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Submitted by girdhar gopal gautam

microcontroller 8051 security alarm based system circuits GSM based Home security system hidden cameras

GSM based home security system project using microcontroller 8051.

Main aim of this project is to provide sms based tracking of different locations in the home while you are not at home.This project can also be used to monior the different signals conditions of the machines in factory or industry. A GPS module will be installed in the home which will transmit the status of different doors continuously after short intervals or when the status of any signal is changed. Location will be sent as a sms through gsm network. These messages will be received by another GSM module situated at some remote location. The purpose of this project is to monitor and control electrical devices (Analog and Digital) remotely using GSM modem/phone. The GSM modem provides the communication mechanism between the user and the microcontroller system by means of SMS messages. User can have the condition of various signals attached at multiple electrical devices by recieving suitably formatted SMS message from the microcontroller based control system. These SMS commands are interpreted by microcontroller system and are transmitted to other remote mobile. Function and methodoly of GSM Based Route monitoring and security system. There are eight input devices attached to microcontroller, the input devices can be extended to 32 depending upon the need. But currently it has only eight inputs. The inputs can generated from from rad switches, IR transmitter and receiver or other magic switches. For security these should be implemented in such a way that these should be hidden. When any of the door is opened, coresponding switch is operated, microcontroller is contineously monitoring all eight switches, on finding the changed in status of the input from door, the microcontroller turns ON the security alarm for a few second. On the same time a SMS is sent to the remote mobile about the latest situation of the home security. If no other switch is operated (door is not crossed) and door is re-closed on the alarm, then the security alarm will be OFF otherwise it will be ON repeatdidly and do send SMS contineously to owner about home or office security.

The major building blocks of this gsm based project are: 1. Microcontroller based control system with regulated power supply. 2. GSM Modem/phone. 3. Digital and Analog sensors and controlled devices. Above is the circuit diagram of home or office security system. We can see that system has TEN LEDs attached to microcontroller. These LEDs can serve two jobs. One is ofcourse indication and the second is "we can attach any external device with these signals like bulb or cameera, or any suitable device using proper optocoupler and relays.First LED is flashing led, which is an indication that the system is running smoothly. The second LED is for alarm against security problems, remaining eight LEDs can be used for controlling cameras in each room to take snaps of the person who has un-authorised access to that room. Thus we say that this GPS based camera controlled security system for home or offices. CODE of the GPS based camera controlled security system using microcontroller AT89s51 is written in keil C51 microvision 4. #include<at89x51.h> // include at89x51 . h #include<stdio.h> // include stdio . h #include<stdlib.h> // include stdlib . h void initialize_GSM_modem(void); void initialize_serialcommunication(void); unsigned int counterup = 0; unsigned char Command_CMGF[]="AT+CMGF=1\r"; // AT+CMGF for selecting Text Mode unsigned char CtrlZ=0x1A; // CTRL+Z for sedning SMS after the message has been entered unsigned char Command_CMGS[]="AT+CMGS =+9233385xxxxx\r"; // recepient mobile number unsigned char Command_AT[]="AT\r"; unsigned char msg02[]="Hello!"; // inputs // if any of the push button is pressed logic zero will be detected by microcontroller on respective input pin sbit input_door_1 = P1^0; sbit input_door_2 = P1^1; sbit input_door_3 = P1^2; sbit input_door_4 = P1^3;

Submitted by girdhar gopal gautam

sbit input_door_5 = P1^4; sbit input_door_6 = P1^5; sbit input_door_7 = P1^6; sbit input_door_8 = P1^7; // outputs // coresponding output will be generated by applying logic one on respective output pin sbit output_door_1 = P2^0; sbit output_door_2 = P2^1; sbit output_door_3 = P2^2; sbit output_door_4 = P2^3; sbit output_door_5 = P2^4; sbit output_door_6 = P2^5; sbit output_door_7 = P2^6; sbit output_door_8 = P2^7; sbit flashing = P3^6; sbit alarm = P3^7; void delay2(void){ unsigned int i; for(i=0;i<25000;i++); } void main (void) { P1 =0xff; P2 = 0; alarm = 0; flashing = 0; initialize_serialcommunication(); initialize_GSM_modem(); while (1) { flashing =~ flashing; delay2(); if(input_door_8 == 0){ output_door_8=0; alarm = 1; puts("door # 1 is opened"); delay2(); while(!TI); TI = 0;SBUF = 0x1A;} if(input_door_7 == 0){ output_door_7=0; alarm = 1; puts("door # 2 is opened"); delay2(); while(!TI); TI = 0;SBUF = 0x1A;}

if(input_door_6 == 0){ output_door_6=0; alarm = 1; puts("door # 3 is opened"); delay2(); while(!TI); TI = 0;SBUF = 0x1A;} if(input_door_5 == 0){ output_door_5=0; alarm = 1; puts("door # 4 is opened"); delay2(); while(!TI); TI = 0;SBUF = 0x1A;} if(input_door_4 == 0){ output_door_4=0; alarm = 1; puts("door # 5 is opened"); delay2(); while(!TI); TI = 0;SBUF = 0x1A;} if(input_door_3 == 0){ output_door_3=0; alarm = 1; puts("door # 6 is opened"); delay2(); while(!TI); TI = 0;SBUF = 0x1A;} if(input_door_2 == 0){ output_door_2=0; alarm = 1; puts("door # 7 is opened"); delay2(); while(!TI); TI = 0;SBUF = 0x1A;} if(input_door_1 == 0){ output_door_1=0; alarm = 1; puts("door # 8 is opened"); delay2(); while(!TI); TI = 0;SBUF = 0x1A;} if(alarm == 1) { counterup++; if(counterup>=10) { counterup = 0; alarm = 0; P2=0;} } } } void initialize_GSM_modem(void){ delay2(); puts(Command_AT); delay2(); puts(Command_CMGF); delay2(); puts(Command_CMGS); delay2();

Submitted by girdhar gopal gautam

puts(msg02); delay2(); while(!TI); TI = 0;SBUF = 0x1A; } void initialize_serialcommunication(void){ TMOD = 0x20; SCON = 0x50; TH1 = 0xFD; TL1 = 0xFD; TR1 = 1; TI = 1; } microcontroller 8051 security alarm based system circuits Security Camera Systems,Security System with GSM - Comfort Intelligent Home System,best wireless camera security system,microcontroller based home security system - Keyword Stats camera wireless security system,outdoor security cameras reviews,gsm based projects microcontroller 8051 security alarm based system circuits

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