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(Learn the Unknown to Navigate Agriculture)

A News Magazine From Microtel Computer Education Institute

Friday, September 15, 2011, Edition-3

The best ways to build our list of donors

The best yogi is one who regards every being like oneself and who can feel the pain and pleasures of others as ones own, O Arjuna. (Gita-6.32)

Swapan Muhuri, Secretary, MCEI

Dear friends,

Nothing is beyond the reach of those who have others interest in their mind. Selfless service to humanity is the true service to God and the highest form of worship.

All of you are very auspicious persons; whose heart melts by the fire of grief of others, and rejoices hearing the praise of others. You are doing an out of the ordinary work, dedicating your life for the poorest of the poor people of the society. Microtel Computer Education Institute also a NGO and wants to work with people like you. Donors fund is the lifeline for NGOs like us. These originate either from the foreign offices of the developed countries or from the multilateral social organizations set up by different countries such as the United Nations, The World Bank, etc. But the biggest challenges of our organizations are finding donors; who are very crucial to the success of our organizations (NGOs). The twenty-first century has continuously witnessing some unprecedented challenges like the September 11 attack on World Trade Centre, 9/11 attack on Taj Hotel, Mumbai and so on. The War against Terrorism and the global recession, which have subsequently affected the flow of funds from the develop countries to developing countries. The NGOs like us have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable. Here are some ways to find out new donors: 1.Probably. already you're doing a lot of hard works to collect names of the prospective donors. Don't forget to collect the email addresses of the people whom you feel a resourceful person. Any member of your organization's who interacts with the public should also be ready with a standard question like, excuse me sir, can I have your address or email ID and send you some information about our organization, I mean, what we do?" Remember, while asking for the address or emails ID to any one, you must be creative to them so that they want to give you their names or even the names of their friends. 2.You can request your friends to pull out their address books and provide with their friends names periodically. Once, if you have a connection to a potential high-end donor, uniquely try to stimulate that person's interest -- but don't focus only on immediate profit. Your work may impact the donor so much that he or she begins making major gifts, hosts a fundraising reception, gives you names of his/ her friends, and so on. 3.You must often try to find out new Volunteers by approaching the local businessmen, posting the events on your website and talking to local religious organization, schools, or community. Getting volunteers help we can offset our need to fundraise, and many volunteers turn into potential donors. But training and orienting new volunteers can be expensive and a full-time job by itself. That's why planning a short-term or temporary volunteer activity can be ideal, like repairing village roads or cleaning up a market etc. Because, it attracts people who are too busy to sign up for a longer commitment. 4.You can use direct mail to reach out to prospective new donors, with buying a mailing list from a marketing company that acts as middleman. If this is not in your budget right now, then you can think about a one-time partner with another NGO. In that case you won't end up stealing away each other's donors; but both of you will probably feel more secure if your missions aren't too similar. Because a donor who supports project for education for poor children; might also support a program for vocational training for poor village women. 5.Website is another very important Social Media which is also a way to show your organizations creativity and to creates relationships with donors. Many sponsorship groups ask for website. So, put your all documents, (including your past & present works with a proposed project) and send to all prospective donors with a request letter to go through your website. If you don't have a website yet, you should give top priority to it. Remember there is no substitute of showing what you're doing 6.If your organization isn't usually in the public eye, hold an event with another organization that is. 7.At the very least, you may get some press coverage for your organization, which is another nice way to raise awareness and even direct contact from interested donors. As an alternative, you can try to mobilize resources through providing small service to the community like one we are trying. We are cleaning dust in houses or offices and trying to raise fund. I feel providing service and asking help from someone is better than simply asking for donation. You may ask me now that whether it is decent to do business, since NGOs have been emerged from the spirit of non-profit-ism? My answer is, many NGOs have undertaken businesses and they have found enormous success in many parts of our country as well as other developing countries. Microfinance is just one of them that has not only converted NGOs into profit-making companies, but also reduced the dependence on external donors funding. Best Regards Swapan Ch. Muhuri


Central Government (CGHS) Health Scheme

Ayurvedic Health Centre Scheme for Schedule Tribes Skill Training for Employment Promotion amongst Urban Poor (STEPUP) Scheme valid upto 31/03/2015

Scheme for Prevention Of Alcoholism and Substance (Drugs) Abuse valid upto 01/01/2012


Scheme of Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/ Fitting of Aids/ Appliances (ADIP Scheme)

Goa Cyberage Student Scheme, 200405 Development of Manure Scheme valid upto 01/ 01 / 2012

Jan Shree Bima Yojna Revised Integrated Housing Scheme 2005 for Beedi Workers, etc. Akshat Yojna for unemployed graduates


Schemes of National Scheduled Tribes Finance and development Corporation (NSTFDC)

Asvachh Dandha Chhatravritti Yojna valid upto 30/06/2015

Rani Durgavati Anusuchit Jaati/ Anusuchit Jan Jaati Swarojgar Yojna

Back Yard Poultry Development Scheme valid upto 01/01/2012 Fishermen Relief Fund Scheme


Hill Transport Subsidy Scheme Decentralized Procurement Scheme

Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna (SGSY) valid upto 21/10/2011

Swayamsidha (Indira Mahila Yojna) valid upto 01/01/2012


Jammu and Kashmir Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (JKREGS).

Permanent and Continuous Lok Adalat with Conciliation and Counseling Centre Scheme, 2007 valid upto 31/12/2011 Consolidated Sinking Fund Scheme valid upto 31/01/2012 Integrated Low Cost Sanitation Scheme valid upto 31/10/2013

Handloom Export Scheme valid upto 31/03/2015 Noon Meal Scheme for High school Students valid upto 31/03/2012

Interest subsidy or Investment subsidy to small scale industrial units scheme, 2000 valid upto 25/10/2011 Scheme for Integrated Horticulture Development Programmes valid upto 01/01/2012

Chandigarh Model Milch Cattle Centre Scheme, 2008

Swajaladhara Scheme

DFIDs White Paper, Eliminating World Poverty: Building Our Common Future, outlines DFIDs approach to working with civil society. It highlights the fact that DFID recognises that the work of governments alone will not be enough to eliminate world poverty and that to achieve further and faster poverty reduction, governments must work closely with citizens and civil society groups.The White Paper states that over the next few years DFID will increase its work with organisations in the UK and overseas who play an important role in development. This will include groups with who do not currently benefit from DFID support.

Friends of Womens World Bank, India

Loan available for below mentioned project @9% p.a. Interest Institutional and Capacity Building Community Based Institutional and Capacity Building Micro Finance Institutions Organizations (ICB CBO) (ICB MFI) Livelihood and Enterprise Development ( Lead ) Solar Energy Financial Security Water and Sanitation Program (WATSAN)



To All respectable Donors, Dear Sir,

A Health Awareness Project

Some people in our community have difficulties like, seeing, hearing, speaking, learning or moving around and some of them show strange behavior, some have no feeling in their hand and feet. Its true that disabilities stop people from doing some activities, but with training most people with disabilities can do most of the activities that other people do, even if they do it differently or slowly. So, it is important to understand that education, awareness, training and workshop are needed to improve the situation of a person with a special need. Donors fund is the lifeline for NGOs like us. These originate either from the foreign offices of the developed countries or from the multilateral organizations set up by different countries such as the United Nations, The World Bank, the Asian Development Bank. The twenty-first century has witnessed some unprecedented challenges like the September 11 attack on World Trade Center, 9/11 attack on Taj Hotel, Mumbai. The War against Terrorism and the global recession, which have subsequently affected the flow of funds from the develop countries to developing countries. The NGOs like us have suddenly found ourselves vulnerable because of these global events. As an alternative, we are trying to mobilize resources through providing small service like dust cleaning at your house or office. We want your lovely concern to work for poor people. I think providing service and asking help from you is better then simply asking for donation. You may ask me that whether it is decent to do business, since NGOs have been emerged from the spirit of nonprofit-ism. Many NGOs have undertaken businesses and they have found enormous success in many parts of our country as well as other developing countries. Microfinance is just one of them that has not only converted NGOs into profit-making companies, but also reduced the dependence on external donors funding.

So, if you take decision to clean your house once in a month it means: You are giving donation to our societies. You are providing vocational training to poor and disable children You are supporting computer education for poorest of poor children Best Regards For -

____________ Secretary

Dear Sir and Madam House and Office are shelter of bricks, but home and work place are where the heart lies. Perhaps you have not cared to know that you are exposed to serious dust pollution, not only outside your home or office but inside as well. The dust particles find their way to your respiratory system and make your life miserable. Dust is the oppression of solid particles. Dust in the air stream poses a serious health threat to us. Dust contains dust Mite (diameters less than 500 micrometers), but very few of us care to know what they really are; even though we share whole day or night with them. So we can say dust mite is an invisible cosmopolitan guest in human habitation. They are only visible through a microscope and are present in every home and office. They are considered to be the most common cause of Fever, Watering eyes, Runny nose, Sneezing, Asthma, difficulty in breathing, Itchy, red or watery eyes, Nasal congestion, Cough, Frequent awakening, blue-colored skin under your eyes. So, what you can do to beat these little creatures is to restore your office and home free from dust mites, enhance the quality of indoor living and protect your health by cleaning and extracting foreign substances. This is the lonely solution to prevent them from setting up their homes in your office or home. We are able to offer you an affordable, totally economical, superior and effective dust control by cleaning hidden places, beneath the furniture, bed. We also clean inside your car because today car is a moving home for many of you, who travel most part of the day in the car. Micro Dust controller is a unit of (name of the society) a Non Government Organizations, trying to implement a vocational project namely Learn Understand & Navigate Adult for handicapped children and poor women in village area. To run this project we are introducing this DUST CLEANING sustainable project. Its very difficult to implement these kinds of project without your help. Hence, we are trying to provide you small service before asking you to support our project. Also, end of the each financial year we will issue the receipt, so that you can get the IT exemption u/s 80G (5) (VI). Our charges are as follows: S/N. 1 2 3 Description House cleaning once in a month (each floor) Office cleaning once in a month Car Price in Rs. 500.00 200.00 50.00

A Health Awareness Project

Thanking you and looking forward to provide you a maximum satisfaction through our professional cleaning. For -

_______________ Secretary

Bed mites pictures, home bed mites pictures

What are dust mites?

House dust mites are microscope bugs that primarily live on dead skin cells regularly shed from humans and their animal pets. Dust mites are generally don't carry diseases, but they can cause allergic reactions in asthmatics. Skin cells and scales, commonly called dander, are often concentrated in lounging areas, mattresses, frequently used furniture and associated carpeted areas, often harbor large numbers of these microscopic mites. Since the average human sloughs off 1/3 ounce (10 grams) of dead skin a week. That gives dust mites a lot to eat. Cats and dogs create far more dander for dust mites to eat. A typical mattress can contain tens of thousands of dust mites. Sick yet? Nearly 100,000 mites can live in one square yard of carpet. Did you know a single dust mite produces about 20 waste droppings each day, each containing a protein to which many people are allergic? The proteins in that combination of feces and shed skin are what cause allergic reactions in humans. Depending on the person and exposure, reactions can range from itchy eyes to asthma attacks. And finally, unlike other types of mites, house dust mites are not parasites, since they only eat dead tissue. Gross. Their Common Name- House Dust Mite and Scientific Name is Dermatophagoides farinae Hughes Just thinking of these dust mites living in your pillow by the millions, eating your dead skin. They are a major cause of asthma and allergies; especially in vulnerable individuals, such as children and the elderly. According to the American College of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology, approximately 20 percent of world population exhibit allergic sensitivity to dust mites.

Where do they live?

Beds are a prime habitat. A typical used mattress may have anywhere from 100,000 to 10 million mites inside. (Ten percent of the weight of a two year old pillow can be composed of dead mites and their droppings.) Mites prefer warm, moist surroundings such as the inside of a mattress when someone is on it. A favorite food is dander (both human and animal skin flakes). About 80 percent of the material seen floating in a sunbeam is actually skin flakes. Also, bedroom carpeting and household upholstery support high mite populations.

What do they do?

For most people, while they are disgusting, house dust mites are not actually harmful. However, the medical significance of house dust mites arises because their microscopic cast skins and feces are a major constituent of house dust that induces allergic reactions in some individuals. There is a genetic predisposition to dust mite allergies, but like many allergies it can also develop over time. According to National Institute of Environmental Health Services, 18% to 30% of any countrys people are allergic to dust mites' waste products, and almost 50% homes have allergen levels that are high enough to cause sensitivity in people who were not previously allergic to dust mites. In other words, high levels of dust mites and their wastes, can cause previously non-allergic people to develop an allergy. In addition to producing allergic reactions, dust mites can also cause

nasal polyps growths within the nose. The constituents of house dust are show in the following figure: Organisms in household dust: For those individuals, inhaling the house dust allergen triggers rhinitis allergic or bronchial asthma. People with allergies to house dust usually also have allergic reactions to house dust mite fecal material and cast skins. Another one most strongly allergenic materials found indoors is cast skins of House Dust Mites. Estimates are that dust mites may be a factor in 50 to 80 percent of asthmatics, as well as in countless cases of eczema, hay fever and other allergic ailments. Common causes of allergy include house dust mites, cat dander, cockroach droppings and grass pollen. Symptoms are usually respiratory in nature (sneezing, itching, watery eyes, wheezing, etc.). Other allergic reactions may include headaches, fatigue and depression. The wheeze-inducing proteins are digestive juices from the mite gut which are quite potent. An exposure to the mites in the first, crucial year of life can trigger a lifelong allergy. There is no cure, only prevention. One must control house dust mite levels. Mites prefer warm, moist surroundings such as the inside of a mattress when someone is on it. A favorite food is dander (both human and animal skin flakes). Humans shed about 1/5 ounce of dander (dead skin) each week. About 80 percent of the material seen floating in a sunbeam is actually skin flakes. Also, bedroom carpeting and household upholstery support high mite populations.

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Allergies to Dust Mites

The protein substances in the dust mite feces produces antibodies in humans who are allergic when these are inhaled or touch the skin. These antibodies cause the release of histamines which causes to nasal congestion, swelling and irritation of the upper respiratory passages. You may experience all or just some of them: Hay fever Watering eyes, Runny nose, Sneezing, Asthma, difficulty in breathing, Itchy, red or watery eyes Nasal congestion Itchy nose, roof of mouth or throat Postnasal drip Cough Facial pressure and pain Frequent awakening Swollen, blue-colored skin under your eyes In a child, frequent upward rubbing of the nose A doctor can use skin tests and blood tests to confirm a suspected dust mite allergy. Since dust mites are present all year round, the symptoms of the allergy can be present at any time of the year, but are worst in months and seasons when the house is closed and the indoor humidity and temperatures are high The dried dust mite feces becomes airborne when someone walks over a rug, sits down in a chair, or shakes the bed clothes, making allergic person's symptoms worse.

What else makes the symptoms worse?

Poor ventilation High humidity High temperatures (above 20 C) Indoor air pollution such as tobacco smoke or car fumes.

House dust mites, are too small to be visible to the naked eye; they are only 250 to 500 microns in length and have translucent bodies. It takes at least a 10X magnification to be able to correctly identify them. The adult mite's cuticle (covering) has simple striations that can be seen from both the dorsal (top) view and from the ventral (bottom) view. The ventral view of the house dust mite reveals long setae (hairs) extending from the outer margins of the body and shorter setae on the rest of the body. Through the microscope, one will see many oval-shaped mites scuttling around and over one another. There are eight hairy legs, no eyes, no antennae, a mouthpart group in front of the body (resembles head) and a tough, translucent shell, giving a "fearsome appearance."

Biology and Life Cycle

Adult females lay up to 40 to 80 eggs singly or in small groups of three to five. After eggs hatch, a six-legged larva emerges. The life cycle from egg to adult is about one month with the adult living an additional one to three months. The diet is varied with the primary food source, consisting of dander (skin scales) from humans and animals. However, needed nutrients can be provided from fish food flakes, pet food, fungi, cereals, crumbs, etc. One of the major limiting factors in mite survival and population development is the availability of water for sorption. Highest mite densities occur in the humid summer months and lowest in drier winter periods. Dust mite populations are highest in humid regions and lowest in areas of high altitude and/or dry climates. Due to the large quantity of skin scales sloughed off daily by humans, mites have an abundant food supply. Dust mite antigen levels are measured in bed dust, floor dust, and room air samples. Detection in room air was best during cleaning and bed-making activities.

For - (society)

___________ Secretary

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