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International HR and Payroll Overview

This White Paper provides detailed information about International HR and Payroll, including who it is intended for, how it is delivered, what it delivers and the subsequent steps that are required to fully configure the product. The contents are:
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What is International HR and Payroll? Why Do We Need International HR and Payroll? Who Should Use International HR and Payroll? Can You Use International HR and Payroll for a Legislation That Has a Supported Localization Delivered by Oracle HRMS? Can You Use International HR and Payroll for a Legislation That Has a Supported Localization Delivered by a Third Party? What is the Process for Delivering Seed Data for International HR and Payroll? Can You Run International HR and Payroll Setup More Than Once for the Same Legislation? What Will Happen if Oracle Delivers a Product Localization for a Legislation I Have Implemented Using International HR and Payroll? Do You Have to Keep Up with the July FP Schedule if International HR and Payroll is Installed? What Seed Data is Delivered with International HR and Payroll? Integration with HRMS Workbench

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What is International HR and Payroll?

International HR and Payroll is a templated solution for the delivery of a country specific version of HRMS in those countries where Oracle does not currently provide a supported local version. International HR and Payroll is the first stage of a two stage process: 1. You use the International HR and Payroll template to create a standard data-pack common to core HRMS and all country specific versions. 2. You complete the definition of your country specific data using the standard data-pack as a foundation on which to configure your local processes, reports and data.

Why Do We Need International HR and Payroll?

Oracle HRMS delivers a number of localizations of the core HR and Payroll products. These localizations extend the core product to meet the statutory and cultural requirements of a particular legislation. They also ensure that these localizations are operational as soon as they are installed. Note however, that for each localization there is always further configuration required to meet the needs of a particular customer. For legislations that do not have a localized version the core product provides a standard set of HRMS functionality including the core payroll engine and all of its associated processes. The HRMS product needs a defined set of seeded data to enable it to operate correctly. The International HR and Payroll install provides you with:

A generic set of data that is sufficient to enable the HR and Payroll product to operate. A set of HR and payroll objects that you can use when implementing Oracle HRMS.

Who Should Use International HR and Payroll?

International HR and Payroll can be used in the following circumstances: 1. At a customer site where the customer wants to implement a business group for a legislation that is not delivered by Oracle HRMS or a partner. 2. At a "Legislatively Independent" organization e.g. United Nations. 3. By a partner localization provider to generate the initial set of data upon which the partner would build their localization scripts. 4. As a starting point for a new Oracle HRMS product localization. In this case, the International HR and Payroll seed data acts as a template only because the localization is obliged to deliver it's own set of seed data.

Can You Use International HR and Payroll for a Legislation That Has a Supported Localization Delivered by Oracle HRMS?
No. If the customer chooses to implement the legislation, then the Oracle HRMS product localization delivers seed data, code and UI changes that could conflict with the data delivered with International HR and Payroll.

Can You Use International HR and Payroll for a Legislation That Has a Supported Localization Delivered by a Third Party?
Yes. As long as you do not subsequently implement the third party localization.

What is the Process for Delivering Seed Data for International HR and Payroll?
Follow these steps to implement International HR and Payroll 1. Install Oracle HRMS 2. Run hrglobal The definition of the International HR and Payroll seed data is stored in the global postinstall loader file named $PER_TOP/patch/115/import/perlegzz.pdt. This loader runs during the post-install of global data and delivers seed data into a pseudo-legislation with the legislation code ZZ. See Latest HRMS (HR Global) Legislative Data Patch (Note 145837.1) for more details on how to run the global post-install steps. 3. Run Translated Patch for Reference Date If the language you will be using is not English, then you must run the NLS version of the latest HRMS (hrglobal) legislative data patch for the language you need. The legislative data patch translates the International HR and Payroll seed data that was initially loaded into the ZZ legislation. Then, when you subsequently run the International HR and Pay process. the translated data is copied to the new legislation. 4. Run Concurrent Program to Define New Legislation You must run the concurrent process International HRMS Setup to copy the data in the ZZ legislation to a new legislation. The concurrent process:

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Loads the data in the ZZ legislation into the HR_S tables, ready for delivery. Uses the contents of the HR_S tables to deliver the data into the new legislation.

The new legislation code is entered as a parameter to the concurrent process. The full list of parameters to the concurrent program is as follows: Legislation This defines the new legislation into which the seed data will be copied. N.B. The new legislation must be one that is different from a currently supported legislation. Currency This defines the currency in which the seeded balances will be accumulated. Due to the architecture of HRMS, this also means that the currency code of any business groups defined for this legislation should have the same currency. Tax Year Start Date This defines the date in DD/MM format on which the tax year starts. It is used to populate the Legislation Rule of type `L'. The tax year start date is used to determine the expiry of Year to Date balances. Install Tax Unit This determines whether the legislation will provide a mandatory tax unit segment in the Assignment Statutory Information flexfield. If the tax unit is to be supported then additional balance dimensions will be delivered so that balance values can be retrieved for particular tax units. The default is not to enable the Tax Unit. 5. Configure Payroll When the International HR and Payroll process has completed, you can then begin using the new legislation for a business group. However in order to run payroll, you must perform these additional configuration steps: Define Bank Key Flexfield Structure for the Legislation The bank account structure for the new legislation is created during the setup process, and the appropriate legislation rule is created to ensure that the bank account structure is available within the legislation.

The bank account structure is named {Legislation_Code}_BANK_DETAILS and is created without any segments. You must, therefore, configure the new structure by creating new segments to capture the bank details of an organization or person. Create Payment Types When creating the Electronic File Transfer (EFT) payment type definition you must also supply a named packaged procedure. This procedure defines how the EFT file should be created. HRMS Development does not know in advance how the EFT process should work for a particular country, so the packaged procedure cannot be delivered. This means that the payment type of EFT is not delivered. However it is possible for Implementation Teams to define a new legislative specific payment type through the Define Payment Types form (this will have to be added to your menu). At the same time Implementation Teams must also set the PL/SQL packaged function that controls how the EFT payment will be processed. Create Elements and Formulae International HR and Payroll does not deliver any statutory element types or formulae. You must be set these up when configuring the payroll. Create Balances International HR and Payroll does not deliver balance types or defined balances (except for the Total Payments balance). You must set these up when configuring the payroll. Balance Initialization The Balance Initialization process delivered within the core payroll system is sufficient to initialize the balances delivered by the International HR and Payroll setup. You should run the the "Initial Balance Structure Creation" process to generate elements that will be used by the balance initialization process. The balance initialization process for International HR and Payroll balances detects that the balance batch lines refer to a dimension known to International HR and Payroll. In this case it has sufficient information about the dimension to know how to populate the initial balance values. Additional Payroll Processes The following payroll processes are not immediately available using International HR and Payroll:

Magnetic Tape Generation

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Advance Pay Archive and Online Payslip Statement of Earnings Cheque Writer Cash

Further implementation is required to enable these processes. See Implementing Oracle HRMS for more information. 6. Enter transaction data and process payroll Once the payroll configuration is complete, you can enter transactional data and run Oracle payroll for the new legislation.

Can You Run International HR and Payroll Setup More Than Once for the Same Legislation?
Yes. The International HR and Payroll setup process uses the standard HRMS data delivery mechanism. It detects whether there have been any changes to the previously delivered seed data and it merges any new or changed data. No user data will be changed during this process.

What Will Happen if Oracle Delivers a Product Localization for a Legislation I Have Implemented Using International HR and Payroll?
Future Oracle HRMS product localizations will be based upon the International HR and Payroll framework. This will ensure that there is some degree of consistency between the product localization and any implementation of International HR and Payroll. Oracle HRMS currently has no plans to provide an upgrade from International HR and Pay to a new product localization. If a customer should wish to subsequently migrate from a custom solution to the corresponding new product solution then the customer would be responsible for managing that migration.

Do You Have to Keep Up with the July FP Schedule if International HR and Payroll is Installed?

Only if other supported Oracle HRMS product localizations have been installed.

What Seed Data is Delivered with International HR and Payroll?

The following seed data is delivered by the International HRMS Setup process:
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Element Classifications Balance Dimensions Balances Defined Balances Legislation Rules Legislative Field Information Run Types Tax Unit

Element Classifications
This table describes the seeded element classifications:

Classification Name Information Earnings Absence Supplemental Earnings Taxable Benefits Pre-Tax Deductions Tax Deductions Direct Payment Employer Charges Voluntary Deductions

Low Priority High Priority Default Priority Debit or Credit 0 1001 2001 3001 4001 5001 6001 7001 8001 10001 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 500 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 10500 D D D D D C C D D C C

Involuntary Deductions 9001

Balance Dimensions
This table describes the seeded balance dimensions:

Dimension Name Payments Assignment Run Assignment Inception to Date Assignment Processing Period to Date Assignment Calendar Month to Date Assignment Calendar Quarter to Date Assignment Calendar Year to Date Assignment Tax Quarter to Date Assignment Tax Year to Date Assignment Fiscal Quarter to Date Assignment Fiscal Year to Date Person Inception to Date Person Processing Period to Date Person Calendar Month to Date Person Calendar Quarter to Date Person Calendar Year to Date Person Tax Quarter to Date Person Tax Year to Date Person Fiscal Quarter to Date Person Fiscal Year to Date Element Entry Inception to Date Element Entry Processing Period to Date Element Entry Calendar Month to Date Element Entry Calendar Quarter to Date Element Entry Calendar Year to Date


When the tax unit segment is enabled the following set of Tax Unit dependent balance dimensions are enabled, allowing balance values to be retrieved for a given Legal Entity.

Dimension Name Assignment Within Tax Unit Inception to Date Assignment Within Tax Unit Processing Period to Date Assignment Within Tax Unit Calendar Month to Date Assignment Within Tax Unit Calendar Quarter to Date Assignment Within Tax Unit Calendar Year to Date Assignment Within Tax Unit Tax Quarter to Date Assignment Within Tax Unit Tax Year to Date Assignment Within Tax Unit Fiscal Quarter to Date Assignment Within Tax Unit Fiscal Year to Date Person Within Tax Unit Inception to Date Person Within Tax Unit Processing Period to Date Person Within Tax Unit Calendar Month to Date Person Within Tax Unit Calendar Quarter to Date Person Within Tax Unit Calendar Year to Date Person Within Tax Unit Tax Quarter to Date Person Within Tax Unit Tax Year to Date Person Within Tax Unit Fiscal Quarter to Date Person Within Tax Unit Fiscal Year to Date


This table describes the seeded balance:

Balance Name Reporting Name Unit of Measure Total Payments Total Payments M

Defined Balances
This table describes the seeded defined balances:

Balance Name

Dimension Name

Total Payments Payments

The Total Payments Balance is seeded without any Balance Classifications. This means that you have to enter the individual feeds for this balance.

Legislation Rules
This table describes the seeded legislation rules:


Rule Mode

Comments This rule is always enabled. It means that you always save the context information from a payroll run or other payroll action. This makes it easier to purge your unwanted data. This rule is always set to N to specify that balance initialization validation is not supported. You can override this default, but if you do, you will also need to write a procedure to enable balance initialization validation. This holds the ID for the Bank key flexfield. This rule determines whether assignments are time independent of each other. It is always set to N. This means that assignments are not independent of each other. They are always synchronized to preserve the integrity of person level balances when processing a payroll. This rule holds the tax year start date. This rule is set to exclude the display of the Statements of Earnings from the Assignments Process form. This rule is set to exclude the display of the Statements of Earnings from the QuickPay form. This rule is set on delivery to enable you to use the delivered run types. The RUN_TYPE_ENABLE legislative field information is also set to exclude the use of user-created run types. You can only





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use those run types that are delivered as standard, and you cannot subsequently add extra run types. SOE N This rule is set to exclude the display of Statement of Earnings.

In addition, this legislation rule is delivered if you choose the Tax Unit option when you run the International HRMS Setup process:

Rule Type S SDL

Rule Mode {Leg Code}_BANK_DETAILS A

Comments This rule holds the ID for the SCL key flexfield. This rule establishes the SCL level. It is always assignment. This rule is set to indicate that the Tax Unit is enabled. It is created as a mandatory segment in the SCL key flexfield.


Legislative Field Info

This table describes the seeded legislative field information:


Validatio n Name

Validation Type

Target Location



Run Types
This table describes the seeded run types:

Run Type

Usage (Sequence)

Main Standard Process Alone Pay Separately

Standard (1) Process Alone (2) Pay Separately (3)

In addition to the delivery of the above seed data the International HR and Payroll Setup process also creates some further objects as follows:

Tax Unit
If the tax unit parameter is set to Yes then the setup process will determine whether there is an existing flexfield structure for the SCL flexfield with a code of {Legislation_Code}_STRUCTURE_INFO. If this structure does not exist then a new structure will be created, otherwise the existing one will be used. In addition the process will create the Tax Unit flexfield segment in this structure using the SEGMENT1 column. The value set will be HR_TAX_UNIT_NAME that will return the organizations identified with a classification of "GRE/Legal Entity". The Statutory Information TAB on the Assignment form is enabled allowing access to the SCL flexfield. The tax unit is mandatory when the employee is associated with a payroll.

Integration with HRMS Workbench

As HRMS Workbench support of business group creation is enhanced it will make use of the International HR and Payroll Setup process to deliver the default legislation data for new business groups where the legislation does not already exist. The HRMS Workbench process will default parameter values into the International HR and Payroll setup routine so that the HRMS Workbench dialog does not have to gather data about each individual legislation. The default values for each legislation have been determined following analysis of the legislative requirements.

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