Michael Jackson Case Study

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Tanya Scott How a stars image develops over time through music videos: Case study

Michael Jacksons talent has shaped every facet of modern entertainment; his legendary ways have inspired the stars of today. Usher Raymond (stage name Usher) is a 33 year old singersongwriter from the US. His work demonstrates Michael Jacksons influences in a variety of ways. His genres include pop, dance, soul but widely known for RnB. Usher rose to fame in the late 1990s with the release of his second album My way which was certified 6 times platinum by the RIAA (recording industry of America). His star image was established in his earliest music video which was in 1993 called Call me a Mack from the album Poetic Justice. The image he gave to the public was a southern gangster-rap style; he wore baggy jeans with trainers and large jackets in most of his videos and appeared to perform in unusual places for instance rapping on a rooftop at night (Call me a Mack). However, as the years went on, Ushers star image moved shape as he opted for a different venture when exploring his options in updating his style. Usher had stated, "That whole bad-boy thing, me frowning for the camera-that wasn't me. He moved from a southern gangster-rap image to a more popular RnB singer. This image developed later in his career as he began to stick with his RnB vibe and take inspiration from Michael Jackson. This is particularly noticeable in his song You make me wanna in 1997 where he toned down his baggy clothing and focused more on his mise-en-scene, making it more professional and ground breaking. In this video he is shown performing and leading a choreographed dance routine that was inspired by Michael Jackson. Visual motifs such as felt Fedora hats and the famous Michael Jackson leg-popping foot-slides began to be associated with the star; examples of these can be seen in his songs Nice and Slow, My Way and U Remind Me. Many would say that Usher plays a character in his videos, mimicking Michael Jacksons footsteps due to the constant change of mise-en-scene, including setting and clothing. He had admitted that it has been difficult for people to get to know the real Usher and wanted to change that; he felt he achieved this through his songs Confessions" and "8701". He had stated, "Part of the reason why I did this album is so you can understand the full spectrum of who I am as an artist". There are many close-ups of Usher throughout his work, in almost every music video the camera, at some point, focuses on him. I believe this is one of the ways record companies attempt to sell Usher. Mise-en-scene also plays a role in this; his props and settings in his music videos have definitely changed overtime. Hes seen to be associated with visual motifs such as Fedora hats and tends to perform in more creative and bold settings with choreographed dance moves. These are all used in his videos to support his star image, as did Michael Jackson. MJ also had visual motifs, such as the felt Fedora hats, dancing, and funky outfits.

Tanya Scott Michael Jacksons inspiration had made Usher follow in the footsteps of the King of Pop in hopes of obtaining a similar image and status in stardom. Ushers vocal style also began to develop overtime through his music videos, as well as his view towards his career; he held a smooth and soft tone throughout his songs that boosted success in his albums, similar to the early days of the style of Michael Jackson before he began a more aggressive tone in his music. The song that is most reminiscent of Michael Jacksons music would be the bass line of O.M.G by Usher which holds a similar beat as Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. Camerawork and editing are also used to reinforce and develop Ushers image. For example close ups and extreme close ups of objects or body parts such as his eyes or his feet, are used to enhance the communication and the emotion between him and his audience, bringing them closer together. Despite the audience and Ushers closeness, they are unable to partake in his experience and crosscutting leaves questions to his audiences imagination. This is very much alike to Michael Jacksons relationship with his audience as he also had a mysterious feel to his camerawork and editing. Usher became extremely popular in the 2000s and gained a wider cultural significance as he began to collaborate with various artists that have been inspired by him, from across the world. Michael Jackson almost established this wide cultural significance, giving off a legendary posturing. Millions have been inspired by both MJ and Usher and both images, in particular Ushers, rose when the two shared a stage in 2001 in New York City.

To conclude, its fair to say Michael Jacksons talent has shaped every facet of modern entertainment; his legendary ways have inspired the stars of today, specifically Usher Raymonds. Usher rose to fame in the late 1990s from having a southern gangster-rap image to an idolised icon, from Michael Jacksons inspiration. Ushers image developed overtime through his music videos by taking aspects from MJ, such as having similar visual motifs and similar dance moves. This made Usher well-known and began to form a humble relationship with his audience, boosting his success and star image.

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