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com/ October Meeting Agenda:

OHSU Student Council (SC) 10/12/12, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm Location: MRB 310 Called to order: Attendants: Welcome/Food/Drinks (10 minutes) Approval of Past Minutes (1 minute): There was a first, second, and full approval of past meeting minutes. Funding Request (10 minutes): No funding requests were presented to the council. Nate Risley (Vice President) discussed funding request guidelines. If an individual would like to bring a funding request to All-Hill SC the request should be for something that the whole school can benefit from. Provost Office Communications (Matthew Van Sickle): Matthew Van Sickle is a new addition to OHSU and is working with the Provost to develop more efficient ways to communicate through the provosts office to OHSU education programs. Nate listed two main student concerns when considering communications through the provost office and through the schools in general, which are email and the student website. Quinn Martin (Web Coordinator) and K.C. Gilbert (Director of Communications) will be meeting with Matt in the near future to start discussing the development of a more efficient student website. Members of council stated their concerns of an increased amount of emails coming from the provosts office. It was also stated that a website dedicated to only OHSU students would be well received. Request to Change Meeting Times (5 minutes): Third year nursing representatives are only available to attend All-Hill meetings on Thursday afternoons. Changing the meeting times would be difficult at this time but All-Hill SC is considering allowing certain nursing classes that can attend the meetings to have more representation to make up for the classes that cannot attend. The main concern is that when there are line items to be voted on by All-Hill SC that the nursing students are able to vote. This can still be accomplished by emailing the nursing student reps beforehand.

All-Hill Halloween Party: The All-Hill Halloween party will take place on Friday Oct. 26th at 7:00 pm. Flyers were distributed to all members of council and members from each school were designated to distribute the flyers to their respective schools. K.C., Souroush, Nate, Quinn, Amelia, Ray, Molly, and Derek volunteered to help set up this event at 5:30pm.

All-Hill Ski Trip: Possible dates to have the All-Hill Ski Trip were discussed. SC voted to have the Ski Trip January 4-6th. The possibility of lowering the price of the trip from $55 to $45 for students was discussed by using some of the councils funds that are left over from the year. There was discussion of using extra SC money for the ski trip. A member of council stated that the funds should be used for other SC sponsored events for the benefit of students who do not attend the ski trip. The council decided to maintain the price at $55 at this time however members of council will think about what they would like to use the extra funds for and will bring back ideas for next months meeting.

Professionalism Week (Poorav Patel): The professionalism week has been implemented to integrate the different elements of All-Hill Council. There are eight students on the planning committee. In the past this event caters to individuals who already have their degrees. This year they would like to have one night (Nov. 14th from 5pm-7pm) where students in professional programs can attend. They are asking that All-Hill step in to organize and help fund this event. A member of All-Hill stated that it would be more beneficial for the committee to organize this event and to request funding from All-Hill SC. In the future members of the committee will possibly be selected from All-Hill SC. Nate requested a budget, funding request, and flyers for the next meeting.

Student Center Space Discussion (Karen Seresun): The campus store will be closing on Oct. 26th. All merchandise will still be available through the online store and some of the more popular items will still be sold on site. A member of council asked about the possibility of having an already established company open up a bar/pub in the space. This idea was well received by members of the council.

Regular Updates (20 minutes) Website Coordinator (Quinn Martin): Quinn stated that a school calendar with every schools schedule on it would be very beneficial for students. Student Health Center (Sarah Lemley): October is domestic violence awareness month. There will be a documentary on Oct. 24 being shown. Dr. Gardner is leading a wellness committee to

structure all the wellness committees and they are looking for student committee members. They need dental, PA, and nursing students for this committee. If interested email Sarah Lemley. Student Health Advisory (Lilly) Student Newsletter Committee (William Giardino): Will would like to put together a prize for the best article in the Pulse yearly. The discussion of winning a cash prize at the student awards banquet was discussed and well received by SC. This will be further discussed next meeting. Student Center Planning Committee (Karen Seresun): Interest groups need to make sure they are registered through Karen. Intramurals (Heather Ennis): First week of intramurals went well. There has been an issue with participants not checking in and not bringing their IDs. Individuals are signing in under different names. There will be a Seahawks game next Thursday the 18th week with food and beverages served March Wellness (Joan Feraco): There are numerous wellness groups/classes that students can attend. Library (Andrew Hamilton): The library is now using the students network ID and password for offsite access. There was a text survey sent out to students and will be open until Nov 10 th. There has been a lot of participation form nursing students but not other schools. Next Meeting: Friday, November 9th, 2012, 12:00-1:00/1:30pm at MRB 310***

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