Chat Log 141012

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Chatlog 141012 (19:25:39) Fang: FIRST! (19:42:03) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel. (19:42:25) Kinkyclawz: Second!

(19:42:33) Kinkyclawz: Hiya Fang! Howsay? (19:42:38) Kinkyclawz: Howsya also? (19:43:44) Willie: Aubergine enters the channel. (19:43:59) Kinkyclawz: Hi Genie! Hows things? (19:44:03) Aubergine: Well Hello fellow chatmates (19:44:51) Aubergine: Sorry for my tardiness I was so busy playing scrabble on fb that I forgot to come to the chat. (11:45:14) Fang: Good evening ladies (11:45:21) Aubergine: things are great and fancy this I finally have a Sunday to myself (11:45:23) Fang: it's OK KC was tardy too (11:45:37) Aubergine: Howdy Fang. (11:46:09) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, bless ya. I was watching a film with my mum and only just realised what the time was. (11:46:17) Kinkyclawz: tardy, me? (11:46:42) Fang: was it a Herbie film? (11:46:52) Aubergine: what has Fang gotten up to all by himself then? (11:47:20) Fang: Mostly moping (11:47:34) Willie: Eileen enters the channel. (11:47:48) Aubergine: Hi Eileen (11:47:50) Eileen: Hello all! (11:47:57) Kinkyclawz: LOL Not quite, but close, Fang. Aww, moping? Hey, hi Eileen! How are you?(11:47:59) Aubergine: NO moping is not allowed (11:48:37) Kinkyclawz: Yay for our Vice of Reason putting her foot down with a firm hand. (11:48:40) Eileen: how are you? I'm fine (11:48:42) Eileen: very glad (11:48:52) Eileen: just finished watching Felix jump (11:49:01) Eileen: what did i miss? (11:49:11) Kinkyclawz: I'm fine too, thanks... last day of work. (11:49:22) Kinkyclawz: Felix jumped? What did he jump off? (11:49:27) Aubergine: Felix jump did he get hurt? (11:49:30) Kinkyclawz: And who is Felix?

(11:49:38) Fang: what about mopping? this place can get quite dirty, speaking of which...hi Eileen (11:49:47) Eileen: no he made it to earth safely (11:49:54) Eileen: Felix Baumgartner (11:50:07) Aubergine: well mopping is allowed and oftentimes required. (11:50:19) Kinkyclawz: He makes a habit of jumping off or out of things? (11:50:29) Fang: oh that sky dive from the edge of space! (11:50:32) Fang: damn I missed it (11:50:33) Eileen: yes he does lol (11:50:45) Aubergine: And what did he jump, a tall building in a single bound? (11:51:07) Kinkyclawz: Especially if the conversation turns to a certain grungy, slobbish werewolf. I tend to have a loss of control over my drool reflex there. (11:51:10) Eileen: lol (11:51:18) Eileen: from the edge of space (11:51:40) Aubergine: how did he jump from the edge of space (11:51:42) Fang: you're sloling from the edge of space? (11:51:43) Kinkyclawz: Sky Diving from the edge of space? Gotta say, that IS impressive. And slightly crazy. (11:51:49) Eileen: (11:51:57) Aubergine: I wasn't aware there was an edge to space (11:52:04) Eileen: yeah i am (11:52:08) Eileen: loling is the best way (11:52:41) Kinkyclawz: Seriously LOLing is better though, right? (11:53:18) Eileen: you're so right! (11:53:20) Kinkyclawz: There's an edge to our space, I guess? (11:53:35) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (11:53:38) Fang: oh yeah, Genie last week we found out that Eileen is always serious when lauging of rofling (11:54:11) Aubergine: oh well that is a revelation (11:54:20) Kinkyclawz: Always serious full stop, but especially when LOLing. (11:54:23) Eileen: its the best way for laughing and rofling (11:54:38) Kinkyclawz: (11:54:42) Aubergine: I'm hardly ever serious when rofling or LOLing (11:54:43) Fang: I'm glad you appreciate it Genie, that sort of revelation is usually kept for series finales (11:55:09) Kinkyclawz: It explains the precisity... erm, preciseness... erm... yeah, accuracy (11:55:14) Eileen: you cannot be having fun while loling and rofling! (11:55:18) Eileen: that's just wrong!

(11:55:27) Fang: we should really have a "last week on the chat" and "next week in the chat" bit either end like TV shows (11:55:35) Aubergine: oh I feel bad now. (11:55:47) Aubergine: okay no fun when rofling (11:56:17) Aubergine: seems kinda of strict but I'll try really hard (11:56:20) Eileen: i'm seriously glad you see reason, oh vice of reason (11:56:35) Kinkyclawz: Tsk. No spoilers though, right, Fang? Aww, why do you feel bad? For having fun when LOL and ROFLing? (11:57:02) Aubergine: Eileen says it wrong (11:57:20) Fang: look at me avoiding some kind of feel/feeling based joke (11:57:27) Kinkyclawz: She does. And she would know. *smiles seriously* (11:57:38) Kinkyclawz: Well done Fang! (11:57:42) Eileen: (11:58:12) Kinkyclawz: Ooh, Eileen is sharing pictures... before I look, are these serious pictures? (11:58:24) Kinkyclawz: (LOL Twitter is over capacity) (11:58:24) Fang: pfft, I did that this morning, and police booths look so much better too (11:58:32) Aubergine: they certainly will not be pictures of fun (11:59:11) Fang: it's now clear why she takes talking dirty or describing what she's wearing so seriously (11:59:18) Willie: Eileen logs out of the Chat. (11:59:24) Fang: oh, we upset her (11:59:29) Aubergine: so he jumped from outer space into the atmosphere and survived. (11:59:30) Kinkyclawz: Oh no, EILEEN!!! (11:59:32) Fang: who wasn't serious? (11:59:37) Aubergine: hey why (11:59:42) Fang: *points at Genie* (11:59:52) Kinkyclawz: *giggles* (12:00:07) Aubergine: come on I'm super serious (12:00:13) Fang: *points at KC's non-serious giggle* (12:00:14) Willie: Eileen enters the channel. (12:00:22) Fang: brb (12:00:26) Eileen: sorry my connection vanished (12:00:28) Aubergine: WB (12:00:29) Eileen: back now (12:00:32) Eileen: what did i miss? (12:00:35) Eileen: ty

(12:00:39) Eileen:!/57UN/media/slideshow?url=http%3A%2F (12:00:39) Kinkyclawz: YAY! WB Eileen! It was a serious attept at a serious giggle, Fang... do I get credit for that? (12:01:13) Aubergine: (11:59:29) Aubergine: so he jumped from outer space into the atmosphere and survived. (11:59:30) Kinkyclawz: Oh no, EILEEN!!! (11:59:32) Fang: who wasn't serious? (11:59:37) Aubergine: hey why (11:59:42) Fang: *points at Genie* (11:59:52) Kinkyclawz: *giggles* (12:00:07) Aubergine: come on I'm super serious (12:00:13) Fang: *points at KC's non-serious giggle* (12:01:16) Eileen: :| (12:01:26) Kinkyclawz: You didn't miss much, suesse. Just ... that stuff Genie just posted. (12:01:56) Eileen: it was your fault, Genie!!! (12:02:07) Kinkyclawz: Cripes, that's a LOOOONG way down. (12:02:08) Eileen: (12:02:17) Kinkyclawz: And up, of course. (12:02:22) Eileen: lol (12:02:25) Aubergine: hey how was it my fault (12:02:32) Eileen: about 2 to 2 1/2 hours up (12:02:38) Eileen: and 5 min down (12:02:41) Aubergine: what did I do? (12:03:04) Aubergine: where did Felix land (12:03:05) Fang: back (12:03:11) Eileen: you were not serious (12:03:17) Eileen: he seriously landed near Roswell (12:03:21) Aubergine: WB (12:03:25) Eileen: wb Fang! (12:03:27) Fang: roswell! I love it (12:03:38) Fang: there's a good conspiracy in there somewhere (12:03:44) Aubergine: without burning up in the atmosphere (12:03:48) Eileen: the first alien that seriously landed in Roswell (12:04:03) Fang: er...hello? it was me (12:04:21) Aubergine: oh does he not have a visa to visit the US (12:04:25) Kinkyclawz: So THAT's what happened in 1947! Highest skydive gone

wrong left the Roswell wreckage! LMAO Seriously (12:04:30) Fang: not just some generic alien (12:04:45) Kinkyclawz: Argh, the gif has messed up my chat. >< (12:04:59) Eileen: oops, Sorry KC! (12:05:13) Aubergine: oh dear that is seriously bad (12:05:22) Kinkyclawz: What was you Fang? *sniffs the air, just in case* (12:05:32) Eileen: rofl (12:05:51) Fang: the alien Eileen mentioned at Roswell (12:06:09) Eileen: sorry Fang (12:06:16) Kinkyclawz: WB Fang, by the way.... (12:06:17) Eileen: then he was the 2nd alien to land in Roswell (12:06:20) Kinkyclawz: You said back... (12:06:25) Aubergine: you've visited Roswell in 1947 (12:07:20) Eileen: he did! (12:07:45) Fang: yeah, I did have the t-shirt to prove it too (12:08:01) Aubergine: aliens land in Roswell all the time (12:08:14) Kinkyclawz: He crash landed in Roswell and all he got was that lousy tshirt. (12:08:20) Eileen: but not from Austria (12:08:23) Aubergine: it's quite common actually (12:08:34) Aubergine: I would have preferred a magnet (12:08:39) Kinkyclawz: Really? (12:08:45) Fang: yeah it's a spacecraft petrol station (12:09:08) Aubergine: only place they can blend in (12:09:14) Kinkyclawz: Like a Galactic Esso station. (12:09:29) Aubergine: no one will bat an eyelash over seeing another alien(12:09:33) Kinkyclawz: or Texaco, if that's what you prefer? (12:10:00) Eileen: true (12:10:09) Aubergine: we haven't had a Texaco or Esso since the 80's (12:10:50) Fang: next you'll be telling us you don't use walkmans (12:10:55) Aubergine: Esso is now Mobil and I don't know what happen to Texaco (12:11:09) Kinkyclawz: Oh. Okay. That kinda makes me feel a bit, um, dated now then. (12:11:11) Aubergine: what's a walkman? (12:11:43) Kinkyclawz: *claps her hands over her mouth* The Vice of Rason doesn't know what a Walkman is? What about cassette tapes? (12:11:43) Fang: oh crap, maybe I messed up the space-time contunity again (12:12:23) Aubergine: love cassette tapes (12:12:35) Fang: last time that happened we lost atrilorys

(12:12:41) Aubergine: I didn't have LP's, but I've got tons of cassette tapes (12:12:42) Kinkyclawz: But what do you play them in when you want to walk around? (12:13:05) Aubergine: boom box (12:13:08) Kinkyclawz: (are you ok Eileen?) (12:13:15) Aubergine: of course you didn't walk around with that (12:13:20) Fang: brb (12:13:36) Kinkyclawz: But on a more portable scale, not requiring Schwarzenegger muscles? (12:13:37) Aubergine: you sort of lugged it outside and blasted it (12:13:45) Kinkyclawz: HB Fang! (12:13:58) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, my sister had one of those. (12:14:10) Aubergine: nope not on a portable scale (12:14:20) Aubergine: everyone had to hear (12:14:32) Aubergine: whether they wanted to or not (12:14:33) Kinkyclawz: LAMO Sharing is caring! (12:14:45) Eileen: im here! (12:14:48) Eileen: hb Fang (12:14:49) Aubergine: exactly (12:15:01) Eileen: *jumps up and down* (12:15:13) Kinkyclawz: YAY, three of four os us know. (12:15:22) Fang: back (12:15:40) Fang: i now have a nice refreshing lemonade (12:15:53) Eileen: wb Fang! (12:15:54) Aubergine: did you fix the time thingy (12:16:09) Fang: not alcohol of course as that can impair seriousness (12:16:19) Kinkyclawz: WB! (12:16:40) Kinkyclawz: Could I have a lemonade too please? (12:16:53) Aubergine: yeah you didn't even offer (12:17:04) Aubergine: seriously (12:17:10) Eileen: yeah you didnt! (12:17:20) Eileen: where are your manners, Fang? (12:17:21) Fang: I don't know, do you have texaco garages, walkmans or atrilorys, (12:17:28) Eileen: I'm seriously disappointed (12:17:54) Aubergine: no we don't have any of those things anymore (12:18:09) Kinkyclawz: Oops, sorry, could WE have a lemonade too please? So sorry my dear Twisters, I was being soooo selfish. (12:18:17) Fang: but there was only enough for me (12:18:20) Kinkyclawz: whata re atilorys? (12:18:25) Fang: I don't even have a full glass

(12:18:35) Fang: dammit! (12:18:40) Fang: oh well at least you remember walkmans (12:18:42) Eileen: what are atilorys? (12:18:53) Kinkyclawz: Even a half full glass is full tot he top with air. (12:19:26) Aubergine: I guess you can be forgiven, but you shouldn't have mentioned it. (12:19:30) Kinkyclawz: Thanks Eileen, you put the spaces int he correct place, my clever Twister. (12:19:49) Fang: I only said it so Eileen could see I was taken being serious seriously (12:20:06) Kinkyclawz: I forgive you. I only like lemonade when it's lost it's bubbles and gone flat anyway. ^^ Coke too, TBH (12:20:15) Eileen: i seriously appreciate it (12:20:17) Aubergine: it's like having gum in class and not bringing enough for everyone (12:20:22) Eileen: but you could at least have shared the air (12:20:42) Aubergine: sometimes just the offer is enough (12:20:59) Fang: what a surprise, even the way KC takes her carbonated beverages is weird (12:21:48) Kinkyclawz: SLMAO At least I'm consistent. (12:21:49) Aubergine: fizzy lemonade hold the fizz please (12:22:37) Eileen: KC likes her beverages flat (12:22:38) Eileen: that is new (12:22:45) Kinkyclawz: Yup, shaken, not stirred. (12:23:41) Fang: I think she eats blood too (12:23:55) Fang: so telling the barman to hold the fizz is perfectly nor,al (12:24:06) Fang: do you eat black pudding? (12:24:08) Aubergine: well that doesn't make sense. If you shake a fizzy drink it will explode, but if you stir it the fizz will dissipate. (12:24:12) Kinkyclawz: I do, but I need to iron. *licks lips* (12:24:17) Eileen: (12:24:24) Eileen: so you wont need this advice (12:24:42) Kinkyclawz: Oh. Stirred not shaken, then. (12:25:43) Fang: aww Eileen did all that for you and that's how you repay her? (12:25:45) Kinkyclawz: I won't but thankyou for being so thoughtful, Eileen. Maybe I can revive the soda in order to make it flat all over again! *grins seriously wickedly* (12:27:21) Kinkyclawz: I didn't drink! honest. Only thought about it. (12:27:23) Fang: how heinous

(12:27:45) Fang: repeatedly doing that to innocent bubbles (12:27:51) Kinkyclawz: *giggles seriously wickedly* (12:29:20) Eileen: on this page you can even learn how to buy coke (12:29:23) Fang: wow that was a wicked giggle, it caused everybody to fall silent(12:29:24) Eileen: wow (12:29:45) Kinkyclawz: You ahve to buy coke?! I thought it was free! (12:29:46) Fang: Eileen! you shouldn't buy drugs, you don't even drink (12:30:17) Kinkyclawz: It did, Fang. I underestimated my own wickedness there. Seriously. (12:30:46) Fang: So Eileen what are you wearing this week? (12:31:09) Aubergine: wait when did this conversation turn to recreation drug use. That is seriously bad. (12:31:10) Fang: *tries to remove KC from subject that bring out her wicked side* (12:31:13) Kinkyclawz: LMAO (12:31:55) Fang: hmm Eileen has fallen silent, probably snorting something(12:32:14) Fang: if she doesn't deny it in 10 seconds... (12:32:18) Aubergine: SLOL (12:32:19) Kinkyclawz: Snorting with serious laughter, of course. (12:32:42) Eileen: hey! (12:32:42) Fang: there you go, proof (12:32:50) Kinkyclawz: *innocently, seriously smiles* (12:33:43) Eileen: damn that was later than 10 secs (12:33:51) Fang: hey what? hey jude? hey hey we're the monkeys? (12:34:12) Aubergine: Hey Joe (12:34:18) Eileen: just denying my drug snoting! (12:34:23) Eileen: Achoo! (12:34:27) Eileen: *sneezes* (12:34:28) Aubergine: alittle too late (12:34:39) Aubergine: but she denied it (12:34:52) Kinkyclawz: *is covered in brown powder* (12:35:05) Fang: 28 seconds, personally I think that's a respectable time but others don't, I can't help it (12:35:18) Aubergine: brown powder is she snorting heroin (12:35:19) Kinkyclawz: And the lady always tell the truth. (12:35:59) Aubergine: this is a bad drug habit you have (12:36:02) Kinkyclawz: *dips a finger and tastes* Tts dried cola* (12:36:31) Eileen: * (12:36:33) Eileen: you got me (12:36:39) Fang: oh no it's worse than I though

(12:36:40) Aubergine: that's an even worse drug habit is that diet or caffeine free (12:36:41) Fang: t (12:36:42) Kinkyclawz: It's only dried cola, Eileen's euptation is in tact. (12:37:07) Fang: very nothern of you KC, e up (12:37:22) Eileen: what is euptation? (12:37:25) Kinkyclawz: Oh Horlicks! Can someone please send me the chatlog? (12:37:38) Aubergine: I don't know but yours is intact (12:37:44) Kinkyclawz: I meant reputation of course, but i'm sure your euptation is also in tact. (12:37:44) Fang: it's like reputation but with your fondnes for e (12:37:57) Kinkyclawz: *laughs* (12:37:59) Eileen: i see (12:38:05) Eileen: so yeah that is in tact too (12:38:14) Eileen: from where do you need the log, KC? (12:38:17) Eileen: chatlog I mean (12:38:39) Fang: Eileen let KC examine your log to check that you haven't been takiung anything (12:38:39) Kinkyclawz: Um, could you please send everything you have and I'll match it up later? (12:38:46) Kinkyclawz: LO (12:38:49) Kinkyclawz: L (12:38:50) Fang: actually Genie better saend it (12:38:59) Fang: Eileen fell out the chat... wonder why (12:38:59) Eileen: sand it? (12:39:08) Aubergine: okay I will send it too (12:39:11) Fang: yeah it has some rough edges (12:39:11) Kinkyclawz: Oh 'eck. (12:39:27) Aubergine: just in case I'm missing a line or two (12:39:34) Eileen: sending it in a sec (12:39:42) Kinkyclawz: I forgot you lost connection Eileen... could you possibly send the log too Genie, please? I'll patch it up then. (12:39:56) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, Genie, Eileen, you little lifesavers! (12:40:07) Fang: other reasons for her to leave the chat (12:40:16) Kinkyclawz: And you too Fang, for remembering Eileen had an internet blip. (12:40:29) Fang: look I know we take the piss out of your seriousness but that doesn't mean you should turn to drugs and dry cola powder (12:40:39) Eileen: but remember I fell out (12:40:40) Eileen: lol

(12:40:51) Kinkyclawz: brb (12:40:54) Fang: yes I wonder what effected your balance (12:41:21) Eileen: i would have remembered the blip too (12:41:22) Eileen: lol (12:41:57) Eileen: i like to dry cola powder (12:42:12) Fang: I notice you won't describe what you're wearing either (12:42:40) Fang: I'm guessing your not paying as close attention to your clothing (12:43:18) Aubergine: the chat is on it's way (12:44:15) Fang: btw I'm off at 9 (12:44:22) Fang: just to prevent the 20 minute goodby (12:44:23) Fang: e (12:44:29) Eileen: mine was on its way too (12:44:30) Eileen: lol (12:44:32) Fang: oops there's your e Eileen (12:44:37) Eileen: hope it found the right house number (12:44:47) Kinkyclawz: Baaaaack! *brings cookies and warm drinks for everyone* (12:44:52) Eileen: who says I can describe what I wear Fang? (12:45:13) Eileen: thank you!!! (12:45:26) Eileen: who says I wear anything? (12:45:28) Eileen: *coughs* (12:45:33) Aubergine: thanks and WB (12:45:33) Fang: me too, who knows what KC's neighbours would make of te chat (12:45:39) Fang: yes! that's better (12:45:41) Kinkyclawz: *eyes get wide* Ei-leen. (12:45:42) Fang: not so serious (12:45:48) Eileen: wb! (12:46:03) Kinkyclawz: Anything they like. (12:46:05) Fang: of course there's probably a reason why it's better than your normal answer... (12:46:44) Fang: unless you are naked8) (12:46:56) Kinkyclawz: Thanks Genie!! We should start goodbyeing now then, huh? (12:47:03) Willie: Eileen logs out of the Chat. (12:47:07) Fang: oh no (12:47:11) Willie: Eileen enters the channel. (12:47:20) Eileen: huh? (12:47:21) Aubergine: Good grief what has happen now (12:47:23) Fang: oh no, that's what happens when she's not serious (12:47:25) Eileen: fell out

(12:47:33) Aubergine: it's say goodbye not run off (12:47:36) Kinkyclawz: Oh no, are you ok now Eileen? (12:47:48) Eileen: im back (12:47:50) Eileen: yeah (12:48:19) Fang: It's OK Eileen we won't make fun of your seriousness anymore (much) if you just stop taking the...y'know (12:48:31) Aubergine: I guess she went to slip into something more comfortable (12:48:36) Fang: you can't keep falling out like that (12:48:49) Fang: aww, is that true? are you wearing clothes now Eileen? (12:49:41) Eileen: nope (12:50:00) Eileen: i fell out with my wardrobe (12:50:25) Fang: what did it ever do to you? (12:50:36) Kinkyclawz: Was your wardrobe being rude again? (12:50:36) Fang: (12:50:42) Eileen: it hid my right sock (12:50:50) Fang: I suppose most of your clothes have been getting tight (12:51:04) Fang: after your exercise/diet regime (12:51:24) Kinkyclawz: Or loose, she's a super-dieter, you know. (12:51:26) Fang: not that I'm complaining, no clothes, tight clothes, it's all good (12:51:35) Fang: oh yeah (12:51:38) Fang: sorry wrong way (12:51:53) Fang: I'm clearly getting tired (12:52:07) Kinkyclawz: You are, poor Doctor. (12:52:15) Kinkyclawz: Sleep might be good for you. (12:52:21) Aubergine: far better change the subject (12:52:31) Fang: I just don't want to think of Eileen wearing baggy clothes(12:52:37) Fang: yes! (12:52:52) Aubergine: so we'll say good night Fang (12:52:56) Fang: 18th century Chinese farming methods? (12:53:06) Fang: fortune telling? (12:53:21) Aubergine: read this book on how the Bristish stole tea leaves from China (12:53:23) Fang: nihilism? (12:53:37) Aubergine: oh too many s (12:53:44) Eileen: yeah lets go! (12:53:58) Fang: yes let's go to bed Eileen (12:54:07) Fang: goodnight all (12:54:07) Aubergine: I don't think you should be so happy to leave us (12:54:28) Fang: of course I'm not happy to leave naked Eileen (12:54:51) Kinkyclawz: Bristish are from Bristol, aren't they? Did they steal the tea? It

makes them tea leaves (Cockney rhyming slang for thieves) then? (12:54:51) Eileen: I'm not happy (12:54:55) Eileen: I'm serious (12:55:04) Kinkyclawz: Seriously tired though, eh Eileen? (12:55:16) Fang: Bristols is rhyming slang too (12:55:59) Kinkyclawz: For what? *pretends to be innocent* Pistols? (12:56:02) Kinkyclawz: :D (12:56:12) Aubergine: oh dear a seriously unhappy Eileen is not good (12:56:40) Fang: no it's not, is there anything I can do to cheer you up? (12:57:14) Eileen: unhappy and serious is not the same (12:57:28) Fang: oh...right (12:57:43) Aubergine: that's so true (12:58:10) Eileen: one can be seriously happy (12:58:13) Eileen: two as well (12:58:33) Kinkyclawz: I'm glad you're seriously happy. (12:58:36) Aubergine: yes everyone can be seriously happy (12:59:09) Aubergine: I'm seriously ecstatic myself (12:59:13) Eileen: no not everyone (12:59:17) Eileen: only one and tw (12:59:19) Eileen: two (12:59:23) Fang: I'm seriously leaving (12:59:33) Eileen: me too (12:59:38) Aubergine: serously good night Fang (12:59:46) Aubergine: Seriously good night Eileen (12:59:48) Eileen: good night, Fang!!! (12:59:51) Fang: goodnight all (12:59:56) Eileen: Good night KC and Genie! (13:00:04) Fang: I hope you have a serious and/or happy week (13:00:04) Aubergine: seriously good night KC (13:00:23) Fang: it's OK Eileen we know you're unique (13:00:32) Aubergine: you too Fang (13:00:37) Kinkyclawz: Aww, goodnight Fang, Genie and Eileen! *biiiiiiiiig hugz for you all* Have an awesome week, my Twrother and Twisters, and see you next week, hopefully. :F (13:00:40) Kinkyclawz: :D also (13:00:58) Kinkyclawz: ^^ (13:01:20) Aubergine: hopefully I should be back in time for the chat (13:01:32) Fang: me too? you mean I'm as unique as Eileen, I'm not sure how to take that(13:01:34) Fang: hmmm

(13:01:37) Fang: oh well goodnight (13:01:41) Eileen: *imitates Arnie* I'll be back! (13:01:47) Fang: *serious tardis noise* (13:01:50) Willie: Fang logs out of the Chat. (13:01:53) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, where are you going? (13:02:06) Eileen: nowhere(13:02:13) Aubergine: just a meeting out of town (13:02:14) Eileen: I will be back for the chat (13:02:15) Kinkyclawz: And could you please send me the rest of the chatlog - got logged out again. :'( (13:02:23) Kinkyclawz: ? (13:02:27) Aubergine: over the weekend (13:02:37) Eileen: ah you mean Genie (13:02:38) Eileen: lol (13:02:42) Aubergine: will do (13:02:44) Kinkyclawz: I'll be able to wait up for you, hunny, if you're late... got a week off work. ^^ (13:02:45) Eileen: have a safe trip, Genie (13:02:50) Eileen: yeah please send it (13:02:54) Eileen: i got kicked out too (13:03:02) Eileen: bye to the both of you!!! (13:03:12) Kinkyclawz: Yes, travel safely, Genie.!! Byebye Eileen! (13:03:41) Kinkyclawz: Tsk, we keep getting kicked out... but didn;t once blame Willie tonight. (13:03:44) Aubergine: I say goodbye now and get right on that (13:04:23) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thankies Genie! MUAH! (13:04:32) Kinkyclawz: And MUAH to you too, Eileen! (13:05:11) Kinkyclawz: Goodbyeeee my dear Twisters!!

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