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t h e s u n s a y s
The world must never

Negotiate a lasting peace

I REFER to calls to boycott the US and to stop
using the US dollar. How will this solve the
problem in the Middle East? Have those making
these proposals forgotten that it was the US that
was instrumental in creating and protecting the
forget the Palestinians
IT MUST have awed many of us that our po- is now a policy of the Israeli state that any
state of Kosovo, a Muslim majority nation in litical leaders, especially those we elected to slight injury, no matter how small, caused by
Europe? Could any Arab or Islamic country have represent our interests, actually spoke with the Palestinians to it or to one or more of its
achieved such a feat? It is time for all concerned one voice in their condemnation of the Israeli people will be retaliated with such a force
to stop playing politics and find a solution for the aggression against the Palestinian people. It that will cause immense grief to the Palestin-
sufferings of the Palestinians. is most heartening to know that they can ians. It is a policy to frighten the Palestinians
Each time there is a conflict there, we hear actually do that when faced with a common into resigning to the fact that worse things
the same old cries of boycotts, resolutions, dem- concern. And there are many common con- would happen to them should they attempt
onstrations and press releases from the UN and cerns especially domestic ones. to stand up for their rights.
politicians worldwide. Once the conflict ends, But what happened in the Dewan Rakyat It is gradually fading from the world’s
every one returns to normal and forgets about it on Monday when one after another of our memory that Israel was created in 1948 from
until the next conflict, which is inevitable, as the MPs, regardless of their political persuasions, what was then Palestine. The Palestinians
causes of the conflict remain simmering. stood up to condemn Israel’s atrocities and were displaced and they had to seek refuge
While our hearts cry out for the innocent to appeal to the conscience of the world to elsewhere but most moved out to Gaza and
children and other victims, the Arabs in general do something to censure and bring to an certain enclaves of the West Bank. It is this
and the Palestinians in particular, must ask them- end the aggression by the Jewish state is settlements that are now referred to as Pal-
selves some honest questions. What is the point propaganda material. No Arab nation has come an expression of our common abhorrence. estine and administered by an autonomous
in provoking Israel, knowing that they do not to their assistance since the Six-day War, when All spoke to say that we cannot counte- Palestinian Authority pending the establish-
have a ghost of a chance of defeating Israel? the Arabs were humiliated in battle and none is nance the brutality committed by the Israel ment of an independent state of Palestine.
How has the recent firing of rockets, that capable of doing so today, as a number of them Defence Forces and that we are united in Real power is exercised by Israel which also
cannot even reach their targets, strengthen their rely on US financial and military assistance for condemning it. None expressed it better employs the Palestinians. Dispossessed of
position? Unless they can match Israel’s military their very survival. than PAS president Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang the homeland that they had for nearly two
might, it is in the interest of their people that the Neither Hamas nor Hezbollah can bring when he said: “We may be locked in combat thousand years, the Palestinians are now
Palestinian leadership negotiate the best deal pos- peace or relief to the long-suffering Palestinians, in the ongoing Kuala Terengganu by-election pariahs who have been bullied into begging
sible, given the fact that most of the major world by firing rockets. Lebanon was almost destroyed but on this issue we are united.” Israel may for their survival from the same people that
powers are on the side of Israel. as a consequence of the firing of such rockets by claim that it was provoked into doing what forced them out. While we make an effort to
They should then use the opportunity to build Hezbollah. it is doing but to respond by mobilising its rally the world conscience to end the atroci-
up their economy, provide education and health I pray that common sense will prevail and the military juggernaut – its efficient Arab killing ties we must also help to hasten the process
facilities for their children. This next generation suffering will be brought to a speedy end. machine – against an almost defenceless towards the creation of the sovereign state
will be in a better position to fight for their rights. people speaks volumes for the attitude of of Palestine. We and the rest of the world
At the moment the children and youth are being Ajit Singh Jessy the Jewish state towards the Palestinians. It must not forget them.
wasted and in war, their misfortune becomes Penang

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