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theSun | WEDNESDAY JANUARY 21 2009 15

speak up!

t h e s u n s a y s

Too much is expected

of Obama
THE UNITED STATES has a new president had until a day or two ago been pulverized in
in Barack Obama, the country’s first African- Gaza by the much superior military power of
American president, and his inauguration marks Israel. Of course, there are other matters at
the complete acceptance of members of his home and abroad that require the attention of
community as Americans by other Americans. the 44th US president, especially the deepening
The new USA took a long time coming into be- of global recession, but giving some regard to
ing and has finally emerged after more than the sufferings of peoples without homes could
a hundred years of extreme discrimination of earn him some plaudits and goodwill and
a people beginning with the time when they maybe even the undying gratitude from many
first arrived on the shores of their new home people from around the globe. No doubt his first
as slaves. It is significant that the inauguration concern, as it should indeed be, is the welfare
of Obama should be preceded by the birthday and the wellbeing of Americans and to ensure
celebrations of Martin Luther King, the slain Afri- that they do not lose their jobs and their homes
can-American civil rights activist, who fought to during the economic crisis.
end racial segregation and racial discrimination And considering that the situation is becom-
while opposing US foreign wars saying that the ing graver by the day and the demand on his
money could be better spent to help the poor energies and time on resolving it, many people
in the country. outside the US are already revising and ton-
Coming from a community that had suf- ing down their earlier high expectation of his
fered, Obama is expected to understand better administration in resolving international issues.
the pain of discriminated peoples elsewhere. Already without embarking on new initiatives,
Perhaps he could understand better the pain his foreign policy plate is full as he has inherited
of such homeless people as the Palestinians, much from his unpopular predecessor, George
the Kurds and others and the brutal treatment W. Bush. Thus, besides the Palestinian prob-
of them in areas where they now live. As leader lem, he will be preoccupied with disengaging
of the most powerful country on earth he could from Iraq, ending the war in Afghanistan and
perhaps embark on policies that could help disengaging from that country and dealing with
expedite the almost abandoned process of the complications in efforts to close Guantanamo
creation of a homeland for the Palestinians who Bay prison. We wish him all the luck.

There’s hidden talent near you

by Daniel the council does not promote
Chandranayagam employment opportunities
or assist registered persons
THE year 2009 began on an with disabilities in finding
encouraging note for me. or obtaining employment?
I met a young man work- Related to this is the question
ing with a large publishing of what happens when they
house. He reminds me a do assist in finding or obtain-
little of me several years ing employment for persons
ago, but for a few things. He with disabilities but fail in the
is visually impaired in one endeavour. What then?
eye and is hearing impaired. Unsurprisingly, in keep-
However, his employer is Freespace ing with the tepid spirit of
blind to this, as the young Where young views rule the Act, the council is given
worker is afforded the same no powers to penalise errant
privileges, salary, benefits, is beyond me. It seems to me businesses or regulate other
etc as his co-workers with that critics are wrong, the ministries as to their proc-
the same qualifications and Persons With Disabilities Act esses in relation to persons
experience. is not a toothless tiger, it is a with disabilities.
Could this have something friendly rabbit. Obviously then, the fact
to do with the Persons With Possibly the biggest grouse that the young man I men-
Disabilities Act 2008? under the Act is that there tioned earlier having ob-
In August 2008, Women are no punitive measures. tained a good job has nothing
Family and Community De- For example, under section to do with the Act. In fact, I
velopment Minister Datuk Dr 29(2), an employer shall discovered that the employer
Ng Yen Yen was reported to “protect the rights of persons has an equal employment
have said, “With the enforce- with disabilities, on equal opportunity goal, regardless
ment of the Act, (persons basis with persons without of “race, creed, colour, reli-
with disabilities) will … also disabilities, to just and fa- gion, sex, age, national origin,
have … improved employ- vourable conditions of work, marital status, citizenship,
ment opportunities…” including equal opportunities sexual orientation, disability,
At that time, I wondered and equal remuneration for …” The company’s policy
how a piece of legislation work of equal value, safe and is to “select, develop, and
could improve the employ- healthy working conditions, promote employees based
ment opportunities for per- protection from harassment on individual ability and job
sons with disabilities. Would and the redress of griev- performance.” Good for them
there be affirmative action, ances.” and good for him.
like creating a compulsory What happens if an em- One of the employment
quota? Or would there be ployer does not do this? The trends in the US, it has been
inverted legal presumptions, Act offers no solution and no reported, is a newfound ap-
such as the presumption that legal redress to aggrieved preciation of what people
a disabled person was not persons. with disabilities can bring to
given a job because of her The National Council the workplace. This young
disability, rather than the for Persons With Disabili- man I talked about earlier is
disabled person having to ties, established under the a speed reader, finishing off
prove her case? Act, is tasked “to promote pages in seconds. I wonder
When I finally managed employment opportunities how much talent is going
to read the Act, I again won- and career advancement for untapped in Malaysia. What-
dered what Dr Ng meant, for persons with disabilities in ever it is, I’m not convinced
section 29(1) on employment the labour market, as well as the Persons With Disabilities
states simply: Persons with assistance in finding or ob- Act will bring this talent into
disabilities shall have the taining employment on equal the workforce.
right to access to employment basis with persons without
on equal basis with persons disabilities”. Daniel freelances in writing
without disabilities. The most glaring of all the and publishing, and has a
Quite how this will “im- questions arising from this deep passion for sleeping, eat-
prove employment opportu- statement (and there are a fair ing and labour law. He can be
nities” for disabled persons number) is what happens if reached at

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