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Portfolio Management is used to select a portfolio of new product development projects to achieve the following goals: Maximize the profitability or value of the portfolio, Provide balance and Support the strategy of the enterprise. Portfolio Management is the responsibility of the senior management team of an organization or business unit. This team, which might be called the Product Committee, meets regularly to manage the product pipeline and make decisions about the product portfolio. Often, this is the same group that conducts the stage-gate reviews in the organization.

A logical starting point is to create a product strategy - markets, customers, products, strategy approach, competitive emphasis, etc. The second step is to understand the budget or resources available to balance the portfolio against. Third, each project must be assessed for profitability (rewards), investment requirements (resources), risks, and other appropriate factors.

The weighting of the goalsServices in the form of business services or IT-enabled (Web) Services have become a corporate asset of high interest in striving towards the agile organisation. However, while the design and management of a single service is widely studied and well understood, little is known about how a set of services can be managed. This gap motivated this paper, in which we explore the concept of Service Portfolio Management. In particular, we propose a Service Portfolio Management Framework that explicates service portfolio goals, tasks, governance issues, methods and enablers. The Service Portfolio Management Framework is based upon a thorough analysis and consolidation of existing, wellestablished portfolio management approaches. From an academic point of view, the Service Portfolio Management Framework can be positioned as an extension of portfolio management conceptualisations in the area of service management. Based on the framework, possible directions for future research are provided. From a practical point of view, the Service Portfolio Management Framework provides an organisation with a novel approach to managing its emerging service portfolios. Keywords Service, Serviceorientation, Service Portfolio Management, Business/IT alignment

ABSTRACT SOURCES AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS Finding funding sources is very difficult in these times, especially since banks are becoming tighter in their lending practices. Here are a few tips that will help you learn where you can go to get money for your business.

The first place everyone thinks of when searching for funding sources is the bank. Of course, your local bank may be willing to supply you with money flow, but it usually denies new business owners looking for a startup loan. This is because you have no business credit. Before you try going to a bank for money make sure you have good personal credit, business credit, and an excellent business plan.

Many people also seek investors when starting their businesses. Many investors won't invest in a new business for the same reasons banks dont, they are just too risky. However, there are some specific types of companies that are highly sought after by investors. Sources and Uses of funds is a fund flow statement which explains the various sources from which funds have been raised and the uses these funds were put to. This statement is similar to a balance sheet since liabilities and assets are themselves sources and uses of funds respectively. The major difference however, between a Sources and Uses of funds statement and balance sheet is the former captures the movements in funds, while the latter merely presents a static picture of the sources and uses of funds.

On account of this property, the Sources and Uses of funds would enable one to analyze how the banks financed its fixed assets, discharged its liabilities, paid its dividends and taxes and so on. Thus in this report I have explained the theoretical concepts of sources and applications of funds along with the practicality of the subject in an organization.

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