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Now Living is exactly that, living now. It is different than living before. When you are Now Living, everyday and second within is the last one. When you live like that, you put aside all aspiration and pretense. You dont plan, desires fade. It really is an awakening. It is an understanding of what is real and what is not. The best realization is understanding that the present moments are just that, the present. Each moment is the present. There really is no expectations in the Now. You see better. You understand the program and distractions in life. You dont estimate or calculate when Now Living. There is definitely is not any benefit of the doubt given. What reality is, is that in the Now, racism rules the foundation of the nation. You understand that your Masters Degree is not worth that of white people. That was like a cool glass of water, that understanding and acceptance. It was beautiful to see that. When you education is more so than white people and in my case having the same educational degree but not being Italian or Catholic or white or gay. That, that gives you a proper perspective. It makes it understand that those people are living in the pretense. You grasp the truth that Dr. King was not talking about this nation as being the promised land. America had nothing to do with the dream. What is lacking is courage, justice, integrity, a sense of morality amongst other things. Pity for those like the puppets that cant be on their own accord sometimes presents itself. It is then you understand that you are the fortunate one. Now eliminates the illusions of the times, and the cares of selfishness. You have to be selfish to live outside of Now. There really is no You in the Now. There is only everybody in that moment. Empathy, followed by the feeling of being blessed to be chosen to live in the moment sometimes distracts me. Knowing that I could have been one of them is the most horrifying thought. To think that I once strived for the same elements as they did. Having the same outlook as they did. To realize that the image that one could have of oneself is no better than the image one has for a pig. Only the pig doesnt realize it, and is content merely being what it is. I think that the evolution into the Now is most humbling. If a pig knew what it was in comparison to what it could be if given the opportunity, it should not care to remain as it is. Thus, you must believe some are chosen. Not everyone is able to live in Now. Because the day comes for all that there is no more Now. Worse is the not knowing that Now is Now and tomorrow, well tomorrow, that is nothing given to you. Then wonderment comes as if to question why some dont see this Now. Acceptance is the problem that confronts most with living in the Now. Now is the same

as it always was. Sure, the rules of the game has changed but the players are the same. The game is the same and the outcome is the same. The only problem is that in the Now, you see that it is not a game, and those that are not as fortunate cannot discern this, and great sorrow for those should be extended. However, it is difficult to get the pig to believe as they are content with the mud and oblivious to the slaughter. They can only live in the greed of the moment. It is then when you realize that you are not living that the Now is all that is left for you to be in. In the Now, I wonder why my degrees dont support the same ideas and actions that public officials such as a mayor or comptroller are involved in. Now, I can see clearly that the laws that are violated by these officials are reflective of personal and sinister motives that should not be a part of the government. Because Now, as a person that believed in the government system that claims to be a system for the people and by the people, can see vividly that these are all untruths and illusions created by the White masses that have an intrinsic value of hate against ethnic Africans. Zebras cannot change their stripes, not in the Now. They are on the same place within the spectrum created when the country was created hundreds of years ago. Now, it is evident that most Black public officials are fractals of the house negroes of the official slave industry created by Europeans, just as White public officials are fractals of their slave master ancestors. Now they will destroy and kill an ethnic African such as myself like they have done to several other ethnic Africans over the centuries. Now, unlike in the past, the picture is clearer because Now the issue is a matter of law. The issue is a matter of public officials that dont adhere to the law although they are LAWYERs or attorneys. When you see this, the evil that is behind the agenda is vivid, and the participation in government is a discrimination process. Now, not then, I know that education is also a falsehood. Education is not an experience of enlightening the mind in America, It is a process of indoctrination into what people consider to be the fad of New World Order, which is actually the return to the Old World Order of Slavery that existed overtly in the past yet covertly in the Now. Now, I understand the MLK little Black Boy idea is only the idea of what should be along side that of little White Boy. It is truly a dream. In this society Now, as it was spoken then, that dream is never the reality. As the speech was made more than forty years ago, and a person such as myself is excluded from what was is considered an American Dream. Now, and not even during the last MLK ceremony it is entertainment to see Black public officials Dance in their lofty yet hollow speeches giving tribute to ideas of MLK that they obviously dont believe in. To see the performance as stated last year at such a ceremony actually become a performance in the Now. As Now, I cannot wait to see the Hollywood of the MLK ceremonies, as it is evidence of the reality that truly exists in this culture of deception and hate portrayed by public officials. Where a great leader that gives his life for the cause of Justice and Freedom be compared to an Act or Performance. Only to know that the present government officials are an Act and a


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