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Money than sense: Alan has more money than sense. Tight-fisted: Susans parents are really tight-fisted, they never give her money at the weekend. In the red: I havent got money in my current account , Im in the red=Im in debt = Im short of money = Im penniless. Cost a fortune: Mary said that her car had cost a fortune. Good value for money: The store brand items are a good value for the money. Spend money like water: If you spend money like water, you'll always be broke. Living beyond their means: Mr. and Mrs. Brown cant spend money now because they were living beyond their means last year. Cant make end meet: They didnt save enough money and now the cant make ends meet.

3. Polysemy 4. Collocations
Pocket money Consumer society Standard of living Cost of living Interest rates Stock market Exchange rates Saving account Easy money Bonus money = Extra money Lunch money Grant money Dirty money Retirement money Print money Count money Earn = Bring in = Make money Borrow money Lend money Spend on: How much Money do you spend on food? Give money to: Do you sometimes give money to charity? Save money for: Are you saving money for holidays? Invest money in: My father wants to invest money in my business. Foreign currency

5. Phrasal Verbs
Carry forward = aplazar pagos Put by = save = Put aside = Ahorrar Come into = inherit = heredar Pay off = Cancelar una deuda Its going to take twenty years to pay off that debt. Fall back on = recurrir a You can always fall back on your parents in times of financial need. Get by = arreglrselas The older couple had learned to get by on their small retirement income.

6. Word Families Money / Monetary / Moneybags / Moneybox / Moneymaker/ Moneyman 7. Synonyms Money = Cash = Currency 8. Confusing words

STRUCTURES Passives A big amount of Money was wasted on clothes and shoes by Ann. When I bought my house I got a mortgage by the bank. Reported speech Susan said that she came into some money recently because her aunt died and left her a tidy sum. Mark said that he had to break into his savings that he had put by for the holidays. Conditionals If you are unable to pay everything in the same month, well arrange for your payments to be carried forward to the next month. If your aim is to put aside money regularly, our monthly savings plan enables you to pay a regular sum into your bank account each month. If I had saved money regularly, I wouldnt have been in the red the last year. If I there wasnt an economic crisis, most people would be happier. If I have enough money, I will go to Japan. If I had enough money, I would go to Japan. If I had had enough money, I would have gone to Japan. Modals You must save Money if you want to buy a new car. You should to negotiate with the bank to reduce the interest rates of your mortgage in order to pay less money every month. You can change some money at the airport. Inversions Not until you have paid the bank loan, you wont save money. Never have I thought that this financial crisis could be so hard. Not only is a difficult situation for the unemployed, workers are being affected too.

MONOLOGUES What would you do if you won the lottery?

1.) Pay off mine, my brother's, my cousins', and my closest friends' loans. 2.) Pay off my parent's debt. 3.) Let my parents retire and buy them a house. 4.) Set up a college fund for my nephew and cousins' kids. 5.) Set up a scholarship fund in my grandpa's name. 6.) Buy myself a house to live in. 7.) Buy myself, my brother, and my parents a new car. 8.) Pay off my brother's mortgage, and buy homes for my grandmother. 9.) Buy an oceanfront cottage in El Puerto de Santa Mara where my whole family could stay. 10.) Donate to charities and foundations like the American Cancer Society, The Michael J. Fox Foundation, and The National Autism Association. 11.) Travel. 12.) Save and invest. I think if I won the lottery I wouldn't live an extravagant life, I would just want to be comfortable. Using Conditionals and Speculation.

How to save money?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Spend less. Establish a personal budget. Buying in bulk. Make sure a sale is a sale. Buy used. Dont carry excessive debt. Eat in rather than out. Use and consume less.


INTERACTION (Example: PROS/CONS) A. You think that its better save money (Ahorrador) B. You prefer to spend money like water. (Derrochador)

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