Planning of ELT: Sendi Wahani 10313135

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Planning of ELT

LESSON PLAN K.2.1 SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : XI/ 3rd COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Elementary Level BASE COMPETENCY : Understanding simple daily conversation in professional context. TIME : 20 x 45 minutes LESSON PLAN K.2.2 SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : XI/ 3rd COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Elementary Level BASE COMPETENCY : Writing simple message in direct interaction or using tool. TIME : 10 x 40 minutes LESSON PLAN K.2.3 SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : XI/ 3rd COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Elementary Level BASE COMPETENCY : Specifying the details of professions and educational background in oral and written. TIME : 15 x 45 minutes LESSON PLAN K.2.4 SCHOOL SKILL DEPARTEMENT SKILL PROGRAMME SUBJECT CLASS / SEMESTER : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO : All Skill Departments : All Programs : English : XI/ 3rd

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Planning of ELT
COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Elementary Level BASE COMPETENCY : Telling about past events and future plans. TIME : 15 x 40minutes

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Planning of ELT

LESSON PLAN K.2.5 SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : XI/ 4th COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Elementary Level BASE COMPETENCY : Expressing kinds of want. TIME : x 40minutes LESSON PLAN K.2.6 SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : XI/ 4th COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Elementary Level BASE COMPETENCY : Understanding simple instructions. TIME : x 40 minutes LESSON PLAN K.2.7 SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : XI/ 4th COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Elementary Level BASE COMPETENCY : Making simple message, directory and list with the chosen grammar. TIME : x 40 minutes

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Planning of ELT

LESSON PLAN K.1.1 SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : X/ 1st COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Novice Level BASE COMPETENCY : Understanding base expression in social interaction for live needs. TIME : x 45 minutes


SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : X/ 1st COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Novice Level BASE COMPETENCY : Mentioning things, people, characteristics, times, day, month and year. TIME : x 40minutes


SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : X/ 1st COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Novice Level BASE COMPETENCY : Describing things, people, characteristics, times, day, months and years. TIME : x 40minutes


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Planning of ELT
SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : X/ 1st COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Novice Level BASE COMPETENCY : Producing simple talked for base functions. TIME : x 40minutes

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Planning of ELT

LESSON PLAN K.1.5 SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : X/ 2nd COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Novice Level BASE COMPETENCY : Telling about event simply. TIME : x 40minutes LESSON PLAN K.1.6 SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : X/ 2nd COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Novice Level BASE COMPETENCY : Understanding simple memo and traffic signs. TIME : x 40minutes LESSON PLAN K.1.7 SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : X/ 2nd COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Novice Level BASE COMPETENCY : Understanding the words and foreign terminology, also simple sentence based on the pattern. TIME : x 40minutes LESSON PLAN K.1.8 SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : X/ 2nd COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Novice Level BASE COMPETENCY : Writing Simple Invitation. TIME : x 40minutes

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Planning of ELT

LESSON PLAN K.1.1 SCHOOL : SMK NEGERI 3 TONDANO SKILL DEPARTEMENT : All Skill Departments SKILL PROGRAMME : All Programs SUBJECT : English CLASS / SEMESTER : X/ 1st COMPETENCY STANDARD : To Communicate using English in Novice Level BASE COMPETENCY : Understanding base expression in social interaction for live needs. TIME : x 45 minutes INDICATORS : 1. Expressions of greetings and leave taking used correctly. 2. Expressions of introducing oneself and others acted correctly. 3. Expressions of thanking and its responses used correctly. 4. Expressions of apologizing and its responses acted correctly. OBJECTIVES : 1. Understanding about greeting and leave takings, introducing, thanking and apologizing. 2. Understanding expressions of greeting and leave takings, introducing, thanking and apologizing. 3. Understanding grammar review. (Personal pronoun). MATERIALS : 5. Greetings and leave taking. 6. Introducing. 7. Grammar review (Personal pronoun). 8. Simple present Tense (to be & Verb 1) 9. Yes/No Questions 10. Thanking. 11. Apologizing. METHOD 12. 13. 14. 15. IV. : Speech Question- Answer Practice Role play


meeting ( x 40 minutes)

1st Modul Question answer e

A. PRE - ACTIVITIES Give Sendi wahani 10313135

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Planning of ELT
example of greetings and leave takings. Ask question about the example concerning to the material. Expla in about the aim of greetings and leave taking.

Speech Practice Exercise


ins about greetings. Answ er the questions orally. Say/ express formal greetings based on the time given orally. Pract ice them in pairs. Stud y the expressions of leave takings and its response. Say goodbye to your partner and send regards to his/her relatives or friends. Ask your friend to response. Conti nue the pair works. Role play these situations, follow the outline. Expla in the present tense of Be (am, is, are). Fill in the blank space with am / is / are. Expla in about Personal Pronoun. Take turn, practice the object of pronouns. Pract ice the possessive

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Planning of ELT
adjective and possessive pronouns.

Resu me up the lesson Give the out line of the next material Aids

Learning Source Book s: curriculum 2004. Evaluation :

English for SMK ( KTSP 2006) English For Vocational School based on Grammar In Use by Raymond Murphy.

III. below. IV. Mengetahui Kepala Sekolah

I. II.

Greetings and leave takings. Choose the suitable form of To Be in the sentences below. Choose the right pronoun provided for the sentences Fill in the blank spaces with is / am / are. Tondano, Juli 2012 Menyetujui Wakasek Kurikulum, Diane M. Wowor, S.Pd NIP. 19661215 199512 2 005 Guru Mata Pelajaran, Merry E. Ch. Maukar, S.Pd NIP. 19811221 200604 2 009

Dra. Stien M. Wilar NIP. 19551010 198003 2 012

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