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Project M + John Bielenberg

John Bielenberg, Project M Founder. John has devoted his time and career to helping companies and their people. He helps them nd the courage and sense of humor to consider whole new, wrong ways of bringing their stories, ideas, and innovations out into the world.

"Saving the world has to be fun, otherwise who's going to do it?"

John Bielenberg, Project M Founder. John has devoted his time and career to helping companies and their people. He helps them nd the courage and sense of humor to consider whole new, wrong ways of bringing their stories, ideas, and innovations out into the world.


yes, CLICK the wrong ways. The wrong ways of thinking.

yes, the wrong ways.

yes, CLICK the wrong ways. The wrong ways of thinking.

Thinking Wrong

John believes that in the creative process, designers are victims of their own connections; we subconsciously follow predictable pathways to solve problems whereas what you would want at the beginning of a design challenge is as many possibilities as you could imagine.

thinking wrong is a way for new ideas and design directions to challenge the status-quo. 'Thinking wrong' is really about breaking those biases and synaptic pathways to generate a lot of potential solutions before you select and execute one." I watched a lecture by John and he says that this illustration you see is the easiest way to show thinking wrong. Its simply changing pathway from A to B. What comes in between? He believes in this thinking wrong so much that he created project M

thinking wrong is a way for new ideas and design directions to challenge the status-quo. 'Thinking wrong' is really about breaking those biases and synaptic pathways to generate a lot of potential solutions before you select and execute one." I watched a lecture by John and he says that this illustration you see is the easiest way to show thinking wrong. Its simply changing pathway from A to B. What comes in between? He believes in this thinking wrong so much that he created project M

To inspire and educate young designers, writers, photographers, and lmmakers by proving that their workespecially their wrongest thinkingcan have a positive and signicant impact on the world. I had to take this straight from their website, because I think they sum it up perfectly, Project M is a program for creative people who are already inspired to contribute to the greater good, and are looking for a platform to collaborate and generate ideas and projects bigger than themselves. Meaning you me anyone creative can go to the website and sign up for a Project M, its usually two weeks long... and you go in as a designer and help solve a problem. Some of these projects include....

Project M

To inspire and educate young designers, writers, photographers, and lmmakers by proving that their workespecially their wrongest thinkingcan have a positive and signicant impact on the world. I had to take this straight from their website, because I think they sum it up perfectly, Project M is a program for creative people who are already inspired to contribute to the greater good, and are looking for a platform to collaborate and generate ideas and projects bigger than themselves. Meaning you me anyone creative can go to the website and sign up for a Project M, its usually two weeks long... and you go in as a designer and help solve a problem. Some of these projects include....

Project M South 2010 The 2010 Project M South team was located in Greensboro, Alabama for two weeks in June, where they set out to visit the Alabama coast and witness the devastation caused by the recent oil spill rsthand. This project aimed to bring light to the lack of media transparency covering the deep water horizon oil spill, the BP stronghold in the cleanup efforts, and what might be if we dont start changing our behavior towards oil dependency.I chose this example because of its humorous take on a serious matter. CLICK COMMON Hoops Bringing positive change to communities through the combination of design and basketball. In one of americas poorest counties, social ventures are bring promise of a new creative economy.

Project M South 2010

Project M South 2010 The 2010 Project M South team was located in Greensboro, Alabama for two weeks in June, where they set out to visit the Alabama coast and witness the devastation caused by the recent oil spill rsthand. This project aimed to bring light to the lack of media transparency covering the deep water horizon oil spill, the BP stronghold in the cleanup efforts, and what might be if we dont start changing our behavior towards oil dependency.I chose this example because of its humorous take on a serious matter. CLICK COMMON Hoops Bringing positive change to communities through the combination of design and basketball. In one of americas poorest counties, social ventures are bring promise of a new creative economy.

Project M South 2010


Project M South 2010 The 2010 Project M South team was located in Greensboro, Alabama for two weeks in June, where they set out to visit the Alabama coast and witness the devastation caused by the recent oil spill rsthand. This project aimed to bring light to the lack of media transparency covering the deep water horizon oil spill, the BP stronghold in the cleanup efforts, and what might be if we dont start changing our behavior towards oil dependency.I chose this example because of its humorous take on a serious matter. CLICK COMMON Hoops Bringing positive change to communities through the combination of design and basketball. In one of americas poorest counties, social ventures are bring promise of a new creative economy.

Welcome Home Welcome home was an guerrilla art attack and initiative that took place in Minneapolis MN to help end homelessness. They opened a studio that allowed homeless people to come in and screen print their own mats and then sell them on the streets. They also went into the city during the night and placed 300 of them all over , such as peoples door steps, and by benches. CLICK Buy A Meter This was a project that was inspired by the fact that not all residents in Hale County Alabama dont have clean water because of the costs. Many of the families in this town live on a xed income of $600 a month which makes clean water unaffordable. It costs $425 to bring clean water to a single home. So this newspaper was created to announce the initiative. wrong thinking was the juxtaposition of these sayings... On the pages they used imagery of the town, with phrases like oprah has one. To show that everyone should be living with clean water.

Welcome Home

Welcome Home Welcome home was an guerrilla art attack and initiative that took place in Minneapolis MN to help end homelessness. They opened a studio that allowed homeless people to come in and screen print their own mats and then sell them on the streets. They also went into the city during the night and placed 300 of them all over , such as peoples door steps, and by benches. CLICK Buy A Meter This was a project that was inspired by the fact that not all residents in Hale County Alabama dont have clean water because of the costs. Many of the families in this town live on a xed income of $600 a month which makes clean water unaffordable. It costs $425 to bring clean water to a single home. So this newspaper was created to announce the initiative. wrong thinking was the juxtaposition of these sayings... On the pages they used imagery of the town, with phrases like oprah has one. To show that everyone should be living with clean water.

Welcome Home

Buy A Meter

Welcome Home Welcome home was an guerrilla art attack and initiative that took place in Minneapolis MN to help end homelessness. They opened a studio that allowed homeless people to come in and screen print their own mats and then sell them on the streets. They also went into the city during the night and placed 300 of them all over , such as peoples door steps, and by benches. CLICK Buy A Meter This was a project that was inspired by the fact that not all residents in Hale County Alabama dont have clean water because of the costs. Many of the families in this town live on a xed income of $600 a month which makes clean water unaffordable. It costs $425 to bring clean water to a single home. So this newspaper was created to announce the initiative. wrong thinking was the juxtaposition of these sayings... On the pages they used imagery of the town, with phrases like oprah has one. To show that everyone should be living with clean water.

I really appreciate the work that Project M has created. I like the idea that John started something Project M with something that already exists. Designers. Project M become a mobile program for designers. project M doesnt exist in once place. It has completed projects as youve seen all over in the United States, but they have also have had accomplished projects Germany, Ghana, Iceland, & Costa Rica. I suppose I appreciate Project M because John has seen the drive of young designers and that we do want to be involved and engaged with issues. CLICK And as we have heard before we are all idiots, but at least we are creative ones. Thank you!

My Opinion?

I really appreciate the work that Project M has created. I like the idea that John started something Project M with something that already exists. Designers. Project M become a mobile program for designers. project M doesnt exist in once place. It has completed projects as youve seen all over in the United States, but they have also have had accomplished projects Germany, Ghana, Iceland, & Costa Rica. I suppose I appreciate Project M because John has seen the drive of young designers and that we do want to be involved and engaged with issues. CLICK And as we have heard before we are all idiots, but at least we are creative ones. Thank you!

My Opinion?

I really appreciate the work that Project M has created. I like the idea that John started something Project M with something that already exists. Designers. Project M become a mobile program for designers. project M doesnt exist in once place. It has completed projects as youve seen all over in the United States, but they have also have had accomplished projects Germany, Ghana, Iceland, & Costa Rica. I suppose I appreciate Project M because John has seen the drive of young designers and that we do want to be involved and engaged with issues. CLICK And as we have heard before we are all idiots, but at least we are creative ones. Thank you!

Thank you!

Think Wrong, Do Right

Thank you!


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