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Table of Contents 1. Table of Contents/Index with page numbering 2. Introduction/Objectives 3. System Analysis 3.1 Identification of Need 3.

2 Preliminary Investigation 3.3 Feasibility Study 3.4 Project Planning 3.5 Project Scheduling (PERT Chart and Gantt chart both) 3.6 Software requirement specifications (SRS) 3.7 Software Engineering Paradigm applied 3.8 Data models (like DFD), Control Flow diagrams, State Diagrams/Sequence Diagrams, Entity Relationship Model, Class Diagrams/CRC Models/Collaboration Diagrams/Use-case Diagrams/Activity Diagrams Depending upon your project requirements 4. System Design 4.1 Modularisation details 4.2 Data integrity and constraints 4.3 Database design, Procedural Design/Object Oriented Design 4.4 User Interface Design 4.5 Test Cases (Unit Test Cases and System Test Cases) 5. Coding 5.1 Complete Project Coding 5.2 Comments and Description of Coding segments 5.3 Standardization of the coding 5.4 Code Efficiency 5.5 Error handling 5.6 Parameters calling/passing 5.7 Validation checks 6. Testing 6.1 Testing techniques and testing strategies used 6.2 Testing Plan used 6.3 Test reports for Unit Test Cases and System Test Cases 6.4 Debugging and Code improvement 7. System Security measures (Implementation of security for the project developed) 7.1 Database/data security 7.2 Creation of User profiles and access rights 8. Cost Estimation of the Project along with Cost Estimation Model 9. Reports (sample layouts should be placed) 10. Future scope and further enhancement of the Project 11. Bibliography 12. Appendices (if any) 13. Glossary

2. Introduction/Objectives The Mahuva Education Trust is committed to educate the people of Mahuva & its rural and coastal areas. Our emphasis is on education of women & socially & economically backward class, Our trust believes that education must be available to all the needy & must be satisfying the current market demand. In Todays world we concentrate on the importance of work culture in the era of universality development. Our aim is to educate the students in such a way that they must be able to apply their knowledge in practice in real life. We have started the B. B. A. Programme since 2007 to make available the education of Business Administration to the students. Modern education is not complete without the knowledge of Managerial Skill. Our trust is always attempting to provide extremely well informed & dedicated teachers & instructors& high-end computer laboratory with audio visual facilities To fulfil the criteria of the information age, its required to make such portal for the college to represent the fact of objectives and work done. Problem Statement If user wants to get information then he/she must go to College and then he get If any new facility is given to College children then extra advertisement charges has to be given by admin if he wants to advertise Announcement cannot be possible online without website User cant get updated information of the College which he has previously Cannot interact without web site with other College without website If admin wants to shows the activities of the College then he has to show the photos at the College but only related people know that, other cant Admin cant show the online result without website If any parents want to suggest something then they have to go to College

Success Criteria: If we have College website then there a strong source of advertisement User can see all announcement online User can see result online User can see all activity done in College online User can get the Colleges information online at home User can get the staff information online Admin can interact other College and also compare the Colleges status with other like if A has organized the annual function, this College admin also think to do the same User can see all the activities in form of photos and text also Admin can shows the students success online for appreciation By powerful advertisement online admin can increase the no of admissions

3. System Analysis

3.1 Identification of Need

3.2 Preliminary Investigation

3.3 Feasibility Study

3.4 Project Planning

3.5 Project Scheduling (PERT Chart and Gantt chart both)

3.6 Software requirement specifications (SRS)

3.7 Software Engineering Paradigm applied

3.8 Data models (like DFD), Control Flow diagrams, State Diagrams/Sequence Diagrams, Entity Relationship Model, Class Diagrams/CRC Models/Collaboration Diagrams/Use-case Diagrams/Activity Diagrams Depending upon your project requirements

System Design

4.1 Modularisation details

4.2 Data integrity and constraints

4.3 Database design, Procedural Design/Object Oriented Design

4.4 User Interface Design

4.5 Test Cases (Unit Test Cases and System Test Cases)


5.1 Complete Project Coding

5.2 Comments and Description of Coding segments

5.3 Standardization of the coding

5.4 Code Efficiency

5.5 Error handling

5.6 Parameters calling/passing

5.7 Validation checks

Testing 6.1 Testing techniques and testing strategies used 6.2 Testing Plan used 6.3 Test reports for Unit Test Cases and System Test Cases 6.4 Debugging and Code improvement

6.1 Testing techniques and testing strategies used

6.2 Testing Plan used 6.3 Test reports for Unit Test Cases and System Test Cases 6.4 Debugging and Code improvement

6.2 Testing Plan used

6.3 Test reports for Unit Test Cases and System Test Cases

6.4 Debugging and Code improvement

System Security measures (Implementation of security for the project developed)

7.1 Database/data security

7.2 Creation of User profiles and access rights

Cost Estimation of the Project along with Cost Estimation Model

Reports (sample layouts should be placed)

Future scope and further enhancement of the Project


Appendices (if any)


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