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4 theSun | WEDNESDAY JANUARY 14 2009

news without borders

Stop ‘blaming’ the

Abdullah: Resolutions will be rape victims

conveyed to US, UK and UN

by Kristene Silva Marie be done through postcards and posters, and a “censored” website
sponsored by Arc Worldwide Malay-
KUALA LUMPUR: The issue of sia, an advertising company.
rape has nothing to do with the way Josiah pointed out that rape
a woman dresses. The Women’s victims are usually blamed for what
Aid Organisation (WAO) has said happened and this should stop.
BENTONG: Malaysia will con- estinians for war crimes. tive station within the United this many times before and is now “It is not right to say ‘If only
vey the 10 resolutions passed at Abdullah said Malaysia would Nations.” driving this message home through she would take heed of where she
the special Parliament sitting on insist on a UN General Assembly Kamal’s comments were sup- a “Back to School” public education goes, with whom she goes and
Israel’s atrocities in Gaza to the meeting to be convened if there ported by Human Rights Com- campaign launched yesterday. what she wears, it would not have
United States Congress and the was no positive response over the missioner Datuk Dr Denison “Rape reflects badly on the happened’,” she said.
parliaments of Britain and the resolutions. Jayasooria, who told Bernama will and self-control of men and it “The campaign seeks to educate
European Union, Prime Minster He also praised Mercy Ma- Malaysia must mobilise and does not have anything to do with the public that no matter what you
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad laysia for its humanitarian relief strengthen its partnership with women’s choice of attire,” said WAO do, rape can occur.”
Badawi said yesterday. work to help the people of Gaza the OIC, NAM, Asean and other Tsang,
executive director Ivy Josiah. Josiah said that while previous
“The resolutions will also be and said the government was fully countries to garner support and Josiah and
“I feel like a broken record campaigns stressed law reforms,
conveyed to United Nations (UN) supporting it in the noble effort. force the US to play a more Tan at the
because every year I keep saying this campaign goes back to the
secretary-general Ban Kim Mun In Kuala Lumpur, United decisive role in stopping Israel launching
the same thing about the issue of basic facts about VAW, thus
and the UN General Assembly Nations Resident Coordinator for from committing crimes against of the ‘Back
rape.” raising awareness on the issue of
president to demand that the UN Malaysia Kamal Malhotra said humanity. to School’
She said this campaign on rape.
Security Council make a decision Malaysia needed to lobby and In Kuala Terengganu, campaign
Violence Against Women (VAW) Arc Worldwide managing direc-
to enforce the resolutions it has convince other parliaments in Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed at the WAO
for 2009 is the first to tor Tan Kian Eng
taken on the Palestinian conflict,” the world to ensure the resolu- Hamid Albar said Opposition Centre.
and creative director
he told reporters after attending tions would gain greater support Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ib- Theresa Tsang said
a briefing on the East Coast Eco- and be more effective. rahim should use his close ties the objective of the
nomic Region (Ecer) at the Land “The resolutions would be with US leaders to influence the images used in the
and District Office here. more effective and influential superpower to tell Israel to stop postcards were to
He said the Organisation of Is- in the international community its atrocities in Gaza. stress that attire
lamic Conference (OIC) countries if Malaysia were able to lobby He said the issue was not a does not matter in
and members of the Non-Aligned and convince other parliaments party matter but involved human- the issue of rape
Movement (NAM) would also around the world, including ity which required all quarters and abuse.
be informed of the resolutions the British and European par- to act to stop the carnage taking MPH Bookstores
adopted by the Dewan Rakyat on liaments, to agree on similar place in the Palestinian territory. Sdn Bhd will put up
Monday. resolutions,” he said in a e-mail “It is good he supported the the posters in their
Among others, the resolutions interview with Bernama. resolutions, this is important outlets and distrib-
called for the UN General As- “Once this has happened, because he understands Malay- ute the postcards
sembly to immediately set up an these resolutions should be put sians’ aspirations for the people to customers.
international crimes tribunal to through an international parlia- of Palestine and that they abhor For details, visit
investigate and prosecute Israelis mentary body which is credible Israel’s atrocities on them,” he w w w. w a o. o r g .
involved in atrocities against Pal- and has an observer or consulta- said. my/censored.

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