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Whitney Lewis August 21, 2012 Reading and writing Writing and reading are two different challenges

for me. I tend to have difficulties reading but writing is something I love to do. My past with reading is okay but its not the best it can be. My eyes tend to get blurry when I focus on something to long so it tends to mess with me when Im reading. I hate when teachers try to make me read in person because if my eyes start messing up then it makes it seem like I cant read. Reading in front of people really is difficult for me because I have a fear of talking in front of people and I start to have a slight panic attack. I do not really like to read but my favorite book is The legend of Buddy Bush. This book is about a black man during the slave times. I feel that this is a good book because it is not just a formal book; it has a lot of slang in it. The only thing I really like to read is poetry because it makes me think outside the box. I feel like I can really understand it like it speaks my language. I actually use to write my own poetry in high school and my teacher was going to enter me into a contest. Other than the little problems I have with reading, if I get a good book that is in my interest, I would read it. Reading is not that bad at times because you need to be able to read but I wouldnt prefer to read, especially in front of people. Writing is something different to me. It gives me a chance to express myself and show who I truly am, reading does not do that. I use to write all the time until I joined colorguard, which took up all my time. Writing is a way of freeing your inner self as expressing your imagination. The way I use to express myself is through writing poetry and little songs. If I was given something I really love, I could maybe write about it all day. Another way I use to write all the time is when wrote in my debate class. If you did not like writing, you would hate this class. Writing is something I love to do but it depends on what I am writing about. Also, there are different ways of writing. In my world we write note on staffs. In high school my big writing exam had to be a research paper with six to ten pages. It was somewhat easy because I was arguing something that was strong to my heart. I actually prefer writing over reading because I am an expressive person and I love things that give you a chance to express yourself.

Your Name: Whitney Lewis Course #:ENGL 1101 Date: September 5, 2012 Project #1: Multi-Modal Literacy Narrative Part 2: Cultural Domain Analysis

Instructions (Part 1 Domain Analysis Chart): When introducing the Multi-Modal Literacy Narrative project, we established that your mind is influenced by different cultural/social systems that work both separately and together to shape your ideas, beliefs, and practices as a reader and writer. To analyze these systems, your first task is to complete the domain analysis chart in which you must reflect on each of the four domains listed below and identify as many practices, ideas/values/beliefs, objects, or significant details from each cultural/social system that you think has influenced your literacy and composition skills.


Work Colorguard was like a job Had to stay ready Make sure everybody was set Had to keep everyone quiet Make sure everyone is in the right position

From Salisbury(country) Speak English Mom sang to me all the time To be kind to one another Christian Go to church Be respectful Dont argue with an adult Dont curse


Neighborhood / Community / Peers

East Mecklenburg high school David W. Butler high school I was always quiet in school I was in show choir for 2 years Advance womens ensemble for a year The musical working Orchestra for 6 years Marching band colorguard for 4 years

Everybody knows everybody Dont be too loud Everyone helps everybody We work together to get something done friendly

Instructions (Part 2 Domain Analysis Narrative): Now that you have completed the chart and generated some ideas about the cultural/social systems you engage with, it is time to flesh out those ideas, and analyze/explain how you think each domain has influenced your literacy and composition. For each of the systems listed below, write between 75 and 100 words to explain the major details of each cultural/social system and how the qualities of each system have influenced your literacy and composition (this means you will compose four short analyses total). You may complete your essays below. Simply type your essay next to each of the headers.

1. Home: Home was really just like any other country home. I lived in Salisbury so it wasnt really a lot of African Americans around. I was always around friendly people. Everyone usually helped if you needed it, it was true southern hospitality. My neighbors were like my family, everyone was like family. No one really had an enemy. It was a quiet community, relaxed, and calm. You could leave you door unlocked and not worry about someone robbing you

Course #: Date: Project #1: Multi-Modal Literacy Narrative Part 3: Literacy Sponsor Analysis

Instructions (Part 1 The Charts): Fill out the chart to describe a sponsor who has shaped your views of literacy. While you need to describe at least four sponsors, keep in mind that each sponsor should have their own chart. Also keep in mind that your responses should be detailed, and should be formulated as full sentences.

Sponsor #1

1.) Identify the Sponsor: In the space below, identify a sponsor that you feel has impacted your current views and/or practices of reading, writing, and communication. If the sponsor is a person, give their name; if it is a text, object, or institution, describe what the sponsor is, and if necessary, where it is located. Your Response to Questions 1: (Compose your response here)

Church family

2.) Making a Connection: In the space below, describe your relationship with or connection to the sponsor. If they are a person, how you know the person, and if the sponsor is a text, object, or institution, provide context about when or how you interacted with this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 2: (Compose your response here)

They are so supportive and always interested in what im doing and wants me to share my work with


3.) Tracing Experiences: In the space below, briefly describe experiences or memories that you have had with this sponsor related to literacy. While these experiences can be positive or negative, try to identify was many experiences as you can that you feel impacted your current view or literacy. Your Response to Questions 3: (Compose your response here)

Most of my experiences with them are good like that actually show your work or have you read your work for them and they give you feedback and it just really helps

4.) Tracing Emotions: In the space below, briefly describe your emotional response to each of the experiences and/or memories you accounted for in question three. Were your experiences happy, sad, discouraging, encouraging, inspiring, terrifying, etc. Describe the emotional response you had or have, and explain why. Your Response to Questions 4: (Compose your response here)

When im with them I just feel loved and you can just feel the support

5.) Ideologies of Literacy: In the space below, consider how this sponsor influenced the way you think about literacy, and briefly describe the ideas, views, and/or beliefs of literacy that you gained from this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 5: (Compose your response here)

I feel that they have really taught me to express myself in my writing

Sponsor #2

6.) Identify the Sponsor: In the space below, identify a sponsor that you feel has impacted your current views and/or practices of reading, writing, and communication. If the sponsor is a person, give their name; if it is a text, object, or institution, describe what the sponsor is, and if necessary, where it is located. Your Response to Questions 1: (Compose your response here)

Mrs Swiderski

7.) Making a Connection: In the space below, describe your relationship with or connection to the sponsor. If they are a person, how you know the person, and if the sponsor is a text, object, or institution, provide context about when or how you interacted with this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 2: (Compose your response here)

She was my avid teacher back in high school

8.) Tracing Experiences: In the space below, briefly describe experiences or memories that you have had with this sponsor related to literacy. While these experiences can be positive or negative, try to identify was many experiences as you can that you feel impacted your current view or literacy. Your Response to Questions 3: (Compose your response here)

With her I would always write something and come show it to her ( mostly poems) but then she would look at and and give me feed back on what was good and what I needed to would on. At one point she supported me so much that she was going to put my poems in a contest to get edited

9.) Tracing Emotions: In the space below, briefly describe your emotional response to each of the

experiences and/or memories you accounted for in question three. Were your experiences happy, sad, discouraging, encouraging, inspiring, terrifying, etc. Describe the emotional response you had or have, and explain why. Your Response to Questions 4: (Compose your response here)

I truly felt like that was the one teacher who was there to help me and not just tell me what im doing wrong but also help me fix everything that was wrong and how to not do it the next time

10.) Ideologies of Literacy: In the space below, consider how this sponsor influenced the way you think about literacy, and briefly describe the ideas, views, and/or beliefs of literacy that you gained from this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 5: (Compose your response here)

She has showed me that there is no limit to your writing and just because you may think your writing is great, always get a second opinion

Sponsor #3

11.) Identify the Sponsor: In the space below, identify a sponsor that you feel has impacted your current views and/or practices of reading, writing, and communication. If the sponsor is a person, give their name; if it is a text, object, or institution, describe what the sponsor is, and if necessary, where it is located. Your Response to Questions 1: (Compose your response here)

Lady gaga

12.) Making a Connection: In the space below, describe your relationship with or connection to the sponsor. If they are a person, how you know the person, and if the sponsor is a text, object, or institution, provide context about when or how you interacted with this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 2: (Compose your response here)

She is one of my favorite artist

13.) Tracing Experiences: In the space below, briefly describe experiences or memories that you have had with this sponsor related to literacy. While these experiences can be positive or negative, try to identify was many experiences as you can that you feel impacted your current view or literacy. Your Response to Questions 3: (Compose your response here)

When I listen to her music it really shows that she expresses herself and does not care what others say.

14.) Tracing Emotions: In the space below, briefly describe your emotional response to each of the experiences and/or memories you accounted for in question three. Were your experiences happy, sad, discouraging, encouraging, inspiring, terrifying, etc. Describe the emotional response you had or have, and explain why. Your Response to Questions 4:

(Compose your response here)

When I think about lady gaga, I think about being bold and confident. You have to bold and confident that you would is good and really put yourself into it no matter what others may think about you.

15.) Ideologies of Literacy: In the space below, consider how this sponsor influenced the way you think about literacy, and briefly describe the ideas, views, and/or beliefs of literacy that you gained from this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 5: (Compose your response here)

She influenced the way I think about literacy by showing how to just be yourself and dont try to be what others want you to be, that also works in writing because you should write what you feel is good to write and not what others tell you you need to write and how it needs to sound

Sponsor #4

16.) Identify the Sponsor: In the space below, identify a sponsor that you feel has impacted your current views and/or practices of reading, writing, and communication. If the sponsor is a person, give their name; if it is a text, object, or institution, describe what the sponsor is, and if necessary, where it is located. Your Response to Questions 1: music (Compose your response here)

17.) Making a Connection: In the space below, describe your relationship with or connection to the sponsor. If they are a person, how you know the person, and if the sponsor is a text, object, or institution, provide context about when or how you interacted with this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 2: (Compose your response here)

I hear and play music all the time

18.) Tracing Experiences: In the space below, briefly describe experiences or memories that you have had with this sponsor related to literacy. While these experiences can be positive or negative, try to identify was many experiences as you can that you feel impacted your current view or literacy. Your Response to Questions 3: (Compose your response here)

Music has so much emotion and you can truly hear that emotion. I feel like writing should be the same way. When you read it you should feel what the writer was feeling when they wrote it.

19.) Tracing Emotions: In the space below, briefly describe your emotional response to each of the experiences and/or memories you accounted for in question three. Were your experiences happy, sad, discouraging, encouraging, inspiring, terrifying, etc. Describe the emotional response you had or have, and explain why. Your Response to Questions 4:

(Compose your response here)

Music is my life and I feel like when I play or sing I am truly myself and thats what you should feel when you write

20.) Ideologies of Literacy: In the space below, consider how this sponsor influenced the way you think about literacy, and briefly describe the ideas, views, and/or beliefs of literacy that you gained from this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 5: (Compose your response here)

Like the others music has showed me to express myself and put emotion in my writing and not just to be a boring writer that just give facts but also say your opinion about those facts

Your Name: Course #: Date:

Project #1: Multi-Modal Literacy Narrative Part 3: Literacy Sponsor Analysis

Instructions (Part 2 Reflection): Now that you have documented details about each sponsor, I want you to reflect on what you have learned.

In the space below, compose a reflection in which you consider some of the following questions and compose a short reflective essay:

Did you learn anything about how you learned to read and write that you did not know before?

What ideas and beliefs about literacy stood out the most during this activity?

Have your feelings about your sponsors remained the same over time, or have they changed?

If you were to compare one literacy sponsor to another, do you find that the views and beliefs they have are in agreement with one another, or is there tension between beliefs and values?

What was the most significant discovery that you made while completing this activity.

(Compose your response here)

I learned that I tend to be more emotional about my writing than I thought I was. I feel the most ideas that stood out the most was expressing yourself in your writing and not trying to be someone else. I have continued to feel the same about all of my sponsors throughout the years. I feel all of my sponsors share the same idea in expressing yourself and being free when you write. The most significant discovery I made was to be bold and confident with writing and dont be afraid of what others may think about your writing because you never know, someone may feel the same way.

Whitney Lewis My first draft for my project Part 1: Genre-a form of a scrapbook I would like to make something like a scrapbook, but with pictures and or some words or quotes, and maybe some photography that can describe my sponsors and my views of writing. Materials First I need a regular book Some colorful tape Some sharpies Make a list of pictures and quotes that I want Make a list of what I am feeling and thinking about my sponsors and how I want to make/describe them and how they have influenced my writing Computer and printer Part 2: I want to explain who or what my sponsors are first. Then I want to show my views of writing before them. After I would like to show how they have influenced my thinking of writing. The book is full of pictures and quotes that express each sponsor, me, and how I was influenced by them. I chose this because I am a visual person and I feel that I can better express myself through pictures and quotes. Anybody can show how they feel and what they are thinking through writing but with this you have to be creative and artistic with how you are feeling and what you are thinking through pictures and quotes. Pictures are worth a thousand words. StrengthsIts expressive Its artistic It can be understood on a different level Pictures can really show emotion Quotes can express thinking its different

LimitationsPeople may not understand if they think inside the box People may get different views of the pictures or quotes than you intended for them to get. I feel this is logical because its simple but not to simple that you wont have to put work into it. With this you can be expressive and put most of what you want in it and not just have your standard paper. I have experienced with this type of genre, when I was in high school and I had to express myself or my family I would do something like this because it helped my express myself better than words. It helped me be creative and more open to things be outside the box.

Part 5 : to be able to hear the music go to these videos that show the piece of music I have in my book First song: the beginning of my journey, before the sponsors Second song: during the sponsors, finding my way Third song, expressing who I am now and feeling relieved

Whitney Lewis October 1, 2012 Mr. Borrero ENGL 1101 Genre Defense The genre I decided to pick happens to be different types of genres. The three genres I decided to use for this project were pictures, poems, and music. At first I was going to just use a picture book that was kind of like a scrapbook, but then I decided that the book would not be a genre but something to just hold my genres together. I had realized that I could not just describe everything about my literacy experience without using many genres that have helped me become me. My fist genre was to put pictures in the book. I chose to put pictures that I feel could give a visual description instead of just writing it all out. Pictures can be a great way of expressing yourself without having to write anything. Pictures can also have words in them that can give you a mental picture of what you are reading and seeing. A picture is worth a thousand words is what I believe. I have always had experience with pictures throughout my whole life. To me pictures are more helpful than just reading the words right off the page. Pictures have helped me be able to understand things more than I would just read something. I am a visual learner so I tend to not really understand something unless I physically seeing or can make a mental picture of what the meaning of it should be or how I should work something out. Pictures have taught me to take different perspectives when I am reading. I feel that pictures have

changed my view of writing by letting me know that just reading stuff is not the only and best way for someone to understand something. The purpose of the pictures in my book is to show people the visual way of my thinking and to show that you can show what you mean or feel through not only words but with pictures too. The conventions for this genre is to be open minded so you can have different views of a picture other than just one basic view. The limitation for this genre is that people may get a different view of what I intended for them to get. A pro about this genre is that it will get the reader thinking and wondering what I was thinking when I put the picture. Poems are the second genre I used in my little book. Poems can be just expressive as words and pictures. To me they speak a different language that not everyone can understand. With poems you can go through what the writer was feeling and their thoughts without actually being there. My first sponsor, Mrs. Swiderski, used poems to teach her students. For her she would use poems half of the time and then use just regular readings and writings. Poems, for me, give me a better understanding of what I am reading. Not only did we read poems but we also wrote them. This truly helped me improve on my flow in writing. Writing a poem is difficult if you cannot flow with your writing. Poems just flow together and the more you read or writing them the more you realize how to make your writing flow. At first I would just writing things with no order or structure at all but then when I started working with poetry I began to be about to keep my thoughts together with each other and not just go on a tangent conversation. The purpose of the poems is to not only show what Mrs. Swiderski showed me but to show that poems have structure and that you can get meanings and feelings out of just reading a poem like you read a regular book. The convention of a poem is to be able to flow with what you are writing. If you cannot make the poem flow them you are just writing a nonstructural

piece. The limitation for this genre is that not everyone can understand stand poetry so how will they know what you are meaning to say. The pro for this genre is that with the poem it has a natural flow to it that keeps thoughts together. My third genre is music. Music is a different type of literacy that again not everyone can understand. Music is literacy where the words are the notes and the dynamics. Music can tell a story without having to have words read or spoken. When you play a piece of music you are going through a journey of what the person was feeling or thinking at that moment. When you first see a piece of music you may think this is not literacy but truth to be told to a musician this is their book, this is their way of expressing feelings, this is their way of expressing themselves. I have an everyday experience with music because I am a music major. Music has impacted my life by showing me the different emotions and ways of expressing yourself in literacy. It has taught me to just go with the flow of the reading and try to picture what the person was feeling and thinking at that time. I feel as though music has open my emotional state of my so that I am more expressive in my writing and that I try to make the reader feeling what I am feeling at that point of time. Music has changed my meaning of writing being boring and non-expressive to when you write it should have feeling and emotion. The purpose of me putting music in my book is to try and show a musical way of my journey of literacy, plus it expresses me more than writing or reading. The convention for this genre is to be able to read music and play it. The limitation for this genre is someone may not get a clear understanding of what they are hearing if they are not truly concentrating. The pro for this genre is that if you listen to the music you can get a sense of what the persons emotion was. With this project I wanted to explain my personal history of literacy and try to make the reader understand me as a person and my way of thinking. I wanted to explain how I was and

my views before my sponsors. Then I wanted to show who or what my sponsors were. At the end I wanted to show how my sponsors have influenced my thinking of writing. The limitations of the project I chose to do are that people may not understand if they think inside the bow, and people may get different views of the quotes. The strengths for this project is that it is artistic, expressive, it can be understood on a different level. Pictures can really show emotion, quotes can express thinking, and it is different. I feel this is logical because it is simple but not to simple that you will not have to put work into it. With this you can be expressive and put most of what you want in it and not just have your standard paper. With the genre I chose I feel I could express my literacy history the best and I feel as though I came close to my expectations.

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