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When Simon Peter heard that

it was the Lord , ju m p e d in to t h e w a te r

he put on his tunic . . . and headed to shore.
John 21:7

a message from steve . . .

When Pam and I arrived in northern Nevada, we dreamed about God making a huge splash for the cause of Christ. And its been much more thrilling than we ever imagined. The past thirteen years with Summit have been a life-changing experience for thousands of people including us! Now, we are more excited than ever as we look to the future because its clear that God is saying to us, You have been blessed so that YOU can be a blessing! Like a kid on the edge of a diving board, getting ready to do a cannonball, we are teetering on the verge of an amazing new season of ministry. We sense God is calling us to trust him with deeper-than-ever faith so that we can make a bigger-than-ever splash of impact for Christ. A cannonball isnt something you can do half-way or by timidly sticking your toes in the water. A cannonball is about going all in. And once you take that leap, you make a big splashand that means waves galore! Its the same way in our life with Christ! And thats what our church is called to do in this season were calling cannonball . Our church leadership believes God is calling us to do a cannonballmaking all in commitments to Christ that will make waves for the cause of Christ. Im asking you now to discern from the Lord what steps of faith he is calling you to take so that YOU can truly go all in with Jesus be a big part of the work God is doing through Summit. I hope that you will look through this booklet and begin prayerfully thinking about the splash God wants to make through your life. I cant wait to see what God will do through these next two years and beyond as we all jump in together and say . . .

su mm it 's sp la sh es






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is a all

two-year splash

with a ministry impact for years to come.

Its a season where we are being called as a


to go

in and make waves for the cause of Christ. God has done

amazing things through Summit in the past thirteen years. But now he is presenting us with one of the most life-defining moments we have ever faced. We believe God has a

vision for Summit to be a high-impact church that helps transform the

spiritual climate throughout the Truckee Meadows and around the world in places like Cambodia, Kenya, and South Africa. But it all begins with us. God is calling us to be all

in for him, for Summit,

and for the ministry he has prepared for us. It means leaving behind comforts and fears and jumping into the life that is truly life. As we go all in over the next two years, we hope to make a significant


for Jesus Christ that will make


for decades.

This will be huge! But we cannot make the impact God has in mind by doing business as usual. It will take all of us going all

in like never before! All of us

praying , all of us serving , and all of us giving like never before!

Please consider what it might look like in like never before to

your life if you totally trusted God

cannonball !

ho w ca nn on ba ll will be us ed
f or compas sio n
local ministry
Money will be invested to energize and support our local ministry partners such as Teen Challenge, Pathfinders, Hosanna Home, and more. Our goal is to transform the spiritual landscape of the Truckee Meadows! Cannonball investment$1,000,000

global ministry
God is calling us to care for the disadvantaged and make waves for Christ like never before! Our Cannonball goal is to invest $2 million outside the walls of Summit for compassion and outreach. This is significantly more than the 10% we have invested in the past for Global and Local Outreach. But we believe that true generosity gives beyond the minimumit requires sacrifice! Money will will also be used to advance the cause of Christ through our global ministry partners. These partners currently include AIM in Cambodia helping young women escape sex trafficking; Missions of Hope in Kenya educating impoverished children and church planting; and Living Hope in South Africa battling the HIV-AIDS pandemic and working in community development. Cannonball investment$1,000,000

to ta l 2-ye ar Go al Fo r Co M Pa SS Io N $2 M IllIo N

fo r t h e m in is t ry

adult ministries and pastoral care

Thousands call Summit home. But God is calling us to reach even more! Our strategy to care for them and nurture them to spiritual maturity is through LIFE Groups, the Encounter Ministry, First Steps, and Celebrate Recovery. Cannonball will help us to do more and to do it better! Cannonball investment$1,145,000

worship and technology

The most common way people are introduced to Summit is through our weekend services. We now offer six weekly services in four distinct worship styles: high energy, acoustic, Canvas coffee house, and Spanish. Cannonball will allow us to continue enhancing our worship experiences at Summit so even more people can benefit. Cannonball investment$883,000

Did you know that we have baptized more than 1,000 people in the past five years? And how about the fact that we have well over 1,000 people meeting every week in LIFE Groups and CORE Groups? Our goal with Cannonball is to accelerate Summits life-changing ministry at every level.

the next generation

Potentially the greatest splash which will make the most waves over the coming years is transforming children and students. Investing in staffing, ministry programs and enhanced ministry environments is vital to this vision. Cannonball investment$780,000

campus operations and enhancements

This includes everything from the administrative and facilities teams required to keep our ministries humming, computer and software upgrades, mowing the grass and removing the snow in the winter. Cannonball will enable us to keep our campus looking beautiful and working right. A top priority will also be paving the ring road! Cannonball investment$1,898,000

fo r th e fu tu re

tH e to ta l 2-y e a r G o a l Fo r $5.15 M IllI o N


M IN IS tr y

Reaching out to those who are far from Christ is a high priority for us. Our Cannonball goal is to announce the message of Gods love much more effectively to the community. This will require improving our communication systems. Cannonball investment$444,000

One of Summits most valuable ministry tools is our facility. Our 36-acre campus is used every day of the week! But we have been overloaded by mortgage debt for much too long. In order to say yes to life-changing ministry initiatives such as a new south Reno campus or building a larger worship center, we must first reduce our mortgage debt. Cannonball will reduce our principle by over $2 million. This will allow us to refinance the remaining mortgage and free up approximately $20,000 per month for additional ministry efforts. Thats just great stewardship! Cannonball investment$3,850,000

to ta l 2-y e a r G o a l Fo r tH e FU tU r e $3. 85 M IllI o N

oaL $1 1 MIllIoN totaL G

This amount is a

God-sized stretch that represents a cannonball of faith.

It is

not a puny goal


that we know we can hit with little effort.

neither is it a foolishly extravagant goal

that will require us to win the lottery.

To get there it will be a God And if we


And we will need


all go all in , we can do it with God s help!


How did we arrive at $11 million? What does it include?

First, we prayed. Then we considered what we will need to spend to continue doing all that we are currently doing. This includes resourcing ministries like our local and global outreach partnerships. As well as our ongoing ministries, such as LIFE Groups, Childrens Ministry, Student Ministry, Hispanic Ministry, weekend services, heating and cooling our facility, plowing snow, and paying our mortgage.


Currently thats about $3 million each year. So if we didnt do anything special in the next two years we would expect about $6 million in giving. We then added the cost of the new ministry initiatives we believe God has put on our heart for the next two years. A huge part of this includes investing

$1 million each year in Compassion and Outreach. We believe God has blessed
us so that we can be a blessing to others! We also included the ways we feel called to improve and expand the ministries we already are doing.

million is an 80% increase of our total giving and reflects everything Summit will do over the next two years .

The Cannonball goal of $11

Its a HUGe step of faith!

it's t

You may have been part of church campaigns in the past during which you gave your usual gift for ongoing ministries in a general fund and were invited to give a second over-and-above gift for a separate Building Fund or Next Step Fund for capital projects or new ministry initiatives. While this approach served us well, we also recognize the potential for confusion. It required an explanation to make clear which fund did what and not everyone participated.

e ime f or a chang

It is time for a change .

Cannonball is a new simpler

From now on This also means



we do is part of


everyone can get on board and participate! one mission

It makes sense because we are all on

love God love people serve others reach others .

So everything we do is part of Cannonball. It will all be funded by

one fund one fund.

to which we give our generosity at Summit. We will call it the

Our Cannonball initiative will last for two years as we make a huge splash that will create waves for years to come. So in those two years every gift that is given to Summit Christian Church will go to the ONE FUND. Then, after Cannonball is over, we will continue giving to the ONE FUND as we continue to expand the cause of Christ here at Summit and in the world beyond.

cannonball generosity goal

$ 11 million over the next two years:
for compassion
$2 million to empower our local and global outreach partners. Local partners include Teen Challenge, Pathfinders, Hosanna

If youre a kid at the pool, a cannonball never happens until Home, and more. you make the move toward the water, decide to go all in . . . Global partners include AIM in Cambodia, Missions of Hope in and then take that plunge. Kenya, and Living Hope in South Africa.

you cant do a cannonball for the ministry if you never jump.

for the future

This is 3X what is currently invested in this area.

Its the same way in our lives. Below is a tool to help you This is 2X what is currently invested in this area. determine what kind of cannonball Jesus is asking you to make for him.

$5.15 million to accelerate ministry at every level including Worship, Childrens, Students, LIFE Groups, Celebrate Recovery, as well as the Hispanic and Encounter Ministries.

A cannonball is an act of faith that involves your whole life. As Paying down the mortgage and refinancing will free up you prayerfully think about your life and where God is calling approximately $20,000 per month for additional ministry efforts. you next, ask him to make it clear. Ask him to help you. Trust him. Then go for it! This is 2X what is currently invested in this area.

$3.85 million for mortgage and accelerated debt retirement.

my two-year generosity commitment

$ + $ = $ What I normally give in a year
(General fund, Next Step, etc.)

My expanded annual generosity for Cannonball

(Commitment for Cannonball)

x 2 years = $

+ gift from current stored resources $ = $

my two year cannonball commitment


fa q
IF wE ARE COMMITTING TO CANNONBALL, HOw dOES THIS CHANGE MY GIVING TO THE GENERAL FUNd, NExT STEp, BENEVOLENCE, OR OTHER SpECIAL OFFERINGS? For those who have contributed previously to multiple funds at Summit, this is a way to consider your total giving to God through Summit. During this two year period, every contribution to Summit is a contribution to our Cannonball initiative. Every aspect of the ministry vision God is calling us toward will be funded through this initiative. Therefore, every weekend becomes a weekend to celebrate and contribute towards what God is doing through us. wHAT ARE YOU ASkING ME TO dO? First and foremost we are asking that you pray and seek Gods leading on what he is asking you to do. Prepare your heart to hear him and then listen to what he says. Engage in your LIFE Group during this season. If youre married, talk with your spouse about what this wholelife commitment will mean for this next exciting season of your lives. We are asking you to make a sacrificial commitment to go all in for Christ that will lead you to becoming lavishly generous. Finally, we ask that you prepare to be amazed! We serve an awesome God, and he is going to show up in huge ways! We expect that God will make a huge splash from our collective Cannonball commitments! ARE THERE AddITIONAL wAYS BESIdES CASH THAT I CAN GIVE TOwARdS THIS INITIATIVE? Be creative as you explore ways that you and your family can give towards Cannonball. You may have some stocks, property, or other items of value. Or you may have some stored resources that God has blessed you with that he may be calling you to give during this time. HOw LONG IS MY COMMITMENT? We are asking that everyone make a two-year commitment. The fulfillment period for your commitment will begin December 1, 2012, and culminate on December 31, 2014.

Mark your calendar for

splash weekend Nov 17 & 18

Commitment weekend

& prepare to

experience a big splash!

wHAT IF I dONT HAVE A JOB RIGHT NOw? wHAT dOES THAT MEAN FOR MY CANNONBALL COMMITMENT? Cannonball is about your total, radical, sacrificial generosity for Summit. We believe that God calls us to action in times of hardship just as much as he does in times that make it easier to give - probably more actually! But Cannonball is about a heart change - one that is only accomplished by surrendering our lives completely over to God. It may mean that God is asking you to sell things, to pick up odd jobs, or to trust him by making a commitment that you dont quite know how to fulfill right now. In other words, believe God will provide as you seek for ways to sacrifice and work towards that commitment. We pray that everyone will be a part of Cannonball so that we can all be supporting, loving, encouraging, and praying for one another through this spiritually-stretching season at Summit. wHAT IF I AM SEVERELY IN dEBT RIGHT NOw? AM I STILL SUppOSEd TO GIVE? If you are someone seeking to make payments to pay off debt right now, we commend you for making progress on that. And you should continue to do so. But, the Bible does not teach that we withhold giving until we are debtfree. When we honor God first with our giving, he promises to be involved with every other

aspect of finances. Please contact us if you need assistance with this or if you would like to speak with a budgeting counselor. We would be honored to help. wHAT IF I HAVE NEVER GIVEN TO SUMMIT BEFORE? If you have never given financially to Summit, Cannonball was crafted specifically with you in mind. Cannonball is a one fund generosity initiative, meaning that it is different from a traditional capital campaign where you are called to give an extra gift above-and-beyond your normal giving - thus creating two steps for people who arent yet giving. Cannonball is a call to radical, sacrificial generosity for absolutely everyone at Summit. If you have never given before, this is your chance to get in the game with a radical sacrifice. We really hope you will! wHAT IF I AM NEw AROUNd HERE? Cannonball is about the vision of our church. We believe that the local church is one of the most compelling missions to give towards. We would love for you to make Summit your home, and join us in Cannonball. If you are ready for it, this is a perfect time for you to put a stake in the ground, and make this your church. We need you on the team!

gu roup study life g


One of our values here at Summit is to Love People. We believe that life is not meant to be lived alone. Thats why we are offering LIFE Group opportunities so you can connect with others during this exciting season in the life of our church! Heres how to get involved: We are asking that all LIFE Groups join the church wide CAnnonBALL study for the next five weeks. The weekly study guide will compliment the weekend services as we come together to learn from one another and what it means to be ALL in And mAkinG wAVeS for compassion, for the ministry, and for the future. If you are not currently in a LIFE Group, we will help you find the best group for you. Stop by Starting Point anytime during the weekend; go online to and click Join a LIFE Group to find a group; or contact Brett at or 424.5683 ext 107. The following pages will serve for sermon notes on the weekends and the LIFE Group study guide as we journey together over the next five weeks!

approaching the water

Open your group time with questions to help you connect with the others in your group. As you go further in Cannonball, this is also a time to report back on following through from the previous weeks discussion, and talk about your reaction to the personal daily challenges.

preparing for the jump

This time is for you as a group to worship God corporately. Options include praying through a Psalm or lifting up praise in song to God. In most cases the worship choices specifically relate to the passage youll be working through.

diving in deep
This section focuses on reading from the Bible and responding to the truths we find. The questions are designed to help you understand and apply the truths of Gods Word to your life. The questions are geared to make you think about your life; how the passage relates to you; and how it can motivate you to make waves for compassion, for the ministry, and for the future. Invite those who feel comfortable reading aloud to share in reading. If your group has questions about what theyve read, we invite your leader or your Shepherd Leader to contact your LIFE Group Pastor.

making waves
Each week closes with specific next steps for following through on what you have learned, personally and as a group. They will challenge you to go all in and make waves for the kingdom of Christ.

week 1 . compas sio n s er mon note s

during the week read week 1 in Generosity by Gordon McDonald

stu dy guid e

ap pro ac hin g the wa ter

Look over the information on page 15 to discuss expectations that will maximize your experience in Cannonball. Plan to commit to your group and to the time it takes to make waves. Talk about a time when financially you were threatened by insecurity in the face of the unknown. What did were the challenges? What was the first thing you felt when you noticed this distraction or insecurity?

pre pa rin g for the jum p

Turn to page 38. The prayer guide can be used throughout the Cannonball series. Begin with a time of praising God for all hes doing and will continue to do at Summit. Do you remember the last time you did a cannonball? How long has it been? How many people got wet? What kinds of words come to mind when you think of a cannonball? How is it a good metaphor for the kind of followers Jesus asks us to be? Now use those words to describe the impact generosity could have in the kingdom of Christ, in our families, in the community, and in the world.
Play DVD week 1

Diving in deep is an interesting term. It implies we are all in from head to toe no holds barred. We dive in deep with a lot of things: marriage, work, family, pleasures, personal interests, you name it. And we get wet from head to toe. We just cant help it. In the same way when we dive into a relationship with Jesus, when we dive in with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, we get all wet. But diving in deep requires commitment, and sometimes it takes eyes of faith to recognize when Jesus is around. Jesus found Peter looking through these eyes, but he also saw eleven others miss out on an opportunity of a lifetime. Lets take a look at how Peter walked on water and dove in deep at the same time.

p d iv in g in d e e

EYES OF FAITH - Matthew 14:25-32

1. Why didnt the disciples recognize Jesus? 2. Jesus reminds them that fear is unwarranted when he is present. How does he reassure them? ACCORDING TO VERSE 28 PETER WAS LOOKING FOR A COMMAND AND NOT A GUARANTEE. ExPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO. 3. How is this a story of obedience? 4. How is this a lesson on how to discern between an authentic call from God and what might be a foolish impulse on your part? Talk about a foolish and faithful financial decision in your life. Looking back on this, how would you approach an opportunity to live in a way that would radically change your life and the lives of those around you? ITS DIFFICULT TO KNOW WHAT LAY BEHIND PETERS REqUEST IN VERSE 28. MAYBE HE WANTED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MIRACLE WITH JESUS. PERHAPS ITS NO MORE THAN IMPULSIVENESS OR THE DESIRE TO DO SOMETHING ExCITINGLY DANGEROUS, TO HAVE A ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME ExPERIENCE. EITHER WAY: 5. How was Peters request based upon his faith in Jesus and not upon an uncertainty about whether the apparition really was Jesus? 6. The other eleven disciples became spectators not water walkers. They didnt get to experience the supernatural, divine, and miraculous. What are the real risks in doing nothing not stepping out of the boat? What rewards did Peter receive when he got out of the boat? 7. How is it possible to miss what God has for you if you dont step out of the boat to live and give lavishly for the kingdom of Christ?

maki ng wave s

Wrapped up within the foundation of this miracle is the intention of Jesus to call Peter and us to do something extraordinary. Peter was afraid, but he was about to become a water walker. He recognized that God was present, and he realized an opportunity for adventure and growth real life-change for the cause of Christ. And he took advantage of it. Only Peter knew what it was like to attempt to do what he was not capable of doing on his own and then being empowered by God to actually do it! Cannonball is about getting out of the boat and realizing that adventure and growth will never happen while youre in the boat. So how about it? Are you all in?

Huddled in the boat, life-preserver and seat belt on? One leg in, one leg out? Im walking on water and loving it! Im out of the boat, but the wind looks pretty bad. Im not only out of the boat; Im all in and making waves!

wHAT IS YOUR FINANCIAL BOAT, ANd wHAT IS kEEpING YOU IN IT? Your boat is whatever represents safety and security to you apart from God. What produces the most fear in you, especially when you think of leaving it behind and stepping out in faith? The biggest obstacles are: To go ALL IN I need to: FINANCIAL GENEROSITY Jesus is calling us to an adventure-filled discipleship full of excitement and joy. He is calling us to do the impossible, to achieve the unbelievable. Regarding financial generosity, how can you reach the next level in this journey? The biggest obstacles are:

To go ALL IN I need to:

w e e k 2 . t ra n s f o r m ation s er mon note s

during the week read week 2 in Generosity by Gordon McDonald

stu dy guid e

ap pro ac hin g the wa ter

From the Generosity devotional share which day(s) spoke to you the most and why. Who is the most generous person you have ever known? What impact has he or she had in your life or the lives of others around them?

pre pa rin g for the jum p

Have the group read John 12:3 aloud. Marys gift was extravagant and sacrificial. It revealed her heart, her true treasure, and her devotion. The fragrance filled the house such that no one could ignore it. However, some criticized her for it. Yet Jesus exalted her. Take time to pray about how your giving can become a powerful witness to Jesus, an aroma that fills the room.

Before we dive in any deeper with the act of generous giving, it is important that we first understand the difference between generosity and giving. Transformation must take place somewhere between the two. Giving can be done begrudgingly and devoid of love. But when transformation takes place, we sacrifice something of value to us for the good of another, because we love them. True generosity is always initiated by love. Lets take a look at how this aligns with the most generous giver of all.

d iv in g in d e e


1. What challenged or inspired you most about the weekend message? About Cannonball? 2. I am not commanding you, is the first thing Paul says. What does this tell us about the motivation we should have if we are to be generous? 3. Paul says, I want to test the sincerity of your love. How does he ask the church to Test the sincerity of their love, and to whom was he comparing it? (Review the earlier passages 8:1-7.) 4. Paul made a challenging comparison when he said, For you know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Why compare us to Jesus and bring his generosity into the picture? MOVING IN THE DIRECTION OF POVERTY IN ORDER TO MAKE SOMEONE ELSE RICH 5. Why is financial generosity only realized when giving hurts? How are we being called to become like Christ when it comes to financial generosity? 6. We are talking about financial poverty and riches, but this passage also addresses spiritual poverty and riches. How can others experience spiritual riches as a result of our movement in the direction of poverty - financial generosity? GIVE AND THE WORLD WILL TAKE NOTICE!
Play DVD week 2

7. The video is a story of transformation. The church only needed $160,000, but they received how much? Generosity at Malawi Church was contagious! How do you explain that? How are you encouraged? 8. Read Acts 4:32-35. How are we compelled to give financially and in practical ways after receiving mercy ourselves?

9. Lets fast forward to 2015. What does this model of early Church generosity look like here at Summit and in your life? Dream big! What does the church look like? What does our community look like? What does your marriage look like? What other stories of transformation are we talking about?

maki ng wave s

Living sacrificially is a lifestyle, and it is probably one of the most difficult things for us to do, yet it is exactly what we must do to make waves in the world. The impact that we make is up to us. As Cannonball disciples we are called to make waves that overflow from a transformed heart just like Gods generosity overflows out of his love for us. When we do, we have a positive impact in our community, and we create waves that last a lifetime. TRANSFORMATION Going all in and making waves requires commitment and transformation maybe a change in lifestyle. In order to create a culture of generosity, what steps must happen in your life? What would be the best outcome you could imagine if you commit to this new life style? Life style changes:

Results of a transformed life style:

wE ARE MOST LIkE GOd wHEN wE GIVE Take a few minutes to think about what needs to happen for you and the church to become most like God when we give. Consider writing down a few practical ways that you can give lavishly and share them with the group.

week 3 . freedom s er mon note s

during the week read week 3 in Generosity by Gordon McDonald

stu dy guid e

ap pro ac hin g the wa ter

From the Generosity devotional share which day(s) spoke to you the most and why. Who would like to define freedom? What are you doing today that will have an impact on your freedom 10, 20, or even 30 years from now?

pre pa rin g for the jum p

Read Luke 16:13 with the group. Take time to pray together for clarity in this study and for direction in your heart to serve God with excellence. Pray that money will not cause you to drift away from God and into self-sufficiency but rather a tool for his kingdom.

The freedom to give generously, to disperse of resources freely and joyfully, is rarely experienced by most of us. But that is exactly what Jesus wants us to experience. He wants us to have the perfect balance of freedom that exists when we are properly motivated in our ministry of managing the resources God entrusts to us. The Apostle Paul warns Timothy that The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from their faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 Timothy 6:10. In other words the love of money nourishes evil and greedy motives lead us away from the true life. Worry, fear, greed, and loss are just a few things that distract us from a pattern of consistent, joyful generosity.

p d iv in g in d e e

ExCESSIVE wORRY - Matthew 6:25

1. What did you find new or refreshing about this passage or this weekends message? 2. What does worry say about us, our faith in God, and what we believe about his provision for us? 3. In what ways can worry or fear be disguised in our lives? An example is working harder. 4. What are you most worried about financially? 5. In what ways does wealth create worry? In what ways does wealth relieve worry? Give examples from your life.
Play DVD week 3

pULL OF GREEd - Luke 12:13-15

6. After watching the video, what are the dangers and opportunities of wealth from a spiritual perspective?

7. Jesus said in our passage to Watch out for the dangers of money. Be on your guard against all kinds of greed. What were the two kinds of greed in this passage? 8. What other types of greed are there? How do you struggle with them? 9. Jesus continued in verse 15 that a mans life does not consist of what? How has an abundance mentality fueled the pull of greed in our life and/or been a destructive force in your life (in personal ambitions, relationships, family, a business opportunity, etc)? 10. Conversely, how would the act of giving money away keep you from falling into the gravitational pull of greed?

maki ng wave s

Looking back on this study we can see that worry is evidence of our deepest fears. We may not lay claim to the fact that we worry; but it is lived out in our drive for more stuff: a bigger retirement, a larger house, the best car, a second job, or a bunch of overtime. And we can see that we are all susceptible to the gravitational pull of greed. When we get pulled in, our freedom to live a joyful, generous life is on the line. But there is a remedy for the distractions and pitfalls of our culture and our money. We go all in and make waves with our generosity! We get off the merry-go-round and embrace a greater dependence on God, not our stuff.


Generosity helps free us from the dangers of money and leads us to greater dependence on God. What do you think giving away money lavishly means in your life?

How likely are you to do that?


Committing to a plan of action and developing a vision statement is a great next step on this journey. Based on your answers above, write down what you think God is calling you to (i.e., God is calling me to live debt free, or God is calling me to a greater level of financial sacrifice for his kingdom). God is calling me to:

this is YoUR vision statement!

week 4 . tr ust s er mon note s

during the week read week 4 in Generosity by Gordon McDonald

stu dy guid e

ap pro ac hin g the wa ter

From the Generosity devotional share which day(s) spoke to you the most and why. Talk about your plan of action (vision statement) from last week read it to the group. How does it require a greater dependence on God? Who do you really trust and why? How did they earn your trust? How important is that trust to you?

pre pa rin g for the jum p

Read Deuteronomy 15:10, 11 and Acts 20:35. Although appearing to be polar opposites (one a command and the later a reminder), both passages urge us to consider a life of generosity and the blessings that follow. Pray that God would continue to work in our hearts as we prepare to embrace a new life of generosity remembering that, It is more blessed to give than to receive. God and into self-sufficiency but rather a tool for his kingdom.

So far in our study weve learned when we look on the generous culture of the early Church and lean on the generous nature of Jesus himself, our hearts and minds undergo transformation. Weve learned about the freedom that generosity brings from the entanglements of wealth. The author of Hebrews described this next step as faith, being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. We must have faith and trust that great blessings accompany the generous life.

d iv in g in d e e

OVERFLOwING JOY - 2 Corinthians 8:1-2

Have someone read 2 Corinthians 8:1-2. From this passage or the weekend message, what did you discover about joy, poverty, generosity, or maybe about yourself? 1. What does it mean to you to be called to excel in the gracious act of giving? 2. The Church in Corinth was being asked to be responsive to the need of others. Other than need, what else should motivate us? 3. According to this passage where is abundant joy found? How does circumstance or position safeguard or shelter one from sacrifice or generosity? 4. What is the danger in associating generous giving with the efforts of only wealthy and powerful?

LIFE pROSpERITY - 2 Corinthians 9:11

Play DVD week 4

Every time Stanley made a decision he asked, How does this impact eternity? 5. What encouraged you most from the video? What conversations are you having with God about generosity?

6. From this passage we learn the Corinthians generosity would be matched by Gods generosity. What does it mean to be enriched or rich in every way? (Refer back to our first passage too.) 7. What do these phrases mean to you? You cannot out give God. Generosity is its own reward. 8. Paul noticed that generous people often discover new wealth (spiritual or material), that allowed them to expand the perimeters of their generosity. Give an example of this in your own life. What are the dangers of expecting every gift to come back? 9. We see in this passage that one persons gift becomes the cause of praise from others. Knowing the satisfaction that comes from others lifting their hearts to heaven, what do you need to turn over to God in order that others might praise him?

cannonball generosity goal

$ 11 million over the next two years:

maki ng wave s

$2 million to empower our local and global outreach partners. Paul uses a water analogy, welled up, when describing generosity that came out of the most extreme circumstances. Generous giving was gushing out of lives marked Local partners include Teen Challenge, Pathfinders, Hosanna with Home, and more. suffering and scarcity. But this could only happen because they trusted that God is with the generous giver. Imagine the conversation that exploded across the region, as people talked Global partners include AIM in Cambodia, Missions of Hope in about this band of believers who found new faith. They trusted that when a person begins to give on the Kenya, and Living Hope in South Africa. basis of enthusiastic generosity, all sorts of things in life begin to fall into place. Its time to go all in and This is 3X what is currently invested in this area. make waves no matter who you are!

for compassion


$5.15 million to accelerate ministry at every level including Experiencing a life of joy only happens when we plead for the privilege to give generously. What would a Worship, Childrens, Students, LIFE Groups, Celebrate Recovery, life full of overflowing joy look like to you right now? Give specific examples. as well as the Hispanic and Encounter Ministries. This is 2X what is currently invested in this area.

for the ministry

How will you plead for the privilege to give generously?

for the future

$3.85 million for mortgage and accelerated debt retirement.

GREATPaying down the mortgage and refinancing will free up BLESSINGS ACCOMpANY THE GENEROUS LIFE

approximately $20,000 per month for additional ministry efforts. Imagine the changed life and destiny of a child, or the restoration of a marriage, or a community rebuilt, peopleThis is 2X what is currently invested in this area. encountering the love of Jesus for the first time, the power to break an addiction the needs of Gods people being met! How will your generosity contribute to this vision at Summit Christian Church?

my two-year generosity commitment

$ + $ = $ What I normally give in a year
(General fund, Next Step, etc.)

My expanded annual generosity for Cannonball

(Commitment for Cannonball)

x 2 years = $

+ gift from current stored resources $ = $

my two year cannonball commitment



commitment weekend Nov 1 7 & 1 8



week 5 . lif e s er mon note s

stu dy guid e

ap pro ac hin g the wa ter

From the Generosity devotional share which day(s) spoke to you the most and why. How has the Lord been working in your heart as you contemplate what generosity looks like for you? Picture someone who is known for their excellence in giving? Or is it you? What qualifies them (or you) as an excellent giver?

pre pa rin g for the jum p

Have the group read Matthew 5:23, 24. Jesus regards giving as a whole-person event. Here we are called to examine our hearts before we give. If you are caused to remember a broken relationship, leave the gift in front of the alter, go repair that relationship, and then give your gift. In this time of prayer, examine your heart. Prepare the perfect gift, one that is covered in the forgiveness of a mended relationship. Give thanks to God for the perfect gift in Jesus Christ.

We have journeyed through uncharted waters in the last few weeks from the guarantee of missed opportunities when we hang out in the boat to embracing the spiritual discipline of trusting that blessings follow a generous giver. In this last week of Cannonball, well discover how everyone can excel in the grace of giving as we look at a couple of principles that can ignite a lifetime of generosity.

d iv in g in d e e

GIVE IN LOVE - 1 Corinthians 13:3

1. From the final message in our series or the passage, what are you struggling with most, or what are you most excited about? 2. The NLT reminds us that these gifts are so spectacular that we could boast about it. But in Gods eyes the giver is no better than the beneficiary. How has giving to someone else deepened your relationship with that person? 3. How is love marked in the true follower of Jesus? 4. What could possibly be gained when we sacrifice out of love for the kingdom? What did you gain through Jesus, who gave his body out of love? 5. Talk about the video. Who does that? Who writes a check for ten thousand dollars to a complete stranger? How are you encouraged or inspired? Who has a similar story to share?
Play DVD week 5

6. How is God inviting you to walk in a lifestyle of generosity to love and care for others, to begin a lifestyle of generous giving?

FINISH YOUR GIVING - 2 Corinthians 8:11-12

7. What is this passage saying about the follow through skills in the church in Corinth?

8. How has finishing strong in the area of giving been a stumbling block for you? What do you need to do to recognize this obstacle and overcome it? 9. Verse 11 makes it clear that there is an obligation to give with an expression of willingness. How does this emphasize the fundamental point that where the heart is, the will must follow? 10. How does finishing well with giving illustrate how much God has done for us?

maki ng wave s

Great giving is not determined by dollar amounts but by the amount of sacrifice. Often times we get hung up on a standard that limits us and limits the grace of God. Generous giving is not limited to just the rich or the well to do. God gave his Son to establish a standard for all people in any financial situation. Through this five week study, weve fleshed-out what it means to jump all in and make waves. We have been challenged to take the different aspects of our lives and plunge them into Gods vision. And we have been given an opportunity to make some decisions. Take a few minutes to write some of the Cannonball decisions you have made of the past five weeks. Share these Cannonball decisions with the group so you can celebrate together.


If you havent made a Cannonball commitment yet, there is still time to jump into Gods work. Jesus tells a story about a landowner who hired workers throughout the workday, all the way to the last hour. He is teaching us that you have not missed your chance to join the work of Gods kingdom. Its not too late. What is God calling you to?


The apostle Paul introduced the idea of a giving plan in 2 Corinthians 9:7. A giving plan begins with the settled conviction that what I have earned or what has been given to me is not mine but Gods. Youve committed to Cannonball and made a two-year generosity commitment. Nows a great time to plan on how to keep your commitment. What does your plan look like?

p ra y e r g u id e
Use this tool to help direct your prayers during this important season in the life of Summit. As a church, we have always bathed every major decision and every major initiative in prayer. Cannonball is no exception. We are committed to moving ahead only as fast as we can move on our knees in prayer.

O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens!
Psalm 8:1

Praise God for his glory and goodness. Thank him for his grace, mercy, and love. Bless him for his provision. Thank God for the work he is doing in and through Summit. Praise God specifically for the ways you see him at work in our church. Praise God for the amazing opportunities he is placing before us through the Cannonball initiative. Praise him for the impact for Christ that our church will have in our community and around the globe!

But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all wickedness.
1 John 1:9

Ask the Lord to forgive us for our foolish sense of self-sufficiency. Pray that God would forgive us for often believing that we are the source of our bounty and blessing not God. Ask God to forgive us for turning a blind eye to the under-resourced and needy in our community and around the world.

May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10

Pray for the vast majority of people at Summit during Cannonball to go all in with the Lord. Pray for every Summite to take major step forward in their generosity journey with their Cannonball commitment. Ask the Lord to help Spectators to at least become Purposeful Givers. Pray for Purposeful Givers to become Percentage Givers. And pray that Percentage Givers would become Progressive Givers going way beyond 10%.

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