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PERSUASION IN PR- BAPRM 2nd YEAR, 2011/2012 GROUP WORK Task One a) What is a theory and why should

communicators learn and consider theories in communicating? b) Pick at least two theories of Persuasion and explain their relevance in the practice of Public Relations. (Logical arguments and sensible examples are imperative) Task Two a) Distinguish persuasion from other forms of communication b) Since in persuasion people have a lee-way to either accept or reject a persuasive message; there is no need of bothering to learn the techniques and skills of persuasion. Examine this statement critically. Task Three a) What are glittering generalities and how can they be useful in persuasion? b) The hypodermic needle theory of Media is still relevant in Tanzania since majority are still bombarded and directly persuaded by our politicians. What is your observation? (Make live your discussion by touching current social-economic trends in the country) Task Four a) Mention at least 3 examples of conventional groups in your society; explain the motives of their formation and their characteristics. b) How can sound knowledge of conventional groups be instrumental in the hands of the persuader before influencing a group or its member? Task Five a) With examples, explain briefly what is Psychographic Analysis? b) Analyzing the audience before persuasion is wastage of time and delays the process especially when change is direly needed. Substantiate.

Task Six a) Discuss with logical examples how content and structure of the message can influence persuasive communication? b) Analyse some principle considerations for a persuader to be assured of a good content and structure of the message. Task Seven (group 13&14) a) Who are opinion leaders? b) Explain critically their role in the process of persuasion. c) Describe why sound knowledge of conventional groups is important in the hands of a persuader? Task Eight (15&16) a) Discuss the historicity of Propaganda b) Explain why political speeches constitute one the most widely used forms of propaganda in the 21st century. c) Should we always consider propaganda negative? What is your argument? Task Nine (17&18) a) Discuss the two key emphases when bandwagon is used as a tool to persuade the audience? Use practical examples in your discussion. b) Explain at least some five techniques and considerations applied by Hawkers in persuading their customers? Task Ten (19&20) a) Describe how need for love may be a reason for one to be persuaded? (Your answer should be academically well argued) b) Appraise for the contribution of Vance Packard in the field of persuasion. Task Eleven (21&22) a) Distinguish classical views from contemporary views on emotional appeals b) With examples, explain clearly how the need for emotional security can be a reason for one to be persuaded c) Explain what is self actualization and how can it be useful in persuasion?

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