Inner Equlibrium of Dominions Ritual, by Aracon E'Kerion

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INNER EQULIBRIUM OF DOMINIONS RITUAL There comes always a time whereupon one feels the need to further accentuate

ones' dominion amid the vastness of the Void. Empowerment and knowing is merely not enough when times are more than infiltrative amid one's mundane life. Henceforth, there shall be seen a sanctum that enables one to fully embrace what is met with metanoia, gnosis and domination. It is strongly encouraged that one follows the tract as set before thee, to which is held herein. Upon incorporating this sphere, and erection of such - one is then in the complete mindset to begin this aspect of the SELF upon which that is the foundations laid before thee. Begin with the "Sickle Rite of Runar" Stand in the middle of your circle and visualize that you are holding a sicle of silver like one of those in the illustration; in right hand and directing it outwards. Equidistance and vibrate these nine words around the circle starting from the East. AMDRANISA LOTAVARIA KENIKOIMA DARESTHIL DOJINDAGO BALTHURIS KIMAZTOLA TONIKAVAT DENIVANUI

Invocation of Self-Sacrifice Sprinkle droplets of blood within the mouth of the Altar Skull Sacrificial of thyself, but blood MUST be WARM. Amid the destiny's love, lust is lost Supplication totality - at cost Within His presence, none survives He who taketh sin so doth imbibes. Taken from th' Sepiroth's sixth Does alluration comes enfix' Great Lord of Opening, thy came As th' way bringer of alter'd name O'Lord, Be thou at mine side For thee shalt fore'er abide Demon of the thousand skies Here my body doth lies Supplication humbles thine Panacea returned in kind Your powers, conjure's hard Pestilence prevails unbar'd With bubonic ravages throughout mine veins

Mundanity but barely still remains. The Rite of Cellae Perform a banishing. With the tip of the ritual dagger, Touch left shoulder, touch right shoulder, Touch forehead and then hold the dagger lengthwise down your torso, so that the tip of the blade rests at your throat. Give the sign of the enterer. Assume the god-form of TORZOXI, one of the Governors of the 19th Aethyr, POP. He stands tall and thin with a large fire opal in his right hand, charged with the power of life and death. He wears the magical Apron of TORZOXI which provides protection from all outside influences. His body glows with shimmering beams of purple and violet. Rise up through the Aethyrs beginning with TEX. TEX. This is the lowest Aethyr. It is located in the lower region of the Watchtower of Earth. RII. This Aethyr is located in the higher regions of the Watchtower of Earth. It contains the heavens of the world's religions. BAG. The 28th Aethyr is located in the lowest region of the Watchtower of Water. It is pervaded by a strong sense of conscience. ZAA. The 27th Aethyr is just above BAG. It is a remote region characterized by a strong sense of loneliness and solitude. DES. This is the region where logic and reason prevail. It is the home of the scientist and mathematician. VTI. Here the logic and reason of the human mind give way to intuition. The intuitive senses come into play here. NIA. The 24th Aethyr is in the highest region of the Watchtower of Water. It is characterized by continual motion and a strong sense of freedom. It is encompassed about by a large Ring-Pass-Not. TOR. This Aethyr is located in the lowest region of the Watchtower of Air. In the form of TORZOXI, you should be able to pass through the Ring-Pass-Not that divides this Aethyr from NIA. TOR contains a sense of seriousness, and the work ethic is strong here. LIN. The 22nd Aethyr contains a strong sense of dualism and polarity. The powerful forces of formation and destruction that characterize the Cellae are reflected here. ASP. This Aethyr is located near the center of the Watchtower of Air. It contains the Reincarnating Ego, that part of your Self which takes on new incarnations on the physical plane.

KHR. The 20th Aethyr contains the Wheel of Life. Cyclic forces are intensified here. POP. This Aethyr contains the initiation of life and death. The ebb and flow of the duality of life and death are confronted here. It is the home of the Priestess of the Silver Star. ZEN. The 18th Aethyr is pervaded by a sense of sacrifice. In order to progress through this Aethyr, you must strip yourself of your personal desires and feelings. TAN. This Aethyr is located in the highest part of the Watchtower of Air. It contains the great Karmic Balance. The sense of equality is strong here. LEA. The 16th Aethyr is located in the lowest part of the Watchtower of Fire. It is the home of a reflex of the goddess Babalon, who actually resides in the 2nd Aethyr, ARN. Here the duality of the subjective self and the objective universe is strong. OXO. This Aethyr is pervaded by a sense of joy and happiness. Life is seen here as a game. Nothing is taken seriously in this region. VTA. The 14th Aethyr is dark and gloomy, the very antithesis of OXO. Everything here is very serious. To enter, you must remove all attachments. It is very peaceful here, entirely devoid of emotion. This region contains the City of the Pyramids. ZIM. This Aethyr is located near the center of the Watchtower of Fire. It is characterized by a strong sense of duty and responsibility. The great being called NEMO resides here. LOE. This Aethyr contains the Mystery of Babalon. It is characterized by a strong sense of compassion to mankind. You must have developed a sense of compassion in order to safely enter here. IKH. The 11th Aethyr contains the Holy City. This is the highest region known to the human mind. It stands on the very brink of the Great Outer Cellae. It is located in the highest part of the Watchtower of Fire. You should be able to feel the presence of Cellae. Drink of the Bloody Wine ("Akaisi" wine would be suggested here) Now, in turn, assume the god-forms of the three Governors of IKH. In all three forms, continue holding the fire opal and wearing the Apron. Assume the god-form of MOLPAND. Your form should be fierce in countenance, strong but almost feminine in grace and beauty. You should be free of all emotional attachments. In this form, see yourself facing the Cellae. Assume the god-form of VSNARDA. Your form should be dark and heavy and strongly masculine. In this form you will dare anything, including facing the Cellae Assume the god-form of PONODOL. Your form should be strong and beautiful, but entirely devoid of emotions. As PONODOL, you have the ability to create and destroy. See these forces swirling about in the Cellae.

Breathe deeply - using either the Odic Breathing, or the Breath of Fire - either, or - but one of these produces a specific Gnostic state. Resume the god-form of TARZOXI and see yourself facing into the dark swirling forces of the Great Outer Cellae. See the mighty KOMANAN approach and come before you holding the Sigil of KOMANAN. Hear him say to you, "I am He who knows how to manifest." See the fierce LEXARPH approach and come before you wielding the Sword of LEXARPH. Hear him say to you, "I am He who is first of the air." See the fiery TABITOM approach and come before you holding the Stave of TABITOM. Hear him say to you, "I am He who is like fire." See the black and terrible archdemon KHORONZON approach and come before you holding the Cup of KHORONZON. Hear him say to you, "I am He who is the basis of form." Remain with these four awesome beings, the residents of the Great Outer Abyss, for as long as you can. In order to cross Cellae, you must first be able to control these four beings. Close your eyes. Note what lays before you both as God-form and what is placed, before you as your Gnostic awareness begins to shatter your own limitations that you have had subconsciously placed within you. Breathing may also stop momentarily. Meditate for a minimum of twenty minutes. Sprinkle sulphur about the altar Skull that has been prepared with a sacrificial taste of your own warm blood - to which you gave as libation at the invocation of self-sacrifice. Return through each of the Aethyrs and re-enter your physical body. It is a good idea to keep a written record of your experiences. Let your energies settle. Meditate until sated. Close the Temple. "It is DONE."

Comments from Rite of Cellae. The main rite is a very potent rite, so it is only advised for those most experienced practitioners and advanced energy workers. But not suited to group workings. Be advised that no responsibility will be anyone's except those who take it upon themselves to conduct these rites. If you do not know the Aeythrs, or if you need aspects of this rite explained to you - then do NOT perform this rite. Master Aracon E'Kerion

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