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June 18th, 2012

Honorable Minister Rona Ambrose Status of Women Canada 123 Slater Street 10th Floor -Ottawa, ON K1P 1H9

RE: 2012 United Nations Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN Women Canada National Committee) TRIBUTE AWARD

Honorable Minister Ambrose, I am most honored to inform you that you have been selected as the recipient of the 12th Annual UN Women Canada National Committee Award in recognition of your outstanding contribution to Gender Equality For UN Women Canada National, this Recognition is the most prestigious and highest honour that our organization can bestow. Past recipients have included women and men who have worked tirelessly to better the lives of women in Canada and across the world in the spirit of humanitarianism. You will be in the company of exceptional individuals including the recipient of the 2009 UNIFEM Canada Award, the Governor General of Canada, the Right Honourable Michalle Jean; 2010 UN Women Canada award, Honorable Belinda Stronach and Honorable Joy Smith. The Recognition is given to an individual who has contributed significantly to one or more of the following goals, throughout their career, volunteer activities or other endeavours: Promotion of women's empowerment and gender equality Elimination of violence against women and girls Protection and promotion of women's human rights Strengthening of women's economic capacity Transformation of government by promoting participation of women in decision making processes Contribution to a greater awareness of women's issues globally

Your dedicated commitment to the advancement of women and in raising awareness and spreading messages of acceptance and global development around the world, are only a

Office of the President, UN Women National Committee Canada United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women Canada),

331 Cooper Street, Suite 502 * Ottawa, Ontario * K2P 0G5,

few of the reasons why I and Board of Directors of UN Women Canada are convinced that you are the preeminent candidate for the 2012 UN Women Canada Recognition. Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on being selected as the recipient of the UN Women Canada Contribution to Gender Equality Recognition for the year 2012. Our wish would be to celebrate this prestigious conferral in a grand fundraising occasion in Ottawa or Toronto in December 2012 or in early year of 2013 , however, if it is you preference, and if you are able to assist with arrangements to present the Recognition to you in a private ceremony or a location of your choosing. It would truly be a privilege for UN Women Canada to honour and acknowledge your immense contribution to the empowerment of women worldwide. It is our humble request that you consider our invitation and that we may have the honour of your reply before June 30th, 2012. We sincerely look forward to hearing back from you with a favourable response. Very respectfully,

Almas Jiwani President Board of Directors United Nations Gender Equality & Empowerment of Women UN Women Canada National Committee Direct Tel #: 1-416-409-6228

About UN Women Canada National Committee United Nations Gender Equality & The Empowerment of Women Canada National Committee is dedicated to advancing womens rights and achieving gender equality. It supports and advocate for UN Women which provides financial and technical assistance to innovative programmes and strategies that foster women's empowerment. UN Women works on the premise that it is the fundamental right of every woman to live a life free from discrimination and violence, and that gender equality is essential to achieving development and to building just societies.
Office of the President, UN Women National Committee Canada United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women Canada),

331 Cooper Street, Suite 502 * Ottawa, Ontario * K2P 0G5,

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