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The Second World War is shown through the eyes of a young boy, the world around him literally crumbling down as it goes through key dates. Finally arriving to a new era in the shape of the 1950s where war starts all over again representing that war is on-going.

In a 1930s German home a Jewish family goes about their regular routine. A sudden disturbance pulls the young son into a whirlwind of WWII events from the Nazi rise to the Holocaust concentration camps. Destroyed/rubble of concentration camps begin to turn to 1950s buildings, the young boy changing style to become more 50s too. These buildings begin to burn symbolizing the continuity of war through time.

3 Act Structure
Act 1- Young child in family home during equilibrium. Opening event of war disrupts equilibrium. Act 2- Main events of war unfold, boy and environment changing throughout. Act 3- One final destructive event is shown then remains of streets which gradually turn to 1950s streets, the child changing to represent the 50s also. (Represents war still going on)

Opening and Closing Lights

-Oil lamp or candle (Hanukkah) -Street light or sparkle/flame in eye.

Step Outline

Zoom out from Hanukkah candle light. Child is eating dinner with family and playing with a toy plane (family not shownjust bodies/chatter) Disturbance- cheers of Germans. Child goes to walk out front door. EXT. GERMAN STREETS Buildings start appearing with Nazi flags hanging from them. Cut to child who looks stunned. Child turns around to see his house unfold to be taken place by streets. Toy plane becomes decorated with Nazi symbol. Child is playing with plane. Blowing of whistle. Plane freezes. German police march past (behind) Child turns to direction police are going. Cut to scene of Reichstag fire. Child walks up to scene. Toy plane turns red. Glass smashing can be heard in the distance. Child walks through streets of vandalized Jewish shops. Many shadows/silhouettes fill the pavement and engine roars can be heard. Toy plane becomes a replica of the Nazi war planes. Toy plane joins real planes flying overhead. Scene is now of a concentration camp. Child is holding onto a wire fence in stripped pyjamas with broken plane in his hand. Bombing of concentration camp. Ruins of camp are left. Ruins turn into 1950s buildings/street. Childs clothing changes to 1950s as well. Plane becomes new (metallic). Buildings start to burn

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