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Smoke and Mirrors: The Magical World of Chemical Dependency

Book Review Smoke and Mirrors: The Magical World of Chemical Dependency By Dorothy M. England

Perfecting love of God LaVelle Figueroa October 13, 2012

Smoke and Mirrors: The Magical World of Chemical Dependency Smoke and Mirrors: The Magical World of Chemical Dependency As the author of Smoke and Mirrors: The Magical World of Chemical Dependency, Mrs. Dorothy Marie England. Introduces the reader to some crucial specifics concerning chemical dependency in addition she describes the unreal world in which the dependent person lives as well as the tricks used to deceive self and others. This book is somewhat like her memoir, being the she is an addict in recuperation, she describes the treatment programs, such as Alcoholics and Narcotics anonymous; and Al-Non this last one is a support group for families of recuperating addicts. Once she was able to stay clean or sober, she became a Christian addictions counselor and helps people with the same addiction as she had in the past It is a commonplace, these days for chemically dependent people as exposed in Smoke and Mirrors: The Magical World of Chemical Dependency, brings to life for the reader a credible person in spite of the compulsiveness, the impulsiveness, the ruthlessness and the dishonesty are rather than not the main aim for our contempt and rejection, nor as one to be excused and forgiven however as a prevailing and witty deceiver so that fools her/himself as well. Lastly, this book was written by the addiction Dorothy Marie England, who was a recovering dependency addict as well. Thus far, the book was written by the addictions counselor Dorothy Marie England, a recovering addict herself; Smoke and Mirrors: The Magical World of Chemical Dependency describes the illusory world in which the addicts; life which also includes the tricks used to deceive self and others. Specifically, describing the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous, England a far-reaching circle of addiction recovery by undoubtedly proving the meaning of an addicts individual relationship with God plays a crucial role in the permanent recovery process of each addict. I recommend this to any religious leader including (ministers and priests) in

Smoke and Mirrors: The Magical World of Chemical Dependency addition for those families and friends, who have an addict within their midst so it will help them confront the truth as well as help them be an effective support network for the addict. Therefore, she also illustrates all the tricks sufferers play to keep their codependents bewildered so they can continue providing the means to support their chronic illness. The book also defines chemical dependency as a disorder of brain chemistry which causes even the addict to being deceived by their own tricks. In addition, best of all, it also describes all the possible excuses an addict can give to a family member or friend. In addition, Ms. England has made available to all professionals and the general public her theory linking neurochemical science to the behaviors and relational models seen in addicts as well as their loved ones. Myself being a future Professional Counselor is going to be trained to treat families to overcome this problem within the family, and having experienced it with my father who was a chemical dependent and Alcoholic as well that eventually fell off the wagon when I was twenty and died of cirrhosis due to his lack of control and use and abuse of alcohol and drugs; I was challenged by this book to seek ways to apply its methods in family implicitly or explicitly... IN sum and addict is able to diminish and justify their behavior. A neglectful father candidly thinks that his childrens work to help them support their own addition, rather than viceversa. An incestuous father thinks\ he's doing his kids a favor by sexually abusing, as a result they do not let their children have healthy sex life with their future husbands. Thus the chemical and alcohol; that eventually becomes a sexual abuser thinks that their wives deserve that abusive treatment, and therefore they do not have the right to nag. As a result, of their acts and their lack of control, an addict goes on with a show, habitually they tend to leave needle holes on their

Smoke and Mirrors: The Magical World of Chemical Dependency arms, but they are excellent deceivers the put on a fake clown face to hide their suffering and the loneliness they tend to feel in their daily lives.

Smoke and Mirrors: The Magical World of Chemical Dependency References England, D. (2004). Smoke and Mirrors: The Magical World of Chemical Dependency, Cincinnati, OH: Forward Movement

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