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S J P N Trust's Hirasugar Institute of Technology AcademicExcellenceinVibrant&ProactiveYouthCulture Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to VTU Belgaum.

IA V 1.0 I Year Oct 2012

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IA No. : Subject I Basic Electronics Internal Assessment Exam Question Paper Semester: I Time : Subject Code: 10ELN15 Max Marks: 105 mins 60

Instructions: Answer any three questions. All questions carry equal marks. 1 a Choose the correct answer from following 1x4=4 i P-side of semiconductor diode is applied a potential of 0.5 V whereas the N-side is applied a potential of -1.0 V. The diode will a) Conduct b) not conduct c) conduct partially d) breakdown ii The RMS value of current in a full wave rectifier is a) Im / b) Im/2 c) Im/4 d) 2Im/ iii The DC value of current in a half wave rectifier is a) Im / b) Im/2 c) Im/4 d) 2Im/ iv The static resistance of a diode is a) Its opposition to the DC current flow b) Its opposition to the AC current flow c) Resistance of diode when forward-biased d) none of these b Sketch V-I characteristic of a semiconductor diode for both silicon and Germanium diodes. Indicate 6 the difference,if any,in the characteristic curve of the two types. c What is PN junction? Explain the both biasing of PN junction diode. 5 d Show that the ripple factor for a half wave rectifier is 1.21. 5 a Choose the correct answer from following 1x4=4 i zener diode is used as a voltage regulator when it is _____ biased a) Forward b) Reverse c) Unbiased d) None of these ii The turn-on voltage of silicon diode is nearly a) 0.2 b) 0.3 c) 0.4 d) 0.7 iii If Vm is the peak voltage across the secondary of transformer in a half wave rectifier , then PIV of conducting diode will be a) 2Vm b) Vm c) Vm /2 d) Vm /4 iv The dynamic resistance of a diode is a) Its opposition to the DC current flow b) Its opposition to the AC current flow c) Resistance of diode when forward-biased d) none of these b A 220 V , 50 Hz AC is applied to the primary of 5:1 step up transformer with a tapped secondary 6 winding. The transformer along with a two diode full wave rectifier feeds a resistive load of 1000 . Determine (a) DC power delivered to load ,(b) power rating of transformer secondary, (c) PIV across each diode and (d) ripple frequency and ripple factor. c Explain Half Wave Rectifier with neat circuit diagram & Draw waveforms . 5 d Derive the expression for the rectification efficiency of full wave rectifier. 5 a Choose the correct answer from following 1x4=4 i Common emitter current gain (0) of a transistor is given by a) Ic/IB b) IE/Ic c) Ic/IE d) None of these ii A semiconductor transistor operates in active mode only when a) The emitter-base junction is forward-biased and collector-base junction is reverse-biased b) Both emitter-base junction and collector-base junction are forward-biased c) Both emitter-base junction and collector-base junction are reverse-biased d) The emitter-base junction is reverse-biased and collector-base junction is forward-biased iii When used in circuit, a zener diode is always a) Forward-biased b) Reverse-biased c) connected in series d) at temperature bellow 0 iv The arrow head on symbol of BJT always points in the direction of a) hole flow in the emitter region b) electron flow in the emitter region c) minority flow in hole the emitter region d) Majority flow in the emitter region b Write a note on performance parameters of rectifier circuits. c Explain common emitter characteristics of PNP transistor with neat diagrams. d Explain the working principal of shunt capacitor filter. What is the effect of capacitance value on ripple factor. Please turn over

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Internal Assessment Exam Question Paper a Choose the correct answer from following


i A transistor is said to be in quiescent state when a) It is unbiased b) no input signal is applied c) no currents are flowing d) The emitter-base junction bias is just equal to the collector-base junction bias ii The transistor is --------- terminal device. a)2 b) 4 c) 3 d) 5 iii Transistor can be used as a) switch b) amplifier c) Rectifier d) All iv In PNP transistor electron flows a) into the transistor at the collector and base leads b) into the transistor at the emitter and base leads c)out of into the transistor at the collector and base leads d) out of transistor at the emitter and base leads b For a transistor connected in common-base mode, DC alpha = 0.995, IE = 10 mA, leakage current 6 ICBO = 0.5 A. Determine the values of the collector current Ic and base current IB. Also determine DC beta and ICEO. c Derive the relation between a c alpha and a c beta of a transistor. 5 d Explain the V-I characteristics of common-emitter configuration. 5 Choose the correct answer from following 1x4=4 a i In CB configuration, the output characteristics are normally shown by the plots of a) IC verses VCB for constant value of IE b) IC verses VCE for constant value of IB c) IE verses VCE for constant value of VEB c) IB verses VBE for constant value of VCE ii In NPN transistor electron flows a) into the transistor at the collector and base leads b) into the transistor at the emitter and base leads c)out of into the transistor at the collector and base leads d) out of transistor at the emitter and base leads iii When BJT is biased to work in active region,its emitter junction a)is reverse-biased b)is not biased c) has high resistance d) has low resistance iv A small increase in collector reverse bias will cause a) a large increase in emitter current. b) a large decrease in collector current. c) a large increase in collector current. d) a negligible change in revere saturation current. b A BJT is connected in common-base configuration. It is biased such that IE=2 mA. If its D C alpha is 6 0.985 ,calculate the collector and base currents. c Draw the circuit diagram of Common-emitter amplifier. Write the equations of D C load line. 5 d Explain the operation of a junction transistor. 5

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