone of which may be German. The questers. It is impossible for me to put Mr. WILL BECIPK0CATE. tion of who is the lowest responsible bidder Barker in the Treasury under such circumis left entirely to the discretion of Councils, stances. Beside that, I don't mind saying The Sentiment In Favor of Reciprocity With the provisions that the printing be given to to you that Senator Allison is to be the next the papers of the largest circulation being tho United Slates Growing Rapidly Secretary of the Treasury, unless something left out. In Cannda Tho Liberals which is entirely unexpected happens." one clause accounted tor. Gaining Votes. of Philadelphia; J. F. Dr.. P. Carroll, This amendment is backed by some PittsSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCII.l Scanlon, of Chicago, and D. T. Sullivan, who Eepublicans who called compete the Ottawa, January 31. An immense burg newspapermen on the cannot of circuto talk over the matter of Mr. Bar- crowd turned out basis to hear Lord Stan- forofficial patronage ker's claims, were very pleasantly received, ley's first message on opening the Dominion lation. Another amendment abolishes the last recorded sale as the basis for the valuabut the information they got was'snbstan-tiall- y the same as that received by Senator Parliament. The scene in the Senate cham- tion of property by assessors. Property Higgins the day before. One of them after- ber was a brilliant one, probably the finest must be reassessed at its cash value at time ward, referring to the appointment of Mr. ever witnessed here on a similar occasion. Mr.tEobinson' reported this Tl'anftae Blaine and the apparent genenl,n;',e-u- p of Tho recently elected member for Joliette, 4t's the Mit Nevea, who ran on the unrestricted re- ciaismcation Dill the Cabinet, .said, disgustedly: 'and endeavored to have'them made a special order for secstory; there is lots of talk and all same old and third reading but the machine gets there just the ciprocity ticket, 'was received with deafen- ond, reading that, ing applause when he entered the Commons Tuesday. Unanimous consent was required, same." chamber to take his seat. and the special order was blocked by an HOW BARKER CARRIED DELAWARE. . Another convert to the movement in from Mr. Brooks, of Philadelphia. favor of closer relations with the United He, however, discovered that the matter The story told of Wharton Barker's conone of the Governnection with the Delaware campaign last States was made wasn't the thing he had been loaded for and fall is interesting. Senator Higgins, it is ment supporters in Parliament having withdrew his objection. Mr. Dravo, of said, was convinced that it was possible to croesed the floor of the House to inform the Beaver, then went on record as an objector, carry the State, so far as the Legislative Liberal leader, Hon. Mr. Laurier, that he and though Mr. Stewart, of the Allegheny ticket was concerned at any rate, and would for the future vote with him on the delegation, labored with him, he refused to upon the Bepublican na nressed the idea reciprocity resolutions. recede from his position, with the result On good anthority I learn that a resolutional leaders. Few took anv stock in Mr. that the bills will have to come nn in their Higgins' talk, and Senator Quay especially tion will be introduced shortly calling upon regular order. Simpson. refused to believe that there was the re- the Government to take immediate steps to motest possibility of carrying out the ascertain upon what conditions the United APPROVED BY THE G0YEBN0K. scheme. As a last resort, Wharton Barker States will enter into an arrangement by was appealed to, and it was chiefly through which the natural products and manufact- He Notifies the Senate That He Favors the ured goods of the United States and Canada aid secured by him that the Eepublicans Prohibitory Amendment. succeeded in carrying the Legislature. Af- will be admitted, one from the other, on the ISPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCII.l battle, it is alleged, Senator Quay lines of unrestricted reciprocity. The Govter the Harrisburo, January 31. In the Senall at once manifested a great interest in ernment will also be requested to negotiate Delaware, and attempted to take a share in for a reciprocal arrangement for coasting ate a communication was read from trade and for the registry of vessels built in the Governor announcing the approval of the choice of a Bepublican Senator, endeavoring to secure some one to beat Mr. one country for the other. the prohibitory amendment, with the exSince last session the Government's ma- planation that the constitution did not reHiggins. General Harrison's remark to Senator jority has been reduced 8 votes, and it is quire him to sign constitutional amendHiggins as to the remote possibility that generally believed before the present session ments, and that he.did not want his actions Allison might not after all be Secretary of closes a, number of those who last year sup- to be taken as a precedent. the Treasury, is understood to refer to the ported Sir John MacDonald will join the The constitutional amendment abolishing complications that have arisen in Iowa as to Liberals in the fight for closer relations with the poll tax was made a special order for the filling of the vacancy in the Senate in the United States. next Wednesday morning. case Allison leaves that body. Mr. Brown, of York, introduced a bill A NEW CABINET OFFICE. LARRABEE HOLDS THE KEV. providing that where a grand jury directs that the county pay the costs that the direcGovernor Larrabee seemingly holds the key to the Cabinet, and if he remains recalc- By Passing the New Agricultural Bill New tion shall be limited to those witnesses as the District Attorney certifies were subYork May be Saved. itrant and persists in saying that he will not poenaed, were present and were necessary in ISrECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 appoint Clarkson, or any friend of Clark-soalso the trial the to the Senate if Allison goes out, the Washington, January ."ft. President section ofof the case; 1791, repealingmakes13th which the act of the Cabinet is likely to be quite different from Cleveland will have the privilege In a few county chargeable for the costs in cases present conception of it. the President-elect'- s With Allison out the politicians here be- we"eks, of appointing an eighth member of where persons are brought before magisHarrison would his Cabinet, but he will no doubt leave this trates charged with a crime and the charge lieve that Cabinet-make- r have to begin his work all over, again. duty unfilled, and General Harrison will not sustained. The following bills were passed finally: Everybody iB inclined to think, however, make the appointment when he gets into Providing female physicians for Insane hosthat when it comes down to a final decision the White House. The conferees on the bill pitals. Allison will say yes, and that his present making an executive department of the Permitting judgments to be entered uncertainty is largely a bluff, intended to scare Governor Larrabee "by the prospect of Agricultural Bureau came to an agreement Increasing the amount of real and personal They have been in conflict all property that may be held by religions and making him responsible for leaving out winter. As usual, when conferees agree, the charitable corporations. Iowa from the Cabinet. To establish a nautical school. representatives of the House receded from







The Oklahoma BUI Fast Losing- - Eve: Vestige of Dishonesty Tbe lobby DisgustedJobbers Lose All In terest In Its Passage Bound for the Boneyard.



PA the

Prospects of the Suc- Amendment. JUSTICE GORDON

"Will Not






Washington, January 31. What was intended to be the great job of the session has been so pounded and thumped that its ambitious beginning can be hardly recognized, and how much of a job still lurks under cover of the original bill and its many amendments probably not one member of Congress could explain The Oklahoma bill is in bad shape. The lobbyists, who were bright with hope up to yesterday, are-- intensely disgusted and seem to care little about the result. The Payson amendment, adopted disposes of one ot the most objectionable features of the bill, that of the purchase and location of town sites. This was the feature wanted by the jobbers. It gave syndicates the right to locate and purchase town sites at $20 per acre, with the liberty to sell them at any price per lot they pleased. Powerful syndicates had been organized in Kansas City, Cincinnati and New York to pounce down on the town sites the moment the territory should be acquired, get up a gigantic boom, scatter their agents all over the East, and send them to Europe to sell town lots at from 100 to $X0 per lot. They would have scooped millions if the bill had passed as was originally intended, and as Chairman Springer reported it and seemed willing it shonld pass.' Under the Payson amendment the sales of town sites will be controlled bv the Secretary of the Interior. The question now is onithe adoption of the substitute offered bv Judge Barnes, of Georgia. Barnes has been the champion of tbe Indians in this movement to steal millions of acres of their territory, and his substitute virtually provides that the consent of the Indians shall be gained before the territory is acquired, while the bill acquires the territory first and asks the consent of the Indians afterward. The substitute onlv lacked three votes of adoption, and the motion of O'Ferrall, of Virginia, to reconsider, showed that he had voted in the negative for the purpose of making that motion, so that there were really only two of a majority against the adoption of the substitute. Frightened at the narrow escape of the bill, and fearing to let the motion to reconsider come to a test, the friends of the bill secured an adjournment. Whatever may be the fate ot the bill, it is now divested ot the most dishonest features. It looks, however, as though it was doomed to goto the bone-yar- d of bills which die on their course through Congress.

-- cess of the Constitutional


Says liquor Men


Compensation for Property.



Interview With Hon. I. G. Gordon Option as a Temperance Prohibition Difficult to Enforce In AH Parts of the State Some IllustraLocal


tions The Amendment Will Be Adopted The Feeling In Philadelphia Legal Fcntnres Claims by Liquor Men for Compensation Will Not Stand A Ponder ons Call.

The recently retired Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Hon. L G. Gordon, has been interviewed by The Dispatch's Special Commissioner on the Constitutional amendment question. Although the distinguished jurist pronounces himself in favor of the issue, he questions in a decidedly interesting manner whether local option would not be more suitable for this State than absolute prohibition. Judge Gordon originated local option laws away back in 1844. His present home, Jefferson county, will vote for the amendment. Thus far our canvas3 of counties shows the follow-

ing result:





Liquor Dealers to be Assessed for the Maintenance of Panpors and Criminals.






31. Assemblyman Maynard introduced one of the most novel bills of the session this morning. It proposes to change the whole license and tap system of the State. Any man who wants a license may get it by applying to the nearest Justice of the Peace, who must grant it upon the filing of a proper bond and the payment of the cost ot making out the papers. No other charge for license is to be made1, and any man that, csn file proper ' out his ilcen&& bonds may-fak-e The bill goes on to say that "all jusconstables, sheriffs, .poor mastices, superintendents ters, of the poor, superintendents of inebriate asylums and superintendents of lunatic asylums must annually report all the costs and expenses in consequence of the sale of intoxicating drinks to the Board ot Supervisors or their officers for collection of taxes districts, in their and the cost is to be assessed on the manufacturers and dealers in intoxicating drinks in addition to their other taxes. This cost of the liquor traffic is to be assessed on the liquor dealers and manufacturers in proportion to the amount of property each of them own. The poor liquor dealers under this bill would have to pay only a fraction of the fees that the rich dealers would have to pay. There is no indication of this bill having a large number of supporters. THE BIG LUMBER A Number

Albany, January

3 Adopted Adopted In favor of Bedford Against Defeated Cambria Adopted Clarion Fairlvsure Fayette Veryd'btful H263 Adopted 6,630 Adopted In favor of Greene. 7,523 Adopted Jefferson....... Infavorof 7,382 Adopted Somerset...... Infavorof 8.587 Adopted Venango Infavorof 7,615 Adopted Warren Infavorof 13.219 Adopted Washington ... In favor of Aggregate of votes for Harrison. Cleveland and Fisk.

2, 3 a S

On? t OS

Armstrong.... In favor of

8.986 8.191 11,702 6.W5





of Other Firms Seriously Involved

in the Crash.

in Washington just now suggesting policies in the Samoan affair to waste thought on Constitutional amendment in the State where he was only known as a country lawyer but a mighty able one at that. Judge Gordon, however, is now living quietly in his pretty home in this town. His health is good, and the masterly mind that has interpreted the law on a score of the most important principles ever raised in the country is still as bright and active as ever. The Judge has entered into a law partnership with his son, Cadmus Z. Gordon, one ot the most prominent attorneys at the Jefferson county bar.

BrookvUjLi:, January 31. Two legal giants of national renown have their castles among the undulating hills of Jefferson county. One ia Chief Justice Isaasc Gg; Gordon, 'who, on the first ot the present month, retired, from the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, after 15 years continuous service on that berlch. The other is Hon. George A. Jenks, Solicitor General of the United States. The latter gentleman only pays a flying visit to Brookville once a month, and is probably too busily engaged






The New Charleston Can be Ready to Fight In Thirty Days. San Francisco, January 31 The working force on the steel cruiser Charleston has been largely increased, but whether owing to instructions from "Washington or not is not stated. There are at present 450 men employed on the vessel. Her engines and machinery are all in and her boilers are being cemented. Carpenters are busy fitting up the saloons and staterooms. Painters are hard at work giving her iron sides a coat of dark slate color, and blacksmiths and mechanics are to be seen crowding her decks. "When completed the Charleston will be, taken to Mare Isljjfd to have her armament placed on board. TChis is much heavier than any German at present in Samoan waters. It was not expected that the trial trip of tbe Charleston would take place before the middle of March, but the present activity indicates that she will be ready considerably sooner. Superintendent Dickie, of the Union Iron "Works, was asked how soon the vessel could go to sea in fighting trim if necessary? "Well, she might get away in 30 days if it was absolutely necessary to have her ready by that time." The cruiser San Francisco, now building at the Union Iron Works, will be completed in a much shorter timethan was the Charleston. The Captain estimates that it will require eight months to complete this vessel.
Man-of-W- ar man-of-w-

ALGER'S BOOM PETERING OUT. eral Sewell returned to this city this morning after a brief visit to his home in Maine. Get-tifor Samoa via San Scnntor Sherman's Friends Evidently He starts InThpirWork With Effect. Francisco, unless he receives further rSFECIAI- TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 orders from the State Department. He has Washington, January 31. The boom no instructions from the department, and his relations with the department are not of for Alger for Secretary of War, which has lively for a (ev days, seems to be the most cordial character, but he considers been very there it his duty to return to his post, and will de petering out, and it looks as though end of would be very little left of it by the part without further communication. Sewell said that he expected to hear the week. It is probable it was simply a Mr. friends of Alger, such as they in a few days that the result of the vigorous boom by the arranged at great expense in the Chicago policy inaugurated by the Germans has renot sulted in a conflict between German and convention, and that the boomers did take into consideration the evident fact that American vessels. the choice of Alger would be the snrest possible way to gain the lasting enmity of READY FOR A FIGHT.
ns -

Whitney Wants the Charleston Completed nt Onco Witlioat Regard to Cost.

San Francisco, January



lished statement is made here this afternoon that the Union Iron Works have received a dispatch from Secretary Whitney ordering them to get the new cruiser Charleston ready for sea within 20 days, if possible, at no matter what extra cost.




A Man Sent to Get Information

military Forces.

as to Onr

The Post will print the following: A private cablegram received in Washington last night annonnces that the German Government has ordered a military attache named Kir Eckhardstein to report here at once to the German Minister. His business it is announced is to investigate and report to the War Department everything of Interest concerning ibe American army and navy fortifications, equipments, etc.

Washington, January


Pacific Papers are Ready and Willing to Fight for Samoa. San Fhancisco, January 31. The Pacific coast papers are devoting a great deal of space to the Samoan question, and generally demand that American interests on the islands be fully maintained at whatever cost, if only on account of American shipping interests in the Pacific. On the strength of the latest news from Samoa, taken with Bismarck's letter of January 13 regarding Germans in Samoa, San Francisco papers urge .immediate action on the Continued on Six h Page.

Senator Sherman for the administration of Had it not been for the lavish use of money by the friends of Alger Chicago convention, Sherman would in the have been the nominee of theartv. The negro vote of the South, which was naturally and by instruction almost solid for Sherman, was bought wholesale by the Alger purse possibly without the knowledge of the General, but it was bought all the same. This was known to everyone who attended that convention, and secondhand to the world. Such an appointment would meet the bitterest denunciation from the friends of Sherman, and therefore it is the opinion that it is not to be thought of for a moment that it is a possible appointment for Harrison to make.

31. The House on the ment to the new bureau. The Senate labored bill knocked this out and the House conferees until after 10 o'clock, when the bill passed have been compelled to agree with the second reading. This is the measure for the Senate. government of third-clas- s cities. The most prominent Bepublican name The matter had been thoroughly considit mentioned in connection with the new and the Bepublican maered in committee, is that of Senator Palmer, of Michigan, jority under Chairman Andrews Stood like Chairman of the Committee on Argicul-tura rock against the amendments proposed by Mr Palmer, however, would not ac- Mr. Fow, of Philadelphia, and other Democept the place if offered. crats. One after the other they were bowled out, and the bill stands, with an unimporA GREAT DEATH DEALER. tant exception, as it left the committee.

their position and the Senate is, victorious. The bill as agreed to simply converts the Agricultural Bureau into an executive department, without including in it any of the various Government bureaus. At it passed tbe House the bill provides for the transfer of the signal office from the War .Depart-



Bill Prosresslng Slowly but to h Successful End.



Harrisburo, January

President Harrison.

Captain Znlinskl's Dynamite Will be Purchased by the Government.


TIIE STATE P0CKETB00E OPEN. The General Appropriation Bill Belna; Prepared br the Committee.

New York, January 31. Captain Zalinski rigged up his dynamite gun at and fired it off several Port Lafayette times for the edification of the Duke De Dorcal, who is a cousin of tbe Queen of Spain; Captain Varela, military attache of the Spanish Legation at Washington, and Captain Vriondo, of the Spanish navy. They had all come on from Washington to shell see gun. the A



A New York Newspaper

Says It Knows

What It's Tnlklng About.


New York, January 31. The Commercial Advertiser claims this afternoon to be in a position to announce positively that James G. Blaine has been offered, and has accepted, the position of Secretary of Slate in President Harrison's Cabinet, and that John "Wanamaker, of Pennsylvania, has
accepted the position of Postmaster General.

entirely satisfactory was fired with The explosion of the shell results. threw up a great column of water, which Captain Zalinski declared was the largest and most beautiful he had ever seen. The two other shots fired were both good shots. One of the shells, weighing 600 pounds, was The thrown considerably over a mile. other, weighing 200 pounds, was thrown two miles. This is the greatest disnearly tance a shell has yet been thrown by a dynamite gun. that It was said at Fort Lafayette the results of the official tests, although riot yet officially declared, were satisfactory to the Examining Board and the board would recommend that the Government accept the guns. '

31. The Appropriations Committee listened to reports of Eastenp and voted to give the Philadelphia House of Befuge $70,000 for the coming two years. The sum asked was 100,000. The general appropriations bill was refor the purpose of giving it a ported y place on the calendar and was immediately recommitted. The special appropriation of $8,000 for the Huntingdon Reformatory was passed finally by the House.

Hakrisburo, January


Is Not to be Chnngcd In Cities Availing; Themselves of the Intermanlclpal Bill.


Flickinger this evening introduced a bill to make the license fees in cities of the third class and the division of these fees between city, county and Statefthe same as
Continued on Sixth Page.

Harrisbohg, January

A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. 31. Bepresenta-tiv- e

was in the library of Judge Gordon's Wilijamsport, January 31. The residence this morning that he talked to me failure of Charles B. Buries has proved to in a most interesting strain about Constitube one of the worst lumber crashes that has tional amendment prospects and about legoccurred since the assignment of the famous islation generally against the liquor traffic. Peter Herdick. This firm has conducted a After his long experience in the highest very extensive business, their dealings with tribunal of the Commonwealth, he has come Eastern parties particularly being very to the conclusion that not only is liquor the large. They had agencies in Philadelphia greatest curse ot the land, morally and and Baltimore, and were among the heaviest socially, but from an economic and finanshippers from this city. The Conrad failure cial standpoint, he believes there is so in Philadelphia had a serious effect on the other agency that is doing us so much Buries, but for a time they managed to injury. meet demands. The pressure, however, was "Bnt I have always been a temperance too great to be maintained, and an assignadvocate," said the distinguished jurist. "I ment has been made to Fletcher Coleman, suppose I was one of the first in tbe State a large manufacturer of this city. A state- of Pennsylvania to secure legislation ment of the assets and liabilities has not against traffic in liquor. Along in 1844 or yet been made, but as near as can be ascertained SloO.OOO to $175,000 will not meet 1843, 1 was practicing law in Clearfield county. The people became restless under the requirements. It has been stated by those close to the evils resulting froni intemperance, and a firm that they may be able with a little number of us petitioned the Legislature at time to pay SO cents on the dollar, although Harrisburg to pass a law giving Clearfield even this is regarded as extremely doubtful. the right to vote for or against license. This failure has seriously embarrassed several other extensive dealers, notably C. Lewis Smith, who represented Clearfield at C. Buggies & Co., William Atkinson and the time, introduced the bill and it was several other Philadelphia firms. Buries passed. Watching the success of the idea has been considered financially sound, be- in Clearfield, other counties applied to the As a result their Legislature ing rated in the next few years for failure has created great surprise. Creditors the same law to permit them to vote to allow them every poshere seem willing also on the liquor question. Allegheny sible chance. county was one of these. They were all local laws, but in the districts in which NOW WE WILL FIGHT. they operated were eminently successful. Prince Bismarck Treats a New Jersey believe several townships in Allegheny county voted against license under these Court With Cold Contempt. different bills. But the old Supreme Court, SFECIAI. TELEORAM TO TIIE DISPATCH.l New .York, January 31. Henry Klar-bau- some years before the war, decided the laws Then came up the genunconstitutional. on November 17 told ErhardtHerr that he expected his regular remittance of eral local option law in 1873. That was de $70 pension allowed him by the German cided Constitutional by the Supreme Court, Government within a week. On the strength but the Legislature repealed it the followof this Herr loaned him $70. Klarbaum ing year. WHICH 13 BETTER? didn't return the money, and Herr had him "Had the local option law of 1873 been indicted for obtaining money under false in the allowed to stand," continued Judge Gorpretenses. The case was called don, "I believe that by this time PennsylCourt of Sessions in Jersey City. Prosecutor Winfield told Justice Lippincott that vania would be enjoying almost thorough he had sent a subpoena to Prince Bismarck, immunity from saloons, and that temperin Germany, to appear in court or send word ance education among the masses would whether Klarbaum was really getting a penbe about as perfect a3 absolute prohibiWith- now sion from the German Government tion will ever make it." out the testimony of Bismarck the prosecu"But are you not also in. favor of the tor had no case. He therefore moved a Constitutional amendment plan?" I asked. nolle prosequi, and Klarbaum was discharged. Without a bit of hesitation the Justice replied: LEGITIME IS GAINING. Certainly I am. The proposed amendment la a cood thing. Somethinc mnst be done to stop Five More Insurgent Towns Occupied by the this wholesale use of liquors as beverages, and Troops of the President. if tbe people demand that prohibition be a rSPECIAL TILEORA1I TO THE DISPATCH. part of their constitution, let it be made so. New York, January 31. The Haytian Nevertheless, local option has always been my favorite way of prohibiting the sale and manulegation received an official cable dispatch It seems to me via Jamaica and Galveston, dated facture of liqnor. than absolute that it salts prohibition, better January 27, announcing this Stats some portions of Pennsylvania It because in insurgent towns, Yalliere, Hinche, will be almost impossible to enforce the con that the St, Michell, Marmalade and Grande Saline stitutional amendment when It Is passed: have been occupied by the. troops of Presi-ee- among such districts are the counties ot Legitime. Continued on Fifth Page.
first-clas- s.














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