PETE 310 Syllabus

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Reservoir Fluids

PETE 310, Fall 2012

Instructor: Dr. Maria A. Barrufet Texas A&M University - Petroleum Engineering Department Office: 407 C - Office Hours: MWF 10:30-11:30 Chat Hours on BlackBoard Anonymous Discussion Board on e-Learning (will be disabled if no one is online after the first 10 minutes) MWF 1:30-2:30 PM Skype ID PETE310-2010 Voluntary Help Sessions Team Groups in Room 302 if # students > 6 MWF 5:00-6:00 Phone 845-0314

Catalog Description: Thermodynamic behavior of naturally occurring hydrocarbon mixtures;

evaluation and correlation of physical properties of petroleum reservoir fluids including laboratory and empirical methods.

Prerequisites(s): PETE 311; CHEM 107; CVEN 305; MEEN 315; MATH 308

Lecture (501-506)
501 & 502 503 & 504 505 & 506 Lab: Lab: Lab: T/R T/R T/R


9:10 10:00 AM.

8:00 10:50 11:10 2:00 2:20 5:10 AM PM PM

RICH 106

RICH 301/319 RICH 301/319 RICH 301/319

Lab Instructors on rotational basis:

LAB (501-502) Maria Barrufet, Ernesto Valbuena, Masoud Alfi, and Raul Gonzalez LAB (503-504) Maria Barrufet, Ernesto Valbuena, Masoud Alfi, and Raul Gonzalez LAB (505-506) Maria Barrufet, Ernesto Valbuena, Masoud Alfi, and Raul Gonzalez Ernesto Valbuena: Office Phone : N/A Office : RICH 711 Office Hours : TBA

Masoud Alfi: Office Phone : N/A Office : RICH 711 Raul Gonzalez: Office Phone : 979-458.0576 Office : RICH 311

Office Hours : TBA Office Hours : TBA

Required Text The Properties of Petroleum Fluids McCain, W. D., Penn Well Publishing Co., Tulsa (Available in digital version in TAMU Library or you can purchase a hard-copy version on your preference) Other Requirements: You will be required to purchase an iclicker. It is a small electronic device
available at the bookstores. Registration instructions: If you have any problems with registration, please contact i>clicker at or 1-866-209-5698.

COURSE SYLLABUS & SCHEDULE: Pd Date Day Reading 1 Aug 27 M 1:-pp 1-12 2 Aug 29 W 1: pp 12-22 3 Aug 31 F 1: pp 22-28 4 Sep 3 M 1: pp 28-42 Sep 4 5 6 7 Sep 5 Sep 7 Sep 10 Sep 11 8 9 10 Sep 12 Sep 14 Sep 17 Sep 19 11 12 Sep 21 Sep 24 Tuesday W F M Tuesday W F M W F M Lab 1 2: pp 46-61 2: pp 61-73 2: pp 73-84 Lab 2 5: pp 147158 JPT Sep 94 3: pp 90-104 3: pp 104117 Exam#1 10% SPE 26668 6: pp 165178

HW 1-4 1-6, 1-10 1-9,1-11 1-3,1-13,1-14 2-2,2-4,2-7, 2-8 2-13,2-15,2-18

Topics Introduction, Organic Chemistry Alkanes Alkenes, Alkynes, Cyclic Aliphatics Aromatics, Non hydrocarbons Introduction, Orientation Safety Pure Substances Two-Component Mixtures Three- & Multi-component Mixtures Virtual Lab - Vapor Pressure

2-23,2-25 5-1,5-2,5-15,5-16 3-1,3-4,3-7,3-14 9:10 10:00 AM Room 106 3-22,3-25,3-27 3-28,3-29,3-33

Five Reservoir Fluids Ideal Gas Real Gases Chapters 1, 2, 5 Real Gases Standard Conditions, Bg & g

Sep 25 13 14 15 Sep 26 Sep 28 Oct 1 Oct 2 16 17 Oct 3 Oct 5 Oct 8 Oct 10 18 19 Oct 12 Oct 15 Oct 17 20 21 Oct 19 Oct 22


Lab 3 6: pp 178190 7: pp 195204 8: pp 224241 Lab 4 9: pp 247253 10: pp 271280 8-1,8-7,8-18,8-19 9-1,9-3 No class No class 10: pp 257270 10: pp 257270 (web) Exam # 2 10% 10: pp 280292 11: pp 296299 JCPT paper, 1999 Lab 5 11: pp 299317 11: pp 317319 11: pp 321322 JCPT paper, 1999 11: pp 326337 Lab 6 (501-503) 12: pp 347354 Lab 6 11-5,11-8,11-10, 1112, 11-13,11-14 11-26,11-30, 11-31, 11-33 (use SOPE) 12-3,12-4, 12-6 WET LAB 12-7, 12-8, 12-9 WET 10-2,10-3,10-4,10-5 10-15,10-17,10-19 9:10 10:00 AM Room 106 10-22,10-24 11-1,11-3 (using JCPT method) 6-3,6-7,6-26 6-17,6-18, 6-21 7-5,7-8,7-13

Virtual Lab - Gas z-factor: Analysis of Leaks cg and Heating value Wet Gas Specific Gravity & z-factor Black Oil Definitions Virtual Lab: Bubble Point of Live Oil Sample Phase Envelope Field Data Reservoir Fluid Study Lab Procedure SPE Annual Meeting SPE Annual Meeting Reservoir Fluid Study Report Reservoir Fluid Study Report Chapters 3-5-6 -7-8 & SPE26668 & JPT Sep 94 Properties from Reservoir Fluid Study New Correlations for pb & Rs and o Virtual Lab: Reservoir Fluid Studies: Constant Composition Expansion (CCE), Differential Liberation (DL) and Separator Tests of a Live Oil Sample Evaluation of o Using Ideal Solution Principles co & o - Interfacial Tension

F M Tuesday W F M W F M W F M

Oct 23



Oct 24


Oct 26


Oct 29 Oct 30

M Tuesday W Thursday

Ideal Solutions Wet Lab: Viscosity of Oil Samples Ideal Solutions - Exercises Wet Lab: Viscosity of Oil Samples


Oct 31 Nov 1

(504-506) 26 27 Nov 2 Nov 5 Nov 6 28 Nov 7 Nov 8 29 30 Nov 9 Nov 12 Nov 14 31 32 Nov 16 Nov 19 F M Tuesday W Thursday F M W F M 12: pp 354362 13: pp 374383 Lab 7 (501-503) 13: pp 383386 Lab 7 (504-506) 14: pp 395406 16: pp 438444 Exam # 3 (20%) 16: pp 444451 16: pp 451467

LAB 12-17 13-1,13-2, 13-7 WET LAB 13-8,13-17 WET LAB 14-4 Non-ideal Solutions Surface Separation Calculations Wet Lab: Surface Tension of Oil, Gas, & Water Samples Surface Separation Calculations Exam Review Wet Lab: Surface Tension of Oil, Gas, & Water Samples Equilibrium Ratio Correlations Water Composition, Bubble Point 9:10 10:00 AM Room 106 16-1,16-6 16-10,16-13,16-16 Chapters 9-10-11-12-13 Bw , w & Rsw cw , w , Moisture Content, Salinity

Lab 8 - Tentative Wet

Compositional Testing Distillation, Condensate Residual 33 Nov 21 Nov 23 34 Nov 26 Nov 27 35 36 37 38 Nov 28 Nov 30 Dec 3 Dec 5 W F M Tuesday W F M W 17: pp 481485 - Notes Lab 9 17: pp 481485 - Notes 15: pp 414425 Handout 15: pp 414425 Handout All Chapters Course Review 8-10 am (Room 106) 17-9, 17-11 17: pp 474481 16-20, 16-24, 16-28 No class 17-1, 17-2, 17-3 Conditions for Hydrate Formation Thanksgiving Holiday Inhibition of Hydrates Virtual Lab : Hydrate formation. Hydrate inhibition techniques Inhibition of Hydrates Cubic Equations of State Calculations with Equations of State Cubic Equations of State Calculations with Equations of State Reading Dayno class Review (Voluntary)

TBD TBD All Assignments Due

Dec 9
Dec 10


No class

Comprehensive Final Examination (20%)

COURSE POLICIES 1. Attendance: Students are expected to attend class, to bring textbook, notes, homework problems and calculator. 2. Assignments: Homework problems must be worked out on engineering analysis paper. All problems must be fully documented. Assignments are due are the beginning of the class on Fridays. Late assignments will normally be given a grade of zero. 3. Work Quality: Neat, legible, systematic and complete presentation is required in assignments and examinations for full credit. Units must be written wherever appropriate for the answers. 4. Examinations: Examinations are not optional. The format for each will be announced. Make-up examinations will be given only for university excused absences. 5. Academic Dishonesty: Collaboration on examinations and assignments is forbidden except when specifically authorized. Students violating this policy may be removed from the class roster and given an F Final Examination Schedule 6. Grading System: The regular university grading scale will be used. Weights will be assigned as follows:

Activity Hw Surprise Quizzes (2 to 3 minutes max) Technical Material Quiz Labs - Team Work Exam# 1 Exam #2 Exam #3 Final Exam Comprehensive

Details One Per Week

% of Grade 5

(10-12 total) 30% Lab Quizzes 70% Lab Reports (9 total) (9 reports)

25 10 15 20 20



ADA Policy Statement: (Texas A&M University Policy Statement)

The following ADA Policy Statement (part of the Policy on Individual Disabling Conditions) was submitted to the UCC by the Department of Student Life. The policy Statement was forwarded to the Faculty Senate for information. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal antidiscrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe that you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities in Room 126 of the Koldus Building, or call 845-1637. 5

Coursework Copyright Statement: (Texas A&M University Policy Statement)

The handouts used in this course are copyrighted. By "handouts," this means all materials generated for this class, which include but are not limited to syllabi, quizzes, exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets. Because these materials are copyrighted, you do not have the right to copy them, unless you are expressly granted permission. As commonly defined, plagiarism consists of passing off as ones own the ideas, words, writing, etc., that belong to another. In accordance with this definition, you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another person and turn it in as your own, even if you should have the permission of that person. Plagiarism is one of the worst academic sins, for the plagiarist destroys the trust among colleagues without which research cannot be safely communicated. If you have any questions about plagiarism and/or copying, please consult the latest issue of the Texas A&M University Student Rules, under the section Scholastic Dishonesty.

Instructional Objectives
Topics Covered: 1. Introduction, Organic Chemistry: Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Cycloalyphatic Aromatics, NonHydrocarbon components. 2. Properties of Pure Substances. Two, Three, and Multi-component Mixtures. Phase Diagrams. 3. Virtual Lab- Orientation, Safety, Determination of Vapor Pressure. 4. Classification and Identification of Reservoirs by Fluid Type. 5. Ideal and Real Gases. 6. Reservoir Engineering Properties of Gases: Gas Formation Volume Factor. Viscosity (Bg & g ). Wet Gas Gravity and Isothermal Compressibility. 7. Definition and Evaluation of Black Oil Properties from Field Data. 8. Reservoir Fluid Study: Report, lab procedure, and determination of fluid properties from reservoir fluid studies. 9. Field Trip Commercial Fluid Laboratory. 10. Evaluation of Black Oil Properties from Correlations: Bubble point pressure, solution gas oil ratio (pb & Rs), oil density (o), compressibility, viscosity (co & o), and formation and volume factor (Bo). 11. Virtual Lab- Evaluation of gas z-factor and Analysis of Leaks. Bubble Point of Live Oil Sample and Phase Envelopes. 12. Surface Separation Calculations and Equilibrium Ratio Correlations. 13. Evaluation of oilfield brine properties: Salinity, Bubble Point, formation volume factor, density and solution gas water ratio (Bw, w, Rsw). Water isothermal compressibility, viscosity (cw, w). 14. Lab- Determination of Viscosity and Surface Tension of Oil, Gas, & Water Samples. 15. Conditions for Hydrate Formation and Hydrate Inhibition Procedures. 16. Cubic Equations of State: Solution of Cubic Equations. Calculations with Equations of State. 17. Virtual Lab- Differential Vaporization and Separator Tests of Live Oil Sample. 18. Hydrate formation and inhibition techniques. Contributions to Professional Component: Math and Science None Petroleum Engineering This course provides students with a fundamental background on the determination and evaluation of fluid properties. It also provides mathematical tools for the analysis and interpretation of data. General Education None

Course Learning Outcomes and Relationship to Program Outcomes: Course Learning Outcome: At the end of the course, students will be able to Describe how physical properties of hydrocarbon components are affected by molecular structure, size, pressure, and temperature. Explain the physical meaning and evaluate the impact of fluid properties in reservoir engineering and production problems. Compute formation volume factors, viscosities, solution gas-oil ratio, densities of oil, water and gas, Z-factor (single and two-phase), and interfacial tensions. Calculate gas, oil, and oilfield brine properties (z-factor, density, viscosities) using various correlations with different independent variables: gas or oil composition, API gravity, gas gravity, salinity, bubblepoint pressure, and temperature. Calculate the specific gravity of a wet gas mixture by recombination using production data and: all surface compositions, or separator composition, or properties of the separator gas. Describe the laboratory procedures required for a Reservoir Fluid Study and calculate reservoir fluid properties (formation volume factors, solution gas oil ratios) from the PVT data obtained from a virtual PVT lab simulation. Determine and analyze values of oil and gas formation volume factors, saturation pressures, compressibilities, and solution gas oil ratios, given raw PVT data from a reservoir fluid study and pressure-production field production history of oil and gas. Design optimal separator conditions from a simulated virtual PVT laboratory test by maximizing the API gravity of the oil. Determine and analyze the dependence of oil viscosity with temperature and oil gravity, by conducting laboratory experiments. Determine and analyze the dependence of interfacial tension with temperature and type of mixtures: oil, water and surfactant solution; by conducting laboratory experiments. Calculate phase boundaries (bubble point or dew points), and two-phase phase equilibrium separations given overall mixture composition, pressure (or temperature), and equilibrium ratios (k-values) from: ideal solution models, from correlations or from table lookup. Evaluate and Design a hydrate inhibition scheme using the virtual PVT lab by assessing the economic a technical impact of inhibitors and inhibitor concentrations upon the temperatures and pressures at which hydrate formation occurs. Program Outcomes 11 1 5 5 1,3,5 5 2,3,5 2 2 1,5 2,11

Related Program Outcomes: No. PETE graduates must have 1 An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering. 2 An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. 3 An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. 5 An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. 11 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice Prepared by: Maria Barrufet, August, 21, 2012

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