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Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

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November 21, 2007Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression183 Comments
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Due to the comments on our recent list dealing with suicide, I thought it would be useful to put together a list
of things you can do to help you overcome depression and improve the quality of your life. This is a list of the
top 10 tips for leaving depression behind.
10. Develop Interests 1 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

Perhaps one of the most common reasons for depression is a lack of enough interests and activities. A small
number of them tend to become routine and often boring. Interests and activities are very important in mental
health, contributing to self-esteem and happiness. They give satisfaction, help make you feel good about
yourself, and keep your mind off problems and negative thoughts and emotions. Simply cultivating them can
sometimes cure depression, grief, addiction, explosive anger, anxiety, excessive worrying, or guilt, especially
if you do the activities whenever you feel the negative emotion. There are many things you can do in this
area: house work, visiting the sick or elderly, developing a hobby that involves the use of the hands, and so
much more.
9. Keep Positive

Negative thinking habits play a very important role in depression. Research shows depressed people tend to
minimize their accomplishments, talents, and qualities. Happy people experience failure, disappointment,
rejection, negative emotions, pain, and great sorrows, too, just like depressed people. But happy people keep a 2 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

8. Fix your Personal problems

Work on your personal problems, using small steps to make sure you avoid becoming overwhelmed. Work on
only one or two simple things at a time, breaking large or complex problems into goals you can easily
accomplish. Use rewards, friends, family, and support groups. What negative or stressful situations exist in
your life? What can you do about them? Don’t give up and allow your problems to continue. Brainstorm
solutions and ask other people for ideas. Some depressed people reject all the possible solutions, finding
reasons to eliminate each one as unacceptable, unpleasant, or unworkable. Don’t let negative thought habits
interfere with problem solving. Keep an open mind to all possible solutions.
7. Create a Positive Social Life

Work to make your social interactions more positive by showing warmth toward other people, taking an
interest in them, developing and sharing interests and activities, etc. Ask your friends and loved ones to
ignore your depressed behaviors and to cut telephone calls and visits short when you dwell on complaints or
drown in self-pity, spending more time with you and showing more warmth and interest when you act in more
normal ways. Tell them to avoid taking pity on you and feeling guilty for not catering to your depression.
Which leads us to point 6:
6. Stop Bad Behavior 3 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

When you complain, cry, talk of sad feelings, or discuss problems, your friends and loved ones probably
respond with sympathy and tender loving care. Unfortunately, these loving responses reward and help
maintain the depressive behaviors. Some friends or family even take over chores for a depressed person who
stays in bed or asks for help. Again, this rewards the passive or dependent behavior. Perhaps you reward
yourself when you drown in negative thoughts or self-pity. Many depressed people eat, spend money
excessively, abuse addictive substances, or have sex without love to feel better. Eliminate these and any other
subtle rewards for depressive behavior.

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5. Be Realistic 4 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

Reexamine your expectations or priorities in life and, if necessary, adjust them to suit reality better. Depressed
people often think they can’t be happy without certain things, such as a lover, a particular lover, material
possessions, a much higher income, etc. You can eliminate such problems by changing your negative thinking
and learning to accept the situation. Certain situations or troublesome people simply won’t change. When you
can do something about a problem, however, you should. For example, you may need to leave an alcoholic
spouse or to go to school to prepare for a better job.
4. Make Changes

Change bad habits that keep you depressed. Work on replacing negative thoughts with positive thought
alternatives every day. If you tend to blame circumstances or other people for your depression, combat these
thoughts of helplessness by reading or by repeating, “I made myself down over that. I didn’t have to respond
that way.” Use assertiveness skills, good problem-solving skills, or more positive thinking the next time a
similar situation arises. If you often assume other people think badly of you read or repeat “I can’t read other
people’s minds.” Humor also helps a great deal in facing life’s problems without drowning in negativity.
3. Become active 5 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

Exercise and proper nutrition should be looked at, not as a quick fix, but as an ongoing way to make our
tomorrow a little better and as an aid to facilitate our other therapeutic endeavors. We are then less likely to
give up after a short time because we are not expecting an instant cure, just a little more control over our
emotions and our life situation. You don’t have to run a marathon – just a daily walk for 30 minutes can be a
huge step in the right direction.
2. Fix your diet

Overeating, starving, and binge drinking are all ways we use to suppress our feelings. When feelings are
suppressed, they eventually emerge later in other ways – such as through depression. By overeating, you are
just putting off feelings that need to be dealt with. Think of it like this: every time you eat/starve when you
are not hungry, you are trying to suppress your feelings which will, in turn, make you eat/starve more. Next
time you are going to starve or eat your feelings away, think of a phrase like this: “I want my feelings to come
out so I can deal with them – if I eat/starve now I will be hurting myself and making the problem worse.
Because of this I am going to wait until my next meal.” You will be surprised how quickly your eating habits
come under control with this thinking. Try to eat a balanced meal three times a day with no snacks in
between. Remember that hunger is not a bad thing – it is a natural physical reaction to having processed all of 6 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

Another thing is to consider removing the word “depressed” from your vocabulary. Instead, think of these
feelings as low moods. The term “depression” has so much baggage attached to it – by thinking of your
feelings as a “low mood” you are more easily able to appreciate the fact that there are also high moods. Low
moods seem more controllable.
These tips, and many more can be found
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jfrater / 21 Nov, 2007 at 04:14 am

Juggz: there is never a contradiction in my lists I did say you can eat whatever you like – just small
portions 9 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

bt thats too tough in 1′s favourate dish………


Twinkle / 21 Nov, 2007 at 04:15 am

wow nice list! i will tell my friends who are sort of depressed. now i don’t have to make the same mistakes
when i feel sad again.

jfrater / 21 Nov, 2007 at 04:19 am

Twinkle: Thanks – The original article from which the top 10 has been taken was written by a psychologist,
so it is all very good advice

Cyn / 21 Nov, 2007 at 04:58 am

While the term "depression" is commonly used to describe a temporary decreased mood when one "feels
blue", clinical depression is a serious illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts and that cannot
simply be willed or wished away. It is often a disabling disease that affects a person's work, family and school
life, sleeping and eating habits, general health and ability to enjoy life.[1] The course of clinical depression
varies widely: depression can be a once in a life-time event or have multiple recurrences, it can appear either
gradually or suddenly, and either last for few months or be a life-long disorder. Having depression is a major
risk factor for suicide; in addition, people with depression suffer from higher mortality from other causes.
it is a sore subject for me. i wish like hell there were another term to be used to further distinguish clinical
depression from simple depression or 'the blues' or 'feeling down'. everybody can have a bad day or hell, a
bad year. or be in a bad mood or just be moody. its that it persists, its pervasive and it does not respond to
those kinds of suggestions. there are also physical components to clinical depression that do lead to physical
manifestations of illness or contribute to the worsening of other existing physical illness like heart disease. if
people really knew how little medical science understands about how medications..any medication..actually
work then they might 'get' that medications used to treat clinical depression are most often little better than
'shots in the dark'. there is a tremendous need for more clinical research into brain disease and medication.
personally..i don't think medication and/or therapy is much help to a hella lotta clinically depressed people
(like me!). for a lotta clinically depressed people life is a daily struggle of will over brain matter. some of us
succeed and some of us don't.

SilentSyren / 5 Dec, 2010 at 11:00 am

You said this better than I could. I suffered from depression for years and tried to use all of the above
exercises to beat my depressed mood. Some worked for a short time, others didn't work at all. And I would
feel even worse afterward because I wasn't able to overcome it. I am a perfectionist, so it *****ed me off
even more that I couldn't get passed it. Years later, I was diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety and 10 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

my depressed mood. Because it didn't work before. (end rant)

But it is a nice list for those that aren't clinically depressed. Thanks!

JimmyJ / 20 Dec, 2011 at 10:34 pm

I totally agree with a lot of Cyn said. I have lived with clinical severe depression for 16 years. I’ve tried
nearly every combination of psychotropric medications there are with little to no success. I’m sorry but most
people that aren’t clinically depressed, or don’t have a loved one who is, really just don’t understand what it’s
like to live with tons of mental health issues. They are diseases. These steps are no where near enough to help
someone who has been through what I have. I seek help from every avenue available yet I struggle every
single day with things most people wouldn’t think twice about. I agree there needs to be a lot more research
on MENTAL HEALTH in general and how all these medications effect the brain. I pray for the day that a Dr.
can look at my brain and know just what to do to balance my brain chemicals out so I can live a life of
happiness like so many others do. I agree you can’t feel sorry for the people who aren’t willing to work hard
at beating the disease by getting all the help that is available to them and trying hard to apply what is learned.
All I am saying is, take it from someone who has attempted suicide a few times, and lives with several
different mental disorders like PTSD, panic and anxiety disorder, severe depressive disorder, and more. I hide
it well from some people but the people who really know me know how much I have struggled and continue
to struggle. I wouldn’t wish any of this on my worst enemy.

Tlmabp / 21 Nov, 2007 at 05:15 am

Nice list, Good counter to “that”. I hope this list helps the people.

jfrater / 21 Nov, 2007 at 05:17 am

Tlmabp: I am glad to hear it I think we are all still smarting a little from that “other” list

Tlmabp / 21 Nov, 2007 at 05:23 am

Wait a minute I just realized Am commenting too much on this site and I dont even made an account yet. let
me make an account now.
(this goes to everyone if you like this site too much like me, make an account too Its free and simple.)

jfrater / 21 Nov, 2007 at 05:33 am

Good idea Tlmabp!
Reply 11 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

jfrater / 21 Nov, 2007 at 06:04 am

aplspud: thanks

mandysparky / 21 Nov, 2007 at 06:20 am

great list!

jfrater / 21 Nov, 2007 at 06:44 am

mandysparky: a little more upbeat than the other one eh?

Dan / 21 Nov, 2007 at 07:18 am

I think a good one to add is laughing. Whenever my friends know I’m in a bad mood, they make me laugh to
get over what I was sad/mad about. Or if I’m not around friends, I watch a movie I think is funny, or read
something that’s funny. You may not think it’ll make you feel better, but you’ll be surprised.

jfrater / 21 Nov, 2007 at 07:54 am

Dan: excellent point – and one I use a lot in fact – whenever I feel low I watch a really stupid comedy movie
(like Shallow Hal for example) to lift my spirits. It always works too.

Knives / 21 Nov, 2007 at 08:44 am

And never go to a Psychologist.

20Fan20 / 21 Nov, 2007 at 09:01 am

another unique list.
I think it should have been titled “ways to stop being sad.”
The reason you would be diagnosed(sp?) as depressed is because you can’t do half this list. You know for
example to think positive thoughts when sad, and it can work. But it does not for a depressed person. A
depressed person, as opposed to a sad or “low mood” person knows all this. When I think positive thoughts
they have a positive effect on me. I can even think of new positive thoughts. I can believe them. I can take
enjoyment in a walk because it benefits me. A drepressed person can’t think of positive things to say and
when they do they don’t believe them. 12 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

medication based and non-med based. Long term inpatient care or out patient(if you saw One Flew Over the
Cookcoos Nest this is for you) care can help. True depression is a mental illness that unfortunately can not be
fixed with a few happy thoughts. I will take my sad days everytime compared to being depressed.

jfrater / 21 Nov, 2007 at 09:13 am

20Fan20: I do agree with you – but I think a lot of people who believe they are depressed would find that they
actually aren’t if they followed these guidelines – the author of the base article is a psychologist. It is too easy
to say “I am depressed” and fall in to the traps described above because people come to love the attention. I
think the need for medicine for depression is really only necessary for a small number of people.

jfrater / 21 Nov, 2007 at 09:22 am

20Fan20: oh – I forgot to say, if the list were renamed, the very people that need this list would sigh and say
“I don’t need this list – I am not sad – I am depressed” when they most likely are not.

Kelsi / 21 Nov, 2007 at 09:54 am

A lot of those are WAY easier said than done. I would know. I feel like this is what I have to focus on 24/7
to keep me afloat. I think I'm just not a natural optimist…

Desmaliia / 11 Feb, 2012 at 06:39 pm

And those last words, “Stop felieng sorry for yourself.” made me cry all over again.

Juggz / 21 Nov, 2007 at 11:09 am

Good to find ways to help depression during this time of the year. but one of the tips “Fix you diet” is
contradictory (sp?) to this time of the year. And even thinking of the brady bunch makes me depressed

Juggz / 21 Nov, 2007 at 11:20 am

But who wants to eat rationally around the holiday seasons? All this turkey and ham and pie and candy canes
and well you know what i mean.1

Yarr / 21 Nov, 2007 at 11:22 am 13 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

And I always want to say, “Yeah, you’re right, because I don’t medicate my problems. I want to try to solve
them and make them go away!”
But I don’t ever actually say that because then I would have to hear about how serious depression actually is
and all that. I know.
But, I do think going outside once in a while instead of stewing in prozac and daddy/mommy issues might
help. And then this list comes along.

Cyn / 21 Nov, 2007 at 11:32 am

just bear in mind that clinical depression does not generally respond well to these kinds of suggestions which
would signal the need to seek professional diagnosis and treatment. there is a biological difference between
clinical depression which is brain based and simple depression that is essentially situational. should there be
any doubt or evidence of ‘depression’ persisting for more than 2 weeks..i’d strongly recommend professional
assessment. to make light of someone who is depressed or to assume you are ‘enabling’ depression or
‘coddling’ is a very dangerous ‘slippery slope’. far better to have a professional assessment before you go off
‘playing doctor’ yourself. i’d much rather have someone seek professional help only to find it was simple
reactive depression (in response to life event like death in family or divorce or job loss, etc) than to tell them
‘to buck up’ or its ‘all in your head’ or some other lame excuse and then they commit suicide. better safe than
sorry! remember clinical depression is a mental illness and mental illness is as real and devastating as any
other physical illness.
(steps off soapbox)

Jamie / 11 Nov, 2010 at 03:36 pm

Thank you so much for pointing out the other side of this. I read this list and my first thought was "The
person who wrote this has never been clinically depressed in thier life, much less sucidial!"

Jose / 16 Nov, 2011 at 09:56 am

U are dense and so is jfrater this list is crap except for the ones about being proactive like exercising and
eating right people are depressed because they ate fat lonely lost someone are poor and other various reasons
all depression has an external cause and cyn u sound like the type to advocate anti depressants. The whole
theory behind anti depressants is currently the most profitable lie in the world do the look at the research anti
depressants are barely better than placebos search on google scholar also look up the chemical imbalance
myth on google and jfrater u say because this list is based on an article written by a psychologist that it’s a
good article how idiotic many psychologist know nothing about the brain and human behavior psychology
today is disgraceful and it’s a shame psychologist consider themselves scientist and I have a bachelors in
psychology so I know what this pseudoscience is all about
Reply 14 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

person just has low moods and is making a big deal, or the person has true clinical depression, coddling won’t
help – so don’t coddle a person with depression – advise them to get assistance – even help them get it – but
do not coddle. The problem is that I think the majority of people on anti-depression medication probably
don’t need it – you can’t trust the doctors always – oftentimes they will simply prescribe – and I also believe
that some people go to the doctor and exaggerate symptoms in order to get prescriptions so they can garner
the coddling and sympathy they want. Hmm – was the longest sentence on the site?

joe / 23 May, 2010 at 02:46 am

"The problem is that I think the majority of people on anti-depression medication probably don't need it"
That kind of says it all, doesn't it?
I mean, the problem here is that you think that the majority of people being treated for depression aren't really
Sorry, I just have to agree with Cyn here. Your attitude is that of someone who has never experienced
depression. And while I agree that there is an over-reliance on medication in our culture, this issue cannot be
remedied by pretending that depression isn't a big deal, or that it doesn't exist.
Some of the advice you have listed is great for pulling oneself out of a blue mood, but it likely won't be
helpful to someone who is truly depressed.
The reason this is a concern is that people could (and based on the comments, many have) could find
themselves dismissing the needs of friends or loved ones, with disastrous results.
This notion of 'not coddling' is kind of b.s. I suppose it's a fine line, but it's one to be found on a case-by-case
basis, and calling out a one-size-fits-all rule like that just spells trouble.

Shane S. / 21 Nov, 2007 at 02:52 pm

Chris “Leave Britney Alone” Crocker offers his own suggestion on beating depression. View at your own
risk! LOL
Chris beats depression

bonabi / 21 Nov, 2007 at 03:50 pm

I was on Prozac for about 3 months and it did nothing, and it was the same for 2 or 3 others, but 2 weeks into
my Zoloft regime and I totally levelled out. It’s like stepping out of a freaking plastic bubble, it doesn’t make
you happy but it allows you to feel it.

jen / 21 Nov, 2007 at 04:59 pm

jfrater- It may be true that some people exaggerate their symptoms in hopes of getting a prescription, but
more often it’s the other way around–they have to be convinced that they have a medical problem. I know this
from experience. My parents dragged me to a psychiatrist when I was a teenager, and for a long time I didn’t 15 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

was medication, I recognized the exact same symptoms in my cousin, and she went through the same pattern.
It took months for her to accept that she was depressed and get help.

Rey / 21 Nov, 2007 at 07:48 pm

This is just what I needed. Thanks jfrater.

Bacon / 21 Nov, 2007 at 08:09 pm

Having been diagnosed with clinical depression a few years ago, perhaps I can offer up my own perspective.
Clinical depression results from an imbalance of a chemical in your brain called saratonin. Prescription drugs
like Paxil balance out the saratonin. Depression also goes beyond just being sad, as Jen said above. Before
starting on my medicine, I didn’t care about many things, including my friends, my schoolwork, and even (or
especially) my family. Depression can also stem from having ADD, which, although many people don’t
believe it’s actually a disease, can cause a great deal of stress in a young person’s life.
Jen: Your story is almost identical to mine, except I get the feeling I’m a bit younger

splodie / 21 Nov, 2007 at 08:50 pm

It’s serotonin, actually. Serotonin is only one of the neurotransmitters responsible for mood elevation and
decline. Norepinephrine, monoamines, and dopamine are among the neurotransmitters also being studied as a
root cause of depression.
I agree that anti-depressants are over prescribed but I think I would also put a caveat on this list that if these
actions don’t work and your depression lasts more than two weeks or you start having suicidal thoughts you
should seek professional help.

aplspud / 21 Nov, 2007 at 08:50 pm

I, like many on here, have struggled with clinical depression since I was a child. After being diagnosed
around 17 years old, my mother and I uncovered that what she thought were symptoms of a colicky baby or a
fussy toddler were probably early symptoms of the chemical imbalance. I have been on and off medication
many times.
Bonabi: I took zoloft for several years, then went off because I was too even (some of you may understand
what I mean), went without meds for many years, went back on zoloft but it wasn’t working anymore, went
on prozac for awhile, evened out, went off. Everybody reacts to different meds in different ways, part of why
there are so many out there.
Those of you who are pointing out the medical issues of depression and the importance of a clinical diagnosis
and medical treatment (and I completely agree with you, don’t get me wrong) shouldn’t completely discount
the ideas in this list either. I am currently managing my symptoms without medication by using stress
management techniques I learned in psychotherapy which include or echo many of the techniques discussed 16 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

now, I’m just taking one day at a time.

jfrater: You’re right, coddling is not good, it rewards the symptoms and is not the same thing as being
supportive. Everyone can use a little TLC once in a while, but if it feeds into a need for validation of being
too weak to care for oneself, it can be quite destructive.
Yarr: I have an idea about the people you are talking about,and they annoy me too. If one is expecting
antidepressant medication to make everything all better and uses his or her energy to self-pity, then that
person is probably never going to recover. As frustrating as it is, its best to just not respond since, as you said,
they’re probably all ready to give you a sermon on their illness. If its someone you really care about and who
you think really isn’t addressing the underlying issues, you could compare them to a diabetic who eats candy
and then just assumes an extra shot of insulin will fix the problem.

eric n. / 2 Dec, 2007 at 12:14 am

i recommend creative pursuits and rampant *****ual activity as the best cures… along with copious alcohol
and caffeine consumption and, in the worst case…cigarettes. also long hours of sleep, no boss or person to
answer to, and as stress-free a life as can possibly be managed within financial reason. this lifestyle actually
requires quite a lot of self-discipline and planning, but it works. good friendships help, too.

rebelaessedai / 6 Dec, 2007 at 10:34 pm

Actually, you should technically eat about six small meals a day. I have hypoglycemia and don’t do this. It
causes a lot of problems, on top of the depression.
And I hate to say it, but I will never get off Prozac and Lamictal. With even a day or two off the meds, I see
an immediate difference. These things you mentioned do help, but chemicals in your brain are off if you’re
truly depressed. And I’d like to solve it without drugs, but I need to function in a practical manner.

jfrater / 7 Dec, 2007 at 01:56 am

eric n: alcohol is a depressant – probably not a good idea for someone trying to beat depression
rebelaessedai: the problem with six small meals a day is that I think most people don’t even know how big a
regular meal should be – let alone a small meal. Chances are, unless someone is advising them, they will end
up eating six large or six tiny meals a day – neither of which are helpful.
And you are right – some depression does need drugs for treatment – this list is not intended to replace that.

miss_ali1984 / 19 Dec, 2007 at 03:09 pm

I know that many people will not believe me, but I think that even clinical depression can EVENTUALLY be
cured with the simple rules listed above.
I am someone who went through the many approaches to treating depression over the course of 7 years, most
of it involving the now routine approach of medication, and it almost ruined my life. The constant support and 17 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

become a regular person again.


mainlinemystery / 23 Dec, 2007 at 11:20 pm

Is it just me or is this list somewhat naive? This list is fine for people who are having a crappy day, but for
depression, I don’t think so. It’s hard to be active and think positively when you are fighting for a reason to
get out of bed in the morning. Fixing your diet, controlling your thinking, and making changes… that stuff
means nothing to someone who doesn’t care about themselves. It’s a chemical imbalance. Smiles don’t
produce the chemicals that are lacking.

Cyn / 23 Dec, 2007 at 11:33 pm

scroll up to #21 and coupla past that…………

jfrater / 24 Dec, 2007 at 12:50 am

Cyn: thanks – that is what I was going to say

Cyn / 24 Dec, 2007 at 12:53 am

J – great minds, think alike!
‘sides…this is one of ‘my’ topics.

jfrater / 24 Dec, 2007 at 01:20 am

Cyn: indeed they do

Xhm / 4 Jan, 2008 at 12:20 pm

i go through depression very often, i feel hopeless and dead… im only 21 years old… i cant talk about my
problem bc others could not understand… even close friends do not…. i live in lebanon… the problem is that
im gay… and in lebanon gays are not welcomed.. i try to live with it but i cant … i would like to get married
and have children in the future… since i dont want to be alone … i hate being alone in the future… that thing
kills me …

joe / 23 May, 2010 at 03:02 am 18 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

try? You're not the only gay person in Lebanon– it's a statistical impossibility.
It's understandable that you would feel bad living in a place that considers homo*****uality a crime. Sounds
like the real crime is being committed by whomever came up with that law!
If there's any way to move somewhere where you feel more welcome, then do it!!!
But while you're there, try contacting this group:
for advice. They may be able to direct you to a support group.
If nothing else, maybe doing human-rights volunteer work, and connecting with others who understand where
you are coming from will benefit you in more ways than one.
Stay strong; you're not alone, even if you feel like it right now.

Cyn / 4 Jan, 2008 at 03:31 pm

Xhm – unfortunately i’m not familiar w/ the state of mental health therapy in Lebanon. i’m assuming it is not
good. i’d suggest Googling depression. online depression support groups. see if there is something you can
utilize online. or maybe there is something local. you’ll have to check around. as for homo*****uality. again
i’m assuming Lebannon is not a good place to be gay. i would strongly recommend being as discrete as
possible about pursuing info. online. (but then you prolly already know that) i understand that in some
countries homophobia can result in physical violence or worse towards gays. and yes, we still get that kind of
barbarism here (in the US) but thankfully not as frequently as i’m assuming it occurs elsewhere in the world. i
wish you luck. i hope you can find help w/ your depression. and w/ coping w/ being gay in a safe and discrete
way in what i’m assuming is still an extremely unenlightened culture.
stay safe.

luckyaz / 10 Jan, 2008 at 06:35 pm

i got a tip for beating depression, man the hell up and stop whining like a 3 year old.

Cyn / 10 Jan, 2008 at 08:31 pm

luckyaz – how compassionate. betcha tell diabetics to have a candy bar and shut up too, eh?

Gaara / 13 Jan, 2008 at 07:55 pm

All this is sheer nonesense. The writer of all this bullcrud is a complete retard who knows nothing of
happiness. He’s a moron and anyone who agrees with him is a bigger moron. It’s all bull***** because
depression, especially one caused by suffering an intolerable and untakable amount of pain will never cease.
It’s not as easy to get rid of sadness as this idiot claims it is… Truth is, only one way has been known to end
such large amount of pain… and that is the sentiment of love, which can only be administered by another
person. That is the only thing that can heal a shattered heart. Happiness is a lie. Those who are happy are
those who deny the true ***** that life has in store for them. If one’s ambition cannot be fulfilled, that is 19 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

can change that. We’re all fools who play this game we call life… We’re all to blame…

Cyn / 13 Jan, 2008 at 08:31 pm

Gaara..a broken heart is depressing but not a medical condition known as clinical depression. as for your
condemnation of the list..i’d suggest you go back and read the comments that this list has generated…you’d
see the list in a new light.
the original list i think is best suited for situational depression and not a medical diagnosis of clinical
depression but…it is still a good way to figure out the difference. if you’re depressed and follow some of
these suggestions w/out relief…then it might be a good idea to seek professional advice. i think the
conservative approach to anything that is not immediately life threatening is the way to a general rule
of thumb. so if you’re not suicidal and still functioning well enough in daily life to get by..why not try some
of this and see if it helps. then if it doesn’t professional help.

romanesco / 15 Jan, 2008 at 01:17 pm

Too bad…this list is likely to do a lot more harm than good. The person who wrote it must have depression
confused with something else– possibly something imaginary. Having gone through it myself, I am here to
tell you that depressed people do not pity themselves. They want to kill themselves. Do murderers kill
because they pity their victims? No. At any rate, if someone is able to do anything on this list, it means
they’re not depressed. But really it’s not good advice in any case. It’s fraught with sarcasm and commands to
just behave as someone you’re not. When we are healthy, we do everything on the list automatically.
Invalidating your feelings and beating yourself up over having no motivation isn’t going to solve anything. In
fact, it’s the main part of the problem to begin with. And encouraging the general public to view depression as
some kind of chronic whinerism is literally dangerous. Depressed people do not look for “coddling” or even
help. They tend to isolate themselves and often eventually start looking for guns. The only thing to do if
you’re depressed is to go directly to a qualified, level-headed counselor and ignore any advice from amateurs.
If you are lucky enough to get a chance to approach a depressed person closely enough to talk about their
problems, that is the only advice you should give.

Cyn / 15 Jan, 2008 at 03:45 pm

*sigh* i’ve begun to see this list as my personal project. i’ve commented on it so many times. that said…once
again into the fray…
i would appreciate people who take the time to comment to take the time to read the entry in its entirety and
most especially the comments.
that is one of the true wonders of listverse entries…the comments are sometimes more enlightening and
compelling than the original list!
so much in this particular list has been expounded upon, critiqued and clarified in comments …its as if the
comments should precede the list! 20 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

just to be clear…again..
this is a site for lists. for entertainment. and if perchance you are enlightened..wonderful! this particular list is
not meant to take the place of professional/clinical diagnosis or advice or counseling.
and frankly, at this point..anyone who thinks this is the holy writ and will use this against the advice of a
doctor as their prescription to combat depression…should be hospitalized. seriously…if you’re so messed up
that you can not tell this is a generalized list on a entertainment site that has been commented ad nauseum
about the symptoms and treatments for actual clinical depression as opposed to situational depression…then
you’ve not been paying attention. or are incapable of doing so.
yeah..i know …a bit *****y but seriously…this is gone beyond getting old.
re read the list from the vantage of light information. really read all the comments. then if you’re still not sure
if this is not intended as professional advice or counsel….see a therapist yourself.
if in doubt…seek professional help immediately! i always say..better safe than sorry. if you’re not sure if
you’re clinically depressed or suicidal and please know this…you can be clinically depressed to point of not
functioning and not be suicidal. being depressed and suicidal do not necessarily go hand in hand. being
suicidal requires immediate medical attention. being depressed…even clinical depression…can be evaluated
professionally over a period of time. situational depression may actually get better over time and not require
meds or therapy. if you have any doubt about the differences either in yourself or someone you
know….contact a professional.


Cyn / 15 Jan, 2008 at 03:51 pm

wow ..8 and now 9

romanesco / 15 Jan, 2008 at 07:43 pm

Interesting how some people’s contempt for those with mental health issues seems to dovetail with the idea
that making fun of depression is cool, if that’s what’s meant by “light information.” What’s clear from the
comments is that this list can and has been taken seriously, and that’s precisely my point, which still stands.
Those who are not yet diagnosed and those who think it’s their job to advise others will likely be harmed by

Cyn / 15 Jan, 2008 at 09:58 pm

contempt? oh, i hope that is not an accusation directed at me personally. if so you could not be further from
the truth. i have personal history and professional experience w/ depression as well as other mental illnesses. i
have nothing but compassion and concern for those who suffer from mental illness either as patients or family
and friends of.
what i take issue w/ in some comments made re: this list …is the tired, lame repetition of the same crud over
and over again. obviously an indication that the commenter has not bothered to read comments, just spouted
off. 21 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

clinical depression is a mental illness that deserves much more clinical research. much greater social
understanding and compassion. and those who are affected by it from a loved one, family member or friend.
hell..a fellow student or employee(er)….well, it behooves you to take some time to learn more about it and be
as supportive of that depressive in your life as you can be. for the depressive…seek professional help. there
maybe something that will work for you. help you live a fuller life. you never know til ya try.
and i’ve really gotta stop doing these PSA’s…*sigh*

romanesco / 15 Jan, 2008 at 11:01 pm

Cyn, if you do not see that comments like “anyone who thinks this is the holy writ and will use this against
the advice of a doctor as their prescription to combat depression…should be hospitalized,” or “if you’re so
messed up that …” do not constitute contempt, you’re missing out on what most people must think of you.
Read some books. Pay attention to how things are spelled and written. They’ll guide you away from such
credibility-killers as “ad nauseum” and “a entertainment site.”
Oh, and incidentally, there’s no distinction between “clinical” and “situational” depression, much as you may
have been misled by your Google searches. Depression can be triggered by any number of things, situational
or otherwise. Whether it’s considered “clinical” is a case of magnitude. And since suicidal thoughts are
among the top 10 indicators, your defensiveness about whether this list will help trigger it is not only
irresponsible but alomst borders on the criminal.
Now, I don’t expect you to get all that right away, little girlie, and It’s OK that you are as silly as you are right
now, but you really need to start getting more serious about your high (or perhaps middle) school classes
before you decide you can start tricking adults.
The subject of depression is no place to start with that. It’s a serious, life-threatening illness, and certainly no
subject for levity.

Cyn / 15 Jan, 2008 at 11:16 pm

check your email later. i’ll not hash this out in comments.
btw..i’m more than happy to take this kinda crap ‘off campus’. beats displacing valid commentary.

crystalclear / 17 Jan, 2008 at 01:33 pm

I’d like to say to those that think medication isn’t needed for depression. I know that it is needed. I have been
diagnosed with Major Clinical Depression and have been on all sorts of medications to help me cope with this
illness. My doctor has finally found the right cocktail of medications that work for me, but like many people
that have this illness when they start to ‘feel’ better they tend to go off their medication thinking they don’t
need it anymore. EVERY TIME I have gone off my meds because of feeling better I would sink down so low.
I think of suicide a lot, even on meds but when I go off them the thoughts turn into planning. Then I have to
start all over again getting back up to the dose that I need for even a little bit of relief.Many times in order for
me to that I have been hospitalized to keep me safe. I’m thankful that I have a counselor that doesn’t play the
coddling game with me but says it like it is. This list is exactly what she tells me to practice. Although it is 22 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression

Cyn / 17 Jan, 2008 at 01:48 pm

crystalclear – your comment is a good example of the importance of seeking professional help. also of being
patient…each person’s course of treatment, whether talk therapy/meds, meds alone or whatever is
recommended by a medical professional…will be unique to that person. so some trial and error is to be
expected. thank goodness you’ve found what works for you. even better that you understand the importance
of sticking to the treatment plan as prescribed. i wish you only the best in your continuing treatment. it is truly
‘one day at a time’ w/ some days better than others, as you well know.

Monkey Nuts / 18 Jan, 2008 at 10:20 am

This is a good list, but it comes with the false assumption that anyone actually knows how you feel. A lot of
the time it is the people who are seemingly the happiest and most fulfilled who suffer from depression.
Secondly, people seem to make a distinction between clinical depression and the after effects of an emotional
cataclysm in one’s life. I believe that a lot of people who suffer from the latter are contemptous of people who
suffer from the former, being that there is no direct causal stimulus that would explain it.

Cyn / 18 Jan, 2008 at 10:57 am

well there is still such stigma attached to mental illness of any kind so there is tremendous ignorance and
misunderstanding about the complexities of clinical depression and other mental illness. it being called
‘depression’ doesn’t help. reason i do try to call it ‘clinical depression’ to differentiate it from just being down
or blue or having a bad day (week/month/year/whatever) this entry is intended for a general audience not
medical professionals. i do think it serves a purpose. but..its like anything else anyone sees online (or for that
matter in real life anywhere) it behooves the ‘reader’ or ‘consumer’ to do their own homework. to take
anything (these days) at face value is folly. read it w/ an eye towards it being very general and if it compels
you to dig deeper and do your own research …all the better. the more informed folks there are out there in
regards clinical depression and other mental illness..the better!

avi / 24 Jan, 2008 at 04:02 am

great i tried no. 1 this morning!

mimi / 25 Jan, 2008 at 07:12 pm

although there are some interesting points within the list itself, this might be the least helpful thing i’ve ever
read, and i doubt the author knew anything at all about clinical depression.
there’s a real difference between someone with major depressive disorder (MDD-NOS) and someone who’s
“having a bad week”. 23 of 28
Top 10 Tips for Beating Depression


Cyn / 25 Jan, 2008 at 09:52 pm

mimi – most of your points have been covered in previous comments.
if you check the source the author is a psychologist.
again..people need to understand the distinction (which is made in the source article) between feeling
depressed and clinical depression. the first being a temporary mood that will pass in a while. the 2nd being a
mental illness requiring medical attention.
that said…all the suggestions in this list make sense as a means of making that distinction. if you’re simply
depressed any of these suggestions might actually help you cope til it passes.
if you’re not sure if it is just being depressed or actual clinical depression requiring medical assessment and
intervention (and you are not suicidal) then trying these suggestions w/out relief should prompt you to seek
medical attention. or if you know of someone who has tried these suggestions w/out relief then urge that
person to seek medical attention.
unless someone is suicidal or is a danger to others…taking some time to see if any of these suggestions might
help should not be a problem.
if you are suicidal or feel you might harm someone else call 911 or the nearest hospital emergency room for
immediate assistance.
if you have any doubts as to your condition contact your doctor. go to the nearest mental health clinic.
students have access to school nurses. college students have access to campus clinics. if you are a member of
a church counsel there.
there are any number of ways to seek help. to find clarification.
reading a list on an entertainment site…maybe be entertaining but it is not the be all end all answer to your
mental health issues or questions.
for that matter…online research should be but one avenue of educating yourself about mental illness. make an
appointment w/ your doctor to discuss your situation and options.
and do yourself a favor by actually reading the list, the source noted at the end the list and the previous
comments before passing judgement on this list or its source author or the list submitter.

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