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1 Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin

Drug and Alcohol Addiction A Besetting Sin LaVelle Figueroa Victory University

Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin

Abstract These days, addictive disorders (i.e. alcoholism, drugs, chemical dependency, sexual addiction, gambling and many others), have cost the Federal Government alone an expenditure of about $165 billion annually. An addict is constantly screaming out for attention and admitting that they are addicts and they need help. The common reactions for mental health professionals as well as addictions counselors, but American culture has been moved by compassion have created many drug rehabilitation programs to treat addicts. Nonetheless, I want to exchange the term addiction for besetting sin. The principle issue of the addict is only moral, spiritual,, and it cannot be treated from a medical perspective only. Keywords: alcoholism, drug dependency, Christians, statistics, stumbling, offensive language.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin The Effects of Alcohol Addiction on Christians as well as Society Today, Drug and alcohol addictions tend to be an issue that does not discriminate among Christians and those who are not. The causes of drug and alcohol addictions include predisposition due to genetics, environmental stressors, and the ignominy concerned about seeking treatment. Addiction can be also defined in about three components such as preoccupation, compulsion and relapse as well as two subcategories Substance Dependence and Substance Abuse. Lastly, to date there several types of addictions, like for instance, drug and alcohol abuse plus any other psychoactive drugs, sexual addiction, gambling, eating disorders (e.g. Morbid obesity) and that are very slim/skinny (i.e. bulimics and anorexics); are addicted to nicotine or tobacco; and twenty five million people are addicted to sex and/or love (Payne, 2003). Substance use disorders are amongst the most crucial and unyielding mental health problems confronted by American society, to date. American society is very concerned about the abuse of alcohol, nicotine, and other psychoactive substances, dates far back to Biblical times: Moses wrote in Numbers 6 the Nazirite laws that stated if any of the people, both men or women, take the special vow of a Nazirite, setting themselves apart to the Lord in a special way, they must give up wine and other alcoholic drinks . They must not use vinegar made from wine or from other alcoholic drinks, the must not drink fresh grape juice and they must not eat grapes or raisins (Num 6:2-3, NLT 1996-2007). In spite of the scientific research conducted correlated with this variable that states that this is a current issue of concern, in society to date. On the other hand, an

Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin imposing framework of knowledge regarding the epidemiology, etiology, neuro biology, and treatment of addictive behavior has hoard. Additionally, some supplementary factors or variables of addictive behavior continue to be addressed both with broad clinical and experimental research. There have been tons of studies conducted that have correlated substance use and abuse has been a motive of controversy or a hot potato. The controversy has been very heated the key opposition amongst scholars, (i.e. scientists, mental health professionals, social policy makers and the general public) of whether to view addiction as a disease in need of medical treatment, as sin need of punishment and containment, or as learned behaviors that can be changed by contingencies. The debate is not simply over semantics, but has implications for research, treatment, and social policy. For instance, treatments that are shown to be efficient in research environments are frequently ignored in the treatment community because the interventions are viewed as philosophically opposed to the conventional wisdom about what works best. Alas, the conventional wisdom what constitutes effective treatment is often goes underreported by empirical research. As a result, scholars or professionals that adopt the perspective that alcoholism and other psychoactive drugs use and abuse as illnesses, are ethically and, under some specific circumstances are morally opposed to the use of controlled use treatments, which they see as irresponsible. Drug users and abusers fill our criminal justice system, while treatment providers lament the criminalization of these diseases. Some, scholars that favor legalization of drugs, who are a minority, note that legalization will help embrace many of the social ills linked

Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin with substance use. In contrast to, many scholars see such perspective as reckless and morally wrong because it would enhance the exposure of those with a genetic prosperity for addiction to the substances that would trigger the addictive process. One by one, they think that such policies would contribute to greater social destruction. Since the emotional, legal and economic concerns in the dispute is soaring, does not end the heated debate, about drugs and other psychoactive drugs and its effects on addicts and alcohol abusers There all drugs and alcohol abuse; and other psychoactive drugs and its effects on addicts and alcohol abusers also have environmental factors of alcohol and drug abuse. Drug and alcohol addictions tend to be an issue that does not discriminate among Christians and those who are not. I personally, believe that the meaning of addiction is subdivided into two subcategories: Substance Dependence and Substance Abuse. According to, Maddux and Winstead (2008, pp. 328) who cited Miller 1995 which defines addiction consisting of three primary components: preoccupation, compulsion and relapse. In the preoccupation stage individuals placea great a deal of emphasis on acquiring drugs. As such, social relationships and employment are jeopardized in the continuous search for drugs, and also suffer as a consequence of using drugs. In the compulsion phase, the individual continues to use drug, despite serious negative consequences. During, the relapse phase the individual stops using drugs, however, eventually resumes using drugs at abnormal levels. The definition of addiction, according to Covenant Enterprises (2007) is commonly used by mental health professional, addictions counselors and

Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin

physicians` and laymen to refer to problems of a repetitive nature that dominate a persons life, usually in a severely destructive way. The term is used loosely as to be of little value. Its modern connotation began with the addiction to heroin, and as such, included a physical dependence on a drug as well as its severely habitual nature. However, it is now commonly used for such things as sexual addictions A more liberal criterion of judgment, in the American government estimates that about 20 million alcoholics, eighty million are co alcoholics; there are about twenty million gamblers that are addicts; fifty million people that are morbidly obese the other extreme is portrayed by about thirty million that are very slim/skinny (i.e. bulimics and anorexics); seventy-five million are addicted to nicotine or tobacco; and twenty five million people are addicted to sex and/or love (Payne, 2003). As counselors we must be aware of our counselees feelings of flight and flee (isolation and to feel a sense of unity) with everything and everyone around them. Thus far, a main concern for mental health professionals as well as addiction counselors, if their counselee is alcohol or chemical addict; is that they influence how the addict feels and perceives the world around them. The appeal is that they change the way a person feels and perceives the world around her. Both chemical/substance and alcohol dependants tend to be more sociable among peers, ease boredom, as well as forget problems. Generally, addiction does not discriminate (i.e. gender, religion, socioeconomic status, nationality, ethnicities) addicts come from everywhere.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin There are innumerable of approaches about drug addicts, because everyone is bound to succumb to drug, chemical and alcohol addiction; and how they identify themselves as drug users and abusers. On the other hand, the other law abiding citizens, have not used drugs at all, but are PWD, that fall in the description of functional E addicts, and then there are recovered addicts. They can control what they ingest their substance of choice, which enables them to function within the norms of society. These days, there is coexistence with the functional drug addict is more viable, because they have a lack of self-control and self-discipline. As a result, they are still dependant on their drug, chemical or alcohol ingestion, and their dependency is more likely resurface when they encounter stress or pressure. Tons of drug addicts and alcoholics that have sought rehabilitation are very grateful. One of the tricks and excuses that many alcoholics and drug/chemical dependants, experience are denial, and as a result they must hit bottom. For instance, addicts and chemical dependants or alcoholics experience a deep level of happiness, or physical handicap. The facts state that every consumer of drug rehabilitation centers, primarily began their illicit drug consumption with cannabis, and then began to escalate to harder drugs, consequently they mixed it with alcohol and they lacked control. Many Christians nowadays are very concerned of the impact that alcohol and drug abuse has upon the church, and they have very good reason to be. Due to the rampant abuse of drug and alcohol in America, according to Wallace (2004) resulting in shattered lives and tens of thousands of deaths each year, any person with a conscience should be deeply concerned about this issue. Yet, our own
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Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin concern is necessary but in another way: time and again Christians have righteous indignation when we observe abuses of Gods gifts; as a result that indignation that leads to a conviction of those who are not abusers. As said by Wallace (2004) Things that once were issues are often now regarded as normal activities. For example, when my grandmother and grandfather were dating, her parents were concerned about this young man because he liked to go to football games. That was taboo for them. Some Christians have condemned others for wearing makeup, going to the opera, or even sending Christmas cards. Christians, it seems, have an incredible ability to invent rules and regulations. Its endemic to human nature; but its also a modern, unvarnished form of Pharisaism. Our attitude toward alcohol may well be conditioned by our culture more than we realize. Since the days of Prohibition, many believers have simply assumed that partaking of alcoholic beverages was sinful. What is interesting is that in many other countries God-fearing Christians see no problem with alcoholic beverages. These days, there are two major concerns of American society are alcohol and drug abuse. The oldest legal drug worldwide and locally is alcohol. In America alcohol is the most consumed legal drug that is about fifty percent of preadolescents between the ages of 12 and over. Some people have the ability to choose whether or not to consume alcohol moderately. More than ten to fifteen million people in the United States can be classified as alcoholics. About 4.5 million of those people are adolescents. Alcohol dependence will affect 17 percent of men and 8 percent of women at some point in their lives. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 79,000 deaths per year are the direct result

Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin of excessive alcohol consumption. It is the third leading cause of death (life-style related) in the nation and the leading cause of death for people aged 15 to 24. In 2005, excessive alcohol caused 4 million emergency room visits and 1.6 million hospitalizations. About 2,000 people under the legal drinking age (21) die annually in car crashes due to alcohol and it is involved in nearly 50 percent of all teen deaths involving violence (Project Know2012). Many Christian denominations prohibit or discourage the use of alcohol altogether, and those which don't proscribe its use caution against drunkenness. The Bible has 17 warnings against the abuse of wine and strong drink and 19 examples of its abuse. Churches are cautioned in 3 epistles not to select leaders who are "given to drunkenness" or "given too much wine." It has been estimated that there are over 3 million problem drinkers between the ages of 14 and 17 in the United States. Additionally, there several interpretations on what Scriptures say regarding drinking amid Christian. For example a renowned Christian Ministry named Christian Apologetics & Research Ministries argues that Christians can drink in moderation and wisely. In summary alcoholic beverages are totally in not exclusively off limits for Christians solely it they have stomach problems, as Paul admonishes in the epistle of 1 Tim. 5:23 dont drink only water. You ought to drink a little wine for the sake of your stomach because you are sick so often (NLT, 1996-2007).


Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin Discussion In the present day, the main concern of all law abiding American citizens is drug and alcohol addictions; tend to be an issue that does not discriminate among Christians and those who are not. According to Wallace (2004) resulting in shattered lives and tens of thousands of deaths each year, any person with a conscience should be deeply concerned about this issue. Yet, our own concern is necessary but in another way: time and again Christians have righteous indignation when we observe abuses of Gods gifts; as a result that indignation that leads to a conviction of those who are not abusers. As said by Wallace (2004) Things that once were issues are often now regarded as normal activities. For example, when my grandmother and grandfather were dating, her parents were concerned about this young man because he liked to go to football games. That was taboo for them. Some Christians have condemned others for wearing makeup, going to the opera, or even sending Christmas cards. Christians, it seems, have an incredible ability to invent rules and regulations. Its endemic to human nature but its also a modern, unvarnished form of Pharisaism. The causes of drug and alcohol addictions include predisposition due to genetics, environmental stressors, and the shame about seeking treatment. According to, NIDA (2012) states, biology (the genes that people are born with in combination with environmental influences - - account for about half of their addiction vulnerability. Additionally, gender, ethnicity, and the presence of other mental disorders may influence risk for drug use and addiction), environment (a persons environment many different influences, family and friends to socioeconomic status and quality of life in general. Factors such as peer pressure, physical and
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Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin sexual abuse, stress, and quality of parenting can greatly influence the occurrence of drug abuse and the escalation to addiction in a persons life); and development (genetic and environmental factors interact with critical developmental stages in a persons life to affect addiction vulnerability. Although taking drugs at any age can lead to addiction, the earlier that drug use begins, the more likely it will progress to more serious abuse, which poses a special challenge to adolescents. Because, the brains are still developing in the areas that govern decision-making, judgment, and self-control, adolescents may be especially prone to risk-taking behaviors, including drugs of abuse. Addiction can be also defined in about three components such as preoccupation, compulsion and relapse as well as two subcategories Substance Dependence and Substance Abuse. Lastly, to date there several types of addictions, like for instance, drug and alcohol abuse plus any other psychoactive drugs, sexual addiction, gambling, eating disorders (e.g. Morbid obesity) and that are very slim/skinny (i.e. bulimics and anorexics); are addicted to nicotine or tobacco; and twenty five million people are addicted to sex and/or love (Payne, 2003). Substance use disorders are amongst the most crucial and unyielding mental health problems confronted by American society, to date. American society is very concerned about the abuse of alcohol, nicotine, and other psychoactive substances, dates far back to Biblical times: Moses wrote in Numbers 6 the Nazirite laws that stated if any of the people, both men or women, take the special vow of a Nazirite, setting themselves apart to the Lord in a special way, they must give up wine and other alcoholic drinks . They must not


Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin use vinegar made from wine or from other alcoholic drinks, the must not drink fresh grape juice and they must not eat grapes or raisins (Num 6:2-3, NLT 19962007). In spite of the scientific research conducted correlated with this variable that states that this is a current issue of concern, in society to date. On the other hand, an imposing framework of knowledge regarding the epidemiology, etiology, neuro biology, and treatment of addictive behavior has hoard. Additionally, some supplementary factors or variables of addictive behavior continue to be addressed both with broad clinical and experimental research. There have been tons of studies conducted that have correlated substance use and abuse has been a motive of controversy or a hot potato. The controversy has been very heated the key opposition amongst scholars, (i.e. scientists, mental health professionals, social policy makers and the general public) of whether to view addiction as a disease in need of medical treatment, as sin need of punishment and containment, or as learned behaviors that can be changed by contingencies. The debate is not simply over semantics, but has implications for research, treatment, and social policy. For instance, treatments that are shown to be efficient in research environments are frequently ignored in the treatment community because the interventions are viewed as philosophically opposed to the conventional wisdom about what works best. Alas, the conventional wisdom what constitutes effective treatment is often goes underreported by empirical research. As a result, scholars or professionals that adopt the perspective that alcoholism and other psychoactive drugs use and abuse


Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin as illnesses, are ethically and, under some specific circumstances are morally opposed to the use of controlled use treatments, which they see as irresponsible. Drug users and abusers fill our criminal justice system, while treatment providers lament the criminalization of these diseases. Some, scholars that favor legalization of drugs, who are a minority, note that legalization will help embrace many of the social ills linked with substance use. In contrast to, many scholars see such perspective as reckless and morally wrong because it would enhance the exposure of those with a genetic prosperity for addiction to the substances that would trigger the addictive process. One by one, they think that such policies would contribute to greater social destruction. Since the emotional, legal and economic concerns in the dispute is soaring, does not end the heated debate, about drugs and other psychoactive drugs and its effects on addicts and alcohol abusers There all drugs and alcohol abuse; and other psychoactive drugs and its effects on addicts and alcohol abusers also have environmental factors of alcohol and drug abuse. I personally, believe that the meaning of addiction is subdivided into two subcategories: Substance Dependence and Substance Abuse. According to, Maddux and Winstead (2008, pp. 328) who cited Miller 1995 which defines addiction consisting of three primary Components: preoccupation, compulsion and relapse. In the preoccupation stage individuals placea great a deal of emphasis on acquiring drugs. As such, social relationships and employment are jeopardized in the continuous search for drugs, and also suffer as a consequence of using drugs. In the compulsion phase, the individual continues to use drug, despite serious negative consequences. During,


Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin : preoccupation, compulsion and relapse. In the preoccupation stage individuals placea great a deal of emphasis on acquiring drugs. As such, social relationships and employment are jeopardized in the continuous search for drugs, and also suffer as a consequence of using drugs. In the compulsion phase, the individual continues to use drug, despite serious negative consequences. During, the relapse phase the individual stops using drugs, however, eventually resumes using drugs at abnormal levels. According to Kopala and Keitel (2003, pp. 489) there are two common instruments of semistructured clinical interviews that are used to evaluate counselees which are Addiction Severity Index (ASI) and Structured Clinical Interview SCID for DSM- IV- TR. The definition of addiction, according to Covenant Enterprises (2007) is commonly used by mental health professional, addictions counselors and physicians` and laymen to refer to problems of a repetitive nature that dominate a persons life, usually in a severely destructive way. The term is used loosely as to be of little value. Its modern connotation began with the addiction to heroin, and as nature. However, it is now commonly used for such things as sexual addictions such, included a physical dependence on a drug as well as its severely habitual nature. However, it is now commonly used for such things as sexual addictions such, included a physical dependence on a drug as well as its severely habitual nature.


Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin A more liberal criterion of judgment, in the American government estimates that about 20 million alcoholics, eighty million are co alcoholics; there are about twenty million gamblers that are addicts; fifty million people that are morbidly obese the other extreme is portrayed by about thirty million that are very slim/skinny (i.e. bulimics and anorexics); seventy-five million are addicted to nicotine or tobacco; and twenty five million people are addicted to sex and/or love (Payne, 2003). As counselors we must be aware of our counselees feelings of flight and flee (isolation and to feel a sense of unity) with everything and everyone around them. Thus far, a main concern for mental health professionals as well as addiction counselors, if their counselee is alcohol or chemical addict; is that they influence how the addict feels and perceives the world around them. The appeal is that they change the way a person feels and perceives the world around her. Both chemical/substance and alcohol dependants tend to be more sociable among peers, ease boredom, as well as forget problems. Generally, addiction does not discriminate (i.e. gender, religion, socioeconomic status, nationality, ethnicities) addicts come from everywhere. There are innumerable of approaches about drug addicts, because everyone is bound to succumb to drug, chemical and alcohol addiction; and how they identify themselves as drug users and abusers. On the other hand, the other law abiding citizens, have not used drugs at all, but are PWD, that fall in the description of functional E addicts, and then there are recovered addicts. They can control what they ingest their substance of choice, which enables them to function within the


Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin norms of society. These days, there is coexistence with the functional drug addict is more viable, because they have a lack of self-control and self-discipline. As a result, they are still dependant on their drug, chemical or alcohol ingestion, and their dependency is more likely resurface when they encounter stress or pressure. Tons of drug addicts and alcoholics that have sought rehabilitation are very grateful. One of the tricks and excuses that many alcoholics and drug/chemical dependants, experience are denial, and as a result they must hit bottom. For instance, addicts and chemical dependants or alcoholics experience a deep level of happiness, or physical handicap. The facts state that every consumer of drug rehabilitation centers, primarily began their illicit drug consumption with cannabis, and then began to escalate to harder drugs, consequently they mixed it with alcohol and they lacked control. Many Christians nowadays are very concerned of the impact that alcohol and drug abuse has upon the church, and they have very good reason to be. Due to the rampant abuse of drug and alcohol in America, according to Wallace (2004) resulting in shattered lives and tens of thousands of deaths each year, any person with a conscience should be deeply concerned about this issue. Yet, our own concern is necessary but in another way: time and again Christians have righteous indignation when we observe abuses of Gods gifts; as a result that indignation that leads to a conviction of those who are not abusers. As said by Wallace (2004) Things that once were issues are often now regarded as normal activities. For example, when my grandmother and grandfather were dating, her parents were concerned about this young man because he liked to go to football games. That


Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin was taboo for them. Some Christians have condemned others for wearing makeup, going to the opera, or even sending Christmas cards. Christians, it seems, have an incredible ability to invent rules and regulations. Its endemic to human nature; but its also a modern, unvarnished form of Pharisaism. Our attitude toward alcohol may well be conditioned by our culture more than we realize. Since the days of Prohibition, many believers have simply assumed that partaking of alcoholic beverages was sinful. What is interesting is that in many other countries God-fearing Christians see no problem with alcoholic beverages. These days, there are two major concerns of American society are alcohol and drug abuse. The oldest legal drug worldwide and locally is alcohol. In America alcohol is the most consumed legal drug that is about fifty percent of preadolescents between the ages of 12 and over. Some people have the ability to choose whether or not to consume alcohol moderately. More than ten to fifteen million people in the United States can be classified as alcoholics. About 4.5 million of those people are adolescents. Alcohol dependence will affect 17 percent of men and 8 percent of women at some point in their lives. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 79,000 deaths per year are the direct result of excessive alcohol consumption. It is the third leading cause of death (life-style related) in the nation and the leading cause of death for people aged 15 to 24. In 2005, excessive alcohol caused 4 million emergency room visits and 1.6 million hospitalizations. About 2,000 people under the legal drinking age (21) die annually in car crashes due to alcohol and it is involved in nearly 50 percent of all teen deaths involving violence (Project Know, 2012).


Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin Many Christian denominations prohibit or discourage the use of alcohol altogether, and those which don't proscribe its use caution against drunkenness. The Bible has 17 warnings against the abuse of wine and strong drink and 19 examples of its abuse. Churches are cautioned in 3 epistles not to select leaders who are "given to drunkenness" or "given too much wine." It has been estimated that there are over 3 million problem drinkers between the ages of 14 and 17 in the United States. Additionally, there several interpretations on what Scriptures say regarding drinking amid Christian. For example a renowned Christian Ministry named Christian Apologetics & Research Ministries argues that Christians can drink in moderation and wisely. In summary alcoholic beverages are totally in not exclusively off limits for Christians solely it they have stomach problems, as Paul admonishes in the epistle of 1 Tim. 5:23 dont drink only water. You ought to drink a little wine for the sake of your stomach because you are sick so often (NLT, 1996-2007). In sum drinking alcohol may not be automatic sin. For both Non-Christians and Christians drink in moderation, considering the lives of others (so as not make them stumble). In my personal point of view Christians can drink but in moderation, so they may not get drunk.


Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin Works cited American Psychiatric Association. (APA). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision. Washington, DC: APA, 2000. Anderson, K. (2011) Teen Drug Abuse Probe Ministries Retrieved September 5, 2012 available online: Blogos () Is it a sin to drink alcohol? Gotquestions Ministries Retrieved October 14, 2012. From: Covenant Enterprises (2007) Addiction. The Biblical Christian Worldview for the 21 st century Retrieved October 14, 2012 from Gotquestions Ministries (2002) What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol / wine? Is it a sin for a Christian to drink alcohol / wine? Retrieved October 14, 2012 from Holy Bible (1996-2007) New Living Translation Tyndale House Publishers: Carol Stream, Illinois Kopala, M, Keitel, M.A. (2003) Substance Abuse and Dependence in Women Handbook of Counseling Women. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA. pp. 489-490 Maddux, J.E. and Winstead, B.A. (2008). Substance Use Disorders Psychopathology Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding (2ed). Routhlege Taylor & Francis Group: New York, NY pp. 328, 343


Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin National Institute of Drug (October 2012) Understanding Drug Abuse and Addiction Retrieved October 14, 2012 from -abuseaddiction Payne, F.E. (2003) As Besetting Sin. Journal of Biblical Medical Ethics Vol 7(2) Retrieved October 14, 2012 . From _addiction_besetting_sin.html Project Know (2012) Alcohol and Drug Information, facts and statistics Retrieved October 14, 2012 from alcohol-and-drugs/ Slick, M.J (1995) Is it okay for Christians to drink alcohol? Christian Apologetics & Research Ministries Retrieved September 5, 2012. Available online:

Wallace, D. B (June 21, 2004) The Bible And Alcohol Retrieved September 5, 2012 available online: Whitfield, D (1996) Alcohol and the Bible Retrieved September 5, 2012 available online:


Drug and Alcohol Addiction a Besetting Sin

Corrects to be made 1. Please provide a clear thesis statement. You can find help with this on Purdue Owl. A thesis statement tells the reader exactly what they can expect to learn about in your paper. One example of a thesis statement is: Drug and alcohol addictions are present in Christians and non-Christians. The causes of drug and alcohol addictions include predisposition due to genetics, environmental stressors, and the shame involved in seeking treatment. I am not suggesting that you use my thesis statement but it gives you an idea that what you present should be easily identifiable and I should be able to find scholarly data backing up your perspective throughout the rest of your paper. 2. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that tells the reader which of the ideas listed in your thesis statement they will read about. Example: Paragraph 1 topic sentence: One major determining factor in drug and alcohol addiction is a genetic predisposition. (Go on from here and support your statement with research. Make your concluding sentence in this paragraph a brief summary of what you wrote and transition to your next topic. 3. Make sure that all of the resources you use in your paper are listed on your works cited page. 4. I suggest printing off a copy of the grading rubric and your paper to check and make sure youve written the quality paper you want to write. Once youve edited your paper then give it to someone else to read. Make final changes and send back to me.

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