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Office of Student Affairs
Greetings from the NABSW Office of Student Affairs,
Zakia Pugh, MSS/MSL President Bryn Mawr College, GSSWSR Bryn Mawr, PA Shane Satterfield, 1st Vice President University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH Michael Alexander 2nd Vice President Kennedy-King College Chicago, IL Lia Andrews Secretary
University of Southern California

I am Michael L. Alexander Sr., your 2nd Vice President of OSA and Chairperson of the membership committee. We have such an exciting year ahead of us and we are off to a great start! If you are not familiar with OSA; we are the students YOU selected to be your national representatives at the 44th National Conference in Atlanta, GA in April 2012. We are honored and privileged to represent you, the students of NABSW. If there is any way we can be of service to you as individuals, or to your chapters, please feel free to contact us and let us know. We are excited to serve you this year! We want to take a moment to provide you with some very important information that we are sure, will benefit you as a NABSW student. 1. Most importantly, the NABSW membership year has changed effective July 2011. The annual renewal deadline is October 31, 2012. Please make sure that your student chapters have renewed by this date, as your timely renewal will allow you to benefit from the NABSW student rates for the annual conference. 2. If you have questions please contact President Pugh at or 1st Vice President Satterfield at 3. OSA scholarship applications will be available on the OSA blog spot by October 15, 2012. The scholarship deadline this year is December 16, 2012! If you have further questions, please contact 4. Nomination forms for OSA positions will be available on the OSA blog by November 1, 2012. All nominations will be due January 30, 2013. If you have further questions please contact Parliamentarian Johnson at or Secretary Andrews at As always, you can join us in our group on Facebook, or you can follow us in the OSA communication room at There is a link on the blog spot that allows you to click and update all information for your student chapters, anytime, any day. It just takes 2 minutes. We look forward to hearing from you this year! Please also look for our officer conference call dates on the OSA blog spot and the Facebook page. In the spirit of Harambee, The 2012-2013 OSA Executive Team

San Diego, CA Michelle Bair, BSW Treasurer Virginia Commonwealth U. Richmond, VA Shawn Johnson Parliamentarian Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr, PA Tameka Brown, MSW, LMSW National Advisor Columbia, SC Glenda Duru, MSW Immediate Past President

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