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Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams

BIRDMAN FROM IO Dreaming Out Loud Produced by: Illustrated Script Productions a subsidiary of AKS Productions Ltd September Revision 2012 Birdman From Io screenplay copyright: C102923 WGA Registration: 1316995WCAUK: Illustrations copyright 2012 AKS Productions Ltd.

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams Preface About the designing author and screenplay. Film artist Bruce Edwin James Sinski has been designing, creating, illustrating and story-boarding for the television and motion picture industries for over 35 years. This is his second illustrative coffee table book produced by Illustrated Script Productions a division of his acclaimed design film company AKS Productions Ltd, North Vancouver British Columbia Canada. Are we really the only intelligent beings made in God's Image in a universe containing billions of galaxies holding trillions and trillions of suns? Why would God create so much universe that we humans will never be able to comprehend or appreciate? BIRDMAN FROM IO offers an alternative cosmic window on Creation...How did we get here and why?

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams Prologue Birdman From Io is a continuing compelling love story surrounded by alien dreams and UFO anomalies. Adrian Rorvik is our 'Bird'+'Man' flying perilously on the back of his virtual dream giant Merlin Falcon 'Horus' guardian god of the Pharaohs into the AfterWorld. There seems to be no end to where his dreams will take him next. Noteworthy: Bird's DNA begins around 65 million years ago as dinosaurs witnessing any alien visitations to our planet then and now. Prehistoric birds about 3 million years ago also witnessed the birth of mankind! Jupiter's moon Io like it's sister aqueous moon Europa may have been at minimum the birth of our solar system's first micro-intelligent life forms around 800 centuries before the recorded erection of homo-sapiens on planet Earth. Birdman From Io seeks the Universal Truth.

About this script illustrated draft: Writing an unsolicited screenplay is almost impossible to sell to studio production houses as they typically give priority to their own promising projects. Whether or not Sinski's screenplay gets to camera is still up in the air. Regardless 'The Birdman' has already begun writing and illustrating his next coffee table ebook in his mini- series Birdman From Io - Dreaming Out Loud. 3

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams

Dedicated to those who follow their Dreams

The Birdman From Io mini-series episode #004 Beyond Dreams starts now.


The ebb and flow of our perceptions seemingly govern our reality.

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams 1 OPENING ANIMATION DREAMSCAPE ADRIAN'S STUDIO LOFT - NIGHT ADRIAN Where am I? Am I dreaming...still. Where's Horus...Autgraf...Sarah? Why can't I feel you next to me? He sees his artwork begin to scan in front of a new creative style. Did he create these images...but when and WHY.

ADRIAN CONT'D Why do I feel I am dreaming from another alternative universe?

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN CONT'D 2 Who or what is interfering controlling me, my dreams, my paintings?

ADRIAN CONT'D 3 Where am I...really?

Interference begins to fill our Screen

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams Our screen begins to unscramble...reconfigure. A new single image begins to form. REVEALING...

BEAT ADRIAN CONT'D ANU? New static fills our screen...this time we are overcome with a sensation of travelling through time, space, not in control, helpless


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams

We are being pulled into some kind of a dream portal. But why and where... The outline of a womans eye comes into view. We seem to be about to enter someone's dream!


2 INT. THOMPSON SARAH'S BEDROOM - NIGHT (DREAM SEQUENCE CONT'D) We hear the very familiar voice of Sarah mumbling in her sleep.

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams SARAH that you. Why won't you come to me...Where are my boys, Jason, Jordan.

We have somehow managed to enter Sarah's dream. Also a foreign art style seems to be over taking our normal illustrative technique. We move in on Sarah's dream...her twin boy's Jordan and Jason's alien crayon art comes alive!

WHEN Familiar alien spaceships begin fading in over Sarah's frame...the same alien craft we have already seen many times in Adrian's dreams. 9

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams


3 INT. THOMPSON TWIN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT (DREAM SEQUENCE CONT'D) Sarah's twin boys Jordan and Jason seem to be both sharing the SAME dream - similar to their mother's and Adrian's dream...

AS... BLUE ORBS begin dancing over our frame.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams 4 INT. ADRIAN'S STUDIO LOFT - DAY Adrian is awake as the early morning rays cut through his naked body standing in front of his widescreen television. He holds the media centre remote in his left hand and after a few deep breaths points it towards the widescreen. ADRIAN Here goes...let's see what year or century I have wakened into. Static from the previous last scene in 'Talking Out Loud' flashes across the screen. Adrian immediately turns it off. ADRIAN Shit, like it or not I need to know if I am awake, asleep or in some kind of a time warp. He turns back on the television widescreen. There is a long period of no sound or picture. Then static fills the screen slowly revealing a local morning talk show.

Adrian moves backward finding his barber's chair. All seems to be in the present. He looks at the kitchen clock it's 6:55 am. He looks back at his television screen clock - they are in sync. He programs in a familiar news station. 11

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN Wonder what is going on in today's morning news.

Our camera moves in on his wide screen. Channel 7 Female Newscaster Recapping our morning's top story is the buzz about last nights blue UFO's hovering over our city. These unidentified objects appeared for only a few minutes before vanishing into our south eastern skies around 1:45 this morning. Government officials are in contact with astronomers and the US Air Force believing there is a simple logically reason behind these blue lights. ADRIAN Yes folks we are not alone. He turns off his television and looks up through the sun rays emitting from his skylight. He looks over at his remaining bird paintings leaning up against the


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams paint wall. They have all changed looking similar to the ones in his dreams. ADRIAN CONT'D Am I going mad, this can't be. He hears his infamous smart phone buzzing on his kitchen nook glass tabletop.


4a INT. ADRIAN'S STUDIO LOFT ADRIAN Sarah, have you listened to this morning's news. We were not the only ones who saw last night's ADRIAN CONT'D blue alien spaceships. Hey, wait a minute I don't remember taking you all the way back to your farm last night.

5 INT. THOMPSON FARM KITCHEN - DAY SARAH Eh, hi, I eh couldnt sleep after, after what we saw and went through at your gallery opening and then Dr. Crater freaking me out with his theories and alien craft stationed in a nearby asteroid belt. I did what any mother would do I came home to protect my boys. You know you are an 13

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams SARAH CONT'D incredible sound sleeper I worry about that sometimes if anything should happen to you while you are sleeping. INTERCUT

4a INT. ADRIAN'S STUDIO LOFT ADRIAN CONT'D I'm more worried about why or how all my bird paintings against my paint wall turned alien overnight. Similar to the one at my showing, and in last night's dream. INTERCUT 5 INT. THOMPSON FARM KITCHEN - DAY SARAH CONT'D Uh, your alien paintings, uh somehow entered my dreams last night to. INTERCUT

4a INT. ADRIAN'S STUDIO LOFT - DAY ADRIAN CONT'D What, you're putting me on right? INTERCUT


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams SARAH CONT'D I wish I was but I could see vividly a number of your gallery paintings and would you believe my boys alien drawings also came alive. Their drawings turned into actual alien spacecraft like the ones you have in your daily sketch book.


4a INT. ADRIAN'S STUDIO LOFT - DAY ADRIAN CONT'D I think you just proved my dreams are for real. Maybe that is what Autgraf has been trying to tell me.

INTERCUT 5 INT. THOMPSON FARM KITCHEN - DAY SARAH CONT'D Didn't you tell me that your ancient grandfather Autgraf


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams SARAH CONT'D 2 told you that you were the Chosen One. You need to somehow get inside your dreams and put an end to all this alien madness before it's too late...Adrian. INTERCUT

4a INT. ADRIAN'S STUDIO LOFT - DAY ADRIAN CONT'D Easier said than dreamt... Whatever alien intelligence is behind this phenomena is beyond dreams and reality as we know it to be.


6 INT. EDITING BAY - DAY The editing suite/bay is typical, close quarters around a number of key centralized monitors controlled by the editor. ADRIAN is sitting next to his editor MARIO. Index Fender and RB-ONE Senior Partner-inCharge JOHN NEUHART are sitting directly behind, there are two empty chairs close at hand.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams

ADRIAN This should just about do it. JOHN NEUHART Absolutely, love it. INDEX FENDER Sickly cool. Mario glances down studying the next storyboard sequence. MARIO Great, and from here you want to use the footage of the 49' Merc and Lemen Babes heading into outer space. ADRIAN Yes indeed but I want to inter-cut this footage with the asteroid belt animation we created.

MARIO Gotcha, give me a minute to load the asteroid animation on monitor 2. Index Fender leans into Adrian 17

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams Index Fender You have one crazy warped mind. We have more in common than you might think Birdman. JOHN NEUHART Wonder why the Tag Thirst ladies are running late. I left them a message to be here for eight. Our camera moves in over Neuhart's shoulder framing monitor screen 2's loaded asteroid belt footage. Adrian and Index share a common uneasiness between them. Neuhart picks up on their nervous behaviour. JOHN NEUHART Boys, is there something going on that you boys have mistakenly forgotten to tell me.

INDEX FINGER Let me handle this, John as you can see by Adrian's handy work I, we the Babes want Adrian ADRIAN No this is wrong, John the Lemen Babes want me to join, to be their exclusive video 18

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN CONT'D director and art director. I'm hoping and only if I do accept their offer - because I haven't. Maybe there is a way where by RB-ONE loans my services to the Lemen Babes with you leading the charge. Perhaps creating a new entity within the Agency. I told the Tag Thirst Agency that we were starting at nine JOHN NEUHART Well I'll be damned buy this bird a Ticket To Ride. ADRIAN This hasn't been easy for me, and perhaps telling you this in the middle of editing is against better judgment. MARIO Think I'll grab a coffee, anyone want anything while I'm up. JOHN NEUHART You think - I have all along not known this would be something you would excel at, why else would I have promoted and stood by you. ADRIAN For that I will always be grateful sir. JOHN NEUHART Sir is not going to cut it, but I do appreciate the fact that 19

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams JOHN NEUHART CONT'D you have passed this "flash editing update" by me first. INDEX FINGER Do you think your Partners will accept Adrian working for us and RB-ONE at the same time. JOHN NEUHART What you just said sir is a double negative. What you are proposing precariously and innocently enough will never hold water with my fellow Partners.


7 INT. DR. CRATER'S UFO OFFICE - DAY Dr. Arthur Winslow Crater is frantically moving from screen image to screen image. DR. WINSLOW CRATER This is unbelievable, why didn't I see this before. Quantum Jumping is not only possible but rational. If my calculations are right there could be an infinite number of alternate universes within, around our own. Perhaps one of these alternate universes runs parallel to ours, maybe even our dreams yes! 20

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams Dr. Crater checks and double checks his quantum theorem screen. DR. WINSLOW CRATER CONT'D Oh my God this could mean that anything that can happen in our reality - does, can happen in another universe. Could we be living in a Quantum Bubble Universe...maybe.

Dr. Crater rechecks his quantum charts... DR. WINSLOW CRATER CONT'D What have I just uncovered, we truly are not alone. I must inform my fellow astrophysicists of my quantum wave findings. Perhaps one of my colleagues has recently - There is a knock on the door. He looks at his watch it is 9:45 pm. He hastily rumbles through his in-basket tagged appointments. I see I have no evening appointments. It must be - is that you Adrian, Sarah come in. 21

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN It's me Adrian, I am alone, I really, really need to talk to you can I come in please. Dr. Crater dodges around his messy computer workstation and heads eagerly to the front door. He unlocks the door, Adrian looks anxious and exhausted. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Yes come in, come in, I wasn't expecting you or anyone else for the matter tonight. Come sit down I have just stumbled, eh equated a tangible theorem that may explain all that has been recently happening to you, us. ADRIAN Hit me Doc, you would not believe the dream I had last night. I am at the point where I don't want to fall asleep anymore. Dr. Crater isn't sure if he should continue since...

DR. WINSLOW CRATER What I have uncovered can wait. This sounds serious, does it have 22

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams DR. WINSLOW CRATER CONT'D to do with the escalation of your alien dreams. ADRIAN Yes, they seem to be turning on me, controlling me. I don't know what is real anymore this or my dreams. Someone. something is definitely controlling my dreams, me. When I got up this morning for work, another one of my Falcon paintings had changed looking like the one at my gallery actually worse. I'm here because I don't want to dream anymore. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Oh my, this is serious. Now I don't know yet how to control give back to you your dreams. But perhaps understanding why your dreams seem to be more than dreams lies somewhere here. Dr. Crater brings up a recent quantum theorem screen on Adrian's guest monitor. ADRIAN Quantum Jumping, a Bubble Universe are you serious. What the hell doc is Quantum Jumping? DR. WINSLOW CRATER Quantum Jumping is like using your mind, your dreams to jump into a parallel bubble dimension, offering alternate versions of yourself. 23

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN Hey doc, this is crazy talk.

DR. WINSLOW CRATER Perhaps, but just hear me out. Quantum Theory suggests our DR. WINSLOW CRATER CONT'D physical reality is nothing more than an elaborate mirage, a hoax. A super hologram of information, vibrations, energy - a matrix of related yet alien energy. ADRIAN You think my dreams are riddled in some kind of an elaborate alien matrix? Is this why am I not in control of my dreams. Dr. Crater takes a deep breath, know what he is about to say could go a long way in helping Adrian. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Perhaps, maybe when you are dreaming in an alternate alien universe state what you know as reality is anything but. 24

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN Ever heard of the ancient uh, god ANU. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Can't say I have, why? ADRIAN I've begun a theory of my own. My dreams are trying to lead me against ANU who I have discovered over the internet is better known as Anunnaki the ancient Sumerian god of the skies who procreated androids of himself among the Sumerian peoples and probably others. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Interesting, perhaps there is a co-relationship between your dreams and ANU who is from one of these Bubble Worlds quantum jumping between our world and his using the energy created in your dreams as a portal vehicle device. ADRIAN You have unwittingly suggested what my dreams are telling me. In order to get back control of my life I have to somehow dream in a quantum jumping state and confront ANU on his terms in his universe. Adrian leans hard into the guest couch. DR. WINSLOW CRATER There may be no other way, perhaps 25

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams DR. WINSLOW CRATER CONT'D dreaming awake can get you into his world safer. ADRIAN You mean like mediating transcending to ANU's world and not dreaming. DR. WINSLOW CRATER They say mediation is an excellent medium for travelling beyond dreams. ADRIAN Then let the games begin. INSERT: ANIMATION OF CONVERGING PARALLEL PLANETS FROM TWO DIFFERENT BUBBLE UNIVERSES


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams 8 INT. ADRIAN'S STUDIO LOFT - NIGHT Adrian drags himself and his Harley through the open freight elevator doors. It's been a long day and he knows his night may well be just beginning. He places his bike on its floor kick stand plate and moves over to his sleeping computer. He checks his emails nothing. He stares up at his bookcase his eyes searching for his Ancient Norse Ancestry leather bound book. He gets up from his workstation and stands and reaches for his Ancient Norse Ancestry book. ADRIAN That's strange, I don't remember placing it between Dune and Chariots of the Gods. He turns his attention over to his paint canvas wall. ADRIAN No surprise here. The "alien inflicted" Merlin Falcon Painting we saw at his Gallery Showing has changed again. It now looks weirdly similar to the paintings we saw in his last dream. ADRIAN I actually don't mind this rippling effect, but it definitely isn't me. Adrian drags his tired ass over to the kitchen nook counter and pours himself a double 10 year old single scotch malt. He waffles over to his barber's chair and stares upward through the overhead skylight. He downs the scotch. He looks back over to his bookcase focusing in on his Ancient Norse Ancestry Book. 27

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams

ADRIAN And Autgraf if you should also be in here. Do you know any yoga type techniques...What a minute Sarah gave me a book on meditation way back on our 3rd month anniversary. He jumps out of his barber's chair and is back at his bookcase fumbling through a couple hundred book spines. Finally he finds what he is looking for and heads back to his infamous chair raising the foot pedal. ADRIAN Now let me see if there is a beginners shortcut into meditating. He finds an intriguing section on meditation techniques...but it is too late.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams 9 VFX/CGI DREAMSCAPE #1 Adrian finds himself warping into a new dream. He is like always flying high on the back on his good buddy Horus who is leading him towards some kind of a time warp portal - but not like the ones he has experienced in previous dreams. Somehow this dream feels different, he feels helpless, not in control of his body or mind. He can barely hang on top of Horus who is showing no signs of slowing down.

ADRIAN What's going on, why do I feel so different. Is it because I am somehow meditating and not dreaming. Horus oh good buddy why must all my recent dreams want to take me through portals. He then hears his ancient Norse Grandfather as they near the entrance to this alternate bubble universe.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams AUTGRAF Stay strong, do not dream, believe and listen to your inner self as it sees you. Your inner self is aligned to all your past lives, Including mine. I am within you always. Do not fear ANU's world that which you are approaching. ADRIAN That's easy for you to say.

AUTGRAF If you listen from within you will know what to do, how to beat ANU at the Game he is playing you. ADRIAN Game, what game. You never mentioned anything about defeating ANU by playing a game I know nothing about. AUTRAF Think of your mind as having many levels of consciousness. Your conscious world is "Level One". Dreaming is "Level Two". You are about to enter a new consciousness "Level Three" Beyond Dreams.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN Level three consciousness, how many levels do I have or need to stop ANU. As we move in on one of Dr. Crater's quantum screen.

AUTGRAF Many, the final number is unfortunately unknown. No one has yet to beat ANU at his highest level of consciousness. ADRIAN Maybe you have the wrong man for this job, I'm an artist not some video gamer whiz-kid. AUTGRAF What our world needs is someone with your creative instincts that can out-game ANU. I know you can do it, just be patience, look deep within trust your inner being. ADRIAN That's what you keep insisting, but I'm here to tell you my 'within abilities' is all new to me. I think I need more time to 31

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN CONT'D conjure my inner consciousnesses don't you.

AUTGRAF This is the only way you will be able to open your next level of consciousness. ADRIAN Are you sure, cause eh, shit there just has to be another way to defeat ANU. Our screen fills with static but only for an instant. We have the sensation of moving faster and faster towards a distant light.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams They are nearing the end of their quantum portal flight, ANU's world awaits them. ADRIAN Great, OK Horus, let's see what type of Game awaits us on Level Three. Hey, wait a minute, I recognize that planet from my last portal dream. There was this city Horus lets out a resounding "yes" screech. Autgraf's voice is growing fainter and fainter. AUTGRAF Yes indeed you have, but only to observe the terrain and layout of the City from Three Dimensional Levels". A gigantic gas planet moves into view.

ADRIAN Horus, look over there, that giant planet sure looks a lot like Jupiter...Is this then really Io we are heading for but in another dimension, an alternate universe like 33

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN CONT'D Autgraf and Dr. Crater have been adamantly insisting, holy shit! They are now flying over familiar alien territory, though Adrian is not sure what may be waiting for them beyond the toxic horizon. Horus seems to be undaunted by his surroundings...he been here before.

ADRIAN As Edgar Alan Poe once said "All that we see or seem is but dream within a dream" I guess the ebb and flow of our perceptions seemingly govern our reality. Let's find out shall we. Let the Games begin, I think. The City of Two Dimensions is dead ahead WHEN they are intercepted by 3 ALIEN COMBAT CRAFT zeroing in. ADRIAN Looks like I am going to have to rely once again good buddy on your cognitive instincts to dodge these incoming alien combat craft. 34

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams

The alien combat craft are fast approaching. ADRIAN Horus this sure doesn't feel like a dream, what kind of a surreal game have I got myself into, shit.

Horus uses his built-in DNA defensive instincts and manages to dodge, maneuver through the first alien line of attack. But there are many more ALIEN COMBAT CRAFT on the horizon in wait. ADRIAN I think ANU is telling us that we are not welcome. Maybe we should turn back while we still can. 35

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams The THREE COMBAT CRAFT have circled back cutting off their escape route. ADRIAN Shit, any ideas good buddy. The ALIEN COMBAT CRAFTS turn on their after burners thrusting even faster in their direction nearing ramming range. Destiny does not appear to be in Adrian's favour.

Adrian takes a deep breath and begins to look deep within himself. BEAT *Production Note The animation transformation should incorporate high speed film - creating a dreamy transition into armoured Viking apparel.

Adrian slowly sees himself manifesting into a larger than life Norse Warrior... standing tall on the back of Horus, his wings and beak now protected in Kevlar


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams

Adrian cuts his Norse jeweled Light-saber Sword through the alien Io moon atmosphere glaring down his combatants.

The alien combat crafts are completely caught off guard and begin to move slowly away. ADRIAN Uh, what do you think they are up to regrouping? 37

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams We hear Autgraf crackling through the volcanic cloud cover. AUTGRAF Congratulations, they KNOW you possess the power that can ultimately defeat them! Level Three is yours for the taking. Congratulations my warrior son! ADRIAN Uh? And how was I able to turn into a Norse Warrior? BEAT Our alternate world screen begins to fill with unusual warping static once again. Our camera frame fills with moving waves of static.


10 INT. RB-ONE ART DEPARTMENT - ADRIAN'S OFFICE - DAY Becky softly opens Adrian's art department office. She finds Adrian mumbling in his sleep at his computer 38

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams desk. She gently rocks his shoulders back and forth. BECKY Hey Birdman wake up, you have been having one heck of a dream eh, nightmare. ADRIAN Huh, how I did I get here. Kaitlyn and Derek are crammed in his doorway. KAITLYN We heard you shouting charge and then moaning. Adrian wipes his eyes, checks his clothing and surroundings. ADRIAN How long have I been here. BECKY Are you alright, you did not look quite yourself when you arrived this morning. Maybe the video editing is wearing you down, right. ADRIAN I'll be alright, thanks Becky, everybody. It's just that lately I've been having these very strange almost out of body like dreams. KAITLYN I must admit I have never seen you asleep on the job before. Maybe your social life needs to slow down.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN You wish Kate, but unfortunately for me these dreams are somehow out of my control. DEREK Maybe we should let Adrian collect his thoughts. I know I have a deadline to meet. Becky, Derek and Kaitlyn begin to move back to their respective workstations. ADRIAN Becky wait, there is something I need to ask you. BECKY Sure, what's up. ADRIAN Have you ever had a dream that seems so real it appears to be more real than life itself. BECKY I must admit I have had some incredible dreams, but I always wake knowing they were just that dreams. ADRIAN My dreams are real, I know it sounds crazy, but somehow I am able to open uh a dimensional portal while dreaming. BEAT


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams

BECKY I don't know what to say, I don't think you're crazy, are you. I mean uh, maybe talk this over with Sarah. Or how about taking that long overdue vacation. Spending time with Sarah should cure your aliens. ADRIAN Why did you just say "aliens". BECKY I don't know, I just did. You need to be at the editing suite in less than an hour, I should leave you to your editing boards. Birdman you are scaring the hell out of me, damn.

11 OMIT*

CUT TO: 41

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams 12 INT. THOMPSON FARM KITCHEN - DAY Sarah is pouring herself a cup of coffee, she has her back to her twin sons running enthusiastically towards her. JORDAN Mommy, look at my Star Wars model communicator. JASON I drew a bird flying into outer space. I have more upstairs. SARAH What, let me see guys. She turns to face her boys, spilling her coffee down the front of her blouse. She can't believe her eyes.

SARAH My God, Jason why would you draw a bird flying way out into space. There are no worms out there for him to eat. JASON I know mommy, but it is what I saw in my dream, cool huh. 42

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams SARAH And what made you model such an unusual beautiful uh, lovely Play-Doh communicator.

JORDAN I don't know, I saw it in my dream and wanted to show you.

SARAH In a dream you also had last night, really. JORDAN Yes mommy. SARAH Okay boys, these are great, why don't we put them on the dining room table so I can show them later to Auntie Norah. The boys race each other to the dining room. Sarah picks up her smart phone and hits memory 1. SARAH CONT'D Come on Adrian, pick up, pick up please. She tries 43

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams SARAH CONT'D her best to stay strong, not to panic. Okay boys up to your bedroom please and get dressed for school. Auntie Norah will be here any moment to take you to school. JASON Betcha Auntie likes mine better. JORDAN No way, my communicator is way, way cooler! SARAH Adrian, thank God, I need for you to see what my boys have just created...I also had an alien dream of my own last night.

13 INT. RB-ONE VIDEO EDITING SUITE HALLWAY. ADRIAN An alien dream like mine... Yes I believe you babe...I need you to stay calm, I plan on seeing Dr. Crater later tonight. Maybe he has some new information... WHEN Hey Index, The Tag Thirst ladies and John are inside, be right there...Sarah I need more time to figure it all out. All I know for sure is my dreams are finally turning in my favour. 44

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN CONT'D In the meantime I want you to take pictures of Jason's bird drawing and Jordan's communicator and email them to my phone. I will show them to Crater tonight... He sees John Neuhart sticking his head out into the hallway. ADRIAN CONT'D Babe, I have to go - I'm coming, I'm coming, love you. We're going to be alright. John blows a kiss Adrian's way and ducks back into the editing suite. Adrian moves towards the editing suite open door, takes a deep breath, walks in nonchalantly. ADRIAN CONT'D Hi, everyone, uh had a little personal matter I had to get out of the way. Didn't want anything side tracking me on our last day of post. Mario could you please bring up our last editing point from yesterday...that be it.

14 INT. THOMPSON FARM DINING ROOM - DAY Sarah walks up to the dining room table and separates her twin boys bird drawing and clay model communicator. She holds her Nikon D50 camera high overhead standing on a dining room chair shooting various elevated angles capturing the essence of Jason's bird flying in outer space. 45

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams BEAT She her all and then moves over to Jordan's communicator framing camera low table top and begins shooting it from sides. She gets back up on the dining room chair takes a couple overhead shots.

She is definitely taken back by what her boys have created.

15 OMIT*

16 INT. ADRIAN'S STUDIO LOFT - NIGHT Adrian parks his Harley Davidson on its floor kick stand. He looks tired, he heads to his fridge opens the door, hesitates. He shuts the fridge door and moves over to his liquor cabinet and pours himself a double scotch. Then he remembers - he moves over to his sleeping Mac computer and uploads Sarah's email pictures of Jason's and Jordan's most recent artwork. He can't believe his eyes. He collects all of the images and creates a single PDF file. The camera stays fixed on Adrian's discerning expression in disbelief.

ADRIAN Is that you Horus, and if so what are you doing in Jason's dreams...Where have I seen this communicator, remote? He moves over to his bookcase and pulls out his ancient Norse leather bound ancestry book turning to a page we have seen before our camera zooms in on Autgraf's unique belt buckle engraving. 46

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams

ADRIAN CONT'D Damn you ANU, leave Sarah and her boys out of this. This is between you and me got it! He looks up at his skylight then at his wrist watch. ADRIAN Let's see what doc Crater discovered about all this. Adrian collects the coloured images from his printer, grabs his black leather tote bag from the barber's chair, placing the images inside, removes his Harley Davidson off the floor bike stand and hits the elevator down button. He looks over to his paint wall, and notices another one of his bird painting's has turned alien.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams 17 INT. UFO OFFICE - NIGHT Dr. Winslow Arthur Crater is at his reception computer desk. His screens are full of quantum jumping theorems and calculations. He hears a knock at the door. DR. WINSLOW CRATER The door is unlocked, I have been expecting you. Adrian walks through the door and the computer screen facing the guest couch is already full of quantum equations. Dr. Crater remains glued to one of his other screens, yet to acknowledge Adrian's presence. ADRIAN Hi Doc, sorry I'm late. Been running behind sched all day. How's the quantum jumping angle going great I hope? DR. WINSLOW CRATER Getting there, I have been running a number of anomaly equations parallel to a constant denominator...and I believe more than ever bubble universes can and do exist. ADRIAN Unbelievable, does this mean then someone like me has been able to tap into an alternate consciousness or should I say Bubble Universe. DR. WINSLOW CRATER If my calculations are correct we all can, if we so choose. 48

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN Great, and where do you think these other bubble universes are. Adrian moves closer to the guest monitor - he's impressed even if he has no idea what he is looking at...yet. DR. WINSLOW CRATER In another dimension who's access can only be achieved through a deep transcendent state of alternate perception. ADRIAN Like dreaming, or should I say meditating from within.

DR. WINSLOW CRATER Have you tried meditating. ADRIAN Yes, I think so, it is hard for me to distinguish my dreams from meditation or even from reality. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Precisely, our perceptions is what gives us our reality. 49

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams DR. WINSLOW CRATER CONT'D Dreams, meditation offer further unique perceptions that can create an alternate cosmic consciousness. Perfect for quantum mind jumping from one universe to another... did you? ADRIAN Yes, last night, it was amazing. It was like I was in some kind of a game, Level 3. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Level 3 you say...perhaps level 3 infers a mind frequency that opens a portal to this your new Bubble Universe!

DR. WINSLOW CRATER Level 3 you say...perhaps level 3 infers a mind frequency that opens a portal to this your new Bubble Universe! ADRIAN It did feel like I was travelling through some kind of a warping 50

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN CONT'D portal eh, on the back of my Merlin Falcon Horus. DR. WINSLOW CRATER That part I have not yet begun to figure out. ADRIAN Maybe Horus is like my guardian angel watching my back, my ultimate protector. DR. WINSLOW CRATER I know my sister, believes in angels. ADRIAN Perception, right doc. Oh I want you to take a look at a couple pictures Sarah sent me today. Her twin boys have been dreaming, creating more alien artwork. What is so dumbfounding is how much they look like images from my dreams. See for yourself, Jason has Horus flying in outer-space blue orbs and all, headed maybe to one of those Bubble Worlds. What do you think is going on? DR. WINSLOW CRATER How can this be, blue orbs or are these really portals? ADRIAN You're the astrophysicist aren't you supposed to be telling me.


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ADRIAN CONT'D There's more, take a good look at this, Jordan has modeled some kind of a spaceship or a device that could be used for communicating or maybe DR. WINSLOW CRATER A transporter! This could be one of the devices that could transport you from one level of perception, reality to another, like in a multi universe video game continuum!

ADRIAN In my dream, I did shout out "let the games begin". FADE TO: 52

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams 18 EXT. CITY STREET - NIGHT Adrian drives his Harley Davidson through the city streets that will take him home. He looks skyward, the stars twinkle nothing seems to be out of place in the stellar heavens tonight. He drives on passing a used car dealership, a neon sign reads HARRY'S OK USED CARS - NOTHING DOWN NOTHING TO LOOSE. Adrian continues looking over at the low lit used car dealership. He steers his bike up to the locked chain linked rope. He gets off his bike and climbs over the chain link. He moves from car to car to truck when an old refurbished 1960 RED BUICK ELECTRA 225 Convertible catches his eye. He studies the long sleek lines and rear wing-tip tail light fins; the top is down. He's impressed, he jumps into the driver's seat and grips the all metal worn red painted steering wheel. ADRIAN Now this is what a car should be. Nice two tone red and white stripe interior, a ton of leg room. Wonder if the rag-top works. Who cares when you have 400 horses under this long sleek hood - it's a steal at this price. Sarah our new family car has arrived...if shit! A dim light from the sales office turns brighter, a middle-aged man chewing on a stubby cigar begins walking his way. Adrian jumps out of the Buick. HARRY Nice uh, drives like a dream. Hang on there son, no need to run. You're just in time for my after midnight insane special deals. Name's Harrington Brodie, aka Harry, South side's car magician at your service. 53

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN Eh, it's late, I should be going. I mean I had no idea you were open this late...late night insane specials, really.

Harry puts himself between the red Buick Electra and his Harley Davidson. HARRY You betcha, I'm always open even when Im not. Wada say we move over to my office and talk this over. There is a free test drive in it for you. The rag-top needs a little work...Nice looking Harley Dave, are you may be interested in selling it. Everyone has a price, what's yours on this sweetheart. ADRIAN Uh, yes it's a Harley Davidson Anniversary Special, but it is not for sale. HARRY Suit yourself, now about this redhead Buick Electra 225, a lost and found beauty uh. 54

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN Arent all redheads.

19 INT. THOMPSON FARM KITCHEN - NIGHT Sarah looks up at the kitchen clock - 2:07 am, as tired as she is she continues surfing from one alien paranormal website to another. SARAH Surely someone on-line knows something about alien blue orbs. All I am finding are spirit orbs. Work with me search engine... This looks interesting. She scrolls across the menu tabs to TRANSCRIPTS, opens the UFO BLUE ORB MENU and is astonished by what she has uncovered. SARAH Oh, my, God, blue orbs be damned, aliens have been invading us, our minds...our dreams, but why. ZOOM IN ON HER LAPTOP BLUE ORBS TRANSCRIPT SCREEN.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams 20 INT. RB-ONE AGENCY ART DEPARTMENT - DAY Adrian drags his weary ass through the art department door. He looks like shit, he has not slept in 36 hours. Becky, Kaitlyn and Derek try their best not to notice his sleepless condition - but it isn't easy and Kaitlyn just can't resist. KAITLYN Hi Birdman, are you alright, I mean maybe you should take the day off. Today's deadlines are well in hand, right Becky. ADRIAN Can't wait to run this art department can you. Maybe that day is sooner than you think. KAITLYN You mean you're really leaving. ADRIAN No, just like to play with your ambitions. Eh, sorry that didn't come out the way I intended. He moves into his office, tosses his shoulder length black tote bag to the floor, drops into his computer desk chair his head crashing over the keyboard. Becky is concerned while Kaitlyn offers her best concerned look. They move towards Adrian's open office door. BECKY I'll take it from here. I believe I am still Adrian's number one assistant. You still have a lot of work ahead of you if you are going to meet your Metrek Fashion deadline by four. 56

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams KAITLYN Okay, boss number two.

BECKY Wake up Birdman, you have an editing session in 25 minutes, are you alright. ADRIAN Eh, ya, had one of those weird nights, couldn't sleep. I think I also bought a car late last night. BECKY You did what, get out! ADRIAN It's an early sixties red Buick convertible. Lots of horsepower but the rag-top needs work. One of Harry's fine mechanics is repairing the rag-top as we speak. ADRIAN Harry owns the used car dealership over on South 3rd Street. WE need to order a cab for 5:30. The address should be in the phone book, the car 57

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams BECKY We, why do you need me to come? ADRIAN Someone has to drive my pride and joy back to the loft. Have you not been begging me to let you take my bike for a spin well here's your bad-ass chance. BECKY Birdman you just made my Easy Rider dreams come true, you're the best. ADRIAN The car will be ready by 6 pm. Don't want to be late, chow Easy Rider.

21 INT. EDITING BAY - DAY We start full frame on the Lemen Babes video "Mercroid Love". The Babes are quantum jumping from a portal opening into a glorious new world of fantasy never before seen. JOHN NEUHART Couldn't resist adding your birds uh Birdman. Your imagination is definitely not of this world. ADRIAN Most are a product of my dreams, my brain seems more alive sleeping than awake lately. 58

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams INDEX FENDER My dreams start and end a little lower if you know what I mean. The Babes are going to be all over you like a wet rag when they see this.

ADRIAN I can hardly wait. JOHN NEUHART Nor can I. Editor Mario works his magic replacing the green screen background with a celestial animation against the Lemen Babes posing outside their 1949 Mercury Spacecar as seen in Dreaming Out Loud video production. Mario dubs Rosie Ash's singing...


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams Rosie Ash My mind is gone, lost in this paradise of toxic lust. Where we are matters not. This journey was a must. My hare can now feed and want from my surging bust. JOHN NEUHART Quite the magnificent bust. CHRISTINE HOWES Fake or real they are doing exactly what their fan base expects and loves. ADRIAN I have seen the other side of Rosie, his name is Ross. A down to earth accountant. JOHN NEUHART Really, an accountant, what a great disguise.

A grin comes across Fender's face.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams INDEX FENDER Believe it or not they ALL have 9 to 5 careers. Echo is an IT Programmer, Icy Chutes runs a hair salon and Fate Star has a PH.D in astronomy working part-time at the planetarium between gigs. She also wrote the song. JOHN NEUHART Who would have thought walking on the wild side and back had so many great advantages.

CHRISTINE HOWES Perhaps being straight is holding us back from our full potential. INDEX FINGER Being around them as much as I have, it is tempting. ADRIAN Okay everybody, I think we are just about there. Need a little quite time with Mario for a few final touches so if -


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams JOHN NEUHART Lunch is on me, why don't we all head over to Jeremy's Deli and Grill. Will an hour give you boys enough time to put on the final coat of wax. Adrian and Mario begin immersing themselves into their final promo edit. Our camera fades out over one of the just edited Trailer Promo frames. ADRIAN Sure, thanks everyone. CHRISTINE HOWES Can we bring you boys back anything, a sandwich, beverage.

ADRIAN Now that you mention it could you bring us back a couple of Jeremy's famous double-decker pastrami on rye, that would be awesome, thanks.



Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams 22 INT. JEREMY'S DELI & GRILL DAY John Neuhart, Tag Thirst Agency execs Judy and Christine, Index Fender huddle around a table feasting on their deli sandwiches. JUDY TAYLOR This is one of the best pastrami sandwiches I have had in a long time. This is got to be the city's best kept secret. JOHN NEUHART Actually, Jimmie Leakes, you've met him...well his partner Jeremy is the owner and maker of these mighty fine tasting sandwiches. CHRISTINE HOWES Really, Jimmie is...gaaJUDY TAYLOR Gay, some of the world's best chefs are gay. Jimmie I must say has wonderful taste. I mean in food, in men, I don't know where I'm going with this.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams JOHN NEUHART If I may Judy, uh, the Lemen Babes are a good example of how permissive our world is turning these days especially with the X and Y generations. INDEX FENDER A strange world indeed, at first I wasn't sure if being a manager to a cross-gender group was in my best interest. I mean, coming from a farming Bible Belt, well you can see what my conscience was up against. CHRISTINE HOWES Have you had any regrets. INDEX FENDER Can't say I have, the Babes have never tried to swing me over to their side, pros all the way. JOHN NEUHART The Yin and Yang of success. Think I'll order the boys their double-decker pastrami's, I'll be right back. Fender, Howes and Taylor lean in toward each other. INDEX FENDER I sure hope Adrian gets around telling his Agency sooner than later. JUDY TAYLOR We most certainly agree.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams 23 INT. RB-ONE AGENCY JIMMY LEAKES OFFICE - DAY Jimmie is reviewing Kaitlyn's latest ad work for a new client: SIMONE'S COSMETICS. JIMMIE LEAKES These look great, I think they will be very impressed. KAITLYN So if Adrian is truly leaving I hope I can count on you for support. I know what I did and said at your partner's deli was in appropriate and I want to JIMMIE LEAKES Enough, please, you have already offered an appropriate apology. You need to focus on how critical it is we impress Simone's Cosmetics. And what makes you think Adrian is leaving us sooner than ever.

KAITLYN I can see it in his eyes... Remember we were once together.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams JIMMIE LEAKES Whoa, I sure hope you are not creating, starting any rumours based on how he looks at you. KAITLYN Perhaps you're right, all I want is a chance to show you and, everyone at RB-ONE you did not make a mistake in re-hiring me, I know this is where I belong. JIMMIE LEAKES I don't deny your talents or loyalties just be careful where your ambitions may mislead you. This Agency will not ever tolerate or has it forgotten the last time you two Titans didn't see eye to eye. We're now down to minutes before our client gets here. Let's head on over to the boardroom and display your dynamite ads. Time to impress the hell out of these ladies, agreed. Kaitlyn collects the ads from Jimmie's display table and gingerly put them back into the black leather zipper portfolio case. Jimmie grabs two aluminum easels from his closet. Jimmie always the gentleman holds his office door open for Kaitlyn. KAITLYN Thank you for being straight forward with me, I know how much Adrian means to you to this Agency.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams 24 INT. THOMPSON FARM KITCHEN - DAY Sarah and her good friend Nancy Kelly are surfing the web each on their laptops. NANCY KELLY There sure is a lot of interest in the Singular Theory, lots to bookmark. SARAH Great, not having much luck yet on finding anything on alien orbs, there are hundreds of paranormal websites dealing with spiritual orbs...going to change gears and check out ancient sightings...Oh my God, Nancy take a look at this ancient Sumerian petroglyph, that sure looks like orbs hovering around that guy's head whoever he is, maybe this is Adrian's ANU.

NANCY KELLY You're right, they sure look like your twin's blue orb drawings, who's ANU.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams SARAH The other night I was watching this documentary on the Hopi Indians who have lived in the South West for centuries. They also had visitations from aliens they called Ant People from the constellation Orion. Their leader was ANU or something like that. Maybe these orbs are what the aliens left behind, like some kind of a communicating device. Don't you think it is just a little to coincidental that both the Sumerian's and Hopi Indians were carving similar alien orbs at the same time thousands of years ago on two different continents. NANCY KELLY Ant People from Orion, orb like communicators. You've lost me girl, maybe you need to SARAH These Ant People may be the ones who have a home base in the Kuiper Asteroid Belt...need to email Adrian write away and link him to this site. Our screen fills momentarily with static generated by an outside force, element...alien perhaps. NANCY KELLY You're scaring the hell out of me. You really believe we are being watched by aliens who are 68

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams NANCY KELLY CONT'D also trying to communicate with your boys. SARAH I know what I'm saying sounds crazy, but you have no idea what I saw over the city last week with Adrian or what was revealed to us once we got to Dr. Crater's office. NANCY KELLY You think what, you saw an UFO. And who exactly is Dr. Crater, and what did he show you or say I really want to know.


25 INT. DR. CRATER'S UFO OFFICE - DAY Once again we find Dr. Winslow Arthur Crater immersed behind his reception work station desk. He checks his quantum theorem entries on one screen then turns his attention to another screen filled with quantum hypothesis imagery and equations. DR. WINSLOW CRATER This could go a long way, better email my findings to Adrian and Sarah. Our dreams may be trying to tell us our perceptions may not be necessarily of this world. An advanced Earth in a higher dimension 69

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams DR. CRATER CONT'D may be reciprocating our well being. God may not have created this our one universe, perhaps He did not rest on the seventh day after all. He is unaware of his sister Helen looking over his shoulder having just come from their rear living quarters. Our camera moves in over Helen's shoulder revealing -


26 INT RB-ONE ART DEPARTMENT - DAY ADRIAN John there is something I need BEAT Our screen cuts out - static fills our frame. 70

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams


27 INT RB-ONE ART DEPARTMENT - DAY Adrian enters the Art Department, there is a gleam in his step. ADRIAN Hello Art Gang he's ba-a-ak. BECKY Welcome back Birdman. KAITLYN Everything is on schedule, my new client, eh our new client Simone Cosmetics really liked my layouts. ADRIAN They look great, well done. KAITLYN You've seen them. ADRIAN Of course Becky sent me an email link to your - our files. 71

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams KAITLYN Great...thanks Becky. Kaitlyn re-focuses on her current on-screen project, dejected having been just tactfully out-gunned. Derek remains silent and stead fast on his work not wanting to get caught between the growing tension of these felines. ADRIAN Becky, I need to talk to you and then to you two next. As you were Art Gang. Adrian closes the door behind them offering Becky his art director chair. How does it feel. BECKY Oh my God no, you're leaving RB-ONE. ADRIAN Yes, we just finished up the Lemen Babes video. Now that it is done so am I. I just gave John my resignation dated for the end the month. BECKY That's only two weeks, 16 days away, my God, I don't know what to say, yes I do, congratulations... and how did Neuhart take it. Without warning once again our screen momentarily jumps to static. But Why?...our screen comes back to life.


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Becky gets up from her chair and gives Adrian a hug. BECKY I am going to miss you so... What makes you think the Agency is going to let me be their new art director with Kaitlyn waiting in the wings. She is pretty damn good just ask any of our Agency Partners she has been kissing up to including Jimmie. ADRIAN I will do everything I can to to see you get this chair. Now let's go out there and tell the rest of the Art Gang this Bird has flown...And then why don't you and I go grab a cab and pick up my 62 Buick redhead and set you free on my Harley Davidson. BECKY Yes! I can't wait to see how Kaitlyn will be unable to hold back her tears of joy.


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28. INT THOMPSON FARM KITCHEN - DAY Sarah is surfing on her laptop while keeping an eye on the simmering beef stew on the stove. Her twin boys Jason and Jordan race towards her from the den. JORDAN Look mommy, I just made you this drawing, the best ever! JASON Mommy mine is better, see. SARAH Alright boys hold your ponies. You know the rules, find each one magnet in the hutch drawer and place your new artwork on the fridge. And no hiding your brother's work with your drawing.


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Sarah finally looks up from her laptop as the boys place their new drawings deliberately at opposite ends of the refrigerator. She is taken back. SARAH Great, wow you guys have really out done yourselves. These are both equally amazing. Now come to mommy so I can give you both a big hug. (under her breath) Time to call Adrian, enough is enough, is more than enough. The boys race out of the kitchen as fast as they entered. JORDAN I'm going to make mommy even a better drawing! 75

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams JASON Me to! Sarah reaches for her smart phone lying next to her laptop and presses Adrian's key code. SARAH Birdman, pick up the phone please, please.

29 OMIT*

30 INT. ADRIAN'S STUDIO LOFT - NIGHT Adrian parks his Harley Davidson Special on its floor mount. He checks his Harley for scratches - he can't help himself, he also feels a little guilty. He climbs into the seat. ADRIAN Sorry bud, I know how you must feel, like you're being replaced. The fact of the matter is no bike or vehicle could ever come close to what we have together. Like I told Harry you are not for sale - ever. But Sarah and her boys need me at times to be less selfish, understand...okay. We hear the infamous warehouse chime coming from Adrian's smart phone, a smile comes across his face.


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ADRIAN Glad you called, I was just about to call...What!...Sarah slow down. Alright I will call Dr. Crater and see if he can work us in tonight. Bring the new drawings, we'll need to show him that your twin's are advancing their alien content... He nonchalantly looks over at his painting wall and sees yet another painting has just turned alien. ADRIAN CONT'D yes I have already showed Crater the pictures you emailed me and he thinks Jordan has sculptured some kind of a eh, alien transporter... slow down, not only that it appears to be the same design I can show you in my ancient grandfather's book. It is also in the same design that has been appearing on me in my dreams of late...Just tell Aunt Norah when she gets there I ran into a 1962 red Buick convertible. I'll explain later, just go with me on you to, drive safely.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams 31 INT. UFO OFFICE - NIGHT DR. WINSLOW CRATER Come in, come in, we have a lot to talk about. Have you brought Sarah up to speed. ADRIAN It hasn't been easy, that's why uh, maybe you could explain better about multiple Bubble Universes. SARAH Multiple bubble universes. I can't believe what I am hearing. All I want to know is for someone to please tell me my boys are in no danger...Let me finish. It seems Adrian's dreams and my boys' artwork are heading down some kind of an alien path which as we all know Adrian is not in control of and my boys unaware are being innocently manipulated in their dreams by these blue aliens. I want it to stop now! Please. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Sarah I truly feel your anguish. I too am worried where this may all be leading. Let me start here, Quantum dream jumping. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Amoebas, birds, primates to humans. We are inter-galactic woven into other dimensions and universes. Quantum dream jumping appears to be the only way to communicate 78

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams DR. WINSLOW CRATER CONT'D defend our realities against these dimensional aliens.

SARAH Is this how the world is coming to an end in late 2012. Aliens from another dimension taking over our dreams, our realities. ADRIAN Perhaps not, through my quantum dream jumping I have seen their alien ships. And with the help of Horus and my great ancient Norse Grandfather Autgraf I have been able to defeat them, initially anyway. I'm now on level three. SARAH Level three, when were you planning on telling me...Are you saying we are in some kind of a multi universe alien game that wants to re-program you, my boys, me, shit the world. ADRIAN It appears more likely than not. 79

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams Sarah moves to the couch, this is just too much for a single mom who just happens to be dating an artist who thinks he is in some kind of an alien game. SARAH And what about all these blue orbs hanging around my wheat fields, my boys' bedroom and what about the alien Mothership you have uncovered within the asteroid belt. DR. WINSLOW CRATER I can't positively say for sure, but my initial data, findings lead me to believe this is a temporary alien base from at least one other bubble universe, dimension. The blue orbs like I have expressed previously to Adrian must be some kind of an advanced scouting device seeking those whom have the ability to dream like Adrian beyond our known realities and perceptions. SARAH You mean like dissecting, separating us into dreamers and non-dreamers. Then killing off the dreamers, my boys, Adrian. DR. WINSLOW CRATER It's only a theory at best. SARAH Oh my God no, please God no. DR. WINSLOW CRATER Within this theory of mine. It appears we all possess a cognitive conscience from an alternate 80

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams DR. WINSLOW CRATER CONT'D universe. Some of us like Adrian, your boys have the ability to fight back through their dreams. SARAH My boys are only babies. They are not ready to fight in some kind of an alien dream war. ADRIAN This is exactly why I must keep dreaming confronting the aliens, ANU on any level. All I need to do is believe in myself, my dreams and let my Free Will lead me into battle and hope - uh surely final victory.

SARAH Why did you just stop in mid-stream saying hopefully, is not what you need in order to defeat ANU. ADRIAN Autgraf once said to me in a dream that hope is for those not in control. This is one time I need to be in complete control, to its ultimate end. 81

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams DR. WINSLOW CRATER Wise words from a wise philosopher.

32 OMIT*


33 INT. ADRIAN'D STUDIO LOFT NIGHT The freight elevator doors open to camera revealing Adrian and Sarah, less the Harley Davidson Special. ADRIAN Quite the Buick uh. Did you like how SARAH Aren't you just a little scared that life as we know it may be just an illusion created by aliens from another dimension playing us in some kind of a game. ADRIAN Yes...but I think I know how to beat them at their own game. Adrian and Sarah move towards the black leather hidea-way couch. Adrian hits the couch remote allowing the bed mattress to come forward. Sarah retrieves the bedding from inside the Mennonite pine chest. 82

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams SARAH Let me guess, you are going to save the world by dreaming, dreaming with your bird Horus and getting advice from your ancient great grandfather who has been dead for centuries. ADRIAN You don't believe in my dreams or me do you. SARAH I didn't say that, it's just that thanks to your dreaming, Autgraf, and Crater everything I have believed in, God, hope may be but a figment of my imagination just like it has always been all the way back to your Norse great grandfather. Shit, I can't believe I'm saying this. Maybe you are right hope is not enough. ADRIAN As an artist perception, reality, imagination have always been one and the same to me. Maybe this is why I have been chosen. SARAH You really believe you can help save the world from these aliens who at will can change your paintings. Just look at what they did to this painting and to that one. OUR CAMERA FOLLOWS SARAH'S EYE LINE OVER TO ADRIAN'S PAINTINGS. 83

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams

ADRIAN I kind of like it...don't you. There are times when my dreams seem more real than life itself. I can't stop dreaming, I wouldn't know how aliens or no aliens. SARAH If anything happens to my boys I'm holding you responsible, got it. ADRIAN Got it, I wouldn't have it any other way. Sarah cuddles deep into the arms of her Birdman. SARAH Birdman I'm scared, and scared for you that one day you will not wake up to me. ADRIAN Nonsense my hot sexy red-head. There is no way I would not want to wake up to your touch, not ever. 84

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams SARAH In that case why don't we get these clothes off and ready my Birdman for tonight's war games. I may not be able to help battle the aliens but I think I know a way to keep you thinking of me during your war game dreams. ADRIAN Is it legal in at least a dozen states and a couple provinces. SARAH There is only one way to find out. JUMP CUT TO STATIC INTERFERENCE


34 VFX/CGI DREAMSCAPE #2 Adrian's dream seems to start off differently it feels more like someone is sketching each frame in his dream... 85

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams

ADRIAN Why is my dream being drawn by someone else - and by whom. AUTGRAF It is only a trick in perception created by ANU. He is further testing your dreamscape capabilities. ADRIAN How is it you know so much about these aliens, ANU.

Even Autgraf doesn't look like himself... AUTGRAF We are all seeded by the same Creator on many variant dimensional 86

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams AUTRAF CONT'D levels, interconnected by portals and time space continuum. All universes run parallel to our own realities which are nothing more than perceptions of what we think and what we see and therefore only believe. ADRIAN So Dr. Crater was right in his theory we are not alone, there are other parallel like universes all around us. Shit...then am I really dreaming now.

AUTGRAF There is no such thing as dreams, only false cognizance into thinking we are dreaming when in fact we are awakening our most inner incarnate realities. I am you therefore you are also me. ADRIAN I was only looking for a simple yes or no...we are one and the same you and I really. 87

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams AUTGRAF I'm afraid so, this is how and the only way you will be able to defeat ANU. Your true nature is the sum of all your realities not only mine but those you chose before and after me and those you have also chosen in the future. ADRIAN So what you are telling me is I have always been and will always continue to be.

AUTGRAF This is how you were unknowingly able to turn back ANU's warring fleet. Collectively they KNEW you had the ability to change their perceptions against themselves. ADRIAN And where does my good buddy Horus fit in all this...and why isn't he here with me now? AUTGRAF Horus is in fact here, in order for you to see him you must let go 88

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams AUTRAF CONT'D of your inner inhibitions, and fears created by your erroneous inner perceptions in reality. And with that said Adrian's dream frame goes to static breaking up over his ancient great grandfather's response. AUTGRAF your..s..f



35 INT ADRIAN'S STUDIO LOFT - NIGHT We find ourselves inside Adrian's studio loft in front of his static widescreen television.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams The camera begins to pull back - revealing a naked Adrian continuously pointing his remote at his widescreen television trying to clear the static.

Adrian tries again and again to rid his television interference... He decides on trying a different grip, something doesn't feel right. He looks down at his remote and realizes what he is holding is NOT his remote but rather an alien communicator device looking very similar to the one Jordan created out of Play-Doh and much like the navigation steering column in his alien space craft he flew and crash landed on the moon Io.

Adrian takes a deep breath and presses the GREEN 90

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams BUTTON ...a view from a high rise balcony overlooking an unfamiliar city pops up on his television widescreen. ADRIAN What is going on, what is this. Autgraf I need you to come back, with my remote if you can. Then he sees himself appearing on this mysterious alien-like balcony looking out into the alien city. ADRIAN Where am I, what's going on? He turns around and realizes he is seemingly standing in his studio loft in front of his barber's chair, nothing seems to be out of the ordinary - he looks back at his TV screen of himself looking out from a balcony. Then he hears a familiar voice of the unknown woman from one of his previous dreams.

ND WOMAN Would you please turn off that damn television and come to bed. I don't understand your recent need to watch late night television. 91

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams Is something wrong, are you even listening to me. You still love me don't you. ADRIAN Uh yes of course I do, (in a whispering voice) I guess. He tries another modular button this time hitting the RED BUTTON. His alien warring spacecrafts appear in the horizon heading in his direction.

ADRIAN Shit, I'll be right there in a minute babe. ND WOMAN Babe, you've never called me that before. Are you already cheating on me. ADRIAN (in a whispering voice) Yes, to a red-headed beauty I'm willing to die for.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ND WOMAN Well are you? ADRIAN Of course not, I was just trying to spice up our relationship. ND WOMAN You are too good to me. Now please come to bed and let your babe give you something I know you will like. Adrian now decides to hit the YELLOW BUTTON on the alien remote. A larger than life image of himself in full Norse warrior gear like in his previous dream holographs atop a tall building below. His saber light sword cuts across the night sky. His holograph image sounds out a hearty Viking war cry readying for battle against the approaching alien spacecraft. He is ready for battle.

HORUS begins materializing through the angled wall partition holding a glowing globe...He is wearing a BUCKLE similar in design to his alien TV remote.


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ADRIAN Thanks for finally dropping by. And what exactly are you, uh holding in your hands, uh claws. In a dry reverberating voice Horus speaks for the first time.

HORUS Your realities as you have so far perceived them. ADRIAN Gees, and am I really...home. HORUS Yes, but in the ancient city of URUK on the planet Io in a parallel 94

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams HORUS CONT'D universe much like your Earth in every way. ND WOMAN Adrian who are you talking to, maybe Sarah isn't just a figment of your imagination. ADRIAN Shit, don't go anywhere, there is a lot I need for you to tell me uh about myself I think... Babe there is no one here, I'm turning off the television - I'll be right there. And you give me a couple minutes, I'll be right back - I hope. Hastily he tries to turn off his television pressing every other button, but it just won't turn off. He tosses the remote landing safely in his barber's chair. Our frame unexpectedly imposes a comic strip version of Adrian in front of the television screen.

CUT TO: 95

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams 36 INT. ADRIAN'D STUDIO LOFT - NIGHT Seemingly Adrian has awakened in some kind of a Twilight Zone. He takes a deep breath and slowly moves under the satin sheets. His Babe has her back to him, she could wait no longer, she appears to be asleep. Curious Adrian leans over her shoulder to get a glimpse of her face, she pulls the satin sheet further over her head. ND WOMAN You had your chance, perhaps Sarah can give you what you want in a wet dream. ADRIAN Guess I better start dreaming then uh. ND WOMAN I must admit you do have one strange horny imagination. Tell Sarah she can only have you till morning. ADRIAN Will do. ND WOMAN Don't spend too much time dreaming about this Sarah. Maybe think about me in your dreams for a change. ADRIAN Dreams seem to have a life of their own..."well you may ask yourself how did I get here". ...Sure would like to know. He hears sounds of heavy breathing next to him. 96

Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams ADRIAN CONT'D I don't remember coming to bed.

Our camera pulls back and dollies left back into his entertainment area. We notice an unusual static pattern on his HD television widescreen - turning into much like one of his altered alien paintings and like in Sarah's earlier dream frame...there is no sign of Horus anywhere. Our camera moves full frame on our changing wide screen Television.


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams In a comic book relief drawing style a never before seen YOUNG BOY'S HAND wearing an unusual LEATHER WRIST BAND.

He picks up the alien remote from the barber's chair and with one click turns off the television set. BEAT Our camera moves in on the darkened television screen filling our last frame.




Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams Thank you for purchasing "Beyond Dreams"

Stay tuned for the next Birdman From Io illustrated screenplay episode #005


Birdman From Io > Beyond Dreams


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