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Deep And Wide

Read Luke 10:25-37

The Good Samaritan
Karen Makishima

For years I have heard and sung, “Deep and Wide” with the kids and have always had a good
time trying to get the hand motions down while singing faster and faster each time. But to be
honest, I never really understood the purpose of the song. The story of The Good Samaritan
brought an “aha” moment for me in understanding this fun song.

“How can I live forever?” asks the expert religious leader who has been studying the answer
for years. Jesus was well aware that the man knew what the Law said: “Love the Lord your God
with all your heart, soul and mind.” Notice that this requires a vertical relationship (our total
devotion to God), which is the deep part of the song. Sounds pretty simple right? But then
this gets added to it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This is where it gets tough. But who is
my neighbor?

My neighbor changes as I move and live. Whereever I am at a given point in time, the radius
around me determines my neighbor. When I go to work my neighbor is there. When I go to
Wal-Mart – there my neighbor is again. When I pray for the Christians in India - these are my
neighbors. But loving my neighbor requires investment. It could be my time or my money but
I am guaranteed there will be some kind of cost involved.

Showing mercy to others (even those who rub us the wrong way) would be the horizontal
relationship or the wide part of the song. Because of the sacrificial costs involved, intervention
of the Holy Spirit is needed. Notice that the Samaritan in the story was willing to be a
neighbor regardless of race or spiritual heritage. He showed the Jewish man mercy where his
very own religious leaders chose not to. We miss the mark if we only go deep as the priest did.
The Good Samarian went deep and wide. I’ll bet he had a fountain flowing, too!

Heavenly Father, Help us to be people who go deep and wide. We ask for the Holy Spirit’s
power in showing love and mercy to others because it doesn’t always come natural for us.
Help us to not lose sight of what is really important. In Jesus name, Amen.
DAY 59

How is your vertical relationship with God? Are you totally devoted to Him?

How are you doing in the “loving your neighbor” department? Is your life so busy you don’t
have time to “talk story” with those around you?

In our global community today, what do you think it means to be a “neighbor”?

Does any particular verse (SCRIPTURE) in today’s reading speak to you?

OBSERVE what this verse is saying to you:

How can you APPLY this verse to your life today?

My PRAYER for today is:

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